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Fantasy The Clueless Wizard (Completed)

Jace laughed at her comment, his voice clear and his laughter contagious. Kogan did not provide any comment on it, though his lips did twitch in a momentary smile, which he worked on suppressing in the very next second.

"Really?" Jace's eyes focused on her when she continued their flirty banter. "I wouldn't mind checking back, then." He leaned considerably in her direction, watching her over the rim of mug.

"Does that mean my night is done then?" Kogan asked, putting his empty mug down on the table. He stretched and yawned, then stood up from the table. If he had anything against them flirting openly in front of him, he did not show it.

The drink didn't seem to be affecting the orc, however it certainly did start to affect Arden. She could feel a tingle in the tips of her fingers and heat in her cheeks. Her vision was still clear, but it would get blurry if she continued on drinking, as would her thoughts. Jace's own gaze was glistening a bit too, his eyes slightly reddened, which meant that this wasn't his first drink. Being of a flirty nature by default, staying to drink with him could lead to unpredictable events.

- Stay and drink with Jace.
- Go home with Kogan.
》Go home with Kogan.

"Aw, you're leaving already?" Arden pouted up at the orc and steadfastly ignored the whiny quality of her own voice. Instead she pushed her unfinished drink toward Jace with a put upon sigh. She'd made a decent attempt of putting the drink away and it had left her pleasantly buzzed. Not enough for her to forget that Kogan needed a helping hand through the portal, however. But his departure did offer her a quick getaway from her own rapidly lowering inhibitions.

"Guess that's my curfew then, hmm?" Arden hummed and picked up Watson as she stood, reaching over to pat Jace's shoulder as she passed him by. The next grin that she leveled him with was absent of its usual flirtation, in fact she actually looked strangely excited. "You should definitely drop by the tower sometime though! It's really nice knowing somebody outside of work who isn't weirdly indebted to me or some shit." Which was an unusually honest admission for the wizard... therefore it had to be casually brushed aside with an overly dramatic kiss which she blew in Jace's direction.

"See you round~"

Honestly Arden was just looking forward to getting into her comfy bed.
"I'll come by when I'm off duty." Jace said, raising his mug in farewell. As Arden turned to leave, the elf stood up and moved to the next table where two young elven women were sitting and talking. Giggles followed Arden and Kogan outside.

"That elf is trouble." Kogan said when they walked into the chilly night air. "Charismatic maybe, but more trouble than worth. Terrible soldier too." He said, even though he was not prompted to.

They got inside the Tower with Arden slightly tripping over her own feet. She was still aware of what she was doing, it was simply difficulty to keep her footing stable. Kogan had to catch her a couple of times, and once they entered the Tower's main hall, she practically fell into his arms.

"I knew you wouldn't handle it, but this is too weak even for a human." Kogan smirked. "Want me to carry you up the stairs, great Wizard?" He teased.

- Accept his offer.
- Climb up on your own.
- Sleep on the first floor.
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》Accept his offer.

It seemed that her previous assertions that Watson would support her weight and get her safely home were false. She was a fool because, unfortunately, if one wasn't in proper control of both their feet then there wasn't much chance of them being in control of their feet and a walking stick. A massive oversight on her part. Thankfully Kogan was there to stop her from injuring herself and -- not that she'd ever admit it -- Arden was pleasantly surprised by his patience. Stepping through the portal proved to be a science of staying upright, which she was already struggling with, and falling into Kogan's arms again was getting to be a little embarrassing.

Though that certainly didn't stop her from jumping at the chance to avoid climbing the stairs.

"Different world, different alcohol," Arden waved him off with a laugh that said she didn't believe her either. "And hey, if you're offering then I'm definitely down for being carried! I refuse to be bested by these stairs!" Whether or not Kogan was just teasing in his offer she really did just want to get some sleep sometime tonight. At this rate she'd be sober again by the time she got there. Arden raised up her arms as if looking for a hug as she turned to properly face the orc.
"I knew I shouldn't have offered." Kogan said with a low growl. He hesitated for a moment, looking at her with obvious discomfort, but then finally shook it off and approached. "I am not getting paid enough for this." He grumbled, picking Arden off her feet.

