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Fantasy "The Coven"


Ten Thousand Club
This is an rp based around some of the rules of the anime/manga Claymore, only with a slight twist of mine. Theres no magic in Claymore, so thats basically the difference here. A knowledge of that anime would be nice, but isn't really necessary. This is an rp plot that I really want to do, and Im seeing if anyone else is interested! Regardless, heres the information on my plot/setting! Theres kind of a lot, Im sorry!

The Coven:

The name of the huge organization that "all" witches belong to. I say "all" because technically not all belong to it, but they are supposed to. Witches that don't belong to the Coven are considered outsiders, and bad, they are called Apostates and are either hunted to be converted to the Coven, or eliminated if they refuse. (Without exception, unless you want something to happen in the rp for plot reasons.)

The Coven is a massive organization that spans the entire continent of Rafelea. A fictional place this roleplay takes place in. The current time period of the roleplay is of those olden times you think of when you hear "witch" and such. The Coven's witches are its workers. Their job is to go out, and protect those that can't protect themselves. Sometimes that means exorcising ghosts or spirits, defeating demented monsters or demons, or killing unusual creatures like werewolves and vampires. They occasionally hunt other witches (Apostates) or witches that defect from the Coven.

The way the Coven works -is a witch or two or three, are sent out on a job when they receive a request. The witch goes, fulfills the orders, then either returns, or goes on their next job. Witches can receive orders from "Couriers". Couriers can be male. In fact, witches are all female. There are males that use magic, however, within the Coven. They are called Sages. They are only Couriers within the Coven. Some Sages do various other things, but never duties of a Witch. In fact, aside from Witches receiving orders from a Courier, they rarely interact with Sages. The only time they interact together is within the Coven's main headquarter's itself: The Gateway.

The Coven's structure goes like this. It is run by a Council of Witches that is called 'the Murder', which is headed by the Head Witch. All members of the Murder are female Witches. Underneath that are the Top 9. Every witch in the Coven is given a number indicating their rank, which is based upon how powerful that witch is (the lower the numerical value, the stronger the witch). The Top 9 are very powerful in comparison to normal witches. Couriers are not given rank, and instead are given more liberties. They are sort of a police force within the Coven to control the witches out in the field. Each witch is assigned a single Courier, but Couriers may be assigned to multiple witches.


Aside from being Couriers within the Coven, Sages do belong to a group called the Collective. It operates similarly to the Coven, except its members are all males, with a few sparse females calling themselves Sages (though in general females that perform magic are 'witches' and males that perform magic are 'sages'.) The Collective operates more or less like the Coven, except its rules are not as strict. Witches (female Sages), and Sages are free to interact normally, and when they are sent on their jobs they are generally far nicer to the people who hire them, they can even leave the Collective, if they present a reasonable argument to do so. As Sages tend to use "kinder" magics, they are generally more well-received and trusted. The Collective's main headquarters is called the Staircase. The Collective is also ran by a Council of Sages called 'the Mind'; however it is open to both males and females, with no singular head. The Collective also uses the number ranking system, but it was only recently employed, because of the Coven's use of it. There really aren't Couriers within the Collective, as Sages are given more freedom to work.

Primary Rule:

There is one rule that all in the Coven must abide by (and the Collective), and that is to never kill or harm a human being if they are innocent (all are innocent until proven guilty). This is why Apostates and defectors are so bad and are hunted, because they don't have this rule placed upon them. Their magic can be very dangerous to those that are weak: the regular citizenry of Rafelea. Witches and Sages within the Coven (and Collective) must never mortally harm a human. They can hurt bad humans as they see fit, but never kill. Unless it is another Witch or Sage that is considered dangerous (only if given orders to kill those Witches or Sages). Witches of the Coven do have the ability to be judge and jury (and sometimes executioner), but the Sages of the Collective do not. Any terrible human taken to the Collective has right to a trial. Bad people taken to the Coven may already have been tried by the witch that sent them in.


