The Circus on Faerly St. {Sign Up and Characters}


One Time Luck

Here is the character Sheet to fill out for your character if you want to join The Circus on Faerly St. role play.

I will reply if you are accepted or not.




Appearance: {You can just have a description or use a picture.}


Species: {I really don't care what your species is, you can be anything really. Just don't go overboard or too over the top.}

Powers: {You don't have to put anything here if your species pretty much covers it unless you want to add something. Once again don't go overboard, please.}


Extra: {If there's anything you want to add just do it here.}

You can be someone new to Circus, someone who's been here for a while, or one of the "teachers"! Also, you can be a hunter or just someone evil! Lets get some bad guys in here to make this even more interesting. Whichever you choose, just say so in your post.

P.S.I'm new here so if there's something everyone does on this site that I should do or ya'know if I need to fix anything please tell me! Thank you!
Name:Katie Circone

Age: 16

Sex: female

Appearance: View attachment 6333

Personality: Quiet and kind. She does not like conflict and tries to stay away from it.

Species: human

Powers: water and healing

History: Katie ran away from home and found the circus hoping she would fit in better there.

Extra: Katie loves to play the guitar, obviously.
Name: Marie Rhodiah

Age: 13

Sex: Female

Appearance: View attachment 6389

Personality: Quiet, Funny, and Shy. She likes to eavesdrop.

Species: Mundane (Human)

Powers: Time stopper/Illusionist

History: Marie's mother left her at a carnival when she was young. She found her way to the bigtop and started to preform there

Extra: Marie likes to read, tinker with clockwork devices, draw, sing, she plays drums, and likes music

Marie is newish.

Name: Eliade Rivenda

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Appearance: View attachment 6394

Personality: suspicious, untrusting until they proved themselves. Fairly upbeat, someone who knows what she wants and how to get it but not wanting to risk the unknown.

Species: Demon/shapeshifter hybrid

Powers: Eliade has the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. She can also turn her blood into a weapon, using it for both offense and defense. She can shapeshift, but she is unsure as to if she can change back, being a halfling so she generally doesn't risk it. She has incredible strength and speed that she has learnt to control.

History: Eliade was left in an orphanage at birth, adopted at six years old and lived with her human family for eleven years. At the age of twelve she discovered that she was not your 'normal' child and sought out help from a friend that believed in the superstitions.

Extra: As a demon, Eliade relies on some kind of blood sustenance every now and again to keep her strength up. She sketches a lot, plays guitar and writes occasionally. She has a love for art, in particular Boris Vallejo's works. Her favourite colour is yellow, she likes penguins and cats. Her favourite food is watermelon and she can't stand broccoli.

Alykzander Parker, often goes by Alyk






View attachment 6408


Alyk is protective of others by nature. He is self-sacrificing and loyal to anyone near him, although his tolerance is not the strongest.


Nephilim - Half Human, half Angel


Wings with a span of six feet unfold from his shoulder blades, giving him the power of flight. He has the ability to feel someone's intentions (basically sensing good vs bad guys), beyond human strength and speed, and can manipulate light. [[Let me know if this is too much, please ^^]]


Alykzander was raised by his mother with no father in the picture. At a young age, he became aware of this when other children his age would constantly mention their 'daddys'. When he posed questions to his mother as to where his was, she simply answered that his father was an angel who would always watch out for them. This response was slightly confusing to the child, however he accepted it with little questioning. As he grew older and his sense of reasoning grew with him, it suddenly became necessary to get an answer from his mother. Once more, she still insisted that his father was an angel always watching out for them. Alyk became frustrated with her response, his school friends often teasing that she was just using it as an excuse to make up for the fact she had slept with a stranger.

He grew spiteful at age twelve, staying away from home for hours on end, refusing to speak with his mother and keeping away from friends. Getting in trouble both in school and with the police became a frequent event, and nothing his mother said could reason with him. He hated her for the mockery his friends had made of his family. Festering with angst, he had minimal contact with her for the next four years, locking himself in his room, blasting music, and fitting in with many other teenagers.

At age sixteen, everything changed. He was up to no good on the eve of his birthday, slumming around the dark shadows of town. As the clock struck midnight, his body was ripped to the ground, his head hitting concrete and knocking him out. A few hours later, he awoke, pounding headache. Looking around, everything seemed so...vague. The feeling of something rubbing his back made him reach back to brush off whatever bug or rodent was crawling on him. Instead, his palm was greeted by soft feathers. Grabbing and pulling, he cried out at the pain that was sent to his spine. Reaching back with both hands, he felt the feathers running off of both of his shoulders. Following them, the ended on tips which curled themselves around his shoulders and into his line of sight. He sat on the concrete, dumbfounded. Numbly, he raised to his feet, stumbling to a corner where a reflection in store windows confirmed what he felt: two large feathery wings were sticking out on either side of him, cream in color and grand in all ways possible.

