• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Coming Darkness - Weapons of Fate


Closer to Isanity

Character sheets can be done in any style of your choosing, including the ability to add on additional information like a 'favorite foods' list, however please keep in mind that you need to be able to include the bare minimum of character sheets. A list below.​

Character sheet necessities

[Optional picture of character, can be replaced with an accurate text description, and it can be drawn yourself.]

Character role:

Main character
Supporting character
Recurring character



History: [This helps with bringing your character into Weapons of Fate properly]​
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Character Completion


~Recurring character~


Eiko Tamahashi








~ Bites on the underside of her thumb when she is nervous or thinking about something

~ Runs away to hide if something shocking happens to her


~ Is fast, skittish and has good short-term memory

~ Is not very strong, experiences emotions more intensely than others, has bad coordination skills







~People leaning over her

Just try and take away our magic; it's part of us and part of the world we live in, like it or not.
Ekio T


Ekio tends to stay silent and likes to listen to what people say, she also doesn't like talking because she has a slight stutter that people sometimes take the mick out of. When Ekio does speak she does so quietly and sometimes sarcastically. But when she does talk, it's usually when she has some information to divulge or some insight into what people are talking about. Ekio is easily frightened by people, through not so much by insects and animals. She is constantly aware of social boundaries when she is with people she is not friends with or people with power, shy being her nature. Ekio is naturally loyal to people and is quite optimistic but can be offended very easily. She tries her best not to bother people, working hard to redeem herself if she does. As her name suggests (Ekio being protector) Ekio wants to protect people from harm, often putting herself in front of others to protect someone, even if that person would not do the same for her.


As a child Ekio grew up in the city of Oshu in Japan until the age of 15. Whilst she was there she learnt Martial Arts and how to use a sword. Ekio lived a happy life there until her mother was contracted by the GRID to work in Whiterun. Her father was not happy about this but when Saki's father heard about the salary Ekio's mother would be getting, he felt that it would help the family live better.

Ekio had always been interested in how the magic that was used all around her worked and loved to see it in action. Her mother and father encouraged her to be inquisitive about it and liked to buy books about the magic and explain to Ekio about it.

When Ekio moved over she became alienated fairly quickly; the other children there not knowing who she was and not wanting to find out. She joined a small school and was at first popular; having a mother who worked at the mysterious GRID , but her personality made making friends hard. Saki wasn't exactly bullied, she was just normally left alone. Without the friendship of others, she excelled in her grades and when she finished her GCSE's she thought about applying for a job in GRID too, like her mother.

Ekio does not know yet of the plans that the GRID have, having just applied. She was accepted not long ago and will only now start work there.

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Name: Leonard (leo) Grahm.

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Occupation: Student (Senior)

Employment: Grid (Hopeful)

Leo has recently applied for an entry level position (Read: Janitorial) position at Grid.


Leo's personality is a simple one. He wants to do good in the world. The main problem with this is that he has little to no ways of accomplishing this. A graduating high school student is hardly going to make waves. That said, he also had no innate magical powers. This didn't faze him however, and he simply did his best on his own. Volunteering in the community, doing everything from bottle drives to helping out with the student council. Kind and hardworking, Leo does his best to make a change, even when admittedly he's somewhat helpless.

That aside, Leo's an ambitious soul. He's been doing the charity projects partially out of the kindness of his heart, and also for recognition. His parents never did much with their schooling, and he had seen how that turned out. Working mundane jobs and following the same schedules day in and day out. When he realized he had to change his life, Leo's ambition sparked up.


Leo's life is admittedly something that could be only described as extraordinarily average. While the teen strived to do good, he never really made an impact. One time, he made it into the local newspaper with one of the school events he helped with, but while he did basically run the event and deal with all the major issues, it wasn't him on the the paper who was in charge. The interview was with a different student, and Leo only made it in as part of the big group picture, and a rather small, brief mention towards the end. Leo didn't particularly mind, but he did wish he got credit where it was do.

