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The Apprentice (Fox X Karcen)


Wandering Fox
The planet is called Oavis, this world's sentient races are documented to be in their own Renaissance Era. the United Galactic Society has has deployed their best explorer to this world to discover places the world's own people would dare not go. We have the utmost confidence that his mission will be successful.

Days on World: 75

Progress: Discoveries and knowledge are submitted at a steady pace.

Overview: The mission is a success, Carry on.

That was the message the alien visitor received from his Outpost's terminal. Although, he heaved a heavy sigh. He loved exploring and discovering new things as much as anyone else would... but some times he just wanted to take some time off, maybe meet someone nice, or actually have some friends.... He got up, the Next supply drop wouldn't be for another week or so, and he did manage to acquire a generous some of this planet's currency doing odd jobs and finding and pawning off valuable treasures there.... He decided to go to the city nearby the outskirts the forest his outpost was stationed at. Who knows, maybe he'll find someone interesting.
For 84 this was just another normal day in what she could call her home, though that home was not only a save house but also the brothel where there was no difference as to who was sold and how. Still this didn't bug 84 it wasn't like a slime like her could have a life outside of this place after their race had been crushed time after time long ago they had seemingly become a slave race as no one knew of any wild slimes. Really this type of place was the only place there were large groups of slimes unless a noble took to slimes a bit too much , but no one cared they thought of slimes as little more than intelligent beasts able to understand words but not talk themselves. That wasn't really that true but what would any of them have to say anyways.

84 came out of the room she had just been in, her body slightly whiter than normal after the secession with the large bull man a few minutes before. This situation might be odd for others but well she could digest what she got from those who paid, and she ate fairly well and it wasn't like they could really hurt her, slimes might be week but they could survive a lot. Walking away and slowly returning to her normal color 84 made her was to the front to sit and wait for the next person to select her. Though she wondered if tonight would be her last night here there was apparently going to be a big sale today so many of the girls would be bought up tonight and she might be one.
The the owner of the brothel was already singling out girls, to measure and weigh them. He had a clipboard to help him right down prices he would haggle with for those girls. It was then that 84 heard him call for her.
84 heard the owner call for her, it seemed she would be up for sale, it wouldn't be her first time but always there had been no willing buyers even after they had tried her out. She did wonder what she would be worth this time last time it had been 100 throne, though she could have gone down there was a normal price increases as slimes aged but once they got to old they lost value like anything did. It was not long after the owner called they she was in front of him she didn't say anything for course as no one ever spoke to the owner they just did as he said. In some ways the owner was like a father figure, not that any slime really had a mother but he was the closest as he was the only consistent male figure in their lives so few went against him ever.
The Man was a rather pervy looking goat man, it was more then obvious that he would enjoy his property whenever he got the chance. But also looked pretty down to earth when it came to money. He told her to do various things to examine her and decide on her price. but he was not above as using it as an excuse to fondle and "play" with her body whenever he could. Once he was finished he gave a good nod. "We'll drop your price down to 75% and see if anyone will by you then." he then shooed her off. "Now, go get the sign and go advertise our place." Whenever it was sale day, He would always send one of the girls out with a sign to advertise it. Nothing drew in customers better then one of the slime girls holding up the sign that basically said "come buy me." However, it wasn't too surprising that a slime girl could get abducted like this and become someone's free toy. However, the owner wouldn't care. There were so many of them to sell, who cares about one missing slime girl. the job was simple to understand. Go stand out holding the sign, and make your self look appealing. do that for an hour then walk back inside and give the sign to another slime girl to do it.
84 nodded she was a little sad she would be so discounted but she had been here so long it was only natural for her to lose value, still she could do what she was told, like the owner she didn't really worry about getting taken she would either be sold or given away in time.

