• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High

xXBeautifulDreamsXx said:

Violet Marie Sordina

"Rookie" or "Vi"



She has a very tempermental personality. She's nice enough to people, but she's not really at home until she's in the game. She usually sticks with herself, and doesn't really bond with the opposite gender. If a boy were to start flirting with her, she'd say she was busy thinking of her gaming strategy and totally blow them off.


-Playing video games (obviously)

-Collecting Pokemon trading cards

-Listening to music






Not really much of anything else.


Not much of anything, really. Except reaching level 89 in Dungeon Fighters Online.

MMO Designer
ERRQR said:

View attachment 209539


  • Name: Kenneth Arthur Trejo

    Nickname(s): K, Hog, Kenny

    Age: 18

    Personality: Charming, uncouth, rowdy; Kenny is nothing short of a loose cannon. He's unpredictable in every which way but, it catches the eyes of others within desire. A young man with a undying wish for fun, adventure, and just about anything he can really get his hands on that he feels is worth his time. Kenny is a pro haggler, able to talk his way through things as well as start fights between others for no reason. A Hellraiser. Though, despite the traits, underneath all the nasty, there is something that's the complete opposite. A treasure, hidden away and afraid. He fears weakness and always will.

    His sarcasm gets the best of him, often making smart remarks before he really thinks about what he's saying - this gets him into a lot of trouble, but it's not like he already has something else to do.

    (So not good with personality stuff.)

    Clique: The Rebel/Hellraiser

    Hobbies: Playing drums, guitar, singing, graffiti.

[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]

Irene J.(Jacqueline) Dean


(Wears Nerd glasses sometimes)






Junior (skipped grades and stuff when she was younger)


Geeky,skater person... You know I'll just make my own stereotype



Student occupation :

Dance, Soccer(there's no girl team at school, which she finds really odd. so she had to join the boys) and Jazz band( plays saxophone but sometimes play violin)


Laid back,



Extremely smart (maybe too smart for her own good), outgoing





Tomboy (Though her mom hates it)

Can go into deep stress sometimes when it comes to academics

Impatient at times



Her father (Anthony (Tony) Dean) is the owner of the America's prominent engineering firm and her mother is an actress. Her parents split when she was three and she started living with only her father while rarely seeing her mother. She Had always looked up to her father despite his Playboy lifestyle and had the hopes to surpass him some day. She recently switched schools. Though she is new there, she increasingly popular at school for her dance,sports and Musical skills.





Anything water related





Video games


Being wrong

Losing (Especially bets)

Make up

Nothing really bothers her though



Future career:

Engineer of course

ERRQR said:


"Let's not fight here. MEET YOU BEHIND THE SCHOOL!"

  • Name: Hyeon So-Ra Kim

    Nickname(s): Kim, Sora, Ra, Soso

    Age: 17

    "Let's fuck some shit up!"So-Ra is a loose canon.Most people would say that Hyeon So-Ra is sarcastic, rude. Some would even say that she had no filter, but that was only a facade that most people have come to know and hate. For the most part, Hyeon So-Ra simply disregards people's feelings, but only to avoid her own. From an early age, So-Ra has been a 'trouble maker' of sorts. Cutting off another child's ponytail, chasing other children with worms. Other times, So-Ra would come off as vindictive. If you did her wrong, she would make sure that it would come back to you. Either physically or emotionally. Nowadays, all she really does is mess with other people or make stencils for her to spray paint stupid things on buildings. She usually does things for her own amusement: whether it be making another cry or vandalizing. Of course, this stuff never really affected her grades. She's always had high marks, but always told things like it was. With impeccable grades, So-Ra feels that she really doesn't need to behave and conform to the norm. Which leads to her visiting the counselor several times to confront her.. willingness to.. anger another. So-Ra is not a cruel person, though. In fact, she can be nice whenever she feels the need to. So-ra will not back down and will certainly stand up for those in need and will definitely stand up for her friends. Afraid of her own feelings, So-Ra tends to keep them to herself. If she likes someone, she'll hide it or at least try to. When So-Ra is jealous, you'll know right away. She'll begin to act a lot differently, giving dirty looks, sudden insults.

    Clique: The Bully/Tough girl

    Hobbies: Lighting up fires, kickboxing, playing instruments, messing with computer systems.

