The Blood Demon Clan (Open & Accepting) - IC

  • Level: 1


    Strength: 2

    Intelligence: 1

    Evasion: 1

    Next lvl:

    Coins: 40

    Item: 3x Stone Potions/ 3x Antidotes


    During his praying, he watched as the others continued to interact, some talking, some flirting. He chuckled quietly at the irony of the two biggest flirts he's seen so far ended up talking to each other, just to get rejected. Out of the corner of his eye, Lithsx? noticed that the Admiral, who was currently giving a cold shoulder to a gunslinger, was motioning for him to come over to her. Silently he picked up his spear and shield before standing up and walking over to Ashlyn and Phyonna, and once their he gave them both a slight bow of the head. "Greetings Admiral Blood, gunslinger" greeted the man as he returned his head back up to stare at the two through his masked helm. He would have to approach this situation carefully, as, though his studying of the others, has found out about her flirtatious manner; and he didn't wish to make enemies within the ranks of his allies.


    Continues to watch others/ notices Admiral Blood's hand motioning

    Walks over and greets the two girls respectfully

I hope the tabs is alright, if not then I'll change if you truly want me too
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Health: 30/30

Level: 1

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Next lvl: 0/15

Coins: 40



x Stone Potions

2x Antidotes

Miles Tremont

Miles stumbles through the crowds, a bit lost. It has been awhile since he has had to maneuver through such a crowd and it shows in his awkward movements. After getting a bit fed up he tries to force his way further through the crowd and nearly trips. Catching himself and internally sighing, he squares his shoulders and tries to find a better way to keep moving forward.

He catches sight of the next place he was planning to go before joining the approaches the Potion Merchant. Clearing his throat to get the undead's attention, he tries to speak clearly over the din of the crowds. "May I have, uh, these," he gestures at four stone potions before jerking his finger at two antidotes, just in case. The merchant nods, holding out their hand to take his money which he thankfully thrusts into the merchant's hands.

Noticing the odd (and growing) assortment of people that seem to be congregating near the merchant's stand, notably the Orc and the Demon, he pauses. "Oh, uh, hello. Are you part of the group that plans to take on the Blood Demon Clan?" he asks, feeling a bit out of his depth.

Actions Lost 60 Coin

Gained 4x Stone Potions

Gained 2x Antidotes

Spots the group

Attempts to enter conversation
Admiral Blood


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


Phyonna cocked her head from side to side when Lithsxī approached. She was trying to see past the orifices of his mask. "Humans and I don't get along," Phyonna answered Ashlyn as she continued angling her head to see if Lithsxī had scales or interesting features. She jumped off her rock and looked at his bum, not even a tail. Finally, she stood firmly with her chest held high and shoulder's back, "State your name soldier." Phyonna looked back at the persistent human, "You're the only gunner so far, Miss Thyme." She acknowledged the poor human, so that she may focus of the mysterious paladin. She must know if he's her type, so far she thinks he fits her persona. Her tail couldn't help, but to wag enthusiastically in anticipation of his response. She chanted in her head... Please be interesting, please be interesting, please be interesting.

Actions Analyzes Lithsxī thoroughly

Responds to Ashlyn

Commands Lithsxī

Acknowledges Ashlyn

Sam Skullcrusher


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 20


» Blood Amulet (



» Antidote (



» Stone Potion (



The crowd (if it could quite be called that) grew as they browsed and purchased from the undead merchant before them. Before Aurora has time to answer, a soldier who looks awkward within the din of society stumbles up to the store. They buy a good stock of the potions, givng away that they are also, most probably, here to see Admiral Blood and to take on the Blood Demon Clan. Sam idly wonders if the shared name/title of 'Blood' between the demon Admiral and the demon Clan is of much signifigance. Perhaps all demons shared the name 'Blood'.

The soldier then turns to the pair of them, giving a greeting and enquiring as to if they were allies. Sam doesn't indulge with a typical greeting but does reply; "We are. You are here to report to Admiral Blood? She or her imposter stands at the rock." they said, pointing to where the Admiral (and now, two others) stood. "You are here to destroy demons?" Sam asked, in way of making conversation.

