The Class Divide


Junior Member
grapedrank submitted a new role play. @grapedrank, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

Read more about this role play...

You can have as many characters as you want, any age from young to very old and romance is encouraged but keep it PG-13 in the forum. Photos are also encouraged (real or anime) but not necessary, you can describe your character instead if you choose.

Your characters can also be of the royal family (king, queen, princess, prince, etc), leader of the thieves' guild, a noble trying to overthrow the royal family, or leader of a gang, etc. but ONLY at a first-come first-serve basis so contact me if you're interested in one of those positions! Run this by me first and I'll let you know/give you approval, unless it's an outlandish request I'm not likely to disapprove.

-- On a side note, simple occupations like thieves, mercenaries, smugglers, assassins, knights, nobles, poachers, doctors, merchants, etc etc. do NOT need my approval beforehand you can just create your character right away!

I will be announcing more events as the roleplay goes on!

Character Skeleton:





Social Class:






Common Folk/Rags:


-- Cordelia Summers played by L u n a

-- Emera played by grapedrank

-- Branwen Morrow played by Frost_

-- Willow Vrino played by Whovian

-- Elizabeth "Elle" Imogene-Coopers played by Eloquence


Kirk Davidson played by Daniel Ng

-- Andrew Klern played by SuperChocoMilk

-- Nicolas David Bastrelli played by MissPenny




-- Lady Jennafi played by Phoeniana

-- Francesca Elizabeth DéGama played by MissPenny

-- Katherine Cottrell played by Eloquence



-- Jarin Crewe played by WhimsicalWriter

-- Baltair Pontaine played by Tesla

-- Kaivant Ashmoore played by Tsukaiza

-- Sir Hazor Straub played by Kain


Royals and Other People of Authority:

Emera (leader of the Common Folk)

- Francesca Elizabeth DéGama

- Branwen Morrow (Leader of the Thieves' Guild)

- Baltair Pontaine (Leader of The Service) NOTE: Most players other than the King and others in the Service don't know Baltair is the leader!

- Sir Hazor Straub (Knight Commander/Leader of the Knights)


Name: Emera (Pronounced Em-EE-ra)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Social Class: Commoner/Rags

Sexuality: Straight

Background: Emera was essentially a street rat in the lower towns for as long as she could remember although she has vague memories of a woman from when she was younger. All she really knows about her mother was her first name (Violet) and the fact that she was a prostitute. It's due to her orphan status that she doesn't have a last name. Around the age of 11, Emera started running around with a gang around the lower town, however around the age of 17, she took her first venture into the forest outside Soraya and began hunting and selling the meat in the market and the hides and bones in the black markets. It wasn't the best living, but it gave Emera enough independence so that she was able to separate herself from the gangs by the age of 18. With a decently steady income from a combination of her hunting and mercenary work, Emera was able to help out some of the families and businesses in the lower town and started gaining more positive notice although that didn't come without its own dangers (the Reds - the gang she was a part of - didn't very much appreciate being abandoned by one of their own and one of their strongest members to bat). However, she was not deterred, Emera was able to form a small militia of men and women from the lower town to help take care of things and stop gang outbreaks as well as created hunting parties to venture out into the forests. Within the next few years, Emera slowly but surely became the closest thing the common folk had as a leader.

Personality: Emera is motivated like no one else and can motivate others as well. She's a natural born leader that people almost instinctively rally behind her. Her demeanor commands and earns respect from her peers. She is fierce and her past has hardened her and her skills. She's smart and resourceful, even if she has had no formal education and can't read. She works hard and is optimistic in that she can help change things for the better in the town. She tries to help people whenever she can and is loyal to a fault, she will always keep her promises. Still, Emera is not someone to be messed with. She is a warrior and a fighter and can get extremely angry and can be easily frustrated and is incredibly impatient. She has a strong dislike of nobles but she knows that being diplomatic and negotiating with them is the only way to make her people safer. She's not above resorting to violence, in fact it's a fine line between diplomacy and violence for her which makes her a force to be reckoned with. In her personal life, she's not very close to anyone and nor is she an easy person to be close to. Being a leader among the common folk, she has a lot on her plate which puts a strain on most personal relations she's ever tried to have. Sometimes Emera takes on too much and can disregard herself because she is so eager to try and fix everyone's problems and takes on more than she can handle. She can be careless with her own self, disregarding her own injuries and health in favor of addressing "more important problems."

Strengths and Weaknesses: Emera's skill with a sword is unlike any other. She taught herself so it's rusty and her technique is not the best, but that doesn't make her any less of a formidable opponent. She's all about power. She's not the fastest, quietest, or most agile person, but one good hit from her and you won't be getting back up. She can take a lot of hits as well and her brute strength makes up for her lack of speed or grace.


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Her name is Cordelia Summers

She doesn't mind being called nicknames, as long as it's in her name.


She's sixteen years old.


Undeniably, she's a female.


She's a pansexual being.

This is from her belief that everyone's the same.

Social Class:

She was born in, and grew up with the Rags.






Despite how puny and innocent she may look (which is kind of true), her strength and resolve is like one of a warrior's. She's really good in lots of martial arts (a.k.a. those graceful dance moves she just randomly uses for defense) and she handles weapons quite well... Except for that one time when she almost killed someone for throwing a dagger.

This girl is a real professional in thievery, be it pick-pocketing, to just plain sneak-and-steal. She has never failed to steal from anyone she has targeted (though most of the time would be pure accidental), because all of them are sometimes just too busy putting focus on her and thinking that she's just a helpless little girl. Heck, all of the males she has met were perhaps too occupied admiring her to even remember about the weapons on their belts or the wallets in their pockets.

Cordelia will most probably do anything for food and loot, like begging, or (like most of the time,) stealing. It's a good thing for people who know her that they also know how skilled in this she is. At times, people would have to restrain her from her very picky hands, because if you're not secretive enough, you'll wake up next to your resources, gone.



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Name: Lady Jennafi

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straightastic

Social Class: Noble

Personality: Jennafi can almost be mistaken for a priestess! She speaks with a soft, clear tone that most people are unable to mistake from however distance. She is always smiling unless dire things needs to be taken care of. If her assistance is every needed urgently, Jennafi is serious in expression. Not easily faltered by anger, she can always be found bowing her head and saying that she understands, if only to relax the person. Jennafi loves humor! Some days, she would sneak off and find a jester or a bard just to listen to funny tales and songs. Her favorite thing to do is laugh and make friends.