Besides the aforementioned newspaper event, Leo's life has been somewhat...entirely uneventful. He helped out with the student council every now and again, occasionally organized a small fundraiser, helped old ladies cross the street, but never again would any sort of publicity. That's not to say for lack of trying, it's just that every other time that Leo was involved in some sort of event, he had the unfortunate luck of working in the background, or glossed over entirely

And while Leo was fine with that for awhile, but one day he realized his life was stagnating. The same things in and out, over and over again. This sparked his latent ambition, and he decided instead to try and work in the technology field. Applying at Grid was his first step to a different kind of life. He was going to change his ways and actually be important in the world.

Leo was ambitious, and this time he had a fire in his heart that he was going to take all the way...or at least try.
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Grid Hires National Graduate Sensation

May 13th was a monumental day of recruitment for the nation's leading technological industry, Grid. Known for its rapid advancement of today's technology, the company, known by every citizen, young or old, publicly announced its contract signed with national sensation, Shizuka Miyuki. Age 20 and recent graduate from the University of Tokyo, Shizuka-san became an equally famous figure for her unparalleled research in the fields of bio-medical and robotic engineering.

Proud owner of the Nano-Cybernetic Implant patent, Shizuka-san received her esteemed acknowledgement when research met the talents of nationally recognized surgeon, Yamamoto Gen. Together, science and medicine reached historic heights with the restoration of movement in a previously irreparable case of paralysis. Kenta Aki, a local engineer, was an unfortunate victim in a workplace accident that left him paralyzed in the entirety of his left arm. He was told, by doctors, that the damage was permanent, and his life's career was effectively over. Nonetheless, it was Yamamoto-sensei who continued to believe in the hope and potential that science could bring. After a 14 hour surgery, lasting from dawn to dusk, Kenta-san was soon released from the University of Tokyo's Medical Center with perfect results and next to no medical downtime.


Kenta-san was embedded with thousands of mechanical devices known as Nano-Cybernetic Implants. These microscopic robots existed at sizes which dwarfed even the cells of the human body, yet it was because of their minuscule size that their results were so effective. Upon implantation, the nano-robots proceeded to intelligently embed themselves into the arm's nervous system; their location chosen by chemical markers which revealed points of damage in Kenta-san's neurological system. Acting as replacements for the damaged neurons, the nano-robots effectively became a part of Kenta-san's body; an augmentation and one of the world's first successful implementations of such.

It has not been revealed what position of research and development Shizuka-san will undertake at Grid, yet speculations cannot help but wonder if Grid plans to shift focus towards a bio-medical approach in their production. Without a doubt, the future holds great potential in Shizuka-san's employment, and until further information is made public by Grid, we, the public, can but patiently wait for the exciting developments that are most certain to come.

Nitta Sayuri

Yomiuri Shimbun

May 13, 2011

Shizuka Miyuki


Forename: Miyuki

Surname: Shizuka

Age: 23

Employment: Grid

Position: Principal Engineer

Cat Name: Shun

"Never will suffering come from the lack of a chance.

Rather, simple failure to act upon what was given."

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Main Character --- Harumi Ishikawa

"Talk to me about that one more time and I'll bash your head in."


Name: Harumi Remington Ishikawa

Gender: Female

Age: 19

History: Harumi is a “delinquent”. She views herself as still learning proper etiquette. Her American mother was studying abroad when she met Shiroshi. He was a man of honor and died without any. A few years later, the two got married in Hirotaki. Uidith, Harumi’s mother, is an ER nurse, who spent most of her time at the hospital using medicinal magic. Their first child was Akechi, he was a young prodigy of the arts. Yet, he wasted his talents for technological aspects in advancing humanity. He chose to become a programmer for GRID and was relocated to Whiterun. As the breadwinner of the family, they moved with him. Once Harumi was fourteen, her brother resigned from the company and disappeared without any word.

Once Shiroshi had died, the Ishikawa family left Whiterun and headed back for Hirotaki. Few years after that, Harumi left her mother and moved back to Whiterun. As a young child, her father has always taught her to stick up for herself when pride was on the line. She followed his words up until his death. Harumi is the type of person to go with what she thinks is right. She prefers to be neutral, but it is biased towards her needs. She's short tempered and can’t control her emotions very well. Even though she is constantly sending death threats, she’s sympathetic and tries to make it up later. Very rarely, when she is intimidated, she becomes very meek. Harumi’s ambitions of being in Whiterun is to get away from her mother’s dreams of having Harumi take over as an ER nurse and finding her brother. More importantly, her father's death was haunting her, she decided that she needed to to go back to the city to be at peace with his passing.

