The Crew of Death's Cannon (Sign Up)


Aki of Hearts ♡



The First Day

Hello. Hold your questions until I've finished speaking. First mate, please slice that man's throat. I do not like people who interrupt me. Thank you. As I was saying, welcome to Death's Cannon. I'm sure you've guessed by now that you are on a ship. Can you feel the rocking of the boat? Nothing feels better. I'm sure you're wondering how in the blazes did I end up on this ship? I don't have a clue. I'm sure you were either kidnapped or just taken right out of the bar while your drunk to no end. In any case, my mateys here have brought you because they just don't seem to care that much about me ship. I love me ship but hell I wouldn't want to clean this dump either. See that's where you all come in. From now on, you are part of me crew whether you like it or not. You do everything I say and you leave when I give you permission. I can understand your resistance to such a job so I'll give you three choices. Join me. Don't join me and I get to slice your throat. Or you can jump. Get up onto the deck and jump. No one will stop you. We won't hurt you while you swim in the water. The sharks will enjoy your company. Perhaps they'll even invite you to dinner.

No one wants the sharks? A pity. I enjoy the screaming. Welcome to me crew. Have you recognized me voice yet? I am the infamous Captain Leonard Machtig, also known as the Blood-stained Pirate. I earned me nickname because I took down the majesty's prized ship. By meself. I hid in the food storage until all the crew was asleep except for the guards. Me dagger had a wonderful time slicing all the throats. I took the captain's head and put it on the top of me mast. If you're ever up there, give it a kiss. He gets lonely.

Enough about me. It's time to set sail.

The Crew

Captain - Taken by Akihito

Parrot - Taken by @paipai900

First Mate - Taken by @UnholyRedemption

Captain's crew (Only one spot left) - 1 reserved for @Dusk and @BoonieSneeze

(First come, first served)


Have fun!

No godmodding

No bunnying without permission

Romance is allowed but don't go overboard. Keep it PG-13

Everyone who is not part of Captain Leonard Machtig's original crew will be assigned as captured people. After the original crew is filled, I will not be accepting anymore.







Rank (If original crew member):

Former Occupation (Who were you before you were capture, or joined with Leonard):


Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords):


Theme Song (optional):

The Captain

Name: Leonard Machtig, the Blood-stained Pirate.

Age: 36

Gender: Male



Personality: Leonard is cold, manipulative pirate. He loves rum, gold, and women. He only cares about himself but there are times when he shows slight concern for his crew. Leonard can be friendly at times but never to the captured. He treats them like dirt and feels they should praise and worship him for not killing them instantly.

Rank: Captain

Former Occupation: No one knows. Leonard has been roaming the seas for twenty years. If he did have a normal job, it was forgotten long ago by everyone.


Leonard was born to a poor family. They treated him kindly like any parent should. Nothing horrible happened to him to make him as he is. He just simply made the decision to become a pirate and murder others. He killed his first man when he was 15. Not really a man, more of a young boy around Leonard's age. Leonard didn't like how the boy flaunted his money around because his daddy was a government official. So one day, while the boy was fishing alone, Leonard grabbed him by the neck and forced his head underwater. The boy drowned within minutes. Leonard felt nothing. He left his home that day and since then, word has reached many countries of his increasing infamy and deeds. He stole gold from other pirates and gathered his own crew. The most horrible deed he did was killing every man and woman on the Queen of England's most prized and favored ship. He hid in one of the barrels of rum and after the nobles and guards drank from other barrels and were all sleeping soundly. He quietly slit each one of their throats. No one knows why he did it. Not even his own crew. There was a multitude of treasure on that ship. Leonard didn't even look at it. He took the captain's head and attached to his mast for his own viewing pleasure. Leonard is a dangerous and insane man. May God have mercy on whoever's soul that happens to cross his path.

Weapons: Everything in his picture.

Other: As fearless as he is, he fears the day when it is his turn to feel Death's caress.

Theme Song:


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-'The Executioner' of the south.

or 'The Executioner' if they do not know of her siblings.








Pandora is laid back and uncaring for the most thing. Rarely finding something or someone that can actually annoy her. She is normally asleep unless she is doing tasks assigned to her. She is loyal and obedient although she has her own mind as she will occasionally think rationally and change her mind and not take the order. However, she can be very cold and dark. Well, she can be horribly unforgiving in any situation. She kills without care and she will do it in the most painful way possible every time. This is why she got the name 'Executioner of the south'.

Rank (If original crew member):

First mate

Former Occupation:

Pandora was once before a noble heiress along with her other three siblings.

(Her siblings became known as the Executioners of the north, east and west.)


