The Books of Magic


One Thousand Club
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Character Sheet:



Age: (15-20)

Appearance (picture preferred)

Book: (name, granted abilities, and weaknesses)

Occupation: (If any)


Name: Hana Machou

Gender: Female

Age: 17



Book: The Book of Runes, allows her to inscribe incantations for various effects. She has to write them down for it to work (although one of the book's granted abilities is the power to write with light on the air), and the more complicated the effect, the more complicated and hard to use the incantation. The Book of Runes takes the form of the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Occupation: Student

History: Hana lived an unremarkable, if somewhat anti-social, life. She often hid in her books, and she found her Book in a large bookstore (she thought it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows). She likes the power her Book brings, and often uses it to aid her in her ordinary life.

Personality: Hana is quiet and retiring. She would rather keep out of a conversation and read than be sociable, because she has a hard time figuring out what she should say. She doesn't really get sarcasm, and often puts her foot in her mouth. She is quite brave and curious, which has resulted in several scars and several frights for her parents. Does care about others, but never really knows how to express it properly, and is a complete romantic at heart. When she gets talking on a subject she knows, she will talk on and on. She is a fan of several fantasy books and series, most prominently Harry Potter. Loves cold foods, especially ice cream. Her favorite season is winter. She has an odd and old-fashioned taste in clothes, like in the image above.
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Name: Tom Brekor

Gender: Male

Age: 16



Book: "Pocket Travel Journal", Inside it expand into a giant book filled with maps of everywhere. Only they are not maps only a language that only other travelers can read. All Tom has to do is find a place and point at it whether it be on a map somewhere else, a picture, or the book. Also the true name of the book is "Book of Maps"

Occupation: Adventurer

History: Growing up in a small neighborhood on the bad side of town, Tom learned to keep things to himself. He got along pretty well, that is until his apartment burned down. All that was left was a small little travel journal of his fathers. That night on the curb he realised his powers and now he goes across the world, never staying at one place for long.

Personality: He used to be shy, but now he is adventurous. He will let nothing stop him. He loves trying new things, and most of all he loves pizza.

Name: Alex Blackwood

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/alex.jpg.cb1bd673c6c77d713499487d8c2c213f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/alex.jpg.cb1bd673c6c77d713499487d8c2c213f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Book of Marks

Abilities: The book stores all of the tattoos drawn in it and gives the user the ability to summon them. Some get summoned while some give her the power or ability of the tattoo. For the tattoos she has on her body, the incantations make turn them into a type of shield of protection.Powerful Elemental attacks can blasts the tattoos away and render them useless

Occupation: Bartender & Tattoo artist (trainee)

History: She had always been artistic from a young age and got really into designs and later tattoos as she grew up. The book was an old book her father gave her once he saw that she really into drawing. She had lost the book back when she was 10, and had just recently found it in a box of old stuff while she moved into her apartment.

Personality: Carefree, Adventurous, Always up for a good time, Relaxed, and always thinking up something knew to draw. She's quite sarcastic, loves a good joke, and loves Mexican food.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/book.jpg.2c669d68d30c43fc9a439e8274c5dd7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18896" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/book.jpg.2c669d68d30c43fc9a439e8274c5dd7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Sheet

Name: Mikkiel Washington

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/frankie__will_come_after_you__by_vikifi-d3ex7fq.jpg.b2b1dffbb3be90b1cfba20558df8fe2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/frankie__will_come_after_you__by_vikifi-d3ex7fq.jpg.b2b1dffbb3be90b1cfba20558df8fe2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Book: Book of Elements, allows character to use and manipulate all elements at will to an understandable extent.

Occupation: Full-Time Student

History: Has always had to earn things on his own, he was never given anything as a child. His mother died after giving birth to him, causing his father to regret having a child in the first place. His father blames him for his mothers death and looks down at him as a symbol of failure even through all of his success. Mikkiel tries to prove to his father that he is something more than a mistake. Mikkiel has always been at the top of his class, and when he graduated he was valedictorian, but still to this day he doesn't know what to do with his genuis.

Personality: Has a hard personality, he's a very rude person most of the time and he prefers to keep to himself. He not only likes to belittle people but he likes to prove how he's better than anyone else. Even in a group setting Mikkiel loves to take the role as the leader of the group and treats his team mates differently than he would any random stranger because he is always out to win, and you can't win with a team of people who aren't happy with each other.



