The Black Ale IC Thread

The day could not have been better to sail upon the blue seas. The skies showed very little bits of cloud, and the wind was strong, taking a very special ship in her charted direction. The ship itself was named after St. Anne, with a glorious nick name of 'The Queen's Blessing'. She was captained by a loyal man to the Queen and his country. His name was Captain Delbert James Mathews. Captain Mathews had gotten himself into a very good contract with the Nobel's closest to the crown. Those of higher stature, money and cargo. This had gotten him a new ship some years back, followed by a now full crew. With his last stop at port he had acquired a very important piece of 'Cargo'. Not what he or his men really wanted to hear, but a girl.... A girl that was deemed to be very important, and yet no details were aloud to be spoken about it. 

Captain Mathews was informed of the hidden details, and was told not to say a word to anyone. Not even his first mate. After hearing what he was transporting and why, Mathews took the offer. Even if the risks of encountering pirates, Mathews felt confident with his thirty gun ship that was maned by more than forty men. 

But when the cargo arrived, his men were shocked and cursed that they would be damned by the sea. Some still believed in superstition, a woman aboard a ship was indeed bad luck. Mathews assured his men as best as he could..... Or just enough. 

The 'cargo' was none other than a Nobel man's daughter. Alexandra Thrain. A young woman of nineteen. Well groomed and well spoiled. At first the crew stuck to themselves. Not so much looking at her as they took to the sea. But as time went on, they soon learned how rich girls acted. Sometimes demanding, if not all the time. But Mathews had to make sure this 'cargo was happy and well taken care of. He would do so with his life if needed. 

Mathews trailed the deck of his ship, his first mate in toe. "Mr. Hughes?" Mathews pondered his question. They had already been at sea for two weeks and were deep into pirating waters. The man next to him stood up tall at the sound of his name. "Aye Captain?" The man asked as Mathews paused in his steps and looked out at the open water. 

"How long now until we reach our destination?" Mathews asked. 

Mr. Hughes smirked with a slight chuckle. "With the winds being on our favor, we are already ahead of schedule." Hughes placed his hands behind his back and rocked on his feet a bit. The sound of his voice showed that the man seemed happy or proud. 

"And no sign of pirates?" Mathews narrowed his eyes at the horizon.

Hughes shook his head. "Not one." He still had that joy in his voice. 

Mathews nodded slowly. "Get me the navigator.... Tell him to recalculate our course and timing. And if we can I want all sails at full." 

Hughes nodded before turning on his foot. He called out to the boatswain and gave the man the captain's orders about the sails before heading off to find their new navigator. Hughes didn't have much of a problem with their new navigator. The young man seemed very clear about who he was. And his skills were indeed at the speed they needed it to be. 

Just as Hughes was about to head below deck to find their navigator.... He paused. 


A man called out. "North east by north east!" The man added. 

Hughes turned on his heels and ran to the port side of the ship where Mathews had also made his way to. Mathews was handed a scope and was already looking over the other ship in the distance. 

Mathews pulled the scope from his eye and handed it to Hughes. "It's him...." Mathews stated. He dare not say the ship's name nor say the name of her Captain. 

He didn't like how fast the ship moved in the water. He had heard tales about her and her ruthless crew... But those were just stories. And most were wildly outrageous. Men spoke about how the crew and ship would be engulfed in fire.... And the fire would then bend to the Captain and the crew's wishes. This was only one of the so called Seven Kings of the sea. Each one more ruthless than the last... And each held it's own devilish power that no man could believe was true. 

Mathews turned to Hughes. "I want us at full sail, ready the men for battle and get our cargo to safety." Mathews ordered. Hughes was quick to act... But could not help but notice that the other ship was gaining..... Fast.... This was far from normal. 

A sly smirk came to the Black Ale's Captain's lips. His red eyes narrowed as his men scurried about on the ship. He looked up to see a few men generating heat behind the sails. He slowly looked back to his crew and stepped over to the railing to look down upon the deck. "Lets not take all day." He stated loudly. 

A loud energetic cry came from the men as they quickened their pace. Those creating the heat wind turned up the heat and the ship took on a few more knots. The speed alone created a gust over the ship. Masa looked back to his target and smirked as the wind rushed through his short red hair. "It wont be long now...." Masa whispered to himself. 
"Hmm we should get enough money to buy an island" A raspy voice sounded 

"Yes... our own island... with lots of ale... mmm ale..." Khaos said in his normal tone, this was how his conversations normally went on. Most of the crew were use to it and this Shadow as Khaos called him didn't talk to them. While some branded him as crazy he was still good at what he did and sharp. The young man never seemed to mind, after all when you've been disowned by your family what else was there? Alcohol was good company along with any riches he could find and having such precious cargo on board made his ideals for riches even worse. He didn't care about having the idea of a woman on board despite what myths said... he didn't really believe in bad luck. He had done worse expeditions than this one... at least that was what he kept telling himself. The girl they were transporting was beyond a brat and if he could he would have ran her through the first day on this ship. Her comments of his two different colored eyes got under his skin way more than it probably should have and his friend Shadow didn't like the idea of her. However these past two weeks he had grown to see what she was like and how rich she actually was and it made him think of when he would become rich. 

"I probably would act like that too" He grumbled to himself with a smirk. 

"We haven't seen her today... is she still mad from....

"Yeah, she's still mad about that comment and that was one hell of a slap she gave me too...." 

"Was it worth it?" 

"You know the captain asked me the same question... and my answer is still the same... Yes... yes it was worth it." 

Khaos conversation came to a pause when he heard voiced above deck that sounded alarming so it peaked his interest as he started to climb up the ladder until he heard 'ready the men for battle.' He quickly made his way back down the ladder grabbing a cutlass and headed up to the deck and looked to the horizon where they saw a ship coming abnormally fast. "Is that..." he couldn't even finish the sentence and not even Shadow was going to finish it for him. 
You would've thought Katerina would've been used to it by now. Cramping herself in a crate. Nope. It was still uncomfortable as hell. But it was worth it. That's what she always told herself. But now, it was all about to pay off. She knew the game she was playing, it was about to get dangerous on a whole new level. But then again, she had been a famous theif for years. A thief robbing thiefs. Except she didn't share. She remembered the first time she robbed some pirates. It definitely didn't go off well. But she didn't expect to keep doing it. But all the hatred payed off. She never managed to figure out which pirates killed her family. But she would someday. 

Katerina snapped out of her thoughts as she listened to men gossip about the noble girl aboard the St. Anne, only catching bits of conversation. 

"She's a brat..."

"Still pissed about that comment..."

"I hate her...."

"So young..."

