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Futuristic The City Between Worlds // Characters



Fit For The Gallows

The City Between Worlds -- Characters


Dangerous individuals have been spotted in the local area. If you see them, DO NOT APPROACH. Instead, fill out the following form and turn it in to the closest D.I.A. federal building. Thank you for your cooperation.


Physical Description:
Abilities: Magical, Esper, abilities, etc.
Equipment: Weapons, cybernetic enhancements, tools, etc.
Skills: Day to day skills.


If you see any of the following individuals, please contact your local D.I.A. Officer at ███ - ███:

A cleaner by day; a street artist by night. Zia, also known in certain circles as 'Dragonfly', is distinguished by her agility as well as enhanced senses. She's a member of the Liberation Brigade and can be found working throughout the Spokes.








Table of Contents:

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Name: Zia Choi

Alias(es): Dragonfly, Employee A631

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Alidari from the planet Larxian

Physical Description: Grayish-blue skin, black eyes with golden irises, four arms, short purple hair, and long pointed ears.

Personality: Calm and focused in the workplace, free and unbothered on the streets.

Biography: Zia Choi is a second-generation Tessellatian, her parents arrived in the city when she was very young and at first struggled to find work outside of the Rim. Eventually, they were able to find professions in the White District while a few of Zia's aunts and uncles also made it to Tessalatia. As Zia grew up, rising tensions with AWA grew and Zia's family met a growing amount of discrimination in their places of work. Zia's mother was laid off, and without an easy way to procure another job, she stayed at home with Zia. Zia watched her parents struggle with every aspect of their lives and vowed to forge a better life for herself and her family when she grew up. So, she worked hard, passed district exams, and fought hard to get her job with the Axel Biohazard Cleanup Department. Many more physical tests, written exams, and waivers later, she was able to obtain a government job with great benefits and carved a small slice of life to call her own in the Spokes. However, the victory was short-lived as her father was mysteriously killed one night as he was leaving work. Zia, who was coming to greet her father and take him out to dinner, was the one who found him, just as a masked figure with a black aura slipped out of sight in into the night. A few years later, she still works with the ABCD, devoted to the grisly work that comes with the city's biohazard cleanup, but by day, she is Dragonfly, a member of The Liberation Brigade that goes street-running and painting Liberation propaganda in AWA faction territory. Some of the work is simply to piss the bastards off, but some small part of Zia also hopes she can make a difference in the futures of other migrant families in Tessalatia.

Relations: The Liberation Brigade, Nyon Choi-Jinn [Cousin], Gill Chombei, [Best friend and coworker]

Abilities: Natural Alidarian agility and flexibility. Ambidextrous and able to multitask the use of her limbs to a higher effectiveness than races with only two arms (Definitely able to pat her head and rub her tummy with two sets of arms at the same time.)
Alidarian sight, equipping Zia's eyes with six cones, rather than three or four, which grants her the gift of synesthesia-- Seeing color in sounds. When people speak or make noise around Zia, she can interpret their emotions or even identify them if she's met them before (and remembers their color/texture) even if Zia can't see their faces.

Equipment: Calf couplets with zero gravity and leap boost enhancements for jumping higher and further while slightly limiting the impact of falling. During the day she also carries the ColorSprtiz2000, a contraption designed to customize colors and patterns quickly and efficiently.
At her employment with the Axel Biohazard Cleanup Department, or ABCD, she has a variety of equipment to fulfill her duties depending on the cleanup assignment which typically includes full-body protective and respiratory gear.

Skills: Parkour, gymnastics, cleaning, painting, street art

Strengths: Sixth-Sense Synesthesia, Natural Athleticism, Quick Reflexes

Weaknesses: Has to hear to use Synesthesia, exposed to a variety of biohazard materials daily, Bad at math, Deathly afraid of people with black synesthesia auras
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Name: Ryotan Kanshin

Aliases: Worker 857134, Ryo

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Physical Description: Limber but fit body type, large smile, amateur tattoos covering all his upper body, and a shaved head

Personality: Happy, outgoing, minimalistic, and free spirited.

Biography: An adventurous kid who lived in the countryside of another world that got lost at the age of seventeen. He was taught martial arts and was never very good at attacking, but took a talent to avoiding and painting. Found his way to a cave for shelter as it was raining and had nothing but a set of brushes and a scroll of parchment. He fell asleep and by the time he woke up he was in the city between worlds. Seeing all the new sights and flashing lights he was enamoured. Eventually he would be taken in by a tattoo parlor in the red district as they saw him designing in his scroll on the street. He stayed helping the tattoo parlor design with his painting skills. At the age of eighteen he was asked to leave the tattoo parlor. As thanks for what he had done they offered him the digital sketchbook they had him design tattoos with. He then searched for work and ended up working a 9-5 at a corporation in the blue sector that transports and ships products all accross the city. He is now twenty four and enjoys his simple life, but plans to try and start up his own tattoo parlor. He has started taking clients for design and tattoo gigs which is how he met Ernie.

Relations: Friends with Ernie (A good barista at his favorite cafe), Works under one of the many corporations found in the blue district in a 9-5 to pay for his small apartment.

Abilities: Near hit: extremely good at avoiding/parrying attacks and hazards with a mixture of luck and experience.