Her family, a name she has now forgotten was within the realm of nobles and so she was brought up as such. Riches, parties and balls she was often pampered with glitz and glamor. She had the most expensive stuff and clothes with the best quality but she was never happy. She was miserable with this lifestyle. It was at the age of ten she began to fight with her parents. She showed them up in situations that would shame them and she committed to making their life hell. She did. She was not alone in this little plan though, her two brothers and her sister began to help, wanting to be free of the shackles that adorned their skin by society and its rules. At the age of fifteen she had gained the hatred of many, so often did the rich attempt to kill her and her own parents tried to hide her away and create a charade to the public she was fatally ill. Disgusted with that behaviour she became distant to them all, except her siblings. It was soon that a massacre would form. At twenty three she left her home, just for a bit but she did leave, her siblings following soon after. She of course was not equipped with the knowledge to survive and so her life plummeted. She hated it. She hated the rich but she loathed her uselessness in this situation more. Beginning to hate herself and everything and everyone else she began to curse the heavens. Why was she put into a family with money? She had seen poorer children with smiles on their faces. True smiles. So why? Hatred fed off her and she become vindictive towards her parents. Two months later she had shot and killed them both, the bullets were left in them to rot. She shot them one by one, making sure that it was a slow death. It was after this she met Leonard. At first she believed him to be like the rest and so was hostile, but soon learnt differently. Hearing his story she strangely decided to ask to join his crew. So she did. Pandora became the first mate and due to all her exploits she has become known as the 'Executioner of the south.'. She is known as the 'The Executioner' for short.

Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords):

Twin pistols.

She has a cutlass but it is less used.

-Not as fun-



-She loves meat, take it from her and she will shoot you. End of.

-Will never take a order of anyone, well except Leonard.

-Likes to sleep. A lot.

-Ends up singing to amuse herself in times of boredom.

Theme Song (optional):



(Mainly because of the lyrics and music suits her personality.)
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"I, Polly the Great, demands that you, the low pheasant, fetch me a deliciously baked cracker." - Polly the Great

  • "Good evening, madam, my name is Polly the Great. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." - Polly the Great

    His name is Polly, but you may also know him as; The Queen of England. Just kidding!~

  • [/media][media]

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paipai900 said:


"I, Polly the Great, demands that you, the low pheasant, fetch me a deliciously baked cracker." - Polly the Great

  • "Good evening, madam, my name is Polly the Great. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." - Polly the Great

    His name is Polly, but you may also know him as; The Queen of England. Just kidding!~

  • [/media][media]




    Does he have a preferred person he would sit on?
Polly the Great: YOU FOOL BIRD!! I, THE GREAT POLLY, SHALL DECLARE WAR ON YOUR NATION!! *turns to millions of birds* BRETHREN!! THIS WOMAN HAS DENIED US CRACKERS!! ATTACK!!! *millions of birds attack Red*
This character is going to be a tad different than Vance... 
Name: Ace. A.K.A The Sword Emperor

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.0001f998974f5b40441bc12c46467995.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.0001f998974f5b40441bc12c46467995.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Ace's personality can probably be summed up into three simple words. He. Doesn't. Care. Whatever problems you're facing or what you need help with, he couldn't care less. He possesses apathy towards almost every possible situation. Even if you were strung up by your legs and surrounded by pirates, it is doubtful that he would even lift a finger to help

Ace does not respect any authority except his own. He will not follow any orders, no matter who gives them. He loathes being controlled in any shape, way, or form. His body practically defies normalcy when it comes to this hatred of being restricted. If a weight was holding him down, he would defy it and would will himself to go against the force.

He can get annoyed pretty easily and will not hide it. If you are pissing him off, you'll know it. He enjoys his quiet and is angered by things that disrupt his peace. Depending on the level of annoyance, he will even respond with force.

Both in and out of battle, he is cold and calculative. He doesn't hold back at all and will beat you into the ground. His high IQ works out great in battle and strategy development as well. He can form plans in less than a second, making him an extreme threat. Although he has the potential to make great strategies, he mostly relies on instinct. His body reacts on its own and is sometimes even more reliable than using intellect.

Although he is ruthless in battle, he has his own set of morals. He does not fight children of any kind. It's not because he feels bad about hurting them, but because they are weak and make pitiful opponents. When it comes to women, he only fights the strong. For men, he'll beat you down no matter what you say or do. The only time he uses his full potential, is if he's fighting a worthy opponent or of someone really annoys him.

Ace has extensive knowledge on everything that involves the sea. If you need to know something, he's the guy to ask. Although, you more than likely won't receive an answer. Everything from knots to battle tactics have been imprinted in his mind, but he doesn't have any use for the information.

Ace has a fondness for animals. Nobody really expects that from this man. Animals are not annoying and do not disturb his peace, so he can tolerate their presence, unlike most humans.

If you can somehow earn this man's respect, he can be extremely helpful and will even cooperate on occasion. However, this is easier said than done. You have a better chance of flying into the sun and returning in one piece, than earning Ace's respect.


Former Occupation: Drifter

History/Bio: Ace was the child of an extremely powerful monarch and lived in a powerful land. If you want more than that, you'd have to ask him. Anything else about his past is classified.

After leaving his kingdom for unknown reasons, Ace traveled all over the world and earned the title of 'The Sword Emperor.' That title is known by everyone in the world, but the person behind the name is a mystery. He didn't have any opinion of the title and simply let it continue.

He continued traveling the sea by random ships and stopped in a small port. After entering a bar to get a quick drink, he was soon captured out of nowhere. Don't ask how it happened, because he has no clue himself.

