The Bet ~ ♥ (Me & Rosemary)

With her hands curled in loose fists at her sides, Dom slid into the booth across from Angelique, her skirt hugging her legs as she sat down. She let out a jaded sigh and shook her head, her lips slightly pursed as a question swam around in her mind. Why us? she thought cynically to herself, wondering why those boys had decided to recklessly starting flirting with them like that. Putting that aside, she propped her chin up in her palm and let Angel talk; it looked like she wanted to tell her something.

Picking up on her sister's faint gesture, her own gaze flicked over to the guys' table for a split second before it refocused on her twin. In a silent agreement with what was said, she nodded her head before speaking aloud. "I don't like them either," she murmured quietly, her eyes lowering to the floor before lifting again. "Not one bit." She then leaned back in her seat as she let out an exhale. Undoing her bandana and taking out the elastic band, she let her thick, straight hair cascade over her shoulders like a sheet of brown silk.

Recalling the two friends behavior (she assumed that's what they were), she didnt like the way the lighter-haired one had been looking at her sister. She hadn't caught their names, nor did she want to, but that was irrelevant. If she wasn't so afraid of physical contact, she'd punch both of those trouble makers if they even got close (she was quite strong for a girl). But, she was terrified of touching and being touched, so that action was completely out of the question.

"I... really don't like them."

"I know, Angel. I know."

Caleb let out a laugh as he watched Alec articulate his disgust for staying with the same girl. He felt similar in that aspect; the same girl meant the same actions over and over again, and that just got boring. He and Alec liked excitement, not routine. Hearing Chris express himself about falling in love, his eyebrows raised amusedly. "Of course, I love her," he mocked, earning him a kick on the shin from beneath the table. He then paused for a moment to hear what his friend was saying.

"I'll have her by the end of the year."

He nearly choked. "Are you kidding me? She hated you, dude." He chuckled and rolled his eyes as Alec ignored him, a smirk pulling at his lips. What Chris brought up, however, caught his attention immediately. A bet, huh? On their inheritance? That was big. Really big. He knew that Alec cared about his ego too much to turn down a challenge, just as Caleb did. He turned to the dark-haired boy and smiled. "Yeah, right," he began sarcastically, "with the way she reacted to you? You made a baaad first impression, mate. I'll take you up on that bet."

(( I feel like it should say End of chapter one. Heh. Sorry if the post is kind of off, I was trying to remember what I wrote. And I love the due date. What is the current date? How long do they have? ))
((Lol! I was just thinking the same thing xD Bwahaha! Although, this chapter isn't quite over ;D I'm going to let my buzzing creativity roam as I try to think of something else to add to spice things up before they all turn in and go home xD And, as for the date - it's around the middle of August. Beginning of classes, remember? c: Ending of summer, beginning of fall. ^^ They have about four months. ;3 ♥))


Angelique looked towards Dom as she agreed with her distaste for the boys, and she watched as she allowed her brown hair to cascade over her shoulders. That was one of the rare differences between the two - while Dominique's hair leaned more towards a somewhat light to mid brown shade, Angelique's was more of a dirty blonde. Also, while Angelique's hair was like fair, thin silk, Dominique's was like thick and wondrously luscious satin. However, their faces were exactly alike - from every small freckle to the features and colors, they were identical. It was actually quite the comfort to Angelique to have Dominique around - she was like her other half; the other side of the coin.

Their emerald green eyes united as Angelique flashed her beloved twin a small, chaste, and brief smile, and then turned her stare down to her messenger bag. She recalled a picture she had sketched for her. Angelique had always a habit of drawing pictures for her sister, as did she. Back when they were children, they would constantly exchange pictures they drew for one another; somewhat like a game of show and tell. Since it was an active hobby, they progressed very much in skill. Now (though neither of them would ever believe it) they have enough experience and talent to be professional painters.

Angelique's smile grew wider as she dug into her bag, retrieving her sketchbook, and opened it to the page of the drawing she drew. It was Dominique and Angelique together, sitting underneath one of their favorite large oak trees, sleeping on one another's shoulders, hand in hand. "Here," she slowly and neatly ripped it out, handing it over to Dominique. She hoped that her drawings would cheer up her sister, for she could tell that Dominique was just as unnerved as she was. Though they stopped their game of drawing exchange a while ago, Angelique still liked to give her tiny gifts now and then.

"It's us," she stated in her fair voice, and hooked some of her graceful waves behind one of her tiny ears. Her emerald green eyes glistened eagerly towards Dominique, awaiting her reaction to her little random present. Sometimes, she'd catch one of her rare smiles, and that always made Angelique's day.


Alec didn't let any of the boy's remarks get to him, for he was confident in his lady killing skills. It was nearly a profession. "She doesn't hate me, she just doesn't realize how deeply in love with me she is yet," Alec chuckled with his contagious ego. "She's probably so attracted to me she didn't know how to react, therefore panicked and pushed back my advances," he shrugged nonchalantly, and then looked towards Caleb; mock and mischief in his gaze. "First impressions mean nothing, and if they do, it doesn't seem like you made an astonishing one, yourself," Alec teased, his face glowing whenever Caleb accepted the bet.

Chris almost burst out into laughter, and immediately took both the boy's hands and gave them a quick shake. "I'm going to be rich by New Years," Chris stated with a roll of his eyes, a sarcastically content sigh escaping his lips. "Good luck getting those girls. As far as I know, they both aren't fond of men; rumors and news spread fast around a small cafe like this," Chris chuckled, shaking his head as he did so. "I remember one of our old waiters, who recently got fired for skipping out on his shifts too much, accidentally touched the darker haired twin; Dominique. He bumped into her, and she completely freaked out. And, as for Angelique, I hear she's practically mute. She only speaks when absolutely necessary, or when talking to her twin. And, even then, her voice is barely audible," Chris began dishing the local gossip on the girls.

"Though, all those things are just assumptions. But, one thing's for sure, they definitely don't like you guys," Chris teased as he got up, being that the manager was calling him to the back and help clean up. "Alas, my break is over. But, as for those girls, they're just waitresses and only clean up after their tables. They usually just sit back there for the last couple hours, being that this place is practically dead about now. If you want, try talking to them. I dare you," Chris mocked the two as he waved towards them, walking away to the back.

Alec stuck his tongue out at Chris as he walked off, flipping him the bird. "Man, he's almost as cocky as me," Alec raised both his brows, letting out a chuckle. "I think I'm rubbing off on him. It's only a matter of time until his girlfriend dumps him," Alec mocked him, taking off his beanie and running his fingers through his adorably shaggy hair. His ice blue stare moved over towards the girls for a moment, then turned back to Caleb. "We've got four months, bro. I think I can manage in a week or two, though," Alec chuckled, letting out a soft sigh.

