The Coming Darkness

>> Episode One <<

>> 'New Beginnings' <<

Time: 7:26 AM

Weather: Sunny | Hot

Date: May 26, 2013

Today was the big day, when Sorcerers would open their doors to an entire new batch of students from all over the world. It was something everyone looked forward to. Not everyone was able to be accepted into the school, but those that were, received a letter stating that they should be in front of the school, on campus at 7:30AM, sharp, for a introductory tour of the campus and school.

All of the new students should be there, waiting with one of staff of the school. The instructor stood in front of the crowd of students, looking down at his watch and monitored the time. The tour was scheduled to begin at 7:30, yet someone was missing...

Crap, crap, crap, crap! Enzo thought as he raced down the streets of Whiterun on his bike, a piece of bread in his mouth from today's breakfast. "Late for school, predictable." Kenji, Enzo's familiar, commented as he sat atop his shoulder with a bored expression. As Enzo peddled on his bike, he was munching down on the bread he had. He tried hard not to choke every time he nearly hit something on his way to the campus.

Eventually, he finished the bread with a huge gulp and saw the horde of students standing outside of the school doors. It was close now, all Enzo had to do was lock his bike up at the school's 'Students only' bike rack, and join in the crowd unnoticed. Unfortunately, as he was coming up to the rack, he realized he was going too fast and his bike's brakes weren't good enough to slow him down in time. "S-shit!" Enzo shouted. His bike crashed into the rack, and flipped forward, along with Enzo. Kenji hopped off of his shoulder just before the impact, and quietly watched as Enzo landed on his face on the other side of the rack.

"Eugh.." Enzo groaned with his face on the floor. He quickly stood up, and dusted off his uniform. His surroundings were clear, so hopefully, nobody had seen or heard that little stunt. Kenji shook his head slowly in disappointment. "What? You try growing legs and ride a cheap bike!" He responded out of embarrassment. All Kenji did was chuckle at the sight. Enzo sighed and locked his bike up at the rack, that was when Kenji hopped back up onto his now slightly dirty shoulder and they both joined the crowd from the back.

The morning was beginning to warm up creating a uncomfortable feeling for Aria. The body of students surrounding her only seemed to increase the heat. Tugging at her scarf to release some of the building heat, she squirmed between other students towards the back of the group, gaining herself some rude comments from her peers who which she apologized.

"Sorry, please excuse me, sorry-" She kept apologizing until she reached the back of the group where she could finally breath in a bit of cool air. Her glasses were a bit fogged she noticed after. She gingerly took them off, the world turning into blobs of dull colors, and wiped them with a tissue taken from her pocket before putting them on again, the world going back to normality. Aria sighed as she pocketed the tissue. If it weren't for her glasses she would be almost completely blind.
The sun was obnoxiously shining its warm rays down onto the town of Whiterun, much to Volitaire's consent. He loathed the heat. It made him sweat, which made him feel dirty, which made him feel uncomfortable. Part of his issue was he wore his grey hood over his face as a shallow attempt to keep the suns nasty rays from out of his face so he can see ahead of him. He was walking slowly towards the school grounds down the hillside marketplace of Whiterun. Behind him a very rushed young man, looking to be almost Volitaire's age zoomed by him in a bicycle down the road beside him with a odd familiar perched up to his shoulder. At least that's what Volitaire assumed it was. Nothing so small could balance itself perfectly on a fast pedaling shoulder like that. From what he slightly heard from the split second of the rushing boy beside him, the familiar was... Talking to him? Did they have some sort of friendly relationship? It was beyond him to see a familiar speak to its owner but he didn't let his bug him too much. He took a hand to tug at the strap of his knapsack. It was filled with spell tomes, a journal, and a photo album for personal reasoning. Even though he knew he was a little late he was only 2 to 3 blocks away from the school and before him he saw a large, LARGE crowd of students. It seems his classmates were looking forward to this day, but Volitaire was still slightly apprehensive to joining the school. He self-taught himself all of his spells and was afraid of interaction with others. He hoped to just get through these years as quickly and successfully as possible. Soon, the quiet male made his way to the back of the crowd where he placed his weighted knapsack down beside his feet and waited for something to happen. He was almost expecting a giant projection to materialize with a old Headmaster yelling into a intercom to welcome all of the students.
Off to the right of the congregation under the shade of a large cherry blossom tree stood Bella. Her ankle length purple dress swayed softly in the slight breeze blowing in from the west, the high slit revealing her shapely legs. Her hair was mostly done up with a clasp with a small tress of hair falling over each shoulder. Soft violet eyes watched the crowd of students, magic users of all types stood before the Sorcerers main entrance.

She watched as a young man on a bike approached the bike rack, seemingly a bit to fast. "S-shit!" He exclaimed as he hit the bike rack flinging himself up and over it to land on the ground. His familiar had abandoned him, rejoining him once he had regained his composure and locked up his bike. Bella placed her right hand over her mouth giggling softly to herself as she watched the young man.

