The Collective [Inactive]


JGamer502 submitted a new role play:

The Collective - Heroes from time, space, and everything beyond are being pulled into something, but what?


In the first blink of the Multiverse, there was nothing but void, a swirling chaos of dark and light. Opposites were being mashed into each other in this primordial soup of the universe. Time and Space, Good and Evil, even Past and Future, all being mashed into this big swirl of chaos. All that existed was Draven, the Divine of Chaos. Soon, a spark of Order came, and Gabraiel was born, along with the...

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Gabraiel's chosen appear on a golden platform, floating in the air. The group is varied and each are very different. Ranging from a viking who slayed a beast to an inventor who helped stop an alien terrorist attack. Surrounding the group are white, spiked walls, but there appears to be no roof, as the hot sunbeams caress their skin. Angels and other civilians that would be described as "Angelic" and "Beautiful" fly around, greeting each of the chosen in a friendly manner with a choir-like tone. The platform hovers towards another angelic figure, but he is more buff and armored then the others. This is not Gabraiel, but just one of his generals. "Greetings, my friends. You have been chosen for a very important and specific task. This, is the Land of Order, ruled by our great benevolent Divine; Gabraiel" he explains. "Now, you all may not think much of yourselves. But you are chosen for your acts of heroism and goodness. You may be the strongest, the swiftest, and even the wisest, and for your skills you have been chosen. And in this war you have been chosen to act in, you will need the best of your skills. Fore another team is being formed as we speak, and another, and another, and each have different intentions then we do" he says. The group gets confused, and some of the people get panic. "If you choose to not participate, you will have no choice but to be taken to The Wild.." he says, as he takes out a crystal ball. In the ball, shows a forest, with a frightened soldier running away in panic. A group of beasts such as werewolves and purple skinned canines attack the soldier, killing it. "...The price of true neutrality is a big one." he says in guilt. "Before I take you to you first assignment, does anyone have any questions?" he asks, as he patiently waits.

Araei's chosen appear inside a giant, magical oak tree. There are doors leading to god knows where, along with elves, fairies, and creatures that we have only read about walking about. Most of these creatures would be no surprise to the group, fore most are already elves or fairies, or even other races of creatures. In front of them appears a flower taking the shape of a chair. It then swirls and spins as tiny dots of light collect and join together, forming a humanoid shape. It then creates a fairy with wings larger and more bizarre then the others, one of Araei's generals. "Hello, I am Selere, a general of the great Araei. You may be confused of where you are, but a great prophecy has been made, and you are the chosen ones the prophecy fore told of. You will be taken to lands much different then home, many even much different then the one we stand in. There, you must fight in the name of our great Araei against those that deny us. Our only ally at the moment is the great Gabraiel, an angel who commands an army of the most holy fighters" she explains. "Decide to leave, then the door is right over there..." she says, pointing at a large door made with wood that is in a darker hue then the rest of the tree. "...But I warn you, the creatures of The Wild are not are docile then the ones around you" she says. "Now then, shall we begin?" she says. She then snaps her fingers and the group is teleported to the top of the oak tree, as a giant chess-like map of Relm appears before them. "Now, you will fight as soldiers in a war, spreading the power of Araei. Your first quest is to attack Sector X-991, a stronghold of the nefarious Jediale. We have a few warriors already in battle there, so you have enough assist in your battle" she explains as she pushes multiple chess pieces at a marking on the chess board map. "Now, jump into the wells and you will each be taken to a separate area near the stronghold. A magical compass will also be given, which will point you in the direction of the stronghold. Good luck." she says, waving. Most of the group then runs and dashes into the wells atop the tree, being taken to any part of the Enchanted Forest.
It was a bright and sunny afternoon when The Collective began. He was perched on top of one of the spires of the Golden Gate bridge that overlooked San Francisco. No one could see him, as most mortals were unable to. If they could, or if Alorik made himself known, their eyes would be burned out of their eye sockets. Unless, however, Alorik took on a human host - but that was often not worth it.

Except for today when it was. He was supposed to be guarding a man today, who was delivering a message to another. He didn't know the message, and didn't know either of the men. He just knew faces. The one delivering the message was a chubby, plump caucasian man, and the other was a tall and very skinny man with tousled hair that looked unkempt.