Physical Appearance:

  • 5’3”

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Main Character


Name: Satsuki Hanamura

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Height: 5'8''


Having been born and raised in Whiterun, Satsuki sees the city as his home. He had a normal family and grew up in a normal environment with little to no surprises in his life. He'd wake up, go to school everyday like his parents expected him to, come back home, do his homework and chores, relax a bit, then go to sleep. This mundane cycle repeated itself in a seemingly interminable cycle. Satsuki didn't mind though. In fact, he wouldn't have it any other way. He always looked forward to going to school to meet his friends. Returning home to see his parents and younger siblings, Izumi and Kaori, made all of his worries go away. Receiving small compliments for his hard work was all that he could ask for. To him, his life was perfect. Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Both of Satsuki's parents lost their jobs when he was in high school. Suddenly, he found himself running to his part-time jobs after school, then returning in the dead of the night where he barely found time to finish up his schoolwork. His parents did their best to balance their time between part-time jobs and staying home to care for his siblings.

It wasn't an easy time for any of them, but they managed to pull through. His parents eventually found stable jobs, but they both moved overseas as a result. By then, Satsuki had already graduated from high school, and was left to care for himself and his siblings. With a four year-old and a ten year-old at home, Satsuki chose to finish up his education when they're old enough to take care of themselves. Ever since then, everything fell back into place. Satsuki would go to his part-time job in the morning, pick the kids up from school in the afternoon, then spend the remainder of the day with them. This ordinary, unchanging cycle has continued for a year before magic managed to shimmy its way into his life.

Maybe it was fate, or maybe it was just Izumi shoving at his legs. Either way, Satsuki managed to bump into a Mage named Rikka in the library, successfully making their books tumble out of their hands. Somehow, the two of them became friends, then a little closer than friends. Through talking to the Mage, Satsuki's interest in magic piqued. Though a non-magic person himself, he began studying more about it for the sake of Rikka and Izumi, who also had a keen love for the tales of wizards.


With no parents at home, Satsuki does his best to act out the roles of both a mother and a father. He dotes on Izumi, but makes sure that the boy knows right from wrong. For the teenage Kaori, he helps her build up confidence and acts as a listener when she goes through any teenage girl problems.

In general, he does all the chores around the house and makes sure Izumi and Kaori are clean and fed. When needed, he helps with with their homework. During weekends, he keeps them entertained by taking them out to the park or to the movies. At the same time, he goes to his part-time job to tutor kids everyday just so that he can buy little gifts for them. His lifestyle molded him into a patient, kind, and helpful young man. However, he often has his head in the clouds when he's not doing anything in particular. This sometimes makes him unaware of his surroundings, which could result in embarrassing scenarios like unintentionally ignoring someone or walking outside without any shoes on.
Despite his placid demeanor, he isn't afraid to punch someone in the guts if they're being complete jerks.

Occasionally, his friends and family would poke fun at his gentle yet firm nature by calling him a "male Yamato Nadeshiko".
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"Oh, what's this? A customer, are you? Well, sit right down, my friend. I am more than happy to tell you about who I am and what I do for a living. First thing's first, my name is Isaac Clayton. I'm an inventor. A genius inventor, as some might say.. Whereas others would call me insane. But the beauty of that, is those people are the same people who would call those such as Einstein, Newton, or even Edison crazies who need to be locked up, should they have been alive in their times. So, who's to say who is crazy, and who is someone to be remembered? Ah, but I digress... The important thing to know about me, is that I am determined. Perhaps, one of the most driven people you will ever meet. I pride myself in my ability to never give up, no matter how grim the circumstances may seem. And trust me, things have gotten pretty grim in my life. The fact that I'm still around is one to be celebrated, haha! But, we can save my history for another time. The main thing you most likely wish to know about is my inventions, am I right? I've invented many things in my short 26 years of life. Mostly small things, gadgets to keep around the house to make life that much easier, but recently I've started working on something much bigger. Big enough to make many people notice, big enough to finally get the funds I need to mass produce the technology that people want-- no, that people NEED. Something to make everyone on this planet ten times safer! -... Ah, it seems we have run out of time. Here's my card, friend. I'll have to talk about this with you another day. Do give me a shout, won't you?"

