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Fandom The Children of Wonderland

I changed Margie's appearance

New Appearance


dorkling said:
I can help if you message me ^-^
Alright, thank you. I'm kinda new here so I don't really know how to message. I feel like a grandparent trying to use the computer
[/Fieldset]Graciela of Crims


Name: Graciela of Crims

Who are you child of?: She is the daughter of the Red King and Queen

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female



Graciela stands at around a mere 5'5 which doesn't seem intimidating at all, much to her dismay however she is satisfied that she is at least at around the average height for an eighteen year old female, and she has a small build but is at an overall average weight of 118 pounds. She has blonde hair that reaches just below her shoulder-blades, which she doesn't plan on dying anytime soon. She inherited quite pale skin and it doesn't help that she stays in a lot of the time, not because she's introverted, oh not at all but due to being used to not really having to work for anything. She has deep brown eyes along with thick dark lashes that can give a cold glare or an intimidating gaze if she wanted to. Some may notice that she looks quite doll-like with blemish free pale skin, a tiny nose and cold eyes.



Graciela puts on a facade to others that makes them seem as if she is a calm, collected, and polite girl and is shown to be quite intelligent. Some may believe at first glance she is quiet however polite because she speaks softly and offers a "smile" to others. You'd expect Graciela to be lazy due to being raised to believe that she should be waited by hand and foot due to her status, but this is not the case. Graciela is very ambitious and sometimes can even become a little hell-bent just to get what she wants and she has no problem with manipulating or even possibly murdering somebody in order to obtain what she wants when she wants it. Graciela is very prideful, and not to mention selfish. She will let somebody die in order to save herself without feeling any remorse, which may indicate she has some sociopathic tendencies. One thing Graciela is very good at is manipulating and playing mind-games with others. Graciela can lie to somebody with a straight face and make it seem so believable that even Graciela herself starts to begin the lie and it comes in hand with her persuasive and manipulating personality. Graciela has a god-like complex, hinting at the fact she is very narcissistic.



Her weapon of choice is more often than not her manipulation techniques though if she must resort to killing somebody on her own when somebody isn't doing it for her, she'll either do it with a knife or a revolver.


She enjoys sweets, but she also loves extravagant meals and will refuse to eat any cheap foods

• She is very close with her parents and often goes along with what they say, and they have the biggest influence on her.

I don't know if I want to make a child of the duchess or the knave of hearts

Character Form ?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/da04cc1ea06443439034122a3a931d56.jpg.1b36337689ee7584db34c628023c42d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/da04cc1ea06443439034122a3a931d56.jpg.1b36337689ee7584db34c628023c42d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Emerson Knightly

Although, most are wise enough to refer to me as Duchess

Who are you child of?

The Duchess

I thought that'd be a given...





Do I appear masculine to you?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_lwp482TlYF1qzelz9o1_500_answer_3_xlarge.jpeg.1848d4005b86ac9502fec7229b218336.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_lwp482TlYF1qzelz9o1_500_answer_3_xlarge.jpeg.1848d4005b86ac9502fec7229b218336.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Duchess is short but not very sweet. She stands at a measly 5'3 -thanks to a growth spurt very recently- and it's plain to see that she will not be growing any taller. Thankfully, she does not take after her mother much in appearance and her looks fall more into that of her father, the duke's, save for her very slightly upturned piggy-like nose, blonde hair, and jade eyes. She dresses in very Victorian clothes, but with a steampunk twist on them.


You act very much like your mother, my dear. Why thank you.

Emerson is very similar to her mother in the way that she can be very obnoxious and crude, although mainly at home, but can immediately switch to polite and calm in a snap. She has a horrid habit for flinging objects when upset, when cooking, or if she's trying to concentrate. She has a strange addiction to pepper and puts it in pretty much every thing.

Oh my, this needs much more pepper

She's a tad bipolar, but is a very reliable friend and will stick by those who have earned her trust no matter what. She's a stickler when it comes to fashion and appropriate dress wear and will sort of shut down and panic if people are not dressed appropriately. She's very ladylike and above all believes that everyone should act like ladies and gentlemen when in public; although sometimes even she acts out.


My brother is a pig. My history is not very normal even for Wonderland standards.

When Alice slayed the Jabberwocky, the Duchess was not present for she had much more important things to do such as coating her home in pepper while cooking (now that her cook had left) and beating her children for sneezing because she assumed that they were doing it on purpose to taunt her. Before Emerson was born, her mother was a woman a large obnoxious who sang horrid songs to her brother who was merely a babe at the time. She also used to have a pet cat with an abnormal grin (The Cheshire Cat) and a erratic cook who would put large douses of pepper in everything he cooked and would launch dishes and cooking objects at people if they disturbed him; especially at her brother. It should be known that her father was very scarce around that time, and just all up and disappeared after Emerson was born. The Duchess' son would sneeze constantly because of the pepper and she assume that the toddler was doing it to taunt her so she would sing a very crude rhyme

Speak roughly to your little boy

and beat him when he sneezes

he only does it to annoy

because he knows it teases.

I speak severely to my boy

I beat him when he sneezes

for he can thoroughly enjoy

the pepper when he pleases

while roughly bouncing him up and down. At one point, a visitor came to the Duchess' home and saw how she was treating the child and wscaed with him only for him to turn into a pig and so they let the child go stating he wasn't a very attractive baby to begin with.

