The Choice is Ours [Inactive]

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
Toaster Muffins submitted a new role play:

The Choice is Ours - A new type of government where jobs and mates are assigned.

It is the year 2xxx and all of Earth's natural resources have been depleted. Astrologists have spotted a planet abundant with plants, water, and anything else you might need. After several years of preparation the government is able to travel to the planet, taking Earth's few remaining citizens with it. Intent of this new planet not turning out like Earth, the government has constructed a small city for the remaining citizens to live in. They will assign all of them mates to live with and a job...
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(All opening posts should start with the character walking into their room, meeting their mate and receiving the uniform for their job in a package. They all say the same thing except for the name, job, and work times. I will trust you all to pick suitable hours for your jobs. All dorms are very similar with two beds that can eventually be exchanged for a large bed that fits two people. There is a bathroom with all hygiene needs. There is a television that can broadcast messages from the government as well as government approved telivision programs. There is a dresser and a mirror. @Darth Pai, @AngelSariel , @lumbyman, @grapedrank, @Prof Tatori, @BarrenThin, @Skev Keensorth, @Mir Lee, @Spade Oleander, @TechnoDragon, @Megasourusrex, @vivid, @vukassin, @oncomingStorm, @dcentral)

Bean entered his room which he wasn't happy nor upset with. It looked painfully average, with boring grey everywhere. Maybe later he could get permission to spruce it up. There were two beds, each with a package on it, the one on his left had a folded piece of paper with "Beaumont Bradley" written on it. He walked towards the bed with the package with his name on it and unfolded the piece of paper. It read, "Dear, Beaumont, this package contains the uniform for your job, the Shopkeeper. We expect you to o this job every day from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with a break from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is also a map included to help you get around."

Bean nodded, even though he was not talking to anyone. He carefully opened the package and separated its contents. The map wasn't very detailed, but it was still going to be very helpful. The uniform for his job was a brown polo shirt with SK embroidered on the breast and tan slacks. It also included a dark blue apron to tie around the waist. It included a pair of tan socks and brown loafers as well.

Bean peeked over at the other package and saw it had "Gloria Bellavance" written on it. He wondered where she would get it. He decided to flick on the TV and see what was on it while he was waiting. On the flight here the stewardess told everyone that the person that is staying in the same room as them will be their mate.
Leia walked casually and slowly into her room. She looked around a little bit at the layput of the room. It was very basic,and had everything for her basic needs. Leia shrugged slightly. Hopefully she'll get used to this.

Leia walked over to the beds,they were also not the prettiest thing in the world,but it's useful. She noticed a package that had "Leia Harper" printed on it. Their was a peice of paper,that she assumed would be some kind of note. She unfolded the paper and read it quietly to herself:

"Dear Ms. Leia Harper,

Within this package is your uniform for your new job: A maid. You're hours will be 9

7:00 A.M to 9:00 P.M everyday. You're break will be from 11:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M."

Leia sighed slightly as she put the note down and opened the package. It contained a grey dress that is short sleeved,collard, and stopped around the kneese. There were also simple black shoes. There was a white apron as well that tied around the neck and waist to cover most of the front part of her body.

" least the job is somewhat easy...if the people are not slobs..." Leia muttered to herself.

She glanced over to the bed next to hers. The package had the name "Alexei Midranov" on it. That must be her room mate.

Leia took her uniform and folded it nicley on the bed,she would find a spot for it later. She wandered away from the bed to look around the room to see if there was anything interesting there whilw she waited for her new room mate to arrive.

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Devi entered his room, humming 'Don't Stop Believing'. He looked around with a sigh, taking in the dullness of the room. "The government can't even friggin' bother to spice up the place." He examined the two beds, the T.V., the packages, and everything else in the room, finding them all below his standards. Perhaps, with some arm twisting, he could get better furniture. He turned on the T.V., ignoring the packages for the moment. "... for those of you who arrived a bit earlier than your roommate," Devi paused, briefly, there. Roommate? Good thing they wouldn't have given him one.

He unpaused the television, and the program stated, matter-of-factly, "Whoever is staying with you will be your assigned mate." Devi couldn't help but chuckle, thinking of all the poor fools who got stuck with God knows who. It really did quite amuse him. Finally, he turned his attention to the package. It had his name printed on it. He tore the wrapping quite hurriedly. Inside, he found a uniform, as well as a note, which he imagined was simply the same statement given to everyone with a few words changed. It read: "Dear Devi, his package contains the uniform for your job, the Banker. We expect you to do this job every day from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with a break from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is also a map included to help you get around."