Katerina smirked to herself, in her little crate, so blended in that not one singular person would look there, the way they spoke of girls, it was as if they thought they were aliens. One of the reasons the pirates hated her, not only did she steal from them, but she was a girl, the idea was... Preposterous to them. Katerina pulled her black hood tighter over her head, it shadowed most of her face, she was cold, but she dressed in lighter, exposing armor, to move more quickly. Of course, it was also so she could carry her equipment. She hid her lock picks in her black leather boots that went up to her kneecap, that were tied all the way up with laces. Her black tights went up to her thigh, she had black shorts and a black leather vest, she basically blended in with the shadows. She hid knifes up her sleeves and in her vest. But she carried a short cutlass with her in case she had to fight. She also carried a large leather satchel, which was strung on tight so it would be so easily taken. 

Katerina's thoughts were interrupted as  St. Anne rocked slightly as men started to rush around the ship. It was him. It had to be. He was coming, and she was about to become richer then ever. She grinned, now she waited. 
Nothing quite like the lovely breeze of the sea, the sun shining down upon his ship and crew. It's been a few days since he left the small port town he often visited during the time in-between being out at sea. A few days since he received a bit of information on any important cargo being shipped out. Now, this may not be jewels, or any goods worth selling, but Edward felt they could make a pretty penny. Ransoming tends to pay well. Also helps weed out any undesirables in his crew if any of them try something. He did have to cut the line of merrymaking somewhere. No playing with captives. They are for information and ransom.

"'Ey, Captain!" A rough squawk of a voice rang out over the loud din of others talking, or rushing to and from work stations. Friendly, yet efficient. Way he liked his crew outside of battle. Calm, happy, and working. "Rare to see ya out of yer quarters." The source of the voice finally came into his field of view, a rough man with too many scars and stories to tell. He recruited him, second to last time he was in town. Believe his name was Josef. Can't quite place where he was from, and Josef hasn't quite been willing to share his past beyond stories, even then he merely said his homeland if he has to acknowledge his place of origin. "So, what's the occasion?" Slightly teasing tone. Always fun to hear.

"Simply wanted to see how things were progressing. Sure, supposedly the cargo won't be this far just yet, but I wish to be prepared in case they somehow managed to get further then expected. It has been relatively good weather recently." Edward sighed, shaking his head. "Already bad enough how much further we've struck out then usual. God forbid we end up on the wrong side of fellow pirates. Needless bloodshed, and robbing robbers is not my style. Of course, if it can't be avoided I guess I would have to condone it." He chuckled softly, adjusting the purple overcoat he wore. No need to make a bad reputation amongst others when he could always try and angle for an alliance. Despite his crew's belief about the near invincibility their ship had due to how often they have to repair, he'd prefer not risking his precious Fading Emerald for a fool's quest. Quick strikes, aim about cannon height to ruin or hinder their offensive capabilities. Whilst there is chaos going on, board and begin fighting. Chances are, they won't waste time to try and fight the ship instead of repelling invaders. Not to mention if they don't destroy it they could quite easily take the ship and it's cargo. The Captain was snapped out of his musing by a sudden outcry, starting from above and coming down. He could make out one word.

"Ship!" Echoed around, prompting the slightly distracted Edward to check the area around him. Water, water, shiny patch of water, ship, water, wate-Ship! "Quick, telescope, please!" He held out his hand, quickly moving to peer through once the familiar weight was within his hand. "Aye...appears to be a ship. Fleeing from something as well..." Couldn't quite see what was chasing it at this angle. "Unfurl the sails, off we go! Intercept the ship, if nothing else, we'll get info of sea territories here." He smirked, heading back to the Captain's Quarters. He must gather his weapons after all, and it'd be a small amount of time before they get in firing range.
Alexandra remained in the captain's quarters most of the time seeing how she found most of the men repulsive. They were far less of a gentlemen and rude, it was clear to her why most of them were at sea and not married. Harsh judgment for her to make but for some it was more or less true. It had already been two weeks since they set sail and she was already getting restless. It was unclear why, she was use to travel after all she had been doing quite a bit of traveling for the past four years now. Perhaps it was due to traveling alone, most travels was done with her family or at least a family member. This voyage was so different now... all the secrecy from herself and from those on board. In truth it scared her, but that was something she would never admit. 

Still she would try, mainly for her father, to make the best of the situation. The captain was good to her and she had plenty of books to read in order to pass the time. She was reading her one of her many books while her mind trailed off. She was still seething from the previous day when the navigator commented how she was less of a lady. His words still resonated within her sinking deep into her thoughts and it came out with scowl on her face as she looked intensely at her book angrily flipping a page. 

"Less of a lady..." She scoffed and sighed closing her book giving up on staring at the words as if she was actually reading. She decided a good brushing of the hair would calm her down. She walked over to one of her trunks and pulled out her hair brush before sitting down and carefully brushing her hair in handful of strands. Her face softened as she hummed quietly to herself. She brushed until all the tangles were out and was carefully working on a braid, something she was trying to teach herself to do as her mother could braid her hair so well and quickly too.   
Hughes pushed through the men pointing and yelling. "Open all the sails! Gunners to their cannons!....." Hughes paused for a moment when he noticed Khaos. "Mr. Takkyn!" He called to their navigator. He went to Khoas' side quickly taking his arm and pulling him along to the captain's quarters. "Come with me." He stated in a hard tone. Just as he was about to open the door he glanced over his shoulder and out at the sea. It was indeed the Black Ale... It had to be. It's black sails and the black stained wood was clear in the distance. He gritted his teeth before heading inside and dragging the Navigator along with him. 

Once inside he let go of Khaos and made his way over to Alexandra, "My lady." He started. He wasn't sure how to tell the girl about what was going to happen. "We're under attack." He said clearly. "It wont be long until they reach us.... I am to make sure that you are safely guarded and protected during the fight." Hughes looked over to Khaos knowing that a lot of men would be lost in this battle... That even the battle would be more of a slaughter than anything else. Not many ships survived against the Black Ale, nor it's crew. And those that did survive....

Hughes looked back to Alexandra, "You will be safe in here." He turned to Khaos as he started to head for the door. "Lock and block this door after I leave." he nodded to the other. "What ever happens.... Don't let them get in here." He added to the younger lad. He placed a hand on Khaos' shoulder before leaving the room quickly, yet quietly. Back out on the deck of the ship... Things were about to become messy.... 

When Hughes returned to the deck he could not believe what he was seeing.... The sails to their ship were loosing wind... His eyes looked around looking for the Black Ale only to notice men looking behind them. He reached the side of the ship and peered behind them.... His eyes shot wide. The speed the Black Ale had was impossible. From the horizon to where they were... Normally that would take hours for even a fast ship to sail with the wind on it's side. The question of how or when could not be answered and could not be thought of at this moment. 