Actions Conversed with Miles Tremont

Saw Ashlyn and Lithsxī with the Admiral

  • moonga-sayosian-soldier.jpg

    Lithsx? kept quiet as he watched the demon girl investigate him, while at the same time speaking with the gunslinger, still giving her the cold shoulder. It was kinda sad to watch the two interact, but he kept his mouth shut; he had no place to speak about her and the gunslinger. "I am Lithsx? of Susite, and intolerance of the people in your ranks is unacceptable" the man responded before turning away and starting to walk back to the boulder. Since he was human, she was bound to find out sooner or later, and since Phyonna just revealed she didn't take found to humans in general, and so he has no bushiness talking to her; especially if not accepting of any species. He himself did not tolerate intolerance.

    Level: 1


    Strength: 2

    Intelligence: 1

    Evasion: 1

    Next lvl:

    Coins: 40

    Item: 3x Stone Potion, 3x Antidote


    Continues to talk with Ashlyn and Phyonna

    Get's ready to walk away

Admiral Blood


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


Phyonna sighed when Lithsxī Answered her disapprovingly. When he turned his back on her, she gritted her teeth angrily. Her skin was sizzling with fumes of ferocity. Before she exploded on him, Ashlyn spoke, questioning her ways. Phyonna then thought of Layla. She recalled how her green eyes lit up with joy when she was assigned guard duty. She's the only human I will ever love... She thought stubbornly. She looked Ashlyn intensely, "I... I just don't bond with humans." No human can replace Layla... no one... She mentally added. Suddenly, she couldn't care less if the armored human walked away. Now that Ashlyn informed her of his race. She didn't understand why humans expect so much of her because of her title Admiral. She has just as much flaws as anyone else and she had no intention to hide them. "If you wish to be within my group during combat, I'll assign you accordingly," Phyonna thought it would be beneficial to fight with someone who's willing to bond with her. Despite the fact she did not reciprocate the feelings. She seemed a worthy comrade to fight along her side. Less head butting ... She concluded.


Ignores Lithsxī

Replies to Ashlyn

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Name: Miles Tremont

Health: 30/30

Level: 1

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Next lvl: 0/15

Coins: 40



x Stone Potions

2x Antidotes

"Ah," Miles commented. "Is she the demon then? Or the human?" he asked, trying to clarify a bit.

He paused as more of what the Orc had said registered. "Is there some reason we don't trust her?" he squinted slightly at the people on the rock, attempting to get a better idea on what was going on up there. There seemed to be an argument of some sort? He wasn't quite sure, but from the postures of the participants, it seemed like people weren't very far away from a fight.

"Erm, sorry. I don't think I got your name. I'm Miles Tremont. And yeah, uh, that's why I'm here. To fight," he said, first fiddling with some of the straps on his armor, but then holding out his hand to shake. Sam didn't seem the type to maliciously mislead him.

Actions Attempts to build rapport with Sam Skullcrusher
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Aurora Fleur

Level: 1

Next lvl:



Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2



» Antidote (



» Stone Potion (x2)

Aurora gives a small shake of her head. She has already made her purchases from the potion merchant. If anything, she would love to return to the sundries merchant to take that demon cloak and the blood amulet off their hands. Sadly, she does not have the coins to make such purchases. "Mm-mm, I have finished my shopping. Unless you want to buy something for me~?" She chuckles, but gives a dismissive wave of her hand. She knows flirting with Sam won't necessarily get her anywhere. There are some creatures you can charm and others you can't. Sam seems to be the ones who can't be charmed so easily and honestly, she doubts she could. Most creatures don't find humans so..enchanting. Although she would prefer not returning for a little while longer, she knows it's best to get it over with, even if she finds that demoness to be a bit..insufferable. "I suppose we do have to return to our supposed admiral. She said something about training after all." And it seems the marketplace was getting quite crowded. Look at the small collection of creatures gathering around Phyonna. There was one even flirting with her, someone who couldn't take a hint it seems.

Aww look at that, while Aurora was sizing up the growing crowd, Sam was making a friend with some timid soldier who came up. Aurora pokes her head from around Sam's left side, eyeing the stranger who introduces himself as Miles Tremont.
"The demon, silly boy. Although she can say what she wants, but I still haven't seen any proof that validates she is the Admiral Phyonna Blood." Aurora steps further out from behind Sam since Miles must not have seen her if he was only trying to make conversation with Sam. "Pardon me, but it's rude to ignore a woman when she's standing right here." Aurora flashes a small smile, placing a hand onto her left hip. "I'm Aurora Fleur, if you care to know. And I think I can let this darling orc introduce themselves." She gives Sam's arm a few pats.

