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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern the colour of envy





before applying, go look at the roleplay rules rules.

you can code your character sheet, but this is not recquired.

do not post anything other than character applications on this thread. keep ooc to ooc.

please choose a role from the overview and look at the story before applying.

the deadline is 21st may. i will tag all the accepted in a post.




age: (17-18)







appearance: (1+paragraph}




birth marks/scars:


personality: (2+paragraphs)

likes: (5+)

dislikes: (5+)

quirks: (2+)



background: (2+paragraphs)


best memory:


to be added if accepted




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"People value so many things over kindness. That's why the world is such a cruel place." -Ash


Asher Jackson Witmore












September 25th (Libra)


The Nice Kid



Asher, despite being rather cute, with his chocolate brown eyes and hair, soft smile and dimples, keeps his head down much too often for anyone to realize it. Although he's so quiet and shy, Asher always seems to wear some hint of a smile as he goes about his daily business. He doesn't think very highly of his appearance, and could easily point out all his physical flaws, such as his scrawny body type and pale complexion, the number of ugly scars that cover his limbs, and the fact that he's as short as a thirteen year old.

His wardrobe consists of dorky button-down shirts, t-shirts with superhero logos on them, jeans, and sneakers. He's got a nice suit for when he goes to church, but otherwise, comfort and functionality are his main priority in terms of clothing.




126 lbs




One palm sized splotchy birthmark on the small of his back, and an assortment of scars from before he was taken from his bio parents, the most prominent of them being one slash mark just under his left eye, and a jagged scar covering the entirety of his right forearm



Gentle and kind, there isn't an old lady on earth that Asher wouldn't help across the street. How someone can be so innocent after ten years of jumping from one abusive home to the next, no one knows, but one thing is for certain; nothing seems to deter Asher from doing the "right thing". The kid could never hurt a fly. Call him pathetic or call him a saint, it's just how he is.

Despite being so soft and sensitive, Asher is extremely good at keeping his emotions to himself, almost terrifyingly so. Don't get me wrong, things still get under his skin, but when they get there they stay there. Throughout his childhood he bottled things up so harshly that even when he got a stable life, he never learned to let it out. It's not that he won't show you he's hurt, or upset. It's just that he'll probably never tell you

Aside from all that, Asher is a pretty bubbly kid once you get to know him. He loves to participate in a little [good, clean] fun, but can be persuaded into some more risky activities, such as pranks with his best friend. After he and Bernie stopped hanging out, Asher decided it was time to be a little less perfect and have a little more fun.


Sensitive, Closed-Off, Innocent, Wimpy, Shy

Gentle, Kindhearted, Understanding, Patient, Optimistic



Skipping rocks

His [adoptive] parents






Selfish people

Being lied too

Mean jokes

Scary movies



Bites nails when nervous, snort-laughs, stutters when overwhelmed and/or panicked, lower lip trembles when he's about to cry.

Asher has an extreme love of dogs. He's not confident to go up to strangers and ask to pet their dogs on the street, though, so instead he just stares very longingly. It gets very awkward. After the dog and their owner walk out of sight, Asher will probably babble about how cute said dog was.


Has Intermittent Asthma, which is basically a very mild form of asthma. He carries an inhaler but it doesn't often see the light of day.

Asher doesn't believe in God, but goes to church with his parents anyway.



Growing up, Asher never had quite the perfect life, but really, does anyone? His father was a raging alcoholic, leaving him and his mother the victim of his violent mood swings, which lead her to struggle with depression. The majority of his childhood was spent hiding in the closet with his dog, Georgie, whenever his father came home from the bar. Though his mom loved him, dealing with his father's abuse left her in a dark, dark place, and she was unfit to care for him. When he was six, a neighbor finally called a social worker and he was taken from his home and placed into the foster care system. Despite the terrible state his family was in, they had to drag him screaming and crying from the home, because he didn't know any better, and because his dog couldn't come with him.

It was a rough couple of years for Asher as he toughed it out in the foster care system; he was thrown into some pretty bad living situations, most being where the parents were only in it for money, thus treating him like crap for the duration of his stay. It wasn't much of an improvement, and he bounced from home to home for another five years. That was, until he ended up with a family in Quail Creek, South Carolina. Susan and Michael Witmore had been trying for a baby for years, but with no such luck. They were the first truly nice family he'd ever ended up with, and they cared for him like real parents should, something he'd never experienced before.

He began life in Quail Creek like a normal kid; he'd never made a friend up until Bernie, but luckily for him, a grape juice stain had never meant such a good thing. It wasn't long before he found he had feelings for her. She was just so.. gosh, she was so pretty. So perfect, and good, and her smile was so pure, and he just found himself in awe of her whenever she laughed. He did anything to make her laugh. But she never looked at him the same way, she never felt the same at all. It tore him up inside, but as long as they were friends, he was..okay. Sort of.

It went on like this for years; Ash attempting to make his feelings clear to Bernie, but never mustering up the confidence to actually tell her. Because he was quiet and polite, not to mention tiny, he was often picked on, but he always had Bernie to go to after a rough day.

Halfway through Freshman year the Witmore's filed to adopt Asher, and seeing that his mother had recently been re-admitted to rehab, and his father had just broken parole, the adoption went smoothly and Asher was officially a Witmore. Officially a part of a real family. The Witmore's had to do a bit of convincing to get Asher on board at first, because as toxic as his real parents were, they were still parents. He was just a kid, and it was hard for him to truly let them go. To celebrate, they even got him a dog, one that looked exactly like Georgie, thus he was deemed George. He'd honestly never felt like he belonged somewhere so strongly until then.

Sadly, good things don't last forever.

After years of not being able to make his feelings clear for Bernie, she finally fell in love with someone else. Not only that, but it was the stupid football captain. He knew from the beginning that he was just toying with her; she didn't deserve that. It hurt so much, that after years of being friends with her, trying to get her attention, she fell in love so hard with such a douche bag. Asher tried to warn her, but she pushed him away every time. Feeling rejected and worthless, he stopped hanging out with her, and she didn't seem to mind.

In her stead, Asher made a new friend. Lucian. A bit of a prankster and troublemaker, but it was good for Asher to get out of his shell for once. It had been a fun filled few months with Lucian, hanging out in the library like he and Bernie used to do, pulling pranks, doing whatever boys do. Though the fact that Bernie had brushed him away so easily still hurt awfully, he did everything in his power to suppress his pain. Finally, he'd had enough. He spilled his guts to Bernie, confessed his love. And she rejected him. Then the next day, she was dead.


Frank Hall - Biological Father - An alcoholic, drug addict, and overall terrible father, he lead Asher's mother to depression and beat the both of them on a daily basis. After Asher was taken from them, he's been in and out of prison.

Laura Hall - Biological Mother - A kind woman broken by her husband, Laura truly loved her son but was tereated so horribly her mental health went down the drain, leading her to do drugs and drink and eventually have a mental breakdown. She was unable to care for Asher in any way, and has been struggling to recover for a long period of time, constantly falling back into depression.

Susan Witmore - Adoptive Mother - A kind, albeit fairly strict woman, to some she comes off as snobbish or uptight. She cares for Asher very much. Both his adoptive parents have green eyes and lighter colored hair, so it's fairly clear that he's adopted.

Michael Witmore - Adoptive Father - The polar opposite of his wife, Mike Witmore is a very laid-back and carefree man, who enjoys a good sports game and just spending time with those he loves. Though he loves Asher, Mike probably would have liked him better if he could play one game of catch without dropping the ball seventeen times.

George - Dog - Asher, with his extreme love of dogs, considers George to be a full member of the family. The four year old black lab is very energetic and could play catch for hours, and also loves to sit in Asher's lap while he reads, as if he isn't waaaaaaay to big for that.


The day his parents officially adopted him. It was a bit of a bittersweet moment for Asher, because it was hard for him to truly let his bio-parents go. They had a big dinner, and went out for a movie, and then he got his


tba if accepted

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"Call me Harry Potter. I bloody dare you."


Richard "Rich" Connor Osmanovik




Cisgender Male




The Drug Dealer


English Caucasian


January 1st



Rich has a rather...
initmidating appearance, he's extremely tall standing at 6'5 with muscle adding to his build, making him seem even bigger and scarier than he already is. His dark brown, thick hair covers the entirety of his ears, down to the nape of his neck and he regularly styles it in a mohawk-like way. His eyes are a deep brown, his skin pale and unblemished with a few moles scattered over it, accompanied by a bold jawline and thick eyebrows. It's not secret that Rich is considerely a highly attractive guy, in fact he thinks so himself thank you very much, and it is true that he spends at least ten minutes spiking his hair in the morning, Rich isn't too concerned about his looks or lets a bad hair day take over his life.

For someone who claims to not give a damn about his appearance, Rich has a good fashion sense. His wardrobe consists of faux leather (he'd never wear anything made out of a dead animal), band shirts, graphic tees, tanks and flannels, sneakers and loose, maybe slightly ripped jeans. Rich is also particularly fond of trenchcoats, hoodies and his wide collection of rings, and yes, he will strangle you if you touch it.






