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Fandom The Beginning of Something Great{character sheet}


Always sleepy

[Character Sheets]
A little about them(optional)-
Why did you join your guild(Optional)-
Type of magic(if it is something you create explain it;remember they are weak)-
Companion(an animal or such)-
Anything you want to add-
Guild emblem position on body-
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Guild- Fallen Nightmares
Name- Helius Egrangon
Nickname- Lili(Only to his sister)
Sexuality- Bisexual
A little about them(optional)-Helius is one of the more powerful members of the guild and is almost always out on one job or another. He is considered a cold and strange man who says few words. Him and his little sister were both raised by a sky dragon of the name Alaniascia, though Helius is the only one with sky dragon slayer magic.
Type of magic-Sky Dragon Slayer
Guild emblem position on body-Side of kneck

Guild-Fallen Nightmares
Name- Freya Egrangon
Nickname-Pip*for pipsqueak*
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Pansexual
A little about them(optional)- Freya is considered by many as the baby of the guild, and it has nothing to do with her age. She is very easily made to cry and has a compassionate heart. She has what seems to be very weak magic-especially compared to her brother- and only goes on missions as support-she knows her way around how to heal wounds with mundane ways-. The only reason she was ever accepted to the dark guild was due to her brother.
Why did you join your guild(Optional)- Her home is with her brother, even if that meant joining a dark guild.
Type of magic-Air magic
Companion- Lea a pink and black spotted exceed.
Guild emblem position on body-Lower kneck

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Guild- Fallen Nightmares

Name- Dustin Alexander.

Nickname- Jackal

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Straight

A little about them(optional)- Dustin's history is a vague one and he will only tell those he trust, but what is know is that he is no stranger to death. His personality is a strange one though. When out of a fight he is easily bored and is always looking for something, or someone to entertain him, but when in a fight he is more than overjoyed. He likes to toy with his opponents and cause as much pain and destruction as possible. He loves it when he is up against strong foes and will push on even when he is a bloody mess. Though with weak foes he gets bored and tries to find entertainment in their struggles to win or escape.

Why did you join your guild(Optional)- To improve his skills, gain money and spread his name through out the world and history.

Type of magic(if it is something you create explain it;remember they are weak)- Can control a seemingly infinite amount of chains and manipulate them to be more affective in battle. Though he has not entirely mastered his abilities and has trouble keeping his magic in control when he channels it into summoning chains.


Companion(an animal or such)- None

Anything you want to add- Enjoys when his foes are terrified of him, but is enraged when he feels weak. Also despises any light guild members.

Guild emblem position on body- On the right side of his chest.
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Guild- Fallen Nightmares
Location of Guild Tattoo: The palm of his left hand.
Name- Zhao Liu
Nickname- N/A
Age- 38
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight
A little about them(optional)- Zhao is an unscrupulous, self-serving man. His goal is to get as much power, glory, wealth, connections, and anything else that will make his life more comfortable as possible, and he has little to no sympathy for those he has to trample along the way to achieve it. He doesn't like killing other people, and goes to great lengths to avoid having to do so but he's more than capable of doing it if it's the only option. He also dislikes those who kills for fun, or enjoys doing so. In battle, Zhao tends to fight rather dirty, using whatever tricks necessary to win a fight.
Type of magic- Ice Dragon Slayer (Second Gen).

Anything you want to add- Wields a katana in battle.
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Guild- Rising Phoenix

Name- Jain Amber

Nickname- Angel.

Age- 17

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Straight

A little about them(optional)- Jain can be a bit uneasy with her past and simply tells her fellow guild member she was raised within an orphanage. She wishes to leave that past life behind and wants to build her new one with her new guild. She is kind hearted and very passionate when it comes to others, friends, strangers and foes have all met her warmth of kindness. Though she does have a problem with being shy at times, she enjoys her time within the guild and loves helping others. In battle she will fight with all her might and put her own life on the line for others in danger. Some would even call her stubborn when it came to giving up a fight to protect others. She hates to see others in pain and will do her best to tend to them, be it emotional or physical support.

Why did you join your guild(Optional)- To find a new life and build a new home to call hers.

Type of magic(if it is something you create explain it;remember they are weak)- Can create crystal based attacks, armor and weapons. She uses her spear to channel her magic because of her lack of experience with the use of her abilities. She also rarely uses chain magic in emergencies when she or her allies are in serious danger.


Companion(an animal or such)- A small black kitten named Olivia.

Anything you want to add- Enjoys to sing, dance and play many instruments since it can put a smile on others. She is also a very talented cook. She even volunteers at the hospital to tend to the injured or sick.

Guild emblem position on body- On her right shoulder.

