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Fantasy The Blackmarrow University for Bizarre Sorceries (Character Sheets)



The King of Swing
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Character templates would be rather simple, just basic information really. We're looking for a goofy, lighthearted (and sometimes extremely dangerous) time here after all. Death may or may not be on the menu but you have a powerful necromancer who is more than willing to bring you back free of charge.

Editing would be completely up to the player, but something like:

Physical Description:

As stated, this is more or less a complete work of nonsense and fun times for all involved.

Available Races

Pretty much any you can think of, crazy and outlandish is encouraged but you're more than welcome to use normal fantasy races.


The most important thing I will enforce is that this is a place for learning. If you're just here to destroy mindlessly or steal power... then do it quietly! People are trying to read in the library. But seriously, ulterior motives are best kept a secret (duh) and not where your fellow students can rat you out. That being said, this is ultimately a team exercise. Get your objectives done, learn what you can, and survive another day.

Your DM

I love D&D and will be open to lots of suggestions and whatnot for stories. Much like my professor characters, this is a vessel for you to explore your own creativity and go wild with the possibilities of weird and wild magic. This will probably become more complicated as time moves on, maybe with an in-character system for gaining levels of some sort based on how your characters interact with the world around them.

Lauren Thelmane
    The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.
    Elemental Affinity
    Spirit Summoning
    HEIGHT: 5'2"
    BUILD: Curvy and Athletic
    HAIR: White
    EYES: Steel Blue, but shimmers pastel rainbow when using her powers
    IDENTIFYING MARKS: She has a star map on her back and white 'freckles' across her body
    Growing up, Lauren learned to be quiet about her ability to see ghosts or else be ridiculed relentlessly by her peers. This habit followed outside of her ability as well, turning into a lifestyle of being quiet and cautious around others, especially if she was meeting them for the first time. However, if she found that someone was getting on her nerves or just outright being a bully to others, she would be quite blunt and forward with them until they backed down.

    Lauren loves reading all about space and the paranormal, it is a favored pastime of hers especially if it begins to rain. The sound and smell of rain relaxes her soul and she feels truly at peace while it happens. It also makes summoning spirits a lot easier as well. Along with the rain, being able to curl up under a blanket with a hot drink and a good book would round out any rough day.

    When she was younger, Lauren found that her ability to see and hear the spirits was extremely loud. Being unable to have a moment of peace drove her crazy until she was old enough to silence everything on her own. Ever since, she hated loud noises and tried her best to protect her ears if she had to be around them. She also found that the relentless bullying she faced in middle school caused her to shy away from any unwanted attention and possibility to build friendships if she wasn't the one initiating them. The same applied for being flirted with, as it was a common tactic among young teens to taunt her by fake flirting.

Name: Caldur
Race: Elf (Altered)
Age: 92 (Looks to be in his late teens/early 20s)
Height: 5 ft 6
Weight: 120 lbs
Specialization: "Forest" Magic. Manifests in the ability to manipulate much of what is conceptually associated with nature. This hinges around plants and fungus, with secondary supporting elements included in his sphere of influence.

Caldur can manipulate water due to rain, but not lightning. Caldur can manipulate soil and mud but can't manipulate solid rock or metal directly. Despite the fact that wildfires are a natural occurrence, fire is viewed as an enemy.

His manipulation of plants does more than it might imply. While manipulation of wind allows for blasts and the purification of the air, his manipulation of plants allows him to alter the physiology of the plants themselves magically. With this, he can create magical plants of numerous properties.

Notably, he has devised wood as strong as steel. And he has made fungus capable of reanimating people back from the dead. And he has made flowers which feed upon the blood of living beings, particularly humans -- but can naturally attune it to feed on different species. These are hard to remove once allowed to grow.

Physical Description: At first glance, Caldur looks as most elves do. He is of fair skin, with long and pointy ears. He is short and not particularly stocky, having a lean body.

Deeper inspection, however, shows that at certain points, Caldur has crystalline formations at various parts of his body, protruding out from his bones. One atop his head looks like horns. A few juts out of his elbows and forearms and cause him to have a pearl-like crystal in front of his forehead. He has a set of eyes that can see better in the dark and can enable him.

These formations make Caldur's bone structure rather brittle. But he has a great capacity for magic as a result. He needs no catalyst or wand in order to cast.

  • Refine his forest magic.
  • Learn about how other types of magic which exist and devise means against them.
  • Kill all the humans who inhabit/encroach upon his home.
  • Prevent the expansion of all races into the woods. And become a guardian of the "forests" and what he perceives as the natural order, itself.
  • Keep the last three goals, a secret from everyone else.

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