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Active [ the border between Widersia and the Fae See]The forest, a chance meeting, and existential dread; or how we did a thing alone together in the woods.


Junior Member
Out of Character:
This roleplay is a part of the Isekai Hell roleplay community in RPnation’s hosted projects. Interested in joining? Click here to find out more.

Things to note about this roleplay: this is just a roleplay about strangers meeting in the woods by chance and maybe even changing each others lives.
Characters: heartspan heartspan Haru , Cutiefly Cutiefly Storm Breaker


The sun, far over head, dappled the forest floor in it's tears. From beneath the canopy of trees a blue sky peeked out here and there. A very slight breeze brought with it the scent of the forest, and the promise of a decent afternoon. Yet that was lost on the elf man who currently made his way through the tress. Ever since he had finished his time helping a lich un-lich themselves Haru had felt a crawling sense of disconnect. He hadn't felt this way since his childhood, but his brush with affection had dealt him some dangerous thoughts and brought back dangerous memories.
Perhaps it had been ill advised to pick up that job listing, but it was already well into too damn late for those kind of thoughts. What the hell was he even doing with himself. His only concrete thing was preparing for his eventual death and reincarnation. Beyond this he just had emotional baggage, just tons of emotional baggage. Haru squinted as he found himself entering an opening in the more dense portion of the forest, not quite a glade, but something like a more open tract of forest. The beauty of the scene was lost on him though, his mind preoccupied and his senses completely not on alert. In fact what he did, instead of anything that would make sense, was lay down on the soft grass among the bugs and debris. From here he stared up into the sky his mind in a fog, and filled with confusion.


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
32 (currently)
68 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet, Kungfu Fighter, Pro Hero, Pokeable Gray Matter
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Kungfu Fighter - Character was part of a street brawl.
Pokeable Gray Matter - Very squish, much jiggle, thoughts exposed.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | A Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | A Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: Passives:
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | B Grade | 7 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | B Grade | 7 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​

Stormbreaker had gotten so lost. Lost to where she had gotten lost from Miiya in the woods. Next minute she was looking for Miiya and then all of a sudden... she loses her. Great. Just what she needed. The woods were large and without any skills to see where she was going, she just got lost. She knew she should have stuck with Miiya till they got to the new village over to resupply, but now she was going to have to find her before anything bad would happen.

Luckily for her, along the way, Stormbreaker had stumbled into a dragon's nest in a cave. It seemed to be empty... for the time being, although it had one singular egg in it. The dragon's corpse laid nearby. It seemed some random adventurer had managed to slay it and it retreated inside the cave in some attempt to regenerate, but it died long before it got back to its young. Judging by how it was slightly warm to the touch when she touched it, it couldn't have been dead longer than a few hours.

Stormbreaker just picked up the red-colored egg and held it as she ran out of the area, not waiting for a second to get out of there. She'd much rather leave than deal with others showing up and stealing or killing the poor dragon that was probably in this egg. What she didn't expect was running into somebody as she did so. She saw some random elf up ahead. It didn't look good when she approached them with a red scaled egg in her hands. She looked guilty. Stormbreaker looked like a thief.

"... What is an Elf not doing too far from the See and more importantly, why are you randomly roaming the woods?" Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him.
heartspan heartspan
....The cool night air plucked anxiously at his hoodie as he stood facing his childhood friend. Her long black hair hung untethered over her shoulders. Her hazel eyes looked at him from behind a slight blush. The scent of strawberries clung to her, remnants of her last bath. The silence atop the school's rooftop was only occasionally broken by the sound of passing traffic in the neighborhood below. A star filled evening sky, nearly cloudless, was her back drop....

This was a scene that had been burned deeply into Haru's mind. The last scene of his old life. Yet, this scene had ruined a good portion of his new life so far. Haru had thought he had put these demons to rest, but sadly that wasn't the case. Now, lying in the grass of a strange land he was forcing himself to relive that life over and over. All of it in hopes of finding a way past it. He had stared up into the vast sky, for what had seemed like forever, and yet he wasn't able to find what he was looking for.

So, he simply began again from the beginning, from his childhood in Japan, but this time he was rather rudely interrupted. A small query from a random stranger drew Haru back up into a sitting position. What greeted him was a scarred, but muscular woman of unmistakably draconic heritage glaring at him. He subtly rested his hand on the staff laying at his side.

" Hmmm, wrestling with my past." He replied, his voice firm " I think... maybe I should ask what you are doing so close to the Fae see, and with a strange egg of dubious origin."