Isaac Clayton

GENIUS extraordinaire

Brilliant INVENTOR

Major team player

26 YEARS of life experience

Always here for SUPPORT

(Contact info on backside.)

History: As a boy, Isaac grew up with a mother and father, alone in their small home. They were never rich, never poor, and the boy lived a fairly average life. As he grew older, people started to take notice of his "special" features. The large birthmark on his right hand and his two different color eyes made him an easy target for bullies who had nothing better to do with his time. Eventually, he learned to despise himself, and by high school, already had a plan to end it all. Without going into detail about it, he hinted at it to his few friends and family around him. No one paid any mind to it, save for one teacher. His science teacher.

As his teacher caught on rather quickly, she held him back after her class. Sitting him down to talk about his feelings, his problems, his life in general, she chose all the right words to say to him, as she knew he was a very smart boy who could go far. As a magician herself, she decided to give him a little boost to help with his confidence. However, this could not last, seeing as he was quite the intelligent boy. By the time graduation came around, he outed her as someone who helped her students cheat when they could do things very well on their own. Obviously, the school did not take kindly to this news, and fired her, preventing her from being hired in any schools ever again. In her angry confusion, she set a cursed rat loose to seek out his home, to ruin him for ruining her career. Eventually, this rat found Isaac's home, crawling into his parents room and biting each of them. The bite put a curse on each of them, sending them into a coma-like state. After hiring doctors to look into what might have happened, only one of them came to a conclusion; magic. There was no known cure to the doctors at this point, but Isaac had to try. He researched, he experimented, he did whatever he could to get his parents back. However, nothing and no one could help him.

Since then, he's mostly given up on it. He's using his research and knowledge so nothing like that could happen to anyone else. He could only assume from a young age that all magic users would react that badly to any negativity. It didn't help that his parents were never too fond of magic users. Isaac could only do what he felt they would have wanted. But what would he do? Surely nothing rash...
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Form will be prettied up and edited tomorrow; please bear with me. ^^;

Character | Main |

Name:太习/Tai Xi

Nicknames: Tae(She usually never goes by her real name)

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Birthday: May 8th, 201X

- - - - -

Picture(link to be added)

Height: 5"8

Weight: 120 lbs

Build: Tall and stocky

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Amber/light brown

Ethnicity: Asian(Chinese)

Scars: Heavy callouses on hands from holding writing/drawing utensils, as well as some scarring on her knuckles. She has an old burn the size of her palm on her right calf.

Piercings: Three on her left ear, one on her right.

Tattoos: A tribal hawk on her left shoulder that shades into dark red near the tail. A little larger than a hand.

- - - - -

Occupation: Graphic Designer/Animator, Artist, Music Scorer (jack of all creative trades)

Employer: GRID; Also takes projects on the side

Work Status: Steadily commissioned, steady income

Living Status: Healthy, Renting an apartment

- - - - -

+Traits: Calm, Keen, Moral/Righteous, Meticulous, Practical

-Traits: Gruff, Blunt, Selfish, Critical, Stubborn

Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Dragon

Hobbies: Judo(Just Started~), Anything Creative

Likes: Food, Music, Mythology, AN(PLS DON'T HURT HER)

Dislikes: Crowds, Condescending People, Bitter Things, Anything Too Loud

Fears: Heights, Death, Large Vehicles/Machines

Voice: "Hello. I don't know why you are asking all of these questions; seems quite nosy to me. I hope you understand that I won't be answering any more of them if they go into personal territory. I'm sure you know plenty now, anyways."

- - - - -

Biography: Tae was born in Hunan, China. She was born along with a fraternal twin, a little guy by the name of Han Xi. Her parents were farmers, and basically put quite a bit of stress onto their children to dig them out of the economical rut they were in, scrabbling for an economy that was moving too fast to even think about catching up. However, Tae grew up knowing that she wasn't going to bring any wealth into the family.

Fast forward ten years. Tae quickly discovered at her ripe young age that she wasn't particularly good at math and while the sciences interested her, they didn't captivate her like art or music did. She would fashion her own art tools and musical instruments -the chair being a rather fantastic drum and charcoal a wonderful pencil- and worked furiously to improve her artistic skill outside of the knowledge of her family. Her brother, meanwhile, was clearly on the path to becoming some sort of entrepreneur, as he had a natural affinity for math and subjects that Tae often found boring.