Background: Jennafi's childhood was a very typical one. She had no parental problems, raised right outside the wall of Soraya. She has no sisters or brothers. Her mother did lose child through child birth when Jennafi was 2 years old, and soon, the Duket's stopped trying to have more children. Jennafi was enough for them. She wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but gradually, as she grew up, her parents began to notice that she had a talent. At first, the thought she could control the minds of the birds and small animals when she sung, but Jennafi implored them that she just really liked to sing. A few strings were pulled until, at the age of 20, Jennafi finally got the opportunity to sing in the castle, and for the next 3 years, she's done so.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Although Jennafi does not posses any magical enchantment over nature and the animals there in, she does posses the calm, stilled tranquility that is similar to that of the dove. Her songs woo and calm the anxious, the raging, and the pained. Like the dove, she is ever pure and calm, though that does not mean her emotions don't get rattled. Looking towards the skies and beyond is where she gets her inspiration for the songs she sings for the Court. Apart from singing, she is a good cook, a pretty good writer, an excellent climber, and she can swim long distances and stay underwater for a long allotted amount of time. Jennafi is not fond of the dark and does not like being a lone for long periods of time.



Name: Jarin Crewe

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Social Class: Noble

Sexuality: Bisexual (although he tries to deny it)

Personality: Jarin is a timid young man who often finds solace in reading and inventing. He loves to learn and knows plenty of random, sometimes useless information that others wouldn’t care about. One of his hobbies is making plans and schematics for inventions, but he usually doesn’t have the skill or the materials to make the things he dreams of. Honestly, he prefers it that way; he doesn’t want his idea ruined if the physical representation doesn't turn out exactly like what he envisioned.

He is a naturally nervous person who doesn’t socialize much with others, as he usually suspects that they only stay around him in order to gain favor with his brother. Due to this belief he finds it hard to trust others with pretty much anything. Despite this, he is always polite and, whenever he does get frustrated with something or someone, will bottle up the emotion and pretend that everything is fine.

He is absolutely terrified of Rags and anyone associated with them due to stories he has heard about them. He prefers to stay inside because he feels vulnerable when outside, especially alone.

Background: Jarin is the son of a Duke and has an older brother. Since his older brother is the one who will gain their father’s inheritance, most nobles either ignore Jarin or pretend to be closer to him in order to gain favor with the future inheritor. He has come to expect that he will forever be in his brother’s shadow and hates whenever anyone compares him to him. The only person he is close to is his mother, who tries her best to encourage his hobbies and give him the care the rest of his family won’t give him. Due to that he is extremely grateful to her and trusts her with almost everything.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Having lived in a wealthy home his entire life, he does not have much stamina or strength. He knows a few pressure points in the human body that can stun an opponent, but the problem is getting close enough to land the hit. He is also intelligent and tends to think outside the box when encountered with an obstacle.

Appearance: Jarin is a scrawny young male with sandy blonde hair. His eyes are a pale blue. He typically wears a white long sleeved tunic underneath a maroon vest and black pants. Only when in the presence of other nobles will he wear a thick, rich red cloak with gilded seams.
Name: Branwen Morrow

"Ay, that is my name, not that anyone knows that last half."

Age: 22

"Don't even think about saying I'm too young to be where I am. I'll make you regret it before you even finish."

Gender: Female

"Of course. What, can't tell? Got something you want to say to me, hmm?"

Sexuality: Heterosexual

"I am into men, thank you very much, not that any around these parts would even get close to taming the likes of me. Hmph."

Social Class: Rags.

"I'm a rag and proud of it too. I'll steal every last penny those riches got until they'll be living like us. See how long they'll last toughing it out."

Personality: She's a tough gal, that's for sure. With a sharp tongue and wit that can cut your heart out with a few words, and an even quicker blade that can do that as well, but, quite literally, she's a force to be reckoned with.

Running a guild of thieves, and being one for as long as she can remember, is part of the reason she grew up fast and learned even faster. She has a calm, cool exterior, always portraying the vibe that she's a step ahead, even when she's not. Despite being a thief, she has a set of morals, and mostly just steals from the riches who have too much, and the jerks who don't deserve what they do have. Although, when it comes to what's best for her thieves, she gets rather ruthless.

To the rare person that manages to befriend Branwen, they find she's loyal to a fair and incredibly intelligent for a Rag. If a friend really needs something, she's the one they'd go to, to get it done. It's funny, that she'd be both trustworthy and a thief, but that's just how it works.

One would not want to get on her bad side though. They'd find her a horrible enemy to have. If there's a few things she can't stand, it's traitors, Riches, and negligent parents. She has a soft spot for kids. Although she hides it fairly well.

"The past is the past. Forget about it. And don't think that you know me. You don't."

Background: Branwen was born to a measly shopkeeper, and a thief. Her father, the thief in this relationship, left not long before she was born. She never knew him and she never much cared over not knowing him. She got older, things got worse, soon enough her mother had dropped dead from sickness and she was left to fend for her own, at age eleven. She had no honest ways of surviving, so she tapped into the criminal blood that already ran in her veins. She started stealing.

She joined a gang of thieves, they got careless, she left them, worked on her own for awhile, streets got more dangerous, she stopped doing that, she found a partner in crime, a fellow thief, and worked with him for awhile. He betrayed her. He's not alive anymore. She moved on.

She was seventeen when the guild found her, a member caught her stealing in, 'their side of town.' It was either die of join up. So she joined up. It took her two and a half years to steal, connive and cheat her way to the top, and that's where she's stayed for the past two years and a half. The leader of the Thieves' Guild. And to be honest, the guild has never been better. But to get to the too, you have to make a few enemies, and create a whole lot of secrets. And when your a thief and the leader of their guild, well, you got a lot of those.

"It isn't easy.. That's for sure. But easy's no fun. I like the challenge. So go on then. Challenge me. Let's see who comes out on top. Heh."