Truthfully, Haru had only noticed it due to it's strange look and the guarded almost guilty look the large woman had while clutching onto it.

" If you are planning to cook it, I am a fire magic user, I can probably help." He offered, a small smile coming to his lips. " Of course, you look so guilty maybe it is a stolen treasure?"

Cutiefly Cutiefly


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
32 (currently)
68 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet, Kungfu Fighter, Pro Hero, Pokeable Gray Matter
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Kungfu Fighter - Character was part of a street brawl.
Pokeable Gray Matter - Very squish, much jiggle, thoughts exposed.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | A Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | A Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: Passives:
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | B Grade | 7 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | B Grade | 7 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​

Stormbreaker only stood there with the egg in her hand as he looked at her directly. She couldn't help but stare. She only sighed. She wondered what on earth would hatch from this thing should she eventually find a way to hatch it, but for now, it was coming with her. "I got lost. I was on my way... to Ryke actually. We were in this pocket dimension named Red Haven for a while. Real nasty place. Me and my best friend escaped recently and were... having an adventure."

"Then I came across this cave. Saw some dead dragon with a dragon egg nearby, so I naturally took it." She admitted, placing it onto the ground. "I'm hoping it's a dragon egg but... yeah. No. I'm not selling it. I'm tempted to raise it, but I don't know what my aerial friend is going to think of me bumping into her again with some random dragon egg. Let alone cook the thing..."

"... What about you? What are you doing out randomly in the woods other than thinking about some... past? My past is from earth, but that's just... boring to talk about."

heartspan heartspan
This girl was an open book and Haru couldn't help but let out a laugh as she spilled her entire mind to a perfect stranger. He wanted to give her some valuable advice about keeping things a bit more secret, but he truly felt it would be wasted time. Instead, he simply stood up allowing his laughter to die out, and held his hand out in a friendly fashion.

" Haru shirobara, I too am a former earthling." He said with a warm tone. " A pleasure to meet you. As for my deal here. I truly am simply exploring, and trying to deal with the past me. I am evolving if you want to think of it that way. I am trying to make myself a stronger better person and to find the real me within this whole thing"

Haru truly wasn't sure what to make of this large woman, her egg, or her story. He also felt bad that his own story was so awkward and strange. Why did he choose to come out here? Was he really trying to face up to the past and change, or was he simply running away from his real life? Clinging to the past like some frightened child.

" Aren't you worried that it might be something the dragon wanted to eat?" He continued, indicating the egg as he spoke. " Or maybe, would be dangerous to raise?"

Despite his mood, his thoughts, and his reason for being out there this woman was really worrying him. She was embarking on some really dangerous shit and after being in a dangerous place just a bit before as she had mentioned. Was she a magnet for danger? A fool? Both? Haru had no idea, but he didn't feel comfortable leaving her to her own devices.

" If you don't mind, would it be alright if I accompanied you while you searched for your friend?" He asked, hiding his worry behind a sweet and friendly voice. " I mean, since you are lost and all."

Haru was sure she was a better fighter than himself. Just her build alone would signal that, but he had magic, and he felt confident in it should any danger come their direction. More than the dangers of the woods, Haru was worried about the type of things she seemed to go after. Who just decides to raise a dragon from the egg? This girl apparently.

Cutiefly Cutiefly


Commissioned Art by Feerocomics. Art is credited here.

Real Name: Arashi Sato
36 (at the time of death in previous world)
32 (currently)
68 (chronologically)
Height: 6"3
Titles: Human, Draconian, Puppet, Kungfu Fighter, Pro Hero, Pokeable Gray Matter
Human -
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.
Draconian - Humans with dragon heritage descended from the dragonborn. The bloodline is heavily diluted, leaving their appearance mostly human, but it grants them superior physical abilities, superhuman healing, magical aptitude, and, more rarely, partial draconic transformation.

Society - General:
Puppet -
Character was just a means to an end for grander or more influential figures. Whether by choice or by design, they dance to the whims of others. Character is more easily manipulated by others. Character is less responsible for the wrongs they commit.
Kungfu Fighter - Character was part of a street brawl.
Pokeable Gray Matter - Very squish, much jiggle, thoughts exposed.

