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the boys / gen v


New Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Off-site
hello! im looking for new roleplays as ive been out of the game for quite a bit. but ill introduce myself before i get into the details of what im looking for.
ive been roleplaying for about 7 years at this point, on and off. throughout that time, i think ive gotten pretty decent at it. i average multiple paragraphs per reply, per character, and consider myself literate in my writing.
i write exclusively in third person, with absolutely no text talk or one liners. i try to use as much detail as possible to describe dialogue, physical movements, and inside thoughts in a way that is realistic as possible. i want my writing to feel like a movie playing in my way.

currently (this has been ongoing for months), i am obsessed with 'the boys' and 'gen v'.

im looking for jordan li, desperately for my oc. or maeve.

im seeking a roleplay in this universe, and im pretty open about the details and flexible with ideas. there's more details about this, specifically in my rules, and im more than willing to elaborate.

anyways, if anything about this sounds remotely interesting, shoot me a message, i guess.

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