He looked about and found Mathews making his way to the quarterdeck. "Captain." Hughes joined his side quickly. 

"I know... She gets bigger as she gets closer..." Mathews rushed for his words. With the Black Ale's speed this did not give him any time to really think. Running away was not an option. The Black Ale was certain to not give Mathews that way out. 

Hughes could see the madness coming form the men. They were indeed frantic. This was far from good... And far from anything he had experienced before. "Captain maybe we should..."

 A loud blast was heard coming form behind them. The ship rocked as they were hit... This was followed by more blasts from cannons and more hits delivered on the ship. 

Hughes opened his eyes to find that the Black Ale was sailing along side of them. He had been thrown from one of the blasts and landed three feet from where he was once standing. A high pitched ring stung his ears and the world around him sounded like it was under water. 

He slowly looked around to see men running. Most injured from the cannons, while others tried to take over what the wounded could not do anymore. 

He continued to look.... He needed to find Mathews.... 

The Black Ale had the other ship in sight... They could clearly see the frantic of the men on the other ship. Masa narrowed his eyes as he thought about his point of actions. He could fire the Stern cannons... But more than likely they would have his cargo in a much safer place... The captain's quarters. So he would let the Black Ale sail along side the other... And once close enough the guns would fire. 

The Black Ale was indeed much bigger than St. Anne. She was small, fast... But nothing compared to the fear the Black Ale held in men's hearts. 

Masa looked down at the deck from where he stood at the quarterdeck. He meet eyes with his master gunner Beck. He gave the man a small nod. 

Beck nodded back before turning on his heels. "Ready the cannons!!! To your marks!" Beck called out. Within a few seconds Beck raised his eyes to the St. Anne. "Fire!!" He yelled. His voice drowned in the line of cannon's firing. As soon as the cannon fired men rushed to reload. 

Masa watched as the cannons made impact with the St. Anne. His eyes slowly drifted back to his ship to see his men huddling down next to the rails on the ship. All trying not to be spotted by the other ship. The element of surprise was always something he used. Even if the other ship was right next to you... You never showed off your full hand... Even with such a reputation.

Masa looked over to his pilot. "Seven..."

"Aye." The young pirate answered. 

"Take us in." Masa smiled to the young pirate. Seven nodded and started to turn the wheel to steer the Black Ale next to the St. Anne. 

The two ships lined up close to one another. And once at a certain distance.... Hooks with rope attached to them were being thrown over to the St. Anne from the Black Ale. The hooks would catch to the rails of the St. Anne, followed by the ropes becoming tight and pulling the two ships together. A loud hollow booming sound plundered through both ships as they were now tightly connected by the railings of the decks. 

All fell quiet after the hollow boom.... The Black Ale showed no signs of pirates... The cannons did not fire anymore... And even the pilot and the Captain that was posted on the quarterdeck... Were now out of sight. 
Khaos didn't have time to respond as Hughes took him by the arm and led him to the captain's quarters. 'why me.' he thought as they walked into the room. He stood there his hand on the hilt of his sword and listened as Hughes explained the situation... well sort of explained. Before the girl could even respond he was gone out of the room. Khaos wasted no time in pushing a table in front of the door and picking up a chair placing it on top it would have to do for a barricade for now. He had seen the sails of the ship that pressed upon them, and he knew it wouldn't end well for them. 

Alexandra was startled when Hughes and Khaos came bursting through the door like mad men as she would describe it. Her eyes narrowed at the navigator and her anger kindled. It didn't last for long as Hughes told her they were under attack and her face fell and fear could be seen in her eyes. She watched as he left and Khaos barricaded the door. She said nothing. 

Khaos looked over at her "it's..." he started to say when cannon fire was heard and he was knocked forward from the force. His heart raced as he crawled over to where Alexandra now laid on the floor trembling in fear. Making sure she was unharmed he stood up looking around it was quiet out there and it worried him. "We don't have much time and who knows who all is left out there." he stated looking her over before opening a trunk on the other side of the room. He pulled out a pair of trousers, a white poet shirt and brown vest. He threw them to her "don't argue, you don't want to know what they would do to see you a woman and if they find out what value you hold." He told her sternly. 

The girl coward in the corner watching Khaos rummage through a trunk until he threw dirty clothes at her "you're joking?" she questioned shaking her head "there's no way..." she started to say until he mentioned she didn't want to know what they would do... that made her stop and think. She sighed "better not look!" she hissed at him although it was barely audible as the silence scared her and she didn't want to be too loud. She stripped from her dress and put on the trousers and the shirt along with the vest and cleared her throat to get his attention. 

"i've seen prettier.' Khaos retorted to her comment about not looking, watching a woman change was the last thing on his mind although it wouldn't be a bad thing to see before death. He looked her over when she cleared her throat "your hair." he simply stated pulling out his sword. 

Her jaw dropped and she quietly whimpered as her hand stoked through the tangled strands... "no..." she pleaded but didn't stop him. 

"Sh.." Khaos whispered as he took her hair in his hand and cut it, basically giving her a hack job but it did the trick. He walked back over to the trunk and took out a hat throwing it over to her "do you have boots?" he asked her. 

"yes." she whispered putting the hat on and going over to where she had previously been sitting and put on her pair of boots. It was surprising to see that they looked old and well worn, after all she wasn't about to wear her best shoes on a ship full of gross men. The boots actually belonged to her brother yet she got way more use out of them than he did with her travels. 
Ah yes, the distant roar of cannon fire. Something he could remember quite clearly. Though this isn't quite the time to ponder over this. He carefully holstered each of his four pistols. Sometimes they wouldn't go off when he wanted. He'd prefer not accidentally setting them off without meaning to. He preferred life after all. Next was a pair of cutlasses, strapped to his hips. He wasn't the best fighter. He considered himself average despite the Naval training in their use for defending a boat against pirates. Or, the few times he's witnessed a silly group of pirates try and drift into his territory and prey on his ships, and his ship. After making sure everything was set, he left his quarters, looking towards the ship from before. If he ever had the habit of chewing on things, he'd have dropped it by how quickly his jaw drop. When did this happen?

