Bringer of Stars and Caretaker of Seals
Clyde Werely, Chief Inspector Police of Maple Pines
- Basic Info
Name: Clyde Werely
Nickname: --
Gender: Male
Alias: The Chief Inspector of Maple Pines
Classified as: [Choose either Vigilante or Criminal]
Age: 30
Weapons: Taser, a hand-sized tranquilizer gun, baton, a tracker device
Skills/Specialty: Martial Arts, Crime Investigative Knowledge, Fast reaction time, resistance to control and pleasure
Weaknesses: Distraction, getting tranquilized, prolonged combat - Personality
Personality: Clyde is an aggressive yet a submissive person. He attacks in a planned way. When in battle, he quickly analyzes the scene around him and plans for an average thirty seconds until he attacks. He is also a semi-emotionless person. He barely smiles or gets angry. He just have this poker face. Anyway, if he succeeded an operation with his team, he would throw a party for them. He is a selfless person. As a high-ranking officer of the police force and his main personality, he prioritizes others before himself. He is also an alert person. He never keeps his guard down.
Likes: Training, working up, playing video games when bored, doing his work, eating, drinking colas
Dislikes: distractions, lazing around at work, procrastinating - History and Misc
Biography: TBR (also because im lazy rn)
Relations: TBA
Others: Has a mansion on the borderline of Maple Pines, which are full of grass lands.
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