84 walked of and picked up the sign before going out, it mentioned to name of the place but more importantly that prices were low as there was a sale. The sing itself was painted wood as anything slimes touched got wet which was why none of them wore any clothes. 84 soon reached a good enough street and held up the sign to let others see it and her body they liked that.
While out there she was basically advertising her self as well, so it wasn't surprising that she would be fondled or groped by passerby pedestrians, or the occasional chatter of what they would do to her if they had the money. She and the sign did the trick as more people were entering the brothel to check all of the "products" before deciding what to buy, So she would see slime girls getting carried out instead of her. Just a few minutes before her shift was up, a man walked up to by infront of her, but stopped and looked at the her... then at the sign. His cloak definitely hid much of him other then his mouth. "Brothel girls on sale?" He looked back at 84. "would that be talking about you?" he asked
84 just tilted her head, the cloaked figure that spoke to her asked her an odd question or rather he asked her a question at all, that was not normal. People testing her out by grabbing her that was normal, but anyone talking to a slime with the expectation to be answered was well unheard of, everyone knew slimes didn't talk, or well they thought that they didn't 84 after all could talk. Still here time was almost up so maybe the owner could figure out what was wrong with the weird man asking a slime a question there just had to be something wrong with him. 84 noticed that her time had passed so she needed to get back or she might get punished, not hat anything the owner did was harsh a little salt or saw dust. 84 grabbed the man's hand and started pulling, she couldn't really drag him , but well the owner would figure this man out and what was wrong with him.
"Wha? O-oh, ok then" The man decided to just follow her in for now. he seemed to be not give much protest on it though he was curious on where he would take her. The brothel owner meanwhile seemed to have just wrapped up "enjoying" his property as he came out of one of the private rooms with a slime girl, that was was whiter then normal now. He then shooed the girl off to go make him more money and was about to go about to go do some paperwork.
84 quickly found the owner and brought the man to him. Whatever was wrong with the man she felt the owner would know as while there were those that just took slimes they were normal but someone expecting one to explain anything with more than a yes or no, slimes could follow basic ideas but complex things like talking were thought beyond them.
the owner turned to 84 "well, your in already" he took the sign "Good work, there are so many buyers here" he patted her head before noticing who she brought in. "Ah, and who might this be... perhaps interested in this slime girl here?" he said as he handed off the sign to another slime girl who already knew what that meant and was on her way outside with it.

The man was abit confused by this but figured it would give him more information about all this. "Uh, well I suppose I would like to-"

"Ah, say no more, I know exactly what your going to say, please, have a seat as I prepare everything for you." he then looked at 84 "Well, don't just stand there, go find this man a table and get him a drink, chop chop!" he clapped his hands to get her to get moving. as he already turned and left to get, something now. The man didn't get a word in edgewise as the owner left and he was left with 84 "Uuuh... ok, I guess..."
Well that wasn't what 84 had expected, she had expected the owner to well figure out what was wrong with the man, but it seemed that the man was a buyer maybe 84 was a bit confused. Well 84 had her orders and she had done this many times before as what was a brothel without alcohol. 84 quickly took the man to an empty table then ran off or rather slid off before returning with a drink. While normally she might leave now the man might have interest in buying her so she stayed nearby.
"Uh, thank you" the man said as he took the drink and looked at it. He wasn't really an alcoholic, but he didn't want to be rude. He looked seemed to be reaching for something under his cloak and then pulled out a tablet that he dropped in the drink, the tablet fizzed wildly before evaporating completely. She nor did anyone on that world would have known that was a special type of medicine that detoxifies alcohol so he wouldn't get drunk off it, and gave it a strong fruity flavoring to help him drink it. As he swallowed a gulp of it, he gave a smile, glad the tablet done it's job. He eventually looked at her since she didn't seem to be leaving now.... it was abit awkward so he moved to the side and patted the new empty seat space he created. "would... you like to sit?"
While normally slimes weren't allowed on anything that could get slimy, but today was different and the man had asked. 84 only knew one reason that anyone would want her beside them and that was the same reason anyone came here, though few liked to do such things out in the open, but it mattered little to 84 she never wore anything so what did she have to be ashamed of.