"Want to try talking to them? Chris doesn't get off for another hour or so; we might as well kill some time."
(( Oh yeah! Oops, I forgot, silly me. :3 And go ahead; let your creativity cause some action. ))

Dominique rested her head in her hands, her elbows propped up on the table so she could hold her pate. With a small, gentle exhale, she stared down at the tabletop while her fingers tangled themselves in her pleasantly tousled hair. Looking at her from a different perspective, Dom actually looked calm for once. Her expression was soft and her lips were slightly parted, and there was just something just serene about her. Endearing. Her gaze lifted, though, when she peeked childishly through her fingers to watch Angelique.

It was a comfort having her here; there was no way in hell she would ever be able to do this job alone. In fact, she'd never be able to do anything without her. Losing both of her parents was one thing; she loved them more than anything else, of course, but she wouldnt be able to go on without Angel. She'd pretty much be a body without a motive. Her sister was like her lifeline — without her, she was just about as good as dead.

Staying in the same position, Dominique's eyebrows raised in curiosity as Angelique began sifting through her messanger bag. As soon as her brows did, though, they furrowed as she tried to think of what she was getting out. She lifted her head from her hands and sat up as her sibling removed her sketch pad from her tote. Dom didnt even realize the ghost of a smile that lingered on her porcelain pink lips.

Her fingertips gracefully reached out to take the picture, and she made sure not to touch her twin's hand. She stared down at the paper, scanning over the details. Swallowing, she fished something out of her own pocket; a drawing with pastels. It was of the two of them when they were young — before their mother died. Angelique's head was thrown back in childish laughter, and Dominique had a big grin on her face. Some of the colors got smudged because the sketch was folded with made her frown slightly, yet she still handed it over anyway. "I drew this for you.. a while ago. You draw for me sometimes so I thought that I'd do it for you. It's been folded up for a while; I was going to give it to you a couple weeks ago but.. er.. I kinda forgot."

"Honestly, Alec, I worry for you sometimes," Caleb said with a contagious smile, stepping playfully on his foot. "And hey, first impressions do mean something. For instance, I thought Chris over here was gay when I first met him." This earned him a great big shove and a murderous scowl. He held his hands up in surrender and said, "Jesus Christ, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Chris continued to glare, although Caleb knew that he was holding back a laugh.

As their bandmate shook their hands, confirming the bet, he listened to what he had to say about the two girls. So Angelique doesn't like talking and Dominique doesn't like being touched. Interesting... he thought to himself as he drummed his fingers lightly on the table. It shouldn't be too hard for him; all he had to do was chat to Angelique in a gentle manner. Alec, on the other hand, most likely would have to find a way to get Dominique to let him touch her. He was on his own with that one.

"Jeez Chris, you gossip like a girl!" He called to him as he walked away, before he turned back to Alec. He followed his friend's gaze, staring at the two girls; it looked like they were exchanging papers of some kind. "Four months is plenty of time. And sure, we have nothing better to do."
((Lol, no worries xD And, hmm... I'm wondering what I can put in. Since you keep saying how Dominique practically can't live without Angelique, I'm considering putting her in some kind of life threatening situation to add drama xD Lol, they walk home and a car almost hits Dom, and Angel pushes her out of the way and gets hit instead x3 LOL! Naw, I'm not that cruel. At least not yet. ;3 But, as for some friendly dramatic action.. Hmmm... Perhaps the boys take them to some party at their house? Nah, they'd just reject them. Hmmm... I'm trying to think xD Do you have any ideas? Perhaps Angel and Dom are off tomorrow and the boys take them out somewhere? No, too early, they'd still reject them.. Hmmm.... Thinkthinkthink... I'm gonna eat some Lucky Charms to inspire me. No idea how that works, but it does for me xD ♥ ----- OH! It just hit me! (the charms worked - just got some :3) Perhaps the girls finally find courage to sing in public and they go to some place where people can sign up to perform shows, and they see the boys there performing, and the boys can also witness their talent - thus igniting them actually growing true interest in them? :D ))

((Holy shet. That was long. Sorry about the mini OOC novel xD !!))


Angelique caught the brief smile that came across Dominique's lips, and her face glowed as soon as she saw it. She likes it! Angelique thought happily and proudly, a happy blush overcoming her cheeks. She probably appeared like a doll as a chaste smile spread across her porcelain pink lips. Her emerald green eyes were glistening with delight, that delight only growing more profound as she watched her sister take something out of her pocked. Angelique tilted her head as if asking what it was, and then took it from her sister, being careful not to touch her hand as she did so.

She looked upon the drawing, and for a moment, Angelique probably appeared like she was going to cry. No, not because she was upset at what she was seeing, but because she was overjoyed. "It's beautiful," she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper as she smiled from ear to ear. It's been so long since Dominique has given her one of her drawings, and it brought back all the good memories from their childhood. All the ones before it went to hell. "Thank... Thank you, Dom," Angelique continued to force her voice out, though it was even harder for her to speak than normal, being that she had that huge lump in her throat - the one people usually get right before they cry.

Angelique choked back her tears, however, and she managed to dry her eyes before any fell. She quickly tried to regain her composure, not wanting to cause worry or confusion in her sister. "I love it, it's perfect," Angelique praised her sister graciously as she softly folded back up the paper, placing it neatly inside her messenger bag.

Just as Angelique managed to regain her composure, she was again taken aback by what she noticed in the corner of her eye. Angelique opened her mouth as though she was going to say something, but her words failed her. She simply quickly pointed and returned her hand to her lap, intertwining her fingers with one another.

The boys were heading their way.


Alec rolled his eyes at Caleb's comment. "No need to worry about me. I'm a show stopper," Alec boasted sarcastically, letting out one of his contagious chuckles. As Caleb stepped on his foot, Alec returned the playful gesture, and stuck his tongue out at him. They both watched as Chris disappeared off into the back, and Alec laughed out loud at Caleb's comment about him gossiping like a girl. "He does, doesn't he?" Alec spoke in between laughs. As if he heard, Caleb called out from the back. "I'm just saving your asses!" He shouted, and then let out what sounded like an 'Ow!'. That meant be probably received a smack to the head from his manager for slacking off. Alec continued to laugh.

He turned his ice blue gaze towards the girls, noticing their little paper exchange. Angelique looked to be choked up for a moment, but she soon appeared to be perfectly fine. Alec just raised a brow at that and shrugged it off. "Well, here goes nothing, then," he smirked, standing up and making his way over to their table.