She turned her vision towards the main entrance, peering across the crowd. The letter in her hand had said to arrive by seven thirty that morning. So now she waited patiently, the bright rays of sun playing off of the cherry blossoms that were in full bloom above her. Any minute now, she thought to herself waiting for the headmaster to make his appearance.
The weather being warm made Silver a bit grumpier than she normally would be. Silver much preferred colder weather over the heat, seeing as it was easier to heat up than cool off. At least, that's how she was.

As she made her way towards the school, Silver brushed some of her hair out of her face, glancing around at her surroundings. There were students everywhere rushing to school, trying to make sure they were on time. Tardiness never looked good for anyone. One student in particular was quite a mess, as Silver watched him practically fly by on his bike. Of course, he ended up crashing in a not-so-graceful manner, which Silver couldn't help but giggle at as he walked away. Something about him seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite place what it was. It was almost a warm feeling. Despite the warm, friendly feelings she got, a cold shiver ran down her spine as a warning, reminding her why she was here. It wasn't to make friends.

She noticed a few other students who looked, as Silver might say, different than the others, so she made note of them. Their appearance, mostly, since she couldn't very well just go up and ask them about themselves. One girl with glasses, who looked as if she could use a break, some fresh air, and maybe a glass of cold water. Another boy who looked almost suspicious with his dark, closed off aura. Silver began to wonder about these people, but the shiver again reminded her to leave it alone. Instead of wondering, she walked to the back of the crowd of students, standing next to the boy who had just set his bag down. She tried to look over the crowd to see what was going on, but nothing was happening, so she stood there patiently. No reason to try to make her way to the front just yet.
A young adult sat off to the side of the congregation on a bench. Vaughan slowly took off his black blazer jacket and undid his tie, the heat was being irritating today. He straightened out his white tucked in dress shirt and crossed his left leg over his right as he sat. His crisp emerald eyes slowly looked over all of the new students. Most were nervous, some looked eager to face the challenges and experiences that were ahead of them. The young man chuckled to himself. He had been here before, Vaughan was already a student of Sorceres, but decided today he would check out the new students that were accepted.

To say the least he wasn't disappointed, but he also wasn't impressed with what he saw. Then again, looks didn't mean everything. Vaughan looked at his one-hand watch. It was 7:31, it wasn't like the head instructors to be late.
Jacen drove down the road and turned into a parking lot for the large campus, finding a space midway between the school grounds and the lot entrance. He shut the engine down and took out a small, black backpack from the backseat before stepping out of the vehicle. The weather was warm, prompting him to leave his vest in the car with the rest of his baggage, opting to just come back and get it after the tour.

A new adventure, a new beginning, "it'll be just like college"...I need to stop taking my parents at face value some times...He looked at his phone's front screen, taking notice of the time and looked ahead to a large gathering of people...without a doubt, the new Sorcerers' student body. ...New beginning, my ass. Same shit, different day...

Jacen was no stranger to new student crowds, his old high school went through the same thing every year.

As he walked into the crowd, he adjusted the belt under his shirt...making sure his "protection" was firmly in place, before turning his hat backwards. I promised them I'd at least try...let's hope no one pisses me off on day one.
It was only morning, yet the girl could already decipher the premature beginnings of a day sure to be filled with ongoing struggle and annoyance. All that was required in order to predict such a foretelling daily nature was one, singular fact....

It was sunny.

The weather was bright, eccentrically energetic. The streets were now fairly empty, yet the shadows of the preciously passing people who had left this overwhelming amount of excitement hung heavily within the air. Birds released the high-pitched chirping accustom to engulfing the aura of these parts. The breeze was gently trickling waves of its welcoming coolness in this scorching fire. An enormous, gaseous ball of light soared above the heat it so cruelly created. The weather itself seemed utterly perfect to unsuspecting eyes.

This was horrible.

The denudation, the oncoming crowds....

Dawn felt trapped in this cage of "openness" and the"outside joy of others". She was constricted by any environment relatively similar to this formation of physical containment. The only reason she was not grasping for quickened breaths of solitary independence happened to be a direct product of absolute skill having been acquired over some time.

Now, as the searing heat of the sky seeped onto the back of her exposed, porcelain neck, managing to somehow creep underneath the pitch black motorcycle helmet which shielded her entire head and face. Dawn's posture was exquisite in a near military-like formality, providing her slender shoulders with a confident curve of dominant courage. Her gloved hands tightened on the handles of her bike, sending the modified Dodge Tomahawk forward at an exceptionally fast speed, just above the set limit. With a 10 cylinder, 90 degree V-type engine, the girl was proud to reveal that even having a fairly simple 3 speed manual transmission, it could reach over 350 miles per hour. And seeing as she was already late for her first day with the Sorcerer's, it was the perfect time to push her tiny side-project a little further then the law allowed. Well, certainly a lot further. The nearly silent device purred a soft and steady heartbeat of power, pushing itself forward through the daze of humidity, taking her in the direction she had desired this current moment.

The motorcycle caught a glint of the blinding light while Dawn expertly pulled it to a sideways halt, just besides the bike rack. She gracefully slipped off, trailing her fingertips along the double-wielded wheels. Her boots created not a single sound as they stopped to the gravel. With a roll of her shoulders, she lifted her hands and pulled off the helmet, tossing it to the side of the metallic perch.