'She never would have lied to you.' A voice sounded in his ears, causing him to jump. It was deep and seemed to echo. 'You were meant to be better than what you have become.'

Alyk knew within what he was hearing. His father had spoken. The figure whose absence had led him to nearly destroying himself. The voice never spoke again as he stumbled home, his newly acquired aerogear catching on branches and the like as he walked. Arriving at home, he froze in the living room, unsure of whether he wanted to approach his mother. It was nearly four in the morning. Silently, he climbed the stairs, looking in on her sleeping body. The woman was a saint and he had never seen it until tonight. Backing away, he retreated to his room where he spent the next three days away from her, making up excuses through the door of not feeling well. At night, he snuck out his window and practiced with his wings. Flying wasn't as easy as superman made it, unfortunately. He was covered in scrapes in bruises by the time he'd managed to float three feet in the air. It wasn't long before he was unable to stop his mother from busting in on him. Freezing in place, his heart raced. "I can explain, mom," he said quickly, panicking.

"No more excuses, you need to clean your room and stop being such a slob," she said, seeming tired. She looked at him no different than any other day. Shocked, he stared dumbly at her.

"You're not....surprised that I look different?" he asked, severely confused.

"The smell of not showering is more off-putting than how greasy it makes your hair. Clean your room and shower, you are going to school tomorrow. No excuses," she said plainly, shaking her head as she closed his door behind her, disappearing down the hall. After staring for awhile in the mirror, it dawned on him. She couldn't see the wings. He spent the rest of the day (after showering and cleaning his room, of course) out in public for the first time since his birthday. No one stopped and stared, no one screamed in fear or asked him questions. No one could see the wings but him.

He was now able to live his life, no longer angry at the world, but with a sense of a purpose. With a new-found desire to protect his mother who had done the same for so many years, he rejected the idea of college after graduating, insisting he couldn't leave her alone and living with her until the day he received his letter in the mail about the circus. Hearing danger would come for him, his immediate response was to leave to spare his mother from whatever it was these people were so concerned about. Making up a lie (the first he had told her since gaining his wings) that he had changed his mind about college, he disappeared from her life, his destination the Circus on Faerly street.


Contrary to what Alyk believes, his wings are not invisible, but they cannot be seen by humans. He will be arriving at the circus as our story begins. His powers other than flight are relatively undeveloped, although his light manipulation he has found useful and is trying hard to become more skilled with it.

[[sO sorry that was so much to read, but I really a lot on my mind when I started and figured I'd better put it all down before I forget it lol! ]]
Name: Hadix Right



Appearance: guy/cleck4376/-anime-guy.jpg?o=9

Personality: Hadix has a very bouncy attitude and enjoys to flirt and make girls squirm.


Powers:Hadix's powers work similarly to a spring. He gains tension in his muscles and is able to release it all at once. He can use force from others and use that as means of gaining tension. Example: Gaining tension in his legs to reach amazing heights possibly cracking the platform.

History: Hadix refuses to share his past history except for the fact that he joined the circus to escape. But who is he escaping from?

Extra:Enjoys flattery and you can get a lot from him for it.
You all are accepted! Sorry for not responding earlier but my internet router died and I had to buy a new one and replace it and blah blah blah but now I am here and am sorry! P.S. I shall be posting my character now because my router died RIGHT after I made this! Just my luck right?

Name: Eibhilin McKay

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Appearance: View attachment 6451

Personality: Eibhilin has a tendency to get obsessed with things, loves anything new and intriguing, and thinks differently from others. When she was little she was told that she had mental problems like anxiety and schizo symptoms but others thought it was an overactive imagination. Because of this she doesn't really enjoy talking to most people since they see things so differently than her, but if she likes you her obsessive personality can kick in. She can get annoying but has the best intentions . . . unless you've really upset her. Then you should just take cover.

Species: Human or at least that's what she has been told.

Powers: Light necromancy, she can bring small animals back to life if they've just passed but only for a while before they go insane or just die again. She can also "sense" people's life force or something like that. She still doesn't fully understand it.