Lobe piercing on left ear


-Large burn mark on the front of his right hand from hot coffee when he was six

-Long, deep scar on his back from jumping off a fence in the second grade

-Upper split lip scar from biking accident

-Cigarette burn on left wrist

-Small scar above right eyebrow from smashing into a doorframe

-Moles under right eye and near jawline



Self-Absorbed; Rich, in most any situation, will put his needs before those of anyone else, he is unconsciously terribly egoistical and unless you are somebody close to his heart (and even then he is very unlikely to ask how your day was because honestly he doesn't have the patience to listen to your complaints), he doesn't care about the being of anybody but himself. If he has a problem, whether big or small, you can bet he'll be bitching and whining about it the entire day long and ignore the fact that your grandfather just died since as he'd put it, it's not his damn problem. Rich isn't necessarily arrogant, rather he is extremely preoccupied with his own thoughts and issues and doesn't think about how his actions and decisions affect others.

Destructive; When Rich gets pissed, which unfortunately isn't rare, he doesn't just get mad, he becomes a fuming killing machine that will shatter and demolish anything in sight. He doesn't care who you are, where he is or if everyone is staring at him, if you come near him or tell him to "just calm down", he will catapult you across the room and crush your skull with his hands, in fact it's probably best to stay away from the guy and let him cool off for a few hours (or days) just in case.

Foul-Mouthed; Rich isn't afraid to whip out a dictionary of all swear words invented in the history of mankind and shout it from the rooftops. About 83% of his daily vocabulary consists of various swears and he cusses in any situation, even when inappropriate to do so and he doesn't curse just when he's heated up, you could be a person he's very close to and he'd still greet you with a "hey you fucking piece of shit".

Anarchistic; Rich is what one would call a rebel without a cause, he automatically defies any type of authority presented to him and refuses to compromise to any system that he does not fully 100% agree with, and even if he did he'd still insurrect it to protect his dignity and unsurprisingly, massive ego.

Irritable; Most anything and everything makes Rich tick. Dripping taps, humming, loud clocks, clicking pens, coughing, sniffing, probably breathing and most of all - idiots. Rich is very, very quick to lose his temper at the smallest of things and is easily angered, even if he has no reason to be, he's the type of person to aggressively shove you the side, cuss you out and disregard your apology if you accidentally step on his foot in the hallway. Don't even attempt to go near him in the morning, because he will punch you in the face. Twice.

Rich will plunge into a tank full of sharks and then realize he can't swim, basically meaning he e acts on short, quick feelings and instinct. He doesn't consider the possibility of consequences before making potentially life-or-death decisions and jumps into situations before anticipating his actions.

Uncensored; Rich doesn't have a filter between his mind and his mouth, he'll speak anything that he's thinking in the moment, which results in him offending one or more people (usually the latter). He proudly proclaims whatever he's feeling no matter how rude it sounds or if it's insulting.


Honest; Rich will not sugarcoat anything and believes that tough love and honesty, even if it's harsh, is always the solution as he believes softening the truth is just as bad as lying. He's a straight to the point, no-bullshit person and tells it like it is.

Quick Witted; The best word to describe Rich would be spontaneous. He may not always have the best ideas, but he acts quick almost as if automatic rather than standing frozen in shock with no idea what to do. While his impulsiveness is seen as a flaw, his ability to process his surroundings rapidly and not overthink allow him to react in the spur of the moment.

Independent; Rich doesn't need anyone but himself, he's fine off on his own and can take care of himself without a problem. He doesn't need any type of moral/emotional/financial/etc. support or the help of others to get by and actually prefers being left to deal with his life his own way.

Nonconformist; Rich doesn't feel the need to fit in with anything or anyone, whilst everyone is obsessed with what's trending and what will make them popular, Rich marches to the beat of his own drum and if that makes him "uncool", or if people don't like it, they can suck it. He doesn't feel the need to impress people he couldn't care less about and unlike most, doesn't succumb to peer pressure or allows himself to be swayed by public opinion.

Intelligent; Rich is much smarter than most make out or assume him to be. He hates admitting it as he has a reputation of defying authority and the education system, but he's actually a stellar student in several subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and so on.

Bold; It's not to say that Rich isn't scared of anything, rather he has the capacity to face his biggest fears and look them in the eye instead of running from them. In the face of danger he's capable of controlling his pessimistic thoughts and worries and not hesitate in peril.

Persistent; Rich doesn't give up easily, if at all. Once he sets his mind to something, there's no changing it until he reaches his goal, regardless of how long or how much effort it takes.

Tidy; Rich is surprisingly a very clean and hygienic guy, in terms of both appearance and otherwise, he keeps his house absolutely spotless and has all of his materials (books, pencils, CD's, clothes, etc.) organized flawlessly. Perhaps he's a bit too clean seeing as he showers twice a day and refuses to leave a room, whether it be his own or of someone else's, until it is immaculate. He also may or may not carry various types of hand-sanitizer with him. Just maybe.




-Pink Floyd

-The sea


-Spicy food

-Punk music



-Social media







-Animal cruelty

-Ignorant followers


-Rich fiddles with his rings when bored or nervous

-Rich tugs at the hair on the nape of his neck when trying to concentrate

-Rich clenches his jaw + grinds his teeth when irritated


-Rich secretly has epilepsy and when triggered can have mild to violent seizures.

-He's a vegetarian.



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The Princess


Ebony Rose Larson




Cisgender female; she/her


Closeted bicurious


The Princess


American (caucasian)


April 4th


Ebony is quite a pretty girl, probably the reason she's sometimes called Princess at school. WIP




122 lbs


Ebony has her ears pierced but use to have a nost piercing as well but she removed it years ago.


Ebony has a small scar from her nose piercing.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.8b647a83734703ec619eafd242d7a83f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.8b647a83734703ec619eafd242d7a83f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


name: Aaliyah Peterson

age: 18

gender: Female

sexuality: Straight

ethnicity: Vietnamese And Jamaican

birthday: June 30 1998

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.437331fde06aa0d38cb7ba63a18d5fe6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.437331fde06aa0d38cb7ba63a18d5fe6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


appearance: Aaliayh Stand At 5'1, She has black hair that stops at bra length. She has brown eyes, and one dimple exactly on her left cheek. And She has golden brown skin.

height: 5'1

weight: 99lbs

piercings/tattoos: Aaliyah has a tattoo on her right forearm which says “the past is practice”, She also has a long quote tattoo on the left side of her ribcage. It says “A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, humility, sacrifice and love. May that beautiful life be yours always.” Another tattoo is a charm bracelet on her left wrist. On the back of her hand is a colorful Chinese dragon. She also has writing on her pinkie finger. Also she has a tattoo of a zipper on the back of her right leg. The placement resembles the seam on old-fashioned silk stockings. Aaliyah also has a tattoo just below her left elbow with the Mahatma Gandhi quote “where there is love, there is life.” The last tattoo Aaliyah has is a tattoo along her spine of Arabic writing. It means “an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.”

birth marks/scars: None

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.5f1d138d5bbce3267baf480b11a29cb3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.5f1d138d5bbce3267baf480b11a29cb3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


personality: Aaliayh is Positive, Upbeat, Outgoing, Friendly, And Laid-Back. She'll be the type of person to be there for you as a helping hand when you need one, But she knows her limits if she sees that you don't want to be bother she'll leave the situation alone as it is. Aaliyah is upbeat she always loves to party and have fun, She's always up for dares and doing crazy things cause that's just the type of person she is. She is friendly when she needs to be or wants to be, Aaliyah isn't rude but she isn't nice as always, She has her moments when she can be angry and fight back. One thing she doesn't like is drama and for some reason she's always ending up in it when it has nothing to do with her, She is always the one trying to end drama because what's the point of it? Everyone should just stop worrying about nonsense and live their lives happily and fun.

Aaliyah is also the type of person who laughs a lot. Meaning she will laugh at anything, It could be a joke from two days ago and out of nowhere in class she'll start dying out of laughter because of that joke. She's a wild party girl, She attends every party that is being thrown and when she attends she drinks uncontrollably and happens to be a whole different kind of person. She starts fights and talks nonsense, Aaliyah doesn't like the type of person she ends up while drink and partying too much, But she can't help it the partying life is way too much fun for her,









-Small Spaces


-the sound of clinking silverware

-Snobby people


+Laughs A Lot

- Drinks A Lot

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.d28b014939b7a73f084677f837148812.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.d28b014939b7a73f084677f837148812.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


background: Aaliayh's Parents raised her in their small house. As she grew up her mother would always teach her to be religious and be the perfect daughter, At the time she was their only daughter so she had no choice. Her Father was always the drinking type of guy he would always come home smelling like liquor and smoke. Anna, Aaliyah's mom kicked him out multiple times. They would have arguments and Fights, Aaliyah would listen to the, at night when she was in her bedroom she could not sleep between the two of them bickering at each other. As you know Aaliyah soon stop being The perfect daughter, She realized her dad was coming home being happy and her mother would always ruin it for him. He got to go to parties and he always was the fun parent, He would try to take Aaliayh to go to adventures but her mother would not allow it. Soon She was pregnant Aaliyah thought maybe if this new baby came along, Her mother was stop pressuring her to be perfect.