In that exact moment, the girl could already feel eyes lingering on her slim and feminine frame. Her short, though vibrant, green hair fell to its natural place along the sides of her head, the silky locks curling slightly beneath her chin. More sunlight persistently glimpsed its own reflection in her oddly colored tendrils, providing it with a beautiful sheen of radiance. Even more vibrant were her eyes, large and intelligent, literally glowing with a luminous green brilliance that would be considered near breathtaking by any onlooker whose own view found itself trapped in her stunning optical arrangements. Yet, despite her striking appearance, Dawn seemed completely oblivious to her own physical looks. She knew that others were already staring, attempting to catch a glance at her from the back of the crowd, attracted by her aura of mystique and luminosity, but despite her analyzing gaze.....she gave off the feeling of simply not caring about their stares. She was used to it, she found it obnoxious, though she also just had to deal with it. The girl slipped her hands into the pockets of her bomber jacket, managing to maintain her glow of determination and coldness while strategically starting the walk to all of the annoying young students so eagerly awaiting command. The girl caught momentary sight of a dusty bike not to far from her own (obviously it had been in a recent crash), but quickly averted her attention to the hell ahead.

Somehow, even with the distraction of the supposed excitement anticipating the words of the "beloved" headmaster, more then several people managed to exchange whispers as she strolled into the crowd. It took all of her willpower to not grimace at being so close to so many other living creatures. All at the same time. Blah, it was horrendous. But Dawn was fully aware that in order to complete her personal missions, she had no choice but to endure these pitiful sheeple. She took in every last detail of those around her, sensing their amateur atmospheres of power and excitement. Every single movement, motion, habit, all were noted by her computer-like brain, committed entirely to memory where the information would be stored for the remainder of her conscious state of mind. None would be able to detect her calculations, yet they were there all the same. The stunning female then looked to the direction most of the others were staring, as she clearly could not look at herself (herself being one of the other "main attractions" for the gawks of her peers) now having to join in on foretasting the arrival of this teacher she had heard so much about.

Let it.....begin.
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"Sheeesh, for being one of the best schools in the world, they sure do know how to slack." Kenji commented rudely as both he and Enzo were waiting in the crowd. The fact that there were so many people in one spot made Enzo feel hot, but the uniform felt strangely cool. "Maybe he's late?" The black haired male replied. Surely enough, just after the rest of the students popped in, a man, middled aged and balding, came walking out of the front doors with his arm holding another behind his back.

"Welcome, new students, to Sorcerers. I am Headmaster Boone, but you may just refer to me as Boone. First off, i'd like to apologize for the short wait, i'm sure you are all dying to get out of this heat, so if you would all be so kindly to follow me inside." The Headmaster beckoned the crowd, and the group all followed him inside. The first thing anyone would notice when walking into the school, was how cool it was, and not cool as in socially, but when Enzo walked in, the heat that was beating down on him was suddenly eliminated. Students that came in would suddenly look around in surprise and amazement.

In reality, the doors had a chilling spell on them - a basic one, but it did the trick. The next thing to be noticed was that they were now in the main lobby. It was spacious; a large grand staircase splitting off into two that led upstairs, An 'S' symbol that represented Sorcerers laid at the center of the lobby, a large wall board with many notes on them, and different hallways that led off to other parts of the school.

Enzo's eyes fell on the wall board. He squinted his eyes a little to read one of the notes from his distance. They looked like hiring posters, but for what? A light bump of the shoulder by another unsuspecting student reminded Enzo that he had to keep moving. Boone took them to the center of the lobby, just on top of the large S.

"This is the main lobby, as you can probably tell already. there is where you'll get to your classes." He pointed a finger to the hallways. "Upstairs is another floor full of classrooms, but to find out what class you qualify for, we'll have to first find out what sort of magic you deal with, or want to deal with." Boone put about 20 feet between himself and the group of students before he moved on. "We have a class group called Destruction, it is basically designed for magic that has to do with the elements, or - well - destructive power, such as fire, ice, water, earth, and anything physical. If you have or want these spells, you will line up to my left." Again, he pointed his finger to his side. About half of the group split off to line up on Boone's left side. Enzo was hesitant as to if his 'power' fell under that category, but a sudden shove of the head by Kenji confirmed it, and he walked over to line up with the others.

"This next class group is quite the mysterious one, and you need to be careful if you fall within this class group. This last one is called Dark Magic. There are only a few types of magic we allow here, and that's Necromancy, and Shadow magic. That group will stand closer in front of me. If anyone has found out that their magic does not fall under any class groups, don't panic. We're going to hold a magic testing session later today, to find out where to properly place you."


Beyond the crowd of roaring potential students was the projected voice of a matured male. The voices of the crowed ceased in the presence of the voice that overpowered everyone's curious dribble. Volitaire couldn't see the man due to being behind so many other teenagers and young adults, only leaving him to assume who the man was until his true self was revealed to Volitaire. He payed close attention to his warm welcome, making sure he didn't miss any special instructions. It'd be a curse to not pay attention on his first day. A lesson the nuns taught him back at the Whiterun Orphanage where he spent most of his years growing and developing into the young adult he was today.