Alorik unfurled his wings to their full extent, and launched himself off of the spire, swooping down so he was only a few feet above a car speeding down the length of the bridge. He kept up with it easily, and with two movements of his wings he sped ahead, a pace far faster than a race car. In a human form he would never be able to do that. Humans were too frail to go that fast.

He landed several miles north east of the bridge, in a small park where the two men were meeting. Since Alorik didn't need to worry about anyone seeing him, he stood right next to the men. Their conversation insued, and he listened intently, but nothing too interesting happened.

Until a man in a black suit came around the corner, holding a gun up to the two men, close to his body so that no one else could see the weapon. He threatened them, and Alorik didn't exactly know what to do. He was an Archangel. Being a Guardian Angel wasn't exactly his forte.

Yet, he launched his heavenly form at a nearby human, spreading his Light throughout the body and took control. He seized the man's hand and threw the weapon to the side. One, two, three swift punches to the man's torso, and one, two, three punches to his face sufficed enough so that he was out cold. He turned to the other two men, looked them dead in the eye, and whispered, "Go, now."

And they were gone. But it wasn't really them that disappeared, but Alorik that did.

He was all of a sudden surrounded by tall walls, spiked and full of assorted defenses. Humanoids like himself flew in the air, but he recognized none of them. He narrowed his eyes, and heard the booming voice of the general of Gabraiel. He didn't know either of these two: Other than Gabraiel's name sounded a lot like his brother, Gabriel.

His hand's flashed to his two twin daggers that were at his side - as they always appear there when he takes control of a human. It was then that he noticed he had on armor, as well. It wasn't heavy plate armor, but the kind of armor that the Guardian Angels wore, except... different.

It was leather, with some sort of metal alloy lining the inside. It was flexible, bendable, and even stretchy. He furrowed his brow, but accepted that he was probably here for one of his missions. He had, after all, finished his mission with the two men. Perhaps this one was so urgent it couldn't wait.

He listened to the general speak, and when he asked for questions, Alorik supplied. "Yes. When do we start?" The question may have seemed slightly evasive, perhaps rude, and maybe even too eager, but Alorik was a warrior. A fighter that fought the good fight. If there was a war on, he would be on the front lines no matter what.
The chosen of Diomedas appeared inside a charred, black cave with a moat of lava. Monkeys that would be mistaken for bats flew about, as many sorts of demons ran around and laughed. A pale, tale, scrawny man walked up to the group. He was shirtless, had long black hair, and wielded chains that had hooks at the end of them. "Welcome, I am Jeovan, associate of Diomedas. I bring you all here fore you have done the unthinkable. Some of you have murdered, some of you have deceived others. And these crimes will come unpunished, I promise you. Fore join me and my lord Diomedas, and you will all live like kings!" he explains. The group of dark villainy chatters about in excitement. "But, you have to work for this. We are in war with things that are much different then any of you have ever seen. Win this war, and you just might live. Now, before I give you all your mission, any questions?" he asks. One man raised his hand, and Jeovan threw his chain whip at him. The moment the weapon touched the victim, the man was turned to a green mist that soon disappeared. "Anyone else?" he asks with a grin. An imp then flies down, holding a large purple mirror decorated with gold. "Now, here I show you Ravendale, a town that's part of a rivaling nation. They have a high production of robots called Golems. Bring me some of these Golems, and those that live will be used in a much more...important mission" he explains, as the mirror acts as a visual aid to this mission. Multiple dragons with a brown hue then fly down, each of them have a large saddle that can fit about 2-3 people. "Get on, you're flying to Ravendale" he says as he sits on a larger, red, more fierce looking dragon.