"Slacking off, or just on an extremely long break?" Alec questioned them sarcastically, leaning over on the corner of the booth Dominique was sitting in. He looked down upon her, his ice blue eyes scanning her for a moment as he took in her changed appearance. He liked her hair down - it cascaded over her like a chocolate waterfall. Her thick and luscious locks suited her, and he couldn't help but smile. As soon as she was his, Alec knew that she'd be quite the trophy to show off. At least until he got bored with her (if he ever did. So far, he found her quite intriguing - more so than any of the city girls who are dying to be at his side. There was just something about the hard-to-get girls, though Alec convinced himself she wouldn't be that hard to swoon.)

"Mind if we sit with you two?" Alec asked in his charming voice, it oozing with his intoxicating charisma.
(( Oh my gosh don't have Angel get hit by a car. D: I like the idea of them singing in public, though. On another note, poor girls. Caleb and Alec are acting like they're prizes to be won. xD ))

For the first time in a very long while, a pure and genuine smile lit up Dom's darling face, and for once, it actually reached her eyes. Her emerald irises twinkled with delight as Angelique took the pastel drawing, and she swallowed before being able to speak again. "I thought you would like it," she said, the grin never leaving her face. This was a very, very rare occurrence — Dominique was almost never happy. Her pearly whites shone as her sheepish simper took over.

Angel looked like she was about to cry, and her expression turned to one of concern. Crap, I did something wrong she thought, immediately chastising herself until she realized that the tears that were threatening to form in her sibling's eyes were of love, not sadness. Her smile returned after understanding this, her cheeks turning a faint pink from the praise she was getting (that she didnt believe. Even coming from Angelique, she still couldn't accept compliments).

Now picking up the drawing that Angel had sentimentally made for her, Dom carefully folded it and placed it in the palm of her left hand, closing her fingers protectively around it. All of the sketches that her twin has made for her over the years were placed in a small scrapbook that she cherished with all her heart.

At the sudden change of Angelique's expression Dominique knew something was wrong. Her eyes followed where her sister was pointing, and her gaze then landed on the boys. The smile melted off her face along with her once-in-a-lifetime type of happiness. Her expression went back to its neutrality, and her eyes brought their guard back up. The joy that was just present was probably not going to ever come back (for this was the first time in a few years that she was able to experience this feeling), and she was certain that Angel knew that.

Her breath hitched in her throat as the darker-haired boy leaned over her side of the table. Too close, too close, too close. Those words repeated themselves in her mind as her hands curled into loose fists (which she hid under the table). She didn't give any audible response to his question, looking at Angel with an expression that only her twin would understand: she was silently telling her that she was freaking out. Since the booth was connected to the wall, the boy was blocking her only way out of the seat. As an attempt to make more space in between them, she moved farther away from him and closer to the wall. Only then did she realize that he might take this as an invitation to sit down. Her mind kept telling her one thing: You're trapped.

"Whatever you say, Alec," Caleb replied, a dimpled smirk painted across his face. He stuck his tongue out right back; it was amusing how childish they were when with eachother. He began chuckling once more as the subject of Chris gossiping was brought up, and laughed harder at the bandmate's response. "Poor Chris, we get him into too much trouble." Although he pretended as if he actually cared, they both knew he didn't.

As Alec turned to glance over at the girls, he did the same. He wondered why Angelique looked so choked up all of a sudden; probably some weird girl thing. He just shrugged his shoulders and walked alongside his friend as his princely smile returned.

"Slacking off, or just on an extremely long break?" He heard Alec question them sarcastically, and watched as the dark-haired boy leaned toward Dominique. He knew that Alec was checking her out. Caleb then noticed that she flashed a quick look at her sister just as Alec asked if they could sit down. She then moved over, closer to the wall. Holy crap, is she actually allowing him to sit down? He was amusedly surprised, but then remembered what Chris had said. Oh. She's just trying to get away. Go figure.
Angelique's face seem to glow even brighter whenever she noticed her sister's smile. Her sister was actually smiling, and it even reached her beautiful emerald green eyes, making them glisten faintly with delight. Angelique hasn't seen her sister smile like this in years, and she actually let out a surprised, overjoyed giggle. I actually made her happy... She's actually smiling... Oh, look! Her cheeks are turning pink from the praise! I know she probably doesn't believe me, as I wouldn't believe her if she complimented me, most likely... But, she's actually... Happy! Angelique rambled in her thoughts, her identical pearly whites appearing along with Dominique's as they shared a moment of true, rare bliss.

However, both of their smiles faded as soon as the boys came into the picture. Angelique knew that the blissful moment she and Dominique shared probably wouldn't come again for another few more years, and that made her heart sink. A very bitter feeling was growing inside her due to that - and it was directing at the boys. She didn't like how they had to ruin everything, for that was the only time she's ever seen Dominique so happy since everything went to hell. She pursed her lips together, her emerald green eyes also losing their delighted shimmer. Now, they were dull and indifferent, as was the rest of her expression.

She looked towards the darker haired boy, who was leaning over Dominique. Angelique's porcelain pink lips parted slightly in surprise that he had the nerve to do that, and it was also in shock for she could somewhat feel what her twin felt. She was scared, and probably felt trapped, and as soon as she scooted towards the wall, she knew that it was becoming too much to bare. If Alec sat down, she'd probably end up going into some sort of panic attack. Thinking of that gave Angelique the courage to take some immediate action for once.

Before she even knew it, she was scooting out of the booth and standing up. She looked both of the boys square in the face, and though her face appeared somewhat scared for a moment, she shut her eyes and took in a quick, silent deep breath, and regained her composure. She walked over to one of the tables and brought out a couple chairs. She placed them beside the booth so the boys could sit there, not with them. She also shot Alec a glance - a glance she never thought she'd be able to manage - a glance that said, leave my sister alone. She has dealt with enough, and she was finally happy for a moment.. Until he had to come and ruin it all. Angelique didn't know what these boy's intentions were, but so far, she wasn't liking how they were going about anything.

She then scooted into her own booth, sitting as close as she could to the wall like Dom had, and she put her messenger bag out to rest in the free place beside her. Being that her voice completely failed her around these boys, especially since the embarrassment of what she just did was beginning to hit her, she got out her sketchbook and turned to the end, where there were still a few, blank pages. She then took out her pen and began to write in her neat, elegant handwriting. 'Please don't move too close to Dominique... She doesn't like it. So, if you'd like, you can sit in those chairs.' She wrote, and her expression now turned soft and chaste. She nibbled down on her bottom lip, being careful not to bite down too hard and make herself bleed like she normally does. Her cheeks were glowing a soft crimson out of embarrassment, and her tumbling dirty blonde hair accented her face and made it look even tinier - she almost appeared like a porcelain doll.


