The Crew of Death's Cannon (Actual RP)

Pandora stared in shock before she laughed. "Ohh Ohh! C'ptain! I want to see what he does." She whined childishly, without moving of course. Well, if she did he could just remove her head in a sweep so she remained still. Her eyes slid to the point of the blade as she turned her gaze turned back to him. "What will you do Kitty, my life is in your hands." She said softly, the grin still on her lips. Her fingers twitched, reaching down towards her pistols.
Ace's eyes still narrowed at the two. "If you believe a bullet is faster than a blade, you've obviously never met a true swordsman." He kept the blade in his hand, not wavering in the slightest. "You're also mistaken if you think this woman is worth dying by my hand." He threw her blade onto the ground, disgusted with the craftsmanship. "That blade is pathetic."

He looked at the Captain, one hand on his curved blade and the other on his cutlass. "The only deal I'm interested in, is the one that gets me off this damn ship." He was not scared whatsoever of what these pirates would do. He had been in far worse situations than this. "I would stop reaching for those pistols if you wish to keep your hands, woman."
Lightning fast Leonard's fist slammed into Ace's face, sending him sprawling to the ground.

He kicked his weapons away and pointed his guns at Ace.

"So I have captured the fame Sword Emperor. I've heard of you. To be honest I'm surprised I was able to hit you. Has the ship motion thrown you off? You'll be fine soon enough. Until then, why don't we make you comfortable." Leonard said, smiling cruelly.

A huge man came up behind Ace and grabbed him, tying him to the mast.

"Alright little boy. You're in time out until I say you can leave. Pandora, be a good girl and watch him for me."
By the time he had started his threat about her pistols she already had one pointed to his head. Her lips were in a soft smile as she waved her other hand. "You...are known as the sword emperor or something right?" She asked as her finger ever so slightly pressed against the trigger. "Ya' should know something. C'ptain here has a name he is known by, I do as well. My dear Polly is a parrot...but he is just so bloody amazing that he don't need a reputation." She whispered as she reached up, tilting her head back. She watched as the Captain hit the 'sword emperor' before a larger crew member tied him to the mast. She sighed, putting her pistol away. "Aye Aye C'ptain." She replied, yawning as she went and took a seat against a nearby barrel.
Ace was not worried about anything that would happen to him. Did he have a plan? Did the games Sword Emperor have a plan that made him confident about his escape? No. Ace had no plan whatsoever. He knew nothing would happen, because he wouldn't allow anything to happen.

At the moment, he made no sounds. And so, he waited with his eyes closed. He waited for what seemed like hours, quiet as can be. It was extremely unusual for someone like him to just sit and wait for a long period of time.
Pandora watched him with a grin. By now she had already put her cutlass back on her hip as she reached over, poking at the side of his head. "Heyyyy, kitty! Play a game with me." She demanded, still poking his head. With a sigh she set her head in her hand. "Heyyyy, how about you just join our crew. Properly. Then you could do what you want....sort of." She mumbled, scratching her cheek. "Will you stop being silent? It gets annoying after a while." She pointed out before groaning angrily, throwing her arms up into the air as she fell onto her back.
Ace ignored the head poking and continued to stay silent. Why was this man not seething with rage? Quite simply, this woman was an idiot. How much of an idiot? He had been cutting himself out during his silent period, with the hidden thrower from his katana. He hadn't made a move yet, because there wasn't a right move to make. However, now was the perfect opportunity.

She had been watching him the entire time, so she was ignorant to the fact that they were approaching land. It was lucky that he could see the lifeboat from his position. Given the distance between the land and he amount of time they would have to react, he should be at port before they could put a hole in the boat. As the ship hit a wave, Ace opened his eyes and the last rope was cut.

He quickly untangled himself and grabbed one of the woman's pistols. She was an idiot for leaving herself in a vulnerable position. He grabbed his swords that the Captain had kicked to the side and jumped onto the lifeboat. He was an idiot as well for not locking them up.

He quickly cut the ropes with his cutlass and the boat fell onto the water. He sheathed his blade and proceeded to paddle. This was all too easy. These people could hardly be considered pirates with all the mistakes they made. He had a pistol in case they decided to open fire and he was nearing port.
Pandora sat up quickly her eyes wide as she shot up. "Bloody idiot!" She shouted as she shot after him. "C'ptain!" She shouted quickly before growling. Turning to a crew member she told him to get the Captain quickly. "Polly, going in the water. Go get Leonard." Reaching the end of the boat she jumped. The second she hit the water she ignored the cold sensation across her skin as she went after him.