If you leap forward another six years, the change in their little family is apparent. Tae has stopped hiding her love for art, an remains almost constantly in her brothers' shadow, as the creative industry in China was mediocre at best and she simply did not have the tools necessary to branch out. She only had an old upright piano and a ratty laptop with Photoshop(a rare gift from her parents). However, her brother -once again- basked in the limelight, pulling in money from a part time job and having the eye of some corporations already fixated on him, just waiting for him to graduate. It was very clear who the favorite of the family was, and Tae couldn't help but feel quite jealous and bitter towards her brother, some of these feelings still lingering to this day.

Tae hadn't even gone to college when she left her family in China at eighteen, having saved up enough money from jobs and handouts for a boat ride to Japan. She had submitted an increasing number of art pieces to a plethora of art competitions over there and was increasingly pleased by the remarkably favorable feedback. This move was also spurred by her own thirst to do something more with her passion and the growing chasm of judgement and misunderstanding between her and the rest of her family, the situation a home becoming quite toxic as her family tried to force her to change her career path. Her life was actually quite terrible for years after this drastic change, as she was constantly out of money and found herself dipping to lows that she didn't think she could even reach; she hadn't even gotten a remotely good grasp on the language yet. She had to scrounge and save to acquire new equipment, she oftentimes found herself with no job because of her lack of professional expertise. After three grueling years, however, she was able to scramble for some form of a footing and found herself with a steady trickle of jobs in the anime industry, becoming quite well known for creating splendid trailers for movies or shows. Even though the work was hard, she found herself enjoying every moment of if. She still hasn't lost some of the paranoia and scrimping from this time of her life, however.

It was almost right after she started to settle when she met An; An Makai. A foreigner from America who worked on advertisements for companies, Tae was immediately smitten. After a bit of awkward "romancing", the two settled into a relationship. It's still a bit hush-hush, however, as gay relationships are still a bit of a touchy subject. The two currently live together and often times work together if either of their projects/jobs requires it. It was An who suggested Tae apply for a job at GRID, who was searching for advertisement, product, and general logos for their company. She was actually quite dubious about actually gaining a position at GRID, as it had started gearing up and had recently had a boost in popularity and fame, but had actually been accepted to work on logos for new products as part of a team. She didn't get to be senior designer, however, or any "position of power", and can often just work from home instead of actually coming to the office, although she does every Wednesdays and Fridays for meetings and new projects.
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Supporting character

Name: Kavi Veda

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Country: Unknown (Presumed to be India)

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 60.3 kg (Approx. 133lbs)

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Milky Pale Blue/White (Blind)


A traditional magic user from an age before technology, Kavi grew up in a small village in an unknown part of the world. There isn't much information about his home, his family, or his true origins, but some historical text books document sightings, experiences, and interactions with him. The interesting thing is, these documents are from all over the world, from various periods in time.

What is known about Kavi is he harnesses an incredibly powerful magic. He has the ability to remove magic from a user and use it for himself (channeling through the right arm). While he gains the power of another, he also experiences any damage (permanent or temporary) that person has. As well, with each use of his own ability, and depending on the amount of time he holds the spells, his body becomes fatigued, sore, and injured. But, he may also pass it to another, relieving himself of the affliction (expelling through the left arm). The person's ability to hold this magic is based on their own physical and cognitive limitations. While a person may know what power they are given, if they are unfamiliar with how it used, there can be serious repercussions.

While not much of a fighter, he's not one to back down. His strength is minimal, but his magic makes him a force to be reckoned with. He uses a staff as a close-quarters weapon to help him keep distance from his enemy, but he may also channel his energy into it to create small barriers and bolts of arcane fire. Though prolonged usage causes him to become exhausted.

He currently resides in a wooded area somewhere outside of Whiterun, far from civilization where he hones his arcane knowledge. His choice to live in this quiet forest was an inability to cope with the hustle and bustle of the daily world. While he understands the need for growth and progress in society, he doesn't understand man's need for 'the latest' thing, and capitalistic greed. Living off the land and using what was given to the world, by whomever the creator may be, just makes sense to him. While this has left him socially isolated, he feels at peace with himself and still welcomes visitors into his milieu.