All witches must join the Coven. If they refuse, they are considered Apostates and are hunted by the Coven. All witches are female, with no exception. Their male counterparts are called Sages, and have slightly different characteristics and different jobs overall. Each witch that joins the Coven is given a symbol that represents them, and is given a rank. The lower the number the more powerful the witch (generally). There are three different types of witches; which are offensive, defensive, and special. Each witch focuses on a primary magic type, but they are not limited to that magic only. Magic comes in all shapes and sizes and can perform many different feats. Most witches make a binding magical contract with either a Demon or a Spirit. All witches that join the Coven are required to do this. Their contract with their Demon or Spirit usually indicates which type of magic they primarily focus on as a witch. This contract binds them to that particular Demon (demonic) or Spirit (spiritual). Witches usually make contracts with Demons, and Sages usually make contract with Spirits, but this is not always the case.

Demons are generally offensive and are the reason that witches make contracts with them. Witches tend to be far more aggressive in their approaches. Meanwhile, Sages tend to contract Spirits, because Spirits generally provide useful magics, such as that for healing, or life.

Even though Witches are called to aid humans, and their rule of never harming regular people with their magic is widely known, people still fear them. Not many understand fully what witches do or are, and with that mystery comes fear. Their magic and how closely they walk with demons makes people frightened and resentful. Even just the word 'witch' has a bad connotation. Likewise, male Sages are regarded a bit more favorably, but are still not enthusiastically sought after.

Consumed Witches:

Occasionally, witches (or sages) will overflow with magical power, and will be consumed by that power. They morph radically into powerful monsters called "Awakened beings". These monstrosities take on radically different personalities, and their minds, hearts, and wills will be altered in such a damning way. Their viewpoints change and can quickly become heinous evil beings themselves. These "Awakened beings" have been known to not only murder with reckless abandon, but also to feed on humans. Awakened Beings can be defeated, and the witch or sage brought back to normal, but it does not happen often, and they are usually simply killed, or captured and "Purified" by the Collective. (The Coven does not have the means to Purify, so they don't.)

Consumed Witches (or Sages), on the other hand, are another matter. They are considered impossible to return to their normal human state after they morph and change. These beings are high up on the priority list of the Coven as targets of elimination. They are considered quite powerful and it can take 3-5 witches to kill them. With at least one of the witches being a "Single digit" witch. Consumed Witches specifically, are more likely to awaken because they are contracted usually with demons. Demonic magic is more enticing, and rewards power far easier than normal magic. Consumed Witches (or Sages) are called just that, because they actually summon and feast on their respective Demon or Spirit. When they consume these entities, they absorb their power, and bloat to monstrosities.

The draw of magical power makes becoming an "Awakened One" very easy for all witches and Sages and very difficult for them to resist its urge. Sages generally have an easier time resisting it though. Once power is felt, it is just a step away from committing "the ultimate sin", and becoming a Consumed Witch or Sage. That is the point of no return.

There is a third powerful entity, called 'Tyrant Ones'. Tyrant Ones are no different really than Consumed Witches or Saints. Except they are witches (or sages) that were Top 9 before becoming Consumed. These entities are on a whole other power level than anything else. Tyrant Ones require multiple single digits to defeat.

Character Sheet

Title: what your character has come to be known by: possibly referring to your magic, or a character trait, or personality trait
Symbol: a specific symbol that represents your character, given to you by the Coven.( I recently read and watched the Claymore manga =P so I got the symbols from there... look up Claymore manga symbols or something similar, and youll get an idea for the symbols)

Coven or Collective:
Coven or Collective Rank:
 The higher the number, the more powerful the witch is considered. You can be a Sage if you wish. Im not allowing anyone to be ranks 1-3. (Possibly 3, but probably not). Rank 1 is considered on a whole other level then even rank 2.

