The Beaconhurst Academy


A twisted little writer
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Only room for 2 more humans. More than enough room for any of the other races.


Age: (14-18)

Year: (Freshman, sophmore, junior, senior)

Appearance: (No anime. write also such things as height)

Details about Appearance: (Pictures are not perfect. write everything that is not visible in the picture)





Electives: (Look below)

House: (if you're not sure what house they naturally would be part of, let me, or LittleWolfie know, and we'll suggest what we believe, based of the personality :) )

The races available is written below the factions under the tab called "maps"

Freshmen and Sophmores

English- maths- break (30 min) - Elective- Science - Lunch (1 hour) - Elective - P.E.

junior and senior.

Science - Elective - Break (30 min) - math - P.E - Lunch (1 hour) - English - Elective


Art - Fighting (Martial arts and weapons) - Language - Politics - Drama - Home economics - History - Geography - Music/band

Classes will start at exactly 8.30 PM.

To let the vampires take part of classes too, they will be happening at nighttime, and the students are therefor able to decide themself if they want to wake up early, or late.

The cafeteria is always open to take the order from students, and do therefor not have the food ready at all the time but ready within short time with your order. Will always be fruit and other snacks available.
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Name: Luke Rivers

Age: 17

Year: Junior


Details about Appearance: 6'1" Dark hair kept long and braided, High cheekbones, Green eyes, Pale, Not overly muscled, Scar on back that stretches from right shoulder to left hip

Personality: Quiet until speaking up for something he's passionate about. Around those close to him, he's rather outgoing

Likes: All things cold, i.e. weather, food, Art, Basketball

Dislikes: Blistering heat, Math

Backstory: Luke is the middle child in his family. He wasn't overly praised as his older brother, and wasn't coddled like his younger sister. He was often left to do his own thing, which often was studying art. He wasn't much of one himself, which was strange for his race, but he liked to appreciate. He obtained his scar when he was 12. At that time, he wanted to be part of whatever his brother did. They were playing at the river when his bother stumbled on the log they were on, pushing Luke into the raging water. He made it out alive, but not without the gash on his back. To this day, Luke blames his brother. As soon as his family would allow him, he left for the academy.

Electives: Art, Music

House: Erudite

Race: Elf
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Name: Danni Calloway

Age: 17

Year: Junior

Race: Human



Appearance Details: Stands at 5’8 with a decently muscled athletic build.

Two tattoos; a warrior band on her right upper arm and a triskele in the small of her back


Personality: Relentless and a fighter, once Danni starts something she doesn’t give up. She’s learnt to enjoy the scarier things in life and likes to challenge herself to new, and often seemingly impossible things. Tell her she can’t do something and she’ll do her best to prove you wrong.

Likes: Fighting, Adrenaline Rushes, Free-running, Staying Alive

Dislikes: Being seen as weaker/less just because of her race, her brothers, her father

Backstory: Danni’s family, all except her mother, are werewolves from her father’s genes. However when she didn’t start shifting as she grew up they realised something was off about her. Soon her mother, so that they would just stop wondering, reasoned that she believed Danni was the result of a one night stand during a bachelorette party. From then on, her father couldn’t stand to look at her and her brothers made her life a living hell whenever their mother wasn’t looking. As a result of her family, she ended up at the Beaconhurst Academy even though it’s almost like a death wish for a human but she’s holding on.

Electives: Fighting and Music

House: Dauntless
Name: Adeline Rose

Age: 17

Year: Junior

Race: Siren



Details: Bright violet, almond shaped eyes, red lips, and fair skin. She stands about 5'3 1/2"

Personality: Adeline is the kind of girl who would rather sit at home and draw or read, instead of going to a party or gossiping. But that doesn't mean she doesn't like a bit of adventure. Because of her race (siren), people are naturally drawn to her, but she doesn't like all the attention. She is graceful and kind, her eyes are always bright and her smile welcome, she is the kind of person people go to for advice, even if they don't know her. She is too shy to approch people first, so often she is left out because she wont make the first move. But don't think that just because she is shy that she will let you boss her around, she is sharp-witted and independent, and can win a fight with just words. She is silver-tounged, so she can get herself out of or into any situation because she is so persuasive. She loves art, she is a really good artist, and she also acts.

