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Realistic or Modern The Big Easy





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Full Name:

Logan Wiess









Home town:

Cleveland, Ohio

Current Residence:

Cleveland, Ohio







Hair Color:

Dark brown

Eye Color:

Dark brown (almost black)


Logan is very tall with broad shoulders and fairly athletic.





Stubborn: Logan cannot and will not be told what to do. If he'd given advice, it's almost like his whole body tells him to go against it. He doesn't do it in a bratty way, but he does it sub-consciously, like he can't control how stubborn he is. He always feels the need to prove himself and constantly feels like he has to be original.

Shy: Logan is moderately comfortable in social situations, but he can't seem to put himself out there. Even with people that he knows; his family and friends; he can't open up and doesn't say very much. He tends to keep to himself and doesn't let anyone in.

Loner: Logan loves his alone time. In fact, he's almost always by himself. He likes to find any excuse to go off by himself and find a place to sit and read or go walking. He doesn't really enjoy the company of many people, so he likes to be by himself more often than not.

Unforgiving: If you hurt Logan, he'll never forget it. If he lets you close enough to be able to hurt him, that means that he likes you so he's loyal to you. If you betray that loyalty, he'll never, ever forget it. It takes him a long time to form real connections, for him, and if you break that, it's unforgivable to him.

Sensitive: Logan is super sensitive. Years of being bullied have left him angry whenever someone comments on his stutter, so he's been known to start fights with people who have been rude to him about it. He's also sensitive to love or what he believes is love. Although he doesn't let his guard down often, if he thinks he's fallen in love with a girl, he'll fall head over heels.


Loving: If Logan falls in love, he's dedicated. He likes to get know a person; fully. He wants to know their dreams and passions. He wants to know what makes them tick and what makes them feel nostalgic. He always likes to surprise people, and in his own special way, he's romantic. Not in a way that he has to present red roses and champagne, but he makes you feel special.

Sympathetic: Logan can understand sadness and if he sees someone else is upset, he tries to react perfectly. If someone wants to be left alone; he'll leave them alone. If someone needs to binge on Netflix and eat pizza, he'll provide that. He hates seeing people upset, and if you're dear to him, he'll go to the ends of the world to make you feel better.

Loyal: Logan never forgets a friends. He keeps secrets and will always lends a hand in times of need. But he does it in a way that doesn't ask for something in return, except your own loyalty. But, if you betray his trust, he'll never be loyal to again, at least not for a long time.

Comforting: He has a very comforting aura. Whether it's his soft voice or his massive bear hugs, Logan can make you feel better simply by being there. He always seems to know what to say, and amazingly, when he's trying to make someone feel better, his stutter will go away temporarily.

Adventurous: When he's alone, Logan likes to explore abandoned buildings and go on long hikes that will most likely get him lost. He rarely takes other people with him on these expeditions, but if he does, he always likes to impress.




Logan was born into a family of average wealth. He was an only child and his parents always considered him a miracle baby. His parents hadn't been able to conceive. For almost eight years they tried. They went through countless treatments. Even IVF failed. Thousands of dollars went down the drain. But, when his Mother was 39, she became pregnant with Logan.

Although his parents were a little older than the other kids', he never felt disadvantaged. However, being an only child left him a little shy. He didn't talk properly until he was 5, and when he did start talking, he had a stutter. In between sentences he would start struggling to get out his words. In his earlier years of school, kids would make fun of him. They'd call him 'Stammer' which developed to 'Stan' and ever since 5th grade, people have called him that. He doesn't mind the nickname, it makes people feel more comfortable, but he cannot stand when people try to push him over the edge, because they succeed. When people try to piss him off, he provides a reaction. He gets way too angry. It comes from when people used to pick on him as a kid, he could never say anything back to them, because he would just stutter, so physical violence was the only way around it.

Logan never had any outstanding talents. He was average at sports, but terrible in the arts. Nothing he did ever stuck out. Because of all the fights he was getting into, his Mother suggested giving boxing a go. For a months, he trained, but once he had to do a real fight, it all got to much. Sure, it was fine beating the crap out of someone who had said shitty things to him, but beating someone up for the sake of it was pointless a boring.

When Logan left high school, he decided to get a job. He worked at his Father's garage for a while, but it turned out he couldn't fix cars. So he bounced from job to job, each day regretting not going to college. He never moved out of his parent's house, so getting close to a girl was difficult, especially as he grew into his twenties. His parents loved him, but wanted him to move on; so they suggested the trip. New Orleans was as good a place as any to make friends. So they signed him up and paid for his flights.

Why are you here?:

"Ugh, my p-parents made me come. They think I need to make m-more friends. They think I'm a l-l-loner."

First time in New Orleans?:

"No. I went with my U-uncle once. Shittiest weekend of my t-teenage life."



What are you excited for?

"Mostly the buildings. It sounds nerdy, but New Orleans looks am-mazing."

What are you scared for?

"Getting into fights. It's like I'm a ma-magnet for violence."