Alec raised a brow and was nearly delighted whenever Dominique scooted towards the wall. An invitation to sit? He wondered, pleasantly surprised until he noticed Angelique bolt up from her seat and grab a couple of chairs from the nearby table, placing them at the foot of the booth. For a moment, he could have sworn she shot him the look of death, as though she was the one trying to protect her sister this time around. It was almost as though that stare told him to leave her sister alone. What am I, the big bad wolf? He thought with both his eyebrows raised, and then let out a chuckle after a moment. Why, of course I am. Clearly.

Without objection, Alec took a seat and looked towards the girls. A moment ago, they both seemed to be the happiest girls in the world, exchanging silent smiles and seeming to communicate without the use of words. Now, the light has left their eyes, and they weren't smiling anymore. In fact, they looked extremely uncomfortable. This almost discouraged Alec, for he could feel his chances dropping by the minute. It hasn't even been a day yet, but these girls... They were something different. His ice blue eyes seemed to scan them both for a moment, taking in all their qualities. And, after a moment, a smirk came back unto his lips. Nah, I can handle this. They probably just aren't used to people hitting on them. At least not people as hot as me and Caleb. He let out a laugh, amused by his own thoughts.

Well, let's get to know each other, shall we? His enchanting eyes seemed to reflect his inner question, and his mouth soon repeated it. "Well, let's get to know each other, shall we? I'm Alec, and this is Caleb," Alec introduced, his seductive and charismatic smirk still plastered across his lips. "You girls aren't from around here, are you?" he asked as he rested his elbows on the foot of the table, and then looked out of the corner of his eye towards Angelique. She was writing something, and this made Alec tilt his head. As soon as she raised up the little paper and he read what it said, he raised both his brows, entertained. She really is mute. He finally realized, and he took in her adorable, doll like figurine. This made him flash his perfectly straight and white teeth, for he knew that these twins would be quite the entertaining couple, indeed. He flashed Caleb a stare that seemed to say, lucky you.
Dom's eyes were like piercing green daggers as she scooted even closer to the wall beside her. The expression on her face was dark, and she clearly looked uncomfortable as she made eye contact with Angelique; the connection of their stares had been intended to be a silent act of thanks, but her mien was almost ominous. Although she was truly relieved that her sister was able to think quickly quickly enough to pull up those chairs, Dominique still didnt want to be near those boys — especially the dark haired one.

Make them leave, make them leave, please, make them leave, she though to herself, those same words frantically replaying over and over again in her head like a scratched record. Her elegant fingers were gripping her thighs, her nails digging into the porcelain skin as she inhaled silently. She was sure that she might end up drawing blood, sooner or later. Now turning her head comely to face the guys, her teeth clenched as if to say, Look what you've done. She was actually hoping they wouldn't try to talk with them, but even she knew that was ridiculous.

"Well, lets get to know eachother, shall we?" She heard him — Alec — speak. He introduced him and his friend Caleb and put a smirk on his face that Dom assumed was supposed to be seductive. It didnt really have an affect on her. The gesture made her almost want to shove him really hard. But, they all knew that she wouldn't never do such a thing; what they didnt know is that there was something about this one that almost made her.. curious.

She decided, that since she wasn't really in the mood to talk with anyone but Angel, she would respond to everything he said in one word answers starting with his question about their place of origin. "No," she replied, propping her head up on her hand again, her elbow resting on the table. She came to the conclusion that the best way to avoid further inquisition was to just look bored. So, that's what she did.

Caleb sat in the chair beside Alec, leisurely stretching his legs out under the table whilst crossing them at the ankles. The dimpled smirk that was present on his face was just as cocky as his friend's; it just showed how confident they were in getting these girls to like them. This shouldn't be too hard. They'll fall head over heels in love with us in a matter of days.

As he scanned both girls, he noticed a number of this. One: Dominique was looking really, really uncomfortable. Two: Angelique was looking really, really uncomfortable. Three: They absolutely hated them.

He stared at the two, picking out their similarities. The eyes, the face, the body structure: it was all the same. They almost looked like dolls; the sisters were really something to look at. Despite how much they appeared like each other, he still found himself liking the lighter-haired one more. It amused him how silent and timid she was — it would be fun getting her to talk to him.

"It's my pleasure to meet you both," he added as Alec introduced them, making sure to smile at Angelique. He hoped that he was getting her attention; she really did spark somewhat of an interest in him. He watched as Alec questioned if they were from nearby, and at the winsome sound of Dominique's No he immediately began listening closer. Oooh, fun. They aren't city girls.
((My post is going to be a bit short, being that my brain is just.. Bleh, right now xD But I still wanted to squeeze in another reply))


Angelique turned towards her sister, and it was as though she could read her thoughts. She knew that Dominique really didn't like being around the two boys, and neither did Angelique, herself. However, Angelique just couldn't be rude and tell them to leave. But, at the same time, she really didn't want to talk to them or answer questions they curiously asked. It was too overwhelming, and her voice seemed to completely disappear when they were around. It's been a while since she had to turn to writing down words. Usually she'd be able to utter at least one word that got her point across, but with them around... It seemed impossible.

She listened as her sister revealed that they weren't from around the city after Alec questioned them, and Angelique just pursed her lips together in a thin, stressed line. I should try talking... I should try to make them leave somehow... I know that Dominique doesn't want them around, and neither do I... It's just too overwhelming; I don't know what it is about these boys.. Especially the one with the blonde streak in his hair, but... I just... I don't like them... Angelique's mind was running a million miles a minute, and she felt her heart begin to race. It was beating so fast and so hard that she could feel it pumping in her chest and hear it echoing in her ears. She took in a deep, silent breath as she looked away from everyone, turning towards the window so it wouldn't be obvious that she was beginning to panic.

After attempting to regain her composure, she turned back to the boys, and noticed Caleb smiling towards her. It was a very charming, princely smile, but it made Angelique want to vomit. No, not because he looked revolting, but because it made her so nervous that she felt sick. She didn't like him; she really, really didn't. However, she tried her best to remain polite and not show her nervousness as she nodded towards him, forcing a small smile unto her lips as he said it was a pleasure to meet them. Soon after, though, she turned away from him and shot her sister a look. It almost seemed to plead for them to just run away and go back to the comfort of their little apartment.