So As her new born sister came along, Aaliyah would go spend nights at friends house and come home late, For her Age. Her mother did not like the idea her father was putting to her head so she's filed for divorce. This made Aaliyah angry she started changing her behavior towards her mother and her younger sister. Aaliyah's mother continue to take her of the younger sister and teach her, Her ways. Aaliyah grew jealous but she soon realized that she needed to stop, She was letting her rebel side get the best of her so she changed her actions and started giving respect back to others. This whole partying no sense has gotten the best of her, She use to disrespect teachers, students, and her family members. Now she's a well respected young lady but still with a wild side when it comes to her partying.

family: Anna Peterson (Mom) 36

Danny Peterson (Dad) 38

Anastasia Peterson (Sister) 15

best memory: When she got her first drink

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.2dd3b41fb32bff58ea089fe6c7769ac7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.2dd3b41fb32bff58ea089fe6c7769ac7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

RELATIONSHIPS: Dating The Drug Dealer



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K I R S T E N. M A N N I N G



"In the end, the only person you can blame is yourself."


Name/Nicknames: Kirsten, Kir, K

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Birthday: November 21st, 1997

Role: The Princess




Those who encounter Kirsten in a first impression based solely on image are most likely to incorrectly perceive her as uptight or conceited. She doesn't really mind what others think of her, and goes along with life on her own accord. Her face always seems to rest into a grimace, but in reality she is not mean or angry. In fact, most of the time she is in a fair mood but her features, for some reason, do not seem to portray the same attitude.

She has a very petite but curvy figure wrapped in tanned, smooth skin. Her face is framed by chocolate brown hair that flows a little bit past the middle of her back. She usually wears it down in it's natural beachy waves, but occasionally styles it into a braid or something fun. Her face holds piercing blue doe-like eyes and attached are long, wispy lashes. She has a delicate, slightly pointed nose that always turns up when she sees something she doesn't like. Her lips are plump and flushed a very natural rosy pink color. Behind them lay a set of straight, pearly white teeth. Kirsten's smile is unconsciously contagious - when she is laughing, that usually means there is someone else doing the same.

Kirsten likes to keep up on what is fashionable, but living in a small town means her options are limited. Nevertheless, she was raised to get into the habit of always looking presentable. This was stifled into her by her mother at a young age. In turn, she normally never steps out of the house without a bit of makeup and pair of jeans on. She wears what is comfortable, but also what looks good.


Height: 5'5

Weight: 115 lbs.

Piercings/Tattoos: Three lobe piercings, one cartilage, and belly button.

Birth marks/Scars: Many small birthmarks and freckles all over her skin, minimal scars only from childhood.


Summarized, Kirsten is a very independent girl and creates her own successes. Even though she was raised in a household where most was given to her at a young age, she enjoys achieving and is very competitive with everything she does. More than anything she resents being called entitled as she feels she has worked hard for everything she's accomplished thus far.

Looking closer, Kirsten is very reserved with her personal life and prefers to talk about trivial and superficial things to people she doesn't have a deeper connection with. Her life is complicated - she has to be attentive when talking about her family because they are so well known in Quail Creek. She has grown to think that all people are naturally untrustworthy unless they can prove otherwise. She has been crossed, backstabbed, and betrayed by people she thought were her friends. They spread nasty, untrue rumors and used her for their own agendas. Having her fair share of being a favorite gossip target, she has become somewhat numb to what others say about her. They do not take the time to get to know her or base opinions off of things they've heard and she finds it useless to use her energy to even care anymore. She takes the negative current and builds from it instead.

Kirsten is sure of herself and has grown out of her pre-teen self confidence issues. Not to say that she thinks that she's perfect, but has rather matured to know that bothering yourself with the small things you can't change is unreasonable. She has no problem being her sassy, sarcastic self around others. People who truly know her would describe her as charismatic and fiercely tenacious. She'll do almost anything for the people she loves and can sometimes be overly protective, especially towards her younger brother. The easiest way to make her really mad is if she finds out you've been trash talking her brother. Otherwise Kirsten has a pretty level head and picks her battles carefully.

One of the most important things to Kirsten is her education and ability to do well in school. It means so much to her because it directly ties into how much attention her parents actually pay towards her. As her brother continued to grow superior in football, she was left on the sidelines in her mother and father's eyes. When she figured out that good grades inspired awareness from them, she devoted all her power towards it. If she could not be the most athletic, then she had to be the smartest. She is obsessed with maintaining her 4.0 GPA and getting into an ivy league school, Yale preferably. Kirsten's biggest goal is getting into the school of her dreams and moving out of Quail Creek as soon as possible. She is sick of the constant dirty stares of her classmates ever since Bernie passed away. She tries her best to ignore it, but this time it's different. Her patience is wearing thin. She wants to have a new, fresh start and feels like college couldn't come any sooner.


Likes: Adventuring with her close friends, the water, going to concerts, camping, traveling, architecture, trying new foods, coffee, hazel eyes.

Dislikes: Bickering, small-minded people, liars, surprises, gossips, kiwi.

Quirks: Draws very well, absolutely loves dogs, has a very boisterous laugh.


You would think that getting the world handed to you on a silver plate would be the easiest way to grow up, but that is not the case with Kirsten. She is the firstborn to a very rich and successful couple who met at Harvard law school in their undergraduate college careers 20 years ago. Kirsten's father inherited all of his family's land and estates in Quail Creek at the young age of 26 when his father died suddenly of a heart attack. Her mother, originally from the big city, was apprehensive about packing up and leaving everything behind, but eventually did when they found out she was pregnant with Kirsten out of wedlock. They quickly married and settled down comfortably in their multimillion dollar estate. They are both now defense lawyers practicing all around the entire region of South Carolina, but office based in Quail Creek. They have handled many infamous cases, and their reputation is not very positive. Often they defend criminals who are blatantly guilty, but they are so skilled at what they do that most of the time the criminals are let off scot free.

Kirsten's parents are so wrapped up in their own lives that when she was born, her mother hardly even took a maternity leave. She was raised by only the best international nannies hired by her mother and father. The only time she really saw them was at mandatory Sunday dinners cooked by their personal chef, a tradition they still carry on to this day. Getting virtually no attention or discipline from her parents, she grew to test the limits of what she could get away with. Her brother and her were sort of like a dynamic duo and loved causing mayhem around the house. She has a deep love for him because they were really the only friends they had while they were kids. Their nannies were easy to manipulate and mostly let them get away with the little things, but Kirsten ultimately knew that there was a perimeter. She pushed the boundaries but never went over the line. As she grew up, it is the same. She’s good at sneaking around and not getting caught because if she did she’d be in more trouble than she can imagine.

She was homeschooled until middle school only because she begged and pleaded with her parents to let her attend a public school. At first she had a hard time making friends and got bullied when kids found out she was homeschooled, but in time things blew over and she started to meet new people. She was happy and content with her life for awhile, then she reached high school and her brother started becoming known for his skills in football. As her brother's popularity rose, she did hers. She fell in the with crowd, but after a while began to feel used by others just trying to get close to her to get to her brother. She had a big problem knowing who her real friends were, so she stopped hanging out with them and now only associates with her closest best friends and family. Kirsten's relationship with her brother is difficult - he is perceived as such a horrible person but she knows his heart is softer than people think. Nevertheless, she does hate that he never seems to listen to her. He often makes bad mistakes after Kirsten already told him it was a bad idea, but overall she will defend him and her family no matter what happens. She focuses solely on her education and tries to not get in trouble anymore, but it seems that she attracts it and it can never stay away for long...


Asher Witmore (Acquaintance) - Kirsten met Asher for the first time in the dog park. Their dogs were playing together which made them strike up a small conversation. They exchanged names, but if Kirsten saw Asher again she probably wouldn't remember his name, just his face. She thought he was very friendly but a little awkward and small.

Rich Osmanovik (Disliked) - During freshman and sophomore year when Kirsten was a huge party girl she met Rich through some mutual friends. She mostly knew him as her dealer, but occasionally they would talk to each other while under the influence of something. After Kirsten stopped attending so many parties and became more reclusive, Rich took it the wrong way and they eventually started to dislike each other.

Morgan Hart (Friend)- Morgan and Kirsten also met at a party her freshman year. They actually became pretty good friends, but Kirsten pushed her away when she stopped attending parties. She has always felt bad for doing this but doesn't know how to reconcile with her. Now things are just a bit awkward between them when they see each other at school. Sometimes Kirsten doesn't know if she should wave or avoid eye contact.

Clover Donoghue (Good Friends) - Kirsten mostly puts up with Clover because she think's she's so damn funny. The never ending dramatics and sarcastic wit always put Kirsten in a better mood when she's around. Even though she non-stop bags on Jake and never ceases to remind her that he's a load of fucking trash, she can never stay mad at her. She's the only one who can get away with this. The two met in middle school and befriended each other then. Kirsten admires her for some of the rough times she's been through and connects to her since they've had a pretty similar childhood.

Lucian Watts (Stranger) - Kirsten has seen Lucian around, and knows his name from the teacher calling attendance in their shared chemistry class. She sometimes glances his way but is too focused on making sure she has a good grade in the class to retain a deeper curiosity of him.