Witch or Sage type: offensive, defensive and special. 
Primary Magic: Every witch can perform many different spells, even spells of other types if they wish, but your primary type of magic is the one you focus on, your spells of this type would be more powerful than if someone else were to use your type of magic. your magic type can be vague.

Consumed Witch appearance: What does your consumed witch look like (i would just use some picture from Claymore, or a demon picture or something)
Demon or Spirit contract: "Each" Witch and (most) Sage makes a contract with either a Demon or a Spirit. Demons are of demonic in nature, and primarily focus on destruction and are primarily offensive, whereas Spirits are spiritual in nature, and primarily focus on being different and are primarily defensive and special in nature. (This is not always the case, you can have a defensive Demon if you want). Not all witches and sages make contracts, but if you join the Coven it is required you make a contract if you are a witch (not so for sages).
Demon Appearance: just the appearance of your demon





Eye Color:

Hair Color:




Example of CS (my character):

name: Letitia Darkchild
nickname or title: "Nightess" Letitia or Letitia "of the Night"


coven or collective: coven
coven rank: 4
witch type: offensive
primary magic: "destruction magic"
"Consumed Witch" appearance: 


demon or spirit contract: Belial - demon
demon appearance: 

gender: female
age: 18
height: 5'2''
weight: 118 lbs
eye color: green
hair color: black


personality: Letitia is sometimes a very dark and brooding type of individual. Her glum nature can appear rather haunting. As well as her distant nature, appearing scary and/or chilling. That isn't to say she doesn't know how to have fun -she does. Letitia enjoys her rather dark side and how it seems to torment others. She has great fun in making others fearful. She is tormenting in that way, but she's never bad. Letitia is a kind person at heart, and takes helping others very seriously, even when she's joking about it. In fact, Letitia takes her place as a witch of the coven the most seriously out of anyone. Never has there been a more dedicated witch in all of the coven's history. That isn't to say, that Letitia doesn't have a mind of her own. If she senses something is wrong then she will take all things into consideration before acting. Letitia is "dark playful, but dutifully serious". At her core, Letitia ultimately enjoys being a witch, and doing what she does. She will express her dark side quickly, and does not believe in weakness, or being cautious. These points in her personality can make it very rough to deal with her. She is not an easy person to be around.

history: As a young girl, Letitia lived in a remote village on the outskirts of the western country. Her village was small, and inviting, if not a bit mysterious and strange. Her household consisted of a father, mother, two younger brothers, and herself. Her home was small, and humble. One night the village was attacked by the walking dead. They arose from the village's cemetery and attacked the village murdering everyone and everything in sight. Letitia running for her life, found her home; within was her father, her mother, and her two younger brothers. Her mother and brothers bodies were strewn across the floor, red blood spilling from them. While her father stood there laughing, his face and body distorted. He had been possessed by a demon, and had raised the dead to attack their village. Letitia, upon seeing the horror, turned and fled, running into the nearby forest, trying to escape that hell. She ran headfirst into a Recruiter Sage. Who took the crying girl in with open arms. Since then, she has been with the Coven, as a very dutiful witch. She rose quickly through the ranks. That incident happened 7 years ago. Now she goes around, trying to stop such a thing from ever occurring again.

(If this gets enough interest, I was considering making it a "hosted project", but since Im fairly new to the site, Im pretty unfamiliar with doing that sort of thing)

Heres the rp in Hosted Project form! Duno how well itll take off, but at least it looks nicer and is more organized! <3 thanks!
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Seems interesting, I can look into the requisite knowledge of claymore as well. 

I have in mind a sage, as a basis that is, more I will have come time.
@Orikanyo @Narcissy Yeah, cool, you guys can make Sages xD (Im definitely more lenient in the CS with Sages). Theres not really much more information in Claymore, than what I've already put here though. So you don't really need to look up much more. :)  The rp does have dark themes, and such though, so be aware of that.
@Orikanyo @Narcissy Yeah, cool, you guys can make Sages xD (Im definitely more lenient in the CS with Sages). Theres not really much more information in Claymore, than what I've already put here though. So you don't really need to look up much more. :)  The rp does have dark themes, and such though, so be aware of that.