Devi sighed again, filled with disappointment at his assignment. He'd hoped to be some sort of enforcer. Then, a thought crossed his mind, and he erupted in laughter that reverberated all around the room. "They're going to trust me with money?" He cackled again. He couldn't stop. It just struck him as so funny! Surely they had a psychological profile of him? Or at least a criminal record. Sure, he'd never been a thief or murderer, but holding people up with an air soft gun sure didn't seem like an appropriate activity for a banker.

Finally, he turned to the second package. Expecting to find his name on it, as well, he did a double take when he read the top of the package. In print, just like his own name, it read, "Virtues Dyer". Confused at first, he opened the package, finding similar contents for the said person. Virtues was, he assumed, based off the uniform and name, a woman. Confusion turned to deep thought, and he paced about the room. Deep thought turned to frustration. Frustration turned to anger.

Anger turned to fear.
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"What if he doesn't like me? Or I mess something up and then we end up hating each other the whole time!" A tall young woman, appearing to be around her early twenties, if not a young adult at least. There was obvious distress on the soft features of her slim face, her brows furrowed together in frustration as she seemed to be having an internal struggle with herself.

"I'm scared." Reaching out for the door knob with a slender hand, the woman froze as she quickly pulled her hand back and took a couple steps away from the door. Turning to a nearby mirror, the woman quickly fixed her long light blonde locks and pushed them out of her face. Staring at her pale complexion, she put her hair back into place, doing her best to cover her face with her hair.

From under her bangs, the woman shot a soft smile as she stared into her own vivid violet eyes and did her best to keep her confidence up. With a forced large grin, the woman posed a little bit in the mirror, straightening her clothes here and there. Turning back to the door to dormitory five, she took a few deep breaths before reaching for the door knob...and opening the door.

"Hello," The woman burst through the door, quickly shutting it behind her, careful not to slam. Making sure not to make eye contact with her mate, the woman shrank herself down to the best of her possibility. Slumping her back and shoulders, the woman laid her hands in front of her as she bowed deeply, her face being covered by her hair.

"My name is Gloria Bellavance," Standing up, the woman, known as Gloria Bellavance, felt her face flush a bright red as she stared down at her mate. A little embarrassed about her massive height, especially when compared to her mate, Gloria shrunk down even more, feeling even more self conscious about her appearance.

Sticking her hand out in a gesture of polite greeting, Gloria tilted her head down. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Smiling her best smile, Gloria felt as if she was entering a very awkward situation, but she decided that she has to always look on the good side of life. Maybe this man was a nice person, she could certainly tell that he was nice from his appearance.
Frank walked up to the door, dormitory six. He entered and looked around at the bland room. A smile crossed his face. "Home." He stated simply. He looked to the bed on his left, there was a package with his name on it. The note said, "Dear Frank, this package contains the uniform for your job, the History Teacher. We expect you to do this job every day from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with a break from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is a map included to help you get around."

Frank shrugged, he could have a worse job, at least it catered to his specialties. He opened the box and laid out the contents out in an organized fashion. His uniform consisted of a white dress shirt, monogrammed H.T. and khaki slacks. The were also a pair of dress socks and brown loafers. He put the clothes in the left side of the dresser and the shoes at the foot of his bed.

He looked at the other bed and package. The note read Thea McCormick. 'Pretty name' he thought. He went and laid down on his bed, standard mattress, standard sheets, standard blanket.
"No matter where you go, government issue is all the same." He put his arms behind his head and watched the ceiling, counting the seconds, waiting for his 'mate' as they called her, to arrive.
Virtues made her way down the hall, her small bag swinging against her back as she rounded the corner, room key in hand.

"Ah here it is," She mumbled to herself with a small smirk, about to stick the key into the door, but found it was already unlocked. With a slightly tilt of her head she extended out her hand and pushed the door open.

Her ocean blue eyes scanned the plain room before coming to rest on a dark haired boy, pacing with a look of... fear... on his face. Fear? That can't be right, Virtues thought studying him, her eyes ghosting over his frame, starting at the head down to the toes. Taking a step into the room she closed the door behind her and ran a hand through her firey red hair.

"Hello," She started hesitantly, not realizing she was going to have a room mate, especially a boy.

"I'm Virtues Dyer...." She trailed off, the look of fear still plastered to his face, was I scaring him? Is their something on my face? She thought, blinking her kind eyes around the room once before returning them to him.