May 25, 2013. It was a slightly cooler day. The only excuse to that was the more present winds, and spaced atmosphere. Volitaire had a number of belongings packed. A duffel bag with a weeks worth of clothes in it, a wallet, his cutlass he was gifted from a retired blacksmith, and his first portrait he took with his mother and father who had sadly passed away. He was outside, under the awning overtop of the large porch outside the Whiterun Orphanage. One of the Nuns was helping him pack and take count on his inventory before he left out. After Volitaire's belongings was taken accounted for he sat on one of the wooden benches beside the door, in front of the windows aside the service counter. Volitaire let out a anxious huff. He wasn't too excited about leaving the Orphanage. This place was his home. Where he truly grew up and where he was raised when his parents could no longer do their duties. It was almost like leaving a large part of his life behind. Leaving a part of himself behind. Hands cuffed, his guardian Nun sat beside him on the bench, gently rubbing his back to ease some of his anxieties. "You shouldn't be so down about this. Think about it, to go to one of the most prestigious Magic Schools! And they accepted you! They see your potential as a Master Mage, why aren't you so happy? It's a big honor, Voli-hun." Volitaire gave a half smile. He was pleased with his acceptance but a part of him didn't want to abandon the Orphanage. He's lived here, helped the Nuns with the other abandoned children, created a name for himself among the kids and staff and even made a few acquaintances around town. No easy feet for someone so socially inept. His smile faded quickly at he recalled his times spent in this small, honest little town. He just couldn't see himself anywhere else other than here. His home. His rock. His metaphorical balance beam. His eyelids fell before slightly turning his head to face the consoling Nun. "It's just... I don't think I'd handle leaving all too well. I've been here all my life. I grew up here, learned here, and came to be accepted by everyone and the kids... Speaking of, who would they play with without me. I don't think they'd take me leaving that well either... I just wish I could take my classes and come home in the evening like regular schools do..." His voice slightly shook, he was getting a little choked up having to leave his home. He tried his best from tearing up, he promised the Nuns he would man up and stop crying... But it was hard for him. He had strong emotions and suppressing them only made them worse. His eyes grew damp and slightly glistened under the reflected light of the afternoon sun. They grew big and puppy eyed, he was almost about to let a tear slip but was enveloped by his guardian and the swelling stopped. He felt at ease in her arms, like everything was going to be okay. Like how a real parental guardian should be able to do with her child. She let Volitaire go and a small grin came over his face. He needed that short embrace, it did what it was supposed to and didn't take too long to do. "Voli-hun. Now you know you can come back and visit us anytime you need to you hear? Don't let your studies forget about where you came from and over occupy you. We could even help you. You know some of the kids here do magic and the Ol' Blacksmith knows a trick or two about Spellcasting. Don't feel so much remorse, we aren't going anywhere so you always know where to find us, okay?" She gingerly caressed Volitaire's scalp, slightly ruffling his hair calming him down slightly more. He nodded to her reassurance and a wider smile came over his face. There was a moment of silence before one of the younger children came out through the front door, squeaking with his young and easily breaking voice. "Voooli? When are you gonna help us build the castle out of the play-bricks you bought us? Come on, you promised." Volitaire chuckled. In the midst of all this emotional lecturing he almost forgot about his play-date he made with some of the children in the Orphanage. He slowly got up while grabbing his belongings. "Okay, okay. I know, let me just put my things back to my room and we can start." Suddenly three more children jumped from behind the first and all simultaneously chanted; "YAY!" As they all ran back inside full of zeal and ready to play. Volitaire's only reaction was to roll his eyes while shaking his head as he re-entered the Orphanage.

He was so caught up in his memories that he almost didn't notice that the large crowd was moving, his flashback shut off like a light at the new development before him as he quickly grabbed his knapsack and another hand to grab his duffel bag, but... He forgot it in his room during his rush to leave. He almost broke out into a frustrated groan when he felt a light tapping behind him. One of the Nuns from the Orphanage managed to catch up to him and deliver it with a unsatisfied look in her eye. Volitaire's head slightly dropped in shame of his forgetfulness. He reclaimed the bag from the Nun and holstered it around his shoulder while carrying his knapsack in his free hand. He kindly thanked her before she nodded with a now more pleased look on her face. She wished him luck and told him to visit often before turning around and heading way back to the Orphanage, which was a bit of a way on its own making Volitaire feel bad she went all this way just for him... It only reminded him how much they meant to him. Soon as he rejoined the crowd of people he overheard the same voice mentioning Dark Magics, which was right up his ally. Instructions told him to stand before him, which he followed. Carefully, and excusing himself quietly but most likely he wasn't heard possibly leaving a pretty bad impression of manners he joined the elderly man who turned out to be the Headmaster. He wasn't surprised but felt a little nervous to stand beside him in front of so many other students. He was almost shaking at all the faces looking at him, he was sure enough glad he was hidden under his hood.
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Delicate hands reached out to brush a stray eyelash from the crystalline blue orbs that fluttered open. Her pale form slowly sat up, and her fingers instinctively pressed to her temples.

