The Books of Harrow.


Black Sun in a White World
Flagg knows what I speak of here.

How would it be possible to transfer over the texts of magic, artifice, Horror binding and general badassery to Exalted? Personally, aside the overused Book of the 3 Circles, I for one propose a set of books, number indeterminent, from a Time before Time. Perhaps the thoughts of a Primoridal distilled into literal book form.

The true secrets of magic, not just the piss and vinegar of an Exalt who thinks she was favored by some God for her new shiny spells. I'm talking Old magic. Basically the books are whatever the ST wishes them to be, but a bit vague, because as I remember, the books were as such in Earthdawn.

Stuff that could drive most mad from simply reading them. They'd be a BIG snafu for Sidereals, seeing as those puppies told the future in ED.

It's something to think on.

Discuss, I'd particularly like to hear from Flagg and other ED players.
Well, the Books foretold the Scourge. What would these foretell? The inevitable return of the Yozi? Creation's submission to Oblivion? The ( :shock: ) WoD?

IIRC, while the books did tell what would happen in the future, they were prediction, not prophecy. Right?
That's the part I'm kinda fuzzy on. Aside the Scourge, I'm not too sure. But, what other uses could they have? I mean, they also told of the secrets of True Element and so on. I think that's where the Therans also nailed on Blood Magic as well.

Hell, those airships don't pick themselves up off the ground.
Well, the Broken Winged Crane has that Abdul Alhazred, drive-you-nuts-just-looking-at-it, secrets-of-infernal-magic thing going for it already. You wouldn't want to just make another of those.
Oh I know. I'm just saying, how can they be applied in a newer vector to Exalted? Perhaps about another realm beyond the Wyld? The foretold prophecies of said Primordial?

I dunno. I'd just like to bring more of the fun ED stuff into Exalted.

In AoA, it would be determined all the airship magic beginning to surface was linked to the old books.
What of Creation Magic, or the Fourth Circle of Sorcery?

You could make them roll Wits+Performance (Singing) with extra successes (or dice if you want) equal to your Permanent Essence.

Make them have to have Occult of 6 and Performance (Singing) of 6, since you would need mystical knowledge beyond the realm of mortal comprehension as well as a supernatural level of singing ability.

Singing things into existance is used in multiple books (the Narnia series, the Wheel of Time series, etcetera) and would be really cool.
It's a thought for one of the books, so I thank you.

But overall the theme of the books in ED was...I dunno, it was of vague mystery and mysticism. Once more I think your idea is top notch. But I dunno. I really have a jonesing to get the books into Exalted. I believe in the past year Flagg, mem and myself have contributed a number of ED things into Exalted, some of the airships, Spell Matricies, and soon the Horrors (for private use in games) when we can get them done.
Jukashi said:
In AoA' date=' it would be determined all the airship magic beginning to surface was linked to the old books.[/quote']
Not if he doesn't run again...IU say we tar and feather him if we don't get a game in the next month
What of Creation Magic, or the Fourth Circle of Sorcery?
You could make them roll Wits+Performance (Singing) with extra successes (or dice if you want) equal to your Permanent Essence.

Make them have to have Occult of 6 and Performance (Singing) of 6, since you would need mystical knowledge beyond the realm of mortal comprehension as well as a supernatural level of singing ability.

Singing things into existance is used in multiple books (the Narnia series, the Wheel of Time series, etcetera) and would be really cool.
I love it.  That would be one hell of a quest to develop the charm to cast those spells.  Would there be an equivalent level of Necromancy?  I wonder what kind of hell I could send my players thru to get this...
Should there be equivolency in Necromancy? No. Not everything has to be equaled out. If we're going with a Fourth Cirlce here, everyone is fucked.
What are these books and where might I be able to read about them in ED? I don't remember reading about anything like these, but it's been a long time since I looked over that stuff. I loved the setting and the system (second only to Exalted in my opinion, and first for a long time), and would love to help in converting some stuff over. Also, what submissions should I check out to see some of the work that has gone before?
The Books of Harrow are mentioned in the background section of the main book. They are the books that the Elf who founded Thera (I forget his name) found and translated, which predicted the coming of the Scourge.

As far as ED crossovers, check out my Dragonsreach Stronghold (an Exaltified Theran Behemoth), and memesis' Spell Matrix for starters.
Jukashi said:
Question is, if there's a fourth circle of sorcery, how did the primordials lose?
Not all of them had Sorecery, or even that level if they did.

That plus Essence Inversion and Essence Corruption Charms and First Age Artifacts that block or reflect Sorcery.
Ah-hah, found it. I hadn't read that stuff in ages. And then I go off and leave the books at home for the whole week, just my luck. I'll be following the discussion and add what I can, but most of my Earthdawn knowledge is coming from memory until this weekend.

And I'd looked at the spell matrix before, and thought it was well done, just don't think I'm signed up on Lore-5 for ratings, which I will be rectifying. Nice write-up on the floating citadel. I think I can use that, even the story there at the beginning. Probably background events that my PC's hear about later in the game.

So, when and how were these things written in the Exalted universe? Are they something the Primordials penned back in the First Age, or is it a BWC thing and the books are reflecting back in time from ED into Creation? Or perhaps, if going with the Creation magic angle, they might have found them out in the Wyld somewhere, and it was those books that gave the Primordials the impetus to do the Creation? Just a couple of questions to think about.
That plus Essence Inversion and Essence Corruption Charms and First Age Artifacts that block or reflect Sorcery.
As I see it, you can countermagic Essence Inversion before it kills you. Am I wrong? Because that implies it's not an instakill for Primordials.

It's worth reminding everyone at this point that the Primordials gave sorcery to the Exalted, when they knew they were losing anyway and wanted to corrupt the power structure after the war out of spite.

I always feel bad saying that, in the knowledge that it's like an élite secret for the l33t of exalted...
Arikail said:
Ah-hah, found it. I hadn't read that stuff in ages. And then I go off and leave the books at home for the whole week, just my luck. I'll be following the discussion and add what I can, but most of my Earthdawn knowledge is coming from memory until this weekend.
And I'd looked at the spell matrix before, and thought it was well done, just don't think I'm signed up on Lore-5 for ratings, which I will be rectifying. Nice write-up on the floating citadel. I think I can use that, even the story there at the beginning. Probably background events that my PC's hear about later in the game.

So, when and how were these things written in the Exalted universe? Are they something the Primordials penned back in the First Age, or is it a BWC thing and the books are reflecting back in time from ED into Creation? Or perhaps, if going with the Creation magic angle, they might have found them out in the Wyld somewhere, and it was those books that gave the Primordials the impetus to do the Creation? Just a couple of questions to think about.
Questions which I pondered. Basically I have thought of distilled knowledge or the consciouness of one Primoridal is what the books are made of. Perhaps Malfeas' counterpart, a lord of more...ethereal things than of the power that Malfeas weilded in the corporeal realms.
Excuse if I'm misreading this, but that kinda sounds like the Eye of Autocthon in book form.
Wish I could help, but I know nothing of Earthdawn so anything I contribute would be based on, well, nothing.

It does sound cool, though.

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