The Cloudburrow Land


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Race: ( You can be a rebel Girthan for all i care.)



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Name: Kolette Marie Archer

Age: 18

Race: Mech-Human


5’6” and weighing 117 pounds. She wears goggles to cover her bronzed eyes and her hair is fiery, pinkish red. Her boobs and bottom are proportionate to each other, she’s not a alien and only a little bit of a Cyborg. Her left arm is mechanical.

Personality/ history:

a mech that seems more human than she actually is. She loves long walks through carnival tents and dissecting mechanical frogs. She loves a crowd and loves even more to hear and discuss opinions. She looks forward to meeting everyone she sees and fumbles over her words quite often. She is very curious to her own body, wanting to fit each mechanism with a shinier, prettier or metal or gem and adores seeing people’s reactions, awaiting to find someone afraid of her.

She never knew her parents, her name was engraved on the inside of her first pair of goggles, and she raised herself on the dark back alleys of the world, she is only somewhat afraid of Girthans. Being a mech made street life somewhat easier, people that are curious use her and people that need her, use her as well. She’s not anti-social or afraid of men, like some of the dainty women she has observed. She tries to come to a reasonable conclusion to everything she sees. She has no job really, a few times a year she will take her shot at mechanics and maybe even prostitution since she’s a woman where it matters. She desires to use mechanics and science to make nightmare houses or become a body finder for her back alley surgeon friends. As of right now, you may find her sitting in a back alley playing with aluminum, using her mechanical arm to bend it into artwork of some sort.
Name: Thail Redthorn

Age: 16

Abilities: Scavenging, Archery, Technology, Speech.

Race: Human

Description:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Charcter.gif.9e80f3875ddefd253fb1d1ff86ea0f49.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15375" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Charcter.gif.9e80f3875ddefd253fb1d1ff86ea0f49.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personallity: Strong, brave, Smart, sometimes arrogant.

Biography: Born and raised in the city since he was one years old, Thail had grew up under their influnence, but after the age of 12 he realized that the city wasn't even his own.. But he grew to know it quick since he loved to cause trouble alot due to how much of a rebel he was. But he had no parents, only two "parents" that found him near his real parents dead bodies... Thail has not very many friends and despite that, he feels welcomed in the city..

Extra: He cant take hits very well.



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Name: Moon

Age: 17 years old

Abilities: Can turn into a wolf, is great at fighting and singing.

Race: Wolf neko

Description: see pic

Biography: She grew up in the city the ways she was. Sadly they tested on her so she escaped. She never trusted anyone easily and always was in hiding. But now's she starting to open up

Extra: always has a dagger on hand just incase something goes wrong<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/01700103992b21154dc8a2fe1b6c1c0e.jpg.fa27c9c9b0c45243c323482699b8ef54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/01700103992b21154dc8a2fe1b6c1c0e.jpg.fa27c9c9b0c45243c323482699b8ef54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15380" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tumblr_mfb00rf1xl1r2v8ywo1_500.jpg.e971e93dfa68928a9f5e4d0d53d9174a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/tumblr_mfb00rf1xl1r2v8ywo1_500.jpg.e971e93dfa68928a9f5e4d0d53d9174a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Angel Thornblossom

Age: 15

Abilities: shy, curious, knows her way around, poisonous bite when someone gets too close

Race: half-blood

Description: 5'3"


Biography: Her mother was one one of the Girthans, her father was one of the first humans captured. Her mother died in childbirth and her father was murdered by some robber who just needed money. She has been wandering the underground world all her life. She has never reached the breach, what she calls the line between the more human world and the more Girthan world. She was captured once while roaming the city and they tested on her a bit till she escaped. She doesn't like to talk about it, as it is a painful story. She blames herself for the humans being captured because that was the year she was born.

Extra: She wears a shirt, a skirt that falls to her mid thighs, and a hooded cape to keep herself from getting captured again
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Character Info

Name: Xen Cyrus

Age: 32

Abilities: Can manipulate fluids

Race: Half-Blood

Description: Xen has an extremely untamed wit, and is cold to most people, even the people he considers friends.

Biography: His father was a miner and died in a cave collapse; his mother was kidnapped and killed by Girthans.He was poor in his upbringing, and was raised by his aunt.

He has a general air of nonchalance towards Girthans, though inside he has a deep fear and seek for revenge against them.

Extra: One would rarely see him in anything but dark, dull grays and blacks. He is a minimalist in the least, and has a fondness for rings.



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(OOC: sorry it took so long, haven't been online today.)

Name: Zeekaluur (Zee)

Age: 22


Intimidation is an ability earned from his race. He is a Murkblood Girth so he generates venom, an adavntage since he is a hand to hand fighter.