"Uwah...I guess I fell asleep..."

"Not fell asleep,"

retorted a voice from the side of the room,

"You passed out, remember?"

Rosalie turned her head, her gaze flickering from one place to the next to find the source of the voice. A pink haired maiden stood there, with her hands on her hips, her appearance very similar to that of Rosalie's- just in a more coral tint.

"Aw geez, if you didn't have me, you could've been trampled by the other students once they arrived!"

The blue haired female sighed; though her reflection was meant to help her, sometimes it decided that it wanted to be bossy and unlike Rosalie herself in any aspect. She'd originally created the reflection ability by placing a bit of her essence and mind within a crystal, and molding it to fit her own looks. It would appear when she was in dire need of help, or if her health kicked in, and Rosalie collapsed- which was what happened to occur today. However, over time, it had sort of developed its own entity.

"I apologize,"

Rosalie responded,

"I'll be more careful next time."

With that, the female closed her eyes, concentrating her ability onto the pink haired double, and encased it within a crystal ball, shrinking it until it was the size of a bracelet charm. With shaky legs, Rosalie stepped out of bed, the cold tile floor making her shiver through her socks. She picked up the rose colored crystal, and attached it back onto the necklace she kept on her at all times,

"That's all for now...I suppose I should try and acquaint myself with other students...After all, it


the first day."

With those words spoken, the young girl stepped back into her indoor shoes, and with a slightly wobbly gait, walked out of the infirmary.
Guess they actually know how to get down to business...Jacen rotated his wrist, and stepped over to the destruction side of things, getting into the line up amongst a number of those who didn't actually know what magic they were able to do.

He noticed that he was not that fazed by the heat as some of the others, but immediately welcomed the building's cool atmosphere...wondering just how long his cryomancy had been dormant. He stood in the line left of the headmaster and poked his head out from the side, trying to catch a better look.

Damn...can't get any looks from here, guess I'll have to do it the new fashioned way. He pulled a small knob off of the top of his backpack and extended it about 2 feet, before taking a small grey cap off of it. A screen on his phone read "Acquiring video transmission" and gave a small blue semi circle filling to full. It quickly switched to a near bird's-eye view of the lobby, focusing in on the middle aged man who stood at the front, pointing and giving short descriptions.

That's gotta be the headmaster... Jacen brought the phone to his face, softly speaking a few phrases into the microphone. "Zoom. Sharpen. Capture and save to files."

A shot of the headmaster was saved to the phone, with a miniature version of the photo gliding off to a folder icon in the bottom right of the screen. Jacen knew he'd be seeing him often, as he is the headmaster. He tapped an "x" icon on the screen and the video feed stopped, in turn leading the backpack's camera to retract and allowing him to put the cap on as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

If they're in charge, they're going to get on my bad side at least once...better take notes on this one early.
Dawn narrowed her eyes. She already couldn't stand this "headmaster". A controlling, tyrannical, egotistical overlord making his way into fame by polluting the naive minds of this generation. It was disgusting. It was also clever, as so few would be able to detect the true nature of these schools, and their leaders, behind the mask of animation and charm. Brilliant, deceitful, cunning. These unsuspecting students had not a single chance unless they truly opened their discernment and allowed themselves the revelation of truth. Ignorance was an unfortunate disease that a great many happened to be infected with in this current day and age. Her alighted pupils expertly tracked the middle-aged man "Boone", as he preferred to call himself. She traced her sights along the students beside him. Those poor souls, holding no idea as to what fate had laid before them now that they had so foolishly selected this path. For a moment longer then she did for the others, however, her perception found itself glancing to one boy in particular. Dawn caught a glimpse of brown eyes tinted with a lively red, her own vitality finding a specific curiosity in his. Though the girl had already set up mental walls of protection against any form of power detection, be it telepathy or the rumored "8th sense", and no other being would be able to conceive even the slightest penetration into her mind or her aura. But so few others had taken these powerful precautions, and sensing their abilities was an easy feat requiring little to no effort on her part. Yet it was her inability to fully comprehend his that caused her attention to attach for a moment longer then she should have. No matter, she would surely investigate into it later. Then, the extraordinary female joined the smaller crowd of those who practiced underneath the darker forms of magic.

Part of her plan as an undercover student was concealing her true power. With the ability of energy manipulation as advanced and rare as her own, if attention was brought to the likes of herself....everything would fall apart. Dawn had previously decided to "play-down" her capacity for superiority in that field and to mask it as shadow magic. Only one being was created with her capabilities every millennium. According to public records, the current living creature who had those powers was the infamous terrorist Zero.

Allowing others to catch a whiff of her distinguished and breathtaking endowment would place the entire operation in jeopardy, and risk all that she has worked for these past years.

