The college Apartment (Roleplaying Dovah & Lyna)

Abby debated internally whether she should disclose where was actually from. Well, its not like he's gonna track me down. After a moment she said, "Wichita." She shot him a fake smile in order to hide any signs of her uncomfortable feeling.
"Sounds like a nice place." Robert said to Abby whilst waiting for the food to arrive. He believed that she didn't really want to talk about it and said "Fancy watching a film? I've got several dvds in my room and it should take a few moments to set the TV and PS3 up."
"Sure," Abby replied. She fumbled with her t-shirt as she waited Rob to take out his gadgets and set it up.

"Do you play? You know video games?" she asked. She used to rock those. It had a very long she played something.
"I spend too much playing them!" Robert told Abby with a smile. "I mainly play RPGs and roleplay." He told his roommate. "I own the classics, Dragon Age Origins, The Elder Scrolls:Oblivion and Skyrim, Mass Effect and others." He told her as he got off the table.
"Too much of information," Abby said with a laugh. "I'm not really that much of a pro. Considering the way you're so excited, I'd say you'll defeat me in like two minutes," she further added. She watched as Rob continued setting up his PS3. Then the doorbell rang.

"That must be the food, I'll get it," she got up from the couch and went to the door.
"Here's the cash." Robert said to Abby as he handed it to her. "Hopefully, we'll be able to watch a film whilst we eat." He told her as he continued to set it up. "What do you want to watch?" He asked his roomate as he made sure the PS3 was connected to the TV.
"Anything other than some stupid sappy romance," Abby said as she placed the food on the table in front of the couch. She opened the packets and gave one to him. She took the other one and flopped down on the couch.
"The Avengers?" Robert asked Abigail after recieving his portion. He finished setting up the PS3 and turned it on. "or a pixar film?" He asked as he shot a small smile at her.
"You choose. I've watched Avengers way too many times. Lets watch a pixar one," Abby replied as she devoured her noodles. She let out a satisfied moan and said, "This is the best Chinese I've had in a very long while."
"Toy story then." Robert told abby as he went to retrieve it. He came back and inserted it into the PS3 after booting it up. He pressed play and sat next to abby.
It was the first time Abby was watching Toy Story. It was unbelievable, yes but with her not so perfect childhood it was kind of normal. She devoured the food as she watched the movie. She laughed out loud and felt like she was five again. It had been a long time since she watched a Disney movie. Both of them were laughing along with Woody and his friends, and was awed by their adventures. At least Abby was.

Soon she felt sleepy and decided that it was time for bed. She was exhausted with the moving in, the bed was calling her name. But she wanted to watch the end of the movie.

Gradually, she soon drifted off into sleep against Rob with the cushion as her new pillow.
"This is one of Pixar's finest works." Robert told Abby near the end of the film before realising she was asleep. "Ah, sorry." He whispered as he muted the film and gently picked her up. He carried her to her room and gently put her onto her bed.
Abby woke up with a start when her nightmare came back haunting her. She looked around, confused where she was. She remembered the last 24 hours and calmed down. She had fallen asleep on the couch, only now she was in her bed. She thought maybe Rob carried her here. That made her blush a little.

Shaking her head, she looked at the red digits of her clock. 2:49 AM. She scrambled up and changed into a pair of shorts and a loose tee shirt. The silence of the apartment greeted her when she tried to listen to any noise outside. She climbed back under the covers, soon engulfed in a deep sleep. Tomorrow was the first day of college. She was excited and nervous all at the same time.
Robert woke up at 6am and walked into the kitchen. He retrieved a jar of instant coffee from his small box of vital supplies and plugged in the kettle on the worktop. He retrieved two cups and put them in front the kettle after filling it up with water and put it on.

(Sorry for the late reply. Been busy with life)
Abby woke up with a start, sweating and breathing heavily. The nightmares were getting worse, and she had no idea how to get rid of them. Glancing at the clock, she noticed it was almost seven. She eventually made her way to the bathroom to get ready for her first day of college.

She got dressed in a tank top and floral print skirt. Abby hated makeup. The only thing she put was a bit of eyeliner and mascara. Satisfied with her look, she stepped out into the living room barefoot, with her hair still damp from the shower. She found Rob by the kitchen counter, pouring coffee into cups.

"Morning," she greeted with a warm smile.

((Sorry, been busy with graduation and college stuff.))
"Morning." Robert said to Abby. "Hey, nice outfit!" He said after noticing her clothes and meant it as an innocent compiliment in an attempt to be friendly.
"Um, thanks," Abby looked down at her clothes and blushed a little at Rob's sudden compliment. She wasn't used to them. The only other person to compliment her was her best friend America back home. She never really paid much attention towards her wardrobe. With an abusive father and a hard childhood, it was the last thing to worry about. She made her way towards the counter and picked up a coffee mug.

"Aren't you supposed to get ready?" she asked Rob, trying to make small conversation.
"Won't take me long." RObert told Abby with a smile. He was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. "But if' we're grabbing breakfast, i'll better go get ready." He told her. "I'll just be 5 minutes." he informed her as he walked to his room.
"Sure," Abby smiled as Rob made his way to his room. Finishing her coffee, she took out her slung bag and stashed some books inside. She got her schedule before settling in here. She took out some documents that was supposed to be submitted. Once she was done, she took her cellphone and went into the living room. She thought of leaving but that might be rude. So she waited until Rob was done.

Abby plopped onto the couch, fiddling with her phone as she waited.

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