84 sat down and the instant she did she started leaning on the man and snuggling with him, the normal pre work activates that the customers liked.
He couldn't help but show a blush on his cheeks after she did such a thing. "Wh-whoa, aaa-haha.. Your um, affectionate there." He didn't know how to respond as 84 snuggled into him until finally the owner came in. "Well now, glad to see you two have gotten along." he then handed the man a key. "you'll want t go to 2nd floor, number 25, Enjoy." he chuckled.

The man sighed. "Alright... better go see what that's about?" he then looked at her. "Care to lead the way?"
84 nodded, that was something slimes were expected to be able to answer, yes or no. 84 made sure the man could easily follow her before she led him up the stairs which were slightly slimy and went to room number 25.

Once she was sure the man had followed her she opened the door, the room was well recently cleaned though there still was a patch of slime leaking though the sheets on the bed. They tried to keep the rooms clean but with such a flurry of testing that just could not be done, but at least no one had ever gotten sick from slime in any cuts as far as she knew. Once the man was in 84 closed the door, she expected this would just be another session with a random guy, or well he might be her new owner so she had to impress, but she needed to wait for him to mention if he wanted anything before she made her move on him.
He stepped in and looked around "Oh... now I see what he meant." he chuckled alittle at how much it escalated. "Alright, I see where this is going" he turned to face her"
84 took that as a sign that he didn't anything but the normal, or as normal as it got with someone who wasn't solid. 84 did notice that the man still had his clothes on and those would get ruined if they did anything and people got mad if they got slime on their clothes, or at least a lot of slime. So 84 actually extended her arms to start removing the man's clothing piece by piece.
"He was blushing again "W-w-whoa! hold on there" he said once his cloak came off, revealing what he really looked like underneath, but more importantly, dropped his handy tablet. It was bendable, foldable technology so no worries about fall damage.
84 noticed the thing hit the ground and she was worried she had broken something meaning the owner wouldn't get any money when he sold her. 84 moved in a more slimy manner than normal her body flowing down rather than bending as picked up the strange thing. it looked like nothing 84 had ever seen, it seemed to be a white metal but it bent. her first thought was witchcraft this man was a witch, there had been witch burning once but they had died down recently still at least one witch a year was found in bigger cities. Still and 84's hands flowed over the thing it reacted to her and started emitting strange patterns and light.
The man blinked and sighed seeing her get distracted. "Oh Thank God" he then got a good look at how she effected his device. "well, never thought a slime girl could activate it like that." he moved over to her as she examined it. "You, like that?"
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84 looked up at the man she didn't really understand the device, though no one on the planet would at first seeing it and even if anyone did they would never think a slime might understand it. 84 kept pressing on the device to get new reactions managing to make it do things and remembering what she had done to get such reactions, even though she didn't know what they did. 84 nodded to the man at least he was remembering to only ask yes or no like normal people.
He smiled and observed her as she played around with it. She looked rather adorable doing so. Though he did pick up on how she was able to remember and react to when she would pop open apps and windows and closing them to go try another one. "Well, I have to say your rather interesting" he patted her head, he had to get used how his palm would get wet soon after.
84 tilted her head she really didn't get this man she was playing with his magical device, or at least she thought it was magical, then maybe he knew things that others didn't like slimes could talk. Still well he had to be a witch this thing was magic she was sure of it so the man had to keep it secret and that meant he no doubt kept many secrets.

" Are you a witch?" She asked speaking to someone for perhaps the first time, well someone that wasn't a slime like her.
Looked at her with mild surprise then giving her a warm smile. "Well, you spoke to me after all." he then took the device from her and deactivated it and put it away. "Can't say I'm a witch. Though you could call me an explorer" He pulled out another object, It was some sort of device that had a glowing screen. He pressed it and bunch of information appeared on the screen, though to 84, they might as well, be odd shapes that scrolled by on the glowing panel.

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