The college Apartment (Roleplaying Dovah & Lyna)

Name: Abigail 'Abby' Abernathy

Age: 19


Other: Abby was born and brought up in Witchita, but she left her hometown for college and to get rid of her gambling, alcoholic father. The famous gambler as he was, Micky Abernathy started losing everything after Abby turned thirteen. And Abby she became a pro. People called her the 'lucky thirteen', but Micky hated her. He blamed her for his condition. Abby didn't want anything to do with him, so when she got into a college far away from her hometown, she left. Now new in town and in college, Abby wants to start over.
Name:Robert Frankson



Robert and Abigail had just finished moving into together. Robert felt a bit nervous about sharing an apartment with someone he didn't know. "Rob." He told Abigail and extended his hand for her to shake.
"Abby," she introduced herself. Moving into a coed apartment sure seemed uncomfortable to her first, but Abby now accepted it. Not everything would be that easy. She picked up her cardboard box labelled 'Unimportant' and came to a halt. She looked at the two rooms and turned to Rob, "So which room do you choose?"
"I'll take that one." Rob told Abbie and pointed to the smaller room. He went to pick up a box of his clothes and walked towards it. "So, what're you studying?" He asked her as he opened the door to his room with his elbow.
Abby picked up her box and proceeded towards the other room. "I haven't decided a major yet," she said stuffing the box under her bed. "What about you?" she asked as she came out of the room to move the rest of the boxes.
"I'm in between subjects." Robert told Abigail as he put his stuff on his bed. "Need a hand?" He asked his new roommate.
"Um," Abby looked around at all the boxes around her, "Sure. Thanks," she said with a smile as she carried another box to her room.
Robert picked up one of Abby's boxes and carried it into her room. "We should set some ground rules." He said to her. "For us to both follow" He said as he walked towards another box that belonged to her. He only have a few more boxes left and wasn't too fussed about doing it later.
Picking up the last box and setting it on the floor of her room, she turned to face Rob. "Yeah sure, that'd be cool," she said and waited for him to list down the rules.
"Ok. If we bring someone home back from a date, try to keep the noise down. Clean up after ourselves, no entering each other's room without permission and generally stuff like that." Robert said as he picked up the box and walked towards Abby's room. "Any rules you would like to add?" He asked her as he put her box in the room.
"Pretty much the same. About the food though, one of us can cook alternately. If neither feel like it, we can order some takeout. Cool," Abby asked, adding a small rule to the list. Because one, she wasn't much of a cook and two, sharing responsibilities seemed like an adult thing to do.
"Cool." Robert said as he walked to get one more of abby's boxes. He carried it into her room and gently put it down next to the others.
"I'm guessing that's the last one?" Abby asked as she sat down on the bed, as Rob came in with another box. She craned her head to see the living room and found no more box, at least not in the portion of her sight.
"Looks like it." Rob said to Abby and smiled at her. "If you need me, i'll be sorting out my room." He informed her and went to carry his remaining boxes into his room.
"Sure, thanks," Abby smiled at him as he left. She stood up and closed the door. Sitting on her bed, she looked around thinking about all the work she's got to do. Laying down, she looked up at the ceiling and thought about how hard was this new chapter of her life going to be. As the tiredness creeped in, her muscles felt heavy and her eyes became droopy. Within a few minutes, she drifted off into a deep sleep.
Robert unpacked his things and sat down on his bed. He believed he would get along with his new roomate and was relieved. He decided to take a small nap.

He woke up several hours later and went to grab a bottle of soda.
Abby woke up suddenly, jolting out of the nightmare she was having. She looked around, confused as to where she was. Then it struck her. New college, new place, apartment, roommate. She rubbed her eyes, stifling a yawn. She made her way outside to find Rob by the fridge.

"Hey," she said as she went to get a bottle of water.
Abby thought about it for sometime. "You know we're both tired with the shifting, so why don't we order some takeout? I think I saw a menu of a nearby Chinese restaurant on the table. We can start the cooking part from tomorrow," she said as she gulped some water.
"True." Robert said before picking up the leaflet. "So, what do you want?" He asked her with a smile as he sat on the table.
"Noodles sound good," Abby smiled at him as she set the bottle down. It was becoming very awkward at the silence so she tried to make small talk as they waited for food to come. "So where are you originally from?" she asked after taking a seat on the couch.
Robert got out his mobile phone and rang the chinese restraunt. "Hi, could i have 2 lots of noodles, sweet and sour chicken with king prawns and egg fried rice with 4 duck spring rolls." He said to the employee on the other end of the phone. After ordering the food, he put his phone away and said "From England. Move to America a few years ago and have been studying a lot of stuff. This is my third year of college and i'm trying to decide what i want to do. Having a lot of qualifactions is great but i'm not sure what career i would like." He informed Abby with a smile.
Abby smiled back at him. "But you don't really have one of those really hot British accents ya know?" she asked with a small laugh, grinning at him.

"Just kidding. So how's England? Never been there before," she further said.
Robert smiled at Abby and said "It's a decent place depending on what part you are in. It constantly rains though." He looked at his phone to see what time it was and asked "Where are you from?"

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