The orc's arms were strong and his handling was not very gentle. Despite calling her frail, he did not seem to take than into consideration, as he hefted up and over his shoulder. She would not get to be carried like a princess this time, the orc did not look to be familiar with that. Instead, Arden was hefted up like a sack of potatoes, head bobbing with each stair. Since Kogan held onto her, her arms were immobile and her legs hung limp. It was not comfortable and it made her dizzy.

Thankfully, with the orc's large strides, the descent did not last long, and Arden was in her room before she could get nauseous. This time she wasn't tossed on the bed, though. Suddenly surprisingly gentle, Kogan slowly placed her on her bed. As he was moving away, their eyes met, and the big orc hesitated for a moment. His gaze flickered down to her lips, but then quickly back up.

- Let him move away.
- Pull him closer.
- Kiss him.
》Let him move away.

Arden grumbled indignantly at being carried like a sack of flour, though she quickly fell silent as the bobbing motion of Kogan's strides caused her world to spin. Instead she just focused on not dropping Watson or throwing up. Thankfully the walk was short -- much shorter than it would have been had she made the journey herself -- and she was returned back into her comfy bed too.

"Thank you for helping the fragile human~" Arden beamed up at him, only to watch his gaze flicker down to her smile and then back to dark eyes. That... was unexpected. Sure, the desire to kiss Kogan was still there but she'd already done it once. Mere curiosity wasn't a good enough excuse anymore. Also, as childish as it sounded, she'd promised not to do it again. For a moment Arden went to reach out, hand twitching in his direction as if to stop him or pull him closer. But before she could do so she ruthlessly smothered the action and it dropped lifeless back into her lap.

"Goodnight, Kogan." Arden said instead, and maybe that was worse because she almost sounded fond.
Kogan might have noted her motion, but did not say anything. He smiled at her words, surprisingly gentle, and stepped away from the bed.

"Goodnight, Wizard." He said, with a tip of his head, before walking out of the bedroom.


The next week did not bring anything exciting. The Queen did not send for her and it seemed that the saboteur activity had subsided for the time being. This left Arden on her own, free to explore, study or socialize.

Choose 3 activities:

- Study magic.
- Learn to cook with Jacqueline.
- Seek Revy out.
- Explore Blackcliffe.
- Catch up on your appointments.
- Patrol the streets with Jace.
- Venture out of Blackcliffe with Alexei.
- Spar with Kogan.
- Visit Mel's temple.
- Go shopping.
- Visit the Prince in his study.
- Visit the Queen in her garden.
》Catch up on your appointments; study magic; visit Mel's temple.

Suspicious circumstances notwithstanding Arden decided to take some time to catch up on the appointments she'd missed. It was easy to forget that there was a whole town of people who needed her help. At least with these smaller matters. Arden had stopped an explosion that would have leveled half of the buildings only to later accidently blow up the Blue Star's base. The fact that this was turning out to be a common occurrence -- fighting bad guys like she was some kind of superhero -- was weird to put it lightly.

Which was why, on the side of her catching up with those appointments, Arden focused the rest of her time studying magic. Specifically fire magic. She'd felt a connection with the spells before and now, well, now she just needed something more intimidating that healing and divination. If they expected her to be able to fight or frighten their enemies then Arden guessed she'd have to start working on that. Even if she didn't like the idea of actual fighting; she was much better at bluffing and staying away from the pointy end of things.