The characters don't have to be ALL gloomy and moody right? 

Having the shadow only makes us appreciate the light more yea know?
@Orikanyo Oh no, absolutely not! Your character can be as you want. :) But this is a darker type of rp (Claymore is a very dark show). As it stands right now, I do have a plot in mind for the rp :)
@Orikanyo Oh no, absolutely not! Your character can be as you want. :) But this is a darker type of rp (Claymore is a very dark show). As it stands right now, I do have a plot in mind for the rp :)

Oh no doubt, we are binding demons and summoning spirits after all. 

Just in the mood to make a jolly giant after all, figured I'd make certain I know what's what in regards to the rp. 

May aswell get a character out there folks will want to bounce off of with their ideas, dialogue and general stuff, two mood and broody types don't talk, just how it is in real life and here. 

Get a character that tries to poke and prod them out of their she'll and you'll have world's of fun! In my opinion.
@Orikanyo That sounds pretty good. :)  "Jolly Giant" sounds like a relatively powerful Sage (possibly single digits as Im not as stringent when regarding Sage cs's). So hed probably be in the Collective I'd say.

Generally those types have contracts with Spirits, but if you can work in a Demon then be my quest. ^^

I did want to make this a Hosted Project, but Im not quiet sure how well thatd go down.. lol
You can do that sure, but the Coven generally can easily crush a single Sage against them. But you can rp that way :>
@Orikanyo That sounds pretty good. :)  "Jolly Giant" sounds like a relatively powerful Sage (possibly single digits as Im not as stringent when regarding Sage cs's). So hed probably be in the Collective I'd say.

Generally those types have contracts with Spirits, but if you can work in a Demon then be my quest. ^^

I did want to make this a Hosted Project, but Im not quiet sure how well thatd go down.. lol

I shall give it more thought on the matter. 

A defensive spirit, a jolly giant of a man, he may be strong against magical attacks but words can still hurt TT~TT

Just the thought of a gigantic man bursting into tears because somebody insulted him, or kicked out puppy, or hurt his friends, or was down on themselves or...

... a lot of things really.
Well, I was kinda of thinking about maybe forming him a new organization from Apostates and other sages to go and destroy them. Plus, I'm planning on having a darker side to him that wants to convert the Coven witches to his beliefs via torture for "The Greater Good"
I shall give it more thought on the matter. 

A defensive spirit, a jolly giant of a man, he may be strong against magical attacks but words can still hurt TT~TT

Just the thought of a gigantic man bursting into tears because somebody insulted him, or kicked out puppy, or hurt his friends, or was down on themselves or...

... a lot of things really.

This actually made me lol loudly. Seems good to me.

Well, I was kinda of thinking about maybe forming him a new organization from Apostates and other sages to go and destroy them. Plus, I'm planning on having a darker side to him that wants to convert the Coven witches to his beliefs via torture for "The Greater Good"

You can definitely make that a plot, sure. :> Whether it has any chance to succeed.. we'd have to see in the rp lol
This actually made me lol loudly. Seems good to me.

You can definitely make that a plot, sure. :> Whether it has any chance to succeed.. we'd have to see in the rp lol

That's the goal! 

Interactions between the Coven and the Collective, serious meeting, the giant brought cookies. 
Haha, we'll see xD

I am attempting to make it a hosted project btw. It may suck (forgive me!)

Hey it's all good. 

Tried making a jolly giant, getting ideas to make a numbered Sage who's practically the collectives stay at home mother/father.
Okay.. I did it lol xD (sorry if it sucks)

I made it a Hosted Project, here! Duno how well itll take off, but at least itll be more organized <3
This sounds so very interesting. I'm leaning more towards being a sage with an healing spirit or a necromantic demon. That's a very hard choice.

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