Those that are chosen by Jediale appear in a large, white building. It is obviously very advanced with technology, as giant holographic screens appear on the walls advertising something called "E.V.O Inc." The group appears to be on a large flat moving platform, which moves towards a pale white android woman with glowing blue eyes. "Welcome to E.V.O Offices, the home of E.V.O Inc. You have all been brought here with our Multiversal Transporter. Some of you may be prototypes the our master A.I Jediale had made long ago. But you have all been chosen for your skills and achievements. I welcome you, Doctor Xaanakl" she says with a calm, toneless voice. A green alien with large black eyes and rigid green skin walks up, wearing a lab coat. He also has tentacle-like structures on his fore-head, to replace his hair. "Greetings. I am Doctor Xaanakl and it appears you have been the lucky ones chosen by Jediale, the CEO of E.V.O Inc. You all have been chosen for either your intellect, your strength, or your swiftness. Half of you may be soldiers, while half of you may be professors. But for this urging moment, you are all soldiers. In this war that we are stuck in, one of our laboratories is being attacked at Sector X-991. Our forces are not holding up so well, and they need reinforcements. We have teleporters stationed there, so the travel will be no problem. Now, the exit is to your left" he explains, pointing to a line of machines with a blue pad on the bottom. Obviously teleporters, as each group member stood on there for a few seconds, only to have their matter collected in blue rings, and taken to another teleporter by the same assortment of blue rings.
It was transported to what looked like a building with other teleporters lined up against the wall of one side with another row against the other side of the wall. 3 other soldiers just like stood next to him surveying the area to get their bearings before they went to help the other soldiers keep the enemy back from taking the laboratory. They ran through the doors of the laboratory to the main entrance. They could see the explosions and hear comm chatter picked up from friendly forces that are being rushed and are calling for back. We are being pushed back by these bastards, we need back up to our sector or we are going to lose this base and all the technology. It got word of it and the 3 soldiers including him prepared to bust through the door and end up on the other end of the ground from the men being trapped. When they opened the door, they could see soldiers shooting on a barricade across the way, with the laboratory. The soldiers rushed to get to the barricade.

They began to shoot their weapons at the enemy soldiers and kept killing them but one by one, but his allies were getting shot down one by one until it was just him. He reached the barricade and was the only one left alive with some humans that were left to protect the station in case of a attack. The man told it thank god you got here. We need your help to get rid of these guys before they take the station. They have maybe a good 10 men left, but we are trapped by them from all the fire they are putting out, can you flank around and try to catch them by surprise. The unit replied with Yes sir, I will do what your are told and try not to get caught. The unit ran from the barrier to a crater of dirt that was ample cover for him and he was out of sight of the main enemy. He heard the guns coming from in front him when he finally got behind the enemy and saw them shooting at the barricade continuously. He came out from the cover and shot 5 of them before they finally noticed what was going on but before they could react, they were all shot. after the ordeal, 5 men came from behind the barricade and thank the unit. thanks for the help, could you go secure the perimeter while we check on the wounded, when you are done with that, come find me. We are going to need your help.
Manga didn't exactly accept his new situation, but after seeing the guy next to him be vaporised, he wasn't about to question it. Instead, he lined up next to the three dragons, and gazed upon the landscape ahead of him. Black, charred rock made up every hill and ditch, colouring the land as far as he could see. The vast black ocean was punctuated only by small pits of molten rock, which burned fiery reds and oranges, illuminating the consuming darkness. There was no sky, or not one that was visible. Some bellowed out of every crack and crevasse in long black funnels, polluting the sky with its charcoal texture. The horizon wasn't visible, it was just a thick murky smudge, where the the smoke bottled out the earth. The horrific fumes burnt his eyes and clouded his vision. He didn't know where they were going, but he knew not to disobey his orders. The general shouted, and the three large beasts jumped forward, caught the wind and soared upwards. Manga stretched out his wings and followed closely behind. 
There was no sense of direction. Not right way. The three dragons seemed to be going all directions all at once. Magna couldn't keep up. He would follow one only to have another one sweep in to view for moment and have him loose sight of the first. He was dazed, and wondering if there was any point to it what so ever, when suddenly, there was Ravendale. The town looked beautiful, candles lighting every window and each garden well tended to. The night air was cool and calm. It was perfect. Then the dragons swooped in and smashed through the side of a large, intricate clock tower, which smashed to rubble, and collapsed upon the buildings below. War had broke out. Hundreds of flaming arrows lit up the sky, poking at the dragons but having no real affect. They were all lined up along the big stone walls that surrounded Ravendale. Bells rang in two of the three look out towers. Magna turned to see the third in flames. He hovered and watched the battle in silence, until one unlucky arrow struck him in the shoulder. He ripped the arrows out of his flesh, and watch the blood pour down towards the unfortunate soul who had dared to loose that arrow. Magna drooped from the sky and landed standing a meter infront of the man. He reached out one arm and put it loosely over the archers shoulder. They froze in terror muttering a prayer under there breath. Manga proceeded to rip his arm out of his socket. The archer screamed and Magna Was on him in a heartbeat, ripping his body open, and guzzling the sweet red substance that sprayed out. A large golem grabbed him from behind. It was strong, but Magna managed to kick himself free of it's grasp. He grabbed it by the legs, and flew it up above the clouds. He had been about to drop it, when the general appeared beside him, mounting a large black dragon and sporting a golem of his own, who was hanging by the neck with a large chain. The other end of which the general threw to Magna. "No!" He shouted, "We will need them" His dragon created a cloud of thick smoke and Magna started to cough violently. When it cleared, he was in a completely different battle field. He was in a pristine laboratory which was riddled with bodies.
The Golems were shutdown, thanks to a spiked, intimidating robots that shut them down. Their lifeless metal shells were thrown on a few dragons that acted as caravans. They were then taken to Sector X-991, in a mission to gain Jediale as an ally. Jeovan, the general, got off his lift, and looked at Magna as he dropped down from his wings. He pat him on the back with his arm. "You did well in the assault at Ravendale, my friend. You have great anger and rage in you, a glorious soldier for our cause" he says admiringly. A small group of humans then marched up to Jeovan and his new associate Magna. "Hello general, I am Arnole, the officer in command for this squad. We are currently awaiting reinforcements, have you brought the golems we need?" he asks. "Ah yes officer, I have brought the needed weapons for your research. We must hurry though, I am sure that some guards of Ravendale followed our trail" he says with haste. "I am afraid that our research will have to postpone. Most of our professors were killed or taken captive in the last attack, and most of our soldiers have fallen as well. We are currently awaiting reinforcements from the teleporters. Care to help our defenses?" he asks. "Of course, officer" he replies. "Alright everyone! Create a blockade around the entrance!" he yells in demand. Some of the newly chosen then do so, except for Magna.

