The Celestial Magic High School Roleplay

Character Application:









Weapon (if not included with powers):


Name: Rae Shinigami


Powers: Nothingness Manipulation (Users can remove items from existence. Some users may simply make things disappear others may be able to prevent energy from ever being conceived. Some users can delete an eternity, removing targets from all lineages of time in every dimension. Similar to Energy Manipulation, users can alter, reverse, or negate energy, granting them almost infinite abilities. This could also lead to ultimate goal of "destroying matter", as in bringing it out of existence.) Hair changes color with mood, ex: red: mad, purple: normal fuck you mood, Blue: Sad, Pink: In Love, Green: sick, white: powerful, black: evil



Personality: UTTER NERD, likes to delete things, especially things that Agnus makes, loves to read and watch shit.

Background:Ever since Rae was born, her hair could change color depending on her mood. Her parents, not having such powers, locked her in her house, away from civilization. She was homeschooled and not allowed to leave. At the age of nine, she realized she could delete things, things that she didn’t understand. She escaped her house, changed her appearance (she wore a wig) and moved to Oregon. She started going to school, went in a ‘foster care’ system until she finally found new parents. She met Agnus at her school, and became one of her friends when he showed her his powers. They soon got recognized by ‘The Gods Of All Time’ and after getting caught of messing with time and space, they got forced to go to a Magical High School. The school trains them to get ready for war with the forces of evil. They each have their own individual powers.


Weapon (if not included with powers): the yin and yang staff

Armor: Phoenix of light

Companion: Celestial dragon

Open to love: Yes

Relationships:Best friends are Jake,Theria (sorta), and Ryu.
Name: Noyeh 'Kagerou' Zhujiao

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_n4968mN5XG1r844y4o1_500.png.b5f5cd4db44bbdf4119c86247e7e210d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43869" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_n4968mN5XG1r844y4o1_500.png.b5f5cd4db44bbdf4119c86247e7e210d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Zafkiel Zed: Slows down time on a Object or Subject for a limited amount of time. (Activated by saying the name of the Spell.)
  • Zafkiel Hayan: Speed's up time on a Object or Subject for a limited amount of time. (Activated by saying the name of the Spell.)
  • Zafkiel Kuz: Stops time on a Object or Subject for a limited amount of time.(Unknown of activation.)
  • Zafkiel Bet: Distorts a Object or Subject for a short amount of time. (Unknown of activation)
  • Zafkiel Aleph: Travels through time at the cost of a Human's life. (Unknown of activation)
  • Zafkiel Luu: Rewinds time on a Object or Subject, rewinds the Object or Subject 3 minutes in the past. (Activated by saying the name of the spell.)
  • Zafkiel Mutah: Creates an illusion on a Object or Subject until the Object or Subject notices it's an illusion. (Activated by saying the name of the Spell.)
  • Zafkiel Zhujiao: Creates a clone of a Object or Subject, until the clone is killed off. (Activated by saying the name of the Spell.)
  • Zafkiel Essen: Copies a Skill or Magic from the Object or Subject, no matter the skill. (Activated by looking at the Object or Subject for a short amount of time.)
  • Zafkiel Kono: Summons the familiar Flame Soul. (Activated by saying the name of the Spell.)
  • Zafkiel Haru: Allow's the user to use Dark Magic. (Activated by saying the name of the Spell.)
  • Zafkiel Mos: Allow's the user to talk to animals and familiars, no matter the species of the animal or familiar. (Activated by saying the name of the spell.)

Gender: Male


Noyeh is a emotionless teenager, not being emotional about tears nor death.

Since Noyeh was born, his family was famous for they're magic. But, his family was also initiated in war with other families, Noyeh was forced to learn magic, but his chose of magic was harsh. There was no good magic that was good with fighting, so when his family was off at the Store, he entered his Father's room and grabbed a book off the Shelf. Opening the book, he saw many forbidden magic that he was interested in. He put the book back on the shelf before his family got back, he memorized every technique of Time Magic he could do. A few years later, he mastered time magic, his father died after trying to beat a Fire Mage. As before his Father died, Noyeh was there and used his own soul to go back in time. Killing the Fire Mage's family, Noyeh didn't returned but died, after a few moments when he got back, his Grandfather, used Soul Magic to bring back his Grandson, Noyeh. Noyeh waking up to see his Grandfather, turn to dust. Noyeh had taken the Fire Mage's soul and made a familiar out of it. Noyeh had lost his emotions, but still being able to use Time Magic, he started to wander the streets of towns, until he came across a Letter. The letter stated that Noyeh should go to this School, as the School accepts any magical being. He accepted, no emotion at all as he walked to the School, holding the Letter in his hand.




Flame Soul

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/06172fef848d9369cf5663a9d1ea2a6f-d84f7sq.png.90ef9b296d17bd3bd10af168c7811629.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/06172fef848d9369cf5663a9d1ea2a6f-d84f7sq.png.90ef9b296d17bd3bd10af168c7811629.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Open to love: No

Relationships: Flame Soul.

Affiliations: 'The Gods Of All Time'

Other: The Flame Soul can shift into something smaller to conceal itself. Flame Soul can be summoned by saying: Zafkiel Kono, will be summoned, no matter the volume of sound. Mirrors are an exception to Zafkiel Essen, as the reflection will point the spell back at the person Noyeh looks at. Noyeh is fast and strong, and will not hesitate to kill someone. He rarely uses Zafkiel Haru, since he can just copy his enemies magic.



