The Camp

All accepted! :3 Good job guys! I most likely will not be accepting anymore because it can be difficult to work your way into the story line if you start in the middle of the RP.

Jacob 'Jake' Deed



Jacob Dexter Deed


"Jake", "JD", And "Deeder"









"I'm a class clown, a rather hot one... if I do say so myself."

Jacob is your average guy, kinda'. He is girl crazy, he loves hanging out with his friends, and he sometimes loves to chill out and play some PlayStation. He is also, as his buddies say, an "asswipe". Jacob can be quite annoying at times, but, when he knows how to 'tone' it down. He is a bit of a clown, and loves to make people laugh. He can seem fairly carefree at times, but, don't let it fool you. He can be very serious, and very competitive when he wants to be. It would be a lie to say that he doesn't find himself attractive. In fact; Jacob can be very full of himself at times. But, aside from all of these... uh, charming qualities- he is an all around good guy, and he is pretty damn fun to be around.



"I love my life, I really do. Each day is like an episode of a television show. I'm always excited to see what happens next."

Jacob was born in a small town in the countryside. He grew up with relatively normal relatives. He went to a pretty normal school. His life has just been pretty... normal. Apart from the death of a dog; nothing bad has really ever happened to Jacob. He enjoys his life, and he always has. He is an optimistic person when it comes to the subject of 'life', and, he always wakes up with a smile on his face- ready to start a new day. The saddest he has ever been was when he was dumped by a girl he really, really, really liked.

He is currently nearing his end of high school, and he hopes to get into a good college and study to become a journalist.

He currently lives in a two-story house with his parents, and his younger sister.

Reasons For Coming To Camp

Jacob is in it to win it. Making friends (or enemies) is just an... added bonus. He is here to play and he is here to win that prize.


+ Himself

+ People

+ 'Hanging Out'

+ Sex

+ Movies

+ Video Games

+ Parties

+ Money

+ Coca Cola

- Football

- Waiting In Line

- Back Row Seats

- Heavy Metal Music

- Bad Acting

- Religion

- Adam Sandler's Movies

- Pre-Teen Heartthrobs

- Cats




Teenage Killing Serial Killers ( ex; Jason Voorhees )


He likes to swear, a lot.

He sometimes thinks he is the funniest guy alive.

He isn't afraid to streak, or walk around half-naked.

He's got a tattoo of a 'smiley face' on the back of his wrist. ( ( ;) ) )

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Appearance(Realistic please):


Personality: Curious. Enjoys working alone, but is a good leader nonetheless, and is happy working with a team if it is for a good cause. Realistic. Good head on her shoulders. Can be more straightforward than some would like. Has strong values/beliefs and does everything she can to uphold them.

Biography: Has a loving family, but is less affectionate to them than they are to her. Has recently been unintentionally pushing them away because of their differences and her lack of trust in them. Has a best friend named Brett at home.

Reason for coming to camp: The need to get away, meet new people, and the craving for a challenge.

Likes: Chocolate, learning, figuring things out, puzzles.

Dislikes: People with their heads in the clouds or a lack of seriousness, most girls, anything that reminds her of her family.

Fears:Being wrong, failure, the dark/unknown.

I know I have to repost that blue smiley thing, but I'm new to this and for some reason it's not letting me do that, but I assure you I know that it was a requirement.


Adelaide Finch|16|Female|Straight

Personality: She is kind of shy, but it's not that hard to get her to open up. She doesn't like taking risks, but if it's necessary, she'll do it even if she doesn't like it. She is kindhearted and loyal, and will always put others before herself. She loves books and loves to learn new things.

Biography: Adelaide grew up in a rich household with her father. He wasn't a bad dad, but because her mother died giving birth to her, Adelaide was all her farther had left of her mother. Because of this, he was very protective of her. She was never a brat, her father made it clear to her not everyone lived like this, and he took her along on many charity events that he went to. She enjoyed it very much, it turned out she loved helping people. She went to a prestigious private school, but her father never let her befriend many people, he didn't want anyone hurting her. So she focused on her studies, and kept herself busy with books, and after a lot of reading, she decided to come up with her own stories.

Reason for coming to camp: So she can have a new experience, and finally make friends without the watchful eye of her father stopping her. Because she doesn't really need the money, if she wins she hopes to donate it and help someone out.





+Helping people

-People who think they're better than everyone else

-Judgmental people


Losing her father

Being outside at night


( ;) )

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[QUOTE="Rachael Grimm]All accepted! :3 Good job guys! I most likely will not be accepting anymore because it can be difficult to work your way into the story line if you start in the middle of the RP.

[/QUOTE] Can I make a girl character as well? I just though about it
All of these are wonderful! and now that means that I can evenly divide everyone so each team has 3 people.


[QUOTE="Gif Queen]Can I make a girl character as well? I just though about it

I would prefer not just because I want it to be evenly divided but if someone drops out last minute feel free to.
[QUOTE="Rachael Grimm]All of these are wonderful! and now that means that I can evenly divide everyone so each team has 3 people.

I would prefer not just because I want it to be evenly divided but if someone drops out last minute feel free to.

[/QUOTE] Ok :3

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