Arnole, the officer in command for the remaining squad, took watch in the towers as Jeovan's men helped defend. A loud rumbling was then heard, the source of it was unknown. More fairy tale creatures, but this time they were coming from all sides. These were obviously some of Araei's men, an arch-nemesis of Jediale. The lab was surrounded, as the remaining defenses tried their best to defend. And then, more and more reinforcements finally arrived through the teleporter room, as the red lights flashed and the loud alarms rang. The Golems were quickly taken to the the same teleporters, until something unexpected happened. The blue machines shut down, being left as a grey slab of glass. The commanding officer then talked into a transmitter in his wrist as he ran back inside the labs. "Doctor, what the hell is going on over there! The teleporters shut down and we don't have any of the Golems at E.V.O yet!" he asks in frustration. "Apologies commander, but we are having some difficulti-*****-they are attacking the connection nodes to Sector X-99-*****-I'm sorry commander, you're breaking up and the teleporters won't work for no-********-We are sending aircrafts to pick up the Golems and your men right awa-" says Doctor Xaanakl over the transmitor with an abrupt end. "Damnit!" says Arnole as the sounds of gunfire and battle-cries are heard outside. "Get them to the Mechanics wing, we need to upgrade these things NOW!" he demands to the doctors, as they push the Golem corpses away on hospital-like hover beds. Jeovan then enters the same room Arnole is in. "Commander, it appears that you are having a few difficulties with the study of these Golems, I have a solution for this" he says with a malicious grin. "And what is that, general? You don't even have any knowledge in mechanics!" says Arnole in an aggravated tone. "These Golems are not all science, they are also magic, and I have a few men who know magic well" he explains. Two hooded figures float towards Jeovan. Their faces are not shown, fore they are wearing dark purple robes. They appear to not have legs, but their long, bony fingers are peeking out of their sleeve. Their skin is as red as blood, and they have a maniacal tone to them. "These two know the magic of "Corruption." Something that can help upgrade the golems to aid our defense, and also bend it to our will" he explains. "What do you think, commander? Would you allow a much easier way to help our defenses?" he offers. Arnole looked at the two figures suspiciously with squinted eyes. "I accept, general. Take those two to the Mechanics wing as well" he demands. The two then follow the other doctors and study one of the golems. Corruption takes time, they need to know what makes them tick, and what they can be improved on.

