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Realistic or Modern 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮 — 𝐨𝐨𝐜

Their visions could be literally anything! Usually it represents said deity in some way and it’s how they get the mental map of Mythos imprinted into their brain. The possibilities are endless as it doesn’t happen irl but mentally. You can use mine for example! Something that comes to mind for Hermes is him pulling his child into the vision and manifesting it as a long, seemingly never ending road or even among sheep in a field.

cool, thanks! it was just so open ended that i started feeling like i'd missed something XD
here's kiaan's vision if you'd like an example ^^ (will ofc edit details if there's another child of nirriti!)

"shut your shitholes, already, before i beat your sorry asses blue!" a sweat-soaked, sixteen-year-old kiaan shouted as he tossed a rock at the group of kids jeering at him from the school bus across the street. "no respect for your elders." in the midst of assisting one of his clients with home renovations in preparation for the wedding of her youngest son, he'd been tasked with discarding a stack of cardboard boxes that had accumulated over the past few days in the alley behind the dilapidated house, abandoned and filthy due to its location boxed in by towering apartment complexes.

this was no daunting task to the young boy, however, as he'd been in far worse predicaments throughout his grief-riddled life. anything was possible if it meant more food on the dinner table for the two adorable little sisters waiting for him at home, already malnourished as it was from their neglect at the orphanage.

rounding the corner, kiaan hummed to himself to distract from the searing heat beating down on his shoulders, some random bollywood tune he'd heard in passing on the street. the alley was long and narrow, descending into nothing but darkness the farther along he traveled. before long, however, the dumpster towered before him, a creaky metal bin that reeked of sewage and decay.

"fucking finally," he grumbled, hoisting the boxes over his mop of curly hair to toss them into the abyssal darkness. suspiciously enough, however, the sound of the boxes hitting the bin floor never came— kiaan peered over the edge to get a closer look, but was quickly distracted by the sudden silence in place of the usual hustle and bustle of madhya pradesh's poorest district. whipping around to assess the situation, the young boy found himself not in the streets of his hometown, but at the beginning of a daunting hedge maze too tall to scale and too thick to climb through. 'what the hell is this...? how did i get here? where did all this come from?'


an oblivious kiaan scoured the maze for an exit for what seemed like days, only pausing to hide when an occasional towering, skeletal figure peered overhead with its soul-searching black eyes. the young boy had no clue what these beasts were, no reference of ancient mythologies or cultural phenomena outside of the few textbooks he could read at the orphanage, but the fear rattling through his bones was one and the same— he knew he mustn't let these titan-like creatures find him, lest they swoop him up and consume him, swallow him whole.

by the time kiaan found the exit to the maze, however, he'd grown accustomed to the giants that gazed upon him with fascination and amusement, none of which dared approach or lay a finger on him as they watched from a respectful distance. the path before him was straight and empty, lined with these same creatures staring unblinkingly as he sprinted past them, adrenaline pushing him forward despite the sheer exhaustion weighing on his skinny shoulders.


the path eventually came to a dead-end as kiaan skidded to a stop right before the edge of a cliff, his heart jumping into his throat at the sight of abyssal black ocean before him. the depths were not what paralyzed him, however, with its all-encompassing darkness and wispy tendrils of restless creatures below.

instead, his attention fixated on two gargantuan, unflinching pupils, far larger and probing than any of the others that came before. for the first time on his journey, however, the air vibrated around him as the being spoke, voice permeating his psyche as it addressed him directly within the confines of his skull.

"kiaan mehta— my offspring and vessel: i bear witness to the inauguration of your rebirth as a divine being."

the boy froze in place, terrified to move a muscle lest this reality-bending immortal smite him at the first breach of etiquette. "who... who are you?" he squeaked, curling in on himself against the simultenously frosty and searing winds caressing his bones.