Actions » Eyes the group around Phyonna

» Sizes up Miles Tremont

» Moves from behind Sam

» Corrects Miles and introduces herself
Sam Skullcrusher


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 20


» Blood Amulet (



» Antidote (



» Stone Potion (



Thus prompted not once but twice, Sam took the proffered hand in a firm grip and shook. Well, the grip was firm for an orc. They didn't know if it would squeeze too tight for a nervous human.

"Sam Skullcrusher." they introduced themself, and in lieu of making the same I live up to my name joke in such quick succession they merely gave a broad grin from behind their bulldog underbite. It was an expression Sam knew could unnerve and intimidate, having grinned and gotte those reactions before.

Growing serious - or neutral, at least - they added to the mage's explanation: "Aurora said. The demon has given no proof. Was raging before, probably offended." they paused for a beat and added, "Good to have your weapon. Will be better to see how you use it."

After all, an extra fighter was not a guarenteed boon. An unskilled fighter was worse than no fighter at all. But Sam assumed that this one had some sort of skills. Perhaps he was one of those warriors who could only fight and had forgotten how to be social. Sam new a few of those from the circuit.

Sam cast a glance over at the group around the Admiral. "Hmph. We should join. She will prove herself. Or not." without looking at the other two, Sam grinned at the latter prospect. Without so much as another gesture, they moved off to join the party around Phyonna, giving the demon a firm nod as they joined the small crowd.

Actions Introduces self

Continues to converse with Miles Tremont & Aurora Fleur

» Joins Admiral Phyonna's group (Phyonna Blood, Ashlyn Thyme, Lithsxī Aswerlath).

» (If OppaiHime & Moribund don't post before the demonstration, I think we can assume that they followed Sam over to the Admiral).
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' Alakrab '

Level: 1


Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Next lvl:

Coins: 100

Her armor had seen better days, surely. Not that Alakrab knew. The metal plates had been beaten, scratched, and all-across was not what it once had been. Whatever that was. Even if there were to be a blacksmith at the foot of the tower, where she was to meet those who would be her comrades within the tower, she had not the coin to pay for it. But as she was told, there would be no blacksmith. Only merchants.

Speaking of which... Down the road, ah, that had to be it. She could see a woman with black hair standing next to a rock. One of her companions, perhaps? Who else in the right mind would come out here, to the base of this tower...

Who-- Undead flesh tightened around chest, albeit slower than her mind caught panic. Behind the raven-haired woman. Beside the rock. Red. Red. Skin. The warrior reached for the sword on her back-- but halted. Something wasn't right. The woman who she's first spotted, why would she be standing so calmly by the rock if the blood-red demon posed a threat? ...No... he couldn't have meant this when he said our Admiral was a demonic mage...

Demoinc like harsh, unforgiving, destructive. That's what she'd thought. No, he had meant...
This explains why he was surprised at my lack of reaction... If only she'd known. Taking her hand off the sword, Alakrab still kept a casual hand on the hilt of her dirk... as casual as one could when their elbow had to bend to keep a ready hand.

"Lo, stranger," she rasped when she was close enough to hail the demon on the rock. "Might I ask your name? You bear resemblance to who I must meet..." Not a lie, not really.