Kavi speaks deliberately, slowly, and with a sense of wisdom. While his outer appearance looks young, albeit fairly sickly and gaunt, he is well educated in history, magic, and nature. His clothing is pale in colour, dyed from natural sources such as insects, flowers, and oxidization. They are made without synthetic fibres. But the bandages are fairly new, quite possibly from a hospital. He has gems, tattoos, and ornaments implanted in his skin, as well as jewelry adorning his neck, ear, and wrist. They appear tribal in origin, however, not even the most erudite scholar could trace the origin of said apparel.

With his body in a state of disrepair, he is limited in what he can do to assist others. What he hopes for most is the world to get back to its traditional roots. Technology is welcomed by him, but he believes magic and humanitarianism should be the driving forces in society. His efforts to voice his opinions have fallen on deaf ears. So, Kavi Veda lies in wait, in his ramshackle home, for someone to hear what he has to say and bring peace back to Earth.
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~Rikka Yukimura~


29 years old

"Isn't it frightening? A world without magic...Without its beauty."


He's known, to be a man of beauty--or so people say. His elegant feminine look with a touch of masculinity is able to charm both men and women, the soft texture of his long, silky hair identifies as a color of whitish beige, if such color even exists. His eyes resemble two different colors, one a deep hazel and the other a light blue with an inhuman glow, indicating his identity as not an ordinary human but a mage instead. He's known to be quite intelligent, having knowledge in many fields of subjects ranging from language to mathematics. Thus, it leads to his career as a history teacher in a famous high school, his subject of teaching mainly originated from his own interest in magic history. The usual clothing he wears on a daily basis consists of an easy white attire, but when transformed into a mage he would be found to have a black cloak with a hood over his head, his light blue eyes shining extra brighter. His abilities as a Mage has not yet been truly revealed, although he's rumored to be rather powerful. Indeed, despite all his knowledge, the man has always focused on one thing the most---the study of magic and its history.

  • rikka-shinigami-kareshi-240-1801951.jpg
    Rikka's viewed to be a man who has a rather cold attitude, even blunt, but that is based most simply on his calm appearance and a sharp tongue. He's strict toward himself and others around him, one can almost call him a perfectionist. Despite so, a chance to be alone with him reveals him to be a man of gentle nature. He's patient, and even soft-hearted, an intelligent man who won't mind settling down with a person to listen to his or her problems, whether it's academically related or emotionally related. He's caring, despite the the constant sarcasms may escape his mouth from times to times. What marks him as a man shrouded in mystery then, or a man to be cautious of, or even a heartless man, is his sensitivity toward the topic of technology.

    His family background and history as a Mage contributed to his deep interest in the field of magic and its history. Having been curious behind the untold truths of magic since a young age, Rikka even now seeks for any opportunities to gain any newly found knowledge behind magic history. His study leads to his learning of various magic spells and controls over some magic abilities, however he has never used it to its full potentials, leaving people to wonder of his true capabilities. Through his studies, Rikka views magic as dangerous, but also a form of beauty. It can be used to create both the worst nightmares but also the sweetest dreams, and that's what make magic so...unique, so special. In the beginning, and even now, Rikka has not really minded about the starting of advancing technology that is seemingly taking over the world, washing out any fragments of magic left in the society. But when it seems like people start to aim to destroy magic---Rikka turns to a rather sadistic approach. He's a person who is willing to kill another if he or she has been hugely, in his opinion, harming the existence of magic. If the so-called organization GRID will truly damage the magic left in the world, he won't mind growing even more powerful to destroy it either, even if it meant alone.

    These thoughts however, has only stayed as his inner desires, something he has yet to reveal to anybody. He has a firm hold of his own beliefs of how magic should be lasted, but he didn't share it openly with anybody. This contributes though, to the mysterious aura people sometimes get from him. It seems like he has a true intention behind every actions he make, but it remains unknown. Rikka himself prefers to remain as his usual self, sticking with the "goodness" in him and caring for the ones he loved.

All images credits go to visual novel/otome game Un:Birthday Song

*Note that the character sheet is still in need for more editing, I have currently simply spread out all of my ideas but some information might need to be taken out, reduced, or changed.
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[border]Eye Color



[border]Hair Color



Face Claim:

Xion (KH), Yuuki Makoto (P3)





Name: Hiroshi, Rui


Hiroshi - Rui's family name and is more preferably used until Rui is used to your presence.