MidnightSoul said:
By the same person? That doesn't seem fair
Yeah, I was changing it to The Bully. So-Ra that is. I felt bad, so.

Kiara Reign

The Designer


About Her



Kiara Reign


She really doesn't have a nickname, however, feel free to give her one.








The Designer (main) / Writer


She has a soft and smooth complexion that compliments her naturally pale skin. Kiara loves the outdoors, however, she can't ever get a tan, instead she gets as red as a tomato. So, because of her sensitive skin, Kiara is always seen putting on sunblock before heading outside, even if she only has to go and get the mail. At the same time, Kiara bruises quite easily, which means, she avoids being clumsy and falling over her toes (however, as clumsy as she is. . she trip over something anyways). Kiara's clear-blue eyes sparkle whenever her eyes light up and whenever she smiles. Her eyes are always smiling, showing crinkles around her eyes whenever she's elated or excited. Kiara has a heart-shaped lip and a buttoned nose. Next is her natural brown hair that goes down to her waist-line. Surprisingly, her hair is naturally wavy, not too curly yet not too straight. As her body frame, she's quite petite and slender, as she's always keeping up with her health and fitness level. She stands at an even five feet and four inches.

More In Depth



Kiara has quite a cheerful and bubbly personality to her all-around happy-go-lucky aura. She's quite a positive and spontaneous person, always wanting to see the best in others. However, because she likes giving people chances and seeing the good in them, this causes Kiara to seem naive and foolish. At the same time, many people use her kindness as an advantage and ultimately calling her a "pushover". Kiara can never say "no" to people, fearing they'll be disappointed in her or start unwanted rumors or drama with her. Despite her inability to not stand up for herself and up to others, Kiara would ultimately, without anyone looking at her or over her shoulders, go and indirectly help those in need. She would never go against someone from the "popular" crowd in public, however, behind the scenes, she'll go out of her way to help the ones that were bullied or picked on. Because of her fear, Kiara sees herself as a coward, never being able to own up to what her parent's taught her. However, she would never join in on ridiculing, teasing, or bullying someone. Instead, sadly, she'll turn the other cheek and walk away, hoping there would be someone brave enough to stand up for them. But, if her friends are involved in a bullying or rumour she won't back down to help them and find the cause of her friend's pain. She cares for them deeply and can be overprotective of them.

Moving along, Kiara is actually a friendly person, never really abiding by the social norms, wanting to befriend anyone. She'll talk to whoever passes her way and make any kind of conversation with them. Kiara's known for being a chatterbox and the Queen of Randomness, since well, she can jump from one topic to the next. Kiara is really laid-back, going with the flow with whoever has plans. However, if she finds something she's interested in, you can bet your money she'll flock over like a clip and a magnet. This could be said about designing, when she's in "work mode" as she likes to call it, she'll be engrossed in her designs that she'll be in her own little world, not paying attention to what's around her. As a designer, Kiara can be very precise and meticulous when it comes to fashion or interior designs. She likes getting a hands-on on look of what she has to work with before coming up with creative ideas for the particular subject. Kiara can be very creative and open to suggestions on any designs her friends, family, or even customers would like. Kiara has a caring yet faint heart. She can't stand seeing blood nor violence, which includes bullying. It makes her nervous seeing something that she can't prevent from happening. Well . . she can prevent it, however, her fear causes her to not be able to. Despite all odds, Kiara is an all-around down-to-earth young girl.


Kiara can burst out into song or dance whenever she hears a song she likes playing in the background or on the radio. At the same time, she actually is a decent singer, but dancing, on the other hand. . . yeah, let's not go there. She dances as if no one's watching and actually doesn't care what she looks like, as long as she's having fun and the time of her life.

Kiara likes doodling, sometimes, her doodles help get her creative juices flowing for the next big thing she has to do for her side job. Her doodles sometimes even became tattoo ideas for her friends, whenever they couldn't decide on what they wanted to get. Either way, Kiara is never seen without her sketch pad or drawing some kind of scenary, person, etc.

Not only is Kiara a fashion designer, but she models on the side, since she was her own personal model and designer for the contest she won (they allowed her to do it since it was last minute changes). At the same time, she loves baking sweets such as cupcakes, macaroons, bundt cakes, etc. Lastly, in her spare time, Kiara likes writing, she likes writing down her personal thoughts, her journey throughout her life, and writing poetry or stories.