And, as if some celestial being heard her plea, her manager walked to their table and told them that their shift was over and they could leave. She didn't hold back from showing the two boys the look of death, threatening them with her stare for getting to close to the girls. This almost made Angelique laugh, and she began to truly adore her manager.

However, it didn't seem that they would let them go so easily.


Alex raised his brows in amusement as he listened to Dominique's plain, "No," for an answer. She sure did love saying that word to him, and Alec silently vowed to make her say "Yes," to him one of these days. It was a very stone-hard vow, and he was very determined to fulfill it. No matter how much distaste this girl expressed towards him, he was convinced that she couldn't resist him for long. No girl could, and he was sure she was no different.

"Ah, you're not city girls. Interesting," Alec spoke enthusiastically, but before he could get in another question, their manager came by and told them that they were free to go. "Aw, already?" Alec taunted just as he received the death-glare, and he sarcastically and teasingly put his hands up in surrender. "No worries, no worries," he chuckled, receiving a roll of the ginger's blue eyes. He watched as she walked away, and Alec stood up as soon as soon as the girls did.

"Why not allow us to give you a ride home? It'd be terrible for you two beautiful ladies to walk around at night. You know, with those predators out there; and I'm not talking about me," he winked towards them jokingly, his signature smirk plastering across his lips as he did so. "Even if you live a block away. Please allow me the honor, although my car only seats two. Caleb could take your sister," Alec spoke, looking directly at Dominique as he did so. He also shot Caleb a glance, a glance that seemed to wink without actually doing the gesture.


((Terribly sorry for Alec's short reply. I'm so tired Dx And I'm running out of creative juices. Perhaps I'll eat some lucky charms again xD Bwaha!))
Dom cursed subtly under her breath, her thin lips barely forming each of the words. As soon as she and Angelique had stood up, Alec and Caleb did too — couldn't they just leave them alone? Her fingers found their way to the edge of the table, and she gripped it until her knuckles turned a ghostly white.

First digging her nails into the slab of wood, Dominique lifted her left hand and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance, her eyes closing for a second or two as she let out a vexed sigh. She then lifted her gaze once more and removed her hand from her face, crossing her arms tightly (and stubbornly) over her chest. "First of all, we don't want you to give us a ride home. Second of all, we don't mind walking. Third of all, I do not want to go into your car, nor do I want to be in your car alone with you. Fourth of all, and lastly, I do not want your friend over there taking my sister home where I am not there to see what is going on. So, our final answer is no." She then narrowed her eyes before continuing. "Alec."

She emphasized his name on purpose. Three no's to the same person in a matter of hours has got to be some sort of record.

As Angelique smiled back at him, Caleb's own grin grew bigger as he winked at her, his ocean green eyes twinkling with amusement. Just as he was about to say something in response (most likely some sort of cocky compliment), the girls' manager came by to tell them that they were free to go. He laughed in spite of the ginger woman and the death glare that she gave; did she really think that was intimidating?

He stood up at the same time as Alec and the girls, ruffling his already messy hair. He stuck his hands casually in his pockets as he observed the twins, a smirk coming to his face as his friend asked if they could possibly take them home. "It would be a pleasure to take your sister," he added with an extremely cheesy bow, his cheekiness almost radiating off of him. What made him raise his eyebrows, however, was what came out of Dominique's mouth.

"First of all, we don't want you to give us a ride home. Second of all, we don't mind walking. Third of all, I do not want to go into your car, nor do I want to be in your car alone with you. Fourth of all, and lastly, I do not want your friend over there taking my sister home where I am not there to see what is going on. So, our final answer is no. Alec."

Caleb let out a small chuckle, a mischeivous gleam in his eye. "Aw, Dommie," he teased, entertained by the fact that her expression turned utterly murderous at the nickname. "Why you gotta be so mean to Alec? He's only offering to do something nice for you and your sister." He spoke with fake innocence, a pretend angelic look in his eyes as he smirked at Angelique. 
(( It's okay. :3 Maybe I can help with something. What type of this do you want to happen? ))
(( I honestly have no idea xD I actually want to get to where the girl's finally decide to preform their music, since I think that scene would be fun to play out c: I already have a ton of videos that could suit both Dom and Angel together and Angel on her own xD And perhaps that place is where the boy's hold one of their parties, so whether the girls wanted to be there or not, they end up getting caught up in it? ))


Angelique's eyes were glued unto her sister, and she knew that she was about ready to snap. The fingers to the bridge of her nose, eyes shut tight, letting out a vexed sigh... And then it happened. She practically blew up on Alec, though it was a subtle explosion. Her words were like knives, though her voice wasn't raised in the slightest, and she remained neutral sounding. Angelique felt a shiver crawl up her spine. Her twin could be scary sometimes, but... Angelique found a smile coming across her lips. She loved this about her sister - she was so strong, despite all the insecurities Angelique know's she hides inside. And, she was also extremely grateful. She really didn't want to ride together in a car with some guy she just met. She had no idea what he was like or if he'd try to kidnap her or something.

Angelique then turned to Caleb as he objected to Dominique's rejection, and actually called her 'Dommie'. Angelique recalled calling her sister that when they were kids, and hearing someone else call her that was somewhat offending to her for some reason. Angelique looked down unto the floor and held her hands on front of her torso, arms straight. She began to shyly meddle with her fingers as she felt like the air turned to smoke - it became really hard to breathe, and for a moment, she pondered whether an anxiety attack was coming on. She just put her hand to her chest, soon moving her palm to place gently unto the back of her neck. She gave it a little rub, trying to calm herself. It's no big deal, Angel.. No big deal.. She cooed to herself internally, and then looked towards the two boys with her shimmering emerald green eyes.

"W-We... We..." She began, somewhat choking on her words as she tried to speak. It was difficult, and her voice was barely audible, but she continued to try. "We.. Don't live far.. We like walking..." Angelique said, and then swiftly grabbed her messenger bag, tossing it over her shoulder. "Thank you," Angelique spoke in her tiny, mouse-like, chaste voice. She then tugged on her sister's apron, beginning to pull her. She almost grabbed her arm, but she remembered how much she hated being touched, so she stopped before they made contact. Therefore, she gently tugged unto her apron as Angelique and her fled the scene.


Alec listened as Dominique flat out rejected him, and practically called Caleb a creeper without actually saying the insult. For the first time in a long time, Alec actually felt his heart sink in his chest. At first, he was in complete denial. She didn't just say that, did she? He questioned in his mind over and over. And, after coming to realization that it did happen, he was in shock.