Dawn had no choice but to go along with the flow of the student body, finding herself placed in a position beside the male she had glanced at not to long ago. She kept her steady, intense gaze straight ahead. Oh, how the girl despised being so close to this large amount of people. Beneath her curtain of determination, she was a tense bundle of paranoia. Again, for one of the many times in her life, Dawn was thankful for her ability to fool peering eyes. Ignoring the stares from others she folded her arms and awaited the next step of the situation to develop.
Zack walked down the cobblestone street, finally finding civilization. It had been a while since he last saw anyone, almost a month in fact. However, the new place he found himself in was, in a word, 'odd'. Almost everything looked like it was old-fashioned. None the less, he continued forward in the hopes of meeting someone that might actually notice him. If he was lucky, he might even find someone who was willing to talk to him. That's what he hoped for. However, he didn't see very many people around. He looked left and right, but didn't see anyone remotely his age. That didn't matter, after all, he soon saw the roof of a rather large building in the distance. Perhaps he could find potential friends there?

He dragged his sword with him, gripping his right arm with his left hand. Upon first notice, he would've looked like a wounded boy with a black weapon, which he technically was. However, he wasn't physically wounded, nor was he feeling chilly. It was just one of the things he did to remind himself that he could still feel.

He looked again to the large building in the distance and thought, That HAS to be a place where I can find someone, anyone really...I just want friends after all... He lifted his head and sighed in his loneliness. It has to be...
It took a moment, but eventually, the students had placed themselves in groups they deemed most similar to their abilities. Boone stayed quiet for a second or two, eyeing the crowd as they made their decision. Once everyone was in their appointed spot, Boone gave a nod to some staff that were standing at the sides of the room, watching. One of them waved their hand, and the space just infront of each student would start to light up and sparkle, as a paper would materialize from thin air, and drop into their palms. "Ahh, neat!" Enzo commented just as much as the other students around him.

On the papers they were given were names of the classrooms they'd be attending. Everyone of the Destruction class group got the classrooms 1A and 3A. On another paper was a map of the entire school, as well as the campus. Apparently, there was a gym and a large basketball court just behind the school. Beside the school was another building labeled 'Dormitory'. On it was a 'Must check in!' label for those that planned on actually staying near the school. Enzo looked to Kenji, and they exchanged nods. They'd be staying in the dorms, as opposed to their house, in effort of Enzo's newly found studies.

The second class group, Mental, had also got the same papers, though their classrooms were on the second floor of the school, and were labeled 3B, 4B, and 5B. For the class group 'Dark Magic', their classrooms were downstairs. They had no classroom names, simply because of the powerful nature of Dark magic, a large, singular room would be required were all of the collected dark energy could be contained by staff.

Just then, Boone was just about to speak, when a voice in his hidden earpiece had contacted him on something rather important. His face turned to a concerned frown, and he looked back at all the students he had gathered as if he didn't want to just leave the tour right then and there. Suddenly, he spoke up above the voices of the curious students. "It seems I need to cut this tour short, so I need all of you to keep those papers with you. If you're planning on staying at Sorcerers for a long period of time, I suggest you follow me to the dormitory."

That's when Boone took his leave toward the school doors with the group following behind him. Perhaps they all needed a dorm to stay in. It would make sense, since most of the students weren't even from Whiterun, but out of town.

Enzo followed along with the group, and outside waiting for the students was the scorching heat once again, but thanks to the chilling spells on the doors, it wasn't as bad as before. The walk was short, for the dorm building was in campus, and they all soon found themselves in the lobby. Enzo looked back at the rest of the crowd, and saw how about 40% were missing. He figured they had a home in Whiterun they could return to. It didn't bother Boone. Today was Sunday, not necessarily a school day, so they were allowed to cut it short.

Looking around, Enzo found out that the dormitory looked a lot like a hotel, in that they had a lobby and a desk clerk giving out reservations for rooms. "Oh yes, and two more things before I leave you all to your business - One, this dormitory is split in half, the left side of the building is for males and only males, while the right side is for females. We've got a strict rule, where nobody can cross into the other side unless it's for an emergency. Two, part of the dorm is flooded due to a recent accident, so some of you will have to take up a roommate or two. The desk clerk should inform you on what to do, now if you'll excuse me."

With that, the Headmaster made his way out of the dorm lobby rather quickly. Enzo looked to his familiar and shrugged. One by one, the students made their way up to the clerk behind the desk, and took a card with their room name in it. Like most hotels, it took a key card in order to unlock a single dorm. When it was Enzo's turn in line, he was given a card with a random number on it. "Your dorm's on the third floor. Next?" The woman stated rather blandly. Enzo finally emerged from the line and the crowd. He sighed in relief once the crowd started to split up and check out their dorms.

"What now, Kenji? Should we go look at our dorm?" He asked the fox. "Yeah, chances are, someone will bunk with us, if the flooding is as bad as the bald one says." Enzo nodded, and they both took the stairs to the third floor. Soon, they ended up just outside of their assigned dorm. "Well, this is it..."
Vaughan stood up from the bench and let his blazer hang from his right shoulder. He carefully watched everything unfold. Students were given their class schedules, map of the school, and map of the campus. He had was a returning student, so he already had everything that was needed. He lived about a mile off of campus in a small apartment complex, but he got to live leisurely away from all of the students. It was quiet relaxing. Something was off though, the headmaster looked His movements were erratic, almost artificial. His comments were almost coming out of his mouth like he was being forced by an outsider to do so. Vaughan carefully studied his headmaster. He knew the headmaster well enough, they had a few conversations in private, and what he could understand based off of the headmaster's movement and composure, he didn't seem like himself.