Equipment: Digital sketchbook, a katana

Skills: Organized, Quick Typer, Creative, Great Navigator, High Energy and Endurance

Strengths: Silver Lining enthusiast, Determined, Wise, and great at dodging/parrying

Weaknesses: Poor Tattoo skills, weak attacks, below average intelligence, and Terrible Liar



Name:Ernstine Jewel
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: High Elf
Physical Description: 5'6", long black hair tied into one or two buns. Fair skin, heavily tattooed. Long ears with many piercings, pink eyes
Personality: To the point, scarastic and takes no shit. Avoidant to share personal information, but gives a to-go cup and a pastry to those in need
Biography: As a child with great magic potential, Ⱦ̵͚̯͂̑̑́̕Ħ̷̱̃̄̋̒̿͠എ ̴̗͎͍͍͌̏͗̍̒̄̄ↀ̶̡̮͖̜͖̭͗̚ʁ̷̢̗͎̞̄̓͘͠ɵ̶̙͛ʷ̵̟̰̳̏̌͂̊̌̇ȵ̶̜̄̒ͅ ˙̸̘͝ɯ̸͔̇ᴉ̸̡̂ɥ̶͙͒ʍ̷̰͌ ̸̳̅ɹ̷̤͠ᴉ̶͎͐ǝ̸̚ͅɥ̷̨̏ʇ̴̧̈́ ̶͙́o̴͇͐ʇ̴͈̐ ̸͈͝p̷͖̿ü̵̞n̵̗͝o̵͔͊q̶̧̌ ̷̤̏ɹ̷͙͑ǝ̷̣̈́ɥ̸̩͘ ̷͚̓ʇ̴̙̈́ɟ̶͈̊ǝ̴̰͐l̴̼̓ ̸͉̿'̷̲̓ǘ̴̖ʍ̸̬͑o̴̲̊ɹ̶̤̊Ɔ̴̫͝ ̶̨͒ǝ̸̡́ɥ̴̤̿ʇ̵̭͝ ̶͎̀ɟ̷̪͝ô̸̼ ̵͚̒,̴̗̎,̶̳͋ṕ̴̞o̶̼͠o̶̳̒ƃ̷̝̆ ̷͎̈́ɹ̶̞̽ǝ̴̮͠ʇ̷̳̎ɐ̴͍̚ǝ̴͈̔ɹ̶͚͠ƃ̸̪̐,̶̙̌,̴̗̌ ̶͖̂ǝ̴̣̈ɥ̶̯̉ʇ̷̫̎ ̶͈͐ɹ̴̟̏o̴͘ͅɟ̵̣̃ ̸͙͂ƃ̷̞̌ú̷̳ᴉ̴̯͛ʇ̴̠̀ɥ̶̮͗ƃ̴̜̊ᴉ̸͉̈́Ⅎ̴͔̃ ̸̺̀˙̷͎̕p̶̰͒l̶͚͝ɹ̸̨͊ö̵͉́ʍ̵̠̀ ̷̰̍ǝ̷̞͛ɥ̸͓̓ʇ̵̹͝ ̵̯͘ɟ̶͖͠o̶̟͌ ̸͙̑ǝ̷̧̾s̶̛̮u̶̺͐ǝ̴͕̂ɟ̷͓͛ǝ̵̻̈́p̷̨͗ ̸͕̀u̸̹͘ᴉ̷̹͐ ̴̞̕ɹ̴͔̕ǝ̸̡̌ɥ̴͈͋ ̷̠̃u̴͎̐ᴉ̸̞͘ɐ̸̤͝ɹ̷̢̃ʇ̷̹̆ ̵͔̏ǫ̸̊ʇ̶͍̏ ̴͍̄ʎ̸͙̑ɐ̷̢͠ʍ̷͖͗ɐ̶͛͜ ̵̪͑ɹ̸̢̂ǝ̷͉̈ɥ̶̪̎ ̴̧̏ǝ̷͙̌l̸͔̿ỏ̴̬ʇ̷̧̐s̵̛̭ ̸̨͠. Until one day, she found a door, opening to a great station. Hopping on the next train to wherever, she found herself beyond stone walls and deep old forests, and into a world of neon lights and magic enhancements for denizins beyond what she could dream. So instead she took up the life she always dreamed of, away from constant danger, and into a cozy shop. Serving unique brews of tea and coffee alike, and living on the floor above, giving rest and comfort to weary travelers who pass through. She got dozens of tattoos to cover the scars of her old life, and remains hidden, concealing her abilities and her life before to take life slow in a busy place. If only live stayed slow longer.