Judging by the rather huge shadow upon the ship they first spotted, another pirate had already shown up. Which is somewhat odd, since he couldn't think of anything that sailed, let alone of that size, that could suddenly pop in. Perhaps it was a King? If so, he might want to get a bit closer. He'd not risk the Fading Emerald for a suicide run. Even if he could damage that ship, his would be much more worse for wear. Not counting how much bloodshed. He very well could get killed, or sold off depending on how deep they were in. After all, what pirate doesn't have a safe port town, or a few bribed politicians. He doubted pirates would turn over other pirates, yet this was a business meant for those who were rather greedy and cut-throat. He'd not take his chances. "Alright men, listen up!" He rose his voice, without much reason since when Edward felt something was worth addressing, the others were probably already waiting for him to speak. "That huge ship has somehow sneaked up on the other ship. We don't know if that ship had the cargo we came this far for. What I do know, is we won't bother attempting to take it." Almost instantly, there were cries of outrage.

"What?!" Short, and curt. Seemed barely of age. That would have been Gabriel. Believe he said his origins lied within the sea. Perhaps a rare case born on a ship and actually survived. Very good sense of direction, keen eyes. Sadly, not a very sharp fellow.

"Why not?" Not quite as angry as annoyed. This fellow sounded older then Edward. Very few who were on his ship that was older. He turned to see a rather tanned individual with black bags under his eyes. That would be Jack. Helmsman. Rather dependable, and at least smart enough to follow.

"Gah, why do we bother coming if not to take what we came for?" Josef. Not surprising the scar covered man wished to battle, he always did. If he wasn't good at restraining himself most of the time, he'd probably have been over the side by now.

"Aww, Capt'n goin' soft on us now?" Jamison. He knew that sarcastic tone anywhere. Closest thing to a leader he's seen amongst the crew. Partially why he was his first mate. He could trust Jamison to stir the crew to action. The other reason is that Jamison seemed the most likely to attempt a mutiny. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

"Alright, alright. Quit yer bellyachin'." He held up a hand, giving a small glare at his crew. "Reasons why I won't let us fight this behemoth of a ship for the cargo we came for? Besides the obvious it's larger and as such can give us more a pounding then we can to it, I don't quite think that's a ship of an ordinary pirate. No normal ship or crew could get a ship into position that fast. Which leads me to believe either that's the largest, lightest boat I've seen, or that right there is one of the Kings." There's the gasps, jaw drops and attention he was looking for. "Now, how many of you wish to go on and fight them anyways?" He asked, being somewhat serious. Oh, how surprising. None of them. "Good, then you'd probably understand why I'm going to suggest this next action. We will move closer so as to be seen. Then we stop. Stern towards them. Lower the anchor and hoist the Jolly Roger. Three things might happen. They may pass us by. They might attempt to talk or intimidate us expecting us to leave. Or they might attack. With it being a very successful pirate or a King for a ship that size, I'll gladly wager they'll at least talk or attempt to intimidate us for our cargo." He decided not to add on the 'I hope...' "Now, get to it!" Off they went, to do their jobs.
Katerina calmly wrote in her journal, it was large, the pages were water damaged, and some of the ink had been smudged but she didn't mind, the cover was just thin leather that was tearing, but it was light and easy to carry. She wrote: 

I write this in eagerness, the Black Ale approaches and the men are panicking aboard the St. Anne... I've always wondered what a mans last thoughts were as he took his last breath...But no matter, the crew of the Black Ale with no doubt, be distracted with the cargo and attack, so during the chaos I will just steal away unto the ship of the Black Ale, locate where they keep their... Valuables and steal the thing that looks like the most worth, if caught, I will pretend to play the abused victim, kidnapped unto the St. Anne, how I'll beg and beg, although they are worthless pirates, so I'll see how that goes, If I'm not caught, I will hide myself in the Black Ale until it hits land, which hopefully won't be long, but in preparation I brought some small snack food to suffice. If they don't go for my innocent act, or see any sparrow feathers on me, I'm sure swimming to death would be a better option then capture. If the St. Anne isn't completely destroyed, I'll just steal away on it with a valuable and back into the disgusting crate I'm in, after there done looting the St.Anne and leave, until out of sight I'll just sail the St.Anne to shore. If I succeed (which I'm sure I will, since I've never been caught) I'll be set up for life. The people have taken to calling me "Sparrow". Whenever I rob, I leave a black sparrow feather, I want them to know it was me. I want them to feel that sinking feeling when you know you've been defeated, and have had everything stolen from you. I can almost say I'm disappointed, I would love to see the Black Ale captains face when he realizes he's been robbed by a common thief. Well I best be going now, pirates to rob. 

Katerina put her journal back in her satchel, she watched through the cracks of the wooden crate as suddenly the brat and another pirate were locked into the room, she eavesdropped on their conversation as she prepared herself for getting out soon. The crate slightly shook as cannon fire hit the ship. She grimaced, and waited, when these two left, she would slip out. Katerina's thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the dealt silenced ship, it was as if the Black Ale stopped attacking. What was going on? Questions continued to swim around in her head as she waited. 
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Mathews could still hear his ears ringing as he slowly started to move. He winched and regretted his actions quickly. He looked down at his side to see that something had cut him. With this wound... He could tell it wasn't all bad, but could become worst and even a problem. He gripped his side tightly as he slowly started to get to his feet. His eyes scanned around the deck. Mr. Hughes was getting to his feet not to far from where he was, and the rest of the crew... Those that were still alive, were slowly finding the world again. 

Mathews could hear his breathing as his ears stopped ringing. His eyes looked to the Black Ale already locked next to the St. Anne. He moved over to the rails and picked up an ax on his way. With a swift swing he went to cut one of the ropes. The Black Ale had gotten this far, but he would be damned to let them get any closer. He raised the ax again... Only to pause as he felt the sun flicker over his eyes. Mathews looked up to see one man standing on the rail of the Black Ale. His hair red, and the sun outlined his thin frame. Mathews wasn't sure as what to make as the man pulled a black steel arrow from the quiver on his back. 

Mathews raised a hand to shade the sun from his eyes, and could still not get a glimpse of the man's face. 

The man notched the arrow into a black steel bow and pulled back casually on the string. Mathews could of sworn he could hear a slight whistle when the string was pulled. A pleasant sound if not for the circumstances. It was like the string too could somehow be steel. 

Before Mathews could step out of his thoughts the man released the arrow. It zipped through the air and struck a man right through his heart. Mathews turned back to the man and already the red haired demon was sending another arrow through the air. That once sweet whistle of a sound was like death signalling you to sleep for good. Each shot was actuate. With the advancement in guns, swords and cannons... Many dropped the bow for a one shot barrel with black powder. 

 Mathews' eyes locked when he noticed the man with the bow was looking at him. He could see a red glow coming from where the man's eyes would be. He watched as the man notched another arrow. He squinted his eyes and finally noticed something about the man's face... It was painted... Black and white, like a skull. The devil's mask. 

