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The Boy's Guilt (Open)


Dreaming of a Fairytale
(sorry for such a lame title I couldn't think what else to do for it)

As a teenager everyone thinks there invincible. No matter what they could do nothing could go wrong. Nothing bad could ever happen, right?


One day Muse A was with a bunch of friends. He was known to be very daring as he loved to go out and party every Friday night drinking with some friends while having a good time. Late at night they decided to go out exploring having him drive even though they all have been under the influence. One of his friends dared him to drive on the opposite of the road while driving on some curving back roads. Not wanting to decline his dare, Muse A accepted it, but that is when things went wrong.

While taking a sharp turn, an oncoming vehicle was coming to them and the two had a head on collision. Miraculously, Muse A and his friends were all unharmed and their vehicle for some odd reason was still in working condition. They decided to leave not wanting to get in trouble by the police as they had already assumed the driver of the other vehicle was dead. Perhaps if they weren't under the influence they would have made a better decision.

Time as passed as Muse A still felt some guilt that they had just left the other driver left for dead on the road. He decided to stop making stupid decisions and decided to leave his group of friends. A new girl, Muse B, shows up at his school, but there's something different about her. Muse B was in a wheelchair as she was unable to walk. Muse A decided to get to know the girl and the two started to become friends. But as they got closer he got curious about what had happened to such a sweet, innocent girl to be in such a state like this. Eventually, Muse B explains what had happened and Muse A didn't know how to handle it. Turns out that Muse B was the other driver in the vehicle that Muse A had left for dead. It was his fault that Muse B was now unable to walk and must use a wheel chair for the rest of her life.

Will Muse A tell her that he was the one who was responsible for what happened to her?


Please follow all RPN Rules

Be able to contribute to the story and talk with me

I want to play Muse B so be able to play Muse A

I'm fine with romance as long as it is not forced right away

Please be able to post 1-3 paragraphs

Threads or PMs work for me

Either comment below or pm me if you are interested​
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