[The City that Never Wakes] Wherein Old Friends Prove Useful


Senior Member
Ash! Hey, Ash! Over here. Hey there. Hug? Hug. Oof! You feel lighter than you used too. I'm not sure all that stress was good for you. Well, come on. Let's get you home, and you can tell me all about your daring escape from the cult. Is that little bag all of your stuff though? You're not leaving anything behind?

Lose Contact, Linda

Lose Contact, NeoNET Employee Services

Lose Contact, NeoNET IT Staff

Alright, let's go! I splurged a little and got a call-car. Having a SIN is really weird. It's nice to just be able to do stuff like that—go, 'hey, I need a ride,' and it just happens. But it's strange how much the computers know about me. Like, I got a message from NeoNET yesterday, asking if I wanted to buy in on your company commuting plan? You hadn't even moved in yet, and it knew we were going to be living together, where you work, where I work, and how much I pay for rides right now. It's creepy as hell.

Still, I guess it's nice to know you've got a job. Teaching seems like something you'd enjoy. It said you get Fridays off, right?

Gain Negative Quality: Toxic Job References (-25% Day Job Income)

Day Job Flaw Decreases from 80 to 30 Hours Per Week

Base Pay Drops from 10,000 to 3,750

-25% Penalty Total Pay to 2,800NY/Month

You'll like the new place. It's directly above the downtown mall, so it's near everything, and it's got easy access to all the stores. And there's a street doc upstairs who's very discreet. I figured you'd want a checkover, so I told him to expect you this afternoon.

Gain Negative Quality: Mysterious Spine Implant

2,000 NY to Remove

Yeah, here we are. It's a bit rough around the edges, but it's nice. Come on. Let's get you settled in.

Comfort: Low

>Uh... yeah, sorry. There's no spare room. I got some foamboard and glue and stuff, so we can fix up the attic into a second bedroom. It drops below freezing at night right now, but insulation is cheap, or a space heater or something. You want to flip for the cot until then?

Entertainment: Squatter

>Yeah, it's nothing to look at, and it gets a little cold at night, but that's okay. I splurged a little and got one of those super insinuative blankets. Curl up and jack in, and it's great. You spend all your time in sim anyway, right?

Necessities: Middle

>There's no kitchen, sorry. But I got this ration card thing for the 1000 Flavors of Soy outlet downstairs? It's pretty good. And there's real food places up the way if you can afford it.

Neighborhood: Low

>This place is okay in general, but do not go outside after dark. I'm serious, Ash. Lone Star keeps trouble away from the mall, but this Syndicate territory. Pretty girls who vanish off the street here end up in Benraku parlors.

Security: Low

>You own a gun, right? If not, let's go down to the store now. You'll want a gun.


Commercial Zone +1

>Razor's apartment is directly above the downtown mall.

Free Access +1

>NeoNET generously provides free Matrix access to the whole of Seattle.

Perfect Roommate +2

>Other than being a little emotionally clingy.

Worse Neighbors -1

>Syndicate enforcers.

Your Share of the Rent: 2,100NY per Month

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"Razor? You can do way better than this. First order of business is to figure out what the fuckers shoved up my spine and how to make it go away. But the second is to find us a place that isn't a dump."

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