Mathews let his eyes narrow as he would not go down without a fight. He raised his arm and with great force, whipped the ax into the air at the man with the bow. 

The man released and arrow at the same time... Both weapons of air clashed together... Suddenly bursting into a ball of fire. The small blast caught Mathews off guard. He blinked and took a step back as the smoke cleared. Another one... Another much taller and buffer man stood next to the first. His eyes glowed red and his face painted like the first. Mathews stepped back even more. He had been in many battles... And had seen fear, but not like this. The air around them was heavy and thick... He could feel the sweat on his brow roll down the side of his face as the sudden temperature rose. 

The second man looked over to the archer before raising up a hand to motion the other crew members. 

The cries of battle started as men of all shapes and sized started to take the once beautiful St. Anne. Leaping over the gap between both ships. Some came over the rails, while others came in through the gun ports and slipped into the hull of the ship. 

The once beloved silence was no more. 
Khaos heard the sound of a battle and almost wished for the silence again. "You may need a weapon" he sighed looking her over "Can you handle that?" He muttered looking around and walked over to the closet "Come here." he told her wanting to make sure she stayed close to him. 

"Does it look like I've ever used a sword?" Alexandra hissed at him and rolled her eyes walking over to where he now stood opening a closet. 

"Well it would still be better to have one." He shrugged opening the closet and noticed the crate "maybe in here." he said opening the lid seeing a person in it not sure if they were dead or alive depending on what secrets his captain kept he held out his arm pushing Alexandra back and grabbed the edge of the barrel pulling it down so it would fall over he backed up in the process. He did this in case it was an enemy this would at least stung them and disorient them. He unsheathed his sword and waited to see if there would be movement. 

Alexandra gasped as he shoved her back and backed away even more when the barrel came out and she saw a person inside. It freaked her out due to if a person was in there  they heard every conversation and everything she said on top of who knows what all they had seen. This terrified her and made her turn slightly red. 

Katerina grinned as battle cries rang out on deck, battle had struck, and that would be her que. She checked herself, making sure she was prepared. She couldn't risk anything to chance. Kat wasn't sure if she would stop thieving after this, she'd be set up for sure, but she enjoyed stealing from thieves so much... Kat snapped out of her thoughts as voices came much closer, a males.

She watched through the cracks of the crate as he opened the closet, and froze as he opened the crate, and then proceeded to knock it down, nearly causing Katerina to face plant. Kat quickly recovered from her stupor and swiftly rolled out of her crate. She nonchalantly stood up, stretching and dusting herself off, looking around her to see if she dropped anything, she then looked up to see the strange man pointing his sword directly at her, her good eyes looked the man up and down, deciding how strong he was, then flicked to to the girls, the noble one she had heard so much about on this dreadful voyage.

Kat smirked in the girls direction, a small curve of her red lips. The black hood Kat wore shadowed most of her face, except for the tip of her nose that peaked out, and her lips. Kat looked at the man "Relax, your not on my hit list today." Kat said cooly and calmly as she turned and strode over to the door, she quickly shoved the table and kicked the chair out of the way. Kat walked in an graceful, alluring manner, it was like she made no noise when she walked. She kneeled at the door and pulled out a small knife and a lock pick and began attempting to unlock the door, if she wasn't stopped, she would unlock the door in seconds. She payed little mind to the two lovebirds behind her, her goal was clear, and she wouldn't let them step in the way. 

@Desert Rose
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Outside on the deck things had gone from bad to worst for Mathews and his crew. The fighting had come to a complete stop. Some men were still alive and were being brought to the center of the deck by the crew of the Black Ale. There guns and swords were pointed at them constantly to make sure no one would do anything stupid. 

Mathews knelled down next to Hughes. Both looked to one another and could say that they had better days. But their attention drew away from one another when a long plank was dropped between both ships. It was used for a more easier access to the St. Anne from the Black Ale..... This was it... 

His boots kluged across the wood. Making his steps echo through the air and to the men's ears. Masa held no weapon of any kind, no sword, no knife, not even a pistol as he made his way onto the St. Anne. His bright red eyes scanned the ship and looked to those that were now questioned as captives. His attention turned to one of his men... All had their faces painted like skulls or the dead. "Daft... You and Griffin sweep the hull..." He said in a calm but strong voice. 

Daften nodded, "Aye." He stated before turning to the archer from before. Griffin followed notching an arrow to his bow. Before they headed down to the hull of the ship, Griffin took lead and Daft followed. 

Masa continued to look around at the men from the St. Anne. "Which one of you is the captain?" he asked. 

Mathews took in a deep breath, "I am." Mathews blinked as Hughes spoke up. Hughes was going to pretend to be the captain it seemed. Mathews wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not. But it was too late now. Hughes got to his feet, "I'm the captain." He stated strongly. 

Masa walked over to Hughes and looked him over. A smirk and a chuckle left the man's lips as he rolled his eyes a bit. "Don't fool yourself." Masa looked past Hughes and over to Mathews. "Rem." Masa called for his quartermaster as he walked over to Mathews. "I don't like cowardly captains." Masa stated. At that point Rem walked over to Hughes and pulled out his sword. With a quick swing Hughes' head went rolling and the man's body fell to the deck of the ship. 

Mathews watched in horror as his first mate was murdered right before his eyes. He looked back to Masa with great fear and hatred. The Black Ale's Captain was heartless... and ruthless... He gulped hard not sure what would happen next. 

His attention drifted to a smaller crew member of the Black Ale. "Captain?" Seven asked as he seemed to hop on his heels. "The captain's quarters is locked." He stated. 

Masa smirked at this news. "Hiding something are we?" Masa asked Mathews. Masa turned to Seven, "Well then... Lets unlock it." Masa smirked. 

The next thing Mathews knew was that he was watching Masa make his way to the quarterdeck. The one called Rem looked down the opening to the hull and said something in a strange language he had never heard of before. Someone from below answered back in the same language. 

Daften and Griffin came back on deck from the hull and followed Masa and Rem to the captain's quarters. Rem and Daft picked up a large metal battering ram. Both holding the handles on either side, they stood by the door. Rem looked over to see Seven and Masa standing by the steps leading to the quarterdeck, while Griffin stood facing the door with his bow ready to fire. 

Masa gave Rem and Daft a nod and the two lifted the ram up and let it swing into the door. A loud sound crashed into the door. It didn't open just yet, but if they kept this force up, the door would soon come down. Griffin narrowed his eyes as he tightened his grip on his bow. His eyes locked with the door and what could be behind it. 
Khaos narrowed his eyes and watched her carefully. He glared and put a hand on her should but stopped as he heard a loud slam and the door jolt. He thought carefully as the door didn't look like it would hold to another blow like that. He swiftly looked at Alexandra "Alex.... my brother, and mute. Got it!" he snapped at her quickly before eyeing Katrina. It was their lucky day apparently because she was now going to be Alexandra, he would make sure of that. He motioned for 'Alex' to come over to him and gave a good shove to Katrina so she would be to the side of the door. He still held his sword out as his heart raced he stood next to the door knowing that one more hit and it would splinter the wood but he sure was not going to be in front of the door. 