"Are you okay?" Virtues asked, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, brushing past him toward the two beds, both had an open package on it, so she couldn't see the names. Reaching down she fumbled with the far beds package, finding an open letter with her name. Did he go through my stuff? She thought with a brief glance over her shoulder at the pacing boy, that was to be her room mate.

With a small roll of her shoulders, in a shrug she plopped down, setting her small bag on the ground and opened the letter for herself, it read

'Dear Virtues, this package contains the uniform for your job, the Athletic Instructor . We expect you to do this job every day from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. with a break from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. There is a map included to help you get around.'

Athletic Instructor, huh? She thought, pursing her pale pink lips, taking out the uniform she pulled out a plain white t-shirt with a logo on the top left corner, and the sleeves were red. Then she pulled out red yoga shorts, with a white line running down each side, and then a pair of sweat pants, probably if it got cold, these were also red, with the same white stripe down each side.
Devi blinked as the woman stepped into his room. His room. How dare she? How dare the government stick him within twenty feet of a human being, in the 'privacy' of his own home? He didn't want a mate. He didn't want a friend. He wanted peace and quiet. Was that too much to ask? Devi paused and examined her, the expression of fear vanishing, for the moment. "Well," He thought aloud. "At least you're not ugly."

He scowled at her as she asked if he was 'okay'. However, a few thoughts went through him when she did. Why would she care? What's she after? Money? Sex? 'Love'? He calmed himself down a bit, taking deep breaths. "I want to make one thing clear. I don't want you here. I don't need a mate, and I am perfectly happy on my own." He sucked in a deep breath. "However, I don't think I have much say in the matter."

Without holding his hand out to shake, Devi introduced himself. "I'm Devi Braden. You're Virtues Dyer. An athletic instructor?" He raised an eyebrow, recalling the arrogance of many athletes from home. "You will sleep on that bed." He pointed to the bed where her package had been. "I will sleep on this one." He pointed to the other. "There will be no physical contact, and, if I am reading, you will not disturb me." Devi radiated a, quite plainly, false confidence.

"I do not wish for you to be hurt," He went on without explaining this statement, "for it would inconvenience me. Therefore, you will keep your contact with me to a minimum. Blah di, blah di, blah." He turned and moved over to his bed, moving his uniform into the dresser. At this point, the fearful expression had returned, but his back was to her. "Just stay out of my way, please." His voice quivers slightly. He thought to himself:

'What if I lose it? What if I hurt her? They'll kill me. Or worse.'
Jace walked into the plain room and quickly observed his surroundings. He saw a bathroom stocked with various supplies that would be expected in any bathroom. There were two beds, both with packages on them, and he could see the one with a note that had his name on it in neat print. He spotted a television set, only broadcasting government stations no doubt, a dresser, and finally a mirror. He first walked into the bathroom and took one of the toothbrushes sitting on the sink, a blue one. He looked at himself in the sink mirror and noticed how messy his hair was right now, although he really didn't care he probably needed a haircut soon. He walked back out into the bedroom and without looking at the package pushed his bed closer to the wall on his side, a precaution, in case his roommate was dangerous or tried anything weird, he wanted to put distance between him and tihs unknown factor.

He took the blunt end of his toothbrush and began to roughly carve into the wall above the head of his bed. He managed to engrave a straight line. "Day one." The only thing that really needed saying. He finally picked up the note and read, "Dear Curt, this package contains the uniform for your job, The Mayor. We expect you to do this job everyday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. with a break from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. There is a map included to help you get around." 'Long hours' he sighed in his head. He opened the package to find a black vest, white collared shirt, a black tie with tie clip, black slacks, and a black sports coat. He began to wonder, what if he didn't do his job, what if he explored this new land instead of being a mayor of the governments dumb attempt to save a dying race? He decided he'd play there game for now, until he found something better. Now all that was left was to meet the roommate, and asses whether he was a threat or not. Jace laid on the bed and waited, but it wasn't long before he accidentally fell asleep.
Amabel unlocked the door marked with the number four, and walked in, throwing her bag onto one of the two beds. She paced around, looking at every little thing in the room. There was nothing outside of the necessary. There was a television, but they probably didn't play anything other than news. She was upset by the severe lack of decoration, making a mental note to do something about it as soon as possible.