Now he finds himself on some pirate ship, with some man saying he's a part of his crew. This did not sit well with Ace and he wanted no part of this. If he doesn't get off this ship soon, he's going to jump overboard and swim. Those poor sharks will be swimming for their lives.

Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords): Ace has a variety of blades he uses in combat, but he sticks to three main swords. He uses them all at once, which is one of the reasons he is called 'The Sword Emperor'.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.60293b99f1eb1c697cde08dd624a7c4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.60293b99f1eb1c697cde08dd624a7c4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Unlike the Cutlass seen here, the guard is a square shape and rests at the side of the handle.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.ee565f9378c8b55d3b9704d9dd2caa61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.ee565f9378c8b55d3b9704d9dd2caa61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.4c876b8d53a2822ed44cc844906cdcf7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6353" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.4c876b8d53a2822ed44cc844906cdcf7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(This Katana has the crest seen here on the bottom. The crest can also be found on Ace's lower neck:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.afef48d5f9d9bc7b2fd0e8834cec9738.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.afef48d5f9d9bc7b2fd0e8834cec9738.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)

He also carries two Dirks as side arms

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.c6a5e8fdd5b8b1a28b2f9ef2b3bf2b2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.c6a5e8fdd5b8b1a28b2f9ef2b3bf2b2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.13237313ebad9a5ee7d0f7d48247086e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.13237313ebad9a5ee7d0f7d48247086e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Theme Song (optional):



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NotKasey said:
Still any spots left?
Always! Unless you are talking about the crew but the answer is the same.

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]This character is going to be a tad different than Vance... 
Name: Ace. A.K.A The Sword Emperor
Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance:View attachment 23649

Personality: Ace's personality can probably be summed up into three simple words. He. Doesn't. Care. Whatever problems you're facing or what you need help with, he couldn't care less. He possesses apathy towards almost every possible situation. Even if you were strung up by your legs and surrounded by pirates, it is doubtful that he would even lift a finger to help

Ace does not respect any authority except his own. He will not follow any orders, no matter who gives them. He loathes being controlled in any shape, way, or form. His body practically defies normalcy when it comes to this hatred of being restricted. If a weight was holding him down, he would defy it and would will himself to go against the force.

He can get annoyed pretty easily and will not hide it. If you are pissing him off, you'll know it. He enjoys his quiet and is angered by things that disrupt his peace. Depending on the level of annoyance, he will even respond with force.

Both in and out of battle, he is cold and calculative. He doesn't hold back at all and will beat you into the ground. His high IQ works out great in battle and strategy development as well. He can form plans in less than a second, making him an extreme threat. Although he has the potential to make great strategies, he mostly relies on instinct. His body reacts on its own and is sometimes even more reliable than using intellect.

Although he is ruthless in battle, he has his own set of morals. He does not fight children of any kind. It's not because he feels bad about hurting them, but because they are weak and make pitiful opponents. When it comes to women, he only fights the strong. For men, he'll beat you down no matter what you say or do. The only time he uses his full potential, is if he's fighting a worthy opponent or of someone really annoys him.

Ace has extensive knowledge on everything that involves the sea. If you need to know something, he's the guy to ask. Although, you more than likely won't receive an answer. Everything from knots to battle tactics have been imprinted in his mind, but he doesn't have any use for the information.

Ace has a fondness for animals. Nobody really expects that from this man. Animals are not annoying and do not disturb his peace, so he can tolerate their presence, unlike most humans.

If you can somehow earn this man's respect, he can be extremely helpful and will even cooperate on occasion. However, this is easier said than done. You have a better chance of flying into the sun and returning in one piece, than earning Ace's respect.


Former Occupation: Drifter

History/Bio: Ace was the child of an extremely powerful monarch and lived in a powerful land. If you want more than that, you'd have to ask him. Anything else about his past is classified.

After leaving his kingdom for unknown reasons, Ace traveled all over the world and earned the title of 'The Sword Emperor.' That title is known by everyone in the world, but the person behind the name is a mystery. He didn't have any opinion of the title and simply let it continue.

He continued traveling the sea by random ships and stopped in a small port. After entering a bar to get a quick drink, he was soon captured out of nowhere. Don't ask how it happened, because he has no clue himself.

Now he finds himself on some pirate ship, with some man saying he's a part of his crew. This did not sit well with Ace and he wanted no part of this. If he doesn't get off this ship soon, he's going to jump overboard and swim. Those poor sharks will be swimming for their lives.

Weapons (Captured are only allowed swords): Ace has a variety of blades he uses in combat, but he sticks to three main swords. He uses them all at once, which is one of the reasons he is called 'The Sword Emperor'.

View attachment 23662

(Unlike the Cutlass seen here, the guard is a square shape and rests at the side of the handle.)View attachment 23664

View attachment 23666

(This Katana has the crest seen here on the bottom. The crest can also be found on Ace's lower neck:View attachment 23669)

He also carries two Dirks as side arms

View attachment 23670

View attachment 23671


Theme Song (optional):

Grrreat character! Just try to be a bit realistic with his personality while on the ship. I'm pretty sure anyone would be a bit scared on a deadly pirate ship. Basically don't make him completely fearless. Thanks! Accepted!

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