Emilia Rivendell (Good Friend) - Kirsten sees Emilia almost everyday either at school during the day, or her house in the evenings. Kirsten hates some of the things that she does, but finds it pointless to dislike her. Jake is probably in love with her and it would just make things harder for Kirsten if she started drama within the two of them. She figures if things are meant to be then they'll stay together, but if not then she's not going to try and stop it. Things are complicated between them, but they've somewhat bonded since Emilia has become such a part of their family.

Jake Manning (Brother) - Kirsten will go to the ends of the earth defending her brother and what he did. She knows he can do and say some stupid things, but Bernie was warned so many times before Jake finally broke things off. Kirsten can see the look in his eyes and can tell that he's hurting even though he might not know it himself. They are very close and though Jake is trying to pull away from her, she won't let him. She repeatedly tells him that she's not going anywhere, whether he likes it or not. She thinks she knows what is best for him and feels like she has to protect him since she's the big sister and their parents offer no emotional support.

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Morgan Hart

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Morgan Clarissa Hart








Asian, Filipino


August 21st, Leo


The Party Girl

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Starting off small, Morgan's height is the definition of a tiny frame. Although she has curves and some muscle, she lacks the size to come off as intimidating. Her very dark hair is fairly long, and often messier than the aftermath of a tornado, with a distinct widow's peak at the center of her hairline. When it comes to eyes, Morgans are plain green, yet oddly fascinating; they are full of life, and with a hint of a smile hidden beneath them at all times.

When it comes to clothing, the keyword would be black. Only on rare occasions will she dress in something of brighter colors, otherwise she sticks with dark colors as well as grey and white. Her sense of style can be described as simple, yet with a bit of edge to it. Plain crop tops and skinny jeans are a must, but she makes up for it with endless amounts of bracelets and necklaces. All of this together with white sneakers makes up her everyday outfits.




114 lbs

P I E R C I N G S / T A T T O O S

A septum piercing in which she mostly keeps a silver pinscher or CBR.

A single black line around her left wrist, often mistaken for a bracelet.

B I R T H M A R K S / S C A R S

Freckles across her cheeks and nose

Has quite a big scar on her forearm from when she broke it. She does however cover it up with makeup or long sleeves.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m3c7bjYvee1qb1380.gif.0c744c3a491da0321437f26cfa5a28a4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m3c7bjYvee1qb1380.gif.0c744c3a491da0321437f26cfa5a28a4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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You'll certainly hear her long before you actually see her. Her voice and laughter roams the hallways, as if she's everywhere. She's loud, and you will often find yourself hushing her unless you want to be caught with whatever you are doing. While she is not the comedian of the group, she knows how to laugh- and she can even bright out a smile in the most boring of people if she were to make the effort. You see, Morgan is very extroverted and speaks her mind long before she's even had the time to think about it. The result of this can be random outbursts, exclamations and statements; most of them being very unusual.

She loves a good thrill, preferably if they are prohibited. Adventure is her middle name, and she will always be up for anything you propose. If you call her up in the middle of the night, telling her to meet you at the gas station, you should expect to see her within a minute.

Despite the looks of it, Morgan is very kind. She may be all over the place with her enthusiasm, but she cares a lot for other people. In almost any given situation, she will sacrifice a lot to help someone.

In spite of struggling to open up to people on a sentimental level, Morgan has a way to easily connect with people, often over a drink or two. Her rambling about her fascination in the colors of the world or the best tv-series at the moment bring a relaxed mood to almost any situation. Because of this, Morgan is often viewed as a fairly easy person to talk to. She doesn't really judge you based on the things you've done or said, and she'll continue the conversation if you need her to.


Parties - Alcohol - Adventures - Flattery - Boxing


Rules - Buzzkills - Cinnamon Rolls - Coffee - Pink


Rolls her eyes far more often than what is neccecary.

She can't sleep unless she has flicked the light switch five times.

Absolutely terrified of drowning.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m3c7bjYvee1qb1380.gif.0c744c3a491da0321437f26cfa5a28a4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_m3c7bjYvee1qb1380.gif.0c744c3a491da0321437f26cfa5a28a4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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In Depth
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Morgan was born to Gani and Gregory Hart, through a surrogacy by a woman named Nimfa Castillo. She has never met said woman, but her fathers have told her quite often that she looks much like her. She grew up with her much older half-brother; with whom she does not share her backstory with. Casimir, as the brother is called, was born eleven years before her, three years before Gani and Gregory first met.

Morgan and Casimir shared few interests, the only one being their shared love for carnevals, circuses and amusement parks. Because of this, the two did only ever spend their time at said locations. Their bond didn't really grow strong until Morgan got much older and started her time in highschool.

Highschool began with a quick turn. Going from what previously had been a geekisch tomboy to one of the socialites caused quite an effect on her life. She was, during the first month of her time there, introduced to what would later become a part of her identity: aclohol. Humongous parties were thrown every once in a while, and her easygoing attitude granted her a certain invitation to almost each one.

Her brother was a big part of this, you see. As he was so much older than her, he was able to buy liquor for her, often together with cigarettes and pot.

During one of these parties, Morgan encountered a strange figure who she would later realise was Bernie. The girl had been convinced by the cheerleader to drink more than was healthy, and she had been locked inside the bathroom for half an hour, not realizing that Morgan had been lying almost blacked out in the bathtub the whole time. You know how girls connect remarkably faster when one has to hold up the other one's hair? Well, same thing happened to these two ladies. Upon talking the way that only drunk girls would, Morgan felt a strong need to help the girl.

She began to hand Bernie all sorts of booze and drugs, all in belief that she was helping the girl.


Gani Hart; Father

Gregory Hart; Father

Nimfa Castillo; Surrogate Mother

Casimir Hart; older half-brother


Although it's not a specific date or time, the best memory of her childhood is that her brother used to take her to a circus that came to town every year around her birthday. Despite having acrobats and clowns to look at, the one thing Morgan grew fond of was this statue of a monkey that stood near the entrance.

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clove, coco


cisgender female


role: the


november 13. scorpio

a p p e a r a n c e


Pretty, pallid, and a little too skinny for a girl her stature. Despite the mean face Clover puts on, she's just another teenage girl with looks a little more attractive than the next, and just like everyone else, there's nothing very special about her appearance, as long as you don't read into displays too much. It's often you'd see Clover naked faced, with all the glamour of veins and the sight of her under-eye circles ultimately showing just how tired she is. And yet there's something about the way she moves that make people fail to notice the tiredness. Maybe it's the fact that she's open about it, and that she smirks and grins and makes all these little human errors as people watch her, and she acts as if she doesn't care about her audience.
And she really doesn't. Maybe it's that.

Or maybe she's just conventionally attractive. Clover is, after all, the kind of girl people chase. She's hauntingly pretty, with her dark hair and her signature enigmatic smile, and her lazy (and seemingly
always) half-open blue eyes. She's pretty in an effortless way - and no, I don't mean that she wakes up flawless with shiny brown hair and clear skin. Quite the contrary, in fact. With all her defects, she still manages to draw people in with her appearance.




115 lbs



birth marks/scars:

She has a running scar on her right forearm from when she broke her arm climbing a tree when she was 9.

p e r s o n a


Clover, in her entire being, is an acquired taste; but only because she is - for lack of better wording -
an asshole with a lot of feelings. In even simpler words: she's a moody bitch. Most people avoid her because she's the kind of person who emotionally murders you through analyzing your every move, sometimes disassemblng your self-esteem just by pointing out what kind of person you are simply by looking at your outfit. That is, if you've crossed her or the people she cares about (which is honestly just a select few). She's very protective of what's hers and even though her best friend might not fit into that category, she's easily jealous when it comes down to the girl she loves, though nobody has really found out about how she feels, as her jealousy easily passes off as the endearing possessiveness a best friend might harbor towards another best friend. She's not one for transparency either. However, despite her usually apathetic, detached, and insensitive demeanor towards people she doesn't like or necessarily care about - to her dearest friends, she's practically a sweetheart. Which is definitely hard to believe, but people often get used to it once they've entered the realm of friendship with Clover. If you're in, you're in for life. Yet another flaw of hers, however, is probably that she's too easily trusting towards people she thinks are friends, and never really considers the thought of someone she cares about nastily betraying her. That would be around the part where the vengeful bitch in her comes out.

If not planning a murder, Clover's more neutral side comes out. Her goal is always to entertain herself, usually picking fights with phony teachers, making fun of her stupid classmates, or exchanging dry banter with friends. She's typically pessimistic, more often than not offering her more skeptical opinion on things. Not that she's a constant downer either. In the rare moments where she's actually likeable, she's fun-loving and reckless, somehow able to keep a conversation going for hours at a time. This is probably what keeps her popularity at the pinnacle of its career, however. Despite being all things that constitutes as mean, she's still able to draw people towards her, with an undeniable type of charisma and the kind of carefree persona that keeps her on top of things.