Then, when the end of another restless week came, Arden -- having successfully pushed that troubling interaction with Kogan aside -- decided to take a walk outside the tower. She needed a change in scenery and had accomplished most of what she'd wanted this week. So, it might be nice to drop by and see a certain elf. He had offered after all, and she'd hadn't seen the temple yet. It seemed like a win-win situation. See new sights and see a familiar but still adorable elf.
It was very helpful that Mel kept a ledger for her and even scheduled her appointments, so the people kept trickling in at an orderly pace, not swamping her with requests like the first time. Most of them still came for healing and most of them had enough to pay. Other requests consisted of people that asked her to foretell their destinies, which Arden could not do, expect provide a small insight into the nearest future, preventing a man from stumbling in front of a moving cart and the like. The people blindly trusted her still and never doubted her powers, nor did they ask for more than she was willing to give. It only proved that Wizards were practically revered in Traethia.

Fire magic was coming natural to her, the same as the first time she tried it. What she noticed now was that she was able to locate magical books in the library on her own. All it took her was to concentrate on a subject she wanted to learn and she would immediately know the location of all the books about it. Perhaps the Tower was getting used to her, or she was getting used to it, either way, her life in it was slowly becoming less complicated.

With her new level of knowledge of fire magic, Arden was able to light fires as she pleased and form and twist flames into any shapes she wanted. She could create small fireballs to use on the offence, which could come in handy.


Blackcliffe's temple of the Four, was not inside Blackcliffe. It was just through the northern gates of the city, down the road from the royal palace. Helpful residents pointed her in the right direction and the guards opened the gates for her with respectful nods of their helmeted heads.

It did not take her long to locate the temple, as its structure was visible right out of the gates. It was huge and ancient and impossible not to spot.


It was nowhere close to the churches and cathedrals back home. The large statues on either side of the entrance looked like they were watching her enter. It was slightly foreboding.

"Oh! Arden!" Mel looked surprised as he greeted her at the entrance. He was in long flowy robes that shimmered in the sunlight as if made of silver thread. Whenever he was in the city, he wore more practical outfits. Robes still, but grey or black, made of simple fabrics. "I'm sorry, you have just missed the sermon." The elf said, putting a strand of hair behind his ear. "But, the temple is mostly empty now, I would love to show you around, if you feel like it."

- Go with him.
- Explore alone.
- Ask something about the temple.
》Go with him.

Wide eyes surveyed the ancient structure with genuine wonder, the imposing statues cast an element of mystery and intrigue over the stone. It was more intimidating than Arden had expected. For some reason she'd thought of stained glass windows and wooden pews... not this impressive piece of architecture.

The sound of her name being called startled the young woman from her thoughts and those wide eyes were settled on Mel. Except... he looked more ethereal than usual.

"You look pretty in silver," Arden observed in greeting, fighting back the apprehension that accompanied the strange temple. A hesitant smile was flashed in his direction as she leaned languidly against Watson. "Sure, I'd love to be shown around... how long has this place been here?" Because honestly it almost looked as if the temple had sprouted from the earth itself. Statues carved by the brutal forces of nature to form something delicate and detailed.
"Thank you." Mel responded with an obviously embarrassed smile. But as soon as Arden asked a questions he perked up, back in his element. "This temple has been built long before I was born. Long before my parents too, despite the long lives of elves. Some authors claim that it was made by one of the first Wizards, Jiel, to whom the Four Gods had spoken. Jiel is considered the First Priest of the Four, as well as a Wizard. Though there are other scholars who have argued against this thesis, so it is not universal. Those scholars believe that the temple was built by our ancestors, the people of Blackcliffe, by the order of King Klarikson, some ten centuries ago." He paused, turning to Arden. "I am inclined to believe both theories, or rather, I don't care which one is true. It won't change the fact that this temple is very old and very precious to us all."

They walked into the great hall of the temple and Arden could see its age by the way the stone walls had cracked and moss found its way into the cracks. Despite everything it looked like a sturdy structure that could stand on the same place for many more centuries.

As they walked, they passed by two more elves dressed similar to Mel, though their robes were made of pearly white thread. A male and female, though both elves, they gave Arden small smiles as she passed them by.

