The Covelands

ReineJupiter said:
Yeah, kinda bad timing to start up an RP... But I like the care package idea. Maybe if someone gets really sick, something like a guide will be dropped off to help. Just enough to keep everyone going. The people running the operation want as little contact as possible. It's supposed to be an extreme test on the drug and its effects on people. What happens if someone gets sick while on the injection, what happens when someone gets gravely injured, ect.
What happens when some psycho decides to bash somebody over the head with a shovel? Also, what happens when someone goes insane? lol
Wilcox said:
What happens when some psycho decides to bash somebody over the head with a shovel? Also, what happens when someone goes insane? lol
I've been thinking about that. The people inserted into the cove wouldn't have many physiological issues and have been under a lot of brain washing/testing, so I think they would have caught it early on. And if one person does just snap, I think then, to save the experiment, that person would be extracted. I'm not quite sure how. Maybe one of the creatures from the mountains would take them out even in broad daylight. These animals are of course under the control of the scientists. But I think if the nine of them had to, it would be easy for them to take out the crazy. If they all go crazy, obviously the experiment has failed, game over lol
Here's my question, are the night creatures bio-engineered or mechanical in anyway?

Just looking to see what sort of behavior I can expect from them.
Wilcox said:
I'm just going to throw this out there, I've read all of the character sheets and in my opinion, my character Elrene would be the most likely to become dangerous to the rest of the group. She's a whee bit mentally unstable but self segregates herself from groups, so it sorta counter balances. But if something does happen that would provoke her, Elrene wouldn't think twice about taking somebody out.
During tests, her exact mental state would be somewhat difficult for scientists to pick up on. Elrene's a strong silent type and outwardly cheerful most of the time. The thing that tip off the scientists would be her knack for high risk behavior.
Wilcox said:
Here's my question, are the night creatures bio-engineered or mechanical in anyway?
Just looking to see what sort of behavior I can expect from them.
They are bio-engineered. Have you read/seen The Hunger Games? I'm thinking along the lines that same technology. So not mechanical, but they operate by command.
Basically, the hunger games is where 24 people fight in this artificial yet realistic environment. If the people go to far from each other then the Capitol (or whoever controls the games) will put a trap up. Maybe a swarm of wasps or dangerous spores, etc. The creatures are used to speed up the game, especially if the last survivors don't like to fight. They look like dogs the size of bears if I can remember correctly.

Also do you think herbal meds alone will fix an arm? You need pure alcohol on a a bandage to clean it, some medicine if they've caught an illness from it. If it's big then it needs to be stitched. Basically if you're severally wounded, you're probably dead unless the people could drop something, but then we'd suspect the purpose of this?

Oh and I'm not replying until one more person goes up to the small group of people, instead of spying on them like I was.
Ahah not quite, I thought it was a bit OP so I made it so that she struggles to control the flow of life energy, she can accidentally kill as easily as save xD
I have another question, if someone were to get stranded out in the field over night, how much safer would they be from the creatures if they camped out in a treetop?
Wilcox said:
I have another question, if someone were to get stranded out in the field over night, how much safer would they be from the creatures if they camped out in a treetop?
A Lot safer than in the field. The creatures wouldn't be that great of climbers, but that would also depend on the tree. Normally at night, the other animals would stay among the trees to sleep so this would cause the creatures to be in that general area. If the person in the trees were quiet and fast enough, Im sure theyd be safe.


->ALSO, new rule update. Please check it out in the IC tab. I understand it was the holidays when this RP started, but we've got to get things rolling!<-

Can't help but notice that I'm the only one that posted anything over the weekend... Hopefully that'll change by Monday.
Wilcox said:
Can't help but notice that I'm the only one that posted anything over the weekend... Hopefully that'll change by Monday.
If not, I will have to recruit different players and restart the rp
Hey guys. A few people have quit the RP so I was going to reset the IC posts. Sorry if this is inconvenient :/ I'm giving you time to save your introductions and anything else you'd like to post. I will also keep your CPs intact.
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]So can I join?

I have to see who is still in and who isn't
I'm still in... I've just sort of been lurking for a while, been busy with the festivities and what not :S
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]Alright just asking. Also people may be doing Christmas and New year's things. So I suggest to give them a few days

Yeah, Ive been lenient towards it because of that. Hoping it picks up soon.
I've been stalking around, waiting for somebody to reply after my 3 posts. Glad to see that something happened in the rp that wasn't caused by me.
So now I'v got my character idling while I wait for something to happen. The rp's been quiet for a while.
I hope this isn't going to be a solo rp featuring only myself with no admin to direct it. Because that's how the last 5 or so rps I've joined at rpnation have went. First few pages had multiple people then the rps quickly shrank down to only me. Now that I think about it, it's not just at rpnation. Even my own personal rp did that. Let's not have this again, time to motivate people! A good role-play doesn't write itself.

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