Vindictive, manic, antisocial, cynical, dry, jealous

Compassionate, laid-back, trustworthy, loyal, spontaneous, shrewd


~ Fast food

~ Cats

~ Cigarettes

~ Reading

~ Combat boots

~ The color black

~ Art

~ Sushi


~ Religious people

~ Superficiality

~ Mud

~ Summer

~ Camping

~ Control freaks

~ (Most) people

~ Adults


~ Clutches her hand into a fist when she's angry

~ Digs her nails into her palm when anxious

~ Tends to stare down at other person's lips if she's attracted to them


~ Her favorite band is The Shins.

b a c k g r o u n d


Clover was born on the 13th of November, to parents she was never really well acquainted with, even as a child. Her father, Collin, was a hard-edged man; sometimes both impassive and genuine at the same time - a quality of his that had never really been too famous with the Donoghue family. Her mother Emily, on the other hand, was only a little more sane, yet a little too conservative for
anyone's taste, really. Neither of them were much of a comfort to Clover as a kid. The remaining happy portions of her life back then - which were truthfully not very long-lasting - were courtesy of her older sister, Stevie. Looking back, she would later realize she'd made two big whopping mistakes as a presumptuous little prick of a kid, and the first one was not realizing earlier that her sister would probably be the only person worth remembering in the stupidly misleading story she calls her childhood. The second one, she found, was doting on her parents. But then again, doesn't every child make that mistake? Despite the fact that Clover was an annoying little goody-two-shoes who came running to their parents every time her sister so much as made an error, she had - albeit maybe only subconsciously - known that Stevie would always be her best friend. In spite of their 8 year age difference and the strict, vice-like grip their parents had over the both of them, Stevie was always there for her, and she was always there for Stevie, even if she didn't always understand her problematic teenage sister.

Stevie and Clover Donoghue were quite popular at school. By the time Clover was 8, she was well-liked by everybody - mostly because she was a pretty, doll-like thing who happened to come from a rich family. Simultaneously, Stevie would be 16 and just as popular among
her peers, although for varying reasons. She was different. Whenever Stevie invited people to their house, Clover would never see the same person again. It was as if it was Stevie's grand mission to simply show someone a good time - just once, so that the novelty of the experience wouldn't fade. Clover never liked her sister's "friends". She could tell just by one of Stevie's sad smiles, that these people only ever hung out with her sister because she was fun, and magnetizing, and something bright and contrasting to their ordinary lives - yet somehow they'd all end up deciding she wasn't worth sticking around for. They would never come back, and that's exactly what she hated about them - that Stevie would always end up alone anyway. That's what drew the line between Clover and Stevie, I suppose. While they were both clever, and pretty, and popular, Clover was never alone and Stevie almost always was. Her sister was no outcast, however. She was chased after and just as well-liked as Clover was, yet it seemed she constantly had an image to upkeep. People never seemed to want to get to know her, and instead settled on knowing a certain facet of her. Stevie was theirs to admire and imagine - and even as a 12-year-old spoiled brat who liked to talk shit about people behind their backs in her spare time - Clover knew more than anyone that her sister was being romanticized, sexualized, and objectified by people whose only talents were judging other people who weren't like them.

High school was yet another winding, ever-changing story. Stevie had long since graduated, and had also long since moved out of the house, an incident caused by yet another big family fight that involved a lot of screaming and the exposition of several, rather ugly family truths. Clover had learned to accept the fact that Stevie was gone and that their meetings would be few and short from then on, yet she couldn't help but continue to act as if she was still there, sometimes bringing up her name in arguments with her parents or knocking on what used to be Stevie's bedroom door to tell her something, only to fall flat with disappointment the moment she remembered she didn't live there anymore. Clover began to find herself lounging in front of the telephone more and more, waiting for calls from a sibling in the city. But when they came, they only came short, and Stevie always sounded tired, even oddly
un-Stevie-like. Sometimes, on a regular day where Clover would do her homework on her bed while eagerly waiting for the phone to ring, someone would call, and she'd answer with your usual monotonic 'hello?', but then the anticipation would slowly dissipate as the dial tone suddenly went beep, indicating that the caller had hung up. And every time, she'd somehow always have a gut feeling it was Stevie. She didn't ever know for sure if it was her or not. But even the empty-worded calls did not fail to give her comfort.

Without her sister throwing parties while their parents were away, Clover didn't really have anything to direct her time and attention to but school. Despite her many fans, she only really had one real friend (aside from Stevie of course) - a pretty, popular girl just like her. Truth be told, Clover had always been quite superficial back in the day - the Quinn to Stevie's Daria, the annoying little spoiled girl in contrast to her unpredictable, enigmatic older sister. Which is exactly why, when Clover met her best friend for the first time, they got along quite perfectly. They were both rich, gorgeous, and quite frankly: shallow as fuck. In this case, you
could say the attractive ones flocked together. It wouldn't be a lie; their friendship was definitely built upon social status and looks. But as soon as Clover actually started craving human company - her human company - she realized she'd entered absolute hell when she befriended the girl she'd one day have the privilege and disadvantage of falling in love with. Clover hated her, and really, really liked her at the same time. She hated it when she got a lump in her throat every time she had to tolerate her best friend's relationships, when she told her all about her first kiss with someone or the other, and gushed over people who weren't Clover. She hated jealousy itself - the nasty feeling of wanting to wring someone's neck just because they had a person she desperately wanted for herself. But whenever they actually were together, Clover felt as if she knew the meaning of what being a girl meant: undestructible and hopelessly brittle at the same time, sometimes overpowering and cowardly, a never-ending Babushka doll of good things interlaced with bad things in between. With her, she felt as if time didn't sit at a standstill. With her, maybe things were a lot more possible than they seemed. But hey, maybe that's just the closeted hopeless romantic in Clover speaking.

Of course, it wasn't all sugar and spice and everything nice. Her best friend had a boyfriend who she seemed to actually
love (a word Clover tries to steer clear from), and it wasn't as if they spent all their time together. During those hasty blinks of life without her, Clover was distraction-free, and that meant lying in her bed and staring at the ceiling, tripping and stumbling over thoughts and words unspoken, and of course - mindlessly pondering about her elder sister who was probably living far off in a crummy apartment somewhere with unwashed jeans and equally unwashed hair. She missed her sister. Maybe she even missed her more now that she had her best friend, or maybe she just missed the innocence she'd had when Stevie was still there. Childhood didn't have to bear the burden of being in love, she'd thought to herself once, in a moment of vulnerability. For the first time in a long time, Clover was lonely, and craving the novelty of being a kid again. She missed the lack of responsibility, the weirdly faded memories she often confused with dreams, and most of all, having a sibling to share it all with.

Stevie died at the age of 24. Clover had been 16.

Stevie lived, Clover would correct people in her mind, [/i]then killed herself because she was unhappy.[/i] It was the truth, after all. It seemed to be a topic most would rather not touch, however, and that somehow made Clover feel quite bitter every time someone sent their condolences whilst obviously avoiding the roundabout of how exactly Stevie died. This had been Clover's turning point. The death of a loved one, as cliche as it seemed - turned a perfectly good apple rotten - or at least that's what she knows people still say about her. The old Clover was pristine, pretty (in what seemed to be an almost organized way), and quick-witted, a perfect contrast to her now bitter, brutally blunt and selfish persona. Once upon a time, she used to make an effort and actually tried to win everyone over with every stupid gimmick she could pull: makeup and hair done up to perfection, clothes matched and meant to accentuate, allure and attract. Now, she walked the halls with an appalling lack of desire to please, looking like a pallid, tired ghost everywhere she went. A lot of people talked. Some even said she became a carbon copy of her sister after her death - she did, after all, strike a startling resemblance to Stevie's carefree and enigmatic persona - except with Clover, everything she did was full of bitterness and had pessimistic undercurrents. Clover was Stevie, except Clover was an angrier, sadder version of Stevie. She didn't like herself. She didn't like anyone, not even her best friend (the one she loved), who was probably entangled in the meaningless drone of high school drama. How should she know what she was doing then? She'd pushed everyone away, even the girl she loved, because back then, the only thing she really knew to do was to hate. Back then, her life was a constant thunderstorm.

Did the thunderstorm ever subside, you ask? No. And she knows it probably never will, though maybe that wasn't the worst thing. She didn't know how it happened, but eventually, once she started talking to her best friend again, and opened up just a
teensy bit to her parents, it seemed like the rain took it a little easier on her, and she eventually got used to the cloud that followed her everywhere. Everything became an eventually, and that's probably the only reassurance she ever got to have. That eventually, everything would be alright.


Wesley Donoghue [Father]

Elisa Montgomery [Mother]

Stevie Donoghue [sister]

best memory:

Her best memory would probably be the first time her best friend and her sister met for the first time, stumbling into each other in the hallways of Clover's house. It had been a pleasant surprise, seeing the two people she liked most conversing, even hitting it off to the point that Stevie sometimes aked Clover about her best friend's well-being. It was as if her two worlds had collided, and even if it was a small and probably unimportant occurrence for the other two, Clover always feels as if she'll explode with sadness, happiness, and the sickening but euphoric weight of nostalgia every time she recalls the experience.

theme song:

by TV On The Radio

r e l a t i o n s h i p s



? - Enemy | ? - Acquaintance | ? - Friend | ? - Good friend | ? - Best friend | ? - Love Interest

? ? Emilia Rivendell ? ?