She actually said that to me.. Nobody ever says things like that to me. How could she say that to me? Am I that revolting? He continued to ramble in his thoughts, his lips pursing together. And, afterwards came the anger. She actually has the nerve to reject me like that. She doesn't know what she's missing out on, but I'll make sure she finds out soon. Soon, she won't be able to resist me like that ever again. I'll make sure of it.

Alec then turned to Caleb, who tried defending him, but he just put his hand up to shush him. His stare seemed to say, let them go. We don't want to push them too far. He then listened as the mute twin finally spoke up and stated that they liked to walk. And, with a swift gesture and a quickly mumbled thanks, she pulled Dominique along with her as she fled the scene.

Alec just raised both his brows in astonishment. "Perhaps another time!" He called out to them as he began to walk towards the door. "Can you believe she actually said that?" he complained to Caleb, running his fingers through his midnight black hair. "I'm definitely going to make her mine. Even if it's the last thing I do." He muttered under his breath, and then proceeded to walking out the cafe.

"I'll see you back at the apartments," Alec called back out to Caleb as he strutted over to his car, plopped into the driver's seat, stuck the key in the ignition, and drove off.
(( I like the party idea thing. And the only think about the boys taking/looking at Angel's journal is that I think it's a little bit too early for them to find out about the twins, since this is their first official meeting. But I was thinking, like sometime in the near future [whether it be before or after the performance thing], Dom could be working at the autoshop and Angelique is working at the bookshop, and them Alec can come in to have something with his car fixed and Caleb can go into the bookstore to buy a music book. So that way, the twins are separated and each boy gets some time alone with the girl. :o ))

"Yes, we like walking," Dom murmured under her breath, and there was some sort of unreadable emotion lacing through her soft voice — it almost sounded like guilt. It quickly faded though when she head the quiet "thank you" come from Angelique's mouth; she nearly facepalmed. What was she thanking them for? This made her want to smile (although she didnt) because her sister was just so sweet that way.

Had she walked just a little bit slower, or did something to take up just one more tiny, tiny, moment, she probably would have noticed that Alec's expression held pure anger from her ultimate rejection.

Pushing the front doors open, she heard the twinkling bells ring behind her and her sister as they exited the cafe, leaving the boys behind. She started talking aloud, although her statement wasn't necessarily directed at her twin. "I really snapped at him." The reality was sinking in now; she was glad that she was leading Angel instead of following, because she didnt want her sibling to see her face pale. She hadn't yelled like that in a long time — ever, in fact. She never told someone off like she did Alec. The reason the color had left her face was for this sole reason: her own outbursts reminded her of her father's.

Caleb watched with parted lips as the girls left the cafe, unable to speak for a moment. Did.. did she just call me a creeper? He was offended and shocked at this, and he knew that Alec was just as surprised at her rejection. He could tell that his friend was thinking because his lips were pursed into a straight line; he could almost see the gears turning inside his head.

He then listened as Alec began to complain.

"Can you believe she actually said that? I'm definetly going to make her mine. Even if its the last thing I do." His eyebrows raised slightly as he began thinking about Dom's sister. I'll make Angelique mine, too. I'll make sure of it. His gaze trailed his friend as he left the cafe, and he stood there a moment before going to his car, revving the engine, and driving off toward their apartment.
((Oh, I didn't want them to find out too much. x) I only meant like, the beginning. She's had it since she was 10. So perhaps he only got the chance to read the first part when everything was still perfectly wonderful. ^^ But, since you didn't put it in that he saw and took it, I'll just edit it out of my last post. Sorry :c And, that could happen tomorrow morning :D Perhaps they're off of the cafe and the apartment jobs, and they only have their morning shifts at the bookstore and auto-shop. And they can meet with the boys again there. ^^ And again at the little club performance place xD ))


Angelique could still feel her heart racing as she and Dominique walked, Dominique soon taking the lead. Angelique was also glad her twin couldn't see her face, for she was also going pale. Not because of the same reason Dominique was, but because of how fast her heart was beating. She didn't know why she got so nervous, but she did, and it was pushing her to the point of having an anxiety attack. Her job at the cafe always gave her a subtle feeling of anxiety, being that she has to force her voice out to succeed at the job, and that was nerve wracking for her. But, seeing those boys there today made it even harder, thus nearly tripling the wrecked nerves.

She just continued taking in silent, deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly as she tried to calm herself down. She didn't understand why she got so freaked out at random moments, whether they were provoked like just now or not, but either way it was terrifying and vexing. She looked over towards her sister as she began to speak her thoughts aloud, appearing to be reflecting on how she snapped at Alec. After hearing that, she seemed to catch on how her twin was feeling right away.

She immediately picked up her pace to match with Dom's, soon standing right by her side. She gave her shirt a light tug, stopping her in her tracks and looking at her. "You protected me," Angelique spoke in her innocent, ethereal voice. She showed her sister a soft, reassuring smile. "Thank you," her emerald green eyes glistened soothingly, the comfort she was sending towards her sister expressed in them. She knew that her sister most likely wouldn't take her words seriously and continue to mourn over her actions, but Angelique still wanted to make sure that Dominique knew she wasn't alone, and that no matter what she did, Angelique would always remain by her side.


Alec continued to drive, zoning out into his music. He allowed the flow of it all to make him forget his prior rejection and provide him with a new drive to make sure it didn't happen again. Perhaps I should go about things differently than I usually do... Clearly this girl is of a different kind. Therefore, I should go about getting her differently, as well. She's going to be a challenge... And I love challenges, Alec thought mischievously, a smirk spreading across his lips as he pulled into the complex's parking lot.

He turned off his car, stepped out, and shut the door behind him. He could see Caleb's car in the distance and gave him a wave before heading back into the complex. He greeted the clerk at the front desk before going into the elevator, basking in the long wait for it to reach the top floor. The elevator door opened with a soft 'ding' and Alec stepped out, proceeding to walking towards their room in his long, grandiose strides. He unlocked the apartment door, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him. He knew Caleb wasn't far behind, so he didn't lock it back up again.

He simply went into the kitchen and peered inside the fridge, grabbed himself a green apple, and began munching on it. He leaned up against the broad counter, and with his free hand, he raked his long and slender fingers through his silky hair. It tumbled over his handsome face mysteriously, and he let out a sigh through his nose as he chewed the sour chunks. I wonder what I'm going to do tomorrow... I planned on throwing a party tonight, or at least bring Chris over to practice. But, instead, I fled after getting rejected by some girl. Damn, I'm pathetic today. Alec rolled his ice blue eyes, clearly expressing his displeasure. Man, this is the worst. I'm going to make her regret saying that. One of these days, she'll fall before my feet. I know she will. Every other girl does.
At the faint tugging of her shirt, Dom paused mid-stride. Whether it was deliberately or not, her face was completely void of emotion as she slowly turned around, her emerald eyes connecting with Angelique's identical pair. Her mind was racing a thousand miles a minute, trying to frantically sort something out — it was almost at the point where it was possible to see the metaphorical gears in her head spinning 'round and 'round.