Alexandra froze hearing the slam her eyes wide with fear and dread. She glared at Khaos and crossed her arms "mute?" she hissed and then realized it would be hard enough to pass off as a gross boy let alone talk like one. 'mute it is.' she thought to herself and went over to stand by Khaos bracing herself for the door to smash in.

Katerina stepped back from the door as the slam startled her. She had been so bent on her lock picking, she hadn't heard the silence above deck. There was no way she was getting out of her now, she looked back at the crate, even if she climbed in there, she was sure these two would rat her out, or the crew would find her. 

Katerina turned and watched the man tell at her, catching unto his plan. Alex was obviously a girl, she already knew that, but the Black Ale didn't, so he would pretend Alex was a guy, a mute, so she would not be recognized as a girl. Kat hissed as the man shoved her, and spun around with a long dagger in her hand, threatening him with it, now being on the side of the door. Perhaps she would back the Black Ale to let her go, tell them she was only a beggar trying to steal. She looked in her satchel real quickly, the thing that caught her eye, was her sparrow feather. If they saw that, it'd be the end of the line for her. But knowing she didn't have enough time to hide it, she closed her satchel, hopefully she could pass for a common beggar, just trying to steal, Kat's heart raced, the Black Ale was able to kill so quickly, she wasn't prepared for that. They took her off guard. Kat pulled her hood tighter over her head and took a step back, watching the door. 
With one last heave and swing the door busted down. Rem and Daft dropped the ram as Griffin slipped into the room rather quickly. Rem and Daft were right behind him with their swords drawn. Griffin blinked a little as he looked over the three in the room. A sly smirk came to his face when his eyes landed on Kat. Daften and Rem both turned their attention to Alex and Khaos. "I wouldn't do anything stupid boys." Daften said in a deep dark voice. 

Griffin un-notched his arrow and placed in back into his quiver. He made his way over to Kat and roughly pulled her hood down revealing her face. Grabbing her chin rather roughly he made sure her eyes meet his. His smirk was hard to miss, as were his blood red eyes. He tilted his head a bit at her as he looked her over. "What's a girl like you doing on a ship like this?" he asked. His tone of voice was cocky in a way. He let go of her chin and motioned for her to move, but he was a bit forceful and grabbed her arm shoving her towards the door. "Let's go princess..." He stated. 

Griffin took her arm once more and moved her to the door quicker. Once out of the room he shoved her towards Masa. "Found the cargo." Griffin stated. 

Daften and Rem waited for Griffin to get their cargo out of the room before they acted with the other two. "Come on lads..." Rem stated as he motioned for them to follow Griffin. "You two will be joining the rest of your crew." Daften stated with a smirk. 

Masa looked over Kat. "Alexandra Thrain?" he asked. 
Khaos grimaced as if he himself just got rammed into as the door splintered open. He stepped back slightly and ducked his head covering it with his free arm to avoid getting hit with the splinters. He coughed some from  the dust and waved it from his face. He tensed seeing them walk in and watched as they had their attention on the stowaway 'good at least this is sort of working' he thought to himself. Khaos watched as they took the girl out first and gave a looked to Alexandra who stood there saying nothing. He sheathed his sword and held up his hands he wasn't about to do anything stupid not if he wanted a chance to live however slim that may be. Khaos followed Griffin out the door Alexandra close behind him. 

Alexandra watched as Kat got dragged out and when she followed Khaos out of the door she heard her name. they knew her name, what they did so well to keep hidden was all in vain. However there was a small glimmer of hope seeing they had the wrong woman.
Katerina couldn't help but feel a chill wash over her as  Griffen's eyes landed on her. Shit. She watched him walk over and flinched as he tore off her hood and roughly grabbed her chin, forcing her to stare into his very unnatural red eyes, she met his gaze with a cool stare. She refused to answer his question. Damn it. If she was a man this would've ended much quicker. 

As he shoved her towards the door, she spun around and glared at him, then her eyes landed on Alex and Khaos. She smirked at the two with a knowing smirk before she was abruptly pushed through the door by Griffen, coming face to face with who she could only guess be the captain, more chills ran down her spine. As the captain asked the question, she almost grinned. She knew thier plan. They we're going to attempt to make her look like the brat. Kat shook her head and replied in a small voice, trying to pass off as a poor theif "N-no. I'm just a thief. The other two- one if them is her. Sh-She's just looks like a guy.." Kat stuttered out, hoping she could pass for a poor theif. 
Masa let his brows raise a bit as he looked over to Alex and Khaos. Rem and Daften were leading the two to the deck to join the other crew members of the St. Anne. He looked back to Kat and smiled a little. "So you're a thief?" he asked. Masa took a few steps closer to her. His gaze locked on her very being. "Do you know what we do to thieves?" he asked. 

Griffin grabbed her shoulder and shoved his foot into the back of her leg where her joint was. This would make her fall o her knees. He was quick with his motions as a hand grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. A dagger was now placed across her neck, the sharp steel pressed into her skin... But not enough to cut through her skin. "Thieves among pirates is the greatest sin of all princess..." Griffin narrowed his eyes at her. 

Masa looked away from Kat and turned to Seven, "Bring me the captain please." He asked the smaller red head. Seven smiled and nodded. He was quick with his orders. He walked Mathews over to Masa. "I'm going to ask this once.... Is this Alexandra Thrain?" 

Mathews looked from Masa and over to the girl Kat... "She is....." He looked over to Alex and Khaos.. "The cabin boy is really my daughter..." He frowned deeply. "I don't know if you have a heart or not... But please spare my daughter if you wish to slaughter my crew..." Mathews put on a very believable performance. 

Masa looked from Mathews to Alexandra. She actually looked a lot like Mathews in almost every way. He looked to Rem and nodded to his quartermaster. "Take her to the ship." He ordered. Rem nodded and started to take Alexandra over to the Black Ale. 

"The rest of you start loading up..." He told the rest of his crew. Some stayed to watch over those captive while most of them ran to the hull and started to take out all the goods. "Seven why don't you bring me the manifest while I finish this.." He looked back to Kat. 

"Once again, are you Alexandra Thrain?" Masa asked. 

