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Sexual/Romantic Orientation
a medieval tale
- filler tab!
Princess Emmeline Augustus -mood6
Prince Camdyn Harforde -mood6
King Draven Alarick -Wolfiee
King Ronan Drax -Sanctuaryforall1
Prince Robert Augustus -Sanctuaryforall1
Pharoah Amunet Khalil -Sanctuaryforall1
Princess Esme Augustus -temporarybliss
Daniel Brownee -mood6
Dowager Lady Violet Walters -mood6
Lord William Walter -mood6
Micah Tanaka -mood6
Jude Tanaka -mood6
Gemma Tanaka -mood6
Brandish Rose -Sanctuaryforall1
Gavriel Rene -Sanctuaryforall1
Duchess Tamzin Delinor -Sanctuaryforall1
Marya Blacktide -Sanctuaryforall1
Greyson Valor -Sanctuaryforall1
Joesph Jenkins -Sanctuaryforall1
Waverly Delmoro -Sanctuaryforall1
Leonid Thorne -Wolfiee
Ophelia Volkova -Wolfiee
Alice Brooker -kakemha
Lady Lyarra Arrington -tamarapasek
♡coded by uxie♡
- 040302generalemmafull nameEmmeline Grace Augustusage22genderfemalesexualitydemisexualromantic orientationheterosexualtitleprincessprincess — alorethnicity.white
hobbies.Reading mostly. She rarely has time for other such things.
known languages.English, French, Scottish, Irish, and German.
- 0403visage01emmaht5'0.wt124 pounds.hairBrown and naturally wavy.eyesBrownbodySomewhat curvy, just enough to show that she eats well.modsShe has her ears piercedfcRose Williams.
- 04persona0201emma
- likes & dislikesmisclikesReading, strategy, studying, honey, pastries, and pants. She isn't the biggest fan of dresses.dislikesAs I said, dresses. Books with all happy endings, such as redone fairy tales or fables. Being sick, cats, and her status.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Biting her nails and playing with her hair
Being like her mother.
fun facts
When she was a child, she was afraid of the dark. She would run to her brothers for safety.
personalityEmmeline is, quite honestly, the perfect princess to the outside world. She is kind and though a bit dumb, wishes the best for everyone. Or that is what she would have people believe. In all honesty, she is a manipulator. She has been taught strategy from a young age and knows precisely what she is supposed to be, so she is. A young princess who has no flaws, save for being a bit of a pushover is much more acceptable to society than an intelligent, yet manipulative one.
The first trait one may notice of the true Emmeline is her intelligence. The sparkle in her eye proves she is always analyzing, even when pretending to be dumb for the sake of some gentleman's ego. She also knows social situations quite well and adjusts herself according to their standards. This can also cause trouble, as she's not even quite sure she knows her own true self.
Emmeline's faith lies in her family and country and she will do whatever is needed for them to be alright. She holds no regard for the lives of any but her subjects and family. So, she can often have issues with morals and the like.
On a positive note, Emmeline is quite a different person to her family. She's funny and quite protective, having taken the role of the mother after hers died.
All in all, Emmeline is an intelligent, manipulative and vindictive woman. She does have a soft side, but it is quite rarely seen. - history030201emmacharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be added.coded by natashaDespite her current demenor, she was quite a lovely child. Bright, sweet, and generally everything a princess should be. After her mother's death, she took a supportive role within her family. She looked after her brothers, and later sisters, supporting them in their decisions, while discreetly watching our their actions effected the kingdom. Eventually, she came to advise them, even in childhood's innocence.the first part of lifeAs a teen, Emmeline was quite the same. Despite her extracurricular studies, she still managed to keep up in her trainings of how to be a proper wife, as well as her family obligations. It is rumored that she had a lover at this point, but told no one of it.halfway through it all
A bit after her eighteenth birthday, an attempt was made on the princess's life, due to a upset servant. Her best friend, Nicolette jumped in front of the blade. She died hours later.Emmeline, suddenly with a sour and pessimistic attitude, fully immersed herself in her studies. She stays inside most days and has been focusing on marriage alliances, already having screened several possibilities for herself and her siblings. The woman she was before is long gone, replaced by a glorified con artist who has resigned her brilliant mind to being a brilliant mind's wife.what happens next?
