The Black Conference (Abyssals, Recruiting)


One Thousand Club
In the stagnate realm of the Underworld, war subtly stirs. The Deathlords know naught but hate, and chief among the subjects of their hatred are each other. Truly, such destructive impulses are favored by the Neverborn, but in the 10 years since the Exalted came into the hands of the Dead, the situation has begun to spiral slowly out of control, imperceptible to an outsider, perhaps, but each Deathlord knows war is at hand (relatively speaking, at least, considering that these are beings with uncounted centuries of unlife). And they prepare.

But the Neverborn have a greater priority: Creation first. So says their voice, the Moonshadow called Weeping Raiton Cast Aside. A demand she has delivered to each Deathlord: that they must send one servant to a Circle, under the direct command of the Neverborn.

None wish to defy her, but none wish to so blindly allow their servants to carry out the wishes of others, even if those others are their 'masters'. And so, they send their novices, with their secret orders to spy, commit acts that further the Deathlord's agenda. Thusly commanded, five Abyssals meet in a shadow of a temple in the East of the Underworld, awaiting their first instructions from Weeping Raiton. Everyone is suspect, and yet there are greater foes than even such untrustworthy allies. What do the stars of Setesh hold for these knights errant of truest black? What will come of The Black Conference?


Forgive the overly flowery opening. Here's the "straight dope" on what this game is.

-This game is Abyssals. No non-Abyssals.

-There will be 5 players. I will try for a perfect circle, but I do not require one.

-You may make two characters. I will only pick one, but you can make two, to increase your chances.

-You get 50 XP to start with. You may not spend it on Backgrounds

-No Merits or Flaws unless you ask me first, and I'm not very likely to give them (especially Flaws)

-Please give a backstory. I should know where your character was born, how they grew up, what their name was before they died, and how they died. More is obviously better, but strictly speaking, you can cover everything sufficiently in a long paragraph.

Alright, that's the boring stuff. Here's some more interesting info

What this game is about

Abyssal games can do a lot of different things. A very large amount. There's too much to cover, so much that I do not believe a 'Vanilla' (or is that 'Chocolate'?) Abyssal game exists. In addition to that, what the players feel like doing shapes the direction of the game, and if an ST tries to rail them into the flavor he wants, either the players, the ST, or both end up miserable. So I am going to present the themes I expect to be covered, that I will provide opportunities for covering, and themes that otherwise might just come up (and one or two questions to think about pertaining to each).

-The end of a world that left us to die. Abyssals have been abandoned by life, and only death clings to them. They owe the world of the living no oaths, and all the enmity in their black hearts. What do you want to destroy most?

-The end of a world we couldn't leave behind. Abyssals chose the Black Exaltation over death because they couldn't let go of Creation. There's still something there for them. Maybe it's just something to be destroyed, but it's something deep in their hearts. And now they have to get rid of it. What are you still so concerned about?

-Remembered for who we were. Life remembers those who were once part of it, and now they're back, claiming to have abandoned the names they used to have. Who remembers you, and what do they remember about you?

-Remembered for who we weren't. There are some who remember the power of the Lawgivers, your masters included. These people might know your specific incarnation, or at least an encounter with a being similar to you. And maybe you remember them too...who might they be? A Lunar mate? A god? A Sidereal or Dragon-Blooded betrayer?

-Our masters. Each character has a deathlord who commands them, and sends them to pursue a specific agenda. How do you feel about your commanding Deathlord? Do you wish to serve them? Do you even trust them?

-Our TRUE masters. The Neverborn have commanded you to form this Circle, and you formed it. They can twist the Essence inside you in their sleep, should you anger them. How do you feel about these beings of unspeakable power? Fear? Maybe awe?

-Each other. There are four others who share your burdens...but also have their own secrets, and their own agenda. How do you feel about working with these others? How do you feel about the specific Abyssals you're working with?

You don't need to answer all those questions. Or tell me any of the answers. Just consider them when you're playing.

