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Futuristic The Beta Characters Thread

Username: Vespura
Character name: Apollo Elio
Age: 25

Weapons: Two hyper-daggers
Powers: Apollo can control and generate fire, Apollo can also generate incredible strength and power, channeling his core energy outward in explosive bursts. This power causes his right eye to glow orange when active. Apollo also has the power to heal himself and others; however, this takes several minutes if not hours, and he can not bring others back from the grave.

Personality: Although young, Apollo is a wise man, but he is wise without being dull. Despite his apparent wisdom, he has an inflated ego, and can be rather impatient and arrogant. Still, he is a lover and not a fighter. He is mostly a warm, kind and cheerful person and sometimes he can be a bit jealous and possessive, if not domineering. He's a rather straightforward person, and prefers not to beat around the bush. Apollo is an energetic person, and always truthful and honorable. Although Apollo rarely gets upset, there are a couple of things that could really offend him. One of them being any insult or threat towards his friends. Apollo has a high degree of courage and bravery, and is an innovative person and is not afraid to cross boundaries - though he has a clear idea of what is right and what is wrong. Apollo is an overachiever, and sometime is a bit proud.
Bio: Prior to the awakening, Apollo was a musician in a up and coming rock band. None of that matters anymore though. Not since the Singularity, and not that he could even remember of it now anyway. "How long have I been here?" Apollo thought, floating alone in pure darkness for what seemed like eternity. There was no movement here, only existence. Suddenly, a voice called out from the darkness. "Hello," it greeted him. Apollo was shook, frightened by the unexpected voice. "We are the admin." A large, glowing, pale blue face made up of grid lines appeared before him. "The wh--" Apollo was suddenly cut off before he could ask any questions. "Welcome to the Beta. We are happy to see that you have successfully awoken. I'm sure you have many questions. Before we get ahead of ourselves, we must say Happy Birthday." Interrupted the Admin. "Why does it keep saying 'we' as if it's more than one person?" Apollo questioned in his mind. "Hey, who are you, where am--"
Before he could finish his question, a thick grey fog materialized in this distance, and grey clouds formed at his feet. Above him remained only darkness. "Where the hell am I?!" Apollo asked aloud. He walked slowly, and he curiously looked down as he did so, as a pale blue aura formed at his feet with each step and then faded away. The ground felt surprisingly solid despite being a bunch of clouds. It was as if the ground were glass, and the clouds were directly below the glass. The face appeared once more.
"Once you are fully uploaded you will materialize in the world of Aether. Please take some time to become acquainted with your new body. Others will be joining you soon." It informed him before quickly fading. "Aether?" Apollo questioned in hushed tones. Apollo looked around at the vast emptiness, unsure of what action to take next. Before he could even make a move, grid lines shot out in rays from his feet. They appeared to be generating a landscape - trees, ravines, hills and mountains in the distance, The sound of rushing water filled his earths, and color was given to the simulation. Apollo found himself in a wonderland. He stood in a meadow; flowers of violet and rose dotted the green fields of grass flowing like water in the wind. Before him was a lush forest - an ocean of trees dotted the landscape as far as the eye could see. He appeared to be facing west. To the northwest was a flowing river, and to the north, jutting razor teeth of mountain peaks. Birdsong filled the air, and bees whizzed by his face as butterflies fluttered following them. "Welcome to Aether. We hope you enjoy the Beta, and thank you for your participation." The voice rang out in the air once more. "I guess there's nowhere to go but forward..." Apollo said to himself. He began his first steps into the world of Aether.

Other: Apollo's suit worn in the picture is found later in the story.
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  • 8fc56211c2a80528f7a1bded73abdcca.jpgUsername: An0maly
    Character name: Aeros Spade
    Age: 21
    Weapons: Makeshift Spear (Made)
    Powers: None Yet
    Personality: Quiet but cheerful. He doesn't really talk much but he smiles. He reads a lot of books. He really only speaks up if someone needs to know something. And if he can't help them out he'll try to learn about it so he can help.
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Username ~ Prayforthewickedeveryday

Character Name ~ Shelby McGreene

Character Age ~ 17

Weapons ~ Birchwood bow (found) with varying arrows (made)

Power ~ She will slowly build up her power. She has always been able to sense what animals are thinking, but it will build up to understanding what they're saying and even communicating with then after a while. It gets stronger the more time she spends with animals.

Personality~ She is very sweet and caring, and she loves the fact that she is in such a beautiful world. She loves how she looks, yet she would never brag about it, and she loves animals strongly. She loves nature in general and would do anything to protect it. She is unsure who she is becoming at times, as she remembers nothing before the awakening. She will slowly turn into a flirty little badass as the roleplay goes on.

Appearance ~ Shelby

Bio ~ She really knows nothing about herself after the awakening. But she slowly has come to realize she is a huge fan of pasta, she loves nature, and well... That's really it.. She has no clue what most of the things are that the Admin is talking about, as she only knows this world, but she finds his voice soothing and calming. She slightly wishes he was a physical being.

Other ~ Her eyes are a bright violet and her hair is platinum blond. She prefers to wear tight jeans and pastel shirts.
Character name:

Jason Pele

Jason is a friendly enough guy once you get to know him. He isn't one to trust someone immediately but if someone is in danger he will try and help them. He isn't afraid to say what is on his mind and enjoys talking to people. He likes physical activity. He doesn't shy away from killing to survive and likes the prospect of hunting and gathering food and just being outside doing his own thing.
He spawned next to a cave in a massive forest. At first he didn't know what to do with himself. After looking around a little he explored the cave finding nothing but a sizable shelter that he decided to use for the night and foreseeable future.


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