The Clock Strikes Four.

Alexandria appraised her. "Meh. I could do considerably better , though you do have a nice face." she said with a dismissive nod, nose high in the air.

"Well, before I was interrupted..." He started again. "Descendants of Lady Nocture, Lord Magnum, and Sir Spekter. I have summoned you here to warn you of a great evil that will rise again in this age. The evil known as Gwyn. He enslaved Imperia long ago and was destined to enslave us again. I have brought you here to train you like your ancestors. Your skills have helped you in your years thus far, but you will need to refine them to even stand a slight chance against him."

The pirate raised an eyebrow. "Lady Nocturne? Considering the similarities in our names, I have to assume that Lady Nocturne would be my ancestor, no? Tell me about her."
"How do you plan to train us all? You only seem to be skilled in magic." Alexandria said, looking at the man. Was the Lord Magnum someone she should know of? She didn't think father had mentioned him, yet all the same, he must be her ancestor.

"You would be correct. The original Dread Pirate in the Third Age. She was a terror of the seas. Fought bravely in the War of Cinders against Gwyn. Commandeered an entire fleet of ships against his Navy. Took the Navy down in one hale of cannonballs. Lord Magnum was a brilliant Mage. Conquered the Arcane at six years old. Sent a storm of Fire raining down on the battlefield. Sir Spekter was a leading knight in the Rebellion. He could zip across the battlefield, slaying warrior upon warrior with his speed. The fourth hero was a brave thief who infiltrated Gwyn's castle and cleared it from the inside. If only his ancestor could be here now..."
It was a normal day for Natasia. She had been wandering around her home, cleaning, feeding, practicing her mage abilities and martial arts. She slid on her combat gear, the skin tight leather suit, boots, and large, lavish over coat lined with red fur. She was going to her parents home not to far away. She needed money for some elixir. She felt it kind of sad to still be thriving off of her patents but she only 20 and still daddies little girl. She was far from 'daddies little girl' though. With her long legs striding down the street, Natasia stopped. A short distance away was a light. She edged closer. It was a blue light. She edged further still. The blue light expanded into a vortex of spinning power that frightened Natasia. The force pulled at Natasia, sending her robe and hair flying. With a final pull, Natasia was hurled through the portal.

Natasia found herself on the other side now. She had a slight headache from the landing but it would pass. She brushed her hair back and over one shoulder. With a look up and around, she gasped. "W-what? Where am I?" She didn't like this at all. She spotted an old man and a few others situated at a table. A little late for the party it seemed.

He stopped listening to the old man when he saw the girl fall in. "Welcome to the unknown, lady. Nobody knows what we're doing here but the old guy."


"Ah! Welcome! You must be the Mage, Natasia! I am Grandmaster Frampt. I have sent for you to join the Four Heroes on their mission to eradicate Gwyn once and for all. You see, I've been watching you all since you have shown the skills of the previous heroes. Come, come! Have a seat."
Jayce looks behind his back and keeps running he had just screwed over someone who eas quite powerful in the bad part of town. He was looking for a hiding spot. Anywhere. His eyes scan over the city around him. He sees a dark ally to his left. He sprints inside and ducks in a corner, pullin his cloak around his body so he blended in with his surroundings. After a couple minutes he gets up. He grabs a gutter and pulls himself on top of the house next to him. He hits the ground running and his pursuers followed him. He jumps from a building to another. But in midair a blinding blue light flashes and he falls into a room. He looks around and immediatly panics. He grabs his shortswords from their sheathes and crouches. Ready to fight.
Natasia froze. Her eyes get wide like saucers. She slumped forward as to say 'are you kidding me?' Was this a magical trick? Natasia slowly lifted herself up off the ground. "W-what.... am I dead?" She spat out. She looked at the others, feeling more a slight bit of relief to see them just as confused. Her fear grew to suspicion. Her eyes squinted as she scanned the room. She looked at the friendly old fellow. "How do you know me?" She slowly moved to her seat at the table, never taking her eyes off of him. She slowly sat down, removing her fur rimmed robe, easing it to the back of her chair. She heard a thud then. She jerked to see another boy who had landed in a spot next to her. At least now she wasn't the last person to arrive. But why was she here? Who were the Gwyn or the four heroes?

"Sit down, boy. Descendant of Lautrec, Master thief. I cannot believe how much you four act like your ancestors. It's almost uncanny. But I digress. Come Jayce, Hero of Jurga. We have obtained all of our savior a again." He said, explaining the tale to Natasia and Jayce.


He fell asleep, head resting on the table.
Jayce stands up slowly. He sheathes his swords but one of his hands slip into his sleeve. He grabs a small throwing knife and hides it in his hands as he folds his arms. He sat down Next to Nox he doesn't relax though. He was still visably tense. Fixing his hood and the cloth coveringhis mouth he looks around nervously

He finished his exposition on the War of Cinders and the imminent return of Gwyn.


He is mentally jolted awake. "What happened. I was awake." He said, drowsily.
Natasia was much more relaxed now that she was aware of her situation. It was still very strange but she had heard of the tails of the previous four hero's and felt honored to help the new generation of hero's. "Wait," she said. "You talk of ancestors? Does that mean that my ancestor helped the previous four?" This was exciting news. She could have been of the same blood as a companion of the past hero's. She looked at the four and smirked. "I'm just glad I'm not one of the hero's that way I don't have a such responsibility," she snickered, her darker side coming forth.
Jayce stands up and speaks "I'm no hero." he crosses his arms and looks at Franpt. He twitches slightly as he hearsNatasia's giggle. He was always ready to fight. And not knowing where he is, or who the people around him are had him bery nervous "So don't call me one." he had a Jurgan accent. It gaves his words a intresting soud.

"Your ancestor didn't think he was one either." He responded. "Thought he was born to cloak and steal. Though, he used his wits and his stealth to conquer one of the most important part of the mission: Infiltrate Gwyn's domain and clear it so that they may launch the final assault. On Gwyn himself."


"So we're working with a Pirate and a Thief? Not to be too skeptical, but that sounds like it will end one of two ways: We save the day or we get everything stolen and the pirate sells us into slavery." He leaned back in his chair.
Jayce turns as his throwing knife makes a solid thunk in the table next toArtorias "Or dead." he grabs his knife and yanks it from the table before moving a chair to a corner where e could see everyone, and the entrance. And he sits down, waiting to see what happened. Or for someone else to speak up.

"Man with a knife. Scary. What are you gonna do? Loot my pocket? I am ever at your mercy. I have a family to feed! Don't take me coin!" He leaned back in the chair, balancing himself on his sword. "You don't threaten a Knight, mate."
Natasia shook her head slowly. "How uncivilized," she murmured to herself. She glared at the boy with a knife and Artorias. "If you don't mind, keep you weapons away from the table," she said coldly. She turned back to the old man. "So was my ancestor apart of the original hero's?"

"Oh yes! Wonderous mage! Appointed by Gwyn to the Council. She got tired of his ignorance of the land and strove for equality for the Imperians." He explained.

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