The Best of Roleplaying!

call me rae

Closing this account

So there are a million and one threads on the many and varied animals that are the worst kind of roleplayers. There are equally many threads about the worst characters , GMs, etc. So how about we share some positivity for a change?
Answer One or All What are your favorite kinds of roleplayers? What is your favorite kind of GM? What is your favorite kind of Character ( to work with ) What is your favorite experience as a roleplayer? ( can be anything )
Just a note this is about sharing positive roleplay experiences. I don't want to see debates or arguments in the thread please.

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1.) I love when people can roll with the punches and be surprising and go off script without being OOC. I love to be challenged. It's awesome.

2.) One that lets you sortof roll around and help build a world, provides support but lets you do your thing, and introduces events and pushes the plot around. Kinda like a mom.

3.) Ones that bait and switch my characters into difficult situations. Challenges are fun. Mine? Weirdos.

4.) Had an old game, 500 pages, 15 posts per page, detailed posts. I was the GM. It concluded. Best experience was finishing that mammoth thing. Second best was being forced or rather surprised by my rp-partner at the time twisting my dude to have to respond to her weird antics. It ended up awesome, she was just shooting rando plot ideas that were super interesting and really made me have to completely rethink him and what he'd do.
One time my character managed to help blow up an alien Nazi moonbase, then they subsequently had to fight giant nuclear robo-Hitler. That was absolute blast.
1. As long as you help the plot along and have readable posts I'm pretty much cool with anyone. It's really fun to interact with a huge variety of RPers, all along the detail/literacy scale. But imo, it's most fun to RP with good friends--since you're already comfortable with each other you're less scared to pitch ideas and you don't feel as much pressure to write long responses or whatever, so you just have fun with it and do whatever you want!

(skipping 2)

3. You mean, for me to write? A lot of my favorite characters to write appear innocent on the outside, but are really twisted in one way or another. If their dark side comes out, it's fun to see people's reactions to it (IC and/or OOC), and if it doesn't, they're still pretty fun to write. -u-

4. Running mockingami (Sakigami Toto) on Twitter. That's my oldest still-surviving Twitter RP account and it's been fun to see Toto grow as a character along with my writing improving, and over the course of the last year and a half I've seen the verse die and revive quite a few times, which is also pretty interesting to watch (and during the dry spells I usually end up in a lot of weird-ass crossovers that are a total blast). Plus, running the account brought me to one of my current best friends and favorite RP partners.
It's nice to see some positivity. : D

What are your favorite kinds of roleplayers?

People who are open to all kinds of crazy antics and ideas. Sitting meekly to the side and letting everyone else drive the plot along is boring. I also like it whe roleplayers mesh well and make the storyline flow smoothly.

What is your favorite kind of GM?

Open to new ideas, engaged, responsive, and able to defuse situations. I'm good in the first two departments, but need to work on the others. >_>

What is your favorite kind of character ( to work with )

I like characters who are fleshed out, realistic, quirky, and adorable. : 3

What is your favorite experience as a roleplayer?

One time my character killed everyone else in the rp at the same time. That was fun.
oh gee i think we all needed this thread.

1. huh well i guess it's got to be the friendly dorks who see rping as more of a game than a job. they treat it like a fun thing, so it becomes fun... no pretension, no elitism, just genuine interest and hype for the next post. makes writing feel worthwhile.

2. just chill kinds of people who will do their world-building and plotting with the players and act like any normal player after that. preferably not the kind of person who would let anyone at all join the game, there is a fine line between being nice/fun and being too tolerant of people who can derail the story in a single post.

3. characters who can be consistent, well thought out and have their behaviour built around their back story. personality wise, i'm all for easily-flustered, selectively bossy nerds.