"Ah, of course. Let us get started now" says the general as the platform lifts into the air. "Now, your mission is to go to one of our fortresses, well, former fortresses. It was attacked by the forces of Diomedas, and by something unknown and dangerous. The fortress name is Aedn, and we need you to find survivors. We have tried to do so before, but our squads seem to...disappear. You are our latest batch of powerful units, perfect for this mission. Find whatever is keeping our forces from entering, and bring back survivors" he explains with a firm voice. A few griffins then swoop down, with saddles and turrets attached to the sides. Then an airship-like vehicle hovers to the ground. The design on it mimics that of a dragon, but bulkier and larger as space for the new chosen. It is also equipped with cannons of sorts to the sides under the wings. On the head of the airship is the word "G.R.Y.F." Some angels hop on the griffins, while the group enters the flying vehicle. Some angels don't even go in any vehicle and fly with their own wings. The trip towards fortress Aedn isn't long, but soon screams are heard outside the G.R.Y.F. The alarms are going off, and the ship crashes to the ground. Luckily, most of the crew has survived, but outside the ship is something odd. The sky is red with clouds covering the sun, and ash seems to be lifting up from the ground. Dead angels and griffins lay on the grass, as the large fortress of marble stands behind them. To the top of a tower is a cannon, obviously nothing that Diomedas was capable of making, so the only other option was Jediale. "That's probably what's keeping anything from getting in" says the pilot. A few more angels still live, but are quickly pummeled by the large green projectile the cannon shoots. God knows what else is here.
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The unit saw all the golems being pushed towards the aircraft and the men in the purple robes. He saw another creature that looked like he didn't want to belong there. He had what looked like a sword attached to his hip and it looked powerful. The unit walked up to the man and went up to him. Who were those things, They look like they will be powerful and very helpful?

Some one somewhere asked him a question. He shook it off. He had something else on his mind. He could still taste it on his lips. He needed more. There was only one way to get it. Magna was ready. He charged forward, his sword in his hand and slashed through bone, flesh and metal alike. He barely cared whether they were allies or foes, he just needed to kill. He sprinted faster than lightening. Spinning, slashing and hacking his way through the useless life forms that occupied each corridor and doorframe. The blood was glorious, a spray of red appeared with each flick of his wrist. Magna was in a frenzy. Blood would rain. He left nothing but horror in his path.
Bowing his head respectfully to the general, Alorik flew over to where he was being guided. He politely refused a gryphon, or the other flying craft, as he could fly much faster, and control was easier when it was just himself. There were other angels - that he still didn't recognize - flying without any support, without being worried about being impolite.

He hovered just above the ground as he peered up at the large marble structure, ignoring the red skies and the vast amounts of ash, assessing what it might take to destroy such a large defense system. It was obviously set up to kill, but other than that, Alorik couldn't decide how to deal with it. He had never dealt with such a large task before.

He began to walk forward, just when a few angels began to fly overhead. He began to smile at their bravery and chivalry, but it quickly vanished as they were shot down rapidly by the large cannon. His eyes shot open with horror, and turned his head away, closing his eyes for a moment before crossing himself with his hand, and said a short prayer. These were obviously times of war - meaning there was no time for mourning. Not until the war is won, that is.
The unit saw what magna had done to the room of people and just walked through the room over the dead bodies and didn't care what was in his way. He could tell that this man was going to be useful, but then one of the guards that came out of a door was just about to shoot at magna after he saw what magna did to all the people. The man was just about to pull his gun up but the unit was able to pull his pistol up faster and shoot the man but the bullet whizzed right by magna's ear and hit the man square in the head and he fell over like the rest of the bodies. Sory that I had to kill you but, that man is going to be a good asset when we need him to help us win this war. The unit walked up to magna Sorry that this one had to shoot by you to hit that human,hope I didn't hit you.
Blinking rapidly, Kellidra found herself in a strange building reminiscent of the life homes sung from the trees back home. Nevertheless, the Keighling fully understood that this was not only not her home, but also nowhere she had ever been before. Twitching her pointed ears, she cast her glances about as odd wildlife gathered about to observe her.

Inquisitive of her new surroundings, Kellidra reached out with her bad-làmh, or wind-hand, which in of itself was the ability to manipulate light particles like another limb, and felt around the tree's inside. As she did so, some light inexplicably was not controlled by her, and it quickly settled and formed into a large humanoid shape.