Rui - His birth name and used only if the relationship is mutual enough for him to call you as a '



Ruru - Taken from his first name, it was created as a cute nickname to fit with his '

flower boy

' appearance. Rui isn't fond of the name but he won't mind if you call him that.

Gender: Male ♂

Age: Nineteen

Height: 5'7½" (171 cm)

Weight: 120 lbs


Body Built:

Ectomorph (Feminine)




Black headphones always around his neck with a silver ear cuff with chains attached to his right ear. He also have on black fingerless gloves.


He is usually seen wearing a over-sized black hoodie with white letters displaying, 「バカ」 and under - for some odd reason - a uniform that resembles what high school students would wear. A dark teal ribbon is tied around his collar with his headphones settled comfortably around his neck. He wears black jeans wrapped nicely around his legs and dark brown combat boots to finish his outfit.


Living near the shore in Fukushima, Japan, Rui was born the youngest in a kind family with two older siblings. As a child, he spent most of his time at the beach that was only a few minutes away from home and would stay till it was almost midnight but once school started for him, visits to the beach was restricted to only be done on the weekends. His memory of school were not the most pleasant memories he had during his childhood due to the bullying and teasing on his feminine looks but those are another story he rather not go into detail for.

As he got older, his father decided that they should move to Whiterun so he could be closer to his workplace, GRID, but the downfall was that there were not many beaches nearby to Rui's dismay. Once they moved to Whiterun, Rui enrolled in one of the many universities and rented a dorm. Since he was exposed technology at a young age, it was mostly destined that he would go for a major involving with the topic and it also meant big bucks he could earn.

Once he graduated, his father encouraged him to apply for GRID to work along with him since his older brother decided to run off on his own doing "who-knows-what" without giving any information his whereabouts. His older sister, on the other hand, had left for America with her husband to create a home for themselves. The burden to make his father proud was placed on him but Rui was still in debate. Of course, Rui was interested in working for GRID since the thought of magic users with technology was a thrilling idea but... he still wanted to have his fun of some freedom until he tries his hand on making things go 'boom'. Sadly, his father wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and was forced to follow his father's footsteps. Being given a position in GRID, Rui isn't quite sure what to expect in the near future working for GRID.

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Main Character : Sasha Anna Icrius

Name: Sasha Anna Icrius


  • Sai
  • The Binding mage
  • Crow Master

Age: 19

Gender: Transgender

Height: 5'6

Weight: 120 lbs

Secret: Mage

"Not all mages are bad. My aunt, is good,so is my father. Why attack us all over a few bad apples. Maybe if I can talk to someone, I can help them understand. If they'll accept me, then I can help them get rid of the bad apples, and keep us good ones safe."

~Sasha Anna Icrius​



Sasha's appearances resembles that of a young male. During her early years Sasha had long black hair and wore kiminos. During her 10 birthday Sasha abruptly changed her attires baggy shorts with trouser straps hanging by their side. Long sweaters with white hoodies on the inside, boots with untied laces, and gloves that always stayed on no matter what she was doing. Sasha had gotten rid of her long hair, styling it into a short messy boy cut style. Since where she was born had a lot of sunlight, Sasha's skin tone was always on the tanned side, but after her 10'th birthday she removed herself from the outside, locking herself away in her house. Sasha now has pale white skin with splotches of brown around her lower legs. For markings Sasha has her family crest tattooed on her back right below the shoulder blades.

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  • Due to Sai's emotional history with his mother, and others after the incident he can be emotionally unstable or the proper term Borderline Personality Disorder. This doesn't make him unable to talk to or befriend it is however hard to calm him down. He tends to snap at small things. By the time you start to explain her anger has already reached no return. The same thing happens when she is sad. Push him far enough and his mental state will being to break down. As for his opposite side he is quite the energized bunny. He is happy most of the time though becomes annoyed when people get close to him. He is known for having a wide smile and his child like attitude when given food. Sai also has an intelligent side that overtakes his happy attitude , making him more reserved and calm. He also has a serious side that doesn't appear much unlike his child like side.


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