The headmaster walked from where he was, and walked right past Vaughan. The headmaster gave Vaughan a slight nod as he left. Filled with curiosity, Vaughan followed the headmaster until he left the main building. The young man leaned to the side as he watched the headmaster head off with some subordinates. Most of the student were gone off to the dorms now, and those that weren't headed back home or stayed in campus to look around. With everything going on around him, only thoughts of the headmaster flew through Vaughan's head.What's going on..?
Volitaire had kept quiet, which was a constant in his nature. Especially in the company of other people he didn't know. He was afraid of everyone's thoughts as their eyes brushed over him. Soon more students came to join Boone's side, standing in the lines suggested for their fitting magical abilities. His anxiety slightly lifted. He didn't have as many eyes on him this time and with the presence of the Headmaster he doubted someone would attempt to openly comment or whisper bad criticisms nearby. His social anxiety always made him paranoid in situations like these... In a time like this he wished he was back at the Orphanage already. To further hide himself he hung his head down lower, allowing his hood to take up more of his face than before making him feel safer. But before he was able to sink himself further away he noticed a piercing yet curious glare focused on him. A green haired female, attractive, and the aura of an independent soul. It intimidated the poor boy. Soon she came walking over to his line, those who practice the powerful yet unpredictable Dark Arts. That only made his intimidation of her worsen. A shock of uneasiness cluttered up into his chest, making it hard for him to swallow. It's one thing to be near a girl but an attractive one who practiced under the same school of magic? That's simply torture. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets so his shaking isn't as evident to the public. He didn't want to look like a big scaredy cat in front of everyone on his first day. That would only curse him in the days to come. He'd become bully bait... If he already didn't make himself some already. He once again heard Boone talk, his worried made him miss the suspicious pause he took from hearing something within a earpiece a second ago. But even if Volitaire had noticed it, he wouldn't have bothered to think too much about it. The dark male just listened in, hearing that the tour had to be cut short and they all would be directed to the dorms which aren't co-ed. He large sigh of relief slipped from his once perched shut lips, a bigger sigh than he intended it to causing his face to flush red from embarrassment. He just hoped no one took notice to his exaggerated reaction. He followed behind Boone until he was in some sort of service desk where he would be directed to his dorm. His attention was once again caught when he heard that there was a flooding, temporarily restricting admission into the other rooms which meant... Roommates... How Volitaire loathed that idea, he would've been much happier in a room by himself where he can write and look over his old photo's in total ignorance of everyone elses presence. But it couldn't be helped. He again saw the same dark haired male with the fox familiar and saw they were actually conversing with each other. Odd but interesting at the same time. He never saw a relationship like that with a familiar. Then again he didn't know too many magi. So it would be expected to come to his surprise. He always figured familiars would be there to serve more than to serve as company. After they both took their leave he slowly walked up to the desk. The face of a bored clerk was before him as she slipped him a card with a room number on it. "You'll be bunking with another student due to less rooms with the flooding." Volitaire nodded. He just hopped his roommate wouldn't chose to bother him. He took his leave, following behind the the other male and fox familiar while watching the room numbers and looking back to his card to see if they matched. Soon he came to find his room number but didn't pay attention and bumped into the male again. His focus was cut short and immediately he turned to apologize for not being more careful. "Sorry... I didn't see you while I was looking at the room door numbers... I-" He then noticed the other student's card, they were the same and they both stopped at the same room. His heart stopped for a moment... So this was his roommate? He was somewhat relieved. He didn't seem that bad, tolerable at the least. Though he wasn't sure about his familiar. He seemed more feisty than his owner was. With a huff he kept his glare to the door and stopped his sentence right there. Knowing to not continuing to bother with finishing. He just awaited to enter.
Turning to watch everyone leave to go to their own dorms, Silver looked down at her papers, seeing which one she was assigned to. She was about to walk towards where she thought her dorm might be, but she noticed a strange boy, appearing to be a bit younger and dragging a sword. He looked injured, and Silver almost felt sorry for him. The chill again told her to ignore the feeling, but Silver could never leave a fellow swordsman alone when he looked so.. Down. She slowly made her way over to him, keeping her distance for a little while before glancing at him, pretending to just notice him. "Oh, oh my.. Are you alright?" Her tone and face showed concern, while something inside her told her it was just her scoping him out to see how weak he may or may not be. Silver always felt better when she knew she was the strongest around.