Relations: Ⱦ̵͚̯͂̑̑́̕Ħ̷̱̃̄̋̒̿͠എ ̴̗͎͍͍͌̏͗̍̒̄̄ↀ̶̡̮͖̜͖̭͗̚ʁ̷̢̗͎̞̄̓͘͠ɵ̶̙͛ʷ̵̟̰̳̏̌͂̊̌̇ȵ̶̜̄̒ͅ : ̶̩̄˙̴̞̅ɹ̶̠͛ǝ̶̡̂ʍ̷͕̕ó̶͕d̴̈́͜ ̶͓̉ɹ̷̟̽ᴉ̴̤̀ǝ̷͉̕ɥ̸̻͌ʇ̴̤̕ ̵̩̽ʍ̴̟̾ǫ̵̉ɥ̴̗̑s̸̳̀ ̴̗̾o̸͔͝ʇ̸̦̂ ̸̺͒s̴̯͑l̵̯͆ǝ̸̡̈́ʍ̷̮̀ǝ̶̥͐ɾ̵̘͋ ̶̖̒ʇ̸͙͌ș̷͒ǝ̴͍͘ʇ̸͍̑ɥ̶̮̿ƃ̴̼̆ᴉ̸̰͒ɹ̷͍͠q̶̺̀ ̷͎͂p̵̲̍ū̸͔ɐ̶̺͝ ̷͈̈ʇ̵̳́s̸̥̊ǝ̷̜̚q̴̅͜ ̵̑͜ǝ̶̱̋ɥ̷̗̈ʇ̴̟̌ ̵̤͐ɥ̴̨͝ʇ̸̛̩ᴉ̵̣̇ʍ̷͔̽ ̸̰̏'̵͙͠u̴͈͑ʍ̷̰̂o̶̞͋ɹ̴̛̙Ɔ̶̤̂ ̵̡͊ɐ̵̠̕ ̸̟̐s̷͕͝p̷̬̀ǝ̸̲̓ǝ̵̟̄ȕ̷͚ ̴̟̅ʎ̸̱̊ʇ̴̙̍ḷ̷́ɐ̶̞͠ʎ̸̟͌o̴̝͐ɹ̵̢͝ ̸̨̆˙̸͇͋ǝ̷͚̔ɹ̴͇̽ǝ̷͕̚ɥ̶̬͛ ̷̛̰ɯ̴͎͐ɹ̸̢̋ò̴̹ɟ̶͕̎ɹ̶̮̆ǝ̶͉͋d̸͖͑ ̸̺͌ő̸͕ʇ̶͘͜ ̸̱͛ɯ̷͓̄ǝ̶͍̉ɥ̴͍͝ʇ̵̖͝ ̷͔̎ŝ̶ͅǝ̴̹̈́ɹ̸̙̿ᴉ̶̯͊n̷̙͐b̵͍̓ǝ̸̤͘ɹ̸̩̾ ̵͉́ǝ̵̼̽ʇ̵͕̒ɐ̴̱̆ɟ̵̨͘ ̷̻̓p̴͚̒u̶͒ͅɐ̵̟̄ ̷͈̎'̶̩̄ʎ̵̣͆u̶̻̍ɐ̷̨̛ɯ̷̪̇ ̶̝̇o̶̱͂ʇ̵̗̔ ̴͚̓s̸̠̈́l̶̖̈́l̸̪̀ɐ̶̲̈́ɔ̴͔̑ ̷̩̅ʎ̴̦͆ʇ̸̘̌ṋ̶̕p̸̱̉ ̴͙̈́˙̸͓͊ś̵̢ɯ̶̟̄l̴̜̋ɐ̸̰͆ǝ̸̜͘ɹ̵̡̋ ̵̳͘ǝ̴̳͒ɥ̶̫̄ʇ̴̥̏ ̴͚́ƃ̴̭̊ů̶ͅᴉ̷̣́ʇ̷͈̔ɔ̸̰͑ǝ̵̳͊ʇ̶̙̇ő̴̬ɹ̵͖̏ḍ̴͝ ̶̘͑ɥ̸̬̏ʇ̶̮̔ᴉ̷͕̓ʍ̷̠̈́ ̷͉̉u̵̼̿ǝ̵͍̓ɥ̴̰̑ʇ̵̥̅ ̵͚́ƃ̶̣͒u̸͜͝ᴉ̶̡͘ʞ̵̠̉s̸͇͊ɐ̴̝͘ʇ̵͎̓ ̶̳̈́p̷̘͛u̸̼͂ɐ̵̖̑ ̷̤̔'̸̢̓ɹ̴̱̚ǝ̴͈́ʍ̶̺̉o̶̜͗d̸͔̅ ̴͚͛l̸͓͗ɐ̶́ͅɔ̵̢͝ᴉ̵͚̆ƃ̵̛̝ɐ̷̡͌ɯ̸̞͆ ̶̬̇ǝ̴͇̄ʇ̶̙͒ɐ̴̪̈́ǘ̸͖ᴉ̶̧͆ ̴̻͂ʇ̷̙͗ɐ̵̨́ǝ̸̣̌ɹ̵̗͘ƃ̴̃ͅ ̴̫̈ɟ̷̼͒ö̷̤́ ̸̲̓ǝ̶̹͑s̸̹̍ȏ̵̼ɥ̸̨̽ʇ̷͍̄ ̸̟̓ƃ̸̺̕ǘ̵̫ᴉ̸͊͜ʞ̵̹̂ɐ̶̹̾┴̸̫̎ ̵̗͗˙̸̰̔p̶̙̎l̴͓͌ɹ̵͊͜ǒ̷̺ʍ̷̣̔ ̵̜̂ǝ̵̇͜ɥ̵̺̋ʇ̴͍̇ ̶̟̄ƃ̶͕̎u̶̱͑ᴉ̵̭̕ʇ̷̼̈́ɔ̶̰̎ǝ̴̘̄ʇ̸͙̃o̴̟̊ɹ̵̹̐d̸̘͂ ̵͚̄ɥ̶̼̀ʇ̶͙̇ᴉ̶̜̉ʍ̶̹͂ ̵̬͠p̷̟̎ǝ̶̡̉ʞ̷͕͘ś̸̨ɐ̴̩̀ʇ̶̡͝ ̴̈́ͅu̷̡͌ö̴̺́ᴉ̸͍̐ʇ̷̢͑ɐ̵͙̚z̸̙͛ᴉ̷̩͊ú̵̧ɐ̴͖́ƃ̵̣͋ɹ̵̳͌o̵͇͛ ̵̮̈l̷͉͗ɐ̷̳͂ɔ̸̫̀ᴉ̸̘̈ƃ̶̨̀ɐ̴̮̂Ẁ̶̖ ̶͗͜
Friends with Ryo. Serves coffee to many just inside the outer rim.
Abilities: Magical
Equipment: French Press, Kettle, Tea pot, various strainers, and a good nose.
Skills: Can make a damn good cup of coffee while humming a tune. Calligraphy, and a quick reader.
Strengths: Listening to others talk, keeping tidy, kicking out bad customers.
Weaknesses: Emotions, Manual heavy labor, books, and Himbos.