Likes: Art, theater, dance, Shakespeare, singing, music, nature, warmth, cuddling, the ocean, barefeet, fandoms, reading

Dislikes: Arrogant people, "swag", rude people, spiders, cold, embarrasment, fighting, social drama

Backstory: Adeline lives with her mom, an only child who's dad was killed when she was 6. She lives a peaceful life, not much drama at home, but she gets bored.

Electives: Art and Drama

House: Amity


- Kyant Shawdo -


- 14 -


- Werewolf -


- Freshman -


- Kyant stands about 5'5''. Has long shaggy brown hair with bangs that fall over his eyes. Eye color is hazel. Small build style only showing a small amount of muscle. (He's only 14 after all)


Once in wolf form Kyant looks simply like a dog that is 3 times as big. With thick dark brown fur that has a silvery tint through out the back. His tribe has always looked this way once in wolf form, they believe it is because they are on of the last remaining full blooded Native American tribes -

Details about Appearance:

- Kyant is a werewolf plane and simple. In human form he looks like your average teen sept for minor details here and there. In Kyant's tribe they believe in body art and modifications. Kyant has started, in what his tribe, would call the life story. A series of tattoos that stretch over the wolfs body. Telling the tail of the wolf basically. Kyant has a few tattoos on his chest (Family crest on the left peck, and Tribe seal on the other.) and one on his right arm (A cross for his mother that he lost at a young age) -


- Kyant is simple. Tending to keep to himself. He likes to be out doors, spending any free time between classes and off periods outside in the forest. Shy at first Kyant likes to remain in the back and read people before he gets to know them. But never shuts up after you get him out his shell. Has a major dislike for vampires. Kyant usually is a calm minded person but has his moments, specially when his wolf senses show through, causing him to become angry now and again with out warning


- Being outside -

- Free running -

- Nature -

- Reading -

- Being alone -

(Only sometimes)

- Exploring -

- Playing tricks on people -

- Hard candy -

(Having a strange addiction to lemon heads)


- Vampires -

- Liars -

- Thieves -

- Some werewolf tribes -

(Due to family history)

- Other than that Kyant is a pretty peaceful person for being a werewolf -


- Kyant Shawdo is the son of a leader of a small band of werewolfs. The tribe was know as "The Greys" because of there light silvery tint that spreads across there fur. Kyant's father, Maxis, always had a bright future planned for his only son raising him to be a born leader. After a series of out lashes by Kyant in his early teen years, and a brief visit to the detention center. Maxis decided that he had enough and sent Kyant to the Beaconhurst Academy in the hopes they could change him for the better. Kyant never usually got in trouble, his tricks just can be viewed sometimes as sorta "rude" -


- Mixed Martial Arts -

- Music Studies -


- Dauntless -

[QUOTE="Queen of Disney]Name: Adeline Rose
Age: 17

Year: Junior

Race: Shadow Hunter



Details: Bright violet, almond shaped eyes, red lips, and fair skin. She stands about 5'3 1/2"

Personality: Adeline is the kind of girl who would rather sit at home and draw or read, instead of going to a party or gossiping. But that doesn't mean she doesn't like a bit of adventure. She is graceful and kind, her eyes are always bright and her smile welcome, she is the kind of person people go to for advice, even if they don't know her. She is too shy to approch people first, so often she is left out because she wont make the first move. But don't think that just because she is shy that she will let you boss her around, she is sharp-witted and independent, and can win a fight with just words. She is silver-tounged, so she can get herself out of or into any situation because she is so persuasive. She loves art, she is a really good artist, and she also acts.

Likes: Art, theater, dance, Shakespeare, singing, music, nature, warmth, cuddling, the ocean, barefeet, fandoms, reading

Dislikes: Arrogant people, "swag", rude people, spiders, cold, embarrasment, fighting, social drama

Backstory: Adeline lives with her mom, an only child who's dad was killed when she was 6. She lives a peaceful life, not much drama at home, but she gets bored.

Electives: Art and Drama

House: Amity



Clementine Saphire Lysprie

I usually just go for Saph or Saphire, or if I trust you, you may call me Clem






Fae/Farie - Pixie sort that can swap between human and pixie size.


Light orange hair (somewhere between blonde and orange), golden pale, slight tan. Gold tattoos on her right side of her face, on her arms, and down her left side ribs (same theme as the ones on the picture) 5'4" when human sized.

7 inches as pixie.

Same appearance in both shapes, just different sizes.