Silver quickly glanced around, seeing if anyone else was seeing this boy too, and if so, why weren't they helping him? Or at least making an effort to help him. She figured she'd be the last person to help another in need, especially with this shiver running up and down her back all time. Despite her doubts, he seemed to be real, but just ignored. How harsh the world could be.
Zack jumped slightly and slowly turned his head to look at the girl. He could only tell it was her from the way she was looking at him and where her voice came from. His lip started to quiver a little, he forgot that he wasn't very good at talking to people. He settled for straightening his back and nodding, looking for just the right words to say.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." he said with a quiet, shy voice. He wondered, was that what I was supposed to say? Did I make a bad impression??? Oh no...
As Silver watched him try to build up his courage to speak, she noticed how shy he seemed to be. The slight jump at her voice, the lip quivering, the sudden straightening up, his quiet voice. Silver's expression softened at the boy, figuring he must be one to avoid burdening others as much as possible. Or he just really wasn't good with people. Either way, she knew both types well, and unfortunately also had a soft spot on her heart for them. So of course, she wanted to help him, despite the wicked chill and it's threats towards her. There were reasons for making friends besides just being lonely. Perhaps they could learn from each other and grow stronger as well. "Are you sure?... I could help you out, if you needed." He seemed lost, and Silver wondered just why he was here and in this condition. But, she wasn't one to pry. Simple questions first.

"..Are you a student here, too?"
Jacen walked to the reception desk, hoping to get his own room...but he doubted that was going to happen due to the headmaster's mention of flooding. He walked to the receptionist, tapping on the counter and presenting his papers. "Excuse me, I'm here for a room assignme-" The receptionist cut him off and handed him a key before dryly stating that his room was on the third floor.So much for personable staffing...He took the key and set off for the 3rd floor, inspecting room numbers until the one on the card matched up.

Sliding the key into the door, he turned the knob slowly and looked into the room...which was already inhabited by two other students, both black haired and the other looked to be slightly pale. Neither of them looked to be acquainted with each other. At least I prepped myself for this...they look normal enough. "Hey, I'm Jacen...guess I'm rooming with you guys for the time being, pleased to meet you."

Managing a short half-smile, he extended his hand towards to the black haired student that was directly in front of him.
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Zack tilted his head and let his eyes wander to the side, considering this. He looked back at the girl and replied, "If...If it's no trouble...could you tell me where I am..? I've been wandering around for a long time and...well, it's hard to keep track of places you've been to." He was sure those were the right words to say. What else could he have said anyway?
Enzo reached out to slide the card into the slot on the knob, when he was suddenly pushed by an unknown body. The poor boy nearly fell over just off of the fact that he wasn't expecting it. He balanced himself and looked to see who it was. It was a boy, around his height, hood over his face. He looked just about as hopeless as Enzo was. Straight away he apologized. Enzo put his hands in front of him and shook them around to try and calm the student down. "-No no, it's fine, really. It was an accident." He reassured him.

Kenji caught sight of the boy's card right afterwards, and jumped down to Enzo's arm, then leaped for the card, quickly snatching it from the hooded male with his mouth. Kenji then dropped it and read it, snickering afterwards. "Yep, yep," Kenji nodded. "You've got a roommate now, Enzo." "Kenji! Don't take it from him!" Enzo shooed Kenji back, but the familiar simply jumped over his hand and back onto his shoulder lightly. Enzo sighed and picked up the other male's card and handed it to him. "Sorry about that - My name's Enzo. Shall we check out the room?" Without an answer, he unlocked the room and went in with the boy, closing it back behind them.

Kenji wasted no time, he hopped off of Enzo's shoulder and started checking the place. Bathroom, check. Closet, empty. Bed, clean. Desk, missing a laptop. His speedy search stopped on the desk.
"We need internet. Enzo, use your school money to get us a laptop." "A laptop? b-but, we need books and stuff!" "You can google whatever you need on the internet, idiot."

Just then, another male had entered. He was much huskier than the hooded male and Enzo, but polite all the same. "Oh, hey, Jacen. I'm Enzo!" Enzo sported a warming grin at the new arrival and shook his extended hand. God, I hope he's not a psychotic bully...
Volitaire opened his mouth again to make his rebuttal but his card was swiped by the student's fox familiar. He thought it was a little silly but didn't show any outward reaction. He heard it speak to the boy, calling him "Enzo." So that's his name... Enzo. Odd, just like Volitaire's name. At least that's one thing they can relate with. Enzo had given Volitaire his card back, properly introducing himself. He took the card, eying it for a brief moment, then finally looking back up to Enzo with a shrill and forced grin. "I'm... Volit-" He stopped. A uncomfortable feeling welled up in his chest, like a dagger forcibly thrusting itself into his abdomen then digging upward and stopping. He was still a bit unsure of Enzo and his familiar and didn't want to be so open just yet. "Voli. Just, call me Voli. Nice to meet you, Enzo." It was then Enzo unlocked the dorm room door and the familiar had surveyed the area. Not long after that, behind them came a larger built male of a darker pigmentation. He was very forward with his introduction and took no time making himself known among the three. Needless to say, Volitaire was once again intimidated by the newer male, by the name of Jacen, larger size. He almost felt like he could be one of the lumbering bully types, but Volitaire didn't want to make such absurd assumptions so quickly. He simply just made a single wave with his hand towards Jacen and followed into the room. There was a bunk bed, a desk, and a bathroom. The place only needed but to be furnished by the three roommates. Without haste but without wasting time, Volitaire set his duffel bag beside the doorway wall and flipped his knapsack off of him, taking out his journal filled with entries and doodles. A pencil was rubber banned to the black binding which he undid and opened it up and sat down at the desk and began his writing, refusing to speak more to his roommates.

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