Actions » Arrives

Flags Phyonna

The Demonstration Begins


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


Before Ashlyn could answer, Phyonna cleared her throat, "Speaking of setting up groups... hold that thought." She looked at the dead-looking woman and held up a finger as to say, 'one moment.' She whistled at all her distant soldiers, "Atten-hut!!" She stood in her typical admiral stance: shoulders back, chest high and her feet together. "Soldiers, it is time to assign groups for the first three floors of the Blood Demon's tower." All of the soldiers, obediently, gathered around her. "Thank you for bravely joining me in battle against the Blood Demon Clan," she looked at each individual before she proceeded, "I have sent Typhon, a high level woodland elf, to fetch some creatures, so that I can explain our plan to defeat this clan." She looked back to see if Typhon has arrived yet. There was still no sign of him. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently, "Well, for the time being..." she said rolling her eyes, "... I will express my thoughts on the group formation." She sat on the rock again then said, "At ease," so that her soldiers may get comfortable. "Aurora, since you arrived first and I've acquainted myself with you, I believe your loud mouth fits well with Miles. He doesn't seem that much of a talker. Match made in heaven. You'll be going through the passage labeled ūnus for the first three floors. Next, Lithsxī with his warrior-likeness and healing powers, not as strong as a mage, but will suffice. I'm assigning you with Alakrab..." she looked around. Perhaps it was the woman that approached her earlier. She did not seem to have bought any goods... she thought and gave Lithsxī a shrug, "She's apparently a good warrior, and is pretty self-sufficient. You'll be going through passage duo." She shifted her gaze to Ashlyn, "I never gave you a chance to answer, but I've decided to assign you with Sam and myself. We'll be entering passage trēs." She, again, looked about them and concluded she assigned her comrades to the best of her ability, "Any complaints, speak with me before entering the tower."


Holds off the conversation with Ashlyn and Alakrab

Calls to all her units

Begins announcing the group formation

Typhon Eyrlendor


Level: 100

Next lvl:

Strength: 99

Intelligence: 99

Evasion: 99



» None


Typhon reluctantly agreed to Phyonna's request, knowing full well that gathering up those monsters would be child's play. He quickly summoned Thalion, and departed. This so called "demonstration" could just be actual combat training...why bother sending me out to get them? Typhon thought to himself as he rode through the dark demonic sky on Thalion's back. He approached the tower's entrance, a cave at the very base of the tower. There might be other entrances, but seeing as his job was to grab monsters and go, he did not bother exploring. He jumps off of Thalion's back and begins to set up a big net, which he left near Thalion. He entered the cave, and the further he proceeded, the darker it became. He reached into a pouch attached to his belt and pulled out a small aether crystal which was made of compressed light. He attached it to his belt and it was his light source. Slowly but sure he began to run into monster's which he quickly incapacitated. He never once drew an arrow, for he knew if he did, none would survive. Instead he used his bow as it were a club of some sort and just swung at the monsters. Some times in a rather comedic fashion as he sarcastically rejoiced in the fact that he was being an errand boy. He quickly gathered up 5 unconscious monsters, tied them together with some rope, and pulled them along back to where Thalion waited at the cave's entrance. Upon arrival he tossed the monsters into the net, secured it, and leaped back onto Thalion's back. Thalion grabbed the net with his massive frontal talons, assuring to not harm a creature, and they took off into the dark sky towards the camp.

Actions » Agreed to Phyonna's request

» Went it the tower's first floor

» Gathered five creatures

» Returned back to camp

  • Level: 1


    Strength: 1

    Intelligence: 0

    Evasion: 1

    Coins: 5

    Item: 1x Stone Potion


    There was one Pious unconscious in the pack of monsters. He began to moan and groan as he slowly woke up and realized that he wasn't in the cave. Upon meeting eyes with everyone, he quickly became hostile.


    Wakes up

    Becomes hostile

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Admiral Blood


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


Phyonna heard wings flapping in a distance... Finally, Typhon is here. She stood up again on the rock then quickly jumped down. "This is General Erlyndor, my second in command," She stated matter-of-factly and saw that he only brought five critters from the tower's first floors. Hopefully this is sufficient for my current group. She analyzed the captured fiends and selected one of the Boboas to do combat with. "I shall demonstrate what we're up against," she quickly pulled the heavy Boboa by its tail out of the net and it landed on its feet. It howled as it was isolated from its pack. Well, let's see who will attack first, Phyonna or the Boboa. Phyonna stands with both her palms face up, ready to attack or defend.


Turns out Phyonna is faster than the Boboa. She chuckled cockily as water was bubbling from her hands. "Water... Bind..." she said inaudibly as a large bubble emerged from her hands. She shoved the bubble in the direction of the Boboa in hopes to immobilize.


Acknowledges Typhon's presence

Talks aloud to all her units

Begins combat with a Boboa

Uses Water Bind



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Level: 1


Strength: 1

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 2

Item: None


The Boboa caught movement coming from Admiral Phyonna, and began to see the Water Bubble heading straight for him. He quickly attempted to avoid it. He failed to avoid the Water Bubble. He was immobilized.