Okay, one more big section. Here are some things I want you to think about when you're making your character.

-You were not destined for this. You were once a human, one with great potential, or at least, something worth paying attention to. You were not ever intended to be a servant of Death. So why are you here?

-You were only remitted into your Deathlord's service because the Neverborn knew that, deep in your heart, somewhere, you accepted that Creation was doomed. How does this make you feel? Do you want to believe that you believe it? Do you think you could ever have hope for anything again? Why do you want to?

-Who do you serve? Each character will have a different Deathlord. Each Deathlord operates in a specific area of Creation (if a large one, usually), and has their own preference for qualities in the servants they choose. Why did your Deathlord choose YOU?

Alright, that's the big stuff! Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll probably only answer ones relating to this game.
Just placing the character sheet here so I don't forget.

Oh, also, interest.


Exalt Type and Caste






Strength â—

Dexterity â—

Stamina â—


Charisma â—

Manipulation â—

Appearance â—


Perception â—

Intelligence â—

Wits â—



Martial Arts



























Artifacts and Equipment





Join Combat:


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion â—

Conviction â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—

Virtue Flaw / Flawed Virtue




Permanent: â—â—

Personal: X/X (X Committed)

Peripheral: X/X (X Committed)

Bonus Points

Experience Points
Building a social martial artist for this. I have a great backstory idea, but I have NEVER done evil characters before. Might be to 'edgy'


This weekend I will see about making a sororitas for that dang dark heresy game too. DAMN YOU EMPTY PROMISES!
You don't have to be 'evil'. This is not a 'loyalist' game or a 'redemption' game, or any other kind of game that needs little quotation marks. The only prerequisite is an Abyssal.

Oh, and there are no points for speed. This game isn't starting for a couple weeks, most likely, and I'm picking the characters I like the most, not the ones that are up earlier in the thread. Just saying.
So tempting to jump into this one as well... Would be fun to represent the Bodhisattva.
You know, this is the best game concept I've read in a long time. Too bad I can't join it, cause with Dark Heresy, I'm in 9...wait is it 10 games? And that's just online. 3 irl as well.
I have an answer, but you don't get to know it. Maybe you should try asking Weeping Raiton. I'm sure she'll be quite free with the information even though you certainly don't need to know it to do your job, oh sworn servant of the Neverborn.

I did mention that paranoia and mistrust are big potential themes in this game, right? Just reiterating, then.
I'll drop in a submission as well.

I think of borrowing the Whispers background before Exalting concept that was used in Mirthless. But then with a slightly different character. Ending up with a very lucid yet utterly insane follower of the Neverborn. Who will also end up as a Dusk very likely.
This is a very preliminary character. Moonshadow.

Let me know if so far it looks bad mechanically... haven't made an actual exalted character in years... but I have run many games, obviously with premade stats.

Laughing Beauty of Crimson Tears

Exalt Type and Caste: Abyssal Moonshadow


Motivation: To destroy slave trade organizations in the most grueling and visceral way possible. To destroy Creation in a way that brings dark joy. To feel loved, mainly from the Deathlord.




Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



Martial Arts â—â—â—â—




Integrity â—â—â—

Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—â—



Craft â—â—





Athletics â—â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—



Bureaucracy â—â—â—

Linguistics â—

Ride â—â—

Sail â—

Socialize â—â—â—


Artifact â—â—â—

Liege â—â—â—

Spies â—



Artifacts and Equipment


First-Excellency of: Martial Arts, Presence, Beuaracracy, Socialize, Ride, Sail


Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;

Type: Reflexive (Step 10)

Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Inescapable Iron Grip


Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;

Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK

Duration: Until released

Prerequisite Charms: Dead Man’s Grasp


Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 3;

Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)

Keywords: Avatar (1), Obvious, Social

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency


Cost: 1m; Mins: Socialize 2, Essence 1;

Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker, Step 2 for defender)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Mastery of Small Manners;

Exalted, p. 239), Social

Duration: Until next action

Prerequisite Charms: None


Cost: 3m or 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2;