Strengths/Weaknesses: Branwen is a fast thinker. She can have her next move planned before you've even finished yours. She's lithe and agile, and with a sword or other sharp weapon, her quick moves and careful planning can easily result in ones doom, but stripped of her weapons? There's only so much she can do. And one thing that she most definitely cannot do, is best someone on pure strength alone. Being the leader of the guild, she always has plenty of help and supporters, but she attracts plenty of attention and enemies, being what some ill informed view as a 'weak female leader.' So she always had some opposition, but she usually takes care of it. Children are, of course, another weakness, when a child's life is on the line, she won't risk it. The same goes for her friends. She's too loyal to do anything that could hurt those few she cares for, unless she absolutely can't avoid it, even if it means putting herself at risk.

"Don't touch my thieves, my friends, or kids. Stay out of our way and we'll stay out of yours. Got it?"


(Her eyes are a stormy blue.)
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"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win."

Name: Baltair Pontaine

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Class: Noble

Personality: Steadfast and diligent in his duty to the crown, Baltair is forced to think further ahead than any of his fellow nobles. His special job has taught him many things, deep analytical thinking being one of them, Baltair never leaves a report or rumour go unchecked with his consent. Day in and day out hard choices confront him, forcing him to make life altering decisions. Despite being analytical, when he is forced to end a life or even extend it, he would push his guilt deep inside covering it with an iron will and core that deflects emotion.

Never one to call attention to himself, Baltair has learnt that being in the background is the best way to gather information and analyse a situation. He speaks with a soft, calming voice, never finding the need to raise it unless the need may arise.

Baltair really is an enigma, within the court. Rumours spread, following him like flies, yet no one would dare think the power that lies in his hands.

To outside viewers, Baltair is amiable, polite and civil at all times. His face, holding a neutral look, rarely wavers to show any emotion. All know him however to be loyal to the throne and to gladly give his life so it may live on.

On the rare occasion when someone manages to coerce Baltair into a conversation, he is fond of two quotes, told to him by his father. He lives by these very quotes. (At the top and bottom of the character sheet.)

Background: Baltair deals in whispers, information and meting out secret justice. He had not been born, when the disasters rippled across the kingdom, crippling it's growth and been a young boy when the wall went up. His father, being a noble in court had brought up Baltair with an iron fist, intent on instilling a strong sense of duty to the crown and kingdom. It was at this point, where Baltair had insisted on going atop the wall and looking out over the city. His father wanted him to see the kingdom for what is was. Divided and turning in on itself.

"Son." He would crouch beside him and point out into the slums "All great powers reunify after long periods of division but also wane and break up after long periods of unification. One day, this wall will come down and it will be your job to keep this kingdom from waning. You will have to advise the king with it's unification."

His father, passed away soon after, but those words stuck with him. As a young man at the age of 16, he quickly learned that the most important currency in the Kingdom was information. He spent most of his families money reserve to set up an information network, dedicated to gaining information. "Whispers" he called it. Information was a highly lucrative business however and very valuable to the King. By the age of 23, Baltair became the Kings main advisor, beside him to assist with most of the kingdoms problems.

It was at this point when Baltair realised that instead of only having a simple army or royal guard to keep the peace, the Kingdom would require a more subtle and hidden policing system. He broached the question with the King and after hours of discussing what it would entail, he was given leave to create an elite force, a secret policing group, tasked with dealing with matters that a normal guard nor army could deal with. And so, The Service was born, though the name and it's unknown leader (to everyone apart form it's members and the King) The Serpent would only be used in hushed whispers.

Instead of recruiting simple nobles, Baltair travelled far and wide to find eligible agents for his service. Many of them ex-thieves and con-men, the Service slowly started to fill up with loyal, able hands. Loyalty was a must, for Baltair. Not only were agents paid well, but they would mysteriously disappear if problems should arise with them. The Service itself has agents integrated around the city, into the Rags as well as the Riches. The existence of such a group is speculated and heavily rumoured and is accepted as fact. Yet it's leader still remains hidden to the world. No one suspected Baltair.

With the wall coming down, Baltair has a long line of work ahead of him. Now at the age of 32, he is both the main advisor to the King, but also being The Serpent.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Baltair mastered the use of the rapier, though he had always preferred his mind as his weapon of choice. There is not much that is heavily known about Baltair, though his weakness is also his strength. His unwavering loyalty to the King and Kingdom.

Appearance: Usually I'd prefer to try and explain my own characters, but for some reason, Elijah from The Originals just struck me as the exact look I want my character to have.


"What is at a peak is certain to decline. He who shows his hand will surely be defeated. He who can prevail in battle by taking advantage of his enemy's doubts is invincible."

Name: Willow Vrino

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Willow appears to have a quiet nature at first glance, with never much to say about anything. She has a humble attitude about herself, though she still feels that the way her and her people are treated is wrong. If someone were to test her to far, she might snap and cause a ruckus. Her mother taught her to be loving, and gentle at heart. Willow strived for this, but one fateful night, her mother was brutally murdered by a gang. Ever sense then, Willow has been bitter and hateful.

Background: Willow grew up with a happily united family, until her mother died. Her father found alcohol to be the way to cope with such circumstances, leaving Willow to fend for herself at an early age. She found life to be hard on the streets. She constantly looked over her shoulder for the notorious gangs that hung around. She learned trade and she taught herself to survive.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Willow can be rash in diction making, not thinking things through. She has developed muscle from defending herself many times before, and can handle a dagger quite well. Her bitterness cause her to take life threatening risks, resulting in many scars.

Name: Kirk Davidson

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags

Personality: One can only describe him as rude, a pig or a trickster. Kirk never really received any formal education so no one really expect a handshake, a compliment or even a humble smile from him. Though when he sometimes tend to plaster an insincere yet mischievous smile, that usually means that he either had just recently manipulated an unfortunate soul into giving him their belongings, earned a handsome amount of pay or he's just having a good day.