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Theme || Iron Lotus Key Ingredient ver. by Mili

~ Location: As of yet unnamed fixer office, Rim ~
~ Time: 11:30 AM ~

The ticking clock was made a metronome to count the beats of rest as the young man collected his thoughts. A momentary pause repeated multiple times throughout the conversion, drawn out longer and longer each time. This time, ending with 8 beats.

"And you're sure I'm supposed to be filling this out?"


"So when it says 'note applicant's personal history here' that's-?"

"A question for you.

"And you want me to write a physical description of myself, in person?"

10 beats this time.


Nothing else to it. Though hardly a hassle, Gloriosa had enough experience answering the questions on the guide he now held in his hands. If nothing else, it was neat to peek behind the curtain.​

New Hire Questions Guide
Filled out for X Gloriosa Rosi
Filled out by X
Gloriosa Rosi (from the perspective of boss man)

__kuga_yuuma_world_trigger_drawn_by_sacog__sample-05d9e0d316126aacfbbdd09f2b9ce145_waifu2x_art...png Name
Gloriosa Rosi

Black Tongue



Felidae Mori

Physical Description
The epitome of youthful exuberance, his is a body that one attains by doing away with that which makes you human. His skin is smooth and synthetic, rubbery and cool to the graze. His eyes, big and bright, absorb and scan as much visual information as possible. His body, scored by seam lines that betray the nature of his mass-produced form. Though he hides what he can under layers of cloth, a close inspection or a shrew eye would deconstruct his body as being little more than made of metal. All the way and even to his ears, twitching full of life as they do.

Bubbly, wonderfully, amazingly, me. Such are the words and a dozen more that the young man would use to describe himself. There is a certain undeniable air of lightness that follows every step of his 2-ton body. A fan of theatrics and the overdramatic, his smile is always a play to the crowd. And that smile of his follows him in every situation. His favorite sweet shop, a wide smile. Talking with his boss, grinning ear to ear. On the job, always so happy to help. Even surrounded by the lawlessness of the Rim, even when accosted by those who wish to cause harm, as dogs eat dogs in the alley that evades the care of the Panopticon, he smiles. Happy, sassy, manic, me. Such are the words, and very few more, that the young man would like to be known for.

__kuga_yuuma_world_trigger_drawn_by_yuzu_mugi__sample-8c9ef31fcaf4ef7429258734fe351ef1 (1).pngBiography
Memories are fickle. One's life can be defined by those that stick around the longest. So, since his past is in question, let those few stories that he can't forget tell you all you need to know. He remembers the faces and names of his family. A long line of kin that had been long since removed from their home, but found a new one within the city. Tessellatia was home to the blood of his people for 5 generations, with his inception being the 6th. A proud race, a beautiful race of feline traits, and one that wasn't long for life. Their blood corrupted easier than others. A problem unnoticed at the start as the city was growing, but as the population grew, as carriers grew, and as the space between people shrank, their life expectancy would shrink in kind. That proud race, the Felidae and their heritage, dwindling down and earning a reputation as wild strays that were good for little more than holding sickness.

Felidae Mori. The name became the fuel for the fire.

He remembers the faces and names of his people, he remembers watching them dance within flames. Dancing with the rising of ashen petals as the stage he called a community burned. He was young when it happened. Too young to know why, and just old enough to know who. The stomping of torch carriers. The masks of those who set this stage, the holy men playing plague doctors. He knew them. He'd joined them in sermons before, as did the rest of his community. Even then, as red consumed his vision, as his father held him tight to shield him from the flames, he could still hear the sermons. A prayer for the purge, ending their lives with a dirge.

His body was unresponsive. His throat was dry. His eyes tried to wet burnt tear ducts, but the tears wouldn't come anymore. As the brittle grey, petals of ash, float to the ground to singe his skin, his body was retrieved. It was not a holy man, nor Felidae to retrieve him, but an artist who offered an ultimatum to the young cadaver. To become his canvas. To become painted in machine oil, to be sculpted from alloy. A creation careless and cruel. A boy is given new life, in order to satisfy someone else's ego. He was lucky. Lucky that in time, after years, he could walk with new legs. Months after he could walk, he could run. Weeks after he could run, he could dream. And the night he could dream, he dreamt of fire.

I remember dreaming as if I was one of the holy men. I stood upon their stage, their halls, and I danced with the fire that blossomed with every step. The pews burned. The steeple chared. I couldn't help but laugh. My eyes were open, they had been open that entire night. Surrounded by the rising of ashen petals, as one sinched my cheek I realized that I wasn't dreaming. I was awake. I was dancing. I wondered if they could see me. Performing alone: a Felidae Mori.