( In case the link stops working, here it is for the sake of safty: )

Details about Appearance

Wears a thin layer of lipgloss on her lips. wears typical fae clothes when out of uniform, which in other words say she wears clothes in the colours of the nature, often not too covering or thight sitting, but often revealing in another way. eyes are a gentle golden colour. She only has the wings in her pixie form. The tattooes on her arms covers them from the shoulders and down to her wrists, and then ends in a flower on the overside of her hand.


Saphire is a bit of a calm girl, though she enjoys the bright side of life. She usually doesn't do much out of herself unless they are having some sort of party, or event where they'll dance. As most faries, when she dances and invites in others, they'll dance until released by the magic of faries. She usually doesn't bother with dragging others into a fairy dance though. She's a sweetheart who's a classical romantic lady, who dreams of hearts and flowers, but who would never hesitate with giving a hand to those in need. Unlike mostof those others of the Fae, she does not see the use in hiding the truth, and just speaks directly.











Being trapped

Being pushed around

Guys who do not understand no.


Saphire was rised in quite a sheltered home. Her parents were important politicians, always under glamour when they were in public, and her great-great-grandmother is the one who founded the school. Her only friends through childhood was books, and the nature with the animals in it. She often changed between human and pixie size, just to spend time, and to have something to do. This though, helped her master the ability of size shifting. She every now and then snuck out of the home, and flew to her relative who still run the school. As a sheltered child, she just started to dream, and that stayed with her.


Politics and Fighting



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Name: Asrai Irvine

Age: 17

Race: Fae; of the Nymph variety

Year: Senior

Appearance: Asrai is 5'3" and weighs 110 pounds. She has long blonde hair, and striking blue eyes.


Personality: Arsai is a kind girl, who loves to be helpful. She is quick to learn, and never gets angry or hateful.

Likes: Flowers, swimming, Shakespeare, animals, painting

Dislikes: Violence, blood, bitter tastes

Backstory: Arsai spent most of her life living in nature. Exploring the vast forests, diving deep into the seas, and discovering herself. She never knew her parents and therefore raised herself. This has made her independent and strong, but also sweet and caring.

Electives: Art + Drama

House: Candor
Name: Blake Lively

Age: 18

Year: Senior


Details about Appearance: Stands 5'9" Has a tattoo of a panther on his full back

Personality: Arrogant and Self Centered, Daredevil

Likes: Heights, Roller coasters, Running, and Candles

Dislikes: Fear, Shy people, and Rules

Backstory: As a human, Blake had gone to the Academy, forced by his parents with them being huge supporters of the supernatural. The summer before his last year though, Blake went through a drastic change. He doesn't like talking about how he became a vampire, all anyone knows is that he was attacked. He took a year off away from people to try and get things under control, but he still has problems controlling himself. Now hes back to finish his last year.

Electives: Fighting and Drama

House: Dauntless

Race: Vampire
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"Who's asking?"

Izzy Pierce


"What's it to you?"



"The winner, most of the time."



"Shut your trap, will ya?"




Weighs 118 pounds, would originally be 108 but has muscle. Her height is 5'4".


Details about Appearance:

"I told you I'm here use your eyes."

• Toned from running, fighting and climbing

• Flexible and acrobatic from always taking gymnastics when she was a child

• Her dark eyebrows are naturally tilted downwards, making her look angry most of the time when she's neutral.

• Has tattoos on her
collarbone, rib, and forearm.


"Take a wild guess."

+Determined, Ambitious, Flirty, Brave, Loyal -Tough, Impatient, Abrasive (To strangers), Reckless, Wild


"Why would you like to know?"

• Fighting

• Gambling

• Being strong

• Flirting

• Sketching


"Don't get me started."

• Cowardly people

• Weaklings

• Being bored

• Feeling weak




• Art

• Fighting


"Dauntless and proud."


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Name: Dominic

Age: 17

Year: Junior

Race: Vampire

Sex: Male

Personality: Usually quite quiet and introverted, He can be outgoing when he gets to know the person or if he feels he must know something or someone. Is most time very slow to anger and does not wish to fight if he can avoid it.

History: He came from a tribe where his family was "blessed" and in being as such he was treated with respect and love from all others, as well as a hefty responsibility was put upon his shoulders. The safety of his tribe, so when a stranger came calling about a school for his kind his parents sent him off to learn and develop any and all powers he might posses, supernatural or otherwise.

House: Amity

Appearance: Has many tribal tattoos all over his body but they are all under his clothes.


Other: His eyes are a bright gold (First time i'm playing my actual race (that's native

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