Background: Growing up around Soraya, Kirk watches as his family's home being ransacked by a gang of rag bandits, his parents were brutally killed in the process, leaving Kirk all alone and having to fend for himself. Though shortly after, he was taken in custody by a couple of blacksmiths Krüger Heisfer and Miranda Heisfer whom raises him as their own and taught him how to negotiate and use a variety of weapons, ranged mainly - ranging from bows to crossbows. Nowadays, despise his foster parents' protest, he tend to get himself indulged into the world of poaching and smuggling as he believes that the Heisfer's business would not stand long and also because recently Krüger has fallen ill from the plague, wanting to express his gratitude and love for them, he seeks to earn enough money to buy a cure or even steal the cure himself.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Kirk is a very manipulative lad and nearly masters the art of archery, however melee isn't his area of expertise. He tend to have soft spots for his opposite genders and children, not to mention his foster parents especially his foster father whom is dying from the plague.

Name: Nivlo

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Some say Nivlo is a generous, respectful, teen. Others say he is a kiss-up bent on getting money for his generosity. He chooses to go with the first saying.

Background: Nivlo grew up with strong-willed parents, yet can't take criticism very well. On his 18th birthday his house got ransacked by thugs. No damage was done to the house but was robbed of all of his possessions. He still remembers that day, to this day.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Weaknesses: he doesn't take criticism great, his arrogance can get the best of him, melee isn't his best class; strengths: ranged weapons are his best class. His wooden bow is his best weapon he'll never let go of.

Appearance: He is 5 foot 8, with black messy hair, a leather vest with a green t-shirt and leather pants, and has hazel eyes.
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Nivlo said:
Name: Nivlo
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Nice, sensitive, arrogant, respectful

Background: Nivlo grew up with strong-willed parents, but happens to be a sensitive person(darn you recessive genes!), he is respected and respectful he's always dreamed of getting married with a noble.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Weaknesses: he doesn't take criticism great, his arrogance can get the best of him, melee isn't his best class; strengths: ranged weapons are his best class. His wooden bow is his best weapon he'll never let go of.

Appearance:Not available at the moment(using mobile device).
Hmm good profile so far although if I may ask could you possibly expand on it a bit especially on the personality part? It's kind of short and his background is a little vague. The only reason I ask is because since this RP has so many characters, the more you expand the profile the better and more realistically the rest of us will be able to interact with him.
Name: Andrew Klern

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Commoner

Personality: Andrew is a guy who likes to help those in need. In fact, Andrew has always wanted to become a knight, but was unfortunately denied since he is not a noble. He also has an extremely short temper, and if you light his fuse he will blow. He will only occasionally hold back his anger if he needs to.

Background: Andrew is one of the simple commoners in the land, who's parents had a nice farm and a nice life. Until bandits burned the farm down and they just barely escaped with there life. Only him, his mother, father and younger brother survived that terrible event, and his two sisters and older brother were burned to a crisp. Andrew has since sworn vengeance against the bandits, and is currently trying to join the Thieves' Guild. He doesn't want to partake in their evil actions, but he does want to find the men who burned the farm.

Plus, a man's gotta eat.

Strengths/Weaknesses: He is very good with weapons now, mostly knives and wooden bows. He can do well enough with a sword, but isn't strong enough to always carry one. One of his weaknesses is his short-temper (duh) and another is perhaps his compassion. He could be easily manipulated, but he is in no way dumb. Just a bit of a stickler for sob stories. Another weakness is him being blinded with anger if he sees one of the bandits. Something good for him however is he is very agile and able to dodge and jump at a moments notice.

Appearance: Dirty blond hair, which is now greasy from lack of bathing. He looks starved, and is fairly skinny. Not really pale, but his skin is kind of white. Andrew is normally wearing a black and torn shirt, along with a pair of brown pants. A holster on his side with a knife still in it also accompany him. Andrew is most defined however by his signature straw hat, which he wears on himself all the time.
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Name: Katherine "Kate" Cottrell

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Noble

Personality: You can describe her in one word: angry. She is angry at everyone, at life, at the whole wide world. She is cynical, manipulative, subversive, and will happily take you down. She uses secrets to her advantage, and while nobody likes her, everyone respects her. She is not a woman you want to cross, because she will ruin you and pin it on your wife.

Background: Her mom was about as useful as a sieve in the rain, spending hours lavishing herself with gowns and hairdressers, while Kate watched, neglected. Her tutor was only interested in sleeping with her mom and her nanny was a raging drunk. The only person in Kate's life was her father, a wretched man. He nurtured her anger at being ignored by so many people, he taught her to hate and use everything possible against people. Overthrowing the noble family is a dream of hers, but a distant one she knows she cannot attain on her own.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her strength is her weakness, she does not care for anybody. She does not love people, she does not care if the human race dies out tomorrow. However, this leaves her isolated and with few connections she can call on without blackmail. She also has very little martial arts training, instead relying on subterfuge to get her way.



Name: Elizabeth "Elle" Imogene-Coopers

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Elle is, deep down, a warrior. She grew up on her mother's tales of battle maidens and warrior princesses, stories of women on the battlefield, glorious lady knights. She has been dreaming of joining the elites, the knights, ever since she was a young girl. However, on the surface, she has a different calling. She is a gentle soul, and loves people and animals. She is an excellent nurse, loving and kind. But, inside, she dreams of something grander, more dangerous, and a bit more... exciting.

Background: Her parents weren't in love, but they got along. They bonded over their firstborn, however, and they functioned well enough as a family, giving her a brother and a sister. A family of three was small for the time, but they were happy. Their mother could spin wonderful stories, and her dowry had been large enough that they never wanted for much. Their father was a respected merchant, and the childhood was a good one. But it would not last. Elle's sister ran off with a nobleman, and word was received a few years later that she had been poisoned, likely by the man's wife. Her mother died shortly after her sister ran away, of the rot. Elle was shipped off to a neighboring town as a doctor's apprentice, and he treated her with less than kind words and actions. Her father's business failed, and when she ran away back home her brother had joined the Service. As she stands now, she is a respected nurse and an excellent healer. She reads books about fighting, and watches the men in the village as they hunt and train under the pretense of an admiring young girl.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her major weakness is that she has never actually fought, however this is balanced by the fact that she has an intimate knowledge of anatomy, and which blows will inflict the most damage.