She stopped pacing and looked at the two beds. That meant she had a roommate. And since she got there first, she got to pick sleeping arrangements. She sat down on one of the beds, then the other. "They're both hard as rocks," she said to herself, and settled on the bed farthest from the door. She looked closer at the package on it. Liberty Jones. She wasn't sure what that meant, and looked at the nearly identical one on the other bed. Amabel Drawn. Looks like Jones is her roommate. She switched the packages and sat back on her bed. She opened the letter on top and read it, albeit very unenthusiastically. 'Dear Amabel, This package contains your uniform for your job, the Sidekick. We expect you to do this job whenever the need arises, and you must be prepared and alert at all hours of the day. There is a map included to help you get around.'

Sidekick? As in superhero sidekick? Amabel smiled, thinking of how little it looked like she had to do, if that was the case. Follow a superhero around? Occasionally come up with plans? On the rare occasion that there would actually be crime. Everybody'd be too scared of the government to break any rules. Unless they assigned some people the role of 'criminal', for whatever reason. She laughed at that thought and looked at the map. There wasn't much. A library, a town hall, a jail, a bank, a store. Just usual stuff. She placed the map and letter down and opened the package.

A teal long sleeved shirt, with matching pants. Well, the pants looked more like leggings than pants. The shirt read "SK" in red. Not even a cool name? Just sidekick? Lame. A belt in a slightly lighter blue color, fingerless gloves in the scam color, a skirt the same red as the SK on the shirt, and running shoes that were mostly red, but with teal soles. She sighed. She was going to look ridiculous. She placed these things to the side of her bed, not wanting to think about them. She used her hand to feel around for anything else in the package. She pulled out large piece of red fabric.

A cape. She had to smile, and not sarcastically. An honest smile. She remembered when she used to tie a blanket around her shoulders and run around the house, looking for 'bad guys'. She put it on as dramatically as she could. She wanted to run around, and have the cape billowing behind her. But there wasn't even close to enough space in the room, and she didn't want to go out in public like this. So, she settled with sitting on the edge of her bed with the cape laid out behind her, daydreaming about all her favorite heroes.
Alexei dragged his large suitcase with equipment and books into the room. It was a decent little accommodation, just like presented in the government brochure though one might notice a bit shabbier. Grey walls, two beds and two desks. One of the beds was already taken, as the woman was zoning off in it with headphones on and not noticing him. Alexei went to his bed and opened the package with excitement, hoping to get a job he is capable of. The note attached to the package read:

"Dear Mr. Alexei Midranov,

Within this package is your uniform for your new job: A chef. You're hours will be 5 A.M. to 5 P.M. with two breaks , one from 8A.M. to 9.A.M.(between breakfast and lunch), and the other from 3 P.M. to 4 P.M. (between lunch and dinner)."

In the package, as was explained in the note, was a chef's uniform, a tall white hat and a white overcoat with big black buttons, and black pants and shoes. within the hat was also a hair net. Alexei put the package away tidily and dragged his luggage into the room, trying hard not to make it clank too much and wake up his roommate. He was thinking about his job. At first he was anxious as he had never cooked much before except for himself, dreading the responsibility of large scale kitchen. He then realized that most food might only be powders, putting him in a peculiar position of being probably the only one with equipment to make hydroponic vegetables and spices. "Might turn out well" he though to himself, and then drew his attention towards his roommate, and lets face it, future mate.

Alexei walked towards her desk and checked the paper beside her open parchment, identifying her as Leia Harper.

"Miss Harper", he ventured, letting the words hang in the air.
Leia had zoned out and for the most part,entered a sleep state. Unaware that her mate had entered the room and already found his package and note.

She remained asleep until she heard her name. Leia opened her eyes and looked around a bit before seeing Alexei standing there with the paper that had her name on it.

She sat up, "Oh,'re here!" Leia said smiling politley. She casually got up from the bed,showing she had a relaxed type of personality.

"I'm Leia...although I'm guessing you already knew that." She said,gesturing towards the peice of paper Alexei held.

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Bean turned around and saw his mate. She was really pretty. "So, uh, I guess you're Gloria Bellavance?" he asked, "my name is Beaumont Bradley, but you can call me Bean. I really hate my name it sounds way too fancy schmancy." Bean smiled at Gloria and laughed, "so what is your job?" he asked.
The girl, Leia, woke up at his words and sat up on the bed. She seemed relaxed and easy going, so Alexei eased up a bit too, but then he noticed he was still holding her information paper, so he put it back on the desk clumsily, and it drifted away from it down. He bent down to pick it up, hitting his head slightly on the edge of the desk, but smiled it off and put it back on the parcel.

