The Chancellor
New Member
Want to know more about The Blaze Zone? Check this thread out!
Please use the following form, though feel free to add any more details you want! Feel free to also format your post however you want!
The Blaze Zone | Post-Apocalypse, Mafia, and Looting Dice
Those that ran away lost everything, but those that stayed suffered even worse a fate. So how do you choose? Welcome to The Blaze Zone! This is a post-apocalypse RP which (hopefully) has been developed enough to set it apart from other similarly-themed RPs. Wait, wait, wait! Don't leave yet. I...
Please use the following form, though feel free to add any more details you want! Feel free to also format your post however you want!
Affiliation: (Silver Dragons, military, blazed, civilian - it's all up to you)
Appearance: (Images welcome!)
Brief Personality:
Starting Weapon 1: (Your first starting weapon can be a semi or fully automatic gun, or a utility weapon like crossbows, hunting bows, grenade launchers, etc)
Starting Weapon 2: (Your second starting weapon can be a handgun or melee weapon. Chainsaws included.)