__kuga_yuuma_world_trigger_drawn_by_yuzu_mugi__sample-8c9ef31fcaf4ef7429258734fe351ef1.png Abilities
- Enhancement Overview
The multitude of enhancements brought about by replacing his body offers the young man myriad benefits. Limbs that can be swapped and serve specialized purposes, or fine-tuned to accomplish a certain goal. However plentiful, they are limited by the strain on his brain caused by using multiple simultaneously. The last remaining mostly organic part of him is prone to overheating. The activation and drawing out of an enhancement's ability will use a certain amount of RAM (❏), so to speak. Using more RAM than the brain can handle, and his brain will Overheat.

Ash Breath - Mouth - ❏❏❏❏ - The jaw unhinges and gaseous fuel is expelled, by applying a sparking element at will, a mouth-borne flamethrower can be made. The destructive capabilities are unmatched by his other enhancements, but it's limited by the finite fuel stored inside his body.​

Sylph Step Model 4 - Legs - ❏❏❏ - An enhancement made primarily for daredevils who make a habit out of running from authority. Though they offer increased movement speed and leg strength their main function is in momentary bursts of extreme acceleration with a few seconds of pause between them.​

Atlas 30s - Arms & back - ❏❏❏ - Upper body enhancements made to assist with manual labor. Lacks explosive power as it's specialized in bearing heavy loads over a longer period of time, advertising claims it gives you the strength of an ant. But a human-sized one.​

Tessella Army Knife - Hands and arms - ❏ - The best utility belt the city has to offer. Screwdrivers, wrenches, small knives, a seemingly endless trove of small tools to call on at a moment's notice.​

- Overclock ~ Burn the Mind
Closer to a trance than an ability, a berserker state of mind that forces the brain to shut down all non-critical functions and focus the RAM wasted on regulating the body towards single target elimination. The consciousness fades, and rational thought is burnt away. The boy known as Gloriosa is burnt away. In this trance Overheat will not occur, but the body will fail in time. Gloriosa is unable to deactivate this trance himself, so a physical off switch must be given to another. His boss Prydwen will hold his lifeline.

Prydwen - His boss. Gloriosa respects the chain of command and though the work culture is on the lax side, the hierarchy is upheld in his action.

Mechanical maintenance
Light construction work

A work of art
With a body that's made to be modular, the biggest strength is that he is made to be adaptable. Able to bring the right tools for the right job. Being decently sturdy doesn't hurt either.

The simultaneous use of enhancements that exceed his RAM limit of 5 (❏❏❏❏❏) will cause his brain to overheat, which results in physical and permanent damage sustained to the brain. The further over the limit He goes, the faster Overheat will cause damage to his brain.

Felidae Mori
A race of bipedal beings with feline traits. For reasons still unknown, their kind is predisposed to corruption, with a 70% infection rate among their races before the age of 40. The Felidae Mori burn bright, not long.



Name: Vance Voight (W.I.P.)

Alias(es): The Walking Firing Squad, The Loose Bullet,
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Race: Tessellatian Human
Physical Description
Many humans who come from several generations in Tessellatia develop some unique traits. In Vance's case, it's his green hair. Vance also has quite a bulky build developed from a lifetime of training.
Personality: Vance can be rather hard to predict to those who do not know him well. On one hand, he recognizes the system has flaws, and he tends to overlook petty level crimes. On the other, he works for the DIA and takes his responsibilities rather seriously. If one commits a serious offense, he will hunt them without mercy. However, this can lead to Vance biting off more than he can chew.

Vance lost his parents young in a shoot out between rival gangs.

Vance spent most of his early years in the Black District as a somewhat willing test subject in exchange for housing and food. That is where he spent most of his time developing his psionic abilities before enlisting with the DIA. With the aid of his abilities and a strong drive, Vance has worked his way up to dealing with some of the city's more dangerous threats. He is often trusted to operate on his own, but he will work with a team when ordered (such as for some DIA raids).
Relations: The DIA, various informants,
Abilities: Vance is a kind of Esper known as a "Physic Projector". Projectors have the ability to channel their very thoughts into psionic projections. Projectors are typically limited to one or two forms they are particularly familiar with (though some develop the ability to freely alter the dimensions of said projections). In Vance's case, his psionic projections take the shape of bullets that he can slightly alter the overall shape and trajectory of. Vance is also adept at basic DIA self-defense, but he is no martial artist.
Equipment: Tactical vest, 3 × Psionic Recovery pills, Trajectory Glasses, Ear piece communicator,
Skills: Cooking
Strengths: Through a combination of his trajectory glasses and his Projector ability, Vance can send out bullets with a combination of speed and accuracy few weapons can match.
Weaknesses: Vance's offense tends to be his greatest defense. He has little in the way of personal defense and must often utilize cover of his own. In addition, while Projectors tend to typically be more efficient in energy usage than other espers, Vance must constantly create new projections meaning he tends to run out of energy faster that a typical Projector.

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Name: Vincent Morello

Alias(es): Vinny, Big V

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Race: Tessellation Human

Physical Description: 5'10, dark haired man with short/medium length wavy hair. medium scruffy beard, with some minor facial scars. Medium build, muscular but some might notice and emerging dad bod.