"i am nirriti, mother of the hell realms... and your mother. you are my fourth and only surviving child. fear not— though many trials await you, i guarantee glory and honor upon your name. you will become the sin to end all sins, my gloriously tainted creation."

a shudder ran down kiaan's spine as nirriti addressed him, depression and despair unlike any he'd felt before curling around his racing heart and squeezing, suffocating his airways until he could barely gasp out a single breath.

"calamity and misfortune, poverty and infertility, destruction and untimely death— you will become intimately familiar with the despair of these human woes. an abode of dissolution and decay, you will exist as my purveyor of condemnation, the executioner who justly confiscates the light and warmth generously bestowed upon those who act against the ideals of mortal society and curses them, banishes them to my realm where they shan't receive nourishment from the offerings of their pitiful descendants nor the fruits of their own accumulated human merit."

"i-i don't want to do that— i can't do that! you can't make me!"
kiaan cried out in desperation, glancing around at the onlooking titans with his panic-stricken gaze. "i have to take care of pooja and anika— my sisters, they're just babies, please! don't do this to me!" he pled and begged on his knees, offered years off his lifespan in exchange for more time with those in his care, anything and everything he could in the hopes of changing her unbudging mind, but to no avail. the deed had been done, and he'd been awakened as the fourth vessel of nirriti.'


"those human children are not your sisters, kiaan mehta," the goddess hissed as she rose from the depths, followed by the echoing cackles of the demons far below. her shadowy form could not be described with his limited human vocabulary, and he did not dare try for fear of her all-seeing gaze snatching his soul in the blink of an eye. "you will build your strength and amass your power, and in due time, i will come to collect you. survive until then, my son. you will prove your worth."

with that final warning, darkness shrouded kiaan's vision and a large, blunt force against his spine knocked him forwards, sending him tumbling over the edge of the cliff before he awoke to the harsh indian sun beating down on him within the confines of that filthy back alley once more.

here's kiaan's vision if you'd like an example ^^ (will ofc edit details if there's another child of nirriti!)

"shut your shitholes, already, before i beat your sorry asses blue!" a sweat-soaked, sixteen-year-old kiaan shouted as he tossed a rock at the group of kids jeering at him from the school bus across the street. "no respect for your elders." in the midst of assisting one of his clients with home renovations in preparation for the wedding of her youngest son, he'd been tasked with discarding a stack of cardboard boxes that had accumulated over the past few days in the alley behind the dilapidated house, abandoned and filthy due to its location boxed in by towering apartment complexes.

this was no daunting task to the young boy, however, as he'd been in far worse predicaments throughout his grief-riddled life. anything was possible if it meant more food on the dinner table for the two adorable little sisters waiting for him at home, already malnourished as it was from their neglect at the orphanage.

rounding the corner, kiaan hummed to himself to distract from the searing heat beating down on his shoulders, some random bollywood tune he'd heard in passing on the street. the alley was long and narrow, descending into nothing but darkness the farther along he traveled. before long, however, the dumpster towered before him, a creaky metal bin that reeked of sewage and decay.

"fucking finally," he grumbled, hoisting the boxes over his mop of curly hair to toss them into the abyssal darkness. suspiciously enough, however, the sound of the boxes hitting the bin floor never came— kiaan peered over the edge to get a closer look, but was quickly distracted by the sudden silence in place of the usual hustle and bustle of madhya pradesh's poorest district. whipping around to assess the situation, the young boy found himself not in the streets of his hometown, but at the beginning of a daunting hedge maze too tall to scale and too thick to climb through. 'what the hell is this...? how did i get here? where did all this come from?'

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an oblivious kiaan scoured the maze for an exit for what seemed like days, only pausing to hide when an occasional towering, skeletal figure peered overhead with its soul-searching black eyes. the young boy had no clue what these beasts were, no reference of ancient mythologies or cultural phenomena outside of the few textbooks he could read at the orphanage, but the fear rattling through his bones was one and the same— he knew he mustn't let these titan-like creatures find him, lest they swoop him up and consume him, swallow him whole.

by the time kiaan found the exit to the maze, however, he'd grown accustomed to the giants that gazed upon him with fascination and amusement, none of which dared approach or lay a finger on him as they watched from a respectful distance. the path before him was straight and empty, lined with these same creatures staring unblinkingly as he sprinted past them, adrenaline pushing him forward despite the sheer exhaustion weighing on his skinny shoulders.