- Ask about the two other priests.
- Ask about Mel's job in the temple.
- Ask more details about the Four.
- Ask where the priests live.
- Ask if the priests are allowed to marry.
》Ask about Mel's job in the temple.

Falling into step beside the priest the two walked peacefully through the stone temple. Various questions swirled through Arden's mind as they continued forward. It was comforting to know the history behind such a place but it mainly helped her feel like she was a part of Blackcliffe. And whether or not this temple was built by a wizard or the people of this town, Arden found herself in agreement with Mel. She didn't care for the schematics. Neither theory made the stone less imposing or the architecture less impressive. It was better not to dwell on things she probably wouldn't live to see resolved.

As they passed two elves, both similarly elegant and dressed in delicate whites, Arden smiled back brightly. Apparently she'd missed the Tolkien dress code.

"So," Arden began lightly as she mulled over her questions; of which she had many. Watson was now propped against her shoulder with a thoughtful expression replacing her previous smile. "What do you do around here? ...Well, besides hold sermons and look pretty all day~" She glanced over to her companion with a vaguely playful gleam in her eyes as if judging his reaction to her flirting.
Mel chuckled at her words, looking only slightly less embarrassed this time.

"Do you always do that?" He asked, then explained. "Talk to people as freely as that?" But, before she could answer, he continued. "I am not used to that, though I think the more time I spend with you, the less unusual your demeanour seems to me. I have spent eighty years in this temple and us priests are usually of a reserved nature. I'm afraid I'm more comfortable with my books, than with people, though I'm trying.

"My main purpose here is to hold weekly sermons. It is a calming ceremony that hadn't changed at all since I took over as an Aurifer. It's, uh... a title given to a head priest. You start as an Acolyte and then over the years become an Aurifer. Besides tending to the temple and keeping it in order, there is not much else to my work. I do try my best to fill up the temple's library from the donations we get."

- Ask about his age.
- Ask about other priests.
- Ask more details about the Four.
- Ask where the priests live.
- Ask if the priests are allowed to marry.
》Ask about the other priests.

The playful expression faltered slightly in the face of Mel's question. Honestly she didn't have an easy or simple answer for her flirtatious nature. Because while she enjoyed watching people's authentic reactions, it also acted as a defense mechanism that she could hide behind. Arden had felt repression and rejection for too long to not go over the top. Not that she'd ever verbally admit that out loud though.

"That's just the way I am but I can stop if it bothers you that much," Arden replied, a little gentler now. The last thing she wanted to do was make Mel genuinely uncomfortable. "It's definitely worse around you though because I like your reactions. They seem really... sincere?" Her nose scrunched at the description but smoothed out in her next smile. "But hey! You're doing great! Socially I mean, and eventually you'll stop caring about whether you're doing things 'right'. If people don't like you for you, then what's the point?" Her grin softened before her gaze purposely flickered away.

"So, does that mean those two elves in white were... acolytes?" Arden asked, almost tripping over the word. "Are there a lot of you?"
"I agree." Mel nodded. "Which is why I don't want you to change your demeanour on my account. Please, continue... your, uh, talking freely." He stumbled and then smiled again.

"Yes, they are. There is ten of us at any time here." Mel continued as they stopped in front of a big stone altar that took up most of the far side of the main hall of the temple. There were two more stone statues on either side of the altar here. Though where the ones at the entrance carried golden crowns, the crowns on these statues were made of obsidian, with red gemstones. Their faces were still pale and beautiful, but there was something dark about them.

"Noct and Shadi." Mel explained. "We revere all Four gods equally, whether dark or light." He extended his hand toward Arden suddenly, and took her own, holding it gently. "Your words have helped me immensely. I was starting to doubt my faith, but you gave me strength to continue my work. I think I would have been lost without it." He chuckled. "Well, more lost than I usually am."

- Ask something else.
- Leave Mel to his work.
》Ask something else.