She likes long walks on the beach, in the forest, or anywhere where she can have time to herself, just enjoying what mother nature had to offer them. Kiara always loved to stop her daily, busy routine to stop and smell the flowers, as they always say.

Because Kiara has high metabolism and likes to stay fit, she tends to like running and excercising. Because she's very active, sometimes she likes to treat herself to fast food such as fried chicken (yum, her favorite). So, she likes trying adrenaline rushing activities (bungee jumping, etc.) , sleeping, and eating food.

Oh! Let's not forget . . . shopping!





Dean Langston

Evangeline Ryan Walker

Guinevera Halls

Jessica Christina Torres

Lewis Williams III

Violet Marie Sordina

Willow Carson


"It's a secret."

no slide

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Name: Uriah Griffin





Uriah's your typical heart breaker. He's hot, popular, and knows his way around the sheets. Girls flock to him because off his looks, and no matter how many times he breaks their hearts, they keep coming back. Uriah is pretty much a bad ass. He really doesn't give a shit about what anyone has to say, because he knows that the only person he's going to listen to is himself. It is possible for him to be nice, but hat's pretty rare. He isn't even nice to his family, so he definitely won't be nice to some girl in the streets.

He's not a 'Night in Shining Armor' or 'Prince Charming', he's more like the Head Night who secretly screws the Queen when the King's too busy. And there's no way to change him. He's Uriah, and he loves the way he is.

Heart Breaker/Bad Boy

Smoking, Pool, Gambling


Kurt Lively, Aniston Lou(both)

Austin Kerr, Aniston Lou(both)


Boyfriend or girlfriend:


Favorite song: N/A

Important thing's they've done:
He won a drag race, earning him a very expensive car.

Dream Job:
He doesn't know.

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crucialstar said:

Kiara Reign

The Designer


About Her



Kiara Reign


She really doesn't have a nickname, however, feel free to give her one.








The Designer (main) / Writer


She has a soft and smooth complexion that compliments her naturally pale skin. Kiara loves the outdoors, however, she can't ever get a tan, instead she gets as red as a tomato. So, because of her sensitive skin, Kiara is always seen putting on sunblock before heading outside, even if she only has to go and get the mail. At the same time, Kiara bruises quite easily, which means, she avoids being clumsy and falling over her toes (however, as clumsy as she is. . she trip over something anyways). Kiara's clear-blue eyes sparkle whenever her eyes light up and whenever she smiles. Her eyes are always smiling, showing crinkles around her eyes whenever she's elated or excited. Kiara has a heart-shaped lip and a buttoned nose. Next is her natural brown hair that goes down to her waist-line. Surprisingly, her hair is naturally wavy, not too curly yet not too straight. As her body frame, she's quite petite and slender, as she's always keeping up with her health and fitness level. She stands at an even five feet and four inches.

More In Depth



Kiara has quite a cheerful and bubbly personality to her all-around happy-go-lucky aura. She's quite a positive and spontaneous person, always wanting to see the best in others. However, because she likes giving people chances and seeing the good in them, this causes Kiara to seem naive and foolish. At the same time, many people use her kindness as an advantage and ultimately calling her a "pushover". Kiara can never say "no" to people, fearing they'll be disappointed in her or start unwanted rumors or drama with her. Despite her inability to not stand up for herself and up to others, Kiara would ultimately, without anyone looking at her or over her shoulders, go and indirectly help those in need. She would never go against someone from the "popular" crowd in public, however, behind the scenes, she'll go out of her way to help the ones that were bullied or picked on. Because of her fear, Kiara sees herself as a coward, never being able to own up to what her parent's taught her. However, she would never join in on ridiculing, teasing, or bullying someone. Instead, sadly, she'll turn the other cheek and walk away, hoping there would be someone brave enough to stand up for them.

Moving along, Kiara is actually a friendly person, never really abiding by the social norms, wanting to befriend anyone. She'll talk to whoever passes her way and make any kind of conversation with them. Kiara's known for being a chatterbox and the Queen of Randomness, since well, she can jump from one topic to the next. Kiara is really laid-back, going with the flow with whoever has plans. However, if she finds something she's interested in, you can bet your money she'll flock over like a clip and a magnet. This could be said about designing, when she's in "work mode" as she likes to call it, she'll be engrossed in her designs that she'll be in her own little world, not paying attention to what's around her. As a designer, Kiara can be very precise and meticulous when it comes to fashion or interior designs. She likes getting a hands-on on look of what she has to work with before coming up with creative ideas for the particular subject. Kiara can be very creative and open to suggestions on any designs her friends, family, or even customers would like. Kiara has a caring yet faint heart. She can't stand seeing blood nor violence, which includes bullying. It makes her nervous seeing something that she can't prevent from happening. Well . . she can prevent it, however, her fear causes her to not be able to. Despite all odds, Kiara is an all-around down-to-earth young girl.