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Name: Francesca Elizabeth DéGama

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Class: Royalty (Princess)

Personality: Within walls of the castle, Francesca is certainly a "daddy's little girl". She has the king wrapped around her finger and has since the day she was born. However, what her father sees as perfection, her mothers sees as trouble. The queen is correct. Francesca is quite the spoiled brat. Of course, growing up without leaving the walls of the palace more than four or five times a year and being waited on hand and foot will do that to a person.

Francesca and her mother disagree on each and every topic under the sun, she makes sure of it. Any chance to disobey the queen that comes along, she takes it. This includes sneaking out. She's only ever done it six or seven times, but Francesca, using the nickname and alias of Frankie, will take clothes from the servant's laundry and slip past the guards into the streets of the nobility. She's always back before dawn and nobody is the wiser. If her mother were to ever find out, she'd be furious. Though, Francesca doubted the king would ever believe that his "precious little princess" would even think of leaving the castle without an escort.

Background: Born into the royal family, the world has revolved around Francesca her entire life. Everything she wants, she gets, though much to her mother's dismay.

Frankie's life has been rather uneventful. From the time she turned fifteen it's been the same unforgiving cycle, year after year. After being trapped in the palace for months she'll be forced to make a small public appearance. In the weeks following, her parents will receive several letters, messengers, and even visits from potential suitors. The king and queen will select the one they think is best for their daughter and present him to her. At this point, Francesca always finds a way to refuse or drive the young royal away. And repeat. Perhaps this is Frankie's largest grudge against her mother. The queen continues to insist that most princesses her age were married off years ago. Needless to say, Francesca doesn't quite care.

Strengths/Weaknesses: As expected, Francesca is well read and educated. She can fluently speak English, French, and Russian as well as read and write in Latin. Frankie is fantastic on horseback, another skill taught from a young age. Other than her superb powers of persuasion and quick feet, she would have nothing to offer if she was ever involved in a fight.

Francesca has no self defense training whatsoever. She cannot correctly use a bow or a sword or even a small dagger. Her parents never saw the need for her to learn skills in weaponry. Obviously, her hand-to-hand combat abilities are nonexistent as well. She also has a blurred vision of the common world and everyday life. If placed out of the castle and told to survive, she would be absolutely lost. Her nighttime adventures are only a walk through the streets and then back to the palace.


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Name: Nicolas David Bastrelli

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Social Class: Rags (Assassin)

Personality: Nicolas is a fighter, a leader, calm and collected. His line of work requires he keep one eye open and one hand on a weapon at all times. Secretive, cunning, and a tongue full of charm, he slips through society soundlessly. To the right people at the right price, he's extremely well-known. To others, he's just a nameless sly grin and a wink.

He keeps a level head, never one to place his emotions on display. A bit of a perfectionist, he tries to keep everything inside his control. Nicolas does well because of this, never letting a possibility slip by without considering its pros and cons. He tells himself that he continues to stay separated from others to minimize the potential for error in his operations, though it is most likely because he is afraid of placing anyone he may grow to care for in danger.

Background: Nicolas is an orphan, always has been. He never knew either of his parents and any stories of them he ever managed to dig up always led to dead ends. He was raised by an elderly couple until the age of ten, at which time the closest thing he ever had to a mother and father passed away. From that point on, Nicolas lived on his own. He scavenged and hunted for food, teaching himself how to use a bow and a small assortment of throwing knives. It wasn't until he turned nineteen that he was first approached about the idea of a more "stable" income.

A merchant had seen and heard of Nicolas' precision with a multitude of weapons and gave the young man a proposal. He wanted someone dead, someone seemingly insignificant, claiming no one would miss them. Of course, the whole deal was risky business but it was winter and Nicolas was in dire need for a good meal. The two agreed and the deed was done. Little did Nicolas know, that first transaction would be the first of many.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Nicolas is proficient in several different forms of combat and weaponry including hand-to-hand, throwing knives, archery, swordplay, and stealth. Though he never learned to read or write, his memory is superb, granting him an advantage when best deciding how to go about taking down his target.

His considerable lack of education is somewhat of a setback as well as the fact he has no established group of friends or family. His secretiveness concerning his personal life can cause him to come of as untrustworthy and suspicious. With no true allies in his corner, Nicolas must constantly watch his back.


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Eloquence said:
Name: Katherine "Kate" Cottrell
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Noble

Personality: You can describe her in one word: angry. She is angry at everyone, at life, at the whole wide world. She is cynical, manipulative, subversive, and will happily take you down. She uses secrets to her advantage, and while nobody likes her, everyone respects her. She is not a woman you want to cross, because she will ruin you and pin it on your wife.

Background: Her mom was about as useful as a sieve in the rain, spending hours lavishing herself with gowns and hairdressers, while Kate watched, neglected. Her tutor was only interested in sleeping with her mom and her nanny was a raging drunk. The only person in Kate's life was her father, a wretched man. He nurtured her anger at being ignored by so many people, he taught her to hate and use everything possible against people. Overthrowing the noble family is a dream of hers, but a distant one she knows she cannot attain on her own.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her strength is her weakness, she does not care for anybody. She does not love people, she does not care if the human race dies out tomorrow. However, this leaves her isolated and with few connections she can call on without blackmail. She also has very little martial arts training, instead relying on subterfuge to get her way.



Name: Elizabeth "Elle" Imogene-Coopers

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Rags

Personality: Elle is, deep down, a warrior. She grew up on her mother's tales of battle maidens and warrior princesses, stories of women on the battlefield, glorious lady knights. She has been dreaming of joining the elites, the knights, ever since she was a young girl. However, on the surface, she has a different calling. She is a gentle soul, and loves people and animals. She is an excellent nurse, loving and kind. But, inside, she dreams of something grander, more dangerous, and a bit more... exciting.

Background: Her parents weren't in love, but they got along. They bonded over their firstborn, however, and they functioned well enough as a family, giving her a brother and a sister. A family of three was small for the time, but they were happy. Their mother could spin wonderful stories, and her dowry had been large enough that they never wanted for much. Their father was a respected merchant, and the childhood was a good one. But it would not last. Elle's sister ran off with a nobleman, and word was received a few years later that she had been poisoned, likely by the man's wife. Her mother died shortly after her sister ran away, of the rot. Elle was shipped off to a neighboring town as a doctor's apprentice, and he treated her with less than kind words and actions. Her father's business failed, and when she ran away back home her brother had joined the Service. As she stands now, she is a respected nurse and an excellent healer. She reads books about fighting, and watches the men in the village as they hunt and train under the pretense of an admiring young girl.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Her major weakness is that she has never actually fought, however this is balanced by the fact that she has an intimate knowledge of anatomy, and which blows will inflict the most damage.