? Morgan Hart ?

? Rich Osmanovik ?

Lucian Watts

? Jake Manning ?

? Kirsten Manning ?

Asher Witmore


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Raven Ashburn

The Cheerleader

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.2d2629967a400412f65db779cd042089.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.2d2629967a400412f65db779cd042089.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Raven Ashburn






Painfully Heterosexual


The Cheerleader




May 1st




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.6905c1c0379d99f3df887f204f2bd977.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.6905c1c0379d99f3df887f204f2bd977.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Raven has hazel-grey eyes with wavy blonde that goes down a little further than her mid-back. She typically has a happy aura around her but she can typically look intimidating to most people. She typically wears skirts and dresses but however doesn't dress sluty at all. Everything she wears is typically fashionable and very appropriate. There are the days she will wear just plain comfortable clothes but she will wear make-up around anybody with the image in her head she needs to be the image that everyone around her sees her as. She however won't wear heals if she doesn't have to. When she is either going to a party,dance, or a formal event she will wear heels but she will typically not stay that long due to the fact that her feet will start killing her. She is an average height with a slim but curvy body. She isn't extremely thin, but she isn't overweight either. She walks with intimidation and confidence mainly because she has power around the school and she knows it.




129 lbs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.6bf450f9da9a38b6fed1101a277efc47.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.6bf450f9da9a38b6fed1101a277efc47.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has this tattoo on her left shoulder blade right after she had met her mother for the first time.

Birth marks/scars:

She has quite a fews scars but thankfully most have faded. She also has a small, lightly colored birthmark on the inside of her arm.

Default Expression:

Peaceful or Bitchy (depends on her mood)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.7c4e0b1bcccf949187df17e71ba2522f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.7c4e0b1bcccf949187df17e71ba2522f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


When she was young, she had parents that were happy and always would do things with her and she had a normal family but what she didn't know was that her dad was beating her mother. She remembered the bruises on her mother and then her father started beating her and slitting her sin. Her mother wold always try and defend her but it wouldn't work and it would just become twice as bad. Her father constantly cheated on her mother and he would never even try to hide it from them. Finally a neighbor caught a glimpse of her father hitting her and they called the cops. She only ever has minor flash backs and when they happens, she starts shaking horribly and if she is around people she will find a way to get away from them. Her boyfriend has only ever seen her like this once and she managed to get away from him. This all happened until she was 7. Her mother was brought in for questioning and her mother was declared mentally unstable to take care of her so she was put into the foster system. Every time she went to a new home it was typically a group home and she was at the bottom of the foster home food chain where she couldn't cry or complain or she would get made fun of by the older kids. She just remembered her mother telling her to 'Stay gold Raven, stay gold.' She never really knew what she meant but it was something that always stuck with her. Finally when she was twelve, after she had been bouncing from home to home, a couple that were very well off adopted her. They were extremely wealthy and always spoiled her, wanting to make up for her horrible past. She had been there ever since then. When she turned 15, she was allowed to go meet her mother, her mother hadn't seemed to be okay but when she saw her, she hugged her tightly and they both cried. She had only seen her mother once and then she hadn't seen her again. The foster parents always told her that it was better for her if she didn't see her mother and she constantly tried to fight them on it but they wouldn't budge.


Biological Mother:

Mary Ashburn~ Her biological mother, and the person she has always loved and cared about and sometimes now she thinks her mother may be dead but she honestly didn't know.

Biological Father:

David Ashburn~ Her biological father and he is the person she absolutely hates with a burning passion. Her father is inprisioned and she doesn't know where he is now.

Foster Mother:

Sarah Costello~ Her foster mother that is very sweet to her and tries to give her as much space as she needs and wants to give her anything she would ever need.

Alexander Costello~ Her foster father that she never really sees du to the fact he is always at work but he always buys her anything she may ever need.

Best memory:

Her best memory was when she was young and she was out with her mother shopping trying to find some clothes for her and her mother grabbed a shirt that was white with many gold strands. Her mother looked at 5 year old Raven and told her, 'Stay gold Raven, stay gold.'


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.eb6a016f719de2c94e6f5e380a57f5c0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.eb6a016f719de2c94e6f5e380a57f5c0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


to be added if accepted

People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed
Raven Ashburn



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L U C I A N . W A T T S

18 | male | the writer

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Lucian James Watts










January 18th




Lucian has a tall, thin build and he has been described as lanky. His hair, which is short and scruffy, is light brown. His eyes are dark moss coloured and are framed by very large eyebrows. Lucian's skin is fairly tanned and his face is dotted with acne and acne scars. His teeth are totally straight on the top, but a little crooked on the bottom, so her always smiles with his top teeth. Lucian's wardrobe has little thought put into it. He mostly wears punny t-shirts and dark skinny jeans paired with old converse or boots.





birth marks/scars:

He has a small birth mark on the back of his neck, shaped like a bear claw. He thinks it's pretty badass; though that's the last thing you would describe him as.




Being a writer, Lucian is also a little bit of a smart ass. From his appearance, some might expect him to be shy or gentle, but if you know him, you'll realise that he's the absolute opposite. Lucian is confident, sarcastic, witty and a little bit angry. He's not at all what you'd expect from an aspiring writer. Lucian is very sarcastic. To a hell of a lot of people, it's more than annoying. That, and his heavily critical views have left him with very few friends. But, in a way, it's made him more popular. Although he doesn't have many close friends, lots of people in the school know his name. Mostly because people like to start fights with him and mostly because he's very loud about his views about certain people.

Although Lucian pokes fun at people sometime, he feels awkward if he takes it too far and seriously tries to overcompensate for making someone feel bad. He'll offer to carry their bag or do their homework. It's painful to watch. Lucian is very confident and he is not afraid to voice his opinions, in fact, he prefers to shout them from the rooftops. Sometimes quite literally. Lucian likes to pull pranks, especially in school. He'll put up stupid posters of teachers or through flour bombs, again, earning more of a name for himself. Some people find him hilarious, others find him ridiculous.

When he's not pissing people off, Lucian likes to relax in the library. Although he's isn't particularly intelligent, Lucian has always been totally fascinated with poetry, especially from the nineteenth century. He likes to read Gothic stuff, and around a year ago, he started writing some of his own. He never lets anyone read his poems, not even his Mother, so he hides bundles of paper stuffed under his mattress.

Even though Lucian is very confident, he isn't great at talking to girls. He usually says things that he thinks will be cool, but end up being lies and girls just generally think he's stupid or ridiculous. He feels like he can never be himself when it comes to girls that he likes, because he always ends up screwing things up and ruining his chances. For the minute, he's pretty much given up girls; especially the ones at his school. Lucian is a little bit of a dare devil. He'll take any dare you give him, yet he can't explain why he does it. He swears it's not for popularity or an adrenaline rush. It's more to make his like a little more exciting.

When times get hard, Lucian is good at adapting to his situation. He tries to be supportive, but sometimes his sadness turns to anger and he lashes out and shouts at people, as he did with Bernie. But, Lucian isn't great with sadness. Because he's the 'man' of his family, he's always had to keep sadness inside and be the brave face that his sister can look up to. But this gets to him too, and sometimes, he even loses it with his sister when she's sad and yells at her for being annoying. He hates himself for it afterwards.




Curly Fries

Indie Bands

Sunny Evenings



Social Media

Action Movies

Video Games



He repels technology. He's terrible with computers, tvs, games consoles. He doesn't even own a cell phone.

Lucian cannot take advice from other people. No matter how people direct him, he'll always think there's another way.




Lucian was born into a fairly normal family. His Father was a teacher and earned the family a good wage. Although they never really had amazingly fancy things, they were always happy and had what they needed. Lucian has great memories of his Father, who would take him fishing and teach him random things like how to tell the time using the sun. They had great memories. Even when he was five, and his sister Olivia was born. Lucian found himself spending even more time with his Dad, which was amazing.

However, on the day after Lucian's tenth birthday, his Father was killed in a car accident. He had gone to pick up one of Lucian's late birthday presents, but had collided with a truck on the way home. Lucian felt lost. His sister was just five years old and his Mother was an emotional mess. Lucian did what he could to help out his Mother. He had to go from being an average little ten year old boy to being a step in Father. Because his Mother was so upset for weeks, Lucian offered to take Olivia off of her hands, just to cheer her up. Lucian stopped being a little boy and started to become more of a man.

As Lucian's Mother started to recover from her grieving process, Lucian went into his own. He realised that he had never thought about his Father, because he was too bust thinking of his Mother. Starting high school was a little hard. Although his Mother had fully recovered, he felt like he didn't want to replace his sister and his Mother with school. But as soon as he settled in, he realised that wasn't a problem. He and Olivia grew closer because they spent more quality time together. His Mother was happier and she started to go out more. They were becoming a happy family.