Kiara can burst out into song or dance whenever she hears a song she likes playing in the background or on the radio. At the same time, she actually is a decent singer, but dancing, on the other hand. . . yeah, let's not go there. She dances as if no one's watching and actually doesn't care what she looks like, as long as she's having fun and the time of her life.

Kiara likes doodling, sometimes, her doodles help get her creative juices flowing for the next big thing she has to do for her side job. Her doodles sometimes even became tattoo ideas for her friends, whenever they couldn't decide on what they wanted to get. Either way, Kiara is never seen without her sketch pad or drawing some kind of scenary, person, etc.

Not only is Kiara a fashion designer, but she models on the side, since she was her own personal model and designer for the contest she won (they allowed her to do it since it was last minute changes). At the same time, she loves baking sweets such as cupcakes, macaroons, bundt cakes, etc. Lastly, in her spare time, Kiara likes writing, she likes writing down her personal thoughts, her journey throughout her life, and writing poetry or stories.

She likes long walks on the beach, in the forest, or anywhere where she can have time to herself, just enjoying what mother nature had to offer them. Kiara always loved to stop her daily, busy routine to stop and smell the flowers, as they always say.

Because Kiara has high metabolism and likes to stay fit, she tends to like running and excercising. Because she's very active, sometimes she likes to treat herself to fast food such as fried chicken (yum, her favorite). So, she likes trying adrenaline rushing activities (bungee jumping, etc.) , sleeping, and eating food.

Oh! Let's not forget . . . shopping!






no slide

SomatoToup123 said:

Name: Uriah Griffin





Uriah's your typical heart breaker. He's hot, popular, and knows his way around the sheets. Girls flock to him because off his looks, and no matter how many times he breaks their hearts, they keep coming back. Uriah is pretty much a bad ass. He really doesn't give a shit about what anyone has to say, because he knows that the only person he's going to listen to is himself. It is possible for him to be nice, but hat's pretty rare. He isn't even nice to his family, so he definitely won't be nice to some girl in the streets.

He's not a 'Night in Shining Armor' or 'Prince Charming', he's more like the Head Night who secretly screws the Queen when the King's too busy. And there's no way to change him. He's Uriah, and he loves the way he is.

Heart Breaker/Bad Boy

Smoking, Pool, Gambling



Austin Kerr, PM


Boyfriend or girlfriend:


Favorite song: N/A

Important thing's they've done:
He won a drag race, earning him a very expensive car.

Dream Job:
He doesn't know.


{ Weston Samantha Jordan}


{West, Sam, Sammy}



"The Bitch"


Relationships ~{ N/A as of right now}

Enemies ~{ @JaneXJeff @thefan1 }

Friends ~{ @jacunliffe }

Crushes ~{ @killingxtime }

BF/GF ~{N/A}

Favorite Song ~{ Last Resort by Papa Roach}

Important Things Done ~{Bullied most of the Outcasts, spread most of the popular rumors}

Dream Job ~{Tattoo Artist}

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TuffBbg said:

{ Weston Samantha Jordan}


{West, Sam, Sammy}



"The Bitch"


Relationships ~{ N/A as of right now}

Enemies ~{N/A}

Friends ~{N/A}

Crushes ~{N/A}

BF/GF ~{N/A}

Favorite Song ~{ Last Resort by Papa Roach}

Important Things Done ~{Bullied most of the Outcasts, spread most of the popular rumors}

Dream Job ~{Tattoo Artist}

Cut my life int

JaneXJeff said:




Dean Langston










The New Student/Designer



Martial Arts

Working Out

RELATIONSHIPS: (please discuss this in the OOC tab with the other members)


Chloe Mitchell

PM Me or ask in OOC tab.


Evangeline Walker

Austin Kerr

Kiara Reign

PM Me or ask in OOC tab


PM Me or ask in OOC tab


PM Me or ask in OOC tab

EXTRA INFORMATION: (not necessary)

He is Pansexual.