- 040302generalraziahfull nameRaziah Bennettage26genderFemalesexualityBisexualromantic orientationBiromantictitleservantservant — Alorethnicity.Black
known languages.English
- 0403visage01raziahht5'5wt115 poundshairBlackeyesBrownbodyThin, but mostly due to a lack of food.modsNonefcAntonia Thomas
- 04persona0201emma
- likes & dislikesmisclikesArt, paintings, being warm, music, dancing, windchimes, quilting, and cats.dislikesDandelions, red velvet cake, skipping stones, wool, and archery.
- likes & dislikesmisc
She bites her nails
Small spaces and deep water
fun facts
Quit being a tailor because she was too clumsy
personalityRaziah is a genuine sweetheart. She cares greatly for everyone she meets and is a total people pleaser, which goes along with her inability to say no. When around her friends, she can get a bit sarcastic and sassy, but she will cry if she believes she actually hurt their feelings. She will genuinely just cry and beg for forgiveness, so yes, I would say she can be fairly overemotional. Of course, she also hides all her emotions until she is alone, as she doesn't want to make anyone feel badly. She will sass people she dislikes without remorse though, so don't get on her bad side. She is quite mischievous when wronged as well. Her intelligence assists with this, as she can come up with ways to bother people that are just barely legal. She is also a hopeless romantic, though she knows at her age and with her standing, romance is not seemingly in her future. - history030201raziahNicolasWill be addedcharacter nameWill be added.character nameWill be added.coded by natashaBorn to a thief and a servant, the Bennett children are well aware of all that is wrong in the world. After their mother was incarcerated, when Raziah was around three, their father had to raise them by himselfthe first part of lifeDespite their financial issues, the Bennett brood was quite happy. Raziah was a lovely child, though she seemed to often lie for some reason. This didn't make her many friends, so she got quite used to being alone. Well, alone with her brother. When they were teens, Raziah did some work as a seamstress in order to get by. Her brother fell in love with sewing and decided to become a tailor.halfway through it allAfter her father's death, Raziah took over his position as a servant. It isn't enjoyable work, but it helps the siblings get by.what happens next?
- 040302generalsophiafull nameSophia Isabelle Jenkinsage21genderFemalesexualityPansexualromantic orientationPanromanticjobSingerSinger — Alorethnicity.White
hobbies.Playing instruments and being outside
known languages.English
- 0403visage01sophiaht5'6.wt120 pounds.hairBlondeeyesBlue.bodyRather average, though a bit more curvy than typical.modsNonefcFreya Mavor.
- 04persona0201Sophia
- likes & dislikesmisclikesBees, flowers, forest, seashells, collecting things, and jewerly.dislikesAnimal cruelty, funerals, hiccups, when you think you are going to sneeze and don't, most tweens, pranks, eating contests, and people who take what they have for granted..
- likes & dislikesmisc
Washes her hand every time she comes inside and before she eats. Momma instilled good practices
Having the same struggles as everyone who came before her
fun facts
When she was little, instead of saying no means no, whenever someone protested when she said no, she would say me no me no.
personalitySophia has always been fairly extroverted, making new friends easily and such. This doesn't mean she is a positive person however, she is just very good at relating to people's struggles. She's not that intelligent, but has a giant imagination, so she's fairly creative and a good problem solver.
As I mentioned, Soph is fairly pessimistic, though she considers it realism. From a young age she saw the struggling the lower class was going through. She couldn't believe that people could be satisfied in their lives when all this was going on. So, it's safe to say she's always been a dreamer. She dreamed of having more than she did, and now she's achieved it. Even now, it's obvious to most people of wealth that Sophia worked for hers, instead of being born into it. She still makes her own clothes, tries to grow her own food when possible, and just generally is rather cheap. This can be almost to a ridiculous amount, where she refuses to buy necessities for fear of when her money will go away. So yes, she's quite anxious.
Sophia has always been the person to tell it like it is. She rarely lies, though she will avoid some topics as she doesn't want to hurt people's feelings.