Griffin pulled on her hair tighter and pressed the knife a little bit harder. A drop on blood broke free from her skin and rolled down to her chest. "You will not lie to me..." Masa sounded angered. 
Kat smirked at Khaos look, she didn't give a rats ass if Alexandra died, she seemed to cause more trouble then she was worth. Kat turned her attention back to Masa, and his small smile probably didn't resemble anything good. Kat sighed slightly as Masa asked a rhetorical question on what they did to thieves, she probably guessed it was the most reasonable option. Kill them. "I'm pretty sure I have a good Id-" 

Kat was interrupted and gave a little cry out as she was knocked to her knees, she flinched as she felt her hair be pulled back and froze as she felt the tip of the cold dagger press against her throat. Kat shut her eyes for a moment. She didnt really feel a mans last thoughts in this moment, all she could do was think how she could possibly escape this, but her mind remained blank. She opened her eyes again as Griffen spoke, and her eyes shot up, attempting to look at him. "I consider it the other way around." Kat hissed at Griffen. 

Thoughts raced through her head. This was it. The famous Sparrow. Ended by a King. Seemed fitting, better then another pirate sum doing it. But then again, it depend on how you looked at it. She never got to track down her parents killers. Damn. What a lose. 

Kat watched them drag off Alex. Bitch. She seemed that be a brat by just the way she held herself. Kat listened to Masa, a look of fierce anger in her eyes. Kat felt a trickle of blood roll down her neck and chest. And was to say the least unsettled by Masa's anger in his voice. She replied to his question with sarcasm "God I hope not, I'd hate to be looked at like cargo and a brat, the crew had fond memories of her." Kat hissed out at Masa. She knew she should've said yes, it'd probably save her life, but she almost hates nobles as much as she did pirates, and she didn't wanna risk dying thought of as one. Out the corner of her eyes, she noticed something black sticking out of her satchel, she glanced at it, although it was difficult considering she couldn't turn her head. A sparrow feather. It was a sparrow feather sticking out of her satchel. Shit. Shit. Shit. She glanced away from it, hoping Masa didn't see it. She didn't want to signify she was a literal famous pirate theif. She didn't want to world to know she died on her knees with her throat slit, be a bad way to go out. Or maybe they'd just stab her mercilessly.  Kat glared at Masa, waiting for the certain death command that awaited her. 
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Khaos tensed as he heard Kay deny being Alexandra and call out the real Alexandra. He looked over at her as if to say keep your mouth shut. Figuring something that was hard for her to do. He had only heard rumors of the Black Ale and its crew and he had hoped to never find out if they were true. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the captain and then at Alexandra well at least this was going out better than he thought but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to die for it. Khaos was one more for himself than for chivalry. Of course there was a certain honor he held so he would die with his mates but in the end it a better offer was on the table it would be hard for him to say no to it.  If he  did manage to get out of this he would demand way more money than originally offered. One because Alexandra was just that awful of a person to be around. Two he didn't think they would be dealing with pirates let alone these pirates. 

Alexandra looked at the captain when he claimed her as his daughter. The day was just getting worse but then again she could have been in Kat's shoes and that would be way worse. She tensed seeing Rem and wasn't about to fight against him but she did look back at Khaos and Mathews fear evident in her eyes as she was taken to the Black Ale. She said nothing as she looked down terrified of what could happen to her. Khaos words still resonated with her and the insinuation of what was done to women by pirates. She only hoped they all didn't die because this was their lie and idea and how them would she ever get back with her family if they were all dead and she was left alone with the pirates. 
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Rem lead Alexandra across the wooden plank that stabilized as a bridge between the St. Anne and the Black Ale. It was a long drop to the water below if someone were to fall. Not to mention the fact that the two ships might crush a person between them. The Black Ale was of all things... Black. But it didn't seem like it was from a choice of color, but more like burn marks and ash. Even the sails. Some parts would show that they once used to be a white color, but there was heat damage to it... Like fire had gotten close enough to not burn it, but was able to discolor it. Rem lead Alexandra to the Captain's main room. The ship was so big that the Captain's quarters was split it two. The first room was large and had a big table in the center. Chairs of the like sat around it and at the head of the table was a chair fit for a king. But Rem didn't stop there. He took Alexandra further into the Captain's Quarters. 

At the back of the room was a set of double doors. Red with a gold trim and design. He opened one of the doors and shoved Alexandra inside. 

The room was well light due to the window that covered the back wall. Red curtains, hung on gold bars, but moved to the side of the window to let the light in. To her right towards the far back was a large king sized bed. The cloth for the sheets and even the cloth that created the canopy was fit for a king. A desk to her left, large and full of papers. But what would strike one's attention would not be the furniture in the room.. But the amount of treasure. Gold, jewels.. All sorts of things that held a cash value littered the floor. Even the rugs that were casually thrown onto the hard wood floor showed signs of hidden secrets. 

Rem shut and locked the door behind Alexandra. He placed the key in his pocket before heading back to the St. Anne. There was still a lot to do. And they had only just started. 

Rem made his way to the deck and was quick to start handing out orders to the Black Ale crew. Well they sounded like orders. He spoke in an unrecognizable language. And the crew form the Black Ale would respond in the same tongue. 

Meanwhile Seven had returned from the St. Anne's captain's quarters with the manifest for the ship. He looked to Masa for further instructions. Masa let his attention fall to the pilot, "Bekku ni sore o ataemasu." Seven nodded at the Captain's words and took the book elsewhere. 

Masa looked down to Kat and let out a huff of air through his nose. He looked to Griffin. "Anata wa on'nanoko ga kono ichi ni arudearou iimasendeshita ka?"

Griffin looked up from Kat, he gave Masa a curious look. "Watashi wa anata ga soreha ōjodatta to itte oboete imasen." Masa added. 

Griffin looked back to Kat. He took away his knife and placed a foot on her back. He let go of her hair and gave her a good shove with his foot forcing her to kiss the ground. "Anata wa watashi no ryōhō o chekku shitaidesu ka?" Griffin asked. Masa nodded and only got a slight irritated sound from Griffin. Griffin looked down to Kat. "Stand up..." he told her. 

Masa looked back to the deck to see his men were working hard and fast trying to gather all the valuables off the St. Anne and onto the Black Ale. Masa called out to those on the deck. "For those of you on the St, Anne that wish to live.... I have a proposition for you." Masa glanced over the men being captive. "If you agree to help my crew move the goods in the hull of the St. Anne and into the hull of the Black Ale... I will grant you safe passage to civilization." Masa looked to Mathews and spoke to him a bit more quietly, "This does not apply to you or your officer." he told him in a serious tone. 

