The Crew of Death's Cannon (Sign Up)

Still accepting ? I joined this site a while ago but never actually got into it. . . I love pirate roleplays and I would love to test out this website with this one, is that ok ?
BoonieSneeze said:
Still accepting ? I joined this site a while ago but never actually got into it. . . I love pirate roleplays and I would love to test out this website with this one, is that ok ?
Of course! I'm always accepting in any of my roleplays! Always fun to include others!
BoonieSneeze said:
Alright :smile 2: I would also be appreciative if you had any other suggestions .
For roleplays?

What is thou looking for or what is thee interested in?
Name: Ivory-May DeLoravera

Age: 26

Gender: Female


Personality: She is is tough spirited . She will not take any disrespect from anyone , and can out-drink most men .

Rank: Just a normal mate.

Former Occupation: She used to be the apprentice of a small town blacksmith , learning to forge pots , pans , and swords .

History/Bio: Born in a tiny town on the edge of the sea, Ivory was always good at swimming and fishing. She has five brothers, all older than she, which is how she gained most of her "masculinity". Her parents died during a pirate raid when she was young, and was raised by her siblings and the rest of the town. They'd wander around, knowing someone would always spare a meal, and then at night, they slept under the stars on the beach. Her brothers spent their free time sailing, though she posed no interest in it.

She never really cared for sailing, but she was really interested in metal-work. She had to work very hard to prove her worth to her master before he took her seriously enough to take her on as an apprentice. When she was twelve, she began training and studying. She made her first sword when she was fourteen, which was a major failure...or so she thought. After all of the swords she had made, her first one was always the sharpest, lightest, and most sturdy one she had made. It's still the sword she uses today.

How she came to be a pirate is secret to everyone...all they know is that she wants revenge on a certain man; the one who killed her parents.

Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords): A long, amateur looking sword.

Other: Her nickname is Ivy.

Theme Song (optional): [media]

Oh, I do not really know. . . I like action a lot. . .

You can un-reserve my spot if you want to, it's just that I'm was suddenly bombarded with schoolwork lately O.o

And it SUCKS cause I really wanted to join your 'play... I even though of a good character.. *sniffs*

As for Suteki Highschool, I'll still try to post as much as possible (It seems like you guys are quite active while I'm away, haha)
BoonieSneeze said:
Name: Ivory-May DeLoravera
Age: 26

Gender: Female


Personality: She is is tough spirited . She will not take any disrespect from anyone , and can out-drink most men .

Rank: Just a normal mate.

Former Occupation: She used to be the apprentice of a small town blacksmith , learning to forge pots , pans , and swords .

History/Bio: Born in a tiny town on the edge of the sea, Ivory was always good at swimming and fishing. She has five brothers, all older than she, which is how she gained most of her "masculinity". Her parents died during a pirate raid when she was young, and was raised by her siblings and the rest of the town. They'd wander around, knowing someone would always spare a meal, and then at night, they slept under the stars on the beach. Her brothers spent their free time sailing, though she posed no interest in it.

She never really cared for sailing, but she was really interested in metal-work. She had to work very hard to prove her worth to her master before he took her seriously enough to take her on as an apprentice. When she was twelve, she began training and studying. She made her first sword when she was fourteen, which was a major failure...or so she thought. After all of the swords she had made, her first one was always the sharpest, lightest, and most sturdy one she had made. It's still the sword she uses today.

How she came to be a pirate is secret to everyone...all they know is that she wants revenge on a certain man; the one who killed her parents.

Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords): A long, amateur looking sword.

Other: Her nickname is Ivy.

Theme Song (optional): [media]

Oh, I do not really know. . . I like action a lot. . .


What a twist it would be if Leonard killed her parents! xD

Name: Roland Jor

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: about 6.4 in height

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Agil.png.d7b0f922650210e24475afa262169457.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Agil.png.d7b0f922650210e24475afa262169457.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Roland is a friendly and very helpful person who is always looking out for others. He is also someone to rely on. He'll help his comrades and friends no matter what the cost may be.