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the path eventually came to a dead-end as kiaan skidded to a stop right before the edge of a cliff, his heart jumping into his throat at the sight of abyssal black ocean before him. the depths were not what paralyzed him, however, with its all-encompassing darkness and wispy tendrils of restless creatures below.

instead, his attention fixated on two gargantuan, unflinching pupils, far larger and probing than any of the others that came before. for the first time on his journey, however, the air vibrated around him as the being spoke, voice permeating his psyche as it addressed him directly within the confines of his skull.

"kiaan mehta— my offspring and vessel: i bear witness to the inauguration of your rebirth as a divine being."

the boy froze in place, terrified to move a muscle lest this reality-bending immortal smite him at the first breach of etiquette. "who... who are you?" he squeaked, curling in on himself against the simultenously frosty and searing winds caressing his bones.

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"i am nirriti, mother of the hell realms... and your mother. you are my fourth and only surviving child. fear not— though many trials await you, i guarantee glory and honor upon your name. you will become the sin to end all sins, my gloriously tainted creation."

a shudder ran down kiaan's spine as nirriti addressed him, depression and despair unlike any he'd felt before curling around his racing heart and squeezing, suffocating his airways until he could barely gasp out a single breath.

"calamity and misfortune, poverty and infertility, destruction and untimely death— you will become intimately familiar with the despair of these human woes. an abode of dissolution and decay, you will exist as my purveyor of condemnation, the executioner who justly confiscates the light and warmth generously bestowed upon those who act against the ideals of mortal society and curses them, banishes them to my realm where they shan't receive nourishment from the offerings of their pitiful descendants nor the fruits of their own accumulated human merit."

"i-i don't want to do that— i can't do that! you can't make me!"
kiaan cried out in desperation, glancing around at the onlooking titans with his panic-stricken gaze. "i have to take care of pooja and anika— my sisters, they're just babies, please! don't do this to me!" he pled and begged on his knees, offered years off his lifespan in exchange for more time with those in his care, anything and everything he could in the hopes of changing her unbudging mind, but to no avail. the deed had been done, and he'd been awakened as the fourth vessel of nirriti.'

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"those human children are not your sisters, kiaan mehta," the goddess hissed as she rose from the depths, followed by the echoing cackles of the demons far below. her shadowy form could not be described with his limited human vocabulary, and he did not dare try for fear of her all-seeing gaze snatching his soul in the blink of an eye. "you will build your strength and amass your power, and in due time, i will come to collect you. survive until then, my son. you will prove your worth."

with that final warning, darkness shrouded kiaan's vision and a large, blunt force against his spine knocked him forwards, sending him tumbling over the edge of the cliff before he awoke to the harsh indian sun beating down on him within the confines of that filthy back alley once more.

oh this is super helpful actually, thank you!!

also poor kiaan </3
Y’all don’t know how excited I get whenever a new sheet or placeholder is posted! Everyone is look scrumptious.
i think i needa fight rpn (/j) bc istg i thought i was following the ooc, and i've gotten 0 notifs !!!!
anyways. i swear i've been working on solanine's cs, i've just been super busy w school and work
i think i needa fight rpn (/j) bc istg i thought i was following the ooc, and i've gotten 0 notifs !!!!
anyways. i swear i've been working on solanine's cs, i've just been super busy w school and work
You’re fine! I’ve also opened up the discord ! The rp isn’t first come first serve so those who are chosen will stay in the discord once the due date arrives!
Hi, hi! I was just wondering if this is still open? I posted my CS a while ago without realizing the OOC was linked and thought I'd pop in and ask!
Just a gentle nudge to see how we stand with things 👀 :bishiesparklesl: <3

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