4. all my rps from before joining rpn were pretty shit, but i did once get to play 1/3 of god's spirit and give someone a curse that would open a wound on their body wherever they feel the touch of another person. that was fun, i actually might reuse that concept.
Anyone who is just flexible in general. The kind of person who can advance the plot in a simple paragraph or two without having to write a novel really helps. I have trouble following along really long paragraphs, I think of the users paragraphs as parts that make a chapter and then the next chapter continues and those chapters eventually turn into a story, I like following story arcs rather then multiple paragraphs strung together into some super complex story that takes years for me to eventually finish reading.
BIGBOSS1975 said:
One time my character managed to help blow up an alien Nazi moonbase, then they subsequently had to fight giant nuclear robo-Hitler. That was absolute blast.
Reading that alone was a blast!
rebandvodka said:
Reading that alone was a blast!
If you think that brief summary is a blast, you should get the full story.

80s luck man (AKA me,) big angry lizard, weird boob alien, the lesbian cat from space, and kinetic man had been sent to the moon because we remembered that we were government black ops and we handled jobs other heroes couldn't do.

Our job, to go into detail, was that a considerable amount of an unnamed alien race had been flocking to the moon and disappearing. Our job was to go there and find out why.

As it turned out, they were converted into Nazis. Our plan was to overload the core by simultaneously overloading the safety protocols and blowing up the reactor. We did not think about the implications of blowing up a considerable chunk of alien people, but hey! These are the same guys that blew up Madagascar (I was sadly not present for that,) they didn't give a shit. Also, they were space Nazis.

After the explosion, we were suddenly greeted by a giant Gundam with a swastika on the side. It was one of the many Hitler A.I.s that populated the galaxy, and it had been uploaded to a giant robot. (Yeah, Hitler himself had been turned into a mass array of artificial intelligences)

We had fought valiantly, with yours truly using his luck powers to make the robot fall apart from the inside out, while Big Angry Lizard kicked the patootie out of it. Space cat hacked away at the onboard weapons, kinetic man punched some shit, and weird boob alien was busy being overpowered. Through the power of FRIENDSHIP, we managed to prevail.

I feel as though I should clarify that WE blew up Madagascar, not the Nazi aliens.
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1. My favorite type of roleplayers are those who are willing to take a little risk, but are also willing to discuss. In other words, I love a roleplay partner who is willing to throw in a twist I'm not expecting, but is also willing to chat with me in OOC and develop an overarching series of events. While writing style is important, I find players who can really nail that character development as a character goes through those events to make me (metaphorically) weak in the knees.

2. I don't group roleplay much, so I couldn't say.

3. My favorite type of character to work with? I'm not sure I have one. I feel like my characters are all pretty diverse-- both in physical traits, backgrounds, histories, and personalities. I don't really love one more than another because I take away a little something from all of them.

4. Some of my favorite experiences have definitely been working with my roleplay partner, @Poe. She has been an absolute delight to roleplay with, both in OOC and IC, and I consider her one of my good friends.
BIGBOSS1975 said:
If you think that brief summary is a blast, you should get the full story.
80s luck man (AKA me,) big angry lizard, weird boob alien, the lesbian cat from space, and kinetic man had been sent to the moon because we remembered that we were government black ops and we handled jobs other heroes couldn't do.

Our job, to go into detail, was that a considerable amount of an unnamed alien race had been flocking to the moon and disappearing. Our job was to go there and find out why.

As it turned out, they were converted into Nazis. Our plan was to overload the core by simultaneously overloading the safety protocols and blowing up the reactor. We did not think about the implications of blowing up a considerable chunk of alien people, but hey! These are the same guys that blew up Madagascar (I was sadly not present for that,) they didn't give a shit. Also, they were space Nazis.