Former Occupation:

First mate to The white lance


Roland was a man anyone could be scared of or get along with. He was a loyal First mate. The white lance was a ship that hunted some of the worlds worst Pirates. but nothing could prepare them for the blood stained Pirate. The white lance was out gunned and out classed. with in a matter of moments Deaths cannon blew the white lance to smithers. Roland was taken onto the ship with 7 other crew members two died from back mouthing the captain and one jumped for it. Roland had no intention to die but He hated the captain. The captain of the white lance was his brother and he is dead because of the Blood stained pirate.




Theme song:


Name: Ovidus Varro

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is mot wearing the armor and is 7.5 in Height

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be25ce58e_OvidusVarro3.jpg.06e756528ace8ca4c72cd245b36f2a70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be25ce58e_OvidusVarro3.jpg.06e756528ace8ca4c72cd245b36f2a70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Calm, understanding Kind, Vicious. Ovidus has had always been a slave for fighting. But is kind to the people who desrve it. He hates Captains, Higher up's and Superiors. He will talk towards them not rude but you can tell he hates it.

Rank (If original crew member):


Former Occupation:



Ovidus was 5 when his cottaged was attacked. When it all happened it was so fast. Arrows of fire flew through the Air. Men on horse back came running down and all I remember is my dad running at them with his weapon as mom ran with me in the forest but then there was a hump and some...a man I think. Not much else is after that there is all my matchs In the Ring. I learned how to take a lion down at 13 killed my first man at 9 so you can say life as a Gladiator is...somthing I guess.

Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords):



Theme Song (optional):





  • Agil.png
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  • Ovidus Varro 3.jpg
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((Internet crash for the wiiiinn. I meant to post this over 30 minutes ago.

-_- ))
Name: Grim Melevant

Age: He lost count but is somewhere around his late 20s or early 30s.

Gender: Male



Grim's personality is much like his name, he takes a very serious and wary look at life. And now, more than ever, he has brought up his cautious side, being under the captivity of one of the most feared pirate captains of all time. Perhaps he's too much of a realist for his own good, but like all men, he can easily concede to a full tankard of ale or a bottle of rum. When he grins, he really grins, and when he laughs, he really laughs.

Rank: Captured

Former Occupation: Funnily enough, a police officer, and a downright good one he says.

History/Bio: It's a wonder that why on earth would he, an enforcer of the law, be chosen to be brought on board a pirate ship. He doesn't complain, all he ever strives to do in life is make a living, whether that be sacking the Spanish Main or enforcing his majesty's law. His history he doesn't find entirely unique or interesting, but he'll occasionally bring up some of his past experiences around a warm fire with a hearty drink in his hand. All that he can remember is drinking a little too much while gambling in a tavern, then waking up aboard Captain Leonard's ship.

Weapons: A cutlass.


Theme Song : [media]

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ShadowWang said:

((Internet crash for the wiiiinn. I meant to post this over 30 minutes ago.

-_- ))
Name: Grim Melevant

Age: He lost count but is somewhere around his late 20s or early 30s.

Gender: Male



Grim's personality is much like his name, he takes a very serious and wary look at life, and just because he's under the command of one of the most feared pirate captains of all time he never lets his guard down. Perhaps he's too much of a realist for his own good, but like all men, he can easily concede to a full tankard of ale or a bottle of rum. When he grins, he really grins, and when he laughs, he really laughs.

Rank: Captain's Crew

Former Occupation: A police officer, and a downright good one he says.

History/Bio: Not entirely unique or interesting, but he'll occasionally bring up some of his past experiences around a warm fire with a hearty drink in his hand.

Weapons: Short sword and musket, as showed in the picture.


Theme Song : [media]

Agh sorry Brethren! There aren't anymore crew mates left! I forgot to edit the first page!


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