He is always looking for inspiration.


Come As You Are by Nirvana


He has a black belt in Martial Arts.

He has been to Fashion Week in New York and has met with some designers such as Giorgio Armani, Marc Jacobs, and even Victoria Beckham.


To be a world renowned designer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.4f2a1d8cc5c18d786b8db473f5966698.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.4f2a1d8cc5c18d786b8db473f5966698.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Natalia Aurora Moreau

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.4f2a1d8cc5c18d786b8db473f5966698.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.4f2a1d8cc5c18d786b8db473f5966698.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Nickname(s):

    Natalie | Talia | Nat

    "The Ice Queen"




    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.2cc2909d52d099874de22798483e2282.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.2cc2909d52d099874de22798483e2282.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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princxss said:

View attachment 210296

Natalia Aurora Moreau

View attachment 210296


Natalie | Talia | Nat

"The Ice Queen"




View attachment 210298


Nicknamed "The Ice Queen", Natalia's lucid aquamarine orbs bewitch any that gaze into them. With a cold, detached demeanor, she somehow managed to captivate the hearts of many. Through letters, texts, and even in-person, Natalia's received countless confessions--all of which she turned down cruelly. As if a simple "no" wasn't enough, with each confession her methods of rejection become more and more brutal. The heartfelt letters that someone poured their heart into? Burned. The thoughtful text someone took time and effort to write? Deleted, blocked, and ridiculed on social media. The boy that mustered up the courage and confessed publically? Tossed to the side like trash, not given a second thought.

Truthfully, Natalia's quite irked by the confessions. Not a single one has been a confession of love for who she is as a person--most of them barely know her for god's sake! A majority of them love her for her physical attributes, not her personality. It makes her sick to think that they claim to "
love her" yet when asked about the simplest things, they're left dumbstruck. These thoughts leave her in a pool of insecurity, always making her wonder: If they knew who I truly was, would they still love me--or even like me? If I wasn't pretty... Would I be thrown away? Do they even know my name? Or do they just know me as "The Ice Queen"...

Behind the popularity and heartless persona, there's a "
golden" side to her. She's more than her appearances--under the icy exterior, there's a human being underneath. Natalia loves to go out on adventures during the weekends, often driving aimlessly for hours before exploring her new found play-place. One of her favorite activities include planning escapades to the beach, basking in the warm light of an early sunrise, and the breathtaking beauty of sunsets. The calming ocean waters below her wash away her worries, leaving her care-free and refreshed. With every tide that rolls back out into the deep blue sea carries away a chapter of her fears, anxiety, and stress.

Another secret unbeknownst to those shallow admirers around her, is her love for nature. Like her weekly adventures to the beach to listen to soothing waves crashing into jagged cliffs, Natalia loves to venture into the luscious verdant forests surrounding the city. In there, she could sit for hours by the lake, staring at her reflection distort as she ran her fingers through the water.

With the waves of the ocean, there are times when the tides are rough and terrifying, and there are times when the waves are tranquil and mellow. Like the waves, Natalia has two sides to her: her cold, isolated attitude, or her warm, playful one. From time to time, the pressure of maintaining an image and wearing a mask break down her walls, leaving her vulnerable and cantankerous. Numerous times, her sharp tongue would lash out against one of her love-struck victims, though she would quickly regret her irascible behavior. Then again, she would become irritated with their incessant craving for her attention, and their shallow feelings, and the cycle would repeat.

When the mist clears, Natalia's honest self emerges. Typically a sassy, sarcastic girl, Natalia often smirks with a means of causing mischief. More often than not, you'll see Natalia rolling her eyes, a devilish grin present across her face, followed by a sarcastic retort of some sort: "Yeah, I'm
sure you look fanfuckingtastic in that. Better than Kate Upton herself!"


Popular | Heartbreaker


⊛ Traveling

⊛ Spontaneous adventures to far-off lands

⊛ Aimless drives through the bright city lights at night

⊛ Wandering through opulent forests

⊛ Breaking hearts; not always willingly


OOC ♥︎ (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ♥︎


OOC ♥︎ (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ♥︎


OOC ♥︎ (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ♥︎


OOC ♥︎ (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ♥︎

Boyfriend or girlfriend:

OOC ♥︎ (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ♥︎

Extra information:

Just some oddball information that's not particularly relevant:

⊛ Natalia's birthday wishes for the past sixteen years of her life (she insists even while in the womb) were to have a puppy. It doesn't matter what breed; all puppies are good puppies.