Olivia Georgia Watts; Sister

Marie Coleman-Watts; Mother

Stuart Thomas Watts; Father (Deceased)

best memory:

The day he started high school. His Mother kissed him goodbye, he made new friends and at the end of the day, when he returned home, he felt like everything was normal again. That was the first time that things seemed to have healed.




to be added if accepted


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Blake Leon Larson

| AGE |






| ROLE |

The Captain


American (Caucasian)


April 4



Blake has straight, dark brown hair and piercing light brown eyes. He has a very muscular build as he spends most of his time practicing football. His intense workouts, athletic lifestyle, and countless trips to the gym has blessed him with large biceps, chest, broad shoulders, and six-pack. He carries himself with an air of confidence and has a bright, charming smile, making him a very handsome man. He has a defined jawline, broad shoulders, and soft pillow-like lips, often keeping himself clean-shaven as well. His naturally charming demeanor allows him to easily hide any anger, frustration, or angst that he often feels.






Tattoo of a compass on his left shoulder blade



Scar on his inner elbow when he fell off his skateboard as a kid

Small birthmark on his left calf



Blake gives off a haughty, arrogant appearance, carrying himself as if he owns the school. He walks with an air of confidence and has a natural charm, good at filling the silence and smooth with his words. He finds it very easy to talk to girls and enjoys meeting new people. When he is talking to someone, the attentive look that he gives them often makes them feel like they are the only person in the room. This charm is what attracted Bernie to him and led her to fall for him so easily.

Blake revels in the attention and the social rewards that he receives for being the Captain of the football team at school. He is easily peer pressured, especially by his Cheerleader girlfriend, and many of the things that he says and does are for social approval. He enjoys his spot at the top of the social ladder and does many things that he is not proud of to impress others. This quality is what caused him to lead Bernie on, as he received social praise every time he continued the joke. Additionally, he is very judgmental of others, especially those below him on the social ladder, and generally only keeps to his own exclusive social circle.

Underneath this persona that he puts on at school lies an angry, confused soul. At any given moment, he is most likely experiencing a huge mix of emotions as a result of his father's pressure to push him to perform well in football. He becomes enraged when he loses a game, often beating himself up for the failures of the team. Anger has become a common emotion for him, as all of his frustrations have built up over the years. Although he has a caring and sensitive heart, he has been taught to hide all of these emotions, as his father always told him that these feelings would throw off his game. Furthermore, Blake is very hardworking and determined, as a result of his many years of football. Once he has a goal in mind, he will not rest until he has achieved it.

After Bernie's death, he has felt a constant overwhelming feeling of guilt. Although he is normally very good at hiding his inner emotions, his usual smile is now devoid of any charm and happiness, replaced by mechanical facial expressions. The guilt threatens to crush him everyday, making him feel more and more alone in his emotions.



Football | Meeting new people | Partying/drinking | Listening to music | Running | Working out | Outdoor activities | Stargazing


Built-up anger and guilt | Inability to express his emotions | His father's pressures | Losing | Being publicly embarrassed


Bites his lip when he iss deep in thought

Runs his hand through his hair when he is nervous or embarrassed


Figure out his own passion in life and pursue that

Become a better person, one who is not so dependent on social approval


His passion for football is starting to fade away due to the intense pressure that he is under to perform well, especially after Bernie's death.

He started developing genuine feelings for Bernie before her suicide.




Blake was raised into a rather wealthy family along with his younger sister. His athletic skills were apparent even as a young boy, often kicking around a soccer ball or throwing around a football in the backyard. As he entered his early adolescence, his father pushed him to hone his skills in football, soon becoming his personal coach. Blake never missed a single football practice and rarely went to bed without sore muscles.

When he entered high school and made the varsity football team, his father only grew more and more intense. School and football became his entire life, and dinner conversations were often football-related. Although his mother was very loving and affectionate, it didn't balance out the tremendous pressure that his father placed on him. Blake knew that this put a strain on his parents' marriage, as he often overheard them arguing over his time spent on football. His mother knew that this stress was too much for a teenager, but his father only continued. The only thing that kept him sane was the weekend parties that the football team often threw. This was where he would pressure Bernie to drink more and take drugs, along with the other cheerleaders and football players.

After Bernie's death, he has become numb to any other emotion except for guilt. This guilt weighed so heavily on his heart that his passion for football has exponentially decreased. For the first time in his life, he is missing practices and talking back to his father, finding it hard to care about anything anymore. Her death made him realize that his passion for football was actually just a need to impress his father, who is still determined to make Blake a professional player. Especially now that he is a senior and college scouts will be coming to recruit, his father has only gotten more intense. Blake, however, does not want to attend a football-centered university, preferring instead a smaller liberal arts college. This has caused a large amount of strain and heated arguments in his home life over his future.


Eric Larson | Father | Stubborn, Strict, Intense, Disciplined, Angry

Jennifer Larson | Mother | Loving, Affectionate, Caring, Sensitive

The Princess | Sister | ?


His favorite childhood memory was not in fact the first time that he scored a touchdown. It was the ice cream that he got as a result of his first touchdown. He and his entire family went into town for fresh ice cream and watched a movie together afterwards. He still remembers the innocent happiness and laughter that filled the air, before he grew older and succumbed to his father's pressures, before his need for social approval caused him to lead a girl to take her own life.



To be added if accepted

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"If you don't take the opportunities that life gives, you're a fool."



name. Charlotte Genevieve Rowland

nickname. Charlie, Lotte, Jen, Ginny or Evie etc.

ethnicity. Caucasian

age. Eighteen {18}

birthday. January 11th {Capricorn}

gender. Female {She/Her}

orientation. Demisexual

role. The Princess


description. Charlotte would surely be considered a beautiful girl to most, and she's definitely got a certain crowd she'd attract just with her looks. But she has that deadly serious gaze, paired with the ever so melancholy frown and she'll have you surely intimidated or at least, uncomfortable. Her smile however, her thin dark pink lips curled upwards, is always genuine and polite though it's rare these days. Despite all these rather normal and common features she has, which causes her to naturally blend into the crowd, she possesses a powerful presence and her very arrival could turn heads or wouldn't be noticed at all.

Her physique is fairly average and slim. Her complexion, smooth and a healthy pale, sprinkled with the occasional cluster of angel kisses. There's a natural dark ring around her soft brown eyes, giving the impression that her eyes are slightly sunken inside. Her hair is a shade reddish brown, stretching the length just below her chest.

As for personal opinions towards her appearance, Charlotte almost always finds herself ignoring the demands of her 'beauty'. Neglecting the need to take care anything about her appearance but her hygiene. She almost never uses makeup and when she does, it isn't well applied. She doesn't have fancy products and she barely even knows how to braid her hair. She keeps things simple and practiced; ponytail, top, overcoat, jeans and shoes. If you get close enough, you might smell a whiff of her Magnolia fragrance.

height. 5' 6"

weight. 122 lbs.

tattoo/piercings. N/A. She does want to get one at some point.

scars/birthmarks. N/A.


personality. Between the mind and the heart, Charlotte is probably the most pragmatic and logic-driven person you'll ever meet. She is emotionally detached and socially flawed, sometimes regarded as a boring individual. Truly she is not, and she has more to her behind that shy, enigmatic facade. She has been through a lot as a person and is fairly careful to who she befriends as she is perhaps a little bit scared if someone were to break her feelings. The friends she has are the only people she trusts and loves. She is fiercely loyal to them and is willing to stand up for them even if it means her life.

She is analytical, observant, ambiverted and is extremely grounded into reality. She sees life as a cruel and hard world, where people wouldn't think twice about manipulating or betraying her. She accepts that fact and learns to avoid it. This then causes a distrusting nature manifesting within her which affects strangers and familiars alike. Once you gain that trust, she would be much more open and perhaps even a bit goofy. However, if she picks up one wrong or suspicious move on your end, she will not hesitate to cut you off and chop you into pieces like it was nothing. Her realist point of view also makes her a neutral party and a very unbiased adviser. She gives you good advice, whether you want it or not.

As for that quiet surface, underneath, she is a charming girl with an air of confidence and a sarcastic humour you'll either love or hate. She is spontaneous and impulsive with her sharp-wit while understanding that words are a useful weapon and wisely applies them, thoughtful of what she says and hate having what she has said to be held against her. Her constant use of sarcasm and sometimes doom her, escalating situations, making her seem insensitive, even if she was polite afterwards. She's creative and imaginative, working her way around problems with the skills she possesses. This is where her charm comes in, and she also uses it on other various scenarios to get others to support her views and strong opinions.

On top of all that, Charlotte always has an ambition and is always on top of her A game. She strives for accomplishments and driven by success. With her hardworking and go-getter attitude, paired up with her steely determination, she is everything you want in a workaholic and does whatever it takes to get to the top. To achieve this, she sometimes takes control of the situation and can be easily perceived as bossy.