Mathews gulped at this. But he felt a bit more relieved that what was left of his men could be safe and could possibly return home. Mathews slowly nodded to Masa. 

Masa looked back to those still captive. "Those wishing to take up on that offer... Say Aye." 
Kat already had a bad feeling in her stomach as they began speaking in an unrecognizable tongue. She had never heard it before, especially among uncultured pirates. Kat was certain her throat was about to be slit open and she was about to die in this final place. Hell, she would've killed her too if some random thief used sarcasm with her. She watched the crew interact with her eyes, the dagger still pressed tightly against her throat. 

As soon as Masa looked at her, then spoke to Griffen, she was sure that was the command that told him to kill her. Katerina wasn't really scared anymore, she felt more sad then anything, she wondered if she could've done anything else then this lifestyle, she remembered the dreams she had as a child. What happened to that? What made her a world wide theif. But then Kat remembered. And the sadness was replaced with hate. 

But it as the two interacted more, Kat was no longer sure she would be dying just now, it seemed as a debate between the two, although Griffen seemed to reluctantly agree. She breathed in relief as the dagger was removed from her throat and her hair was released, either they decided a more brutal death or she would live another day. She gave a tiny grunt as she was shoved to the floor, cringing. She slowly stood up as she was told, a confused look in her face with a small hint of fear. Suddenly she started to think death was better then whatever was coming. Her attention snapped to Masa addressing the crew. She listened to his offer sbd remained silent. Would the crew really go for it? Help the people that just killed their friends, maybe family. She wouldn't have, it sounded humiliating in general. Kat silently watched, thoughts racing through her head. 
Edward paced back and forth in the Captain's Quarters of the Fading Emerald, grumbling. He didn't quite enjoy the waiting for the unknown. Yet if he ordered a retreat and the other ship noticed he doubted there'd be enough time to run. That monster of a ship did seem to be extremely quick, despite everything he knew was normally possible pointed to the exact opposite. Bloody Kings making his head hurt. Why couldn't they just have been extremely good and renowned pirates? Why must they be magical? He couldn't think his way around magic. He doesn't quite understand how magic works, nor how to combat it without magic of his own. Was staying within view of the Black Ale a mistake? Were they just going to pass him over? One could only hope. Yet he doubted it. From the few stories he's heard when he wasn't busy secluding himself, they tended to be a bit..murderous. If not them, then their crews were murderous. Either bow to the King, or get the sword...or gun...or over the side. Assuming of course they don't use those powers to take you out. Edward sighed, taking a seat in his captain's chair, head in hands. "Just...calm down Edward. Calm down. Nothing has happened as of yet. If you're lucky, nothing will." Sadly though, fate does have a funny way to make one eat their own words. In this case, fate employed curiosity.

Up above, at the wheel and along the railing of the ship, his crew gathered to watch the Black Ale, making guesses. From type of wood, to thickness and number of men needed to man that behemoth, it was all talked about and guessed. Eventually calls were made to get closer, despite already probably in range the cannons. They simply kept demanding it.

"Closer Jack! I want to try and climb up it!" Gabriel cried out, hands on the railing as he looked out. The fool wanted to climb a possibly hostile ship. Young, young fool.

"Jack, get closer! I want to poke it with my cutlass!" Josef, no. Just no. Please don't scratch the other ship. Please. Too bad the violent scarred man couldn't hear the narrator. Thank you fourth wall.

"Oi, Jack. 'Ow 'bout we take a closer look at that there beaut of a ship. I want to know 'er personally. Roight down to ta wood she's made of." Jamison chuckled, stretching out. Despite only being first mate, he held nearly as much respect as Edward, enough that the crew would occasionally listen to him. Especially when nearly all of the crew were in agreement. "Course, the Capt'n said not ta do it, but ya know, he also is risking us just as much keeping us within range." That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Jack carefully angled the ship, ordering the sails to be loosed. Soon enough, they were on their way closer to the Black Ale, despite the orders of their captain. At least they kept their cannons in, and were angled to pull facing forward to avoid seeming hostile.
Alexandra nearly froze as the got to the makeshift bridge. She looked down and tensed seeing the waves slosh between the two ships. She had no choice but to walk it. The girl did so carefully as she walked across feeling unsteady and was pretty sure she only made it from the amount of adrenaline filling her entire being. A sigh of relief when her foot came in contact of the Black Ale. She looked at the charred wood and burned sails puzzled as to how that could happen. It made her nervous as to what sort of pirate ship did she just embark on. As Rem lead her inside the Captain's quarters she was even more shocked of the wealth this pirate clearly had. However she didn't get to spend much time thinking about it as she was shoved inside another room. She gasped stumbling inside and turned to the door only to see it shut and locked. She jiggled the handle for good measure. Yep, it was locked. 

She looked around taking in the new scenery now that she was alone. She walked around her hand felt the bed sheets and she could tell he definitely had a taste for the more finer things in life. Especially seeing all the jewels and gold laid out among the floor. Next she turned her attention to the desk and walked over casually glancing over the papers she didn't dare move them for fear of what could happen to her if she did. She was definitely reluctant to make a pirate angry especially now the lie was she held no good value. Still it was hard for to be upset with Matthews she knew he was trying to keep her safe and she hoped this plan worked otherwise cutting her hair was done so in vain. 

Her hair... she took off the hat dropping it on the floor and ran her hands through her hair. It wasn't as short as she thought it was. It was actually at her chin... well some of it was. For now she was safe and she was going to relish in this moment, after all it may be the only moment she had. Alexandra didn't dare think about what horrors could possibly await her. 

Khaos watched Kat carefully and tried to figure out what was being spoken between Masa and Griffin seeing how they were speaking in a different language. His attention of course was diverted to Masa as he spoke to him and the rest of the crew. He tensed thinking about his offer. Of course Khaos would do anything for the highest bid and in this case it wasn't money it was his life. It would be nice to live to see another day and he embarked on this ship for the money not for any long relations or necessarily loyalty, he was pretty sure most were of the same as him. They joined because of the pay. However this offer could be a trap to find those who aren't loyal and just kill them off anyways. Lastly it could just be an offer on the table to make men beg for their lives before they actually die. So, he could be dead no matter what answer given. 

All  the thinking made his head hurt and by now some of the men had said Aye. Khaos looked at Masa his brownish red eye and electric blue eye stared at him intensely "Aye." He finally called out not looking at Matthews. He wasn't sure what the captain of this ship would think or feel seeing his own men opt life over loyalty. If they even received life, it was the  best chance they got, besides he was out for the money and he can't collect if he's dead. Also, Alexandra Thrain was now on the Black Ale and she was the mission and she was the one going to be getting them money, so he needed to stay with her. 

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