⊛ Baby blue... Baby pink... Lavender; all favorite colors of Natalia.

⊛ If you dig deep enough, there will always be some sort of candy in her bag. Most of the time it's lollipops and Jolly Ranchers.

Favorite song:

"What's on the radio?"

Important things they've done:

Well, if you count breaking hearts... That's one.

Dream Job:

Undecided so far. She hasn't picked a single dream job, though she's daydreamed about countless on her trips to the beach. Natalia hopes that she can find a fun, easy-going job that allows her to travel around the world.

Why thank you ヾ(@⌒ ⌒@)ノ

I updated it and edited it, I hope you don't mind. I'm probably going to be editing the format for a bit!
Can I reserve a Stoner and a queen's sidekick? Both of them if I can have 3 characters, actually. I'd like to make twins, but if I can only have two thats fine as well


Kamron and Kaylinn Morano


  • Basics

    Nicknames: Kam, Kami

    Age: 17

    Clique: Queen's Sidekick/Artist (with a tad bit of stoner thrown in there too)

    Height: 5'3


    Personality: Kam is loud and energetic, the kind of person who gets what she wants, no matter what. She has that talent that some people have, of getting others to believe they actually want to do what she says. Kam likes to have fun, but when it comes to her art, she's a fairly serious person, to the point where she won't let anyone see until it's done, which she won't ever say it is. To her, nothing is ever finished.

    A perfectionist, but the kind who simply never finishes or commits to anything, because they know it will never be perfect, Kam dabbles in many fields. She's a bit of a partier, a bit of an artist, a bit of a singer, a bit of a player, and a bit of a smoker. She only really commits to her relationships, but only the real ones. If she decides you're hers, then you are; at least, until you do something to screw that up.

    Hobbies: Drawing, Smoking, Partying, Singing



    Chloe Mitchell

    Kaylinn Morano

    Jaxon Indiala

    OoC me!


    Chloe Mitchell

    OoC me!


    Austin Kerr



    Favorite Song:

    Talk Me Down, Troye Sivan


    Bio: Kam and Kaylinn were born in late December, to two loving, wealthy parents. How they ended up so different, no one will know.

    Kam was always darker, smarter, and more focused on being better than her sister. She wanted everything just right, and spent more time lining up all the doll shoes than she did playing with the actual doll itself. When she got older, she was a straight A+ student, but that simply wasn't enough for her. She wanted to do everything, and she wanted to do everything better than anyone else who did it. She wanted to be the perfect person.

    This has led to a lot of secret stress for Kam. She doesn't tell anyone about how she often feels, for lack of a better explanation, similar to the feeling you had when you were a kid trying to glue something together, but it wouldn't stick because the glue was too wet. Those feelings, they get bottled up and put into a little box in the corner of her mind and only occasionally escape.

    Socially, Kam simply followed around her sister, which is how she ended up being one of the Queen's sidekicks. Now, one of her only friends, Chloe Mitchell, is someone she despises.

    Important Things They've Done: She's been on Honor Roll her entire life.

    Dream Job: Unknown. She can't decide, she just knows she wants to do whatever she can do perfectly.

@Tsiwentiio I went ahead and put the twins and Chloe as friends, since they are her sidekicks and such.​
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Jaxon Indiala



Nicknames: Jax

Age: 18

Clique: Stoner/Bad boy /Musician

(Mainly Stoner)

Height: 6'4


Personality: Jax is the kind of guy who does what he wants without thinking or caring about the consequences. He wants something, he takes it, and that applies to people, and possessions. Because of his looks, girls typically just let him do what he wants, but he likes a challenge.

He's typically a bit of a jerk, but when it comes to his family, he'll do anything for them. He's aggressive, impulsive, and dominant in all things.

Hobbies: Smoking, Bass, Partying, Hanging out with Family



Kamron Morano

Kurt Lively

Uriah Griffin

Kenny Trejo

Willow Carson

OoC me!


OoC me!