Skill Related:
Pro Hero -
Character is a former pro hero in their pre-isekai'd life. They protected innocents and kept the peace.
Strength | A Grade
Precision | F Grade
Intelligence | D Grade
Vitality | A Grade
Speed | D Grade

Abilities Active:
N/A - will be spoilered if ability
Abilities Used: Passives:
Regeneration | F Grade | 6 Posts
Resilient [Fatigue, Pain, Fear] | D Grade | She still feels them but won't suffer from these three effects.
Color: #824ca3 | Link to Sheet

  • Magic Catalyst [Organ] | E Grade | 28 Points
    • Fire today, who knows tomorrow? Good thing it’s fireproof. Probably.
  • Armored Dragon's Armor | B Grade | 7 Points
    • Perfect for any vigilante trying to look menacing and mysterious on a budget. Although the paint on it isn't the best. Caution: may come with the side effect of looking dark and brooding.
  • Natural Weapon [Fists] | F Grade | 14 Points
    • Knock, knock! Who’s there? Justice!​
  • Hero's Claymore | B Grade | 7 Points
    • It’s a sword. Big, heavy, and... not much else to say. If you need to slice through a bunch of stuff, this'll do the job. Though it’s not very good at making small talk.​

Stormbreaker stared for a second when he mentioned he was an earthling too. Probably not from her earth, but an earth nonetheless. His name sounded oddly Japanese, though. Was he from the Republic with that name, or did he give that name to himself? It wasn't too important, the name after all. It was more important on where he was from. She wanted to ask that. She took his hand and shook it with a firm handshake.

"Are... you Japanese?" She asked kindly, opting to find out if he was out or not. "/If so, you understand this, right? Haru-san./" She spoke in fluent Japanese, opting to try to attempt to speak in it. If he understood it, that is. If he didn't understand, well, that's another story. "I'm from Japan myself. Well.. probably not your version of Japan, unless yours had a hero named Deku. I came from that reality like 100 years or so in the future."

"If you really are from Japan, what about your past from there that you miss exactly? I do miss the weird pizza they had from *Checkers. They had some exotic cheese volcano. I've tried it a few times. It's very nice." She sat down beside the egg on some random tree stump that was nearby. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it was something. "It was something the dragon wanted to eat... well, it would of ate it by now. I feel like it was its offspring, though. I'm guessing some wannabe soldiers went after and killed it because they found the dragon to be a threat. They didn't steal the egg, which is interesting."

*Stormbreaker's world's version of Dominos. Yes, that is a real thing that they made in Dominos, Japan.

"I'm a draconian. I'm pretty sure it'd be fine. If it is a dragon, they generally hang around other dragon kind after all. I don't think it'll attack me just yet after all." She laughed a bit. "Oh. I forgot to mention my name. My name is Stormbreaker. I'm a former hero. At least that's what I was in my previous life, in Japan. Nowadays I just... fight criminals and keep the peace as a vigilante of sorts."

Stormbreaker was used to being in dangerous situations after all, so being with a stranger in the woods was rather calming after all. She was used to high speed chases, fighting over a dozen criminals and anything action based. Being in the woods with one elf was calming compared to what she was used to. She only nodded as he said about him being with her while she found her friend. "I don't mind at all. I'd much rather be with someone rather than be by myself because, well, I'd rather not deal with another stupid bandit. Dealt with a few of those when I was with my friend."

heartspan heartspan
" You know, it has been a long time since i heard Japanese." Haru replied, smiling as the draconian girl took a seat on a nearby stump. " As for bandits I hadn't even thought about that."

Haru took a quick look around them before continuing " I have mostly been concerned about the threat of the forest's natural denizens. I suppose bandits would have caught me flat by surprise."

Haru let out a small laugh as he turned to look at Stormbreaker once more. He took a deep breath, smiled and then looked up at the sky.

" I....I want to get over someone who betrayed me, but I also want to see them again." He replied. " Did she live? Did she end up here? Why did she confess to me if she was just going to try to kill us both? I have so many questions. I mean it's not like I turned her down, I said yes, I had been in love with her all along. So, why am I here then? Why do such a stupid thing?"

He took another deep breath releasing a long sigh before looking at Stormbreaker once more.

" Thanks to this...this friend of mine.....I'm all fucked up Stormbreaker...." He continued, his face filled with embarrassment and suffering mixed together in some disgusting look. " What the fuck am I gonna do? All I do is prepare for the inevitable transmigration that comes at the end of life, and without realizing it I just look for this person in the people I choose to care for....I am tired of it, you know"

He took a few steps backward and held his arms wide, his staff clenched in one hand.

" That's why I'm here. Maybe the Gods of this world will show me some mercy, they brought us here after all." He declared " Or maybe the forest will claim my life and I will be sent back to the old world or something like that. I feel....I feel like I might even become a villain, I mean I tried the folk hero approach but it hasn't paid off just yet... Ironic then... meeting a former hero."

Cutiefly Cutiefly

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