All in all, she's a straight up farm girl who came into a bit of money, but doesn't know what to do with it. - history030201sophiajoe jenkinsHer big brother. She adores and looks up to him, though she isn't sure how he can stand the life he has. They haven't seen one another in around 3 years, so there relationship isn't as close as it once was. They write letters back and forth, but Sophia leaves a lot out.character nameWill be added.character nameWill be added.coded by natashaBorn and raised in Alor by two farmers, it was expected that Sophia and her brother Joesph continue on the legacy. Even as a child, while Soph enjoys the outdoors, she began to notice things. Tax collectors rapping at their front door, their parents going hungry so the kids could get full meals, things like that. And when she was seven, she told Joesph that she was going to change their lives. And she never gave up that dream.the first part of lifeWhen she was still quite young, her brother left to be a soldier. So, her family needed her. She spent the following years working the farms, beginning to resent them for taking away her dreams. Then Joe came back.halfway through it all
It was less than a week later when a music troupe came by. Sophia was always fascinated with music and decided to follow them in their travels. She left her family and never looked back. Of course, she sends weekly letters and all the money she can spare for the farm.
It was a year later when she began to focus on singing. And she was, weirdly, damn good at it. She had a real talent and became a real part of the troupe. That is, until her initiation.
About a year ago, the musician troupe she was a part of took her out to the woods at night, blindfolded her, then left. She didn't know where she was and was absolutely terrified. Thankfully, a local came across her and helped her get back on her feet.
And apparently, the troupe she was a part of was scamming her! She should've been getting paid quite a bit more, so the girl quickly learned her worth. She began traveling by herself, performing for various royals and in plays all across the world.Despite this, she never told her family she had stopped travelling with the troupe, or how successful she was. She didn't want to seem ungrateful for all they did for her. So, she continued sending money and writing letters as if nothing had changed. Secretly, she was paying locals to buy her family's crops, so they could make more money without knowing she was involved.what happens next?
She decided it was finally time to come clean about a week ago, but she wanted to have a quick break first. She's been working nonstop, so why not stop at a ball on her way home? And so, here she is, an important royal guest at the Alorian courting balls. How cool is that?
- 040302generaldanielfull nameDaniel Browneeage19genderMalesexualityBisexualromantic orientationBiromantictitleStable Boystable boy — alorethnicity.white
hobbies.writing poetry
known languages.English
- 0403visage01danielht6'1.wt146 pounds.hairDirty blonde.eyesGreenbodyThinmodsNonefcRobbie Kay.
- 04persona0201daniel
- likes & dislikesmisclikesAnimals, the stars, baking, writing, and chocolate. He also collects buttons.dislikesWaking up early, the ticking of a clock, parties, nobles, and generally loud noises.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Rubs the back of his neck when he is thinking
Life being like this forever
fun facts
Has always wanted to attend a ball, though he hates most parties.
personalityA simple, yet kind boy, Daniel has always been a sweetheart. Even as a child he preferred nursing horses back to health or caring for newborn ponies to actually horse racing or anything of the sort. Some say he is wise beyond his years, often offering great advice to friends who ask for his opinion. However, he knows his place in the world and will not attempt to give any of his wisdom to those a higher rank then he, in case of offending them. His biggest flaw would be that he's quite a non confrontational person. He doesn't stand up for himself or others very well, which often gets him branded as weak by the other men he works with. this can also make him seem untrustworthy, as he rarely will back up his friends when it comes to an issue. - history030201danielcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be added.coded by natashaDaniel was orphaned soon after his birth, and it's not known who his parents actually were. The castle stable hand found the couple killed by bandits on the road, clutching a baby in their arms. Luckily, Daniel was unharmed, but he would never know anything about his true parentage.the first part of lifeRaised by the old stablehand, Daniel came to love and care for animals almost as soon as he could walk. He's been raised to do his job and does it well.halfway through it allDespite his love for animals, Daniel yearns to be something more than he is. He's tired of taking care of other people, he wants to finally care for himself.what happens next?
- 040302generalcamfull namePrince Camdyn Deorwin Harfordeage25genderMalesexualityHeterosexualromantic orientationHeteroromantictitleThird in line to the throne of ThaestanPrince — Thaestanethnicity.white
hobbies.fencing, drinking, fucking, etc.
known languages.English
- 0403visage01camht5'10.wt152 pounds.hairDirty blonde.eyesBrownbodyMuscularmodsNonefcAaron Tveit.
- 04persona0201campersonalityTo be perfectly frank, Camdyn is the exact person you think he is. He's charming, chrismatic, and knows how to get what he wants. However, he often will ignore these traits in favor of expressing his more unfavorable opinions, such as his toxic masculinity or the idea that women are less than men. He isn't the smartest, but does understand social situations quite well. Occasionally he just....doesn't care. He's not that fleshed out I'm expecting him to offend someone and die
- history030201camcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be added.coded by natashaCam was born the third in line to the throne and spoiled from birth. His parents philosiphy was "boys will be boys".the first part of lifeCamdyn has always had everything he wants, save for a throne. He wants to be in charge. And he'd be willing to do anything to get it.halfway through it allCamdyn was invited to the courting, due to the fact that his reputation has not spread to other countries quite yet. After having fathered six children and not providing for any of them, he's finally thinking about settling down. Of course, he wants a few mistresses as well, who he hopes to find inn the desperate servants.what happens next?