After the explosion, we were suddenly greeted by a giant Gundam with a swastika on the side. It was one of the many Hitler A.I.s that populated the galaxy, and it had been uploaded to a giant robot. (Yeah, Hitler himself had been turned into a mass array of artificial intelligences)

We had fought valiantly, with yours truly using his luck powers to make the robot fall apart from the inside out, while Big Angry Lizard kicked the patootie out of it. Space cat hacked away at the onboard weapons, kinetic man punched some shit, and weird boob alien was busy being overpowered. Through the power of FRIENDSHIP, we managed to prevail.
I swear, I felt actual disappointment overwhelming me whenever I had reached the end of reading that. This magic has to be turned into a movie ASA-fucking-P! Imaginably, a really low budgeted, b-movie interpretation because I feel like any other style couldn't correctly capture how hilariously brilliant this would be. You know, I'm actually somewhat surprised someone hasn't already jumped on this.. We have to make this a reality. To the ship!
Mordecai said:
1. My favorite type of roleplayers are those who are willing to take a little risk, but are also willing to discuss. In other words, I love a roleplay partner who is willing to throw in a twist I'm not expecting, but is also willing to chat with me in OOC and develop an overarching series of events. While writing style is important, I find players who can really nail that character development as a character goes through those events to make me (metaphorically) weak in the knees.
2. I don't group roleplay much, so I couldn't say.

3. My favorite type of character to work with? I'm not sure I have one. I feel like my characters are all pretty diverse-- both in physical traits, backgrounds, histories, and personalities. I don't really love one more than another because I take away a little something from all of them.

4. Some of my favorite experiences have definitely been working with my roleplay partner, @Poe. She has been an absolute delight to roleplay with, both in OOC and IC, and I consider her one of my good friends.
You're such a beautiful, wonderful delight <3 I am so lucky to have you as a partner and friend <3333
Yay for spreading positivity ^_^

What are your favorite kinds of roleplayers?

My favorite kind of roleplayers are those who actively engage in furthering the story, while still maintaining a flexible nature. They bring their own unique ideas to the table that I never would have thought of on my own, and they encourage me when I am inspired by their ideas and add my own into the mix. Also, these roleplayers will get inspired by me in turn and come up with more ideas. It's simply wonderful ^_^

When things are mutually beneficial for all players, it creates a very enjoyable roleplay experience. It makes it even easier to improve as a roleplayer and get invested into the story. Additionally, I like players who are just genuinely nice people. Even if a roleplay isn't interesting right off the bat, if a person is fun to talk to and easy to get along with, that can help me get invested into the roleplay as well.

What is your favorite kind of GM?

I enjoy working with GMs who have a solid but flexible idea of where to direct the roleplay. They create an underlying conflict to get characters moving towards a goal, but they don't try to force characters to behave a certain way. Essentially, they keep things organized, but let the players have fun. It's also very important to me that a GM treats everyone respectfully, even people who are acting out. They deal with everything in as responsible a manner as possible, and assume the best of everyone without letting anyone take advantage of that too much. I've had several GMs like this, and it makes a huge difference to how enjoyable to roleplay is.

What is your favorite kind of Character ( to work with )

My favorite type of character is a character who has potential to grow and develop. Personality is always something that can be worked around, so that doesn't have a huge impact on me. In terms of roleplaying, it's the most easy to work with characters who are friendly or at the very least not averse to talking. I enjoy it when a character has a genuine desire to connect to others in some way (even if some are grumpy about doing so), since this makes interactions between characters much easier ^_^

What is your favorite experience as a roleplayer? ( can be anything )

My favorite experience as a roleplayer is not really any particular event, but I love it when people find my characters interesting. Since I put a lot of thought into a character's construction and their dialogue and inner monologues. Even more fun is when people actually like the little bits of humor that I inevitably slip into my posts. Be it a character being dorky, an insatiable glutton, a grumpy cynic, or anything else that lets me slip in (what I consider to be) a clever line, it's always satisfying when other people find it clever. This doesn't always happen (I'm not that funny) but it's really nice when someone likes something that I've done. It makes me want to continue working hard to write things that others might enjoy reading and crafting responses to ^_^
What are your favorite kinds of roleplayers?