Race: Girthan


He is Nocturnal, his scales are dark green and black with tints of blue. He is somewhat humanoid his eyes are black with golden hues. He dresses formal when he is not being a slave driver, built like the average toned Male.


his grandfather was a leader in the enslavement of Cloudburrow, and hes been raised in they evil environment of girthans since he hatched. He likes to look at the profit behind these humans or.. well the wealth behind everything. Hes never had a real relationship with anything and tends to be a loner in the eyes of most everyone
Name: Sonnet

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Human

Personality: Risky, shy, quiet, stealthy, timid

Abilities: Able to shift into a colorful macaw (Because of lab-tests)

Appearance: Bright silvery, green eyes. Whitish blonde hair to shoulders with bangs over right eye. (Look at pic)

Extra: She is blind in her right eye, the actual eye is a silver color.

Bio: Sonnet has no clue of what her past was, only that her DNA was crossed with a macaw in a lab test. Her right eye is blind because Sonnet was fleeing from the city's enemy, Girthans. Luckily she ended up escaping, but by either hitting her head or hurting her eye in some way, she was unable to see out of it days later. Sonnet still lives in the city, hiding and stealing all the time to survive.

Fears/dislikes: Being caught by Girthans, being approached on blind side, shrill noises

Weapons: She has a small knife and a revolver.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sonnet.PNG.a526fdb6d8b45ae7c0304d1c882386a6.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16218" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sonnet.PNG.a526fdb6d8b45ae7c0304d1c882386a6.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Copoi Hou

Age: Assuming around 20 or 17. Not even he's sure though.

Abilities: Very agile, good at speech, rather attractive..All abiltes on in his profession needs.

Good at guns and swords, sometimes at the same time. Again, needed for his profession.

He carrys many weapons on his person. At least 4 revolvers with a special reloading system on his belt (Will be explained more) Along with two daggers (Or more.) A smoke bomb in his hat, and a cutlass at his waist (An antique, expensive and hard to find these days)

(To note, this is all rendered (In my opinion) not overpowered by his shortcomings.)

He;s also very bad at being convinced things because of his fragile and paranoid mental state, this is an upside to it.

Race: Probably Human.

Description: Well, he's a pirate. Not like a sea one. More of a bandit, dressing eccentrically (Which not many people do these days) And robbing people blind without care.

He's the type of person that seems quite happy and co-operative. Only to shoot you in the face and stand there laughing at your naivety, with a large grin on his face somewhat Socio-pathic.

Not necessarily a bad thing, and a bit of an extreme example.

He doesn't care whether you live or die, even if he enjoys your company and genuinely finds you to be his friend, he still wouldn't care...Much

As all people do, he has layers, layers that make his more complex than the simple villain-protagonist.

As all pirates do, he enjoys a bit of a drink, which He believes to be old enough to ingest, although such things these days are a commodity, and his frail physical strength leaves him with a low threshold of Tolerance.

He generally only preys on wealthy humans.

Biography: Not much to shed light on his past. he grew up with his family, bandits and pirates like him, with no remorse or mercy for human life, and that is why he is who he is today, leaving trails of death in his wake, Rich off the screams of his victims.

But also happiness to those he finds genuinely in need or that he feels..Even only a tinge of niceness for. Although it's more out of pity than the desire to make someone happy.

No, he would never try to make someone happy because he cared about them, never again.

Shortcomings: He's very weak, and emotionally fragile.

If he genuinely feels love or companionship. Or the need to make people happy. he breaks down instantly in a fetal position, unable to cope with it.

As said, physically he's very weak, and with swordplay he relays on skill more than strength. And can easily be pinned or wounded.

Extra: He wears an eye patch sometimes. But doesn't need it. His body is scarred with many marks, burns and cuts . But he luckily is able to hide them, except for a gash on his cheek.



His Cutlass was a gift from his father. Given to him by hands of a dying loved one, he wields it with a fury not seen in other swordsman, Although his hits are not strong, and he can be easily disarmed, it's extremely agile, and he rely on speed and skill more than brute force.

His 4 revolvers. Styled to look pirate-like, each one with a distinct coloration.

Each one holds 6 shots. But his belt, the side covered by his overly long cloak and opposite his sword, is a pouch with quite a few spare bullets. Although he has been known not to tie that tightly enough, and it becomes easily dislodged.

He holds a pair of smoke bombs firmly in his hat, becoming easily taken out with a quick tug, allowing him to have a quick getaway.

Multiple daggers are laden in his boots, sleeves, and belt, sharp as a star.

He tries not to use much technological weapons as it would ruin his image.

Armor and Clothing:

He wears very little protection as he's not strong enough to wear it properly. His cloak is over sized. To the point of courageousness where his hands don't even go out of the sleeves, he has to take them out to fight. But it is very warm.
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