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Name: Natsu Hyoudou

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance (picture preferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-8.jpeg.53edfd8ce2a41c00909cc9547e39e118.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-8.jpeg.53edfd8ce2a41c00909cc9547e39e118.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Book: The Book of Dragons, it bestows him with the power of dragons. He's currently hasn't mastered even haalf his book. He can use Fire and Ice breaths as well as eat the stuff for power recharge. He can dragonize his arm and legs and grow dragon wings. But, he can only summon a baby Sprite Dragon. He has the most potential to grow powerful.

Occupation: Student

History: He found his book mixed in with his novel collection. At first he thought it was his long lost Dragon's Lance but found otherwise while reading. That night he dreamed of his favorite books all written in a strange language. When he woke up he found that he could read the book. He cycled through the different sections and found out they really taught him about actual dragons.

Personality: Natsu can sometimes come off mental or stupid. He's actually pretty smart but doesn't really show it most of the time. He likes todays popular young adult books like Heroes of Olympus, Kane Chronicles, and Hunger Games. (Rest revealed in Rp).



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Name: Oda Obata

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Japan.600.454373.jpg.415e80796c74745a17a35199ccfbfd75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Japan.600.454373.jpg.415e80796c74745a17a35199ccfbfd75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The Book of Friends, grants Oda the power to control anything with its name in it, be it person, animal, concrete, abstract, or supernatural. The Book of Friends automatically stores the name of anything he understand completely, defeats, or makes a contract with. He can return the names by blowing out with the paper in his mouth. He can also create "friends" from the book, but only when he's in an extremely emotional state and they disappear when he fall into an unconscious state.

Occupation: Student, comic artist, ex-shut-in

History: Oda used to be bullied when he was younger for his tendency to draw comics, and he eventually became a shut-in his house. Nothing his parents did could make him go out, and Oda stayed in his room drawing comics and posting them online. There was a grand positive response to the webcomics he drew, and Eventually, he and his family moved to a different city and into a rich and traditional house after a unexpected windfall of good luck and money. He found the Book of Friends in a chest in the floor of his new room, though he only found out how to use it when he was forced to go to school.

Personality: He's a bit awkward around other people, and he's constantly paranoid about doing something wrong in front of others. He tries to act normal all the time, and he's terrified that people might find out that he draws comics or that he has a special book.



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Name: Rowan Vergess

Gender: Female

Age: 20



Book: The Book of Aegis. This book is purely a defensive book. Through it she can create wards, summon shields, or paralyze her foes for a time, among a few things. It is not capable of any offensive.

Occupation: Full-time model, part-time student

History: Rowan had been quite the photogenic little girl growing up, and her parents eventually decided to place her into modeling after a casting call. She has appeared in several magazines and fashion shows since the age of twelve and sought a career in high fashion. She had an easy life growing up in a loving home, and through her career she saved up plenty of money to pursue prospects of gaining a bachelor's of fine arts. She found The Book of Aegis in her bag of recently procured textbooks for college classes, and upon attempting to return it to the school's bookstore, she discovered it wasn't theirs either. Upon learning how to read it, she found the book quite useful in protecting her privacy.

Personality: She's a hard worker and will dedicate herself to a good cause. She'll never turn down the opportunity to socialize and have some fun, often being the one to suggest or host such affairs. She's never afraid to speak her mind, but knows when to hold her tongue. While she's a romantic at heart, she closes herself from the prospects, often so much so to even close friendship. Everyone she knows is kept at a distance out of a list of internal fears.
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Name: unknown nickname shadow

Gender: male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpeg.b7d43e27d457545725f303e2ebf26e10.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpeg.b7d43e27d457545725f303e2ebf26e10.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Book: Harmanoicon he casts spells of different affects but weakens him and controls him when using it

Occupation: nothing


History: he was walking home from a friend who has been in town for a while when he found a strange book with the word Harmanoicon it's said that the user is given Ultimate power but at the cost of your own humanity and will

Personally: he was a nobody so he read the frase "Rewop em evig" and his crazy about the book<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/n4.png.a568d406f1f040508de442dd24d36a94.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/n4.png.a568d406f1f040508de442dd24d36a94.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Demitra sundia


Age: (15-20) 27

Appearance (picture preferred)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.63cf441e1ffba3bcffbf7efec28e97ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.63cf441e1ffba3bcffbf7efec28e97ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Book: (name, granted abilities, and weaknesses)