Favorite Song:

Often, The Weeknd


Bio: Born in early spring, Jaxon was always a rule-breaker. He got himself in a lot of trouble as a kid, but the one thing that made him calm was music. He started playing Bass Guitar when he was 11, and it really chilled him out. He started hanging out with some other kids who got in trouble a lot, and eventually ended up smoking and dealing pot, which is how he makes his money. Despite all of that, he maintains relatively good grades, and teachers all like him. Parents, on the other hand, hear stories from their kids and make assumptions based on how he looks. Most immediately hate him, but that doesn't stop all the girls from letting him pick them up at their house.

Important Things They've Done: Jax is the Bass Guitarist and lead vocals in a rock band called Horde of Travesties, along with Kurt Lively (Guitarist) and Kenny Trejo (Drums).

Anything Else:

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Chase said:


Kamron and Kaylinn Morano


  • Basics

    Nicknames: Kam, Kami

    Age: 17

    Clique: Queen's Sidekick/Artist (with a tad bit of stoner thrown in there too)


    Personality: Kam is loud and energetic, the kind of person who gets what she wants, no matter what. She has that talent that some people have, of getting others to believe they actually want to do what she says. Kam likes to have fun, but when it comes to her art, she's a fairly serious person, to the point where she won't let anyone see until it's done, which she won't ever say it is. To her, nothing is ever finished.

    A perfectionist, but the kind who simply never finishes or commits to anything, because they know it will never be perfect, Kam dabbles in many fields. She's a bit of a partier, a bit of an artist, a bit of a singer, a bit of a player, and a bit of a smoker. She only really commits to her relationships, but only the real ones. If she decides you're hers, then you are; at least, until you do something to screw that up.

    Hobbies: Drawing, Smoking, Partying, Singing



    Chloe Mitchell

    Kaylinn Morano

    OoC me!


    Chloe Mitchell

    OoC me!





    Favorite Song:

    Talk Me Down, Troye Sivan


    Bio: Kam and Kaylinn were born in late December, to two loving, wealthy parents. How they ended up so different, no one will know.

    Kam was always darker, smarter, and more focused on being better than her sister. She wanted everything just right, and spent more time lining up all the doll shoes than she did playing with the actual doll itself. When she got older, she was a straight A+ student, but that simply wasn't enough for her. She wanted to do everything, and she wanted to do everything better than anyone else who did it. She wanted to be the perfect person.

    This has led to a lot of secret stress for Kam. She doesn't tell anyone about how she often feels, for lack of a better explanation, similar to the feeling you had when you were a kid trying to glue something together, but it wouldn't stick because the glue was too wet. Those feelings, they get bottled up and put into a little box in the corner of her mind and only occasionally escape.

    Socially, Kam simply followed around her sister, which is how she ended up being one of the Queen's sidekicks. Now, one of her only friends, Chloe Mitchell, is someone she despises.

    Important Things They've Done: She's been on Honor Roll her entire life.

    Dream Job: Unknown. She can't decide, she just knows she wants to do whatever she can do perfectly.

@Tsiwentiio I went ahead and put the twins and Chloe as friends, since they are her sidekicks and such.​
Both accepted


Willow Carson



Age: 18




Willow is great at sports, absolutely GREAT. She can play soccer, tennis, basketball, rugby, you get the drift. Her intelligence doesn't really show on tests however, as she can barely manage a B half the time, but, it doesn't mean she's dumb. You see, her intelligence lies in street smarts, manipulation, mostly in languages. She can lure you into her web of lies and you will never be able to escape. Willow's also an excellent liar and actor, which comes to an advantage with all the trouble she gets in. She's also very sarcastic and witty, a very good friend if you ever need one, and there's also her knack for figuring out your emotions in a snap, sometimes even before you figure them out yourself.


The Dancer/Jock


Sports (Literally any kind), Dancing (Hip Hop, Ballet, Freestyle), Drawing, Eating

RELATIONSHIPS: (please discuss this in the OOC tab with the other members)


Chloe Mitchell

Kaylinn Morano



Evangeline Walker

Victoria Knight

Jaxon Indiala

Jessica Christina Torres

Lyle James Dubois

Guinevere Halls

Kiara Reign

Crushes: OOC/PM

Boyfriend or girlfriend: OOC/PM

Extra information:

Willow is a heterosexual

She uses a vape

Healthy foods gross her out

Other than performance outfits, she doesn't have any casual skirts or dresses

Willow is also quite tall (6'1 to be exact) So it makes it awkward to talk to a few people.