I'll accept the first Noble, however, please note that all of the female positions for the Rags have already been filled. I'm not going to approve it right away, but if more people are going to join, then I'll open more spots and add her to the Rags.
(Submitting this because rpnations keeps crashing and I keep losing my work. Will go back to the background when I get time later tonight.)

Name: Kaivant Ashmoore

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Noble

Personality: Born into a life of nobility, Kaivant was every bit of success that his parents could have wished for in their only heir. Whether it was his astute personality to sway outcomes in his favor, artistic talent that put him on par with the masters of the time, or perhaps a simple splash of charisma that could have easily developed relations into the upper echelons of nobility. Kaivant was the pride of his parents; he was a heir that could once more bring honor and power to the now fading Ashmoore name. These dreams of fame and glory were however nothing more than fantasies blinding the eyes of his parents, as Kaivant's true personality would soon prove opposite of their desires.

To the nobles surrounding Kaivant's childhood, the world was seen through eyes that could only perceive black and white. White was the color that surrounded their own lives; it was the color that represented the power and resources they held. Black was the color that plagued the life outside of the wall; it was the color that represented those who were not worthy of a noble's recognition. For Kaivant, however, the world was seen through a palette of hues as far reaching and vibrant as the composition of his artistic creations. Through his eyes, an individual's aura was neither black nor white; but rather, a distinct color manifested from the emotions and personality that they held. To him, each individual is worthy of the respect they deserve, and it would be just that much he would be willing to give.

Background: Kaivant's birth under the alignment of favorable stars was considered a blessing for his family. To his parents, he was seen as a gift from the gods, favored to bring about a wave of change for the dwindling power barely backing the family name. The Ashmoores were once known for the power they held across the upper echelon of the kingdom; however, it was after a series of scandals involving Kaivant's grandfather in instances of smuggling and bribery, that brought ruin upon their name. Taking the coward's way out, Kaivant's grandfather chose to flee the kingdom, leaving the repercussion of his actions upon Kaivant's father, who would eventually fall ill to the stress resulting from the pressure brought upon him.

Despite the fall from standing, Kaivant's childhood was still one of an ordinary noble's. Given a tutor just shy of his fifth birthday, it was only a few months after that the two began to discover the exceptional artistic talent and the overall potential contained within him. With this discovery, the next several years were dedicated to an attempt in molding Kaivant into a pristine gem capable of restoring the family's honor, yet it would the development of his unique personality that would shatter such a dream. Despite developing into a highly charismatic young man with a cunning edge that became feared among his peers, Kaivant, hindered by his unique personality, remained unable to develop the mentality akin to a noble's lifestyle. To him, the lifestyle and its inhabitants were bland; a bleached white drained of enthrallment.

It was by chance that Kaivant encountered the "rags" at such a young age, but it was through that chance that brought forth a new world of color for the youth. With the construction of the wall, raids by the "rags" had become occasional occurrences, and for a youth named Alfred, it was merely an attempt to survive the impoverished lifestyle that he and his younger sister had to lead. Perhaps it was the work of fate, but the unique personality of Kaivant mixed with the spectrum of colors that surrounded Alfred's aura, quickly led to the development of a unique bond between the two youths. However, it was through this bond that brought forth a period of despair for Kaivant with the death of his parents during the close of his fifteenth year of life. Word of Kaivant's friendship with a citizen of the "rags" had made way to his parents ears, and it was news that they could not bear to comprehend as fraternization with the lesser was unthinkable for the perfect noble they viewed Kaivant as. Succumbing to illness resulting from rising levels of stress, Kaivant's father was the first to depart, only to be shortly accompanied by his wife who chose her fate, upon the realization of loses accumulating in her damned life.

As expected due to circumstances, Kaivant fell into a period of depression; however, despite the accumulation of losses in own life, his period of gloom was short lived, as a passion ignited deep within him shortly after his sixteenth birthday. As the only remaining heir to the Ashmoore name, Kaivant was anointed as the head of his house and bestowed the official title of noble, despite the state of his family name. It was with this ceremony that brought forth a new set of ideals that the young man would soon follow. The desire for power that plagued the kingdom within the walls was the leading factor that brought about the ruin of his family, and it was a curse that would only strength so long as the sepration of the "rags" and "riches" existed. 'The "riches" would only grow stronger while the "rags" would only grow weaker', was the ideal that Kaivant believed must be crushed, and it would be that exact belief that he would dedicate his future years working to achieve.

Strengths: Apart from his exceptional artistic talent, the majority of Kaivant's strengths could be considered subtle and often overlooked by others due to the lack of physical manifestations. Blessed with a astute mind and a charismatic temperament, Kaivant easily could have been considered a cunning individual masked by a most peculiar personality. Among dealings with fellow nobles, Kaivant's tarnished family name and infamously peculiar traits have often led to many underestimating his cunning disposition, leaving them bewildered and deprived of a fair trade. While similarly, among the "rags", Kaivant's unique personality is known for catching many individuals off guard during first encounters, even to the point of garnering respect in some rare cases. Nevertheless, despite his mental prowess, Kaivant sorely lacks physical capabilities, and his power among the nobles could be considered barely existent at best.


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grapedrank said:
Hmm good profile so far although if I may ask could you possibly expand on it a bit especially on the personality part? It's kind of short and his background is a little vague. The only reason I ask is because since this RP has so many characters, the more you expand the profile the better and more realistically the rest of us will be able to interact with him.
Sure, it was a little short because I went through like a million ideas. By the way, can I explain in word Nivlo's appearance instead?
Nivlo said:
Sure, it was a little short because I went through like a million ideas. By the way, can I explain in word Nivlo's appearance instead?
Yes description would work fine for appearance. And I'd recommend adding things like his views on the situation, what is his opinion on the Rags and Riches, what he does to get by or survive, where his family is and how he views his family, his opinion on laws, his temper or lack of temper etc. There's a lot you can ramble about and all of it will paint a very accurate picture of your character!
thanks thats pretty helpful!

grapedrank said:
Yes description would work fine for appearance. And I'd recommend adding things like his views on the situation, what is his opinion on the Rags and Riches, what he does to get by or survive, where his family is and how he views his family, his opinion on laws, his temper or lack of temper etc. There's a lot you can ramble about and all of it will paint a very accurate picture of your character![/quote
Name: Sir Hazor Straub

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Sexually ambiguous.