- 040302generallilithfull nameLady Lilith Matilda Wolfeage23genderFemalesexualityDemisexualromantic orientationDemiromantictitleLady (I call bullshit)Lady — Alorethnicity.White
hobbies.She's begun to really enjoy horseback riding.
known languages.English and German
- 0403visage01lilithht5'1.wt115 pounds.hairBlondeeyesBluebodySlimmodsShe has a lot of scars, the most notable of which spanning across her entire stomach.fcSaorise Ronan in Seagull.
- 04persona0201lilith
- likes & dislikesmisclikesMusic, dancing, archery, being active, sparring, jogging, and horsesdislikesHammocks, sleeping outside, snakes, surprises, getting flu, and her scars.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Analyzes a room when she walks in to find the most valuable thing there
Never feeling safe
fun facts
Has never felt love that wasn't due to dependency
personalityDespite her occupation, Lilith is a sweet girl whose entire existence revolves around surviving. She's never been in a situation where she's not scraping to get by, so she does what she needs to do. She does enjoy being around people however, and will do her best to care for others when she can.
She is incredibly charismatic and it's difficult to tell when she is lying. Seeing as she's going to be constantly lying to everyone in the thread, she's damn good at it. She knows how to convince someone to trust her and she knows how to betray them fast and get out. She can be quite flighty, as she constantly has to be on guard. This can cause her to be quite anxious and overwhelmed. And she never gets a break. Lilith isn't sure that she's ever felt safe in her life.
Despite all this she's still somewhat happy. She tries to live each moment to it's fullest and do what she can to make the others around her's lives better.
She is incredibly intelligent, memorizing things quickly and always remembering the last lie she told. She never forgets her story. She does have a hard time with something like reading, though she is great at putting on a show to avoid doing so. Due to her intelligence, she rarely, if ever, trusts people that aren't her brother, having been burned too many times before.
- history030201LilithArthur WolfeHer brother. She doesn't think much about their relationship, as they have no choice but to depend on one another. They are all the other has.character nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be added.coded by natashaEuphemia Reuter, Euphie or Mia to friends, was born to two felons in Alor. Her father had apparently stolen from the crown, and such the family was in hiding. Shortly after Euphie was born, her brother Theseus came along. The family lived in hiding for a good while, until Euphemia was around 8. They decided to travel over the border, to a more kind country. However, the family was quickly apprehended. The children managed to escape, but left their parents behind. The Reuter parents died while crying out for their children to come save them. Since then, the siblings have been on their own.the first part of life
The children took to begging for quite some time, but once Euphemia became a teen they realized no one would offer her food anymore, as her adorable years were behind her. So, they began to steal. One child would be a distraction while the other slit a hole in a noble's pocket. If they were lucky, they'd get a piece of jewlery or some coin. If they were unlucky, god help them. Where do you think all Euphemia's scars came from, after all?Around two years ago, while running from an angry mob, the Reuters came across two bodies in the forest. Nobles, who bore a striking resemblense to the siblings. Euphemia suddenly had an idea. They'd never run a scheme this big or long before, but they could live as these people. Lilith and Arthur Wolfe, the last surviving members of the Wolfe lordship. They rarely went out, for fear something would befall them as it did their family. Well, too bad for them, great for our favorite sibling pair!halfway through it all
Thanks to the money found in the Wolfe's pockets, the siblings have lived the last two years worry free. But that money is running out.Once again, Euphemia came up with a plan. Go to the courting balls. There'd be lots of money to be stolen there and no one would suspect the prestigeous Wolfe family! What could go wrong?what happens next?
- 040302generalvioletfull nameDowager Lady Violet Grace Walterage23genderFemalesexualityDemisexualromantic orientationBiromantictitleDowager LadyLady — Thaestanethnicity.Latina
hobbies.Playing instruments
known languages.English
- 0403visage01violetht5'3.wt136 pounds.hairDark browneyesBluebodySlimmodsNonefcBruna Marquezine.