Personality: Vinny is out going, but slightly rough around the edges. He seems tired often, but he's loyal and a complete work horse. Vinny has a tough time expressing his emotions to people, but he tries often to connect to people he cares about. Vinny is a protector, whose natural instinct is to stand up for the little guy. He won't shy away from a fight, though he will avoid situations that will put people he cares about in danger or harms way. He acts fatherly with people younger than him.

Biography: Vinny is from the Morello family, a famous group of natural Esper's in Tessellatia. Vinny was young when his father was killed: not older that 7. His brother, Emmi, who was 9 at the time, had hid them both in the closet, from which they witnessed the brutal execution of their father by members of "the Family". At his funeral Vinny cried softly as he held his weeping mother, and his brother Emmi stood still with his expression frozen solid, just as dad had taught him.

Emmi grew up and used his powerful Esper abilities to make it big in the corporate world, after leaving behind the family at a young age. His mother was proud of him and compared Vinny often. Vinny knew better. Emmi had taken up with the family, and now worked publicly but with the interests of the mafia, something Vinny detested greatly. Vinny had learned, as he had grown up, that his father had been a part of the family for a long time, but tried to leave when his boys were growing up: unsuccessfully, of course. However, after his death and the induction of Emmi, the family had left the Morellos alone. Vinny stopped speaking with his brother after he betrayed them, and worked tirelessly to earn a fair, clean living.
Vinny took his growing telekinetic powers to a local construction business, where he works for clean money to provide food for his mother and younger half sister, Gabriella Morello. Each day he spends working hard for the man, and tries to save up enough scraps to one day move his family out of the rim and back to a comfortable living: the right way.

Relations: Gabriella Morello (Gaby): Sister. Emilio Morello (Emmi): Brother. Cecelia Morello (Cecil): Mother. Ernie Jewel, local cafe keep at his favorite dinning spot. Milo Miller, coworker at the construction company. Millard Fowl, Foreman and owner of Happy Duck Construction Company LLC.

Abilities: Vinny is a natural Esper. He has access to a menagerie of Esper like abilities, but he excels in telekinesis. He is able to move and manipulate large amounts of weight, as well as with fine tune precision. He has access to other skills as well, but has not spent much time developing his latent talents with them, and with the passing of his father and the leaving of his brother, he had no mentors to really show him how to master other talents. All of that time other Esper's would have spent honing their specific abilities or becoming more well rounded, Vinny spent focused on his Telekinesis.

Equipment: Vinny always travels with his brown leather jacket and red scarf. He typically always has a pack of cigarettes on him as well.

Skills: Cooking, lifting, giving a dad talk.

Strengths: powerful telekinesis, pure heart, incredible work ethic and inability to quit

Weaknesses: his family/mother, his lacking ability to utilize other variations of his Esper abilities. He is also quick to jump to conclusions, and has a bit of a temper. Overusing his Esper abilities can cause permanent damage to the brain. Despite his unusual tolerance for his latent powers, rest is required between huge outputs of power, and pushing to his limits can (without the possibility of repair) destroy his mind.