?? ?????? ??? ????? is what was written which was Greek for Book Of Shadows, this book gave her the power of almost anything shadow related, the book mainly shows ways to hide using the shadows. The books weakness is sunlight because no matter what no shadow stays when sunlight is there.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.4e848584675a8f0a44bdf82a247f58bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.4e848584675a8f0a44bdf82a247f58bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: (If any) she is a somewhat known singer in her town but not famous

History: she had to live on her own at 13 because her parents were in the army and went missing, the day when she got the note about them going missing, she also got a package although it didn't even say who it was from, that creeped her out and her being her naive self opened it and found a leather book that had beautiful handwriting even though she couldn't read it... there was also lots of weird symbols especially one on the front, later when she went to sleep she dreamt about the book, shadows and the symbols but when she woke up she forgot everything except it had something to do with the book she looked around found it on her dresser where she left it, this time it made sense. She then tried to practice but because she needed money she had to put the book up, when she became 14 she found the book again and realized that she no longer needed lots of money she made enough to get through if she kept working and her work allowed some free time so she worked on the book again.

Personality:she is very nice and sweet she loves everything and loves to Hide and run she loves to sing and is very stubborn and hard headed. She forgets things easily and has a tendency to speak in Greek when over stressed luckily her headphones calm her down and that's why she always has her headphones on, she loves to adventure and has a bit of a depression she is very distant and when angry she is very cold and kinda scary, she doesn't eat much at all so much people think she might die soon because of how little she eats. She's a bit insane and of course she also naive.



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Name: Rory Ferris

Gender: Male

Age: 17



Book: The book of Technology. This book grants him the ability to hack into and control any form of technology, whether this be simply hacking someones phone and transferring all their information onto his, or short circuiting an electrical power grid. He can also cause the electricity of any electronic device to shoot out of itself and being able to control the current, shocking anyone nearby. However, this books weakness would be forests or anything that doesn't have some form of electronics around.

Occupation: Student, works part time fixing computers at his school.

History: Rory grew up in a very Lax, sheltered home, with his parents trying there best to not expose him to anything bad. Because of this, he developed a very serious form of anxiety, bursting into tears at even the slightest hint of something bad happening. Despite this, he lived a rather normal, peaceful life until the age of 13, where he began to be bullied. His friends abandoning him, Rory had no idea what to do, so he stopped talking to other people. Having so much free time, Rory began to do nothing but play video games and practice computer programming, as he always had a deep interest in computers. At the age of 15, he began to better control his anxiety, making a few friends in his programming class. While looking for a book to help him study up on his computer skills at the local used book store, he found an odd book in the technology section. He couldn't read it, so being curious, he bought the book and began searching online, trying to decipher the books language.

Personality: Rory isn't the type of person to initiate a conversation, though when talked to he is very open and honest. He always tells the truth of what he is thinking, sometimes being a little harsh. He also doesn't like being too serious as he is afraid his anxiety will take over, so he uses sarcasm quite often. He doesn't trust very many people, so unless he is the one who decides to start it, it is very difficult to become his friend. Rory can also be very curious, finding any mystery a challenge to his intellect. Another thing about Rory is that some of his friends say he seems slightly 'psychotic', having a very competitive personality and having complete disregard for others when it comes to winning.

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Name:Ryley Travis


Age: 15

Appearance: the girl before you is rather well built. she is pretty tall and lithe muscled and some nice curves on her wrapped in pale skin.she has golden eyes with a nice face and long black hair. she is clad in usually dark cloths with black hooded jack, T-shirt and pants. she also keeps her book on hand and sometimes has a black sword hanging to her side.

Book: The Book of the Abyss. it looks like a black leather bound journal on the outside. with it any who posses it gain the ability to create and manipulate abyssal energy and constructions however become extremely vulnerable to light magic as it can drain their energy even possibly kill them. the book tself is written in a lost runic tongue with pictures and formulas scribbled in.

Occupation: Student

History: Ryley grew up an orphan. her family who was killed a long time ago and so she was put in the system and was moved from orphanage to orphanage. it varied on how happy she was there but it always ended with her leaving. one time she was in an orphanage she particularly didn't like and was sent up to clean the attic and comes across the book. soon she learns what it can do when it changed her eye color. afterwards she lucked out and was adopted and started having a happy life. she occasionally used the book for some vigilante-ism but then the naturals started coming in. and she'll be damned if she loses her second true family.

