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Fantasy The Citadel


Steel Wall
Each adventurer must pass through a magical barrier-in order to do so, they must be stripped of most of their belongings. They can only carry essentials-weapons, armor, utility items, etc. They can, however, find and use items within the Citadel.

Adventurers that are too powerful-such as being invulnerable-will not be permitted into the Citadel.

Be creative on what your adventurer is equipped with! Anything from staffs to guns to swords are completely allowed!











Special items:

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Name: Paris

Age: -18, not exactly obvious

Gender+Sexuality: Male, Asexual

Species: Human

Motivation: He wished to find an artifact that will allow him to go back in time to prevent a mistake they had made.

Backstory: Paris does not talk much about his past, although when asked on why he came to the Citadel he will claim that he is trying to find a way to go back to the past to make up a mistake-one that, according to him, had catastrophic consequences. He most likely had problems with his family and ran away to pursue his own agenda.

Personality: He is of the quiet type-always the one standing and silently watching on the side. He has a friendly attitude towards other adventurers, believing that cooperation is the only way any of them can achieve success.

Powers: He has, through intense practice preparing for the Citadel, mastered the art of dodging attacks-a rather useful skill because he, being an ordinary human, will probably go down in a few hits.

Weapons\Armor: His primary weapon is an old revolver. It was stolen and had been modified to fit Paris. He is skilled with it-capable of reloading quickly and shooting accurately, etc. For a melee weapon, Paris has his guitar-an instrument most likely enchanted to be a weapon. He also frequently plays it. He wears no armor of any kind, for maximum agility.

Special items: He has no special items of importance.

Extras: He may be sometimes referred to as "they" because he is a nonbinary character on another forum.
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Species:half-breed (Elf mother and Orc father)

Motivation:His sole motivation is to fulfill a Order that his "Father" breed him for.

Backstory:Thame was born a slave. His master was a court wizard Obsessed with the Citidel,the wizard read,studied,and even wrote many books about it.The mage calculated and decided that it could be beat simply,if a man under certain conditions and training went through it.Some of his collueges laugh at him,saying it was Impossible,Nevertheless the wizard was determined to prove them wrong.He bought a very young slave that was about three years old(He decided that a elf and Orc mix was very well rounded for the job)and trained him for the Citidel,both mentally and physically until sending him off at 19

Personality:Thame is very loyal to those he claims as friend.He is more of a follower than a leader,but doesn't have any particular religion or code of honor

Powers: He knows many spells;flames,ice,magical Wards and more

Weapons\Armor:He carries a simple pair of enchanted Iron nunchuks(I can assure you there not too OP with the enchantment,but I gotta keep some surprises...)For armor he dons Modest chainmail covered in leather,with a bland cloak over it

Special items:Thame Carries a Alchemy Set,along with a few ingredients and a Slave tag around his neck.(tag looks similar to a dog-tag,except it's Square and slightly bigger,The slave tag is originally supposed to be attached to the ear)

Extras:Thame also carries a weeks worth of Rations. EDIT:To clarify,Thame is stealth and magic based.
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Age: 30+ appears to be 16

Gender+Sexuality: female, pansexual

Species: tree sprite(they're basically conscious trees with a humanoid form though I'll change their info if it's not cool with you)

Motivation: She was curious of what could be found within the citadel.

Backstory: Melody is a young tree sprite who only recently became old enough to use her humanoid form a few years ago. She traveled alone, occaisionally meeting strangers and would give them gifts of flowers, fallen branches, and honey prior to discovering the citadel's existence.

Personality: Melody has a lighthearted and carefree attitude. She is highly curious and likes to stick her nose into places she shouldn't.

Powers: healing, creating plant life, communicating with bees

Weapons\Armor: melody is actually dressed in fairly light clothing for mobility purposes. She wears a light, flowery dress made of strong plant material. She carries a wooden sword that a passerby had given her during her travels and keeps a hive of bees which is hidden nicely beneath her hair

Special items: none

Extras: she bleeds tree sap. Flowers can often be found growing in her hair

I know she's not a conventional character but I figured she'd be a good healer type character. I figured I'd give it a try but I can change this if her character isn't allowed
Name: Sathanus

Age: 125

Gender+Sexuality: Male, asexual

Species: Undead human

Motivation: Mostly power and following

Backstory: An undead lich trapped in his rotting corpse as a curse for dabbling in the dark arts of necromancy and playing god, he rose from the grave with whatever flesh and muscle he had left and ventured off seeking vengeance and power.

The citadel being mentioned in books as old as him, it was his first target and possibly the last, but what else did he have to lose?

Personality: Demanding, bitter, and prideful, he's not the most cooperative, but his years of age (And death) has got him wisdom and experience.

Powers: Summoning and banishing of (Lesser) undead (Will be nerfed as to not be too OP)

Weapons\Armor: Mix of tattered robes and light, rusting iron armor. Skilled in toxic poison magic and dark crafts.

Special items: A jeweled skull connected by a chain, which is his most valued item, supplying him with the ability and souls to use his necrotic powers. (Could be considered a weapon)

Extras: Used to be able to play the flute :D

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