- 04persona0201VioletpersonalityThe girl who is attending the courting season is far from the hot headed and flirty girl the prince once knew. She's rather quiet, only speaking when she has thought her response out thoroughly and thoughtfully. When she does speak she is incredibly honest, though she'd rather say nothing at all then hurt others. She's a kind hearted, motherly woman who just wants to make people happy, whatever the cost. This often means that she's running herself ragged caring for the previous lord's children or their people. She often has to be reminded to care for herself as well as them. She isn't the most intelligent of people, at least intellectually, having only been a cook before she was married. However, she does have a particular social intelligence that gives her a charismatic flare.
Some days, when she's run herself ragged, she speaks of another time. One where she was happy and sure, she had to work but it was worth it. She mentions a man, then begins crying and that's all William has gotten out of her. - history030201violetCharacter nameTo be added.character nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be added.coded by natashaUnknown.the first part of lifeWhen she was seventeen, she became a cook at the Alorian palace. She and the prince had a connection, then she disappeared without a tracehalfway through it allWhy has she come? And what's with that ring she wears around her neck or the people who surround her?what happens next?
- 040302generalwillfull nameLord William Oliver Walterage28genderMalesexualityBisexualromantic orientationBiromantictitleLordLord — Thaestanethnicity.White
hobbies.Sparring and reading
known languages.English, French, Spanish, Korean
- 0403visage01willht6'2.wt182 pounds.hairDirty BlondeeyesBluebodyMuscularmodsNonefcJosh Dallas.
- 04persona0201will
- likes & dislikesmisclikesWorking out, sparring, fencing, archery, pastries, reading, and wood carving.dislikesCalligraphy, his father, most rich people, brownies, and bright colors
- likes & dislikesmisc
Keeps his hand on his sword most of the time
Ruining his family's lives
fun facts
wow he's hot; i don't fucking know what to say
personalityA gruff man, William has seen far too much to trust people automatically. He doesn't enjoy speaking to people, but will if he has to. He's rather straightforward when he does talk, preferring to be upfront and honest than manipulate people. While he isn't the best at social interactions, he's incredibly intelligent, being raised to be the man of the house. He can handle his financial obligations without batting it eye, figuring out statistics and percentages within seconds.
He can be rather hot-headed, especially when it comes to his family. He's seen them be treated badly too many times, so he can be rather protective. If he sees you as a threat, don't expect to be around the people he cares about. That being said, if he cares about you he will go to the ends of the earth for you without a second thought. He's a very caring and sweet man who will always put his friends and family before himself. - history030201Willcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be addedcharacter nameTo be added.coded by natashaUnknown.the first part of lifeUnknownhalfway through it allWho the fuck even is this guy?what happens next?
- 040302generalmicahfull nameMicah Aditsan Tanakaage35genderMalesexualityDemisexualromantic orientationDemiromantictitleTeacherTeacher — Alorethnicity.Native
hobbies.Reading and chess
known languages.English, French, German, and Japanese
- 0403visage01micahht5'10.wt140 pounds.hairDark browneyesBrownbodyStrong yet slimmodsTattoos littering his arms. The most notable of which being his children's names.fcAdam Beach.
- 04persona0201Micah
- likes & dislikesmisclikesReading, chess, children, and archery.dislikesHis family, his ex, emotions, and people who act without thinking it through.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Will automatically straighten up his posture when his children are in the room
Losing his kids
fun facts
Used to be a total goofball
personalityAs a father, Micah has to have a level head. He keeps calm under pressure. And he's almost always under pressure. He wants his children to have better lives than he did, so he can be quite protective, as well as nagging. He's a dad, what can you expect? As a result of his chaotic life, he had to remove his emotions almost entirely. He couldn't let his children know he was frightened. Now, he isn't sure where all those feelings went.
As you may guess, Micah had to grow up damn fast. So he's generally very responsible, but often can be too serious. Despite this, people seem to enjoy being around him. And he surrounds himself with a lot of people. Though he's had help raising his twins, he knew at any moment it could all go away. So, he prepared for when it did. Now, he doesn't need anyone but them.
Finally, Micah is free to do as he pleases. He put his life on hold for 18 years to raise his children. Now that they are going off into the world, he isn't sure what to do.