Social Class: Noble.

Personality: Naturally, since he is a noble, you would think that he is stuck up and spoiled and all that, right? Well, he is a bit stuck up, and can be somehow cocky, just because his mastery of arms and combat. One thing is that he is not that literate. A page of a complicated book can take him a day to decipher. He will be quite serious, and command respect among his peers, even if they aren't knights under his command. This Knight rarely gets angry, but if you do somehow do such a horrible thing to get him in a rage, he will strip you naked and hang you from your feet and tie you from the highest castle and starve you for two days, then demote you and make you the person the laughingstock of the whole regiment of guards, like that one knight who disrespected him several times, questioned his authority, insulted him with profanities, spat in his face and laughed out loud while saying that he was a [insert really bad thing here].

His armour is quite mellow and is much more military than it is flashy, since he doesn't find meaning in wearing something flashy when it only drags you down.

He is used to being addressed to the prefix "Sir", and will not reproach you if you don't. But if you do it in front of other nobles, he will have to reprimand you, since they can think that he is easy prey.

Because of the backstabs and taunting that happens in his daily life, he will keep his façade on, which consists of being responsible, elegant, gentlemanly, serious, extremely charismatic and rightful commander of the Knights, whose authority should not be insulted (See horrible consequences for more information). Alone or in the company in people he completely trusts, he is the same, although he is more prone to laughing and teasing, and shows a lot more compassion. He can even have humor, gasp!

Hazor knows when someone is lying and will be aggravated when you do lie for stupid reasons. He's rather have someone tell him the truth, and will go more easy on someone who does, unless they've done something horrible. Even if he can show some mercy, don't think because he let you go that one time that he'll do it again any time soon.

His initial thoughts of the Rags are rather negative. He though that they were a rowdy bunch of dirty children with knives, but that thought quickly dissipates when he sees what they are capable of, in one of his numerous visits above the walls, and his encounter with several who broke in. After that, he is much more used to being far, and observing their every movement with taunt muscles. However, he has befriended one or two between their midst.

This noble's impression of other Riches is not good at all. Even if he had grew with them, that makes him the most likely to distrust them. He does not trust one that would hold a cup of wine in their hands while lying blatantly about everything and nothing at the same time. He thinks of them as a bunch of rats with money and power, and only holds a handful in respect, while trying to keep his conversation with the others as short as possible.

Background: Hazor was born a regular noble, as the second son in the family of the legendary Straub. As the heir of the title of Leader of the Knights, since his older brother was deemed unfit for the title, he was next in line. If something happened to his father, he'd be there to replace him. For the first years of his life, it went relatively like any other noble, although, Hazor demonstrated already a thirst for knowledge at a young age, more so for military sciences, none for the others. At that point, he put on himself the will to learn how to read. His father was at the least approbate of that wanting; Already one of his sons was infatuated with reading, and the other one too? He shan't make that mistake again. Even if his parents didn't want him to read, he had taught himself in secret.

That is the reason why they began his training at the tender age of 6. In the beginning, they only made him do simple things: Running, little obstacles, swimming, than they slowly ramped it up, to dagger fighting, military sciences, dodging rocks, to sword fighting, mock battles and politics. Even if he had learnt all of this, he still had felt dissatisfied, a bit hollow and contemplative. His mother and father were proud of him; That was a fact. His brother didn't care about his existence, the nobles were entertained. He had no friends, with only knights to tease him or girls to try and flirt with him. It left him sad and retrieved of the crowd, even if he acted cheerful and likable.

After he reached the age of 20, he found out that his father was dying, no matter how much the old man wanted to hide that fact away from him. Nothing from the medics could make him go better, no soft words or sleep could heal him. Hazor hadn't known of what had caused this at first, and dismissed it as a passing fever, until his suspicion began to mount. The Knight noticed odd movements: a slight bump of the arms, a whisper in the ear....any normal nonchalant movement to one who didn't know what was going on, but the boy knew better of it. Poison. That is what it was.

When he finally died, Hazor was promoted to the Leader of the Knights and awarded by the King himself. Knowingly, he wondered who had killed his father. He was a good and honest man; What would come out of killing a person like that? The new Leader questioned himself several times and is still searching for that answer, by exploring the ranks of the nobles and the rags, searching people if such information is available, and will probably uncover something that is much bigger than he expected.

Strengths/Weaknesses: He has mastered the art of combat and arms, which makes him virtually unbeatable in almost any case. It can tip in the favour of his opponent if they are of a larger number or if he is unfamiliar with his environment. He is not stupid, and will avoid those situations, or will use various tactics to get rid of the enemy, even using unorthodox ways to fight. Hazor can only understand the simplest words in writing, even if he is versed in the language with his tongue. He will do anything to hide that embarrassing secret. He is also scared of dogs, but he'll never show that fear in public.


(With armor)


(Without armor)

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My girl: (hope it's not to late!)


Name: Annolia Mefisto

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Social Class: Noble

Personality: Annolia is loud, she loves to be heard. When she wants something she is more keen on threatning than sneeking around listening to doors. Despite beeing so young she is actually a part of court. As her father was. It is a bit controversial to have a lady with much to say but she defys everyone who says she should keep her mouth shut.

She is very naïve and very judgemental, and hates the lower class for being dirty and smelly. She gave them the nickname: Rats. And she is very opposed to the fact that they have to "mingle". She threatened to leave court, but when she felt she was not being heard she changed her mind, because she was scared of being left out.

She is very much a extrovert person, she lives off of people's energy. She hates loneliness and has a fear of darkness, this makes her very vunerable, but she hides it. The only one who knows is her father, and he took it to his grave. But she fears that people find out and use it against her.