Personality: the girl is kind but distant. she has been burned by her past enough to not get close with people less she loses them and feels the pain all over again.however when she is opened up she is pretty warm and friendly even alittle light-hearted at times. she is also plenty protective to those she is close to and is quite willing to put her life on the line for them. but she has some survivors guilt and to her enemies can be extremely cruel like her tormentors from her past.
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Name: Ferris Iroclis

Gender: Male

Age: 17



(Minus the golden neckband and bracelets, golden chain necklace and earrings are still there)


The Book Of Blades



Every single page in this book contains an illustration of a type of sword or spear that Ferris has seen, desired, researched, or bought. By simply turning to a page of a blade, Ferris can materialize it. The blade will slowly rise up from the page within the book, absorbing the page, and levitates in mid air until Ferris grabs it. The book allows Ferris to wield these weapons with good skill. If a weapon is destroyed or deflected away, Ferris can return the blade back to the book as a page. Additionally, Ferris can mentally move his book, levitating it slowly around or flipping to pages. The book can also shoot these blades at high speeds in one direction. By facing the book towards a target and flipping to a desired page, the weapon indicated will quickly materialize and fly towards the target with alacrity. Ferris can shoot only around ten pages(ten blades) before he has to return them to the book. This is because the maximum amount of pages lost from the book can only be ten. Returning a blade usually takes little time but depending on how far the blade is away from the book, it will take longer to return. All blades are of the finest craftsmanship, condition, and quality and have handles and guards layered with pure gold. Ferris can technically continuously fire blades at a single direction, but it becomes exhausting after firing for more than five seconds. Ferris also has the book almost memorized due to being familiar with every blade within the book, even though the book contains quite a large collection of them. Even seeing a fragment will allow Ferris to replicate the blade fully.

Additionally, Iroclis houses his greatest and most cherished treasure here, the mythical spear Gae Bolg.

Gae Bolg

A mythical spear used by the mythical warrior of Irish mythology Chuchulainn. This spear literally means "the spear of mortal pain" and is named as such because of its deadly nature when it enters a body. The spear is made of an incredibly durable and unknown gleaming red material with seven coal black spearheads neatly arranged in a heptagon fashion at the end of the spear. The spear itself is 2 meters long including from butt to spear head. The spear can only be wielded by those that possess the knowledge to use its death blow technique, and because Iroclis gains the skill to use the weapons he has recorded in his book, he can use the Gae Bolg. The spear's death mark is this; the spear is thrown at incredibly high velocities from its user after the user focuses intently on a single target. The spear will glow a bright red as it surges towards the target, destroying most barricades, even magical, through sheer power. If the spear hits its target, then the seven spearheads will immediately expand outwards in an instant, skewering the target in seven different locations internally with the seven barbs of the spear. The spear itself is a reliable weapon without being thrown with its length, durability, and light weight. The spear can deflect magical projectiles with the enchanted spearheads, but this magical resistance only applies to the spearheads so anything with a wide area of effect will bypass the spear's low defense. This spear's death mark attack is also practically a one time use attack, as if the spear misses, it will embed into whatever it hit impossibly deep, becoming almost impossible to retrieve. Even recalling the spear back to the book of blades takes a lengthy amount of time due to the magical power of the spear. Additionally, because the spear itself possesses inherent magical power, Iroclis will not be able to throw weapons from his Book of Blades and he is limited to projecting merely one blade while he is wielding the Gae Bolg.

Occupation: Student, and has no need for one either.