Type: Reflexive (Step 1)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Duration: Instant

Prerequisite Charms: Dark Messiah Form

Join Combat:


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—

Virtue Flaw / Flawed Virtue


Deathlord, out of insane love (Love)

Willpower â—â—â—â—â—â—:


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: X/X (X Committed)

Peripheral: X/X (X Committed)

Bonus Points

Essence to 3 (7bp)

4 points on favored skills (4bp)

Experience Points
Mechanically, it's fine. You really need to re-read the section on Motivations, though. In short, you only get ONE. You need to take special Charms to even have more than one Motivation TEMPORARILY, much less at full power. Pick one thing. It should not be the one about 'feeling loved', because that's really non-Abyssal.

Relegate the rest to Intimacies (as you partially already have). Deathlord (+), slavers (-), et cetera. Feel free to be more specific than (+) or (-) if you like, but you should always be sure to include what it counts as.


Speaking of Intimacies, I am currently pondering on what to do for Social combat. I am not using the RAW, but I want to have something other than "make one roll, pass/fail" as well. Let me know if you have a favored houseruled system.
I think I'm going to be bad. I keep trying not to come to this one, but I think I shall at least try. If one doesn't mind I shall rework the background abit on an Abyssal that I had created two or so months previously before that game folded. >>
Myllinnia said:
I think I'm going to be bad. I keep trying not to come to this one, but I think I shall at least try. If one doesn't mind I shall rework the background abit on an Abyssal that I had created two or so months previously before that game folded. >>
Perchance would that be Anathema Ascendant...?

I'm up for a shot at this, I'll have a think about concepts but I think I may go for a Daybreak Caste Necromancer. Watch this space!
A little more info: definitely working on that Daybreak, and he's working for the Walker in Darkness. I'll be taking a little Thaumaturgy as well as Necromancy (somewhat hindered by not having Oadenol's Codex yet, but hey...).
Hey, look! It's an enormous slab of background!

Threefold Ebon Magister

Born in Great Forks, the Scavenger Lands’ premier seat of learning, the child Laren Janth took to his elucidated environs like a fish to water. He was an extremely gifted youngster- he learned fast whatever he set his mind to. Even from a young age, he was far more serious than the other children, and though he played as much as his peers, he was nearly always alone, his natural magnetism used to keep others away, rather than draw them to him- seeming to want a great deal more order and regularity than the natural chaos of the average child. This desire, along with his quiet lust for knowledge, would become one of the major driving forces in his life.

So he grew and developed, his parents doting on him and immensely proud of their son- he almost invariably picked up the knowledge that percolates down to children of Great Forks’ academics, and was a fount of (somewhat disjointed, but nevertheless impressive) facts and formulae his parents mentioned to him.

That was not his only skill, however. His childish play- which seemed, when his parents paid close attention to it, to be far more consistently imagined than the average child’s- had given way to adolescent practice, and he showed enough natural talent with a short blade that his parents decided to have him properly trained as a swordsman. At the back of their minds, they knew their child would go on to great things, and this opened up a new opportunity; the combination of scholastic insight with the ability to defend oneself would allow one interested in the past to find a great deal in the relics of the First Age, and perhaps their son could be a part of that. And Laren Janth’s skill grew.

Indeed, that seemed to be the path he was taking. Laren learnt geomancy from his mother, and his skill with the flows of Essence secured him a place with Verle Dax, an experienced explorer of the remains of the lost Age. Verle was notable for the time he had spent in his line of work- though rarely bringing back as great a trove as some of his fellows, he had a caution and reliability that kept him and his small group alive when others would overextend themselves and pay the price. Thjis cautious reliability suited Laren well, and as well as the knowledge gleaned from their expeditions- all of which Laren tried to learn, whether it be details of life in the First Age or an ancient manual of military strategy- his life with Verle helped him in subtle ways. Not least among these was his slow acceptance that the world wasn’t quite as logical and precise as he would hope, and while still a creature of routine, Laren gained more tolerance to unexpected changes in his life.