Favorite song:

Toxic (Cestladore Remix) Cover by Melanie Martinez

Important thing's they've done:

Lied to cops several times

1st Place for National Hip-Hop Dance Competition (Group)

1st Place for National Ballet Dance Competition (Solo)

1st Place for National Classical Dance Competition (Pair)

Dream Job:

Professional Dancer/Professional Athlete

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Chibii said:


Willow Carson



Age: 18




Willow is great at sports, absolutely GREAT. She can play soccer, tennis, basketball, rugby, you get the drift. Her intelligence doesn't really show on tests however, as she can barely manage a pass half the time, but, it doesn't mean she's dumb. You see, her intelligence lies in street smarts, manipulation, mostly in languages. She can lure you into her web of lies and you will never be able to escape. Willow's also an excellent liar and actor, which comes to an advantage with all the trouble she gets in. She's also very sarcastic and witty, a very good friend if you ever need one, and there's also her knack for figuring out your emotions in a snap, sometimes even before you figure them out yourself.


The Dancer/Main Jock


Sports (Literally any kind), Dancing (Hip Hop, Ballet, Freestyle), Drawing, Eating

RELATIONSHIPS: (please discuss this in the OOC tab with the other members)

Enemies: OOC/PM

Friends: OOC/PM

Crushes: OOC/PM

Boyfriend or girlfriend: OOC/PM

Extra information:

Willow is a heterosexual

She uses a vape

Healthy foods gross her out

Other than performance outfits, she doesn't have any casual skirts or dresses

Favorite song:

Toxic (Cestladore Remix) Cover by Melanie Martinez

Important thing's they've done:

Lied to cops several times

1st Place for National Hip-Hop Dance Competition (Group)

1st Place for National Ballet Dance Competition (Solo)

1st Place for National Classical Dance Competition (Pair)

Dream Job:

Professional Dancer/Professional Athlete

Chase said:


Jaxon Indiala



Nicknames: Jax

Age: 18

Clique: Stoner/Bad boy /Musician

(Mainly Stoner)


Personality: Jax is the kind of guy who does what he wants without thinking or caring about the consequences. He wants something, he takes it, and that applies to people, and possessions. Because of his looks, girls typically just let him do what he wants, but he likes a challenge.

He's typically a bit of a jerk, but when it comes to his family, he'll do anything for them. He's aggressive, impulsive, and dominant in all things.

Hobbies: Smoking, Bass, Partying, Hanging out with Family



Kamron Morano

Kurt Lively

Uriah Griffin

OoC me!


OoC me!





Favorite Song:

Often, The Weeknd


Bio: Born in early spring, Jaxon was always a rule-breaker. He got himself in a lot of trouble as a kid, but the one thing that made him calm was music. He started playing Bass Guitar when he was 11, and it really chilled him out. He started hanging out with some other kids who got in trouble a lot, and eventually ended up smoking and dealing pot, which is how he makes his money. Despite all of that, he maintains relatively good grades, and teachers all like him. Parents, on the other hand, hear stories from their kids and make assumptions based on how he looks. Most immediately hate him, but that doesn't stop all the girls from letting him pick them up at their house.

Important Things They've Done: Jax is the Bass Guitarist and lead vocals in a rock band called Horde of Travesties.

Anything Else:



Aniston Glori Lou


Anne, Ani






A bit on the cold side if you were to ask anyone else. Her work is her life, and she puts everything she has into it. The view she has on the outside world is off. It's almost a nuisance to her. She's cold, quiet, but somehow she still has a very caring attitude. Often she tries to avoid any sort of contact or social interactions with people, but if someone ask for her help or needs a hand, she will jump in. It will be very passive, though, as she loves to pretend like she doesn't care about anything.


Future Pablo Picasso/Bitch


Sketching, Listening to loud music, Painting, Writing, Smoking(cigarettes), Watching anime, and Long boarding


(To be determined.)


Uriah Griffin(a little of both)


Uriah Griffin(a little of both)


(Yo, message me, mates)

Boyfriend or girlfriend:

(Yo, message me, mates)

Extra information:

Nothing much. She likes cats, a lot. Also has a secret collection of manga and comics that she hides to uphold her "superior" image.

Favorite song:


Important thing's they've done:

Won a few awards, and potential scholarship to an Art School in New York.

Dream Job:

To be an animator and/or comic artist.

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