I don't pick favorites, but the more readable and engaged you are with the RP the more I'll like you. If you write even the minimal required for the RP? have proper spelling about 95% of the time and actively throw around ideas or just interact with people in the OOC you're alright in my book. Makes me want to play more with you, because you're a positive force for the entire community.

What is your favorite kind of GM?


For real though, the kind that is open and gives their players freedom but isn't afraid to be a hardass when needed. Basically, a dad.
What is your favorite kind of Character

I'm going to assume this means 'What characters do I like to see in a RP and/or write'. In which case... I don't have one. Every character can be good, it's just down to your experience as a roleplayer.

What is your favorite experience as a roleplayer?

Kicking out that one player

Creating one of my characters in an on-going RP called Souls of Steel: Serah Gene. She's loads of fun to write, has just enough complexity too her without it being edgy and feels like a genuine, scared teenage girl in a war whilst still doing what she's supposed to do. She rallies everyone, tries to be a positive force and makes everyone else feel better whilst she's slowly spiraling downwards on the inside. I genuinely hope that she gets a complete arc by the end of it and finds her happy ending, but she's just as likely to die on the journey. It's why I love her so much.

Also, she is fucking adorable.
What are your favorite kinds of roleplayers?

I actually really like people who make their characters banal and have affect like normal human beings. RP characters are usually free from the flaws we all have except a couple usually joking references. I like it when people play characters that aren't all that put together, that go through the same banal problems like family issues (not the dramatic "my dad was killed violently by demons when I was 3" stuff we usually see), indecision, procrastination, etc. like most people IRL.

I like posts that are embellished too, helps with immersion.

What is your favorite kind of GM?

Those who take on multiple GMs - it works a lot better with 2-3 people at the helm than 1 in case he/she goes inactive. For detailed RPs GM activity is always a huge problem after a couple pages.

What is your favorite kind of Character ( to work with )

I think great characters are made by their excuses and how they justify what they do. I love characters who have this "tunnel vision" like most real people do, and are sort of stuck in their own world. Even if they're moved to do terrible things, they come up with excuses to justify it.

What is your favorite experience as a roleplayer? ( can be anything )

There was this 1 RP on gaia where we were all just in a palace with no plotline whatsoever. For like 4 weeks all of us just roleplayed to 20+ pages of getting up in the morning, talking, petty drama, and meals with no direction at all. Turns out the GM had spotty activity and meant for a plot to happen, but just didn't tell us because she thought she'd be able to come back really fast then didn't. It's the closest thing to a real slice of life RP ever - it was totally boring but almost philosophically so. We all for some reason couldn't resist posting in that boring RP just a couple more times. There was something deep about RPing a week of nothing, I just can't put my finger on what it was.
Most of my best moments happened in tabletop games, either at conventions or in games with friends.

My most recent favourite was technically out-of-character, but we were playing Eclipse Phase at a convention. The players were Gatecrashers who were checking out a distant exoplanet, and I explained they were all backed up before they left. For reasons I do not recall, I had to explain this a second time when things started to look dangerous.

"So if you die here or can't go back, you'll wake up back at Love & Rage to be told you went through the Pandora gate and contact was lost."

One of my players, having never encountered the transporter problem, was a little distraught about this.

"But... which one is the real me?" he asked, as if I would have a concrete answer.

"No one's really agreed on that. Presumably the living one."

"So that one is the real me? The one in storage has the soul or whatever?"

"That's a little more spiritualist than the setting goes into. Your consciousness dies here, maybe after making a discovery that'll pay for the rest of your life, and you're then woken from backup to reap the rewards."


At this point another player interjects and I have to keep the game moving. But that guy says nothing and hardly looks at anyone for the next half hour, maybe longer, just quietly thinking it over.

Which is the kind of reaction I like to get, usually. In the end, he decided his current incarnation was the 'true' one and that he wouldn't die here, because no impostor was going to get his money (although it was actually more of an information/reputation economy but post-capitalist structures are also difficult to explain to people in the first fifteen minutes of a game).
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