This was not the only important lesson Laren learnt, however. Another of Verle’s followers was a woman of about Laren’s age named Shining Star. She wasn't quite the average Scavenger Lands citizen- born of nomadic stock, originally from the South, though they had travelled in the Scavenger Lands for several generations. Star was a revelation to Laren- her cheerfulness contrasted sharply with his serious demeanour, yet in her optimism was a desire for, and belief in, an order that matched Laren’s.

Over a few months, this common feeling became clear to the two of them and, both being young and charismatic in their own way- Star’s brightness, Laren’s gravitas- the inescapable currents of life formed between them a strong bond. Rather than distracting them from their dangerous occupation, however, it drew them into a perfect accord- they could rely on each other, a harmonious match that allowed them to keep alert for any sign of danger.

The agreeable order of Laren’s life disappeared along with Shining Star when, one morning, the group awoke to find her gone. There was no indication of why or how.

The loss of such an important part of the stability in Laren’s life threw him into a deep depression. It seemed clear that the order he had always looked for in his life could never last- Creation was simply too unreliable, people too flighty, to give him what he needed. His efficacy as a part of the group plummeted- more than a few injuries, and even some deaths, were a direct result of his failure to spot some threat that should have been obvious to him. With a heavy heart, knowing what this would do to a man who had been an excellent archaeologist, Verle Dax was forced to tell Laren, in no uncertain terms, that he was no longer a part of his band.

Laren’s wish for regularity in his life then proved his undoing. The morning after he was cut off from Dax’s party, he took himself- alone- to an old manse, the Seat of Iron Fangs, that had claimed the lives of a few enterprising local scavengers. He simply couldn’t conceive of suddenly ceasing what had been his work for what seemed such a long time. Laren Janth became the latest victim of the traps left by the Seat’s long-dead designer.

Yet there had been a presence watching Laren for some time. Such a gifted scholar, with a drive to discovery, an intimate knowledge of Great Forks, and a deep dissatisfaction with the world, seemed to the servants of the Walker in Darkness to be a perfect addition to his ranks of Deathknights. Given the choice to reject his name and his life and help bring the world into the perfect, serene order of the Underworld and the Void, Laren Janth accepted and became the Walker’s newest Daybreak Caste Abyssal.

The new Child of Bone’s indoctrination was commendably fast- his voracious intellect quickly assimilated the lessons he was taught, and the black creed of the Neverborn was a welcome bulwark to give him the solidity he craved. So was the white-haired young man taken to the tomb-body of his Neverborn master and left in silent communion with the dead Primordial.

The Abyssal who emerged declared to the Underworld that he was the Threefold Ebon Magister.

The Magister’s training continued at a similar pace, rapidly assimilating the basics of Essence-channeling, and continued into the advanced knowledge the Walker in darkness considers necessary for his Daybreaks- in this case, a more rounded knowledge of history, geography and magic, as well as the natures of spirits, ghosts and the Fae- and initiation into Necromancy.

Melancholy he had seen already, and this lesson he was forced to learn well; left in a darkened cell for several weeks with only the ghost of one of his fellow scavengers- one whose death he had failed to prevent- for company. Every day was the same; waking to the whispers of the hateful bound ghost, who was forced simply to repeat minor details of their shared life- and his death. Melancholy, stasis and memory twined together in the Magister’s head until the turmoil in his mind broke into a cold, lucid logic. There was a way out, and the terror in the ghost as it saw the Magister’s flash of insight and felt itself powerless to resist him served as the fourth Ordeal.

The blackness of the Abyss was deep within the Threefold Ebon Magister by now, and yet he still held a quiet flame of compassion for his fellow beings. The total destruction of the ghost of his old comrade was only the start in tearing it down; but now his fifth trial began. Every day, he would see innocents suffering before him at the hands of nephwracks or deathknights. Every day, he would be forced to watch and do nothing. And slowly, he found the part of himself that cried out to help them decaying away to nothing.