She has something on almost everyone, and she uses it to her advantange every time. She never helps with anything that doesn't help her in the end. This makes her a quite hated person, but people are too scared to oppose her. And she thinks that this is the way to make friends, because her father did the exact same thing.

She can be sweet and when she is she is really sweet. She goes all out when she loves somebody to the point where she almost strangles the person with it. This can scare people, but it is because she never recieved any love herself so she wants to give others what she didn't have.

If her problems are let out, she will crash and burn along with it.


Her father was her everything, he raised her, after her mother died, he trained her, he shaped her as a picture of himself. And that she became indeed. Her father trained her until the age of 10 there he died, when a couple of Rags went into their home at night. He got up and went to see who it was, and there he found the Rags, he told them to leave but they didn't so he went to throw them out when he was stabbed in the chest with a dagger.

People expected Annolia to be saddened by his death, and she was, but he had trained her better than to show emotions that people could use against her, so she held her head high and took the dagger and wore it at her at all times. So to remind her who the enemy really is. The Rags.

Annolia studied hard to become an excellent tactical leader and is known for this. Her father is in her heart but she never speeks of him, and when someone tries to make her open up she stirrs around the subject.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Tactically she is a genius, but she is very naïve and judgemental. Sha can be blinded by rage and forget everything she had learned.
Name: Kain Deliona

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unkown, has never been sexually encountered

Social Class: Noble

Personality: He prefers to stay quiet, though, in order to hide his voice from others. To those that don't know him, he is a dark, brooding, and only slightly mysterious figure, but to those that he is close to, he is a sarcastic, deadpan snarker, and generally fairly funny as well. He is adept at telling when people are lying, and also when telling the truth. He also has a knack for puzzles, and would happily mull over one for hours on end. In his spare time, he prefers reading and solitude. This conflicts with him, as for his job he needs to be hidden, but his ego needs to tell jokes and have the comfort of friends around him, which is a luxury he cannot have. Everywhere he goes in the nobles' area, he is shunned because of his dress (which is part of his job). Even though he is a very important part of the efforts to quell the civil unrest, people treat him with distaste, and he hates this. Kain desires nothing more than to be accepted and live a comfortable life.

Background: Before the plague started, Kain was a simple youth, working hard with his family on their small farm just outside of town. As such, he learned valuable survival skills, and also became physically stronger. When the plague hit, Kain's family were some of the first people to go. In order to survive, he had to lock himself in his room, and to flee his house. Unfortunately, he realized his parents would come looking for him. His parents died without him, burnt to a crisp after Kain burnt the building down to distance himself from them. He carries the burden of their death with him to this day, although he has made peace with himself in recent times. Then, he decided that he would rather prefer to be alive with money, than dead without. So commenced a new life of burglary. He stayed in the shadows, stealing what he could, until he finally worked up enough money to purchase a very small house in the nobles' area. He climbed the mountain, nearly died a few times (earning him a conspicuous scar across his lower back) but finally descended into his new home. After stealing some clothes, he passed off as a noble and now happily resides there. He has abandoned the Rags and is working for the kingdom as a spy because of his background. He is very knowledgeable about the goings-on of the Rags world.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Kain is athletic, flexible, and has a slim figure. Because of his past, he was strong, but he abandoned his strength in favor of stealth. Sometimes he is too sarcastic for his own good, and also expresses the need to speak, but can't, for fear of being discovered by someone. He is not very intelligent, but he is very street-wise. Because of his killing of his parents, he is slightly emotionally and mentally unstable, and will break down if pushed too far.

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Cassandra Elisabeth Andrea Montoya







Social Class:

Noble, her father is a very rich duke.


Lady Cassandra, or just Case, as she likes to be called, is very rebellious and smart-mouthed. She isn't very fond of other royals, and hates how most of them think that they're above the less fortunate. She also hates the big, fancy dresses her father makes her wear, and likes to wear short, loose fitting ones when he isn't around.


Case was raised as a noble. Since day one, she was prepped, pampered, and taught how to act rich. She hated it. During her lessons, she would purposely do anything to frustrate her teachers, and she can proudly say that the number of quitters is exactly 27. When she turned 13, she vowed to herself to do anything to help the Rags. Around the time she turned 14, she snuck through a secret passageway that ran underneath The Wall, which she had found out about after raiding her father's office when he wasn't home. She gradually began to sneak there every weekly night, giving children her old clothes and extra food from the kitchen. When she turned 17, she got sick of knowing how poor the conditions there were, while people were throwing away their meals to be skinnier on her side of the wall. She became the co-leader of an organization that protested for the wall to be removed. Now, after finally achieving her group's goal, she's quite famous, although a lot of royals don't like her.


A strength of hers is being able to persuade people in an elegant manner that's not really like her, but, unfortunately, like most royals, she has a very hot temper when things don't go her way.


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Name: Lord Grymlieva

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Complete mystery...

Social Class: Rich, one of the most powerful, most power-hungry lords in the kingdom.

Personality: Lord Grymlieva (Full name: Krevili Sycoa Duke Avarus Noble Grimm Grymlieva) is possibly the meanest lord of the kingdom, owning hundreds of miles of land, in both the land of the riches and the rags. He is against pulling down the split between the rags and the riches and believes in slavery, he is the most famous for when he threw the head of a rag over the wall after killing them for theft. He still believes the rags are diseased with the 'pests and animals' disease, and because of all the things he has done he is hated by all rags and even the riches, and has more power than even the monarchy in some areas...

Background: Born as a child of Lord Faithful (as that is what he was known as), it is rumoured that he had killed his father, who was a great lord loved by rags and riches and helped the development of a united kingdom, which turned out to be true after he publicly hanged his fathers head and gave a speech to all the riches of how the rags are all 'corrupted animals' which gave him bad reputation from the start. He inherited his fathers land and became too powerful before anyone could stop him.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Has loads of power, hundreds of people work for him as soldiers and owns hundreds of miles of land and money, has more power than the monarchy in some areas however is not very strong and is terrible at dealing with swords.

Appearance: Fat and posh, with lots of jewellery and brown hair. Very expensive clothes and has a sword at the right hand sides of his (very expensive and very ugly) trousers (he is left-handed).

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