The Brain System.Dystopia Roleplay(ALWAYS OPEN)

Name: Esias Blythe

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Controller

Bio: He has no preference on Bytes or Sobries. He loves control, but he loves entertainment more. And he finds entertainment in observing what is not expected. Of course, he would much rather make his own entertainment by his own influences. However, he has a major God complex, believing all should see him as a god and treat him as such, and is completely irritated and even enraged when others don't do so. Seeing as most Bytes are against the system and therefor against him, he can't help but feel a familiar irking under his skin at Bytes. But, that does not stop him from finding amusement in their actions occasionally. He was at one point, a byte himself. He tried fighting the system for a long time, but soon realized how futile that was. So, instead of fighting it, he decided to become a part of it. Because, in the end, all he wanted was to be the one pulling the strings and to have none on him.


He sports a pair of pink eyes, gracing his pale skin which is often brushed by his raven colored hair.


Despite the fact he loves to observe others around him, he hates being around others. This is due to his Mysophobia, or fear of germs and other contaminates. He often wears a gas mask, even in his own home, which he does not leave often. He prefers to observe from his window or interact through other means, such as technology. He tends to wear a black hoddie with it, or other types of jackets.


However, if he does go outside, often times he has to leave the mask, due to the fact this likely means he plans to interact with bytes or sobries closer in order to create more interesting situations. The best way, as he has determined, is to blend in. He often pretends to be either a sobrie or a byte, depending on the others he plans to get close to for the time being. He does not, however, quickly forget about his fear of germs. He can not stay out in public without any protection for long, and often will get away from crowds after only a few minutes of observation. And he refuses contact to the best of his abilities.

Personality: He is cunning and intelligent, knowing exactly how to interact with others in order to get the best reaction once he has gather enough information through observation of said person. Despite using a lot of his time to watch others, he is skillful at keeping control over sobries and trying to reign back in rebeling bytes if so wished at the same time. He can act quite charming as well, and even friendly if he believes it is necessary. On the other hand, he can be completely sadistic and sinister, preferring using these methods of interaction once one trust him enough. He has no close bonds, breaking those he creates quickly. Which doesn't bother him at all, since things such as bonds would just drag him down he believes. Despite seeing himself as a God, he has weaknesses- he is majorly paranoid and can often let his fears get the better of him. He has trouble keeping emotions or thoughts in check when he allows his fears to reign control, and can't think clearly during these times.

((I do hope this is okay. I can fix anything that is not.))
Hero looks at him, she tries to procrastinate, "Uhmm Nothing. I'm glad you'rr here, I just wanted to see you and uhhmm talk." She wanted to blurt out what she knew but tried to hide it
Name: Naomi Cain

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sobrie, Byte, or Controller: Sobrie

Bio: Naomi believes that everyone should be happy as they are. Her parents were Sobries as well, and taught her the complexities about synthesized happiness. When people are given choices, they are unable to do this. Without any input, they just create their own happiness and are completly fine. She just snorts at those that believe that freedom is better, choices are better. Her parents were murdered a few years ago, and since she was brilliant she became a Sobrie. She blieves that the Byte's killed her parents, and loves to put them through pain and torture.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb38c6e5_AnimeGirl.jpg.04b5c0193ce698afdfc121f6d32a2e60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb38c6e5_AnimeGirl.jpg.04b5c0193ce698afdfc121f6d32a2e60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Naomi is ruthless. She enjoys others pain; namely Byte's. This is her avenging her parents deaths. She will kidnap them and torture them for days before finall killing them brutally. She is cynical, stubborn and cruel. She dosen't have many friends, and is very cold.



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