Just thought I'd put up a character into the Rising Phoenix guild.
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Guild-Rising Phoenix
Name- Starling Charm
A little about them(optional)-Starling's parents died in an accident when she was just a baby and her grandfather had to raise her. Along time ago her grandpa was an amazing wizard in rising phoenix and upon his death his bestfriend (and guild master) took in his toddler granddaughter; and that's the story how Starling ended up in the guild. Though she has been with them her entire life she is still a weak wizard.
Type of magic(if it is something you create explain it;remember they are weak)-Dance/Charm magic-To cast her magic starling must dance; if completed correctly she can put them in some form of sleep trance(when she becomes more powerful she can use it to hypnotize lower level enemies into doing what she wants). This magic would be considered powerful only if starling could manage to finish the dance. Starling is a klutz and thus preforms poorly when dancing or anything physical.
Guild emblem position on body- Upper left thigh
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  • Name: Ivela Drelyn
    Nickname: Indifferent Drelyn (Mockingly by her older brother.) Enchanter Jr. among wizards. (She insists on junior, as Enchanter was her brother's title.)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Fallen Nightmares


  • Name: Nero Leriam
    Nickname: Shockwave
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Guild: Rising Phoenix

ALERT: These character sheets are not as detailed as they look at first glance. It just helps me to organize my characters and plan them out like this.
Guild- Rising Phoenix
Name- Rudeus Stone
Nickname- Crazy Bone
Age- 16
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight
A little about them(optional)-
Rudeus belongs to a long line of mages in his family, inheriting his skills from his father. His family is well-known as 'whisper's of the dead' given their ability to recall memories and experiences of a person from their bones. For a while, Rudeus would work part of the family business, however he was not satisfied with working in the family line and instead decided on taking up work at a mages guild. Currently, he's only joined up with Phoenix Rising for about one month.
Why did you join your guild(Optional)-
He joined the guild because he longed to travel and see new places while being able to earn some money for back home.
Type of magic(if it is something you create explain it;remember they are weak)-
Bone Memory Magic - allows him to call upon experiences and abilities of an animal by biting on to their bone. Magic is constantly being used when using this.

Bone Memory: Wolf - He gains a heightened sense of smell and balance. He is typically on all fours when using this bone.

Bone Memory: Tortoise - He is much slower but his skin becomes hardened and he can resist many more physical attacks. His back is also the hardest part of his body, more so that steel blades can't cut through.

Bone Memory: Crane - He becomes incredibly light and is able to jump much higher than normal. He also is very fragile when using this bone.
Bone Memory: Mammoth - He becomes much heavier, stronger, and performs palm strikes to attack. He also becomes more resilient to the cold.

Bone Memory: Dragon - In his first attempt to use this bone, he becomes crazed due to trying to control the magic. His front canines become longer, but his overall physical strength does not change nor does he gain any special magical properties.

[More to come]

Companion(an animal or such)- None
Anything you want to add-
Guild emblem position on body- On the left side of his chest.
213982d3c045faca7f1d4f0450322223.jpg Guild- Rising Phoenix

Name- Aira Jigonima

Nickname- Lei (When her friends went out on a guild mission on a tropical island she bought several pointless Lei’s and now they saw it as an inside joke but others started catching on to it as well)

Age- 19

Gender- Female

Sexuality- Heterosexual

A little about them- Lives alone in a house held by a tree that reaches halfway to the clouds, that requires you to climb up a long flight of steps, it resembles a tree house but it bigger. Her Grandmother owns a magic shop in Fairgria. She was adopted by her grandmother at the age of 2 because her mother died when she was born and her father was killed when he was on an S class quest for Rising Phoenix.

Type of magic- Requip Magic

Looks- Crystal Azure Eyes, Light Brown Hair, Double eyelids (bc she is Korean, Filipino and Japanese), Lightly tanned skin and 5’4 in height.

Companion- A White Exceed named Koisandra with light pink tips on its ears and on the tip of it’s tail. A soon to hatch dragon’s egg that has light blue claw marks around it.

Anything you want to add- She always keeps on a crystal pendant that is an heirloom to her family. Her birthday is August 10th and her lucky number is also 10 because she has always wanted to be 10 growing up.

Guild emblem position on body- Palm of Left hand​
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Guild- Rising phoenix
Name- Sun Qi
Nickname- N/A
Age- 32
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Straight
A little about them(optional)- N/A
Why did you join your guild(Optional)- N/A
Type of magic:
This magic is a rare form of holder magic. It allows the user to use a voodoo doll, which is possessed by the soul of someone who was close to the user. The user can then link himself to the doll, and is capable of altering the properties of the doll. This, in turn, allows the user to also be altered in the same way. The aspects changed are what the doll is made of, and usually they are being changed to an element.