You may be a leader that everyone favours, but she's the kind of leader who knows what she's on about.

likes. Coffee, Orange Tic Tac (obsessively), Chocolate Donuts, Nature, Outdoors, Camping, Recycling, Saving-the-Earth Campaigns, Walks, Rollerskating, Cycling, Poetry, Books, Reading, Praise, Success, Realistic Goals and Dreams, People Similar to Herself, Logical People, Solving any Rubik's Cube, Plushies, Cats and etc.

dislikes. Sensation of hugs, the Cold, Math, Philosophy, Dancing, Peer Pressure, Incompetence, Ignorance, Stressful People, Making New Friends, Miscommunication and etc.

quirks. Carries a large coin which she likes to roll over her knuckles. Generally cracks her knuckles but never when she's nervous. Enjoys whistling when she's alone. Stares at things when in deep thought or concentration.


background. Charlotte was the firstborn to the young wealthy Rowland couple, her respectable parents who had a life of ease catered just for her. They had prepared for her arrival and had an event in celebration of her birth. But the excitement of a child had soon died down and Charlotte went back to being a little crying bundle alongside her baby brother she had the year after, not long after her birthday.

Growing up as a child, Charlotte was like an imperfect, flawed and unimportant piece trying to fit into a puzzle already complete. Her parents never seemed to pay her much attention and it wasn't long until she figured the situation. They were absolutely happy, two wonderful pieces fitting together with no flaws to be seen. They would be happy with or without her in the picture. She gradually understood that and tried to keep her distance to not ruin their perfect marriage.

She was then on seen as a distant and rather shy kid, whom no one had ever heard speak. Her parents barely heard her voice, her nannies and maids are rarely replied to and not once have she spoke or trusted her brother. Charlotte, instead communicated with simple gestures, mouthing as well as written language but these usually weren't very helpful. This is because her maids, tutors and nannies, who were desperate to hear her talk that they acted clueless to her pleads in silent language. She viewed them as inconsiderate and discourteous people, thus she developed an independent attitude and her reliance on humanity faded.

Due to her sudden self-sufficient demeanour, she was entrusted to take care of herself and her brother by the age of six. Nannies were gone and it made her life look a little more happier when she started to smile. Charlotte grew into her pre-teens as a rational and responsible individual, grasping concepts like adulthood, jobs and money pretty well while struggles to comprehend existence, god and philosophy. She stopped distancing herself for her parents and acknowledged that inside, she was always loved by them, no matter how little proof she could see of it.

Charlotte studied well but due to her reserved and uncommunicative nature, her parents were worried. To help, they sent her to a public school to make friends and perhaps take that first step for her to speak like a normal kid. The first few months were slow but teachers told her parents that she was beginning to whisper to certain girls in class. She mixed well with her classmates and her polite smiles always seem to promote a more positive air to the classroom. She was also well encouraged by the teachers for her non-disruptive personality, her hardworking behaviour and her intelligence. This great support from her environment gradually caused her to grow confident of her abilities and boost her self esteem. She began to regularly talk at home and communicate normally though she is still quiet at times.

The next few years in school was a breeze. She got her status, her friends, the satisfaction of her life. She and her brother still hadn't got along that well, since she realised that he started acting much like a jerk. Some other people were that way as well and the understanding of popularity had caused her to be much more careful with friends so she wasn't used. Charlotte then started attending his parties, just out of curiosity. It became a habit of hers to be there, acting like some sort of bouncer and it wasn't long till she found out about Bernie.

She was blinded by love, Charlotte could tell. She warned Bernie repeatedly, even going to lengths by confronting her brother about it. But the girl never listened. "You'll never understand what love feels like!" she would say and kept ignoring her advice, which triggered Charlotte's first encounter with inconsiderate human beings. She switched herself off and stopped bothering Bernie. In the end, she didn't care. The girl died and she feels nothing inside.



mother - Lois Rowland

father - Jonathan Rowland

brother - ??? ???

best memory. The day when she realised that people weren't so bad after all. When she was appreciated by the people around her and when her parents gave her the support she never knew she needed.

other. She's quite adept at playing the guitar.

• Is trying to learn Swedish because she thinks it sounds cool.

• Has a Swedish pen pal online, Miriam. They message regularly.

• Stargazes every Friday night. Preferably with the company of her brother or anyone who is willing.

• Regularly gives her change to the poor.

• Is reluctant to the idea of existence, god, philosophy and such but holds a small belief in each. Repels any advancements to talk about such subjects.

• Collects Plushies.

• Has a lazy kitty named Freckleton, Freck or Freckles for short.

• Has a soft spot for nature and dreamed of using the money she would earn to protect them and preserve the Earth.


relationships. to be added once accepted

"To be honest, I kinda take a disliking to people."


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Note: Surname is flexible; willing to change upon request by person filling in the Captain.



name: Zoe Margaret Sinclair

age: 18 years old

gender: Female

sexuality: Heterosexual
ethnicity: Caucasian

birthday: October 09

role: The Princess

face claim: Lorena Rae

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"Words are the most destructive of them all. You can both create and destroy, all in the same breath."

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J A K E . M A N N I N G

18 | male | the captain

no slide



Jacob Manning










The Captain




August 8th




Jake is your typical jock build; especially a football player. He has big shoulders and strong arms as well as a broad chest. His hair is dark brown; he tries to style it, but it ends up getting messed up in practice, so it usually just lies limply around his ears. His eyes are a dark, glossy brown and are framed by thick eyelashes. His complexion is fairly tanned, from the amount of time he spends outside. his fashion sense is limited to t-shirts and jeans. He knows how to rock a suit, but unfortunately doesn't know how to style one.








Jake has two sides to him, like most people. He has the side that he parades around school; the tough guy jock who's untouchable. Then, he has the side that he only lets a select few see, and even then it's only for a short moment. For the past few years, Jake has told himself that it's totally okay to spend his life playing football, going to parties and laughing at other people. He is dedicated to his sport, and lives his life around it. He doesn't drink too much and he keeps to a strict diet. He has nothing else going for him; his sister is the brains of the family. In school, Jake is a bully. There's no other word for it. Over the years, he developed a tolerance for being mean and rude to people. When he first became popular, he would just pick on the people who picked on him. But, as more people saw that he was tough and cool, he got a kick out of it, and he intimidated people who simply didn't deserve it. Up until recently, he'd start fights for no reason and assert his dominance wherever he could, even if that meant physically hurting someone.

That was until Bernie. Bernie changed him. When he first started playing his little game with Bernie, he was totally content laughing at her. For the first few days, at least. His girlfriend and their friends laughed with him. It was a game, a joke, something that entertained them. But, once Jake saw that he was actually destroying Bernie, he became totally conflicted. In fights, he had never emotionally hurt someone, or he hadn't stuck around to see it. He had never had to live with the hurt that he caused. He had never had to look into someone's eyes and see the false hope, the sadness, the fear. Bernie really thought that she loved him, and that he loved her back.

That brings us to Jake's other side, the side that no one but his close circle sees. Before Jake became the biggest, baddest jock in high school, he let everyone see this side. Deep down, Jake is a soft hearted guy. Although he can't control his anger and has a stupid need to introduce himself as an alpha male, he's got a sad soul. Bernie's death has helped him to realise the error of his ways, and he wants to get out of high school as soon as he can, so that he can start showing this side to everyone. He wants to show that he can be caring, an romantic and fun. He wants to show that he can be hard working and loving and care free. He doesn't want to be seen as the high school bully forever, and he knows that he's going to have to repent his sins to do so.




The Beach

Big Dogs

Video Games



Romantic Movies


Loud Music

Social Media


Jake is known for his brilliant skill in football, but he's also very talented at baseball and basketball.

Jake sighs a lot. When he's sad, when he's angry; even when he's happy. It's a natural reaction to him.




Jake's life has been simple, up until now. His parents, both lawyers who studied at Harvard, gave him everything he ever wanted. As a child, Jake didn't have a care in the world. With an older sister, he had someone to play pranks on and with. He had an array of different nannies and tutors, whom he also pranked from time to time. When Jake was about ten, his Father crushed his dream of being an astronaut, and instead told him that all the money was in sport, and that he was going to be a football player. He didn't have a choice on the matter. Whenever Jake's Father made an appearance, you knew it was important, and Jake knew that he couldn't disobey.

For his homeschooling years, Jake swapped from different town teams to different coaches before he realised that he had a passion for football. With a good throwing arm and fast legs, Jake loved the rush he got scoring a touchdown; even pushing people over. Unfortunately, Jake was sent to a public middle school along with his sister. He hated the place at first, but once he started to gain popularity, he began to enjoy his time there. His best years started when the girls started to realise his looks and he saw that he could impress them. That's all he cared about; impressing people.

When Bernie came along, he could do more and more of that. He could impress Bernie with soft whispers and winks. He could impress his girlfriend by using Bernie as a joke. But he could no longer do that after he found Bernie passed out at a party in a pool of her own vomit. All the bad things that he had done came flooding back to him. All the people he had fought with and kicked and punched. The image of Bernie, walking around school with a neat pony tail and a sweet smile. He had ruined her. He had destroyed who she was. He hated himself for it. When she died, he really felt the guilt collapse on him. He contemplated suicide himself. Bernie was dead because of him, and he would never forget that.

For a few days, he locked himself in his room, in disbelief that she was dead. He was doubting everything. He was doubting his girlfriend, his friends, his family and his future prospects. Even football couldn't solve the mess he was in. Since Bernie's death, Jake has felt like utter, total, complete shit. But, because of this, he's even meaner. He can't let anyone know he has feelings.


Kirsten Manning; Sister

Derek Manning; Father

Elizabeth Manning; Mother





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