"Oh," Arden said blankly when he took her hand in his. An almost invisible blush dusted itself across her cheekbones as she ducked her head bashfully. "I'm, um, happy that I could help you strengthen your faith. It would've been a shame to have lost something that was clearly so important to you." It was funny how flirtation rarely flustered her anymore. But genuine emotion and gratitude? That was terrifying and it made her cheeks actually heat up. Gently she took her hand back to regain some distance.

"I should probably leave you to your work," Arden admitted with a small laugh to hide her embarrassment. "But before I go, I'll admit I'm curious... how old are you? You mentioned the long lives of elves after all."
"Ah." Mel gave another kind, if slightly mysterious smile. "You didn't know of elves in your world, did you? We live a bit north of three hundred years. I am one hundred and ten years old. Though elves are considered children until forty. This might come as a surprise if your average lifespan is the same as the humans here. Orcs would surprise you even more, some of them can reach five hundred even. Dwarves and halfligns don't live as long, they are closer to humans that way. Though, many Wizards in the past used spells to extend their lifespan. Or, at least, that's what the history says." As usual, when asked to explained something, Mel got carried away.

- Ask something else.
- Leave Mel to his work.
》Leave Mel to his work.

"Wow!" Arden whistled, eyebrows having climbed her forehead despite somewhat expecting his answer. It was still really strange to hear it confirmed. Mel's tangent was also appreciated; being the main holder of knowledge in her life it was nice to have someone who didn't assume she already knew these things. Also, he seemed a lot more confident when imparting his wisdom. "Suddenly I am a child in the eyes of another race..." She muttered, gaze faraway as she considered the possibility of extending her lifespan. The only reason she could see herself doing so was if she ever met somebody she loved enough to stay with. Arden frowned.

"Huh," She mumbled and then turned her rapidly clearing gaze back onto Mel. "Well, I better leave you to your work. Thank you for seeing me. And, as always, it's been awesome talking to you!" Arden grinned and began to step away with a small, cheerful wave. "I'll probably see you around~" Undoubtedly she would.
Several days later, as Arden was studying one of her magical texts, she heard the tower bell ringing. This was Jacqueline's idea and Kogan had to be the one to set it up. The large brass bell now stood right at the portal and it rang out so loudly that it could be heard in every room of the Tower and probably across half the town. Despite it announcing her visitors to all the neighbours, it was still more convenient than having people yell underneath her windows.

It was already evening and her two staff members had both retired to their rooms to rest. However, a certain priest did not look like he intended to rest that night. Mel was standing at the portal, hand raised in a wave, robes neat and freshly pressed, hair combed and an awkward smile on his face.

"Good day, Arden." He said when she greeted him at the portal. "I wanted to do this for quite some time and your visit encouraged me. But, I'm uncertain what social norms you follow in your world, or how formal such an arrangement needs to be. What I mean to say is, is now a good time to share a meal?"

- Accept.
- Refuse.
- Ask if that's supposed to be a date.
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》Ask if that's supposed to be a date.

"Mel...?" Came the surprised answer of Arden as she stood there in genuine surprise. She hadn't expected to see him again so soon and it took a moment for her to recover before he was quickly greeted with a bright smile. Despite the fact evening had settled over them she was grateful to still be clad in her normal attire, minus her crimson cloak. She'd managed to slip on her boots and grab Watson on her way down.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise!" She assured him once the shock had cleared, though it was apparent from her slightly furrowed brow that she was confused. From the sounds of that it sounded like Mel was asking her on a date. Then again, Arden didn't understand the culture of this world either. "I'm, um, not really sure what you mean by formalities but you're welcome to come inside?" She offered, holding out a hand to bring him through the portal. Her smile turned slightly teasing, unable to resist when Mel had put in obvious effort. "Though, you should know, asking someone to dinner sounds an awful lot like a date. Especially when you're looking so pretty~"
"Uh, I am asking you on a date actually." He said, surprisingly firm. Though his confidence waned soon and he found a very interesting thread on his sleeve, which his fiddled with. "Being a priest is not that different from being a say, an accountant. We have all the freedoms that other people of Blackcliffe enjoy. If you don't mind, I'd like to take you out. There is a tavern I wanted to visit for a while, but I... have not been socialising enough. Would you still go with me?"