The being introduced itself as Selere and explained why they were there, and what they were expected to do. Selere must have seen the green look on Kellidra's face, because she quickly spoke again.

"Araei calls upon all, from the strongest warrior, to the most devoted healer. You, Kellidra, Keighling of Khaliyora, must choose your own path in this coming struggle. And remember the price of neutrality."

Unsure of what to do, yet pretty positive that she did not want to risk the wilds, Kelli took the only other available option and hesitantly lowered herself into one of the wells.


Suddenly finding herself just outside the midst of combat, Kelli's sensitive nose and ears were immediately assailed by the screams of dying me and the acrid smell of gore and waste left on the battlefield. In seconds the svelte girl was hunched over, heaving out her last meal.

As soon as she could stand properly without fear of being sick again, Kellidra quickly began making her way around the furthest fringes of the battlefield healing any of those she found .
Pravet's chosen appeared in...a train? Yes, a large train. It was obviously worn out by the look of it on the outside, but it is in fact large and advanced on the inside. Each of the chosen appear to be sitting on one of the red velvet seats with gold designs on it. Most of the group were confused, since most of these things in the train were alien from their timeline, but few were actually familiar with the locomotive. The train felt as it slowly moved, but the terrain changed by the minute. First they were in the middle of what was obviously one of the World Wars, in the middle of the gunfire and tanks firing. Then they were in the deserts, as the ancient Egyptians were in the middle of building the pyramids. The list went on, but they finally stopped in a movie theater of sorts. The train split apart, turning into a row of movie seats for each of the chosen. The movie started to roll, starting with a classic black and white countdown. The movie showed what looked like an overview of Relm, as an announcer with a funny British voice narrated the events unfolding in the movie. "War, war was all that broke out in Relm. Many of the nations involved in it were advanced, lucky, or even magical. But then there was Pravet, the wisest of these nations. You, viewers of this motion picture, have been chosen to fight in this war, for our great historian Pravet!" the announcer explained as the movie rolled. It looked black and white, but the things shown in it would obviously not be in the same moment of the invention of motion picture. "Choose to do otherwise, and The Wild will be your new home. A savage and brutal land" says the announcer. As he says that last line, the movie shows a group of samurai with broken up armor, surrounded by beasts that are too hidden to be classified. The movie then cuts, and the screen splits to show a large library. The seats then jolt forward towards the library with a sudden stop. In the middle of the library is a man with a black top hat and dirty blonde hair, wearing a black tux with green vertical lines. The group dashes gathers around the man. "Ladies, gentleman. As you have heard, you are no longer home. Your past, your home, that is unnecessary for this task. You will be soldiers in this war, and you have been specifically chosen by Pravet for reasons that are beyond me. Now, your first task as soldiers of Pravet is to take control of an area ruled by the Diomedas nation, known by the locals as the Screaming-Swamps. We have colonists of a samurai clan over there, who are currently trying to defend their land last we heard. Your mission is to stop these forces and keep control over the swamps" he explains. He then opens a book, and a flash of light seeps out of the pages. Papers start flying and gliding around the room, landing in each of the chosen's hands. The paper is a map, starting from a desert to the Screaming-Swamps. The light starts to grow larger and brighter, eventually blinding the group. When they regain their vision, the group is already in some desert on a road, leading towards a forested area. This is part of the map, but what they encounter on their journey is unknown...

As some guards ran into the room Magna and The Unit were in, they saw dead bodies everywhere. From the vicious look on Magna's face, it was obvious he was responsible. A surviving guard then tried to shoot Magna, only to be shot by the Unit. Frightened, the squad aims at the two, until they turn into a mysterious green mist. Jeovan walks past it, as his hooked chains slowly rip off the skin of the guards he just impaled, until the flesh get incinerated. "Ahh, Magna. I love the work you have assembled here. And you seem to have a...unique...appetite as well. Now, don't go crazy. We need the E.V.O Corp people as allies. Their sources of weaponry are valuable to us. And their hatred for Araei is an open door for our alliance" he explains. Jeovan then does a sudden back hand slap across Magna's face, some blood appeared on both his knuckles and Magna's cheek. "So pull another stunt like this, and it's to The Wild for you" he says, as he slowly walks away, dragging his chains on the floor. "And you, robot, clean up this mess before the commander sees. These corpses reek with distrust" he demands before exiting the room.