As of now, Sun is only able to turn his doll (and thus himself) into either iron or cotton. The former increasing both his strength and durability but makes him more vulnerable to lightning magic, while the latter allows him to jump extremely high into the air but makes him much more vulnerable to fire magic.

Companion(an animal or such)- N/A
Anything you want to add- Wields a large, stylized broadsword in battle.
Guild emblem position on body- Back of his right hand.
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[Character Sheet]


Name - Artorius Icht Crowe.

Nicknames - Arthur, Crow, Orbiter.

Age - 29.

Gender - Male.

Sexuality - Heterosexual.

Appearance - Artorius's appearance is that of a typical guy his age, with only a more washed up and tired appearance that most. He stands at the height of 6 feet and 2 inches. He has black, matted hair that reaches down to the base of his neck, with some strands hanging down his face. His face is a bit gaunt, and has a half-shaven beard and a small mustache. Artorius's eyes are the color of a dark grey, and there's a scar right underneath the right eye.

Background - Raised in a family that's from a very long line of mages, Artorius was bound to become one as well. Though among his family, he was easily the worst at the magic he learned but he couldn't care less about it. Constantly draining his magic until he ran out, accidentally messing up and destroying some things in his, his list of fuck ups was a very long one. His control would eventually get better, though just by little. He'd consider himself a decent user at his magic. Before joining Phoenix Rising, he worked as a bartender for a very long time for some reason though eventually said, 'Fuck this,' and joined the guild to finally be a guild mage. So far, he'd been part of the guild for a few months.

Guild - Rising Phoenix.

Reason for Joining Guild - He made the decision to join himself, as he did want to become a guild mage.

Guild Emblem Position - Located on his nape.

Type of Magic - Caster Magic, Gravity Magic - Gravity Magic is a caster type magic that allows the user the ability to essentially manipulate gravity through the power of magic. Though it's a particularly hard and tricky one to master, as the way the magic users manipulate gravity is through releasing their magical energies, or their ethernano(the coined term for magic particles in FT) into one of the natural forces of the world. And with how the world is constantly saturated with magic, they'd be able to the laws of the world. In which in this case, that natural force is gravity.

To use Gravity Magic, the caster must constantly be releasing their ethernano to use it and as such could easily deplete their ethernano reserves if they use it too often. As powerful as it may sound, an inexperienced novice of gravity magic would quite easily get tired as stated above. The typical user of Gravity Magic is capable of utilizing gravity to increase and decrease it's power to mimic a gravitational push or pull in a way. Typically achieved by various hand movements, like spreading both arms as if pushing your sides away, or thrusting your open palm towards a target.

The magic has a large range of both offensive and defensive properties. The most common attack that a Gravity Magic uses is the ability to create areas of extreme pressure through increasing the gravity in a single targeted area, effectively being able to crush the terrain in the area(though it ultimately depends on the user as to how much damage it does) and anyone in the area of effect will most likely find it hard to even more or stand. They're also capable of changing their own gravity, making it so they could walk on walls. Overall, as Gravity Magic is a fundamental force of the universe, this makes it one of the better common magics around, and in the hands of a skilled user, absolutely devastating.

Companion - None.

Other - Carries around a normal, non-magic gun holstered on his belt.

Fallen Nightmares

Mercury Requiem





A little about them
Mercury is a person who thinks before he speaks making sure what he says is right, although he prefers to let his actions speak for him.

Why did you join your guild
Mercury never liked rules and wanted more power so he decide that a dark guild would be a great fit for him, Fallen Nightmares was just the first one he found.

Type of magic Card Magic:
Card bomb Standard: Throws a card that explodes on contact
Card Bomb Acid: Throws a card that explodes with the power of acid on contact
Card Bomb Frost: Throws a card that explodes with the power of Ice on contact
(Mercury can only make small explosions and the effects are weak for now)


Guild emblem position on body
Center of Back


Rising Phoenix

Lyric Bright





A little about them
Lyric is a very soft spoken girl that doesn't like to fight other people but knows she'll have to now that she's part of a guild.

Why did you join your guild
Lyric wanted to help the world anyway she could and when she heard Rising Phoenix opened their doors again she jumped at the opportunity to join them like her mother had.

Type of magic Light magic
Helios light: Lyric Emits light from her being that temporary blinds foes (if they're close enough)
Burning Helios: Lyric emits a burning light that burns anything within the range (range is small and so is the burning damage)
Helios beam: Lyric sends out a beam of light to damage her foes (damage is small for now)

pet snake named Eve

Anything you want to add
She hates shoes
She's Master Farremane's Medical apprentice (I might have missed it if someone said it first or this is not the way to say it than my mistake)

Guild emblem position on body
Center of Chest
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