The Beachhouse (Sign-up)

This character is for Skylar :D

Name: Carter Moore

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Male


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History: His parents are the rich a snoty type, unlike him. He still a sweet, and charming guy. But if you screw with his frinds, he won't stand by. He always loved adrenaline, from cage fighting to street racing, he did it. Even though he does these things, he is still nice. He also keeps to himself, that's how people never thought he would do stuff like this. When his parents discovered what kind of activites he was doing they sent him to the beach house for a vacation to "purify him", as they called it. He was glad to find other people there.

Other: N/A
Since I can't seem to get rid of the Still Accepting on the actual RP I will mention here that The Beachhouse is NO LONGER accepting new characters.
Character Sheet

Name: Eva Smith

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Female


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History: Eva losted her entire family when she was younger. After that she was transfered from foster home to foster home till age 16. She got emacipated and that's when she meet Carter and James, and her new job. After that Carter and James became the only people she could rely on, and trust. She also found what she would be doing for the rest of her life. A couple years back she got into a horrible car accident that changed her life. When summer came around she decided to take a vacation away from work, only to find work followed her. Eve is nice when talking, but when business comes into the conversation, she becomes dead serious. Is also known for her sarcastic humor. She's also very independent, never wants to accept help.

Other: N/A
6 girls:4 guys from what I can tell.

Name: Jason Callahan (Call him Jace if you want)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: An all around nice guy, amiable. Sarcastic, tries to be funny. Depending on his mood he can be mellow and subdued to outgoing and charismatic--very much depends on the situation. But he can also be arrogant and stuck up when he feels its necessary--or if he just feels like it. Sitting still and doing nothing is not an option, he likes to find useful things with his time. Observant and thoughtful.

History: Jason grew up in a modestly wealthy household. When he was a little over a year old his mother died in a car accident. A year later his father, a well respected Admiral in the Navy, remarried. He got a baby half-brother even less than a year after that. Since they were a Navy family, they moved around a lot, but when he was fourteen, they finally settled in Annapolis, on the coast of Maryland, where his father took up a teaching position at the Naval Academy. Thats when Jason fell in love with sailing. It wasnt until later when he finally got his own sail boat--his stepmother finally agreeing, in what Jason figured out later, was to send him away. Jason never really knew his birth mother, and as he got older and saw the real woman who was his stepmother, he began to resent her for...various reason. Though he hid his prejudices, they both came to find that she had prejudices of her own too, under the show of their 'happy-functional' family. His stepmother never had liked him. Explaining a lot of things; like how his whole life he watched his half-brother get pampered while Jason was somehow ignored like he wasn't important enough. Her dislike for him only grew as Jason got older and developed a bit of a sharp tongue. Of course his father was oblivious to their cryptic comments and quipped tones, but, he always indulged on his wife's whim in blissful complacency. Jason, for some reason, sought to please his father; so while he graduated high school with academics that would get him into any school he liked; his brother was expelled in his second year of high school, and taken to court to be tried for underaged drunk driving, that of which his parents paid their out of. It had been, of course, his stepmother's idea he take this three month trip as his birthday/graduation gift to wind down, relax, and slow down before he tackle college life--more importantly, get him out of the house. Jason anxiously agreed, enthusiastic to be rid of his family and to have a summer full of day after day of tropical luxury, and find some one on one time with his beloved guitar. (Sorry, I always get carried away with the history part owo)

Other: He is attracted to the water, sailing, swimming, just being in proximity of the water, etc. Jason finds solace in music. He doesn't think he has much of a voice, but some say otherwise. What can he say, he loves the ladies.

Appearance: 6" 3' Tall, lean, and muscular frame. He has blue hazel eyes with just a touch of a greenish hue. Schratter2[3].jpg He can be much of a different person when he smiles. His sailing vessel.

@Legendless Is it alright if he comes in on his sail boat? He wouldnt use it to go to the mainland or anything. But it could be used to provide some interesting entertaining angles, drama as well, if it goes there...?
Accepted and the sailboat is fine as long as everyone remembers they can't leave the island without permission.
Sweet. So post now? I've kinda skimmed through To every ten pages or so, what time of day is it currents and is there anything else I shpuld to know?
You may join as a girl because I think Jazz stopped posting as Kayla. Without Kayla it's boys 5 girls 4. If we do need a boy I'm sure someone will volunteer to make a new one.
Hm okay. I'm deciding if I should reuse a character or put a new one...can you sum for me basically what is going on at the moment to cinch my decision? lol

--- Merged Double Post ---

How about....I put up both and people vote on which one, lol. Or else I play both. I don't care about either being in a relationship, I somehow suspect neither will be.

