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Fantasy The Beasts of Farwell || One Spot Remaining


Within the Depths of a Dream
(I scroll!)
The Beasts of Farwell

More often than not, tales such as these originate in small towns that seem to only exist to those that currently to had used to inhabit it. Such is the small, quaint little town of Farwell. With only a few roads to boot and a small population of one thousand if we were stretching it a bit. Now, we have our small spot in the middle of nowhere, what about the reason that makes this little slice of nothing special for in this type of story, there is normally something that makes us want to remain here rather than take the nearest road out. That, as you might've guessed, is something out quite out of the ordinary. Having been contained within Farwell for hundreds of years.

The werewolf pack by the name Farwell, which is how the town got its name, had been one run by a rather strict but just law. Because of this, they haven't seen conflict in decades. Most noticeably among them, there are laws that have kept them in business for generations.

- Alpha word is law.

-The son of the alpha must always take his place unless he is challenged for such a position.

- Males will be put before females. They will be in charge of choosing who they wish to mate with and how many mates they wish to acquire. The female/s must also bear him as much offspring as he would want.

- Males will contribute to defense and hunting while females will be caring for the young, foraging under the supervision of a male, and the preparing of prey when necessary.

- Leaving the town is forbidden unless given strict orders to do so.

- Humans are not to be bitten nor mated with under any circumstances.​

Of course with the changing times many are unhappy with such an outdated way of life.

Within this roleplay, we will be exploring the dynamics between human and wolves new to the town and wolves within the pack. There is a possibility that humans will be turned to amplify such conflict. This will be a detailed roleplay requiring around 2 paragraphs of well written content per post.

Werewolves within this universe will work more horror-movie style. Hulking beasts that walk upon two legs, much more beastly and feral than how an anthromorphic wolf would normally look. Male stand averagely around six and a half feet while transformed (maxing out 6' 9") with females a bit smaller at six foot and three inches (maxing out at 6' 7".) Only those who have trained can truely control their transformation, most normally triggering within life or death situations, to strong emotion, or within the light of the fool moon. It is possible for one to keep their senses about them, but only if they would give into the transformation and allow it to occur versus fighting it off. Even then it isn't guaranteed and is extremely unlikely during a full moon. Within human form they can only be told apart from normal humans via rather long claws should they not keep them filed down, eyes with a faint gold rim around the edges, and so on. They are weak to silver but would otherwise regenerate at an impressive rate, have large amounts of stamina (which doesn't equal speed, mind you) and a great amount of strength which can be amplified should one care to increased the tone of their physical form.

The roles below are what are going to be available as of now. I want this to be a small group that is comfortable with world building and the overall success of this endeavor. If you lack the time to post at least one a day and aren't interested in staying long term, DO NOT take one of them. Most of my roleplays nowadays die before they can even begin due to lack of participation once we formally begin. I am sick and tired of it, so I think it's best not to further my disappointment.

All of these characters are 21+ mentally without exception.

- Alpha: An aging, strict, yet loving man that governs the Farwell Pack. He has taken his child's thoughts into consideration but is not completely sold on the idea of reformation just yet. ( Alstromeria Alstromeria )
- Alpha's Son: A young adult that as lived within the pack their whole life. They have enjoyed speaking with the newcomers and exploring the outside world even if they are kept on a tight leash. They have tried convincing their father that times are changing, but he has refused to put any of their ideas into action. ( Inheritance Inheritance )
- Male Pack Member: A standard member of the pack, male in gender. (Open)
- Female Pack Member: A standard member of the pack, female in gender. ( q r o w q r o w )
- Lone Wolf: They have recently arrived in Farwell for one reason or another, and are either trying to remain under the radar or are oblivious to the clear Lycan presence in the town. ( StarryKnights StarryKnights )

- Close Friend: They are a close friend of the alpha's son/daughter. Because they basically grew up together, their presence is tolerated although most do not enjoy it. They are assumed to be just friends although become more may be unavoidable. ( Profoundcactus Profoundcactus )
- Human Female: Human female, either new to the town or having lived there their whole life. Not all that sure of the werewolf pack's existence. ( StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 )
- Human Male: Human male, either new to the town or having lived there their whole life. Not all that sure of the werewolf pack's existence. (Open)​

If you have any questions or are interested, please do let me know.
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Man this sounds cool :3
I'd be in for the lone wolf or the alpha's child.
Hmmm, that's a tough choice, but I think I'll go with the lone wolf, they sound like a lot of fun :3
I'm still interested, however there happens to be a horde of wolves besieging my house right now. You said silver right?

Damn wolves are clever bastards.
O. Well that's just a bit odd, lol, not what i'd expect.

Can I get like, an age range or a feel kinda for the alpha?
I ask for age because like, dog years vs human years, etc, hows his relation with the others, yee yee
Aw hell they got into the backyard. We only got a few inches of glass protecting us. TO SECOND FLOOR! I tried to convince them that I was a wolf too by wearing my football shirts (mascot is Timberwolf) but they didn't go for it.
Well yea, but by aging are we talking about just past 40, or around 70, or 700? Do these guys age like humans? Is he considered old because he's past his physical prime, or just because he's literally old as dirt? Are the others jealous of his position? Is he contested? Are there individuals he's had to put in their place?

I gave you an outline, make it work. I'm not making one for you.

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