The daunting silence seemed to last for hours on end, although it was no more than two minutes tops. Swallowing nervously (as if she was about to do or say something that she was uncertain of), she spoke, her voice intensely soft: "This probably isn't the time for this, but I'm going to go through with this anyway before I change my mind. This has being hanging around in my mind for months now so I guess I should probably just tell you already." She took a deep breath, her gaze never faltering.

"I can't even begin to explain what you're worth to me, and I hope you know that I will always protect you. I know to that you don't like taking compliments (even from me. But hey, I do the same thing), but I want you to hear me out when I say that you're the greatest person in the world. There have been countless times where you've saved me from panic attacks amongst other things, even when you know that sometimes I don't want to be rescued." Inhaling, she bit down on her bottom lip and before her mind registered what she was doing, she lurched forward and hugged her sister tightly with her slender arms, despite the goosebumps that immediately raised on her skin. "Thank you."

And you know what the funny thing is? She didn't regret it at all.

(( Hehe aww<3 I feel like it was a good spot for a sisterly moment. :3 ))

The radio was blasting loudly as Caeb drove along, his whistling in perfect time and pitch as the music. His mind was still sidetracked by Angelique, and he honked angrily at someone who cut him off (although it was probably his fault. Not that'd he'd admit that). Pulling into the complex, he parked his car, pulled the key out of the ignition, got out, and locked the door behind him. He noticed that Alec's vehicle was already there, and knew that he was already in the apartment.

He gave a cocky salute to the clerk at the receptionist desk and stepped into the elevator, waiting patiently as the lift gradually ascended to his floor. Strolling out when it finally reached the top level, he dragged his shoes leisurely along the floor as he walked into the apartment; Alec had left it unlocked for him. He spotted the boy at the fridge, and let out a high-pitched whistle to signify his presence.

"Aye there, Alec. You left in quite a huff." A smirk appeared on his face, and the playfully teasing tone was apparent in his voice as he spoke. "We've really gotta try harder. They don't seem to fancy us very much."
(( Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MUST say, I completely ADORED that reply c: I'm going to respond ASAP and edit it into this! ♥ Rosemary ~ & I finished editing c:))


Angelique was taken aback by her sister's emotionless and lifeless expression, and it was almost as though her emerald green eyes were peering right through her. It was like they were nothing more than mirrors, Angelique's appearance reflected in her eyes and nothing more. It made her heart sink, and she bit down on her lip as her own emerald green eyes began to glisten with worry. Please... Feel better... I'm not going anywhere, I promise... Angelique thought, as if trying desperately to force those words into her twin's mind. Her voice was again failing her, and she felt like it was caught right in the center of her throat. The silence was suffocating.

As Angelique's ears began to take in Dominique's soft voice, they tuned in intently, listening close to every word she spoke. Dominique's gaze never faltered from Angelique's, and neither did her's. She kept her stare, and soon her eyes began to shimmer as they filled with tears. She knew she could believe every single word her sister told her, though it was hard to think she was the greatest person in the world. However, believing she was that person to Dominique was satisfaction enough. Angelique smiled big and wide, letting out a soft sobbing breath as she did so. The words her mind was processing made her the happiest girl alive, for knowing her sister felt like that, thought like that, and was willing to protect Angelique to the best she could... It was more than she could ever ask for.

Before Angelique even knew it, her sister stepped forward and wrapped her frail arms around her, embracing her tightly. Angelique's eyes widened, and for a moment her body tensed up in complete shock. She's... She's hugging me... Her mind processed, and this made her beam from ear to ear. She slowly and gently returned the sisterly embrace, rubbing her soft palms on Dominique's arms to soothe her goosebumps. Angelique shut her eyes and rested her head on her sister's shoulder, a couple tears falling from her sparkling emerald green eyes. "Th-Thank... Thank you, Dom..." Angelique spoke softly in her innocent voice, her words barely audible, but she was sure her sister caught them.

Not wanting to overwhelm her sister, being that she knew how much she despised and feared being touched, she gave her torso a soft squeeze before slowly backing away. She wiped away her tears and tried to try her dampened cheeks. "S-Same.. Same for me," she murmured under her breath, indicating that everything her sister just said towards Angelique also could go the other way around. She felt the same way towards her sister, and she had no idea what would happen if she ever lost her. To her, Dominique is the definition of perfect. Even though she knows her sister would never, ever believe that, as neither would Angel, herself; she strongly believes that no matter what her sister does, says, or thinks - she'll always be perfect.


Alec looked toward's the freshly arrived Caleb and greeted him with a sarcastic roll of his eyes. He continued to munch on his apple, using his mouth full as an excuse not to reply to him. He continued to listen to his friend, however, when he spoke on how they would have to try harder to get these girls. To that, Alec couldn't object. They were injured souls, traumatized, and incredibly guarded. Alec couldn't recall ever meeting a girl as guarded as Dominique... And that's what made him all the more interested in her. She was a challenge, and though Alec had convinced himself she'd be easy to catch sooner or later, in the back of his mind he highly doubted that. There was something about her that made him feel she was from a different world. They were probably completely polar opposites. How could he get along with that?

"I agree," Alec spoke plainly after he swallowed the bits of apple he was chewing. He let out a sigh and raked his fingers through his hair, giving his head a bit of a shake. "I don't get those girls man. They're something else," Alec admitted, letting out another sigh, though this one was more vexed. "But, that's irrelevant. No way in hell am I losing my inheritance over some girl I know I can swoon sooner or later. I'm sure we'll have them by the end of the month," Alec stated confidently, though if one looked into his ice blue eyes, it'd be revealed how much he was contemplating how to go about the situation. I've really gotten myself into a mess, haven't I? Alec wondered for a moment, but immediately discarded the though from his mind. No, definitely not. I'm not in a mess. It's simple. I just need to get under her skin and figure out what makes her tick. I just need to get to know her. Alec decided, and just like that his smirk returned.