Yes, Pandora acted like an idiot but she was not. She would not of gotten away with everything she had if she was. However, it was a part of her that was seen the most. Of course, she wouldn't kill no one without Leonard ordering. Since the man 'saved' her from her little vindictive phase she had been part of his crew.
As Ace neared the edge of the land, he heard a splash from afar. He turned to see the woman from the ship, swimming through the cold water. She was more idiotic than he had thought. Not only that, she was persistent. What reason did they have for pursuing him? He had no previous altercations with them, so there should be no reason for them to keep pursuing him. Why did they want to keep him on that ship so bad?

Ace pulled out the stolen flintlock and his eyes narrowed. Just because he was a swordsman, that didn't mean he wasn't good with a gun. As the gun leveled with the woman's area, he fired. The bullet flew at a fast speed. However, the woman was not the intended target. The spiraling piece of metal hit the large shark coming up behind her, sending back into the great deep.

He looked at the woman with a scowl, before getting onto the land. As he walked away, he didn't even look back at the woman in the water. 'Don't say I never did anything for you, stupid woman.'
Pandora snapped her head around when the shark was shot. Her eyes went wide before she snarled, taking in a gasp of air she dived into the water. She groaned as she watched the shark sink. Nice shot. Pandora, being a gunner she always respected someone with a shot. Reaching the land she sighed. Her hat was gone.

That hat was important to her.

She dragged the cloak off her, dropping it onto the ground as she glanced around. Idiocy gone her eyes narrowed, her general presence seeming to change completely. "Ill apologize later if I end up killing him." She whispered. Although, she was quite reluctant since she was saved by him. Sighing tiredly she pulled the pistols from their straps before looking around. "Great...I let him escape. Im so dead." She whined before she left in search of him.
"What in blazes is going on up here?!" Leonard roared as he stomped onto the deck. He was just enjoying a captured girl who apparently was into pirates. They were just about to get to the fun part when he heard the commotion on deck.

Leonard glared at the sliced ropes.

"Where is Pandora? I'll kill that idiot." He growled. He walked toward the side of the boat just to glimpse Ace running away into the land and Pandora slowly reaching the land behind him.

Leonard turned to the captured man near him and sliced his throat. Leonard bellowed with rage at having lost the Sword Emperor.

"Make for that island! Damn the original plans. We get the boy or you all die right now!" He screamed at his crew. They hastily turned the boat toward the land and slowly made their way.

Mistake Sword Emperor. No one can escape Leonard for long. I'll catch you and you'd wish you had jumped when I offered.
Ivory was lazily lulling about in the look-out tower, fixing her bold red lipstick in the reflection of her spotless sword. She didn't bother glancing down at the commotion; why get involved in something when you could be napping?

She did peer over for a glance at the bustling deck below hair, the sharp winds whipping her short hair around.

"Idiots..." she sighed.
Flapping his wings to land on Ivory's shoulder, Polly ruffled his wings slightly as he tucked them in neatly. "Quite so, madam." Reaching up with a feathery wing, Polly fixed his monocle and top hat, readjusting his bow tie while he was at it. Turning his head to stare blankly at the woman before him, Polly kawed loudly before jumping off of Ivory's shoulder and flying around the watch tower like a vulture waiting for its prey to die. "I ponder upon the time they will come home. Most likely miss dinner while they're at it." Nodding in agreement with himself, the parrot flapped his wings to push himself over to the rim of the watch tower and perch comfortably on it.

((I'm so shipping Ace and Leonard now! Aceonard! xD ))
Ivory shuddered and muttered, "Damn bird."

She hated Polly. Always did, always would. 'Twas a rat with wings...wait...that's a pigeon. All birds were the same to her. She adjusted her bandanna and jumped up on the rail of the tower, balancing herself as she reached the the rope she used to get down. Every time she was so sure she'd fall to her inevitable doom, but never did.

She grabbed the rope, then took a leap of faith, swinging down with great majesty.

Well, until she swung into a wooden pole.
((Because they're always in an RP with a perfect partner!~ Think of all the fanfiction I could write. *u*))
((I am alive!~ Then again, I'm a parrot. I'm here for comical relief and being, well, a parrot xD ))

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