"Well, yes, sorry about that, didn't mean to intrude into your privacy. I am Alexei Midranov, going to be the chef here. How about you?" he asked and sat down on his bed.
Leia smiled at his clumsiness.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't intrude on anything." She said, waving her hand as if waving off a problem. "It's nice to meet you, Alexei. Oh, a chef? That sounds pretty fun. I'm going to be the maid around here." Leia added with a smile. She turned her body slightly to face Alexei as he moved to go sit on his bed. She also sat on her bed to remain comfortable while they had a conversation.

"He seems like a nice guy. I'm glad I didn't get stuck with someone who is mean or something..." Leia thought to herself as she quickly looked over Alexei and then looked away at the cord on her headphones, playing with the cord that wasn't connected to any device that would transfer sound.
Alexei relaxed more, leaning on the wall next to his bed.

" A maid, how nice, though I hope others don't tax your services too much, we should all probably take care of our own things. A chef, yes, I don't have any experience but I am planning something special."

His thoughts wandered to his equipment so he smiled, being again in his element. Leia seems very nice, slightly shy though but very pleasant. How can she listen to music and sleep though...

He then realised her headphones were not connected to any device, which left him a bit confused and he lowered his view slightly to perhaps notice an mp3 player on the floor.
Leia chuckled slightly. "And I hope not everyone will be slobs." she replied. "And I'm sure you'll do fine as a chef. Once you get used to cooking a lot and such, you'll be fine." Leia reassured Alexei with a nod.

Leia moved her headphones to wrap around her neck so that she was more open to conversation and curled the cord around so that it stayed up and not dangling. She took another look around the room with her eyes. It definitely screamed "government" with how simple it looked.
"I guess eventually it all just becomes a routine... would not prefer it that way though. Went out to find more peace in nature, looking for foreign plants you know. Pretty ones, for decoration, which reminds me..."

Alexei got up and opened a compartment in his bag, taking out a yellow narcissus wrapped in plastic, with another plastic bag filled with water tied to the stem. From another compartment he picked out a pot and placed it on Leia's table, and unwrapping the plant carefully placed it in.

"There, doesn't look so bureaucratic now... " he smiled at Leia seeking her approval of the narcissus.
Leia smiled, looking at the narcissus that sat beautifully on the table.

"Looks really nice! Gives this place some color!" she said happily, looking at Alexei. Leia had a feeling the two of them would get along well. She was glad they were not having any problems being room mates.
Virtues sat down on the bed, looking over the clothing with slight interest, blinking her ocean blue eyes, pale pink lips tugging up in a smirk as he said at least you aren't ugly. She paused debating in her head whether or not to take that as a complement,

"Thanks...." She mumbled, trailing off a bit uncertainly, shifting slightly from where she sat to look up at him.

She watched him as he began to speak, quite a bit of words flowed from his mouth as he ordered her around, setting up rules and boundaries for where she could go, or what she could do. She didn't expect him to be like this on first impression, and her smile slowly turned downward into a frown. A soft chuckle spilling from her lips, shaking her head slowly, in disbelief.

Getting to her feet she took a step towards him, they stood around the same height. Folding her arms across her chest met his gaze boldly, not looking away. Clearing her throat she made a soft 'ch' sound, an shifted her weight from one side to the other, as if she were sizing him up, contemplating how to attack. But no attack came, instead she calmly parted her lips to speak.

"Excuse me?' She started, her eyebrows furrowing.

"This is my room too, do you think I'm thrilled to have a room mate either, especially a control freak. Look, I don't know if you think I'm going to obey your rules or not, but let me just tell you, I do what I want, and if you don't like it, scurry up to the people in charge, and ask to switch rooms. If you don't want to associate with me, fine, but I will not get told what to do from someone I barely know."

Virtues watched him walk away, turning his back towards her,

"I can't really stay away from you, we are in the same room." She stated tonelessly, though she was a bit upset, this was how her first encounter with her room mate went. What a jerk. Talking to me like that. She thought, exhaling a soft sigh, turning back to her stuff she picked up her small bag and opened it, pulling out a hand sized picture frame, with a picture of her family in it, running a finger delicately over the glass, then set it on the dresser beside the bed. Reaching back into the bag Virtues began pulling out clothes.

"I'm sorry I spoke to you like that, Devi. But I hope you understand my reasoning...." She trailed off, folding the few items of clothes she had, then added,

"I'll stay away from you, if that's what you want."
Devi blinked at her reaction, turning around, not saying anything. He seemed unused to people reacting to him that way. Then, most people here didn't know what he was like. His disbelief turned into confusion. Did I do something wrong? He hadn't meant to. He simply wanted to get the point across that he didn't want her involved in his life. Was that mean?