"I think we just need to figure them out," he stated, "With all those other girls it didn't really matter who they were or what they did. All they really wanted was to sleep with us, and it was mutual - well, unless they were serious, but we already know what happens then," Alec chuckled, rolling his eyes at all the desperate women that have visited Caleb and Alec before. They'd end up breaking their poor little hearts, being that neither Caleb nor Alec wanted anything serious. Being tied down to someone was absolutely terrible.

"We just need to get under their skin," Alec stated, the mischievousness reflecting in his eyes. "Have any ideas how? I mean.. I have to admit it, they didn't seem to fancy us at all, but we need to find a way to change that. Definitely. It shouldn't be too hard, I mean, come on. Look at us," Alec gestured towards his body and Caleb's dramatically and sarcastically, cracking a joke, "We're destined to be chick magnets. It shouldn't be too hard, right?"
(( Sorry I haven't replied yet. :o I'm studying for a science quiz right now [curse my procrastination] so I may or may not get a post up today. ))
It was strange, having physical contact with someone after not being — or wanting to be — touched for so long. Dom's natural reaction was to tense up and arch her back (which is what she did at first), but she forced herself to not pull away. She wasn't going to lie — it was uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. She didnt even know why she had hugged Angelique; she didn't remember the thought registering in her mind before her body moved for her.

Swallowing, she made brief eye contact with her sister, and despite her neutral expression, the ghost of a smile was still there. The spirit of the grin mourned on her lips, although Dominique didnt give in to it.

"You're welcome," she whispered with a small nod of her head, and she pushed some of her straight hair behind her right as Angel told her that she felt the same. Facing forward again, she made sure her twin was fallowing her as she continued the walk back to their apartment. If one looked hard enough, they would have seen the slight wetness in her own airs right as she turned around.

"Aw, c'mon bro, don't be like that," Caleb said with a laugh and went to sit atop the counter where Alec was. "Anyway, what do you thinks up with them? Angelique wouldnt talk and Dominqiue acted as if we were some psychopathic murderers or something. What gives?" He then paused a moment to hear what his friend was saying, and gave a nod of agreement. "Agreed one hundred percent, dude. We are not losing this bet."

Gliding his long fingers through his hair, he shook his head slightly. How am I going to get her to talk? he asked himself silently, pondering over it in his mind. Do I start with trying to be her friend? Nah, who am I kidding. I don't do that. He smirked slightly and lifted his gaze with a raised eyebrows Alec becpgan telling somesort of a plan.

"We just need to get under their skin. Have any ideas how?"

Caleb shook his head. "Nope, I don't have any. And damn right we're chick magnets; we're probably just overreacting. They'll fall at our feet in no time." 
(( Hey, this is kind of random, but I have a question. How do you write such long posts every time? I never can. ))
((Lol, I just try describing every little thing intimately. :b I actually find it hard to write short posts unless I'm feeling lazy or my partner doesn't write much, giving me less to reply to. Every time I post, I see it as writing a little story c: I plan on being a writer someday, so I see this as practice. I'll reply here soon, dear~! ♥))
((Aww, thank you, dear~! ♥ That means a lot to me. And, believe it or not, I do, too xD That's why it sometimes takes me a while to reply because I'm contemplating what to say. :b I actually kind of have writers block right now... May eat some Lucky Charms to make it go away----CRAP. Just realized we're out. FmL. Sorry if my replies suck xD ))


Angelique watched as her sister turned around, her straight hair flowing gracefully behind her as she walked. Angelique followed close behind, not saying another word. The silence between them wasn't uncomfortable at all, being that in a way, she felt like just them two being together said enough. It's always felt like there's been a silent promise between the two of them; a promise to always be there for one another. And, thus far, neither of them have broken that promise. Sometimes, though silence can prove suffocating, it can also be a comfort and prove quite soothing. That's what it did for Angelique in that moment, and though her expression was nonchalant, she was smiling warmly on the inside.

Soon enough, they reached their apartment. Angelique moved ahead of Dominique as she took out her key from her messenger bag, taking on the simple task of unlocking the door for them. She then walked into their apartment, shutting the door and locking it again after Dominique entered. Angelique then began heading to her room and allowed her messenger bag to tumble to the floor, leaning up against the side of her desk for support. She didn't feel like unloading it, so she simply left it as it was. As for her little key chain, she simply set it on top of the desk.

After, she head back out towards the kitchen and looked in the fridge. Angelique knew that she had to eat something, being that she never eats breakfast, and the only meal she had so far was her tiny bowl of sugared strawberries. Even that was more so like a snack, not a meal. Angelique put her hand over her stomach as she felt and heard it softly grumble. Her cheeks heated up slightly, and she pursed her lips together for a moment. Yeah, I should definitely eat something, she thought, embarrassed, and then went into the freezer where the TV dinners were kept.

She took out one of her favorites; the Fettuccine Alfredo instant meal. Sure, it was nowhere near as good as it would be in one of those fancy Italian restaurants, but it was more than enough to satisfy Angelique. Despite being an instant meal, it always proved to be quite tasty. She did as the instructions said, opening the package slightly to let it vent in the microwave, and then put it in for three minutes. While waiting for it to cook, Angelique decided to prepare some tea. "Sleepy Time? Lady Grey?" she asked her sister softly, wondering if she wanted any, too.


Alec watched as Caleb walked on over and perched himself up on top of the counter beside him, and stuck his tongue out at him with a playful roll of his eyes as Caleb told him, "Don't be like that." He then listened as he questioned Alec about the girls, pestering about why Angelique wouldn't talk and why Dominique acted like they were murders of some sort. This made Alec chuckle, and as Caleb asked what gave, he just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, Chris did say that Angelique was mute, and Dominique was afraid of being touched. I suppose he wasn't lying," Alec let out a sigh, raking his long and slender fingers through his midnight black hair again as he contemplated. Caleb seemed to do the same thing, and as he noticed their mirroring acts, he let out a soft chuckle. Perhaps the girls were the ones getting underneath their skin.

He then listened as Caleb suggested that they were overreacting, and that the girls would fall at their feet in no time. This made Alec grin, and he nodded towards his friend approvingly. "You're probably right," Alec chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he let out a soft sigh. "I guess my ego did take a blow at her upfront rejection. That girl is something else, definitely. But, no way in hell is she going to cost me my inheritance. We're both going to win this bet, no matter what," Alec spoke with confidence and determination, and then threw away his apple core.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to treat myself to a shower. Think we should perform at the club, tomorrow? I want to live up this weekend as much as possible before we have to attend those bloody classes at the Academy of Arts," Alec sarcastically shivered, expressing his distaste for school. Sure, he loved the fine arts, but he hated classes. He faked a gag as he walked into his room, keeping his ears peeled for Caleb's response.

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