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Realistic or Modern The Campton Teens Characters (Always Open)


Kai Rader

New Member
OK sooo I am not very picky about characters my rules are
1. don't be a problem character (the kind that never interacts with anyone, always has drama that takes front page of everything else)
not that there cant be drama but don't do it all the time to be the center of attention 24/7
2. make them interesting
3.realistic appearance please if using a picture use an actual picture no cartoon or anime please

so other than that build your character how you want keep in mind they are high schoolers. give us enough info to get a feel for the character and you will probably be good to go.
give as much detail as you would like.
Jackson miller.jpg
Name: Jackson James Miller.
Age: 15
Gender: non - binary
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Usually Jackson is very fun and outgoing always trying to make others smile. this makes it very easy to tell when something is wrong

A little Info About Jackson
Jackson prefers either being called by name, or if not They/them pronouns.
but if you hear Jackson using male pronouns then they are probably ok for the moment.

Jackson Loves to play soccer, play guitar, and sing. always outgoing and usually up to something Jackson has a way of making messes to big to get out of. Jackson is by no means a bad kid though just a bit mischievous.
The biggest mystery about Jackson tho is definitely his home life, always steering clear of such conversations nobody at school really has a clue of where Jackson lives what their parents are like or if they even exist. (they do and they are great people Jackson just doesn't want to be known as the chief of polices kid)


Name: Jasmine-John-Stewart

Age: 16

Gender: female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: while Jasmine isnt extremely shy, she has trouble making friends despite being polite and willing to listen to anyone. She's patient and doesnt like to rush things, or start any sort of conflict.

More info: Jasmine likes making makeup tutorials on YouTube and uses that to improve her confidence. Kittens and cake always elate her mood and actions. She's going through a rough time due to breaking up with her boyfriend of ten months. She's also blind as a bat without her glasses or contact lenses.

(Her glasses)
well while we wait for more players we'll get started and people can just join in i'll make the first post here in a minute.
I was planning on starting of towards the end of a school day that way we are in the same place and can go from their sound good?
PinkieBun PinkieBun
well while we wait for more players we'll get started and people can just join in i'll make the first post here in a minute.
I was planning on starting of towards the end of a school day that way we are in the same place and can go from their sound good?
PinkieBun PinkieBun
That sounds good. Also, where is the rp set? America?
Name: Klarion Valeska
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: He's reckless and childish, loves getting in trouble. He's flirty and unpredictable. He lives for the thrill and doesn't care about the rules.

He loves climbing of roofs and setting things on fire. He loves testing the rules and messing around. He also smokes constanly, a habit he has found hard to break.

Tay Summers

  • original

    Name:Taylor Lily Summers

    Nickname: Tay or Summer

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

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Name: Jason Thresh
Age: 17
Personality: Jason is a really kind person, definitely an animal person and has taken that to the extreme. He almost always has something alive on him at all times be it a snake, a mouse, a mink or even something like a horse. His favorite is a tossup between his falcons and his mink. He is definitely the social kind and is very perceptive of behavior, almost to scary levels due to his vast experience with animal behavior.

Backstory: Jason is basically Florida's Steve Irwin. His parents own the local zoo so he has been exposed to animals since he was a baby and since then has grown a love and respect for them so deeply he's began to train them for conventional purposes to expose others to animals too. His current business, pest control. Be it gators, mice or snakes, he's the guy to call even if he goes about it in odd ways. He uses falconry or in desperate cases, a team of mink and dogs to flush out small pests... Gators though... those are definitely man handled out of the way. He also handles search and rescue dogs for local police and even owns a few cadaver dogs as well.
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Name: Evelyn Thresh (Jason's sister)
Age: 16
Personality: Jason and Evelyn share personalities quite a bit, even if Eve is the chattier of the two. She is more of a rapid thinker and the the better multitasker of the two. She's also typically better with the larger, considerably more dangerous animals such as the zoo's big cats, the chimpanzees, the elephants and giraffes. She does well under pressure and typically works in the veterinary side of the zoo staff rather than the behavior side.

Backstory: See Jason's

Ian Summers

  • e9a2841100724f20095321475a00d794--steam-powered-giraffe-michael-okeefe.jpg

    Name: Ian Summers

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Sexuaity: Bisexual

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