- history030201micahJude TanakaHis son. One of Micah's only reasons for existing. He would do anything to protect his son and loves him under the ends of the earth.Gemma TanakaHis little girl. If it's possible, Micah is even more protective of her. Both due to her smaller stature since birth and the country's view on women, Gemma has always been very sheltered. And even now, he does his best to keep her that way.Fen WangFuck her.coded by natashaMicah was born to your typical family, with two brothers and one sister. His life went pretty well.the first part of lifeThat is, until he found out the woman he was courting was pregnant when they were 17. His parents kicked him out the second they found out, so he was left to live with his betrothed, Fen Wang and her parents. They had twins, Jude and Gemma. The family was rather happy until he and his betrothed turned 18, at which point she just took all of her stuff and left.halfway through it allFrom that point on, his ex's parents took care of him and the twins, even going so far as to pay for his college. He moved out shortly after getting his first teaching job. Now that his children are 18 and thinking about leaving, he finally gets a chance to live life for himself. But does he want to?what happens next?
- 040302generalartiefull nameArthur Thomas Wolfeage20genderMalesexualityPansexualromantic orientationPanromantictitleLordLord — Alorethnicity.White
hobbies.Making clothes and reading
known languages.English and German
- 0403visage01artieht5'9.wt147 pounds.hairDirty blondeyesBrownbodySlimmodsNone.fcBrenton Thwaites.
- 04persona0201Artie
- likes & dislikesmisclikesReading, braiding hair, bird watching, making clothes, watching shows, and the color maroon.dislikesThe rich, the Alorian royal family, people in general, extreme temperatures, improv, awkward silences, and hunting.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Generally keeps his hands in his pockets
Getting caught
fun facts
Hates the nickname Artie
personalityDespite its' struggles, Arthur is content with the life he and his sister have built. He can say, no hesitation, he's happy. He loves the freedom he has. As such, it's hard to tie Arthur down. He's never stayed in one place for long and is most comfortable when on the move. This can manifest in commitment issues or sabotaging relationships in order to get away.
Despite his reluctance to be in a committed relationship (or friendship for that matter), Arthur is legitimately a thoughtful and affectionate guy. When he trusts you, he'll do whatever he can to make your life easier and show you his appreciation.
Even though he does enjoy some people, Arthur is a very awkward guy. He isn't great at lying, which means he can't really talk to most people. So, he's quiet for the most part. When he does talk, he tends to stumble over his words and really think things through, in an attempt to not incriminate himself.
He's not the smartest or most strategic, but he makes up for it by being loyal. Arthur will stick by the people he cares about no matter what. However, people tend to turn on him. This is due to a little morality issue. He doesn't see what he's doing (stealing, lying, generally being a dick) as a bad thing. When people realize he doesn't have those natural markers/ a conscience, they tend to run the other way.
- history030201artieLilith WolfeHis sister. He loves her, but doesn't really have a choice about the matter. They need each other.Character nameWIPCharacter nameWIP.coded by natashaTheseus Reuter was born to two felons in Alor. His father had apparently stolen from the crown, and such the family was in hiding. They had a daughter already, a girl named Euphemia. The family lived in hiding for a good while, until Theseus was around 5. They decided to travel over the border, to a more kind country. However, the family was quickly apprehended. The children managed to escape, but left their parents behind. The Reuter parents died while crying out for their children to come save them. Since then, the siblings have been on their own.the first part of life
The children took to begging for quite some time, but once Euphemia became a teen they realized no one would offer her food anymore, as her adorable years were behind her. So, they began to steal. One child would be a distraction while the other slit a hole in a noble's pocket. If they were lucky, they'd get a piece of jewlery or some coin. If they were unlucky, god help them.
Around two years ago, while running from an angry mob, the Reuters came across two bodies in the forest. Nobles, who bore a striking resemblense to the siblings. Euphemia suddenly had an idea. They'd never run a scheme this big or long before, but they could live as these people. Lilith and Arthur Wolfe, the last surviving members of the Wolfe lordship. They rarely went out, for fear something would befall them as it did their family. Well, too bad for them, great for our favorite sibling pair!halfway through it all
Thanks to the money found in the Wolfe's pockets, the siblings have lived the last two years worry free. But that money is running out.
Once again, Euphemia came up with a plan. Go to the courting balls. There'd be lots of money to be stolen there and no one would suspect the prestigeous Wolfe family! What could go wrong?what happens next?