As a necromancer, the Threefold Ebon Magister was able to bring several avenues of research into ancient and unknown secrets to bear for his master; he seemed a perfect tool. Yet he was dissatisfied. He had given himself heart and soul to the cause of Oblivion, yet the Walker in Darkness was too blind to see his full potential. This dissatisfaction only grew after he was elevated to his knighthood; his swift, terrible sword arm and his aura of dark majesty could do so more for the Neverborn, and we was not wary of saying so.

So when the Walker in Darkness was asked to send a Deathknight to join a circle in direct service of the Neverborn, what better choice than to send an Abyssal who could seek out his rivals’ secrets- and simultaneously remove an unwelcome disruption from his plans?

EDIT: Edits have occured to the background; marked in red.
New post for nex content- I have a sheet.

Name: The Threefold Ebon Magister

Caste: Daybreak

Motivation: Bring order to Great Forks (yes, that probably involves killing everyone and making them come back as happy ghostly citizens).

Anima Banner: The Magister's anima forms a flickering purple shroud around him, and a nine-pointed black crown-shape forms above his head.

Strength: oo

Dexterity: ooooo

Stamina: oo

Charisma: ooo

Manipulation: oo

Appearance: oo

Perception: oooo

Intelligence: oooo

Wits: ooo

Caste Abilities:

Craft (Fire): o

Investigation: ooo

Lore: ooooo (First Age +1)


Occult: ooooo (Ghosts +1)

Favoured Abilities:

Melee: ooooo (Reaper Daiklave +1)

Presence: ooooo (Intimidation +1)

Awareness: oo

Resistance: ooo

Integrity: oo

War: ooo

Socialise: o

Dodge: ooo

Linguistics: o (Native: Rivertongue; Others: Old Realm)

Athletics: o


Liege: oo (The Walker in Darkness appreciates the Threefold Ebon Magister's skill and loyalty, but his vocal displeasure at what he perceives as the waste of his talents means he is not as trusted as the Walker's more reliable servants.)

Artefact: oo (Prophecy of Stasis, the Magister's Soulsteel Reaper Daiklave. Shaped roughly like this guy's sword.)

Manse: ooo (Death-Speech Gemstone. The Library of Ivory and Skin is situated in the mountains west of Great Forks, in a small Shadowland. The Walker prefers that the Magister stay there in isolation when engaged in research.)


2nd Melee Excellency

Elegant Flowing Deflection

Vengeful Riposte

Blade-Summoning Gesture

1st Presence Excellency

Dread Lord's Demeanour

Spirit-Sensing Meditation

2nd Investigation Excellency

Deception-Piercing Stare

Adept Degree of Geomancy

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy Initiation

Summon Ghost

Gathering a Ghost's Strings

Essence: ooo

Willpower: ooooooo


Compassion: o

Conviction: oooo

Temperance: oo

Valour: ooo

I'll get DVs and suchlike up sometime, but this is all the bits I choose.


2 for Lore 5

2 for Occult 5

2 for Melee 5

2 for Presence 5

2 for Resistance 3

2 for Specialities

3 for Valour 3


16 for Essence 3

8 for Shadowlands Circle Initiation

8 for Summon Ghost

8 for Gathering a Ghost's Strings

8 for Dread Lord's Demeanour

1 for Awareness 2

1 for Integrity 2

EDIT: Quick question for Xarvh. How important is it for you that the Blasphemer's a servant of the Walker in Darkness? I ask because choosing the Walker's fairly important for my concept, as it brings together a lot of factors I want to have, but it'd increase our chances of getting in if we don't have the same Deathlord.

I'd prefer not to change it, as I say, but if WiD's very important to you I'll have a think about how I can swing it.
And here she is. I may have to actually check my combat stats but I believe they are good to go.

Character Name: Dispairing Secret Trinity Song

Concept: Priestess of Oblivion

Caste: Midnight

Motivation: To destroy worship of all of Creation's gods.