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Name: Leon Grayson

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/LeonG_CTR.jpg.a100a626a136d99423090caadd969cf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/LeonG_CTR.jpg.a100a626a136d99423090caadd969cf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Blood Manipulation- In order for Leon to do this, he must spill his own blood. These are the types of blood manipulation he can use:

Blood Needle: Needles stick out from Leon's blood. Pretty self explanatory.

Blade of Blood: A thin, sharp edged sword blade shoots from any wound that Leon bears. For example, a blade can come from a cut in his hand, and he can use that blade as a weapon.

Crimson Weaponry: If Leon's blood has spilled onto the ground, he can change that blood to any weapon(other than a gun or any other long range weapon) and use it at will. For example; using his blood on the ground to make a dagger, and using that as a weapon.

Crimson shield: This ability will only work if Leon bears a large wound. The blood from the wound spreads in front of Leon, making a thick shield for good defense.

Solidify: This prevents wounds from gaining further damage or getting infected, and heals it over time(but not instantly, or quickly). This can only be used ONCE during battle, and can be used again once the wound is fully healed. This prevents Leon from healing continuously during battle.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Leon is very naive, which can get him into trouble depending on the situation. He has a problem with being curious about practically everything. He also has bad anxiety problems which prevents him from meeting a lot of people.

Background: Leon was beaten by several people at his old school, as a child. He dealt with it, never telling his parents or teachers. He basically allowed the other students to beat him. When he finally tried to fight back, he was beaten senseless, almost to death. When the students approached him to land a final blow, needles shot up from the blood that spilt on the ground below their feet, injuring two of the students. The students fled, and Leon returned home, confused about what happened. He always arrived home before his parents, so he cleaned himself up and decided not to mention it. A few days later, it happened again at school. Leon had fallen and scraped his knee. A student approached him, trying to help, and needles shot from the wound, impaling the student's thigh. He was sent home to his parents, where he was homeschooled for the majority of his life. He learned more about his blood manipulation, and when he got used to it, he ran from his home, after overhearing his parents' plan to get rid of him. He came across the CMHS, but he hasn't gotten into the school yet because he's too nervous to ask anyone about it.


Weapon: Blood needle, crimson weaponry, and blade of blood. When he can't use these, he uses a double edged scythe.

Armor: N/A, or crimson shield.

Companion: Unknown creature Leon found when he ran from home. He named the creature 'Zero.'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/PicsArt_1425251032174.jpg.5f03fbae6ee8b8329056a7bbab453f67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/PicsArt_1425251032174.jpg.5f03fbae6ee8b8329056a7bbab453f67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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What happened in Personality, you seem to have stopped. And we both won't be accepted until the Owner of this roleplay gets on, which probably take a while so..
Noyeh said:
What happened in Personality, you seem to have stopped. And we both won't be accepted until the Owner of this roleplay gets on, which probably take a while so..
You're right, I should probably fix that. :|

Hopefully the owner gets on soon.
I plan on making a second character that does Dark Magic. But I don't know if I want to yet, managing 2 characters are impossible, well, for me.
Noyeh said:
I plan on making a second character that does Dark Magic. But I don't know if I want to yet, managing 2 characters are impossible, well, for me.
I might make a second character, but I'm not sure if I will or not. If I do, though, they'll probably have the ability to turn any part of their body to metal, or they'll have some kind of summoning ability. I don't know yet.
Hm.. Idea!: I can make a twin towards Noyeh! I'll tweak some things in the Bio and relationship of Noyeh but all is good. But I still have to think about it, Noyeh uses Time Magic, but his Twin could...? I have no idea! And we're being trained to fight the forces of evil, so it has to be something important but still has to be related to Noyeh's power.
Noyeh said:
Hm.. Idea!: I can make a twin towards Noyeh! I'll tweak some things in the Bio and relationship of Noyeh but all is good. But I still have to think about it, Noyeh uses Time Magic, but his Twin could...? I have no idea! And we're being trained to fight the forces of evil, so it has to be something important but still has to be related to Noyeh's power.
That sounds pretty interesting! I can't think of anything opposite or related to Time Magic at the time, but I might get an idea for that soon.

I think my second character will just hate seemingly everything and have that metal ability I was talking about.
I made a character like that in a different roleplay, a character who hates everything. Maybe space magic, like appearing out of nowhere, diverting things out of existence. You know what! I'm gonna try it out! Time to make a character!
Name: Jessica Walter


Fire manipulation - Can manipulate fire that's already existing

Fire solidification - Can make weapons out of fire or modify others weapons with fire



She's a lot like the element she controls, she's not afraid to start a fight to get something she wants. She does like to have friendships however she's not one to start them and it doesn't always take much to ruin them for her. She's quick to temper however she will stand up for her friends.

She lived with both of her parents until she became enrolled in the school. Her parents were normal people with no powers so they didn't always understand what she was going through. She had a fairly uneventful childhood, went to a normal school at first until her high school days started when she started at the CMHS. She came to CMHS to become one of those 'hardcore fighters' and have a life of adventure. She wants to be a teacher at CMHS after she's done moving around over the world.


Weapon (if not included with powers):



Raza is a fire kirin that she made one day when she was bored. An old friend of hers could control souls and put her own soul in there as a joke. She couldn't get her soul out and is now permanently stuck in there. She's become one hundred percent animal and her previous human tendencies are gone.
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The thing that nobody remembers is that this School is to train people with powers to fight evil. I guess it could be said that it is also made for keeping powers in check. But the main thing is fighting against evil, just to keep in mind. ( ;) )

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