Character Sheet

Name: Caroline Danson/ Maddie Brinkerman

Age: (13-25) 13, nearly 14

Gender: female

Appearance: 5'4, 105 pounds, just beginning to develop, long brown hair, brown eyes

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History: Caroline was born Maddie Brinkerman; however, she was kidnapped when she was eight years old by a man who kept her for six years, Lewis Danson. Lewis convinced Maddie that she was actually his daughter Caroline, and that she had been kidnapped by the people she had thought to be her true parents. Maddie grew to believe him, and as they moved constantly, evading the police, she grew to love him as well and be brainwashed by everything he fed her. Only a few months ago, Maddie and Lewis were discovered by the police, and Maddie was taken back to her true parents- who she now believed had kidnapped her.

Now that she is back with her parents, Caroline is so antagonistic to them and clearly unhappy that they paid for her to go to the beachhouse, both to give her space apart from them and in hopes she will settle in and be happy, making friends and getting over her experience with Lewis.

Other: She is quiet, intelligent, but comes off as strange, odd, or awkward because she has had such little exposure to other people.

Character Sheet

Name: Caitlyn Reynolds

Age: (13-25) 18

Gender: female

Appearance: dyed dark red hair, brown eyes, heavy makeup with dark eyeliner and lipstick, "goth" style clothes, pale, average height and weight

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History: Caitlyn was a very average and happy teenager until the car accident eighteen months ago. She was driving with her younger sister Cristina in the car, got in a wreck, and while Caitlyn was barely injured, Cristina was killed. Suffering extreme guilt and rage over her death, Caitlyn tried to kill herself a few months later but survived. Slowly Caitlyn began to dress and behave antagonistically to shove people away before they could get close enough to hurt her by leaving her. She deliberately is sarcastic or rude to push people away, though she is intelligent and caring deep down. Her parents decided to pay for her to go to the beachhouse in hopes she would enjoy herself and make friends, away from their home and memories of Cristina.

Accepted for both.

Right now it's day two, most people have met, but not all. Taylor and Flower are dating and others seem close to it. Mostly that is it so far. Jason is the newest one to the island.
Name: Ava Evans

Age: 17

Gender: Female


History: (( Lazy. (; ))

Other: She went to school with Jason and had a crush on him.
Name: Diana Foster

Age: (13-25) 19

Gender: Female


History:Her mom and dad were very sick when they died they didn't want there daughter to know so they went outside and ran to the doctors and asked for help and told him to not tell their daughter. The girl has been living on her own for a VERY long time and is very shy.

Other: She has a crush on Jason, a very big one.
Name: Liz Black

Age: 22

Appearance. Liz is 5'8" with very long legs. She has very dark skin because she is part Brazilian. She has tattoos scattered around her body of cute quotes and of family members. Her hair is dark brown and reaches her waist. Her eyes are the same color of her hair but they have specks of gold in them. On her left ear she has it pierced up and down. She also has faded scars on her stomach from beatings.{{{{Based on Megan Fox}}}

History: Liz has a troubled past. Her dad is a dead rock star and she has never met her mom. She dated a guy that abused her in every which way and had 3 kids with them. She has no contact with them because their father took them away. She is a party animal and just wants to live life to the fullest. she wants friends and she is very good at flirting with all the guys because of her stunning looks and wittiness. She is looking for a boyfriend so she can start over with him. But her past will always be with her.........

Other: She takes pills for depression because she has strong nightmares and passes out from flash backs in the randomness times.

Please accept me I would really love to join...
Name:Christine Blackwood



Apperance:She is a petite girl, has brown hair and eyes that both have flecks of gold in them. She is a little pale but tans nicely, she is kind of skinny, but not too skinny, she wears nothing but converse, her hair is always up in a messy bun on the top of her head, she usually wears skinny jeans or shorts, tank tops and tees, and she wears earings that matches everything and is always good for everything.

History:Christine was born in Venice, Italy and lived in a small town there. As a child she would always run through the streets with her friends during the day and night. One day when she was 10 years old, she decided to go farther away from her house than she was supposed to. When she was walking through an unknown street, she relized that she was being followed. She quickly looked behind her and saw a tall man in a black waste coat and hat. She then relized that there was no one around but her and the stranger. She began to run, but she was quickly snatched up by the man and he knocked her out. She woke up in a strange room that looked like a basement. She was kept there for 2 years and used as a slave and used to earn money buy having foreced sex. When the police finally found her, she was sent to a mental facility so she could work out her feelings and try to live a normal life again. Her and her family then moved to Florida. She became very happy with the new surroundings and meet alot of new people and friends. Even though she is happy and is living a happy and normal life, she still has many nightmares about those two years she was a prisioner.

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