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Fixer Evaluation
The evaluatee sits down across the table, silently, with precise movement. They appear to be a young man adorned in what appears to be religious garb, akin to that of a priest, bearing a cross around his neck and adorned on his gloves. Characteristics other than that are fairly plain: Short black hair, Short height (5’5) and rounded off with a medium build. Why don’t you introduce yourself?
“My name is Prydwen.”
“No last name?”
The evaluatee seemed to shift around in their chair, fiddling with their hands before answering:
“I-Is a last name required to obtain a fixer license? I personally didn’t find the act of acquiring one necessary. There would be no point in trying to acquire something that I would only discard in the end. I also presumed that If anyone in the city needed to find me, an ID number would more than suffice.”
Despite their concise answer, their eyes seemed to do everything in their power to not make contact with mine.
“Hmm, What about nicknames?”
“Yeah, you know, something usually given to you by friends or associates?”
“Is this necessary?”
“No, just standard evaluation questions. The quicker you answer, the quicker we can get out of each other’s hair.”
After some time the evaluatee answered
“How old are you?”
The evaluatee appeared confused after I asked. After explaining the concept of an “Age”, they answered:
“I have returned 20 flesh drinkers to oblivion. Though, if I were still home, I no doubt would have successfully dispatched 24 in total. I worry that I may become complacent in fulfilling my duties the longer I stay here.”
After a physical examination, we confirmed that the evaluatee was indeed male.
“Is it safe to assume you’re a human?”
“I myself am a child of Seele, though I've been here long enough to notice the similarities between his children and what others call humans. It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but I found myself incredibly confused and even more nervous when I asked what I assumed to be my siblings about our new enviornment.”
After this, the evaluatee-Prydwen, began to describe more of their circumstances, allowing me to slowly make sense of our seemingly parallel conversation.
“I am originally from a much smaller residence. Well, it wasn’t small to me, but in comparison to Teselia-”
“Thank you. Compared to Tessellatia , it’s apparent just how small my home really is.”
“You keep calling it home. What is the name of your original residence? How many people would you say populated it? “
Prydwen once again paused before solemnly making eye contact with me and responding:
“I….I don’t know…”
“You don’t know?”
“No… I never bothered to think about or question that which didn’t pertain to my day to day. I never needed to know the name of my home, for its existence would always be a constant to me.”
Prydwen seemed troubled as his explanation continued. I cut him off to get things back on track.
“Well, it isn’t completely necessary for you to know where you’re from. There are plenty of citizens who come here for a whole host of reasons: To escape, forget, or what have you. It’s not the end of the world, less so the end of your chance at a license.”
I attempted to ease his worries. It’s clear that he isn’t the poised intellectual that I had pinned him as.
"I've noticed that you're wearing a cross. Are you a Christian?"
"…Chris Chan?"
Another misunderstanding. I try to drop it and just focus on one thing at a time.
Ah, the cross is a symbol of the tents of Seele.
Prydwen then elaborated in much impassioned detail on “The Trinity”. The base (or body as he later elaborated) outstretches and splits out into three separate but equally important parts (or ideas) that will never part from the base:
‘1. Suffering Begets knowledge.’ To suffer is an inescapable fact of existence, and to deny such is to deny life itself.”
‘2. Knowledge Begets experience.' With the gift of knowledge, Seele allows us to constantly evolve and carve away needless suffering from our interpersonal lives and life fuller and happier existences. To refuse to incorporate the knowledge you acquired into your own life is to deny life itself.”
‘3. Experience Begets Suffering.' The more we experience, the more we engage with suffering. As suffering is inevitable, to deny experience is to deny knowledge, is to deny suffering, is to deny life. To deny the laws of life is to deny life itself, to deny the gift you’ve been given as their child. These tenets are our guide, and our weapon.”
Prydwen asked for something sturdy, but valueless. It was an odd request and I didn’t have something that specific, so I compromised and brought him outside. Nextdoor the facility is a housing complex that had been prepared for demolition. I grabbed a piece of material that was commonly used for foundation and tossed it to the young man.
“When one takes in Seele’s tenets and incorporates them into their life, and truly lives their life with them as their guide, Seele blesses you with the ability to weather any and all suffering. “
Prydwen (much to my surprise) took the metallic foundation and folded it like a piece of parchment paper. I did my best to hide my surprise; I know for a fact that despite his human-esque biology and appearance, he had no augments to his name. It was clear that I didn’t do a good enough job to hide my surprise, as he looked at me with a clear show of smug pride, like a child awaiting praise after finishing their magnum opus.
“Now give me your best shot.”
“I mean it! I promise, I’ll be fine. If anything, I would say that you would be the one that needs to maintain caution. Too hard and you might damage your hand.”
I would’ve brushed off his warning if not for the display of comical strength just seconds ago.
Well…Alright. Just don’t try to use this against me during the evaluation.
“Use what against y-”
First came the impact. My fist collided with his stomach in a clean strike; It was exactly as I expected. Warm, but sturdy. Soft, yet steadfast. Through his clothing I could feel what was very clearly a human’s body, but it refused to give way to my impact. Then came the aftershock. Despite the texture, I found my fist throbbing seconds later. I attempt to hide the discomfort through a casual change of subject.
N-Not bad…Let’s head inside and finish up. I don’t need to know anything else about this talent of yours.
“Oh, but there’s more to it than just the tene-”
" It’s fine, I-t’s fine."
Slightly whimpering beneath my breath, I brush him off while pushing him inside with my unharmed hand. As he kept talking to me about this Seele character, I realized that Prydwen is quite the friendly individual once you actually understand slightly what he’s talking about. He’s just more confused about what most would take for granted, lacking common sense if you will.
Do you have any friends or family that came with you when you ended up here?
His mood instantly changed into the slightly demure boy from moments ago.
“No… I was the only one, to my knowledge.”
"Hmm...Well, maybe they’re just somewhere else within Tessellatia. It’s a big place with people constantly moving to and fro. It wouldn’t surprise me if you were just sent to different locations and you’ve just either missed each other, or haven’t encountered each other yet."
His eyes slightly light up after hearing my rationale.
“I suppose that makes sense…Yeah, that makes perfect sense actually.”
He nodded in a self assured manner, a slight smile growing on his face.
“OH! I don’t know if I’d call him a friend yet, but I have met an interesting individual that I talk to on somewhat regular occasions. Oh? Yes, I believe he called himself Gloriosa. He bears the appearance of a feline, but the makings of a mechaniloid. It’s quite the strange contrast, even by city standards.”
He nods, assured in his assessment.
“We’re finishing up Prydwen. What would you say your skills are?”
“Yes, if you want to run an office, it would be wise to advertise what you might specialize in.”
“I…didn’t think about that.”
“Well now’s the time to think about it. Let me ask, what have you done up until this point. You’re well dressed and don’t look dirty, so I assume you didn’t survive this long by begging on the street.”
“Oh no, I would do whatever was asked of me, whatever work I could find.”
This perked my interest.
“Yes, manual labor, errands, testing, fighting, whatever have you.”
“Have you ever killed anyone? Don’t worry abo-”
I’m caught off guard by his immediate answer. It’s a worrisome one, that’s for sure.
“Was it worth the pay?”
“You kill people for sport then?”
I was going to say not to worry about killing as it came with the business of fixer work, but I would have to retract my statement if I was about to approve some willy-nilly serial killer.
“Ah, I see the misunderstanding. No, I have not killed anybody for pay or sport since coming here. I have only taken the lives of enemies of my siblings back home. I realize that this place operates on idiosyncrasies much different than my home.”
I take my hand off the buzzer under the table and take a breath. I suppose that’s better.
“Well either way, I would suggest you find better ways to market yourself if you want to make your business worth a damn.”
“Yes sir, you’re probably right.”
“I am right. Well Prydwen, we’re just about done. If you want my honest opinion, I don’t see any issue of you being approved, I just worry about you actually gaining any actual work with such vague and unspecified traits or skills to showcase to a potential customer.”
“That will be of no worry. If the work does not find me, I will simply seek it out.”
I shrug my shoulders. It’s best I don’t get attached; this evaluation has already gone on far longer than what’s normal for me. I stand up and he follows suit.
“Fine interview Prydwen.”
I offer my hand for a shake and he reciprocates.
“You’ll get the results on your evaluation within 3-7 business days. After that, we’ll take it from there. Any questions?”
“None at all, thank you very much sir.”
The foreigner named Prydwen deeply nodded his head before smiling, setting off. I squeeze and open my fist, trying to reduce the numbness I still feel. If my gut is anything to go by, I don’t think this will be the last I hear of him.