Kelli's efforts as a healer helped a lot, as the Araei's forces obviously had the upper hand...for now. Kelli then healed a Half-Mer, a creature that, instead of having the fin of a fish, had many features on their upper half that made them look aquatic. Her 'hair' was a translucent orange-ish colored fin that was stylized as a mohawk that slowly laid on the side of her head. Her eyes were odd as well, with an orange iris and a green pupil. On her neck were gills, making her aquatic, and she wore light armor that looked as if they were made of a giant turtle's shell and painted turquoise. Her hands and feet were also webbed with fins. Kelli helped her up, and smiled as she waved. "Hey there! Thanks for the help. I'm Laetaca, but my friends call me Lae. What's your's?" she asks. A large rain of lasers and gunfire then lunge toward her and Kelli. "Look out!" she yells, as she lifts her webbed hands in the air. In front of her forms a bubble, that obviously looks like it is made of water, but then starts to glow with blue light and gets more solid. The gunfire is blocked, and she looks back at Kelli with a smile, awaiting her name.
Magna's flesh stung, but only for a second. He was filled with rage but he managed to control his temper. He turned to the metal warrior. What did you say your name was? He wondered what the man looked like beneath. He had a crazy thought. What if there is no one inside. No, that was impossible. A creature like that would have to posses magic like no other. Magic that Magna was certain, could not possibly exist. but as he stared into that single, blue, emotionless eye, he felt that there was something very inhuman behind it.
I will not clean these bodies just because your boss tells me to. I don't follow his orders. We were made to process thought for ourself and act upon it at our own will. Why are you looking at me like that manga. Do you not trust me. I'm sorry if I had shown threat to you. But I was designed to kill and only kill.
Magna couldn't place it, but this creature just seemed wrong. His tone of voice, his choice of words. It was unnatural. "What creature are you?" Magna asked cautiously.

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I am a prototype robot from the world of Jediale. I have the processing power of 3 human's intelligence combined. My module is used in combat situations and is very durable. The unit pulls out his gun, this is my weapon that would be like your sword. We are a model of what is supposed to be considered the perfect super soldier. I'm the final one of my type and I have come to help your people win this war with the help of our scientists. This one asks who you might be.
"Im Magna" This 'robot' was freaking Magna out. "What is a robot" Magna inquired. This glowing figure of metal was strange. Was it evil? Did it bleed?

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This one forgot that your people haven't aged past standard swords and spells. I'm do not bleed but made up of electricity and electronic impulses. The unit lifts up his arm and takes the hand off to show manga the wires and electric circuits that are connecting his hand. Note of warning, if you or any organic we're to touch these wires without the proper equipment, you will die from the purge of electricity through your body. The unit puts his hand back on and waits for the organics response.
The gun didn't look like a weapon. How could it carve through flesh? It didn't even look to heavy. The creature looked to him like a knight, just with no horse. On closer inspection everything looked wierd. His anger had clouded his vision, but now calm he could see theese 'electronics' everywhere. The creature confused him. The forces that powered this bieng were beyond Magna's comprehension. One question came to mind. "Is this place safe?" Magna remebered the last time he felt fear like this. When he had knelt before the vampires, when he was still mortal, and begged for his existance to be spared.

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This place is safe for now until Araei forces push back and launch a counter attack. We have lost most of our forces after someone decided to kill all these men a few minutes ago. We have a few men and some turrets to keep their air support down but they will take those out sooner or later. We must prepare for their next attack. They will be coming in force from my calculations.
"I'm Kellidra, or Kelli for short." responded the Keighling as she formed a vision of her intended destination in mind, "And Laetaca, you may want to hold your breath for a second."

Kelli felt her entire body compress and then come apart in the grips of her natural skill. The 'cloud' raced through the air, followed by another 'cloud' that held Laetaca, until Kelli felt they'd reached their destination. The clouds reformed quickly, putting the molecules of Kelli and Laetaca's bodies back together just outside a small triage centre that Kelli had formed and organised since her arrival.

As they solidified back into their proper forms Kelli immediately walked straight towards a table that held canteens of fresh water and grabbed two while Laetaca seemed to be trying not to be sick behind her.

"I apologise, but it got us off the front line, which was for the best. Now, do you know anything about this entire kidnapping and forced enslavement process they have going on around here?"
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