Mother: Julia Weiss

Father: Emilio Weiss

Theme Song:

Sticks 'n' Stones - Jamie T


The Big Easy



Rainadelle Kaylee Lee-Webb


What You Need to Know

Nickname/s (if any):

Rain, Raina, Dell, Kaylee, Lee Lee, Webb


Rain is known to be very determined and confident. But when she is intimidated by someone of higher power than her, she seems to lose the facade. She is usually very hard working and always seen practicing something, but with the trip she hopes to let loose. She is quick to make friends, for she is outgoing and kind.


Rainadelle grew up in a normal neighbourhood, with her widowed father in Alaska. Her mother and older brother died, when she was six years old, in a car accident. But she still grew up with a very boring life, graduating high school top of her class. She entered New York University and majored in Chemistry. Deciding to become a doctor like her brother wanted to, she applies to Harvard Med and gets accepted. It's her final year in Med School and she applies for residency at a New York hospital, awaiting patiently.

Age (20-26):




Sexuality (All are welcome):


Home town:

Anchorage, Alaska

Current Residence:

Manhattan, New York





Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Dark Brown


Petite with little muscular build


She has a anti-possession tattoo behind her ear from her favourite show Supernatural and her deceased brother's name and birthday on her wrist. Seven piercings count on both of her ears. And she has a belly button piercing.

Why are you here?

Rain wanted a little taste of adventure before the results for her residency at a New York hospital shows up.

First time in New Orleans?


What are you excited for?

The long nights out without a care

What are you scared for?

Falling in love with the wrong person


The Big Easy

Optional- Theme Song:

New Americana-Halsey

(Sorry, I took so long, my Coding was acting up)

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Kim Jae-woo



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I Come
Full Name

Kim Jae-woo


Andrew Kim








Seoul, South Korea




160 lbs

Hair Color


Eye Color






I Leave

Being the son of a rich chaebol (South Korean business conglomerate), Andrew Kim has always gotten what he wanted since he was still a little child. He has gotten used to getting what he wants, and thus, he will not accept it if something doesn’t go his way. He believes that everything in the world is buyable, except for happiness. Having money at his disposal doesn’t mean he’s happy. In fact, the opposite would be much more fitting for his situation. Though he usually gets everything he wants, he feels empty. No luxury in the world could fill the empty imaginary space in him called his heart.

Andrew doesn’t trust anyone easily. He protects himself from being backstabbed by not believing in anyone at all. He chooses not to believe to not get backstabbed, the easy way out. He chooses not to love to not get heartbroken, and that’s the only reason why he’s been single all these years. Though he has some friends that he deeply trusts, he doesn’t let anyone in easily. Though is actually quite kind of a person, when he interacts with someone, he suspects them before anything else. The first thought that surfaces in his mind is something along the lines of; “He’s trying to backstab me.”

A man with few words, Andrew tends to not say anything even in the direst situations. That’s only because he does not know how to express his thoughts—he’s quite a socially awkward person. Since he’s a person that would lie instead of telling the truth if the latter is hurtful, his words may save him in the present, but the truth is, he’s saving himself up some trouble for the future.


How could someone possibly mix up a business trip to New York and a Summer Vacation trip to New Orleans?

Kim Jae-woo, or Andrew Kim as his English business partners called him, is the son of a chaebol that owns a famous South Korean clothing line. Taught how to design clothes since he was little, it was no wonder that Andrew would grow up as one of the best designers in South Korea—if not the world—as he loved what he did. His father was always a stern and harsh man, but that was none of his fault. He grew up in the midst of a war, and he had to toughen up himself to stay alive. Andrew’s mother, on the other hand, is a very kind and loving woman who founded the family business.

Andrew grew up with love, perhaps an excessive one. His parents, being wealthy ones, always got him what he wanted. As the business got larger and larger, Andrew’s parents got busier. They became so busy that they had no time to attend on their child. At that point Andrew didn’t want anything but her parent’s attention—that was his happiness at the time.

After Andrew reached the age of 21 he was quickly promoted manager of a store in Seoul. From Pyeongchang-dong, he expanded the store to Samyang-dong, Hyoja-dong, Dongsan-dong and so much more before it quickly dominated Seoul. It was time to get his business done in New York, but somehow his secretary had his flight ticket up for his own vacation plan in New Orleans. Flight was due and Andrew couldn’t wait anymore. He decided to go on the vacation and have his secretary finalize his business deal.

I Remember

Why are you here?

"My secretary mixed up by business trip."

First time in New Orleans?

"Not really."

What are you excited for?


What are you scared for?

"Let's just hope my business deal doesn't go awry because of this trip."


Big Easy.

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Ryan Woo-jin Park

  • Name

    Ryan Woo-jin Park








    Worcester, Massachusetts

    Current Residence

    Worcester, Massachusetts




    140 lbs

    Hair Color

    Dark Brown


    Slim, not very muscular


    Had one ear pierced but let it close, so none


    Theme Song

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