The Clock Strikes Four.


New Member
"The Prophecy Always Foretold Of The Four Who Would Resolve The Crises Of The World.

They Who Will Fuel The Fire Whilst Ushering The Flames.

They Who Will Break Solid Flesh And Resolve It To A Dew.

They Who Would Quell The Void Whilst Filling The Hope.

They Who Would Cool The Burn And Sooth The Rage Of The Common.

They Who Would Save Imperia."

- The Prophecy of the Four.


1. Do not be a dick to people OOC.

2. I don't care about foul language, but if someone does ask you to tone it down, then tone it down.

3. No One-Liners. I know it may be difficult to write sometimes, but I ask you to at least make an attempt at a good, long reply.

4. I don't care about relationships. But if your characters do decide to start breeding like wild bunnies, time-skip it. Failure to cooperate will be severe.

5. If someone is a dick IN CHARCTER, and you get pissed OOC and start yelling and screaming, we will have a problem.

6. Have Fun and obey all above rules. New rules will come about if any situation not covered in the original rule list rises.

The world of Imperia.

Imperia is a fine land of Beauty, Wealth, and Culture.

The capital city, Crucible, is a hub of politics and vanity.

To the very north of Crucible lies Jurga. This is a land of bitter cold and family. No bond is stronger than the ties of Brotherhood. Jurga and Crucible are the main hubs of the Human race.

To the east, lies Arsenia. This land holds some of the deadliest things in all of Imperia. This is home to the elves. Marksmen, Alchemists, Assassins, and Thieves. Noble jobs in the land, except the thief, of course.

Finally, we reach the Isles in the middle of the Lune Bay. This land is pure madness. The most eccentric work comes from here. It has been annexed by most other lands. The only exception is Arsenia, for the Isles has a large Ebony stockpile.

In the third age, a great evil enslaved Imperia. Four heroes from all four of the lands swept in and slayed the evil. He would not return until the Sixth Age.

The commoners of Imperia would need not worry. The four were destined to return to slay him once and for all.




Artorias patrolled the Western border of Arsenia, spinning the cleaver-blade in the air. "Exciting profession, my ass." He walked along the large wooden fencing and staring into the treeline. Off into the dense forest, a blinding blue light shone through the thick vines. He chose to sheath his blade and leave his post to investigate. Moving the branches and vines, he made his way to the light. He drew closer and closer to the illumination. He discovered that the light was no mere light, it was a gaping portal. He was drawn into the spiraling vortex against his will. He blacked out and re-awoke at the feet of an old man. " 'Ello~!" The old man greeted him, as Artorias pulled himself from the alien floor.

Alexandria walked into her plush living room, prepared to go check on her mother. This was going to be the last time they saw each other for a while, as she was going to be going out into the world. As she straightened her hairclip, she saw a bright blue opening appear before her. She examined it carefully before deciding to move towards it, but as she got close, she felt a pull from it, and was sucked in. When she woke up on the other side, she was directly behind an old man. She reached for her dagger, preparing herself in case the man discovered she was awake.
Nox ~

Captain Nox grinned at her first mate as she leaned against the railing of her ship. "What do you think? Best treasure hunt ever?" He snorted and nodded in agreement.

"You bet, Cap'n." He said. "Where are we off to next?"

"I'll go get the map from my cabin, just a moment." She turned on her heel and walked off, slipping through the door and spreading a map out on her desk. She hummed a little to herself, pausing and looking up when a strange light cast a shadow over her. She turned, eyes widening as she gazed at the spiraling vortex. "What the Hell...?" She took a hesitant step towards it, stumbling forward as she felt a pull, like a rope had been thrown around her waist. She found herself falling, landing with a thump on a hard floor, the smack forcing the breath from her body. She sat up, gasping for breath and looking around. Her eyes fell upon an elderly man standing before her.

He watched the elderly man walk to the middle of the room, staring intently at the three. "There's supposed to be four. Where is the fourth?" The man spoke only to himself. Artorias looked at the two females in the room and back to the old man. "Ah, but where are my manners." The old man piped up. "I'm Grandmaster Frampt, your new trainer. Because, well... You are the Four Heroes of Imperia, are you not?"Artorias drew the Ebony Cleaver from its sheath in case things got a little bit too hot to handle.

Nox rolled forward, hopping to her feet and pulling her gun from its holster. She chuckled at the man's words, relaxing a little. "Hero? Me? Nah. I think you've got the wrong girl old man." She said, tucking her blunderbuss away. "Is there an exit around here?"
Alexandria looked at the old man. Was he crazy? Four heroes? And the other two. Who were they? She tightened her grip on the weapon, prepared to use it in a heartbeat.

He watched the woman roll to her feet and pull a pistol on the elder. He dismissed her weapon and replied. "Nox, Dread Pirate. Descendant of The Isles hero. She was a lot like you, you know. Full of character and deception. Of course, when Gwyn attacked she became more hero than ever. Everything will be explained in further detail when our fourth hero arrives. So please, have a seat." He gestured to the table behind them.