Sees Phyonna attacking

Attempts to evade

Fails Evasion

Trapped in Water Bind

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Admiral Blood


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


Phyonna looks over to her soldiers as they watched her battle. She wiggled her brows at Sam while wagging her tail. Yeah, watch me big boy as I blow your mind... she winked at him them returned her attention to the Boboa stuck within the Water Bind she created. She felt a sense of enjoyment as she watch the Boboa struggle to escape her magic. She laughed then raised her hands to ready for her next spell. She decided to use her Drain spell, so that she does not pop her own bubble. She stretched her arms in front of her and clenched her hands as if she was choking the air, "Drain..." The Boboa's veins strained as it seemed she sucked the life out of it. She suddenly felt more energetic. She watched the Boboa as it continued to struggle within the Water Bind. She could tell he was close to bursting out any second.


Looks quickly over to her soldiers

Flirts with Sam while in the midst of combat

Uses Drain


Level: 1


Strength: 1

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 2

Item: None


The Boboa gets a bit of his life force drained by Phyonna. He's drastically trying to break out of the bubble. He's able to break out of the bubble after enough struggle. He then charges at Phyonna to attack her with his ferocious Bite.


Loses 4 HP

Attempts to break free of bubble

He successfully breaks out of bubble

Begins to attack Phyonna


Admiral Phyonna


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


"I figured," she said with a sigh. The Boboa managed to break out of her water spell. Now, the creature was attempting to bite at her ankles... oh boy. Phyonna yelled, "Blazed Spikes" as she shuffled from side to side trying to avoid the Boboa's attack. Her body was covered in flames. She knew if the monster managed to bite her, it would get hurt as well. Phyonna chuckled again. Turns out the little guy couldn't touch her. She went up in flames for no reason. A ball of fire emerged in her right hand. "Eat this! Fire Ball!" She threw the ball like it was a toy.


Sighs to herself

Uses Blazed Spikes

Attempts to evade the bite attack

Evasion successful

Uses Fire Ball


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Level: 1


Strength: 1

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 2

Item: None


Phyonna was able to dodge the Boboa's bite. The Boboa notices Phyonna hurl a Fireball at him, and he scurries to evade. However, the Fireball is too fast for him to evade.


Misses Bite

Tries to evade Fireball

Gets hit by Fireball

Loses 8 HP

Admiral Phyonna


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


"I just remembered!!" she reached into her pocket and pulled out a scroll. She opened it and read it before the Boboa, "Thief's Dream Scroll." She threw the scroll at the weakened monster. The Boboa's body absorbed the scroll and she jumped excitedly... I'm gonna be rich. She wagged her tail happily. At the corner of her eye, she caught Typhon seeming more impatient than usual.


Comments to herself

Uses Thief's Dream Scroll

Notices Typhon's impatience

Typhon Eyrlendor


Level: 100

Next lvl:

Strength: 99

Intelligence: 99

Evasion: 99



» None


Typhon begins to lose patience. He figured Phyonna would be able to dispatch such a weak monster with far greater ease. How could that weakling break out of her Water Bind so easily? Typhon asks himself as he chuckles lightly. "I grow weary of these games!" Typhon exclaims as he reaches back, swiftly pulls 5 arrows from his quiver and releases them with such dexterity and extreme force that as each arrow flew to it's target, sound waves could be seen being broken by the arrows. Each arrow impacts a separate monster and almost erases them from existence. Only small bit and pieces remained. "I hope you all have an idea now of what to expect on the lower floors of the tower." He asserts as he clings his bow to his back. "As we go up the floors DO NOT let your guard down, I suspect there may be demons on the higher floors that may actually be fun for me, which from what I've seen now, means bad news for all of you." He looks up and whistles. A mighty Falcon-like call is heard and Thalion swoops down and lands majestically near Typhon. Typhon flings himself onto Thalions back and rides off to patrol the perimeter.

Actions » Grows impatient

» Eliminates all the monsters

» Gives a pep talk to soldiers

» Calls and mounts Thalion

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Admiral Phyonna


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» Thief's Dream Scroll (x1)


Since Phyonna used the Thief's Dream Scroll, the blood of the Boboa she was fighting began to glow. She looked up at Typhon shaking her head, "Everybody was supposed to practice on those..." she mumbled to herself. She then returned her attention to the blood on the floor. If her spell was successful, it would turn to gold. She stared that blood intently... Please turn to gold, please turn to gold, please turn to gold. Phyonna curses to herself. The scroll was a dud. "Well, there goes 100 coins down the drain."