Intimacies: Her sisters (wary love), Religion (Hate), Oblivion (Exhilarating Fear)

Liege: The Lover

Anima: A tainted aura of blackness where a fading golden disk which has a pair of naked Priestess knelt down in prayer flanking it, wrapped up in tendrils of sickly, Oily darkness.



Strength: •••

Dexterity: •••••

Stamina: ••


Charisma: ••

Manipulation: ••••

Appearance: •••••


Perception: ••

Intelligence: •••

Wits: ••




Martial Arts

•Melee ••••




•Integrity ••

•Performance •••••

•Persence •••••

•Resistance ••

•Survival •




•Lore ••


•Occult •••



Awareness •••

•Dodge •••••





Linguistics ••



•Socialize •••


Artifact Soulsteel Grand Daiklave •••

Artifact Silken Armor •• (5L/3B)

Artifact Soulsteel Hearthstone Bracers ••

Manse •• (Underworld Manse {East Direction}- Shadow Star) Ghostwalker Gem (Oadenol's Codex pg 102)

Whispers ••



2nd Presence Excellency 2m/Success

2nd Performance Excellency 2m/Success


Flitting Shadow Form | 1m Reflexive/Instant | Abyssals pg 168

Flickering Wisp Technique | 3m Reflexive/Instant | Abyssals pg 168 (Flaw: Compassion)


Blade Summoning Gesture | 1m Reflexive/Instant | Abyssals 129

Void Sheath Technique | 1m Simple/Indefinate | Abyssals 129


Spirit-Sensing Meditation | 3m Reflexive/One Scene | Abyssals pg 162


Soul-Desiccating Style | 6m Supplemental/One Scene | Abyssals 142

Irresitble Succubus Style | 10m 1wp Simple/Instant | Abyssals 142


Dread Lord's Demeanor | 7m Reflexive/One Scene | Abyssals 144


Exquisite Etiquette Style | 1m Reflexive/Next Action | Abyssals 181


Compassion: •••

-Conviction: •••

Temperance: •

Valor: ••

Willpower and Essence:

Willpower: ••••••

Essence: •••

Personal: 15/15 [1] Void Sheath

Peripheral: 21/36 [15]

Resonance: 0/10


Soulsteel Grand Daiklave 'Joy of Sorrow' (A:+4 D:+12L/4 Def:0 R:2) 2OPR (Drain Motes = Trinity's Essence)

A revealing black silken outfit with various death decorations on chains, on the hips of her tight outfit, and decorated in white motiffs amongst various places along the outfit's material itself


Joy of Sorrow (S:5 A:13 D:15L/4 PDV:5 R:2)

Clinch (S:6 A:5 D:3B R:1)

Kick (S:5 A:5 D:6B PDV:2 R:2)

Punch (S:5 A:6 D:3B PDV:4 R:3)

Join Battle 5


Social Attacks/Defenses

Investigation S:5 A:2/4 MPDV 1/2 R:2

Performance S:6 A:7/9 MPDV 4/5 R:1

Presence S:4 A:7/9 MPDV 4/5 R:2

Join Debate 4


Natural Soak

Bash: 2 Lethal: 1


Bash: 5 Lethal: 6 Aggravated: 3


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]

D [ ] [ ]

BPS- 0/15

07 Essence •• > •••

02 Performance ••• > •••••

02 Manse ••

02 Hearthstone Bracers ••

01 Presence ••• > ••••

01 Dodge ••• > ••••

XP- 0/50

16 Dexterity •••• > •••••

07 Dodge •••• > •••••

07 Presence •••• > •••••

03 Occult •• > •••

08 Dread Lord Demeanor

05 Melee ••• > ••••

04 Awareness •• > •••

I was a daughter of a blacksmithing father, but I had no mother. She died in childbirth, for as I understand it, my birth was unusual. In fact when are one of a set of triplets, one can only wonder how mother carried all of us. We grew up in a hard environment, the jungle City State long has held harsh traditions of life and death. Father blamed us for mother’s demise and rarely was there a moment that he didn’t visibly hate us. Eventually as we grew up it became difficult for father to tell us apart. So, as inappropriate as it was, we had to wear clothes that revealed our navel and thighs, for upon each of us were strange marks. My mark was a cobalt set of three triangles, my sisters Ruby and Esmeralda each had a different mark, one crimson diamond for Ruby and two jade green interlinked circles for Esmeralda.