History: Eibhilin had a normal life, she had a little brother and she lived with her mom and dad in an average house. She wasn't very normal her self though. Eibhilin's personality and the things she liked were different than most. She got it from her mother though. That was the person she was most close too, and she too was very different from other people. Eibhilin didn't mind that the other kids made fun of her and her mom, it didn't bother her. As she got older she began to notice how truly different she actually was. She noticed how she connected with animals, things that were dead, or things that weren't even there more than other people. She confronted her parents, they told her that she was different and she always was and that it didn't matter, she knew they weren't being completely truthful but before she was really able to understand everything her mother told she was being sent away because she couldn't keep her safe anymore, so now here she is at Circus.

Extra: Her mood can change drastically in an impressively short time, it's almost scary. Scratch that, it is.
Name: Maverick Godwin

Age: 22

Sex: Male


View attachment 6452

Personality: The word to describe him, overall, is childish. He wants everything to go his way and enjoys taunting others. He's argumentative and arrogant; completely sadistic. Everything he does, he does it with a devilish grin. A lot of people are bothered by him, but it makes sense seeing that he's bothered by most people. Only to those that he likes is he charming and seductive.

He enjoys the past a great deal and models himself to show such. He enjoys science, books, mechanics, and anything that can help broaden his intelligence.

Species: Human

Powers: Time Travel

History: Maverick found about about his powers at the age of 4, the time of his first time-skip. At this time, he couldn't control them. They were all accidental. As he grew, he could sometimes bring himself to skip at will, but he rarely did so. He wasn't always to perform a skip at will and would sometimes be stuck for days. When he was 15, an accidental skip landed him in the past for two years. During this time he immersed himself in the culture.

Eventually, he was able to return to his own time, where he then joined Circus. There he learned to control his powers. On his 21st birthday, Mister Jackman sent him a letter, asking him to take his place as a guide and help future residents.

There is a time when he was young, something terrible happened. He never brings it up.

Extra: He is a guide to current residents at Circus. His room is decorated with his own inventions (inventing being a hobby of his)
Oh my goodness miss Eleina~ Of course I approve my dear! I was the one who told you about this after all~! But seriously, your character is going to wreak havoc I know it. Oh well!

Just so everyone knows you can start posting whenever your accepted. You know, if anyone was waiting a grand opening or something it's not happening. Not sure why you would be, but not the point! Have fun my lovelies!
Name: Medusa Far

Age: 21

Appearance: Green eyes, left green and right eye red. She's the woman in black.

View attachment 6453

Another view

View attachment 6454

Personality: Medusa is undescribable in nature. She always is kind in a way no one can say. She does the unspeakable, and talks like no one else. She is a sadist by heart, tormenting people for answers, and their blood. She is seductive and unresitable, when people usually set eyes on her. She loves to be mean, as a joke. Not intending to hurt people.

Speicies: Human; witch

Powers: Controls snakes and dark magic

History: Medusa used to play with snakes, and one day she said, "SNAKE DISAPPEAR!" The snake slithered away as if it was a command. Soon enough, she realized the snaked would listen to her and she created her 'snake army' and killed her parents. She now lives in the circus as a teacher. She has full control of herself, althought when she seens blood, she goes full sadist.
You are all so entertaining! xD

All that lovingmyth chick cares about is this rp!!!! She doesn't love me anymore!!!! I was here first!!!!!! Dx
Name: Aberleigh Barlow

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Appearance: View attachment 6457

Personality: Pretty carefree, but also strong willed; won't back down from a fight if it's for something she believes in. Despite that, she can get frightened rather easily.

Species: Human

Powers: Control of fire. She can't magically make fire appear out of thin air, but she can make it grow, shrink, or conform it to how she sees fit. Not that she's ever been able to do much of that with her experience.

History:When Aberleigh was little she discovered she wasn't like the others. She could make strange things happen to fire and smoke, and unlike the normal kids, wasting their time on toys and games, Aberleigh spent her time with fire, learning new ways to twist it; exploring the full extent of her powers. After growing weary from keeping secrets, she confided to her parents about her abilities. At first they were confused by the sudden confession, but they were understanding and accepted her with open arms.

Everything went downhill in Aberleigh's life from there. A terrible storm passed through Aberleigh's town, thunder shook the ground and lighting struck houses sending them up in flames. The fire was spreading and threatened to engulf the entire town in a fiery inferno. Aberleigh's parents had the same idea as her. Maybe she could stop this? She tried with all her might to cease the fires, but they just grew larger, and continued to eat up the town. The fires grew with Aberleigh's frustration, and all she was doing was feeding the flames. She finally gave up, falling to the ground in exhaustion, allowing her eyes to shut. When they opened the fires had stopped, but Aberleigh still couldn't fight off the feeling of panic rising inside her. She ran around the town searching the houses and shops for people who survived the fire, but there was nobody to found. Aberleigh's family was no exception. Aberleigh then moved to the city to live with her aunt, and there she received a letter from "The Circus" at the age of 13. With nothing to leave behind, she set out for this circus with a hope that she would finally find the answers she was looking for. Now, a year later, she's made some slight progress in her powers (slight), but still has no answers. All she can do is continue her studies, and try and prepare herself for whatever lies beyond the Circus on Faerly St.