"This is fucking crazy." Artorias muttered under his breath as he strode towards the table, taking a seat.
Alexandria looked at the man once again. His accent suggested he was from Crucible, but his demeanor was so strange. She could not quite figure out what was so intriguing about him, but as she stood up to go to the table, she let go of her dagger, positive that he meant her no harm.
"Why should I?" She challenged. "My gun full of broken glass says that you should just point me back to my ship, because I'm definitely not a hero. If I was a Hero of The Isles or whatever, the Isles would be screwed."

"I am a Crucibilian Mage. You need not threat me, young lady. Now please, have a seat." He insisted.

"Why us? Why?" Artorias asked. "I'm a bloody Arsenian grunt for christ's sakes...." He said, pointing to Nox after. ".. She's a damned sea bandit. And the other one, blasted fancy robes. I don't know."

"Uuugh, whatever." She dragged herself over to the table and slid into the seat next to Artorias. "Arsenian grunt, huh?" She waggled her eyebrows at him. "I sunk one of Arsenia's ships last week. Did ya' hear about it? Did ya'? How famous am I in Arsenia?"
"I'm a lady, and I would prefer it if you treat me as such, soldier, or we may have an accident on our hands," Alexandra says, flourishing her sleeves in his direction, "and I believe that you should both hear the man out before making judgements about yourselves, your character, or his, as he probably knows more than either of you peasants could know."

"You're definitely not liked, Bandit. Artorias Ornstein, by the way. Or the Void Knight as I'm known in the military." He turned to face Alexandria. "Oi, a lady? No kidding?! I apologize for everything, your ladiness! Allow me to apologize to you for my misbehavior! Allow me to get on one knee and say how grateful I am in your presence!" The sarcasm could be seen in the air. "We don't have time for prissiness in Arsenia, lady."

"Thank you for your kindness, your highness." The elder bowed.

The Dread Pirate placed a hand over her mouth, laughing. "I didn't know they taught their knights to be so damn sarcastic over there." She smirked, lowering her hand. "The name's Nox. Or Captain Nox if you prefer to be formal. But just Nox will do."
Alexandria gasped at the man's rude words before turning to face the old man and inclining her head slightly. Alexandria turned back towards the Arsenian and started undoing the lace at the top of her dress, staring him dead in the eyes.

Camila watched with interest as the 'lady' began to undo her dress. "Didn't know we'd be getting a show, too." She said. "I thought you were a lady, not a lady of the night if you get what I'm saying." She waggled her eyebrows again. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I'm sorry. Did I offend you?" He jabbed. "No offense was intended!" He turned back to Nox. "Pleasure." He held his hand out to shake hers, pulling off his helmet from his head and placing it on the table with the other hand. He looked back at the lady. "Easy there. Wouldn't want to royal goods out in the open."
"I am astounded at you! Is it not proper for a woman to get more comfortable in such a stiff room? You should be right ashamed of yourself, right a-shamed!" Elain huffed, and started retying the lacing, tighter than before. She looked at the man as well, "You too! I am the Lady Alexandria Delphi Morticus Elain Richardson and I will not stand for such perversions to take place in my presence! Period!"

Nox took his hand, giving it a shake. Her handshake was very firm, hand calloused from the rough and tumble life she led. "The pleasure's all mine, Artorias." She glanced back at Alexandria. "Relax, doll." She replied. "Just poking a little bit of fun."

"This is going to be fun, I can just tell." He chuckled to himself. "I was only doing you a justice, milady. As it is improper to undress herself in the presence of such peasants." He jested.


He sighed to himself and took a seat with them at the table, waiting to explain himself to them.

Camila gave a soft chuckle. "For a grunt, you're awfully funny. Sure you're not some mischievous rabble-rouser?" She teased. Nox tilted her chair back on two legs, kicking her boot-covered feet up onto the table.

"That grunt thing was more of a modesty thing. Ever heard of the Great Arsenian War? The one we fought against the Delsyn marauders? I was the Void Knight. Lots a' jaunty bard tunes about that battle. Stole a way into the camp and shanked the crew in their sleep. Nobody knew I was there until I got back to the barracks. Only when they saw the blood on my cleaver." He bragged to the Pirate.
"I may derobe before whoever I wish." She said flippantly, and turned away yet again. Both of them were so infuriating, but they both drew her so much. She wrote it off as them being the first people she saw after being literally sucked out of her old life

She hummed in approval of the violent tale, "Very nice." Nox chewed on the nail of her thumb, eyes flicking between the two of them before settling on Alexandria. "Sure, darlin', take it off. Like I said, no complaints from me."

He set his hand on his helmet that was placed on the table and tapped on it. "Your choice, lady." He chuckled, and took the blade from his back, leaning it on the table. "I'm simply a peasant who has no authority over such royalty."

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