The city had a single temple that towered over other buildings at the heart of the city. Supposedly before we were born a golden haired goddess came to our city and set herself up in the empty temple. Slowly she has been working on the city, bringing the young and the pretty to her to become her direct servants. As I grew up I became enamoured with the idea of being a servant to the goddess and so I presented myself to her. Impressed as she was she found something about me she wasn’t too happy with still she told me that I would join her in the inner sanctum after a year and day of work as a simple acolyte. And so it happened. My sisters were not as interested as I, they wanted father to love them, they wanted to belong and so they worked the smithy with him, hoping one day he would accept us.

As the planting season came a strange woman came to our city, someone from without our territories and this brought excitement and wariness to us. Still I was busy praying in outside the temple when she approached me and pulled me from my deep praying laying on the hot ground. I was surprised and the other acolytes paid me not attention but when my blue eyes found her green as she held me by a wrist I found myself stunned and holding my breath. It would be quite surprising but the strange woman took me away, pulling me stunned to her room in an inn. There she seduced, stripped, and exhausted me, it was obvious that I would not complete my prayers for the day. Still as I lay against her, our hot bodies pressed tightly, she whispered to me that the city was doomed and that I should go with her. As much as I had enjoyed that pleasure I refused her and fled. Wrapped up in my clothes I lay against a tree and closed my eyes, but I saw her. To my growing dismay as I returned to the temple to return to my praying I found myself thinking of her.

The following day I approached her and she once again brought me low with her pleasure-work. And again I refused her request to leave with her. Weeks passed and many, including my goddess, began to note my trips to see the strange woman. I found her name to be Seven Swords Starbreak, and I found that I was in love with her. And despite that growing love I could not bring myself to accept her plea to leave. I couldn’t leave my sisters or my Goddess. Then one day I approached her and told her that I would go if she would save my sisters, at least warn the city and evacuate it. But she shook her head saying that it was too late. That night in my worry and fear a strange mocking voice whispered in my mind and disturbed my sleep. A nightmare drove my night and I saw the village burn, my sisters impaled on spears and dark shadows laughing at me, powerless and weak. I awoke with a scream and fled into the pre-morning racing to my goddess to beg her to help. However as I lay before her in supplication she laughed haughtily to me. She taunted me, told me it was my weakness that placed my heart as a slave to Seven Swords Starbreak. She grabbed me by my wrists and pressed me against a wall where she tore my clothes from me. She called be foul and dirty, and the city would perish because of it. She then took me, I was too weak to fight, too sorrowful to resist and she laughed as she called me an easy whore.

Then they came, the sounds of fighting broke us from her ‘playing’ with me and the Goddess stood and smirked. She told me give myself to her, that only if I do will the city be spared. She was our goddess, and I believed she could without me doing so but I was desperate, surely there had to be a reason for it. And so I did. When the Goddess stepped from the Temple she proclaimed to the oncoming attackers that their defeat was nigh. And soon a fight powered by essence ripped through the city. I stumbled from the temple sad, angry, fearful, so many dark emotions swirled inside of me. A small part of me wanted to see our Goddess die, I wanted to see lots of people to die. But then surprise was mine, the invaders forced the Goddess back to the temple and quickly and haughtily she grabbed me and held me with a knife to my neck. The attackers, I realized with eyes widening, were Dragonblooded and they declared my Goddess an Anathema and drove a spear into me and my surprised goddess.