Extra: Aberleigh doesn't get annoyed or depressed easily. She sees everything as a new challenge, and is able to leave the past behind her. (Or at least that's what she tells herself)
Name: Nicole Lakis

Age: 18


Appearance: View attachment 6468

Personality: Distrustful and cold by nature, receiving a letter from some Circus and allowing herself to fall into the arms of strangers definitely wasn't on Nicole's "plans-for-the-future" list. She has a mind of her own with confidence that borderlines arrogance but never crosses. She's playful and takes things lightly, even at times when it's serious. Although she doesn't like to admit it, she is protective of the ones she loves and is kind to them, but prefers to keep the list short due to how many people have simply walked out of her life already.

Species: Human/Demon (half)

Due to her half demon side, she has the ability to shoot and start fires, and is also impervious to fire itself for a period of time. When she goes into a rage, objects within the room she's in start to shake and move on their own. She has the ability to summon dark creatures, realizing this when she dabbled with an occult book at the age of 15, but the form of the creature melted away after five seconds. She hasn't tried summoning since, purely out of fear but you won't get her to admit that.

History: Growing up without a mother figure was tough, but finding out on your eighteenth birthday that your mother was actually a demon - something made out to be evil in mythical books - who was killed by a pack of demon hunters which your own father was also a member of? Pretty damn shocking.

Nicole's abilities began to develop when she was five, when she put her hand over a candle flame and simply rested it there until it started to hurt. That in itself took five minutes, and at the time she never understood the cold stare her father was giving her. The shadows and lines on his face enhanced by candlelight. Exaggerated.

Despite this particular moment in Nicole's history, her father wasn't evil or abusive to her. Quite the contrary actually, and he always made sure that she was safe with a roof over her head. She never once had a clue that this was the man who ended her mother's life and for eighteen full years, kept a whole different world from his daughter.

Obviously, Nicole knew she wasn't normal, what with not only her ability to remain unaffected by fire, but also the ability to start them just by looking at a particularly juicy area to let the spark go. This didn't make her become a pyromaniac, and simply kept it to practicing on newspapers once she got a grasp on it.

When her father told her everything, it didn't really come as so much of a surprise. Something had to explain why she was the way she was, besides the overly cliche term her father used: "special". What she did feel however, was betrayal. Suddenly everyone Nicole thought she knew felt like they were a threat to her, and she had so many questions.

The following day after everything was said that Nicole didn't want to believe, when she went to grab the mail from her mailbox, she found a strange letter addressed to her. Reading it for only God knows how many times, every repetitious time she reached the signature at the bottom, it was a tempting pull.

After hours of vicious mind-making she found herself packing the necessities in a dufflebag and calling a taxi. Making sure to leave her father a rather lengthy letter on the kitchen table speaking of a gratitude she could no longer feel, she took once last glance back at everything she was accustomed to, everything she thought she knew but decided she wouldn't dwell on it any longer at that particular moment. One letter was taking her in another direction, and Nicole could only hope it was a better one than her home life would've taken her.

Extra: Is very flexible, an skill that was enhanced by the gymnastics she took when she was little. Enjoys spending her mornings stretching out as a form to clear her mind. She also harbors a great love for apples.
Name: Charles Harmon

Age: 21 (or so he appears)

Sex: Male


Personality: Kind of shy and standoffish. Avoids large crowds as much as possible. When he gets to liking you then he can be pretty talkative and even charming, though it may take a while for that to happen.

Species: Self proclaimed "Risen Angel", though in actuality he is one of the few demons to have earned his way out of hell.

Powers: He can manipulate small animals though he usually refuses to unless in an extreme emergency.

History: Having been through hell (in the most literal sense) he has witnessed and been through the most excruciating torture imaginable. Though he won't explain how, he did manage to gain freedom from his eternal nightmare and found his way here, to the circus, where he works as a blacksmith. Though his circus act is the one with the throwing knives, which he makes himself.

Extra: Due to his extreme torture he has lost the ability to sense pain. That's not to say he can't be hurt, just that if he gets cut, he won't notice it unless it's pointed out to him or he sees the blood. Also, he has extreme claustrophobia.

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