- Accept.
- Refuse.
- Say you don't see him that way.

All semblance of playfulness disappeared in mere seconds and Arden's face flushed an unprecedented shade of red. For all her teasing she hadn't actually expected Mel to be interested in her like that. This time her shock was overridden by a sense of quiet dread. Because normally she'd be able to brush this off and make up some ingenuine excuse about being wily or non-committal. But... this was Mel and she liked being around him and he didn't make her frightened or worried or anxious. Arden wasn't sure whether she was ready for dating but he at least deserved the truth.

"I actually haven't been on a date in a really long time," Arden admitted quietly, hiding the tremble of her hands by wrapping them around Watson. Her gaze flickered haphazardly between Mel and a spot over his shoulder. "I should warn you that my last, um, relationship wasn't a particularly nice one and I'm honestly not sure whether I'm ready for dating..." It took another moment to muster some semblance of courage. Because if Mel could come here and ask her out then she could at least be a little brave for him. "But, yeah, I would like to check out that tavern with you." Arden said and offered a lopsided smile.

Were her feelings regarding Mel the same as her ones regarding Kogan? That would remain to be seen.
"I haven't been on a date on forty years. You cannot be rustier than me." Mel said, now smiling and obviously more relaxed. Perhaps all it took him to be more confident, was to see Arden get flustered.

All of the regular awkward feelings of any first date were there as Arden and Mel walked through the city streets. Mel had given this some thought clearly as he led Arden directly to a fancy looking tavern. Ir was still as medieval as they come, but this one was quieter and had more couples than single drunk patrons and there were no groups playing cards at a table, like Arden saw in the first tavern she ever visited in Blackcliffe.


Together, they sat down at one of the polished wooden tables. A bard strummed a lute lightly in the corner, but the music was soft enough to not interfere with conversation. He iwa a very talented musician, even though the stringed instrument wasn't what Arden would hear back home. It sounded as though it would fit in nicely at a Renaissance fair.

"How have you adjusted to living in Blackcliffe?" Mel asked from across the table.

- Say you miss your TV and internet.
- Say that it's going well and you've met nice people.
- Say that you are trying to fit in.
- Say that you have no choice really.
》Say that it's going well and you've met nice people.

Their walk into Blackcliffe helped to soothe some of the young wizard's nerves back into place. By the time they reached their seats at the tavern she had eased back into her normal level of easy-going confidence. With Watson placed aside Arden propped an elbow up on the tabletop, her chin sat in the upturned cradle of her palm so that she could give Mel her undivided attention.

"Well, there are definitely some things that I miss," Arden admitted easily with a small shrug; that was always bound to be an issue. "But, I've met a lot of good people here and Blackcliffe is a beautiful kingdom visually. The best thing that I can do is adapt," She smiled, the expression half hidden by her hand though her dark eyes crinkled merrily at the corners. "It certainly does help that I can do magic for a living now and that 80% of the people I meet like me for no apparent reason."
"That's good." He replied. "I think that people simply longed for a proper Wizard. Thomas was very troubled."

The meal arrived and Arden had to admit that the food was better than anything she had eaten on Earth. Perhaps it was the home-style cooking. Everything had been made individually, there are no packaged foods or preservatives and everything was fresh.

Mel talked through most of the meal. His conversation branched from agriculture to trade routes to local meal preparation. There seemed to be no stopping him once he got going. As the meal ended, the bard begun to play a little louder.

- Comment about the music.
- Ask him to dance.
- Ask him something.
- Leave.

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