There was set of cries, cries from my horrified and like now angry sisters, as my own pain filled cry echoed through the streets. Flash of light turned my weakening attention, Ruby was englufed in silver light, the mark of a crescent moon upon her forhead, while Esmerelda glowed with a soft green, a strange symbol upon her brow. My murderer threw me our dying bodies onto the ground as they turned their attention to my sisters. The fight began anew as my enraged sisters tore through the ranks of the dragonblooded and led by Seven Swords Starbreak they looked as if they would win.

I lay dying, an anger that burned, a hate that roared, the injustice of this was too much! But the dark whispers returned and I swear I felt the cold touch of something greater than death and reincarnation. Then a mocking voice came to me. Powerless, weak, pathetic, the voice then asked if I would forget my name, discard my former fate, and work to destroy all that lived, all to accept if I were to desire power unlike any other. So furious and loss that I was I accepted. A wave of dismay washed over my lover and sisters as black essence wrapped and tore through me and when I stood once again whole I took a spear from one of the fallen dragonblooded and threw myself at them.

Once the dragons were defeated I left, the city was indeed doomed, a great fire was eating away at the once proud place, any who might have survived the battle were dying or had long since fled. Still my sisters and I did pass some words. For some reason they thought to save me from whatever it was I had foolishly accepted, I on the other hand just gave them a final nod and a promise to one day meet. Though I gave no indication it might mean enemies instead of allies, though I hope not. I followed the voice, tempting and alluring, wondering at this being that could grant power such as mine. And then I came to the shadowlands of my Mistress. Her… administrations were almost addicting, almost, for some reason with her touch and caresses all I could think of was Seven Swords Starbreak. Still after awhile this has wanned and she has almost shuffled me into a corner, but that has come after my meeting with the Great Masters.

Eventually I came to be introduced to the Neverborn and indoctrinated into the beliefs of Oblivion. I wanted to believe it, some of it so made much sense and still a part of me balks. Perhaps that is why now, after only a short time with the Lover I have been sent to work with a circle. I worry at what this could mean, my anger and hatred for the world is unfocused and weak and the Lover doesn't abide well my various mistakes, but perhaps I will finally give myself entirely to Oblivion with this group, perhaps. I know the Neverborn watch, they are in my mind, they have tainted my soul, but it is Oblivion, the power so absolute that I wonder watches to see if this weapon of the Neverborn, myself, will satiate its voracious and absolute hunger.
Myllinnia said:
...The attackers I realized with eyes widening were Dragonblooded and they declared my Goddess an Anathema and drove a spear into me and my surprised goddess.
There was set of cries and as I slid down the spear’s shaft my surprise still upon my face...
Wait, I'm confused, why is she dying from that?

Oh. OOOOHHHHH. Sorry, the quick topic change confused me.

If you don't get my comment, feel free to read that in-context.


For what it's worth, while I do not begrudge y'all putting sexual themes in your characters, do not expect me to focus on them while I'm running the game. I try to keep the two kinds of roleplaying as separate as I am able to, if only for the sake of my own deteriorating mental health. All instances of the wham, the bam, and the boom will be glossed over. But they can still be present, if that's what's fun for y'all.

Thought I'd announce it since it came up.
It is quite possible that my writing declined. I shall have to re-look (it usually takes me three passes to catch poor grammer ><) Especially on a 2 pg Background done... late at night, on a re-worked background :P Somewhere in there might actually be a legacy para that even after my first pass was missed. I usually get interrupted too much to make a clean break on a single run of my own once good works. ><

Oh and due to the sexual themes do not worry if you go quickly, fade to black, or be detailed. Its something that I usually do not mind in either direction. Sorry if themes itself in the background makes peeps uncomfortable. If so I can lower them but even I fail at detailed themes of that nature xD Glossed over is almost all I can do :P

As to that repair and broken para or two in there. Give me a day... I'll fix it. ^^

Edit: And sometimes I miss commas, apparently not a legacy para and the older paragraph might have worked better >> Though I am now paranoid and shall comb the rest of the background to repair oddities such as that >>

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