Ferris was born into an insanely wealthy family, as both his parents were successful business magnates as well as being inheritors of significant oil territory. His family had also majorly helped in starting several now successful multi million dollar companies whose owners all feel rather indebted to Ferris's family. Because of this, Ferris spent his childhood in absolute luxury and indulgence. He made very close friends with the butler of his countryside mansion, who had lost his family at an early age and had served the Iroclis household since he was a child. Ferris was also born with natural excellence. His physique was great, his looks were stunning, his mental aptitude was exceptional, and his ability to learn was almost beyond human. From a very young age, Ferris developed a burning passion for blades and their history. His father personally allotted an allowance of huge sums of money to Ferris every month so that he could go to auctions and gather relic blades from times long past. When Ferris was eight, his parents both abruptly died, leaving Ferris completely alone as both his parents were single children and his grandparents were deceased. After a months long depression, Ferris simply shrugged the matter away and decided that he would live his life the way he wanted. This was also the time when Ferris received his book of magic. It had happened in an odd way, the huge journal he had kept to record the details and auction prices of the blades he had bought had simply transformed into a dazzling book which had a solid gold cover and gold layered pages. Opening this book, Ferris discovered a massive collection of weapons and blades, all of these Ferris had seen, bought, or researched before. He also discovered its magical abilities with awe and the After discovering this book, Ferris sold almost everything off. He sold off the many mansions his parents owned except one, he sold off their oil territory, and moved all of their investments to his own bank account. This of course, caused an immense stir in the media, but Ferris's parents' will allowed Ferris to do this without any problem. Ferris had enough money to live in luxury for the rest of his life, and the several owners of the previously mentioned companies give Ferris good amounts of money on a regular basis in memory of his parents. Now Ferris is largely forgotten from the world. although he is still a celebrity figure at his school. He lives a hedonistic lifestyle, indulging in the pleasures that money can buy as well as continuing his hobby of researching blades to pad up his collection in the Book of Blades.


Ferris is haughty and arrogant, disregarding others and things he considers to be beneath him. He has no qualms hurting people, and has considerable experience in doing so due to many attempts from local thugs to harass him for money, all of these thugs have been subdued by either Ferris or the police force that suddenly got massive raises in exchange for cracking down on all of them. Ferris radiates an aura of superiority and unbreakable confidence. Ferris believes he is entitled to anything within this world and has a made desire within him to change the world to fit his needs. The only person he shows decent humanity to is his butler, who accepts Ferris the way he is. Ferris is also highly critical, quick to point out flaws in others while believing he himself is perfect. Ferris does have a good sense of honor in battle, never even considering stooping lower than the filth he believes he fights. Thus Ferris will never engage in lopsided fights, never kick someone who is down, and never resort to backstabbing.

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Name: Lucente D. Nocte


Age: 19



Book: Book Of The Enternal Conflict

A simple black and white book that imbues anything with one of the concepts:

Unstoppable Force- He can also cast it to perform a spell with the same concept.

Immovable Object-It also makes the object unbreakable.

Chaos Theory - Distorts the surroundings and makes things not work properly.

Event Horizon - Creates an area which does not let anything pass

Antimatter - A destructive spell that disintegrates anything it touches.

Occupation: Librarian of "The Simple Library"

History:Not much is known about him. Rumors have it that he silently kills people who want to know more about him.

Personality: He whispers and prefers action over words, despite being a librarian. He is always happy, especially if someone goes to his library to read. He can often be seen dancing on the desk before freezing up when seen.

@ActionPony Done
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Name: Zenocles el Morgan





The book wielded by Zenocles is the Book of Imagination. It grants Zenocles only one power with two facets. The first is known as Non Fiction. It gives its user the capacity to create anything from nothing. Zenocles can physically manifest objects, create ideas and concepts, or even create life. However, controlling creation is beyond difficult, and the chances that something unintended and dangerous is produced is high. Thus, his only known uses for Non Fiction is the creation of small, personal objects, including individual weapons.

The second facet is All Fiction. In using it, he is granted the ability to make anything into nothing, be it a physical object, a life, a concept or idea, or even death. However, the power is ridiculously difficult to control, and using it risks the possible erasing of all existence. As such, Zenocles has never used, and does not intend to ever use, this ability to do anything more than get rid of the occasional pesky fly, erase an annoying arguement from memory, etc. In addition, the sheer number and complexity of calculations required to use either part of his book's power requires Zenocles to be calm, alert, and concentrated because his intellect makes him perhaps the only one in the world capable of wielding this particular book.

He is the 1st Prince of Celonia, a small but extremely wealthy island nation.

Zenocles was born to the King and Queen of Celonia. However, his demeanor did not fit that requisite for a ruler, so despite his first born status, his younger brother was groomed to be the heir to the throne. Meanwhile, Zenocles, being the more intelligent of the two by far, was trained to be his advisor. From early childhood, his life consisted of learning everything there was to possible know in history, politics, and STEM subjects. If he wasn't learning, he was fighting. Since then, he's become a master with many bladed weapons, though he specializes with swords, can wield guns expertly, and is considered a master of the highest regard in 6 or 7 lethal martial arts. One day, after training, he was perusing his enormous home library when he came across a book he'd never seen. And so, it began...