Name: Will Lockwood (W.I.P.)

Alias(es): The Mad Oracle, The Detective Wizard
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Race: Tessellatian Human
Physical Description:
Will is a rather lanky and tall individual, but he is surprisingly toned due to frequent running. His eye color doesn't particularly matter anymore as he always keeps them bandages up. One can vaguely see scarring around his eyes if looking closely.
Personality: Will is a shit talker. 90% of his personality seemingly consists of puns, being cryptic, and sarcasm. However, this tends to be his defense mechanism in the face of adversity. The other 10% or so is filled with a strange commitment and caring for the city and its residents. Will becomes terriblely furious when the innocent bystanders of his city are harmed, and he will push himself far beyond his limits to protect them.
Biography: Will spent most of his childhood in an orphanage near the rim. He was always rather inquisitive by nature, and it tended to get him in trouble frequently. He took advantage of his nature to become a private investigator. He trained with a firm that specialized in work in the Outer Rim helping the people who were often forgotten by other kinds of enforcement. Unfortunately for him, that inquisitiveness led him to a wizard's library. After opening a glowing book covered in inscriptions for a mere moment, knowledge was seared into his brain, and, before he could drop it, he found himself host to a disembodied spirit of knowledge. While trying to sort through this whole new view of the world he'd discovered, it took him a while to realize he lost his old one. His eyes had been seared closed. To top it all off, when he finally did make his way back to the firm Will found it burnt to the ground. Whether it was the wizard he was investigating or some other case the firm had, it was clear someone had rattled some feathers in an investigation. Now Will runs his own agency solo. He can be found in directories, websites, and even phonebooks listed as "Will Lockwood the Detective Wizard".
Relations: the spirit of knowledge he shares head space with, the orphanage he grew up in, the magic department of DIA (which sometimes hires him as a consultant), past clients, and his retired mentor
Abilities: Unlike most spellcasters, Will lacks significant levels of "mana" of his own. This leaves him only able to reliably cast ritual based magic (i.e. magic involving both chants and material components/ inscriptions).

Using these methods, Will has been able to summon a familiar of his own named Hoobert that he can share senses with. Hoobert is equiped with an enchanted crystal Will developed he calls the "Arcane Monocle". This crystal allows the wearer to see magic auras and has slight precognition when activated. Hoobert is also equipped with a "Tactical Monocle" that has both a zoom and heat signature function (when Will can get it to work).

Equipment: Arcane Monocle (on Hoobert), Tactical Monocle (also on Hoobert), a pack of chalk (for inscriptions/ circles), a leather trench coat with defensive enchantments, and a questionably legal sidearm

Very observant (via Hoobert), great listener when needed

Strengths: Will can work a large variety of spells and is very knowledgeable of supernatural beings. His reconnaissance skills are particularly exceptional.

Weaknesses: All his spells have to be cast ritually meaning he can do little to adapt on the fly. In cases of unexpected danger, his options are rather limited.

In addition, though he has slight precognition via the Arcane Monocle, he can only move so fast himself. In a city filled with inhuman threats, many attacks he can only lessen the blow of rather than avoid completely.

Hoobert, however, is his biggest weakness. If one can get rid of Will's familiar, he's essentially just a blind man with a gun.

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    Name: Milo Miller
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human... at least that's what it says on his ID. Clearly a mistake.
    Physical Description: Milo is undoubtfully a tall slender anthropomorphic black cat. His natural neon pink eyes stand out amongst his jet black hair. He can almost always be seen wearing his favorite long leather trench coat.
    Personality: Milo has never been known to have a big personality. He's fairly quite and likes to keep to himself outside of a small circle of friends and coworkers. He lives to work and he does a good job. Some people might call him boring, but he can appreciate the routine. Milo is a kind, timid, law abiding citizen just trying to make his way through life without being a burden.

    Relations: Millard Fowl, Foreman and owner of Happy Duck Construction Company LLC. Vincent Morello, coworker at the construction company. Ernie Jewel, café worker who serves an excellent black coffee.
    Equipment: [Neurolink Standard Interface] is one of many internal enhancements used to interface with the net and various machinery. The interface is a miniature computer chip inserted at the base of the skull that integrates with the users spinal cord and relays commands between the brain and other technology. This kind of enhancement is standard among tech enthusiast.
    Personal Skills: Known for his curious mind. Milo loves solving puzzles and multitasking on complex issues. Something very few know about him is that is very handy with a knife.
    Abilities: Milo is highly proficient in controlling machinery via his [Neurolink]. He possess a sharp reflexes and an agile body, which allows him to move around the world with ease.

    Weaknesses: He is known to be timid and non-confrontational. His mind wanders and he is known to lose focus.



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