He frowned. "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" He seemed completely serious. In fact, he was.

"If I did, I'm sorry. I was more than a little... upset... by the news that the government saw fit to give someone prone to my behavior a mate." He forced a smile.

"No, I don't want you to stay away from me. Might as well try to make life as good here as we can. Do you like to read?"
Gen walked into her bedroom at the dormitory to the sight of two beds with packages on top. She furrowed her brow as she spotted one name "Thomas" on the package and quickly made her way to the other package. She assumed that this "Thomas" fellow would be her mate, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of that. Gen was always a bit of a lone wolf, but perhaps she and this man would be amicable. At least over time. She didn't see him and it didn't appear as if he had already shown up since his package was still there, so Gen sat down on the bed of what was her new home and began opening the package.

Her new job title and the uniform read "Librarian". The uniform was simple, a plain colored blouse and pants that she could live with. The title of Librarian was a bit odd, but Gen didn't mind it either. She liked books and her job would ensure that she would be in relative silence most of the time and would be able to read and work alone. That actually sounded quite nice.

All in all, Gen supposed she could have landed a worse position so she was decently pleased with the outcome. Now all that was left was to meet her mate.
The flight to the city had been uneventful, his sister had been in a different section, so he didn't know where she was, but that didn't really matter. 'Gotta face this on my own' he thought, looking at the door to his new home, dormitory room 1. Putting his key in the door, Daniel braced himself for the possibility of his assigned mate being in the room. 'Please oh please let them not be here' he thought as he opened the door.

Two simple beds, dressers and a mirror by each of them. a uniform government gray color adorned everything. And there, sleeping on the bed, was his roommate. Stunned at seeing a man on the bed, he blinked in astonishment. 'a man, they assigned me a man?'

He Shook it off 'oh well, i can deal' and headed over to the empty bed with a package on it. Not knowing when his roommate would wake up, he quickly unfolded his letter.

"Dear, Daniel Shepard, this package contains the uniform for your job, the Super Villain . We expect you to Perform this job at the hours you see fit, with at least a weekly appearance. There is also a map included to help you get around." Upon reading the first sentence, Daniel stopped, wondering exactly what the government was thinking. at first he thought it was some kind of joke, but after reading the whole thing over twice, he began to doubt that.

In an exasperated voice, he said "What!?! They want me to be gay and commit crimes?!?"
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The loud noise woke Jace. He almost hit his head on the wall when he sat up and moved to the head of his bed. "You think you, could be louder?" He said with obvious sarcasm and disdain. He looked at what he assumed to be his roommate. Funny, he looked a little like Jace, around the same age with messy black hair, but Jace thought that his own was a bit wavier and longer than this stranger's. The fact that he made noise before trying to investigate Jace was good, maybe he wasn't someone with sinister intentions, but one could never be to sure. He decided to be direct with the man, "Look, I guess you're my new roommate, so let's get a few things straight." He looked right into the mans eyes as usual, a test to see how he reacted. "You have your own business and I have mine, you have your own space and I have mine, and finally I don't care what you do with any of it as long as it doesn't mess with me doing my own stuff, and in return I don't mess with you, ok?" He kept the stare going coldly through the emotionless words. Back on the streets on Earth that used to mess with a lot of people, made them feel stressed and on the spot, but a couple of the harder thugs, and a few of the crazies, seemed immune. If anything this would give him a better look into who this person was.
Aradia looked around her plain grey room with gentle eyes. Scooping up a package that was addressed to her, she read the note slowly. "Ms. Aradia Lee, encased is the uniform for your new job: the scientist. Your hours are 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Your allotted break will be from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm." As she read and reread the note, her heart dropped into the pit of her gut. There was something that took away your pride about being assigned a life. With her pride stripped away and her heart heavy, she ripped open the cardboard with angry hands. Holding the white lab coat and simple white shoes in her hands, she sighed.

Next to hers, a box was addressed to a Ms. Dia Darling. Aradia sat on her bed, holding her head in her hands and taking a deep breath. She had to make the best of this situation, even if it killed her. It wasn't that she was unhappy to be a scientist. Science was vital to the world and therefore, that made her vital. What made her unhappy was that it had been chosen for her. Instead of being a musician like she so desperately grew up believing she would be, she was stuck doing something she hadn't chosen for herself.

She waited for her roommate with hopeless eyes, praying that they were at least nice.

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