Zenocles is quiet and unassuming. He doesn't revel in his royal status, and he doesn't flaunt it either, but most people recognize him anyway. Having been tested with an IQ higher than that of anyone in recorded history, he has a tendency to observe, learn, and comprehend things absurdly quickly. This intellect is a blessing as it is the only thing that allows him to use his book's power. Despite his lack of enthusiasm, he is a very warm and personable person, although he is prone to sarcastic remarks. To those who hurt him or his friends, or those he simply finds distasteful, he can be cold, terse, and very critical.

@ActionPony Is this acceptable? 
Am I good now?
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Name: Zane Nebbia

Gender: Male

Age: 19


Book: "Book of Binding Mist" - The book grants Zane with the ability to conjure a variety of mists, smokes, clouds, fogs, etc. each with a plethora of varying affects. The book causes the spells to "bind" to a location so as to be tirggered at a later time if not trigger immediately. He rather enjoys using illusion mists and conjuration clouds as the mists allow him to befuddle his audience while the clouds can take on physical shapes for a more... direct touch. His main weakness include large gusts of wind which would dissipate his cloud circus and bright lights designed to puncture through fog (i.e. Fog lamps, high beams from cars, etc.) thus rendering his illusions moot.

Occupation: Assistant at the local magic shop

History: At a young age, Zane loved the allure of magic. The captivation of the crowd, the mystery behind the acts, the unimaginable feats of deception. He wanted more than anything to be a magician. He studied everything he could. He poured over countless books within the magic shops library. Learning things from simple sleight of hand and card tricks to advanced tricks that involved pyrotechnics and smokescreens. His obsession with learning magic lead him to more historical forms of magic. Fantasy novels with mentions or hints of mysticism. Ancient stories with tales of people wielding forces that no other human could. His favorite books in particular were ones mentioning Merlin the Wizard (or Merlin the Druid based on history). One day while helping out in the magic shop backroom he came across another book on Merlin. This book was more elaborately embroidered. A large metal symbol wrapped with chains covered the book. When he opened the book it was written in any of the other languages he was used to reading. Yet the more he looked at it, the more he began to understand it. These weren't characters written on a page, they were spells. Finally he could be a real magician, a real illusionist!

Personality: Spending most of his time learning magic tricks and deception, he fancies playing tricks on people. His attention to detail makes him a bit more impartial when it comes to social interactions, but he enjoys talking to people and will for the most part be the one starting the conversation usually with a witty or poorly timed pun to break the ice.
StarChas3r said:
Name: Zane Nebbia
Gender: Male

Age: 19


Book: "Book of Binding Mist" - The book grants Zane with the ability to conjure a variety of mists, smokes, clouds, fogs, etc. each with a plethora of varying affects. The book causes the spells to "bind" to a location so as to be tirggered at a later time if not trigger immediately. He rather enjoys using illusion mists and conjuration clouds as the mists allow him to befuddle his audience while the clouds can take on physical shapes for a more... direct touch. His main weakness include large gusts of wind which would dissipate his cloud circus and bright lights designed to puncture through fog (i.e. Fog lamps, high beams from cars, etc.) thus rendering his illusions moot.

Occupation: Assistant at the local magic shop

History: At a young age, Zane loved the allure of magic. The captivation of the crowd, the mystery behind the acts, the unimaginable feats of deception. He wanted more than anything to be a magician. He studied everything he could. He poured over countless books within the magic shops library. Learning things from simple sleight of hand and card tricks to advanced tricks that involved pyrotechnics and smokescreens. His obsession with learning magic lead him to more historical forms of magic. Fantasy novels with mentions or hints of mysticism. Ancient stories with tales of people wielding forces that no other human could. His favorite books in particular were ones mentioning Merlin the Wizard (or Merlin the Druid based on history). One day while helping out in the magic shop backroom he came across another book on Merlin. This book was more elaborately embroidered. A large metal symbol wrapped with chains covered the book. When he opened the book it was written in any of the other languages he was used to reading. Yet the more he looked at it, the more he began to understand it. These weren't characters written on a page, they were spells. Finally he could be a real magician, a real illusionist!

Personality: Spending most of his time learning magic tricks and deception, he fancies playing tricks on people. His attention to detail makes him a bit more impartial when it comes to social interactions, but he enjoys talking to people and will for the most part be the one starting the conversation usually with a witty or poorly timed pun to break the ice.

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