Mumbles to herself

Watches Thief's Dream Scroll take effect

Gains +1 exp

Sam Skullcrusher


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 20


» Blood Amulet (



» Antidote (



» Stone Potion (



They nodded at the orders, taking a glance at the the human they had been grouped with. Not a front line fighter, that was sure. A rogue of some sort, perhaps, and certainly from one of the more mechanical cities. Sam would learn more of her later. They were a little disappointed to not be paired with the newly met Miles, but orders where orders and they were used to teams being broken and reassembled.

Soon after an elf arrive with a grand entrance, bringing several bound monsters with him. His arrival helped assuage any lingering doubts Sam had - one might impersonate their Admiral but it was more difficult to impersonate her second in command or the small legion that snapped to attention. Phyonna was most likely who she had claimed.

Sam watched on, intrigued by the fighting style. It was similar to what they were familiar with, but still not the same as being within a gladitorial match. They suspected this would change the further into the tower they got, but it was clear that the monsters they would encounter early on where instinctual beasts.

Quick thinking would crush them, when paired with a heavy weapon. They watched on as the first demonstration came to it's close. These beasts look like no trouble. Yet the elf was still impatient with the time it was taking, drawing a number of arrows and slaying all the beasts he'd brought in one fell shot. Sam wasn't sure if he was a show-off or if he was so strong that demonstrations like these honestly bored him.

Either way, their opinion of Admiral Blood improved somewhat. If her peers were this impatient with early recruits, compared to her apparent forbearance, then she clearly was the superior choice to lead their early expeditions. They were suddenly reinvigorated to get start. They stood up straight, showing attention via body language and waited for Phyonna to address them again. She had delegated herself to their group, so Sam would wait for her to lead them and Ashlyn to the tower.

Actions » Affirms Admiral Blood's identity

Watches the demonstration

+ Opinion on Admiral Blood improves

» Waits for further instructions
Admiral Phyonna


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» None


Phyonna blinked repeatedly as she saw Sam looking her way for further instructions. She couldn't believe that THAT hunk of a man was looking at her. If a demon could blush, she would be purple. She cleared her throat, "So, Sam... are you impressed with my demonstration?" She tail swayed from side to side. She got a hold of her tail and held it close to her body in a shy manner. Despite the fact that she is definitely not shy. She inched closer to the beast. "Technically, since you're the tank, you're supposed to lead," she used the pointy tip of her tail to tease the side of Sam's arm, but really she just wanted to grab him and kiss him. Sam's such an attractive creature.


Spots Sam watching her

Talks to Sam

Flirts with Sam

Sam Skullcrusher


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 0

Evasion: 1

Coins: 20


» Blood Amulet (



» Antidote (



» Stone Potion (



Sam watched her movements, their head swaying slightly to follow the various gestures the demon gave them. They didn't really understand how any of this talk was getting them any closer to crushing demons. Or, crushing demons that weren't also their own admiral. Sam looked down at their muscular arm as the green skin was gently poked by Phyonna's red tail tip.

"Monster looked weak," they replied with tact, "We will defeat them with ease."

They looked up from their arm to look at Phyonna properly.

"You are Admiral. Unless," Sam squinted at nothing in the distance for a moment, "That was an order. You want me to lead you?" The orc, of course, had no idea how this phrasing could be anything but innocent.

Actions Chats with Admiral Blood
Admiral Phyonna


Level: 1

Next lvl:

Strength: 0

Intelligence: 2

Evasion: 2

Coins: 0


» None


Phyonna nodded in agreement when Sam admitted that the monster she fought was weak. He didn't seem to react to her poking him with her tail. She was thinking of what else he could be oblivious to. She smiled when Sam asked if him being a leader was an order. You can lead me any day. Rawr... She thought of saying, but since there were other soldiers around, she kept her devilish thoughts to herself. "Strong ones always lead in combat. I only lead in direction and strategy," she tried explaining to Sam simply. She walked around Sam as she spoke. Her tail rubbing against him like a cat asking for affection.


Continues to talk to Sam

Flirts with Sam some more


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