- 040302generaljudefull nameJude Hania Tanakaage18genderMalesexualityAsexualromantic orientationBiromantictitleBallet dancerBallet Dancer— Alorethnicity.Native
hobbies.Reading and writing music
known languages.English
- 0403visage01judeht6'0.wt157 pounds.hairDark browneyesBrownbodyAthleticmodsHe has his ear pierced.fcBooboo Stewart.
- 04persona0201jude
- likes & dislikesmisclikesMusic, dancing, rain, poetry, and reading.dislikesStories with a sad ending, being alone, being hot, and wearing ties.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Randomly points his toes whenever doing anything.
Losing his sister. Everything changing.
fun facts
Childhood nickname is J ewwwwww de. Courtesy of an annoying twin
personalityMost things in Jude's life have been decided for him. So, he can be a bit flighty and absolutely hates decisions. However, if he wants to do something, he's going to do it. Thank you very much. He does, in fact, fear very little and what he does fear, he attempts to face head on. Along with this, he's kind of a dumbass. He believes the very best in the world and as such, often gets into a lot of trouble. He does see the best in any situation, always figuring out a way for the obstacle to actually be working towards his goal. This often can result in him invalidating people's struggles or trying to fix things right away, when sometimes people just need him to listen.
Despite this, he is a very sweet young man. Jude wishes the best for everyone around him. He also does what he believes is right and rarely deviates from that. Despite this, he doesn't pull any punches. If he thinks you are awful, you'll definitely hear about it.
- history030201judeMicah TanakaHis father. He looks up to the older man and tries to be like him every day.Gemma TanakaWIP SARAH REMEMBER TO CHANGE THISFen WangFuck her.coded by natashaJude and his twin Gemma were born to a teen couple, Micah Tanaka and Fen Wang. They were much too young to have a child, so they had to grow up fast, or at least one of them did. They were supported by his maternal grandparents and the twins have never met anyone on their father's side. When the twins were quite young, her mother abandoned them. She just left and no one knows where she is.the first part of lifeDespite this, their family still did the best they could to give the twins a normal childhood and they were generally happy. Due to the amount of time spent with his grandparents, Gemma began to have an interest in music. Along with this, Jude began to dance, often coming up with choreography to match his sister's workhalfway through it allNow, at 18, he is struggling. He wants to travel the world with his dance, but doesn't want to leave his family. So for now, he teaches dance at a local theatre, waiting for his time to comewhat happens next?
- 040302generalelizafull nameLady Eliza Eve Waltersage25genderFemalesexualityDemisexualromantic orientationBiromantictitleLadyLady— Thaestanethnicity.White
hobbies.Dancing and writing
known languages.English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian
- 0403visage01judeht5'3.wt127 pounds.hairBrowneyesHazelbodySlimmodsShe has her ears pierced.fcAurora Ruffino.
- 04persona0201eliza
- likes & dislikesmisclikesWriting, reading, drinking tea, windchimes, and skipping stonesdislikesBirdwatching, animal cruelty, hiccups, running errands, her scars, riddles, and silence.
- likes & dislikesmisc
Messing with her hair
fun facts
Still goes to her big brother for advice
personalityThe first thing one may notice about Eliza is that she is straightforward. While she won't purposefully tell you things that will hurt you, if asked she won't lie. You can always trust her to tell you the truth and have your back. She absolutely loves people. She wants to have as many friends as possible and has a natural likeability to her, should you choose to enjoy her presence. She genuinely just wants to make people happy and will do whatever possible to make that happen. She is an absolute sweetheart who always has your best interests in mind. Due to her honesty and extroverted nature, she tends to be a bit much. She can come on quite strong, which often results in people disliking her.
She always wants to see the best in people, so she does. She forgives easily and trusts people to do the right thing. Due to her optimism and trust, it's fairly easy to trick Ellie into trusting people she shouldn't. This often gets her into ....interesting situations. When you do wrong her, she gets incredibly angry. She's definitely a little spitfire and flips out easily.
She was raised in a sucky environment and would escape whenever possible. So, when things go wrong, she created stories of a place where things are better. Eventually, this turned in to all kinds of stories and her brain is constantly coming up with new ideas. She tends to get caught up in small things. Her stories, flowers, anything to distract from the moment.
She is definitely not smart. She doesn't always understand references and tends to have trouble with intellectual things.
- history030201judeCharacter NameTo be addedCharacter NameTo be addedCharacter NameTo be added.coded by natashaSecretthe first part of lifeSecrethalfway through it allSecretwhat happens next?
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