A little while after the Duchess had another (much more attractive) child that she named Emerson. But just like with her son -the pig as he became known- Emerson sneezed constantly because of the pepper and would get beat for it. But once the cook resigned and she grew accustomed to the constant smell of pepper lining every nook and cranny of her household, Duchess rarely ever sneezed and grew fond of the familiar seasoning. As she grew older her mother Duchess learned much more about her mother and how she worked. The woman was very bipolar, and was constantly angry and obnoxious while cooking at home, but once she went out she was almost abnormally calm and polite; not to mention very charming. And over time Emerson began to take after her mother personality wise. Emerson rarely speaks of her father (for he disappeared after she was born;although there are rumors of her mother cooking him late one night. But it's not like Emerson will neither confirm or deny it) or her brother "The Pig" and gets very irritable when people question about them.


She is a talented cook although if you don't state otherwise she will most definitely douse it in pepper to the point that it's painful to smell.

It's quite peculiar, but I have a pepper grinder gun. And it's a lot more deadly than it sounds. Oh and I also have a dagger, of course. What lady doesn't?




She's very fond of pigs and pepper.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.49fb102e317c19e05a9e52cb528eca0c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.49fb102e317c19e05a9e52cb528eca0c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:


Who are you child of?

Has no idea who his parents are.






Khoshekh is actually quite short being five feet tall. He has dark skin and dark teal hair. His angular eyes are a shocking yellow color accented by the pink markings near them. The same type of pink markings can be found on his chin as well.


This short boy is very curious and loves to meddle in other people's business. He is pretty blunt and can sometimes come off as rude but he always means well. Khoshekh also has a bit of a morbid sense of humor and commonly says disturbing and weird things to the people he knows or just met. He likes trying to figure people out and is rather reserved when it comes to himself. In short Khoshekh is the type of person that will help you even if he has never met you before and try to find out all he can about why you need his help in the first place.


Khoshekh can't remember anything earlier then when he turned ten and has lived in the forest by himself for four years.

Weapons/Abilities: Khoshekh is amazing with poisons his favorite weapon being poison darts.




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Sarika Jabber|19|Female






Dragon Form:



The mysterious and independent Sarika often minds her own business without interacting with others more than necessary. Though some people find her intimidating, because her father is the famous Jabberwocky. Sarika is actually quite accepting and respectful of others and their differences. Sarika has always been on the reserved side- not shy, but simply not very interested in socializing. She doesn’t make a lot of long-lasting bonds and has only a few good friends. Although Sariak seems to be on the more serious side, she is actually witty at times and does prefer being in the company of others though she may not admit it.

Able to turn into a black dragon, and carries black lighter in her boots.

Sarika's parents were never close to each other when she was born. Sarika never experienced love except from her father. Her father only gave her fatherly love, but her mother left her and her father six months after she was born. Her father stayed with her until the night he was murdered by Alice, she was only thirteen years old. She still holds a grudge against Alice, and her daughter Margaret. But before he passed away, he gave her a black lighter, that's filled with his breathing fire and a green and black dragon scaled necklace on her tenth birthday. She was soon adopted by a normal human family when she was fourteen. She ran away from the family because they were too "normal" and different than she was. She returned to her original home, where she and her father lived, Wonderland, to find Alice and perhaps behead her...

When the Alice or her daughter is in her sight, she turns colds and harsh, but if her lighter is on, then she stays the same, but if it's gone, then she's cold as ice and her eyes turn icy blue.


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Wuxia said:


Sarika Jabber




Dragon Form:





The mysterious and independent Sarika often minds her own business without interacting with others more than necessary. Though some people find her intimidating, because her father is the famous Jabberwocky. Sarika is actually quite accepting and respectful of others and their differences. Sarika has always been on the reserved side- not shy, but simply not very interested in socializing. She doesn’t make a lot of long-lasting bonds and has only a few good friends. Although Sariak seems to be on the more serious side, she is actually witty at times and does prefer being in the company of others though she may not admit it.

Able to turn into a black dragon, and carries black lighter in her boots.

Sarika's parents were never close to each other when she was born. Sarika never experienced love except from her father. Her father only gave her fatherly love, but her mother left her and her father six months after she was born. Her father stayed with her until the night he was murdered by Alice, she was only thirteen years old. She still holds a grudge against Alice, and her daughter Margaret. But before he passed away, he gave her a black light, that's filled with his breathing fire and a green and black dragon scaled necklace on her tenth birthday. She was soon adopted by a normal human family when she was fourteen. She ran away from the family because they were too "normal" and different than she was. She returned to her original home, where she and her father lived, Wonderland.

I've been waiting for a child of the jabberwocky ^-^
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
I've been waiting for a child of the jabberwocky ^-^
lol. I don't usually use goth girls as the appearance xD . So I'm accepted? Should I change her bio up a bit, since some of it doesn't make sense?
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Wuxia said:
lol. I don't usually use goth girls as the appearance xD . So I'm accepted? Should I change her bio up a bit, since some of it doesn't make sense?
Well dorkling accepted her so I don't think it's too much of a big deal

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