Alex: Stop Playing Bootchaser

After 110% beating Bootchaser you decide to go assist Autumn In battle
You captchalouge the 6 axe card. After turning it over there is it's code and a letter from ??

(Verdana insert letter here)

"Hey, Alex,

I know you'll find this letter. Now listen, this is a timeline-hopping weapon that deals no damage. Alchemite it with a doll (FUCKzd6F) and use it to explore. Who knows, you night find new things. This is a gift, but also a burden.

- The First Guardian, ????????"
Alex: Rejoice!


You go and Alchemize a few things:

6 axe && Doll

6 axe II Doll

6 axe && Mewbrella V2

6 axe II Mewbrella V2

6 Axe && Sneakers of Swiftness

6 Axe II Sneakers of Swiftness
==> In the meanwhile, be waiting on your roof.

You are currently waiting for ELIJAH.

...He'll come sometime.

==> Promptly fall asleep.
Alex: Finally Meet CP/Autumn

You ascend to the roof of Autumn's house.

Alex: Hi CP! It's me ZC, my real name is Alex though
6 axe && Doll = Die's Doll

6 axe II Doll = Muppet

6 axe && Mewbrella V2 = Axebrella (Axekind, 30 Damage)

6 axe II Mewbrella V2 = Umbraxe (Umbrellakind, 30 Damage) (Try || hatchet)

6 Axe && Sneakers of Swiftness = 1 Axe

6 Axe II Sneakers of Swiftness = Green Galoshes of Gaiety and Good Games (Like Bootchaser)
With the Green Galoshes of Gaiety and Good Games, you can Beat Bootchaser's Boss of the Barren Bilges, the Big Bad Boot
Alex: Pin in PS pin

You pin the PS pin. You begin to travel through timelines.

(Ok, what do they do?)

As you time travel you realize that the Galoshes are actually shoes, and you choose you equip them.
Alex: Have your fuckery of time fail

It seems that since PS hasn't explored his land, it is impossible to use his pin.

Alex: Pin the Alex Pin

You are interested to see what happens. Without thinking you pin in the Alex Pin.
You awaken in a session where Autumn is dead with an imp nearby. More specifically a RIFANITE TREDDIMATED GLASPIMPINSTER (Imp, rifle, titanium, fan, nikes, tree, teddy bear, animated, glasses, spoon, pin, imposter)

2000 HP

1000 DEF

500 ATK
==> Be an absolute wreck.

You keep freaking out about the picture. I mean, they already knew that you would totally date the guy??? But now there's shipping material and he probably knew and it was just horrible.

No. You aren't going to scream.

...Then you realize you technically still ARE sleeping with Elijah at that very moment, and do scream.

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